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196 Sentences With "digestive systems"

How to use digestive systems in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "digestive systems" and check conjugation/comparative form for "digestive systems". Mastering all the usages of "digestive systems" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Babies' digestive systems, which aren't as developed as adults' digestive systems, are more likely to reduce nitrate to nitrite, which means any public water system needs to be low in nitrates.
Digestive systems typically break proteins into bits and absorb them as nutrients.
It is commonly found in healthy digestive systems and helps regulate acidity levels.
Instead, sea-spider digestive systems extend all the way down inside the animals' legs.
The two animals have similar digestive systems and lifestyles, according to the Gordon Rich.
This month they reported that they'd found microplastics in the digestive systems of every whale.
Methane emissions come from several sources—not least the digestive systems of livestock such as cows.
Our digestive systems shrank during evolution, for one thing, since food processing is also metabolically ravenous.
Our digestive systems are hardy for a reason — they're supposed to break down what we eat.
On top of that, the bugs in ruminant digestive systems produce methane, a fairly powerful greenhouse gas.
The Chilesaurus shares the inverted hip structure of the Ornithischia group, which allowed for complex digestive systems.
Perhaps more importantly, any type of cheese can be problematic for the digestive systems of millions of Americans.
While some of those complex systems are probably optional—do robots really need working digestive systems, or gallbladders?
With strong digestive systems, Cooks Venture chickens can eat a diet that comes from a more biodiverse farm.
That's not to mention their digestive systems venting a significant amount of the greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere.
Benefits listed include increased strength and coordination, positive impacts on circulatory and digestive systems, increased lung capacity, and relaxation.
Big ones might clog their digestive systems, while very small ones might pass through gut tissues and into organs.
Their immature digestive systems cannot move C. botulinum spores through their gut quickly enough to keep the spores from germinating.
Humans digestive systems create an enzyme (MAO) that instantly breaks DMT down so we don't get high from what we eat.
The chemical, called Indulin AA-86, can cause eye and skin burns, respiratory tract irritation and damage to the digestive systems.
Plastics can entangle and trap animals, sometimes causing them to drown, or pierce elements of their digestive systems after being swallowed.
Cows and other types of ruminants emit methane as their digestive systems break down the grasses or other foods they consume.
By eating mice, they could be protecting the seeds from the digestive systems of the animals that do break down the seeds.
They regulate, among other things, body temperature, the cardiovascular and digestive systems, behavior and locomotive activity, and metabolic, cognitive and immune functions.
The campaign picked up this year after animals like deer and baby dugong were found dead with plastic in their digestive systems.
Environmental stresses may have prompted genetic modifications in both the inhabitants' cardiovascular and digestive systems to help with high altitude and starch digestion.
They have no spine, no brain; no nervous, circulatory, or digestive systems, and yet they're incredibly successful, even technically immortal in some cases.
His job was to "pull crop" — that is, to yank out part of the digestive systems of dead birds swinging past on shackles.
That poor air quality affects human health in a variety of ways, including illnesses of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, urinary, and digestive systems.
It is also important that pet rabbits are given a varied diet that fits their delicate digestive systems and toys to keep them entertained.
When practiced regularly, it provides long-lasting changes to your body's immune, lymphatic, circulatory and digestive systems that improve the quality of your life.
Cystic fibrosis is a chronic, progressive and frequently fatal genetic disease that primarily affects the respiratory and digestive systems of children and young adults.
We get glucose from food, and especially carbohydrates, which our digestive systems convert into glucose, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Ornithischian bird-hips provided a bodily configuration that was more conducive to complex digestive systems, allowing these plant eaters to travel along a unique evolutionary path.
Because our digestive systems no longer had to work as hard, they began to shrink; in parallel, our brains grew, nourished by all those extra calories.
As in other animals' digestive systems, food is moved around this eight- (or ten- or 12-) lobed gut by peristalsis, a wavelike motion of the gut walls.
Some scientists have even started to perform fecal transplants, in which important poop-borne bacteria can be delivered to the digestive systems of people who are deficient.
The much-speeded-up video shows the polyps of one species engaging the others by extending their digestive systems like an attacking amoeba to digest the invaders.
What's next: It's unclear how microplastics might actually affect the turtles' digestive systems, since they seem to be able to deal with them without adverse effects, per CNN.
The chemical can cause eye and skin burns, respiratory tract irritation and damage to the digestive systems but is not known to be carcinogenic, according to safety data.
Biologists have long believed that digestive systems that run from a mouth to an anus, so-called through-guts, emerged after comb jellies split off from other animals.
The doctors said the health risks could be even more severe because infants' digestive systems aren't developed enough to process formula that is too watery or too concentrated.
There are hints that the broth is poisoned, but it hardly requires human agency for this rotting bone to play havoc with the digestive systems of all concerned.
Within their shared torso they have separate spines, lungs, hearts and digestive systems, but they share a liver, reproductive organs and pair of kidneys, arms and legs between them.
And if marine animals like turtles ingest the plastic instead of the food they need, it can clog their digestive systems and eventually cause them to starve to death.
But they'll taste horrible and your body most likely will reject the brownies (read: you'll vomit) because our digestive systems are not designed to digest plant matter like that.
Tabiyat has on display an 18th-century copy of the "Tasrih-i-Mansuri," a 14th-century anatomical manuscript from Persia that features detailed drawings of the circulatory and digestive systems.
Not only that, since our digestive systems can't break down hair, it can also cause clumps of hair to remain in the stomach, as it did for this poor woman.
However, when he took a look inside, he was shocked to see the globes of whole duckweed plants, intact after having been swallowed and passing through the birds' digestive systems.
Honey should never be given to children under the age of 1, because the digestive systems of infants can't handle any contaminates in honey, such as spores that cause botulism.
The feeds given to cattle are grown with petroleum-based fertilizers, and the animals' digestive systems produce methane, a pollutant 25 times as damaging to the environment as carbon dioxide.
When they analyzed the carbon-13 content in the sharks' feces, blood, and digestive systems, they found the isotope, and they also identified plant-digesting enzymes in the animals' guts.
As a result, once they had mastered the art, early chefs could pare back their digestive systems and invest the resulting energy savings in building larger brains capable of complex thought.
A low-sodium meal option was added, as was a halal meal prepared without any pork or alcohol, and a bland one prepared with limited seasonings for those with sensitive digestive systems.
But, he says, the lungs are much more delicate and susceptible to toxins than our digestive systems, and regulatory agencies usually accept that inhaling a chemical will double the risks of exposure.
And while the men and women of the US Army seem to get by fine on the prepackaged meals, there's never been research done on how MREs might affect their digestive systems.
By the end of the century, seafood eaters could be consuming as many as 780,000 pieces of plastic a year, with 4,000 of those particles being absorbed by their digestive systems, they say.
But Bertocchini says the next step isn't to use the wax worms themselves, but to find the enzyme in their digestive systems that's being used to break up the plastic in the first place.
The cap of the giant shipworm's shell seals over its mouth, presumably stopping it from directly consuming the sediment it lives in, and there were only "trace quantities of fecal matter" in their digestive systems.
This approach, known as early time-restricted feeding, stems from the idea that human metabolism follows a daily rhythm, with our hormones, enzymes and digestive systems primed for food intake in the morning and afternoon.
Now he has teamed up with four other scientists for a three-year project, starting this year, to look at the digestive systems of not just pandas but also Portuguese slugs and leaf-cutter ants.
The premise behind probiotic claims is the true statement that the types of good bacteria that comprise our microbiomes—the zoo of microorganisms living inside our body—play an important role in maintaining our digestive systems.
More specifically, a fully stocked raft of mussels cleared an average of 12m litres of water daily, removing 160 kilograms of particulate matter, of which 12 kilograms was absorbed by the mussels' digestive systems and integrated into their bodies.
The fact that the virus can be passed through both our respiratory and digestive systems may explain how it spread from its origin city of Wuhan, China to more than 80 countries in just a few months, researchers suggest.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's World Trade Center Health Program, exposure to the 9/11 terror attacks may have caused a range of health conditions, including acute traumatic injuries, as well as diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems.
They also offer infant massage, which is great for bonding with parents and has added benefits like improvements to the circulatory and digestive systems and the all-important relaxation (hey, exiting the womb is a traumatic life event; relaxation sounds like exactly what the doctor should order).
Though Scott and Mark have differences in the bacteria in their digestive systems, which was to be expected because they were living in different environments and eating different food, two of the main bacterial groups switched dominant positions in Scott's microbiome between his time in space and on Earth.
Synthetic versions of the female sex hormone, like those found in contraceptives, make their way through human digestive systems and into water streams, and can affect, for example, cows that humans use for milk and meat; humans re-ingesting their waste after it has circulated through the ecosystem.
Dani Rabaiotti: There was one thing in particular that there was a disagreement about leaving in between the US and UK publishers, because our UK publisher found it so gross: that baby elephants reach into their mother's butt and eat their poo in order to get the right bacteria in their digestive systems.
They include vegetarians and vegans who consume little or no animal foods; people with disorders of the stomach and small intestine like celiac disease and Crohn's disease; chronic users of proton-pump inhibitors to control acid reflux; and people whose digestive systems were surgically reduced for weight-loss or treatment for cancer or ulcerative colitis.
Rather than wilt away as Homo sapiens have spread forth bearing concrete, bitumen, and steel, a select number of species have developed elegant adaptations to cope with the peculiarities of urban life: more rigid cellular membranes that may ward off heat, digestive systems that can absorb sugary garbage, altered limbs and torsos that enhance agility atop asphalt or in runoff-fattened streams.
Colobuses are important for seed dispersal through their sloppy eating habits, as well as through their digestive systems.
It can also cause irritation of the respiratory and digestive systems, induce fatigue, and cause harm to the blood and liver.
Due to a high concentration of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, it is poisonous to grazing livestock, especially those with simple digestive systems, like horses.
In digestive systems, symbiotic bacteria help break down foods that contain fiber. They also help produce vitamins. Symbiotic bacteria can live near hydrothermal vents. They usually have a mutual relationship with other bacteria.
This can be eaten by marine animals, and block their breathing passages and digestive systems. Plastic bags not only add to the Great Pacific garbage patch, they can be washed ashore around the world.
They possess digestive systems, which allows them to process complex dietary items. They possess a protrusible pharynx to collect food.Martín-Durán J.M., Egger, B. (2012) Developmental diversity in free-living flatworms. Evodevo 3(7).
Cape porcupines (Hystrix africaeaustralis) are known to have been preyed on several times in Kruger National Park, their quills apparently being an insufficient defense against the tough jaws and digestive systems of crocodiles.Grenard, S. (1991).
The snails may even survive passing through the digestive systems of fish and birds. Mudsnails have now spread from Idaho to most western states of the U.S., including Wyoming, California, Nevada, Oregon, Montana, and Colorado.
Since the cysts can pass unharmed through the digestive systems of other animals, and since they are very small (), they can be transported to new locations by birds or mammals and thereby found new colonies.
They also differ from other digeneans in the configuration of the digestive systems and genitalia.Gibson, D, Arlene, J. & Bray, R. (2002). Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 1. London: CAB International and The Natural History Museum.
Carnivorous molluscs usually have simpler digestive systems. As the head has largely disappeared in bivalves, the mouth has been equipped with labial palps (two on each side of the mouth) to collect the detritus from its mucus.
The tahr, like most members of the bovid family, are ruminants and have complex digestive systems . A multi-chambered stomach allows the tahr to repeatedly regurgitate its food, chew it, and obtain nutrients from otherwise indigestible plant tissues.
Digestive systems take many forms. There is a fundamental distinction between internal and external digestion. External digestion developed earlier in evolutionary history, and most fungi still rely on it.Dusenbery, David B. (1996). “Life at Small Scale”, pp. 113–115.
They have well developed muscular, nervous, circulatory and digestive systems, the latter being quite unique. Though eyeless, they respond to the intensity and duration of light. They also slowly respond to temperature. They have no hearing, but are sensitive to vibrations.
Waders are under extreme physiological stress from the migration which requires them to inflate their breast muscles in preparation, as well as shrinking their digestive systems (Meltofte et al. 2008). These are birds that use an income breeding strategy, and so upon arrival do not have sufficient stores of fat to begin ovulation. Upon reaching the arctic, they must rebuild their digestive systems and be physiologically prepared to meet formidable conditions. This requires them to find an abundant prey source, and capitalize on it before they will be capable of laying a clutch (Meltofte et al. 2008).
Macrorhabdus ornithogaster, also known by the common name avian gastric yeast, is an infectious fungus usually found in the digestive systems of birds, causing a number of health complications. Formerly believed to be a bacterium, it has been determined to be a yeast.
Confusiusornithids are also noted for their beak and lack of teeth, similar to modern birds. Both predators and prey, confuciusornithid fossils have been observed with fish remains in their digestive systems and have themselves been found in the abdominal cavities of Sinocalliopteryx, a compsognathid predator.
Brown was among the first paleontologist to recognize that dinosaurs used gastroliths in their digestive systems to aid in the grinding of food.Brown, B. 1907. Gastroliths. Science 25(636): 392. This interpretation, however, has been regarded as unconvincing by other paleontologists over the years.
Retrieved 2012-02-28. Ferrets have short digestive systems and quick metabolism, so they need to eat frequently. Prepared dry foods consisting almost entirely of meat (including high-grade cat food, although specialized ferret food is increasingly available and preferable)McLeod, Lianne. Feeding Your Ferret. exoticpets.about.
Bucephalids are trematode parasites of fish. The intermediate hosts include mollusks and at least one amphibian. One characteristic feature is an anterior rhyncus or holdfast that is separate from the digestive system. They also differ from other digeneans in the configuration of the digestive systems and genitalia.
The following instars are generally more grub- like. Parasitoid larvae have incomplete digestive systems with no rear opening. This prevents the hosts from being contaminated by their wastes. The larva feeds on the host's tissues until ready to pupate; by then the host is generally either dead or almost so.
Like all dicynodonts, Diictodon were herbivorous. They used their beaks to break off pieces of the sparse desert shrubs. Like modern desert animals, Diictodon may have had unusually efficient digestive systems, due to the lack of nutrients present in desert plants. As burrowing animals, they may have fed off of water-rich plant tubers.
The seed syllable is Ram, and the presiding deity is Braddha Rudra, with Lakini as the Shakti or power behind this Chakra. Corresponding deity for material element of this Chakra is Agni. Manipura is related to the metabolic and digestive systems. Manipura is believed to correspond to Islets of Langerhans,Mercier (2007). p. 168.
Microbial pathogens of mosquitoes include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and microsporidia. Dead spores of the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, especially Bt israelensis (BTI) interfere with larval digestive systems. It can be dispersed by hand or dropped by helicopter in large areas. BTI loses effectiveness after the larvae turn into pupae, because they stop eating.
Pilobolus crystallinus var. crystallinus, commonly known as the "Dung Cannon" or "Hat Thrower", is a species of fungus belonging to the Mucorales order. It is unique in that it adheres its spores to vegetation, so as to be eaten by grazing animals. It then passes through the animals' digestive systems and grows in their feces.
It was used as a biomarker by Richard D. Pancost et al. in order to reconstruct the Holocene biogeochemistry in ombrotrophic peatlands. A pilot study led by Ian D. Bull et al. also used archaeol as a biomarker to reveal the differences between fermenting digestive systems in foregut and hindgut of ancient herbivorous mammals.
Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company. 319 p. The dental formula for macropods is . Like the eutherian ruminants of the Northern Hemisphere (sheep, cattle, and so on), macropods have specialised digestive systems that use a high concentration of bacteria, protozoans, and fungi in the first chamber of a complex stomach to digest plant material.
The skull consists of 34 bones and contains four cavities: the cranial cavity, the orbital cavity, oral, and the nasal cavity. The cranial cavity encloses and protects the brain and it supports several sense organs. The orbital cavitity surrounds and protects the eye. The oral cavity is a passage way into the respiratory and digestive systems.
Demonstrating little interspecific interactions, bettongs are apparently undisturbed by run-ins with other non-predators. Bettong digestive systems are characterized by a very large sacciform fore stomach, a tubiform fore stomach with limited sacculation, and a small hind stomach. The hind gut has a well-developed, simple cecum. Like many macropodiforms, bettongs have fore gut fermentation.
In addition, about 7% of subjects reported effects on their digestive systems, and about 12% had increased fatigue. Most subjects recovered after stopping treatment and taking potassium supplements. The same study showed taking potassium supplements during gossypol treatment did not prevent hypokalemia in primates. The potassium deficiency may also be a result of the Chinese diet or genetic predisposition.
Many seed-dispersing animals have specialized digestive systems to process fruits, which leave seeds intact. Some bird species have shorter intestines to rapidly pass seeds from fruits, while some frugivorous bat species have longer intestines. Some seed- dispersing frugivores have short gut-retention times, and others can alter intestinal enzyme composition when eating different types of fruits.
Fish sizes vary by species. Good-quality sardines should have the head and gills removed before packing. They may also be eviscerated before packing (typically the larger varieties). If not, they should be purged of undigested or partially digested food or feces by holding the live fish in a tank long enough for them to empty their digestive systems.
Organisms placed within the order can be found in freshwater, saltwater, salt-rich sediments, laboratory digestors, and animal digestive systems. Most cells have cell walls that lack peptidoglycan and pseudomurein. They are strictly anaerobic and survive by producing methane. Some species use acetate as a substrate and others use methyl compounds, such as methyl amines and methyl sulfates.
Viper's bugloss is biennial, with a single unbranched flowering stem and smaller, more blue flowers, but is otherwise similar. This species is also useful for honey production. Paterson's curse has positive uses; as a fodder plant, with proper handling, it can be valuable fodder over summer for cattle and sheep, but not livestock without ruminant digestive systems.
All contain a large number of seeds. Fleshy, colorful and sweet-tasting fruits are associated with seed dispersal by birds. The seeds pass through their digestive systems and are deposited in their droppings. Fruit that falls to the ground may be eaten by other animals; giant tortoises are reported to distribute Opuntia seeds in the Galápagos Islands.
Erlanger developed and patented a new type of sphygmomanometer that could measure blood pressure from the brachial artery. While working at Johns Hopkins in 1901, Erlanger published a paper on the digestive systems of canines. This paper caught the attention of William Henry Howell, a physiology professor at Johns Hopkins. Howell recruited Erlanger as an Assistant Professor.
HES1 influences the maintenance of certain stem cells and progenitor cells. Specifically, HES1 influences the timing of differentiation by repressing bHLH activators, and determines binary cell fate. HES1 has been shown to play a large role in both the nervous, and digestive systems. HES1 has been shown to influence these two systems partially through the Notch signaling pathway.
Seeds are small and lightweight compared to other Annona species. The native ecology of A. hypoglauca is rich whitewater floodplains of Amazonian lowland rain forests. And fish are likely candidates for seed dispersal, as the trees grow in seasonal floodplains and seed coats are excessively hard and pass directly through the digestive systems. Like other Annona spp.
African wild asses are well suited to life in a desert or semidesert environment. They have tough digestive systems, which can break down desert vegetation and extract moisture from food efficiently. They can also go without water for a fairly long time. Their large ears give them an excellent sense of hearing and help in cooling.
Fish sizes vary by species. Good quality sardines should have the head and gills removed before packing. They may also be eviscerated before packing (typically the larger varieties). If not, they should be purged of undigested or partially digested food or feces by holding the live fish in a tank long enough for them to empty their digestive systems.
A dog with a rawhide chew toy. Rawhide chew toys are most often associated with dogs, though rawhide toys are plentiful in the bird toy section of most pet stores. Rawhide is suitable for all animals except herbivores, as it is made of animal skin. Rabbits, which only eat vegetation, cannot have rawhide toys because their digestive systems cannot process them.
For the first few days, they live on the yolk sac while their digestive systems continue to develop. The young have long fin filaments and can resemble tiny, tentacled jellyfish. For one to two months, they live planktonically. After this stage, at a length between , they have the form of adult frogfish and begin their lives on the sea floor.
F. citrifolia is pollinated by P. assuetus. After pollination, figs ripen quickly. Fruit bearing figs are heavily laden; a single tree may produce up to 1,000,000 fruits with a diameter of 1-2.5 cm. The fruit of F. citrifolia tends to have a purgative effect on the digestive systems of many animals; ripe fruits are eaten and seeds are spread widely through dung.
In many species, the tongue cannot reach past the incisors. Rodents have efficient digestive systems, absorbing nearly 80% of ingested energy. When eating cellulose, the food is softened in the stomach and passed to the cecum, where bacteria reduce it to its carbohydrate elements. The rodent then practices coprophagy, eating its own fecal pellets, so the nutrients can be absorbed by the gut.
The study theorized these high assimilation rates might result from abundant enzymes in slug digestive systems: amylase, invertase, cellulase, xylanase, and chitinase. The last might be especially indicative of how these slugs can consume large quantities of fungi such as Armillaria mellea.Jennings, T. J., and J. P. Barkham. "Quantitative Study of Feeding in Woodland by the Slug Arion Ater." Oikos 27.1 (1976): 168. Web.
Native viruses and bacteria are unable to infect colonists; disease is nonexistent and wounds cannot become infected, resulting in longer lifespans. Sea life quickly recovered and is consumed by the colonists as a "diet" food, as their digestive systems are unable to metabolize it into fat. But the key word in near-analogue turned out to be near. The planet's biosphere almost completely lacks potassium.
Both species produce eggs that are brown and pitted. T. canis eggs measure 75-90 µm and are spherical in shape, whereas the eggs of T. cati are 65-70 µm in diameter and oblong. Second stage larvae hatch from these eggs and are approximately 0.5mm long and 0.02mm wide. Adults of both species have complete digestive systems and three lips, each composed of a dentigerous ridge.
The snails are first prepared by purging them of the likely undesirable contents of their digestive systems. The process used to accomplish this varies, but generally involves a combination of fasting and purging or simply feeding them on a wholesome replacement. The methods most often used can take several days. Farms producing Cornu aspersum for sale exist in Europe and in the United States.
The fungus affects a wide variety of bird species, from budgerigars to ostriches. Affected birds typically lose weight and die from malnourishment related complications, although in some cases death can be more sudden as a result of vomiting or choking. Detection is usually made through microscopic inspection of the bird's stool, although not all affected birds pass the fungus all the way through their digestive systems.
The plants are valued by the local population for their content in essential oils, mostly pulegone and menthone, but also limonene, carvone, carvacrol, thymol and similar substances. They are used as condiments, medicinally against illnesses of the respiratory and digestive systems, and traditionally for the protection of stored tubers against pests, especially in Southern Peru.Schmidt-Lebuhn, A.N. (2008). Ethnobotany, biochemistry and pharmacology of Minthostachys (Lamiaceae).
Large animals are more efficient at digestion than small animals, because food spends more time in their digestive systems. This also permits them to subsist on food with lower nutritive value than smaller animals. Sauropod remains are mostly found in rock formations interpreted as dry or seasonally dry, and the ability to eat large quantities of low-nutrient browse would have been advantageous in such environments.Carpenter, K. (2006).
Birds' digestive systems remove the wax from the fruit, a prerequisite for germination. This plant's roots possess root nodules, which harbor a symbiotic species of actinomycotal fungus, which fixes nitrogen at a faster rate than do the legumes. The above-ground growth of M. cerifera is often killed by wildfires unless the fire is very small or transient. In the latter situation, only the most recent primary growth may be incinerated.
Numerous species of insects (bees, wasps, ants, beetles, flies, butterflies, moths), mites, spiders, and birds consume pollen as a food source. To more efficiently collect pollen, palynivores have evolved various adaptations in their body parts and behavior. These adaptations include specialized mouthparts, hair, digestive systems, and patterns of reproduction and foraging. Although all palynivores eat pollen, they do so to varying degrees and ways, so consequently their adaptations also differ.
Seahorses rely on stealth to ambush small prey such as copepods. They use pivot feeding to catch the copepod, which involves rotating their snout at high speed and then sucking in the copepod.Seahorses use their long snouts to eat their food with ease. However, they are slow to consume their food and have extremely simple digestive systems that lack a stomach, so they must eat constantly to stay alive.
The compound was discovered in Photorhabdus bacteria in 2019, living in the digestive systems of entomopathogenic nematodes. Researchers identified the nematode as a possible host because they feed on insects by targeting their larvae and releasing bacteria that then confront pathogens similar to those found in humans. In experiments, it cured mice of infections with Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, both members of the Enterobacteriaceae, without toxic side effects.
In consequence, disruption of the competitive balance in one habitat often cascades its effect on to the competitive balance in another habitat. Also, a correlation exists between body size and diet. Larger animals have more robust digestive systems, stronger jaws, and wider necks, which allow them to consume lower-quality foods and larger fruits and seeds. Similarly, bay and Peters's duikers can coexist because of their different sleep patterns.
In incidents throughout the 1950s, former Unit 731 members infected prisoners and mental health patients with deadly diseases. In 1958, a large number of infants were brought to Kobe Medical School and forcibly administered sugar by having needles inserted through their noses and into their stomachs. A tube was inserted into their anuses to determine how the sugar was processed by their digestive systems. Many of the infants experienced diarrhea and anal bleeding.
Digestion can take a long time. The food moves from the mouth to a J-shaped stomach, where it is stored and initial digestion occurs. Unwanted items may never get past the stomach, and instead the shark either vomits or turns its stomachs inside out and ejects unwanted items from its mouth. One of the biggest differences between the digestive systems of sharks and mammals is that sharks have much shorter intestines.
Calcium is an essential element needed in large quantities. The Ca2+ ion acts as an electrolyte and is vital to the health of the muscular, circulatory, and digestive systems; is indispensable to the building of bone; and supports synthesis and function of blood cells. For example, it regulates the contraction of muscles, nerve conduction, and the clotting of blood. As a result, intra- and extracellular calcium levels are tightly regulated by the body.
They can be trained to take food from one's hand. In the winter, their digestive systems slow nearly to a halt, and they eat very little, perhaps no more than nibbles of algae from the bottom. Feeding is not recommended when the water temperature drops below . Care should be taken by hobbyists that proper oxygenation, pH stabilization, and off-gassing occur over the winter in small ponds, so they do not perish.
Newborns have very immature and small digestive systems, and colostrum delivers its bioactives in a very concentrated low-volume form. Colostrum is known to contain immune cells (as lymphocytes) and many antibodies such as IgA, IgG, and IgM. These are some of the components of the adaptive immune system. Other immune components of colostrum include the major components of the innate immune system, such as lactoferrin, lysozyme, lactoperoxidase, complement, and proline-rich polypeptides (PRP).
Some of the vegetables that rabbits enjoy are parsley, thyme, cilantro, dandelion, and basil. The green, leafy tops of radishes and carrots also are excellent sources of nutrients—more than the vegetable itself. New vegetables should be introduced slowly due to the delicate digestive systems of rabbits. It is recommended that cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce and cabbage be avoided, as they cause gas and can lead to gastrointestinal stasis, which can be fatal.
In newts and salamanders, metamorphosis is less dramatic than in frogs. This is because the larvae are already carnivorous and continue to feed as predators when they are adults so few changes are needed to their digestive systems. Their lungs are functional early, but the larvae do not make as much use of them as do tadpoles. Their gills are never covered by gill sacs and are reabsorbed just before the animals leave the water.
It is a solution of hydrogen chloride and water, and a variety of other chemical species, including hydronium and chloride ions. It is a naturally-occurring component of the gastric acid produced in the digestive systems of most animal species, including humans. Hydrochloric acid is an important chemical reagent and industrial chemical, used in the production of polyvinyl chloride for plastic. In households, diluted hydrochloric acid is often used as a descaling agent.
In the centre of the Pacific gyre there is a permanent floating accumulation of mostly plastic waste and there is a similar garbage patch in the Atlantic. Foraging sea birds such as the albatross and petrel may mistake debris for food, and accumulate indigestible plastic in their digestive systems. Turtles and whales have been found with plastic bags and fishing line in their stomachs. Microplastics may sink, threatening filter feeders on the seabed.
Giant panda feeding on bamboo at Smithsonian National Zoological Park, Washington, D. C. This species is almost entirely herbivorous. Most bears are opportunistic omnivores and consume more plant than animal matter. They eat anything from leaves, roots, and berries to insects, carrion, fresh meat, and fish, and have digestive systems and teeth adapted to such a diet. At the extremes are the almost entirely herbivorous giant panda and the mostly carnivorous polar bear.
All species of Percina are carnivorous, most species feeding on aquatic insect larvae such as chironomids (midges), black flies, ephemeropterans (mayflies), and hydropsychids (caddisflies). In the first few days of feeding, the larval form, referred to as the first-feeding stage, has slow growth due to poorly developed digestive systems, poor nutrient uptake, and lack of predator skills.Labay, A.A., K. Collins, R.W. Standange, and T.M. Brandt. 2004. Gut Content of First-Feeding Wild Darters and Captive-Reared Dusky Darters.
Reflux can be set off by sinus problems and reflux can also send acids up to the upper airway and worsen the inflammation already occurring secondary to infection. Inflammation in these different areas are all related and the reaction can cause the symptoms to worsen in a vicious cycle. CAID can also impact organs beyond the respiratory (breathing) and digestive systems. Heart disease, stroke, infertility, painful headaches and chronic fatigue syndrome may be linked to CAID.
Instead, rumen liquor is aspirated through a rumen-fluid collector, consisting of a Frick gag and a flexible hose with a perforated metal tip which serves as a filter. The hose and tip is passed through the gag and down the oesophagus to the rumen. It is normally possible to aspirate five litres of rumen liquor using this device. Rumen contents from a fistulated cow can also help sheep and goats, which have similar digestive systems.
Body odor remote-engineering, involving compounds found in halitosis and hyperhidrosis, was another possibility discussed. Again, these effects would be produced by a non-lethal chemical weapon—possibly one that would affect the hormonal and digestive systems. It appears that a 'heavy sweating bomb', 'flatulence bomb' and 'halitosis bomb' were also considered by a committee at the time. The plan was to make an enemy so smelly they could be quite literally sniffed out of hiding by their opponents.
After attachment, the male becomes dependent on the female for blood-circulated nutrients due to the fusion of the circulatory and digestive systems. This case of extreme sexual dimorphism is favored by natural selection due to the random dispersal of individuals. If one of the relatively numerous males is fortunate enough to encounter a female, it attaches for the remainder of its life. This significantly increases the chance of reproduction for the individual and therefore increases its fitness.
Enzymes are also involved in more exotic functions, such as luciferase generating light in fireflies. Viruses can also contain enzymes for infecting cells, such as the HIV integrase and reverse transcriptase, or for viral release from cells, like the influenza virus neuraminidase. An important function of enzymes is in the digestive systems of animals. Enzymes such as amylases and proteases break down large molecules (starch or proteins, respectively) into smaller ones, so they can be absorbed by the intestines.
Two Adonis blue butterflies feeding on a lump of feces Coprophagous insects consume and redigest the feces of large animals. These feces contain substantial amounts of semidigested food, particularly in the case of herbivores, owing to the inefficiency of the large animals' digestive systems. Thousands of species of coprophagous insects are known, especially among the orders Diptera and Coleoptera. Examples of such flies are Scathophaga stercoraria and Sepsis cynipsea, dung flies commonly found in Europe around cattle droppings.
It is also difficult to sleep, and most climbers' digestive systems have significantly slowed or completely stopped. This is because it is more efficient at this altitude for the body to use stored energy sources than to digest new food. Most climbers will begin using supplemental oxygen here and have a maximum of only two or three days for making summit bids. Clear weather and low winds are critical factors in deciding whether to make a summit attempt.
Other substances other than benzene which are highly toxic are toluene, methylbenzene and xylenes (BETX). Substances with the lowest toxicity are crude oil and motor oil. Despite varying levels of toxicity amongst different variants of oil, all petroleum -derived products have adverse impacts on human health and the ecosystem. Examples of adverse effects are oil emulsions in digestive systems in certain mammals might result in decreased ability to digest nutrients that might lead to death of certain mammals.
Though the soil lacks potassium due to other factors, necessitating supplements that produce a hydraulic empire common to Niven's fiction, the colony otherwise prospers. Native viruses and bacteria cannot infect colonists, resulting in longer lifespans. Sealife quickly recovers, and is consumed by the colonists as a "diet" food, as their digestive systems cannot metabolize it into fat. Marti Steussy's Dreams of Dawn (1988) has a similar premise, where the locals evolved based on right-handed amino acids.
New vegetables should be introduced slowly due to the delicate digestive systems of rabbits. It is recommended that cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage be avoided, as they cause gas and can lead to gastrointestinal stasis, which can be fatal. Vegetables such as potatoes and corn should also avoided due to their high starch content. English Lops also require an unlimited amount of fresh water, usually provided for in a water crock, tip-proof ceramic pet dish, or hanging water bottle.
Characteristics commonly associated with carnivores include strength, speed, and keen senses for hunting, as well as teeth and claws for capturing and tearing prey. However, some carnivores do not hunt and are scavengers, lacking the physical characteristics to bring down prey; in addition, most hunting carnivores will scavenge when the opportunity arises. Carnivores have comparatively short digestive systems, as they are not required to break down the tough cellulose found in plants. Many hunting animals have evolved eyes facing forward, enabling depth perception.
Pepsin is an endopeptidase that breaks down proteins into smaller peptides. It is produced in the chief cells of the stomach lining and is one of the main digestive enzymes in the digestive systems of humans and many other animals, where it helps digest the proteins in food. Pepsin is an aspartic protease, using a catalytic aspartate in its active site. It is one of three principal proteases in the human digestive system, the other two being chymotrypsin and trypsin.
Some of the vegetables that rabbits enjoy are romaine lettuce, escarole, turnips, collards, kale, parsley, thyme, cilantro, dandelion, and basil. The green, leafy tops of radish and carrots also are excellent sources of nutrients, but should be fed sparingly due to the high calcium content. New vegetables should be introduced slowly due to the delicate digestive systems of rabbits. It is recommended that cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage be avoided, as they cause gas and can lead to gastrointestinal stasis, which can be fatal.
Burning plastics leads to significant amounts of air pollution, which is harmful to human and animal health. When dumped into fields or landfills, plastics can cause changes in the pH of the soil, leading to soil infertility. Furthermore, plastic bottles and plastic bags that end up in landfills are frequently consumed by animals, which then clogs their digestive systems and leads to death. Because of the substantial growth in plastic consumption, biodegradable additives are becomingly increasingly necessary to increase the rate of degradability of common plastics.
Carnivora have a simple stomach adapted to digest primarily meat, as compared to the elaborate digestive systems of herbivorous animals, which are necessary to break down tough, complex plant fibers. The caecum is either absent or short and simple, and the large intestine is not sacculated or much wider than the small intestine. Bovine kidney The mammalian excretory system involves many components. Like most other land animals, mammals are ureotelic, and convert ammonia into urea, which is done by the liver as part of the urea cycle.
Feeding choice involves which plants a herbivore chooses to consume. It has been suggested that many herbivores feed on a variety of plants to balance their nutrient uptake and to avoid consuming too much of any one type of defensive chemical. This involves a tradeoff however, between foraging on many plant species to avoid toxins or specializing on one type of plant that can be detoxified. Herbivore modification is when various adaptations to body or digestive systems of the herbivore allow them to overcome plant defenses.
Food processing Culture has driven changes to the human digestive systems making many digestive organs, like our teeth or stomach, smaller than expected for primates of a similar size, and has been attributed to one of the reasons why humans have such large brains compared to other great apes. This is due to food processing. Early examples of food processing include pounding, marinating and most notably cooking. Pounding meat breaks down the muscle fibres, hence taking away some of the job from the mouth, teeth and jaw.
Although they seemed to thrive on this diet, their digestive systems were unable to cope with the unusual food, and they eventually died of stomach ulcers. The lions' new diet was green-coloured horsemeat, and the monkeys were fed on boiled potatoes. The birds-of-paradise (lack of millet), and the penguins (lack of fish), were unable to adapt to their make-do diet and also succumbed. Vegetables were not in short supply however, as the garden staff grew lettuce, cabbage and carrots in the kitchen gardens.
A major shift in the transfer of corpse pathogens from vultures to feral dogs and rats could lead to a disease pandemic, causing millions of deaths in a crowded country like India, whereas vultures' digestive systems safely destroy many species of such pathogens. Vultures are long-lived and slow to breed. They start breeding only at the age of six and only 50% of young survive. Even if the government ban is fully implemented, it will take several years to revive the vulture population.
Colobuses habitats include primary and secondary forests, riverine forests, and wooded grasslands; they are found more in higher-density logged forests than in other primary forests. Their ruminant-like digestive systems have enabled them to occupy niches that are inaccessible to other primates: they are herbivorous, eating leaves, fruit, flowers, lichen, herbaceous vegetation and bark. Leaf toughness influences colobus foraging efficiency. Tougher leaves correlate negatively with ingestion rate (g/min) as they are costly in terms of mastication, but positively with investment (chews/g).
Eating with fork at a restaurant Traditional way of eating in Uzbekistan Girl with chopsticks Ethiopians eating with hands Newborn babies do not eat adult foods. They survive solely on breast milk or formula. Small amounts of pureed food are sometimes fed to young infants as young as two or three months old, but most infants do not eat adult food until they are between six and eight months old. Young babies eat pureed baby foods because they have few teeth and immature digestive systems.
When harvested from sewers, open bodies of water, and even from hatcheries, they may be infected with various diseases. This risk can be partially solved by keeping the worms under brisk running water until they have voided the contents of their digestive systems. However, the worms can still be vectors for whirling disease, which can affect salmonids. Additionally, they are very difficult for some fish to obtain in the wild, so certain fish, such as Rift Valley cichlids, will obsessively consume them until they make themselves sick.
Diabetes can lead to damaged nerves, causing loss of sensation, pain, or, if autonomic nerves are associated, damage to the circulatory, reproductive, or digestive systems, among others. Over 60% of diabetic patients are said to have some form of neuropathy, however, the severity ranges dramatically. Neuropathy not only directly causes harm and damage but also can indirectly lead to such problems as diabetic ulcerations, which in turn can lead to amputations. In fact, over half of all lower limb amputations in the United States are of patients with diabetes.
The autopsy reports upon both girls also supported Bedwell's recantation, as no alcohol or hot dogs were found in either victim's blood or digestive systems, nor had the girls been beaten to death. Furthermore, Bedwell is also known to have clocked in at Ajax Consolidated Company, his place of employment, from 4:19 p.m. on December 28, 1956, to 12:30 a.m. on December 29, covering the actual time period of the sisters' most likely abduction, with further records confirming Bedwell had been working in Cicero on the date he said he had murdered them.
Solid skeletons are, generally, the only remnants of ancient life preserved; however, the Burgess Shale includes hard body parts such as bones, skeletons, teeth, and also soft body parts such as muscles, gills, and digestive systems. The Burgess Shale is one of the most significant fossil locations on Earth, preserving innumerable specimens of 500 million year old species, and its preservation is due to the protection of mudrock. Another noteworthy formation is the Morrison Formation. This area covers 1.5 million square miles, stretching from Montana to New Mexico in the United States.
The sap would have fossilized and become amber. However, more recently it has been suggested that the sap moved post-mortem, hence not representing true stomachal contents. Combined with the putative fish pellets of Piscivorenantiornis turning out to be fish excrement, the strange stomachal contents of some species turning out to be ovaries and the supposed gastroliths of Bohaiornis being random mineral precipitates, only the Eoalulavis displays actual stomach contents. A study on paravian digestive systems indicates that known enantiornitheans lacked a crop and a gizzard, didn't use gastroliths and didn't eject pellets.
Death from elapid bites usually results from asphyxiation because the diaphragm can no longer contract. However, this rule does not always apply; some elapid bites include proteolytic symptoms typical of viperid bites, while some viperid bites produce neurotoxic symptoms. Proteolytic venom is also dual-purpose: first, it is used for defense and to immobilize prey, as with neurotoxic venoms; secondly, many of the venom's enzymes have a digestive function, breaking down molecules in prey items, such as lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. This is an important adaptation, as many vipers have inefficient digestive systems.
Their relatives are sulfur-oxidizing chemoautotrophs that use energy from oxidation of sulfur compounds in the environment (e.g. sulfide) to fuel the production of biomass by carbon fixation. The symbionts of Astomonema are likely to also be sulfur-oxidizers because they have at least one of the key genes, aprA, encoding the alpha subunit of adenylyl-sulfate reductase, involved in the metabolic pathway of sulfur oxidation. This is an example of chemosynthetic symbiosis, where symbiotic prokaryotes use chemical energy to produce biomass and feed their host animals, which often have highly-reduced digestive systems.
Aquatic craniates have gill slits, which are connected to muscles and nerves that pump water through the slits, engaging in both feeding and gas exchange (as opposed to lancelets, whose pharyngeal slits are used only for suspension feeding). Muscles line the alimentary canal, moving food through the canal, allowing higher craniates such as mammals to develop more complex digestive systems for optimal food processing. Craniates have cardiovascular systems that include a heart with two or more chambers, red blood cells, and oxygen transporting hemoglobin, as well as kidneys.
Triarthrus is a genus of Upper Ordovician ptychopariid trilobite found in New York, Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, eastern and northern Canada, China and Scandinavia. It is the last of the Olenid trilobites, a group which flourished in the Cambrian period. The specimens of T. eatoni that are found in the Beecher's Trilobite Bed, Rome, New York area are exquisitely preserved showing soft body parts in iron pyrite. Pyrite preservation has given scientists a rare opportunity to examine the gills, walking legs, antennae and digestive systems of trilobites, which are rarely preserved.
In vivo, chymotrypsin is a proteolytic enzyme (serine protease) acting in the digestive systems of many organisms. It facilitates the cleavage of peptide bonds by a hydrolysis reaction, which despite being thermodynamically favorable, occurs extremely slowly in the absence of a catalyst. The main substrates of chymotrypsin are peptide bonds in which the amino acid N-terminal to the bond is a tryptophan, tyrosine, phenylalanine, or leucine. Like many proteases, chymotrypsin also hydrolyses amide bonds in vitro, a virtue that enabled the use of substrate analogs such as N-acetyl-L- phenylalanine p-nitrophenyl amide for enzyme assays.
Cats are especially prone to hairball formation since they groom themselves by licking their fur, and thereby ingest it. Rabbits are also prone to hairballs because they groom themselves in the same fashion as cats, but hairballs are especially dangerous for rabbits because they cannot regurgitate them. Due to the digestive systems of rabbits being very fragile, hairballs in rabbits must be treated immediately or they may cause the animal to stop feeding and ultimately die due to dehydration. Cattle are also known to accumulate hairballs but, as they do not vomit, these are found usually after death and can be quite large.
Recent studies indicate that colostrum should be fed to bovines within the first thirty minutes to maximize IgG absorption rates. The role of colostrum for new born animals is in the provision of nutrition and also essential protection again infection while the immune and digestive systems are developing and maturing. Bovine colostrum provides macro and micro nutrients, as well as growth factors, cytokines, nucleosides, oligosaccharides, natural antimicrobials, antioxidants and a range of immunoglobulins such as IgG, IgA, IgD, IgM and IgE. It is well established that minimal levels of IgG are essential to prevent failure of passive transfer.
Kittens with FCKS sometimes also show bony deformities such as pectus excavatum or kyphosis (characterised in kittens by a dip in the spine just behind the shoulder blades). Although a kitten may be born with these deformities, extreme forms of FCKS may cause kyphosis to develop in an otherwise normal kitten, as the kitten grows with the spine held in an abnormal position due to the flattened ribcage. When there are bony deformities in the upper body, or other problems present, these may contribute to malfunctioning in soft-tissue organs such as the respiratory and digestive systems.
The nematodes ( , ; ) or roundworms constitute the phylum Nematoda (also called Nemathelminthes),Classification of Animal Parasites with plant- parasitic nematodes being known as eelworms. They are a diverse animal phylum inhabiting a broad range of environments. Taxonomically, they are classified along with insects and other moulting animals in the clade Ecdysozoa, and unlike flatworms, have tubular digestive systems with openings at both ends. Like tardigrades they have a reduced number of Hox genes, but as their sister phylum Nematomorpha has kept the ancestral protostome Hox genotype, it shows that the reduction has occurred within the nematode phylum.
As a surgical resident at the University of Pennsylvania, Dudrick realized that post-surgical malnutrition was a poorly recognized cause of death in patients who could not eat or absorb nutrients. From 1964–1966, working with his mentor, Dr. Jonathon Rhoads, and after many hours in the lab, he was able to keep beagles alive for months with TPN, by-passing their digestive systems. After showing the feasibility in lab animals, in 1967 he applied the technique to sick infants and then adults. Nutrition including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals were given directly into the circulatory system.
Kinsella and Pence described it as one of many species of Capillaria, a large and taxonomically difficult genus. They suggested that it may be closest to some other small species that live in the digestive systems of mammals, such as the very similar C. putorii, which is found in a variety of carnivorans in North America and Europe.Kinsella and Pence, 1987, p. 1295 In 1982, Moravec had placed Capillaria putorii and a number of related species in a separate genus, Aonchotheca, and in 1999 Pisanu and Bain transferred Capillaria forresteri and various other species to that genus from Capillaria.
During the final stages of transformation when the tadpoles have four limbs and a tail, they stop feeding for a short time while their mouths widen and their digestive systems adjust from herbivorous to carnivorous. For the most part, Pacific tree frogs are nocturnal, but they have been spotted during the day. These frogs spend a lot of time hiding under rotten logs, rocks, long grasses, and leaf litter, where they are very difficult to see unless they move. When they hunt, their toe pads allow them to climb on vegetation and other surfaces where they are to ambush their prey.
The maximum number of breaths per minute ranged from 163 (gray-headed flying fox) to 316 (straw-colored fruit bat). Additionally, megabats have exceptionally large lung volumes relative to their sizes. While terrestrial mammals such as shrews have a lung volume of 0.03 cm3 per gram of body weight (0.05 in3 per ounce of body weight), species such as the Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi) have lung volumes 4.3 times greater at 0.13 cm3 per gram (0.22 in3 per ounce). Megabats have rapid digestive systems, with a gut transit time of half an hour or less.
Unwanted items may never get past the stomach, and instead the shark either vomits or turns its stomachs inside out and ejects unwanted items from its mouth. One of the biggest differences between the digestive systems of sharks and mammals is that sharks have much shorter intestines. This short length is achieved by the spiral valve with multiple turns within a single short section instead of a long tube-like intestine. The valve provides a long surface area, requiring food to circulate inside the short gut until fully digested, when remaining waste products pass into the cloaca.
Aspirin, other NSAIDs, and paracetamol (acetaminophen) had no effect on the risk for Parkinson's. In March 2011, researchers at Harvard Medical School announced in Neurology that ibuprofen had a neuroprotective effect against the risk of developing Parkinson's disease. People regularly consuming ibuprofen were reported to have a 38% lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease, but no such effect was found for other pain relievers, such as aspirin and paracetamol. Use of ibuprofen to lower the risk of Parkinson's disease in the general population would not be problem-free, given the possibility of adverse effects on the urinary and digestive systems.
Phyllodesmium poindimiei is shown to have translucent pink cerata lining the aboral surface and two pairs of olfactory tentacles with an eye at each base. This monophyletic clade of mollusks were prosobranchs that eventually rid themselves of an exoskeleton. Elongated metazoans will lengthen themselves out to about 50 mm at longest. P. poindimiei typically has two pairs of tentacles with a built in olfactory system containing an eye at each base. The soft shell-less slug has cerata outgrowths on its upper side filled with the organism’s respiratory and digestive systems and can be cast off for protective purposes.
Microbiota within black slug digestive systems produce these enzymes—such as the bacteria that produce cellulose—enabling the slugs to break down lignocellulose. A recent study further explored Arion ater’s gut microbiome and discovered the black slug to have far more bacteria within its gut than did neighboring, northern European insects, including members of the orders Coleoptera, Isoptera, Orthoptera, and Diptera. This study learned the black slug’s gut microbiome to be functional at a wide range of temperatures and pH levels, and its results suggest that the mycobacterial culture may be uniform throughout the black slug’s gut and that Gammaproteobacteria composes most of this culture.
Free-living flatworms are mostly predators, and live in water or in shaded, humid terrestrial environments, such as leaf litter. Cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes) have complex life-cycles, with mature stages that live as parasites in the digestive systems of fish or land vertebrates, and intermediate stages that infest secondary hosts. The eggs of trematodes are excreted from their main hosts, whereas adult cestodes generate vast numbers of hermaphroditic, segment-like proglottids that detach when mature, are excreted, and then release eggs. Unlike the other parasitic groups, the monogeneans are external parasites infesting aquatic animals, and their larvae metamorphose into the adult form after attaching to a suitable host.
The World Wide Fund for Nature has estimated that over 100,000 whales, seals, and turtles die every year as a result of eating or being trapped by plastic bags. In India, an estimated number of 20 cows die per day as a result of ingesting plastic bags and having their digestive systems clogged by the bags. It is also very common across Africa to have sewers and drain systems clogged by bags which cause severe cases of malaria due to the increased population of mosquitoes that live on the flooded sewers. The term "white pollution" has been coined in China to describe the local and global effects of discarded plastic bags upon the environment.
Among the most common diseases are those associated with polluted drinking water: typhoid, hepatitis, dysentery, cholera, and various types of cancer. The chief causes of death are, in order of frequency, disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems and infectious and parasitic diseases. A study published in the Lancet in 2019 found that there were 892 diet-related deaths per 100,000 people a year, the highest number in the world. The reported incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has increased sharply beginning in 2002, partly because of a new government reporting policy and partly because of increased drug abuse In 2005 about 5,600 cases of HIV were known, after 2,000 new cases appeared in 2004.
Equines are odd-toed ungulates with slender legs, long heads, relatively long necks, manes (erect in most subspecies), and long tails. All species are herbivorous, and mostly grazers, with simpler digestive systems than ruminants but able to subsist on lower-quality vegetation. While the domestic horse and donkey (along with their feral descendants) exist worldwide, wild equine populations are limited to Africa and Asia. Wild equine social systems are in two forms; a harem system with tight-knit groups consisting of one adult male or stallion, several females or mares, and their young or foals; and a territorial system where males establish territories with resources that attract females, which associate very fluidly.
The primary function of the adult is reproduction; adults do not feed, and have only vestigial (unusable) mouthparts, while their digestive systems are filled with air. Dolania americana has the shortest adult lifespan of any mayfly: the adult females of the species live for less than five minutes. Male adults may patrol individually, but most congregate in swarms a few metres above water with clear open sky above it, and perform a nuptial (courtship) dance. Each insect has a characteristic up-and-down pattern of movement; strong wingbeats propel it upwards and forwards with the tail sloping down; when it stops moving its wings, it falls passively with the abdomen tilted upwards.
Ventral view of the viscera of a female alt=Diagram labeling siphon, intestine, nidamental gland, accessory nidamental gland, renal pore, and branchial heart Like all cephalopods, squids are predators and have complex digestive systems. The mouth is equipped with a sharp, horny beak mainly made of chitin and cross-linked proteins, which is used to kill and tear prey into manageable pieces. The beak is very robust, but does not contain minerals, unlike the teeth and jaws of many other organisms; the cross-linked proteins are histidine- and glycine-rich and give the beak a stiffness and hardness greater than most equivalent synthetic organic materials. The stomachs of captured whales often have indigestible squid beaks inside.
In his 2006 re-evaluation, Carpenter examined the paleobiology of giant sauropods, including Amphicoelias, and addressed the question of why this group attained such a huge size. He pointed out that gigantic sizes were reached early in sauropod evolution, with very large sized species present as early as the late Triassic Period, and concluded that whatever evolutionary pressure caused large size was present from the early origins of the group. Carpenter cited several studies of giant mammalian herbivores, such as elephants and rhinoceros, which showed that larger size in plant-eating animals leads to greater efficiency in digesting food. Since larger animals have longer digestive systems, food is kept in digestion for significantly longer periods of time, allowing large animals to survive on lower-quality food sources.
In his 2006 re-evaluation, Carpenter examined the paleobiology of giant sauropods, including Maraapunisaurus, and addressed the question of why this group attained such a huge size. He pointed out that gigantic sizes were reached early in sauropod evolution, with very large sized species present as early as the late Triassic Period, and concluded that whatever evolutionary pressure caused large size was present from the early origins of the group. Carpenter cited several studies of giant mammalian herbivores, such as elephants and rhinoceros, which showed that larger size in plant-eating animals leads to greater efficiency in digesting food. Since larger animals have longer digestive systems, food is kept in digestion for significantly longer periods of time, allowing large animals to survive on lower-quality food sources.
Haeckel's 'Monophyletischer Stambaum der Organismen' from Generelle Morphologie der Organismen (1866) with the three branches Plantae, Protista, Animalia In his 1817 work, Le Règne Animal, the French zoologist Georges Cuvier combined evidence from comparative anatomy and palaeontology to divide the animal kingdom into four body plans. Taking the central nervous system as the main organ system which controlled all the others, such as the circulatory and digestive systems, Cuvier distinguished four body plans or embranchements:De Wit, Hendrik Cornelius Dirk De Wit. Histoire du Développement de la Biologie, Volume III, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, Lausanne, 1994, p. 94-96. Grouping animals with these body plans resulted in four branches: vertebrates, molluscs, articulata (including insects and annelids) and zoophytes or radiata.
It has been found that being restricted to a largely vegetarian diet puts constraints on the growth and size of bears who live off of them, largely because their digestive systems do not process plants as well as animal fats and proteins. Among all living bears, brown bears are uniquely equipped to dig for tough foods, such as roots and shoots. They use their long, strong claws to dig out earth to reach the roots and their powerful jaws to bite through them. For the most part, the consumed plant life in spring, predominantly roots immediately post-hibernation and grasses later in spring, is not highly nutritious for bears and mainly staves off hunger and starvation until more nutritious food is available.
From an evolutionary perspective, hagfish represent a transitory state between the generalized nutrient absorption pathways of aquatic invertebrates and the more specialized digestive systems of aquatic vertebrates. Like leeches, they have a sluggish metabolism and can survive months between feedings; their feeding behavior, however, appears quite vigorous. Analysis of the stomach content of several species has revealed a large variety of prey, including polychaetes, shrimp, hermit crabs, cephalopods, brittlestars, bony fishes, sharks, birds, and whale flesh. In captivity, hagfish are observed to use the overhand-knot behavior in reverse (tail-to-head) to assist them in gaining mechanical advantage to pull out chunks of flesh from carrion fish or cetaceans, eventually making an opening to permit entry to the interior of the body cavity of larger carcasses.
A 2008 report cited the independent work of researchers in Japan, who were unable to replicate Hayes' work. "The scientists found no hermaphrodite frogs; no increase in aromatase as measured by aromatase mRNA induction; and no increase in vitellogenin, another marker of feminization." A 2007 study examined the relative importance of environmentally relevant concentrations of atrazine on trematode cercariae versus tadpole defense against infection. Its principal finding was that susceptibility of wood frog tadpoles to infection by E. trivolvis is increased only when hosts were exposed to an atrazine concentration of 30 ng/L and not to 3 ng/L. A 2008 study reported that tadpoles developed deformed hearts and impaired kidneys and digestive systems when chronically exposed to atrazine concentrations of 10 ppm in their early stages of life.
On the other hand, the Handbook states that the character Quicksilver was born with adaptations that make higher speeds possible, such as enhanced cardiovascular, respiratory, musculature, and digestive systems, a more efficient metabolism, better lubricated joints, tendons with the tensile strength of spring steel, unidentified bone composition that can withstand the dynamic shock of his touching the ground at speeds over 100 miles an hour, and a brain that can process information fast enough for him to react to his surroundings at high speed.The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, by Mark Gruenwald and Peter Sanderson; Volume Five; Pages 55 & 128. In DC Comics, the Flash family of speedsters derive their abilities from an extradimensional energy source known as the Speed Force, which grants them superspeed and various other abilities required to use it, such as durability.
Females are more typical in appearance to other fish, whereas the males are tiny rudimentary creatures with stunted digestive systems. A male must find a female and fuse with her: he then lives parasitically, becoming little more than a sperm-producing body in what amounts to an effectively hermaphrodite composite organism. A similar situation is found in the Zeus water bug Phoreticovelia disparata where the female has a glandular area on her back that can serve to feed a male, which clings to her (note that although males can survive away from females, they generally are not free- living). This is taken to the logical extreme in the Rhizocephala crustaceans, like the Sacculina, where the male injects itself into the female's body and becomes nothing more than sperm producing cells, to the point that the superorder used to be mistaken for hermaphroditic.
Mistletoes are often considered pests that kill trees and devalue natural habitats, but some species have recently been recognized as ecological keystone species, organisms that have a disproportionately pervasive influence over their community.David M. Watson, "Mistletoe-A Keystone Resource in Forests and Woodlands Worldwide" Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 32 (2001:219–249). A broad array of animals depend on mistletoe for food, consuming the leaves and young shoots, transferring pollen between plants and dispersing the sticky seeds. In western North America their juicy berries are eaten and spread by birds (notably Phainopepla, or silky-flycatcher) while in Australia the mistletoebird behaves similarly. When eaten, some seeds pass unharmed through their digestive systems; if the birds’ droppings happen to land on a suitable branch, the seeds may stick long enough to germinate. As the plants mature, they grow into masses of branching stems which suggest the popular name "witches’ brooms".

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