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29 Sentences With "discursiveness"

How to use discursiveness in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "discursiveness" and check conjugation/comparative form for "discursiveness". Mastering all the usages of "discursiveness" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A fixed nomenclature is a beacon against repetition and discursiveness.
Our mind needs to be stable, free from distraction and discursiveness.
The poem's discursiveness and large number of derived elements suggest a hasty composition.
They were as compact as his college work had been Sternian in its discursiveness.
Yet this discursiveness is not so irrelevant to the handful of pages which follow.
Two other stories were used by the speaker, about the length and discursiveness of his talk.
His works are full of graceful and suggestive thought, but occasionally suffer from length and discursiveness.
A bumpy discursiveness was always his method's mark, even his forte, but here it shows excessive wobble.
The friend then hastened to assure me that Romney was, beyond all that discursiveness, a decisive leader.
With the vigilance of a ratting terrier he watches for discursiveness, and pounces upon the offender at once.
In point of style and general method of treating subjects, De Quincey's greatest faults are pedantry and discursiveness.
If we're trying to be completely concept-free, with no discursiveness at all, it's just not going to happen.
Humboldt had taken immense pains to discipline his inclination to discursiveness, which often gave his writing a certain lack of logical coherence.
Both in its structure and topography, this half of the book privileges delay, wandering, discursiveness, and ultimately suspense through a proliferation of places.
A locus classicus in this debate is the G-Major Quartet, a work regularly critically marginalized for its alleged discursiveness and formal diffuseness.
We experience the possibility of living a life in which we aren't continuously bombarded by emotions, discursiveness and concepts about the nature of things.
The new genre, reacting against the articulate tirades of Classical tragedy, would draw on pantomime and tableaux or inarticulate speech rather than on eloquent discursiveness.
Paris: Champion. Translation (1985) by William Pratt and Anne Rich. New York: AMS. The Imagists rejected the sentiment and discursiveness typical of Romantic and Victorian poetry.
Directed by David Galligan and minimally designed with a revolving door and pink velvet rope, the show could be structurally tighter, but Mr. Jordan's excitable discursiveness is part of his charm.
Writers as differently motivated as Wolfgang Koeppen, Milan Kundera and Saul Bellow have ratified Musil's belief that the discursiveness of the essayistic novel can render more faithfully the contingent nature of modern life.
So if the purpose of emptiness is the > complete peace of all discursiveness and you just increase the web of > discursiveness by thinking that the meaning of emptiness is nonexistence, > you do not realize the purpose of emptiness [at all].Walser, Joseph, > Nagarjuna in Context: Mahayana Buddhism and Early Indian Culture, Columbia > University Press, 2005, p. 239. Some scholars (Murti) interpret emptiness as described by Nāgārjuna as a Buddhist transcendental absolute, while other scholars such as David Kalupahana consider this a mistake since this would not make it a middle way.Jorge Noguera Ferrer, Revisioning Transpersonal Theory: A Participatory Vision of Human Spirituality. SUNY Press, 2002, page 102-103.
Forgetting the instructions (avavādasammosa) means a lack of mindfulness on how to do meditation properly. Sakyong Mipham explains: : When we forget the instructions, what we're holding our mind to is discursiveness. We're on the cushion, so wrapped up in thought that we can't remember what we are supposed to be doing. The instruction to stay present seems weak compared to the power of our distractions.
Brunnholzl, 2004, page 447. Mikyö Dorje rejects both perspectives of rangtong and shentong as true descriptions of ultimate reality, which he sees as being "the utter peace of all discursiveness regarding being empty and not being empty".Brunnholzl, 2004, page 448. One of the most influential Kagyu philosophers in recent times was Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye (1813–1899) who advocated a system of Shentong Madhyamaka and held that primordial wisdom was "never empty of its own nature and it is there all the time".
In this way, the requirement for justice, which helps to enlarge the moral requirement of universalizability to a fully- fledged political requirement, goes hand in hand with the requirement that modern society provide a framework in which the individual's goals, objectives and projects are meaningful.Canivez, Patrice, Éric Weil ou la question du sens, Paris: Ellipses, 1998. p. 26. This requirement of meaning reconnects political activity to Weil's larger project of coherence, because it is only within an organized State that such a requirement for meaning can be fulfilled. This return of the theoretical aspect of Weil's theory corresponds to the place that discursiveness takes in his practical philosophy.
Han Yu's guwen however was not an imitation of ancient prose, but a new style based on the ancient ideals of clarity, concision, and utility. Han Yu wrote in many modes, often with discursiveness and daring experimentation. Among his most renowned essays are his polemics against Buddhism and Taoism and support for Confucianism, such as "Buddhism Memorial on Bone-relics of the Buddha" and "The Origin of Dao". Other notable works include "Text for the Crocodiles" () in which he declares that crocodiles be formally banished from Chaozhou, and "Goodbye to Penury" () that describes his failed attempt to rid himself of the ghost of poverty.
I know that I am not so "important" or popular but I am sure that I am totally new." Comparisons to Cage"Edelstein's constructive profile has an imprint in the saturation of sound, of style, of discursiveness, of planes, of spaces, in which silence has a punctual role. Diverse in production, Edelstein's work may be placed in the opposite side of the arch in relation to the production of Cage followers in Buenos Aires. However, in conceptual rupture and performative potency, in its commitment with the social contingency to which it belongs, Edelstein's work aligns with works such as Cage's resulting from a remarkable technical mastery (from the classics to the most updated procedures), and a defined creative profile.
Fokker DVII.Type of First World War aircraft attacked by VM Yeates.Winged Victory is remarkable for its depictions of World War I aerial combat, such as the following excerpt: The novel's discursiveness and realism make it one of the most intriguing descriptions of life on the Western Front: the interactions with French residents, the diet of the officer's mess, travel on home leave and recuperation at Army Medical facilities; what officers talked about, the tunes on the gramophone, the food on offer, the narrator's heroic drinking. Yeates is also interested in the management styles of the series of squadron commanders who pass through and their efforts to make the narrator a more aggressive fighter pilot.
He judges this to be part of a continuing French musical aesthetic, favouring a "decorative" – rather than the German "architectural" – approach to composition. Abstraction and discursiveness are alien to this tradition, and in operas, and to a large extent in orchestral music, there is little continuous development; instead self-contained numbers or sections are preferred.Rushton (1983), pp. 259–261 Berlioz's compositional techniques have been strongly criticised and equally strongly defended.Cairns (1963), pp. 548 and 550 It is common ground for critics and defenders that his approach to harmony and musical structure conforms to no established rules; his detractors ascribe this to ignorance, and his proponents to independent-minded adventurousness.Rosen, Charles. "Battle over Berlioz" , New York Review of Books, 26 April 1984.
While some of this difficulty remains, yet the large encyclopedia, in which related important results are carefully associated, tends to reduce the difficulty materially. In his review of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics, Jean Dieudonné raised the specter of Klein's encyclopedia while denigrating its orientation to applied mathematics and historical documentation: :A tremendous gain of space has been achieved by eliminating much of the discursiveness of the old Encyklopädie; the great majority of its historical information (which would have been a mere duplication); a large amount of results of secondary importance which needlessly cluttered many articles; and finally, all the parts devoted to astronomy, geodesy, mechanics, and physics which had no significant mathematical content. It has thus been possible to compress into about one- tenth of the bulk of the Encyklopädie a more valuable amount of information on a science which certainly at present is ten times more extensive than it was in 1900. Librarian Barbara Kirsch Schaefer wrote:Barbara Kirsch Schaefer (1979) Using the Mathematical Literature: A Practical Guide, p 101, Marcel Dekker :Despite its age it remains a valuable source of reference, for its period of publication spans one of the most fruitful periods of mathematical research.

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