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969 Sentences With "dictators"

How to use dictators in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dictators" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dictators". Mastering all the usages of "dictators" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Admiring dictators, but in a nice wayTrump's admiration of dictators is no secret.
He is coddling up to dictators today and reviving the tactics of dictators from the past.
Dictators and would-be dictators like Putin, Sisi, Erdogan, and now Duterte have gotten far friendlier receptions.
It's remarkable how many dictators are poets—could you turn it around and say that many poets could have been dictators?
He openly praised dictators — not as allies but as dictators — and threatened to use the powers of his office to discipline the media.
"Like all dictators, Iranian dictators don't like satire and comedy," said Maryam Faghihimani, an Iranian researcher and founder of Oslo's Centre for Cultural Diplomacy & Development.
The U.S. has either ignored those grievances, backed quasi-governments that can't redress them, or supported dictators and would-be dictators who would add to them.
In " Dictators' Dinners: A Bad Taste Guide to Entertaining Tyrants," Victoria Clark and Melissa Scott offer astonishing insights into dictators' table manners, food vices, and fears of poisonings.
" The Virginia Democrat said, "This is what dictators do.
Dictators maintain extensive security apparatuses not just to repress the people but to understand them; they serve as the feedback channel through which dictators get the information which they need to govern.
"This is the kind of things dictators do," he said.
On the contrary, Trump will have greater affinity with dictators.
Egypt's dictators by turns persecuted, embraced and tolerated the Brotherhood.
Thatcher rightly denounced referendums as devices of "demagogues and dictators".
America has negotiated with, and even supported, evil dictators before.
Dictators face less pressure to be abstemious in the air.
Another was the economic failure of most of the dictators.
You don't have to say positive things about brutal dictators.
The big picture: Elsewhere in North Africa, dictators are falling.
That's not how democracy works; it's how dictators behave. Period.
Judicial independence is as important as punishing the dictators' henchmen.
"That's how dictators get started," McCain told NBC's Chuck Todd.
No president should praise foreign dictators and insult democratic allies.
He has cozied up to dictators while slamming America's friends.
America's national security trumps presidential bonding with hostile Asian dictators.
Trump dismissed the notion that he buddied up to dictators.
Breaking apart families is a tool of supremacists and dictators.
Dictators use the offshore system to loot their own countries.
States run by dictators, in the neocon view, are enemies.
He and the dictators are basically playing the same game.
And that brings us to Trump's strange love of dictators.
"2011 taught people that dictators eventually leave," he said Monday.
He could cozy up to dictators, and he would survive.
Their dictators and absolute monarchs dominated the modern Middle East.
"Trump does have quite an affinity for dictators," she responded.
All these converged in a single cult style among dictators.
He has been insulting democratic allies while praising murderous dictators.
Source: Dictators' Dinners: A Bad Taste Guide to Entertaining Tyrants
And time was American presidential hopefuls didn't applaud foreign dictators.
"They get started by suppressing free press," McCain said of dictators.
Human rights Amnesty International usually goes after dictators, tyrants and warlords.
So perhaps keeping dictators in place isn't better than removing them.
It has mostly been ruled by dictators since independence in 1960.
He's also often considered one of South East Asia's worst dictators.
This is the model of Arab dictators like Gamal Abdel Nasser.
He speaks positively about foreign dictators and acts like one himself.
Thus, sordidly, ends the era of one of Africa's great dictators.
I just think of Qaddafi, I think of all these dictators.
They admire dictators (Duke: Hilter; Trump: Russia's Putin and Turkey's Erdogan).
Birobidzhan clearly teaches us not to count on dictators for autonomy.
Some say they prop up dictators; others, that they spur development.
Membership in the Dictators boys club does NOT make America safe!
He openly sympathizes with foreign dictators while alienating longtime U.S. allies.
In their place, Trump lavished saccharine praise on dictators and strongmen.
Clients of Manafort's lobbying firm have included dictators and controversial businessmen.
He's praised murderous dictators like Vladimir Putin and Bashar Al-Assad.
"Africa rising was really good for some crackpot dictators," he added.
Last time I checked, communist don't have monarchs, they have dictators.
Dictators put their enemies in jail and keep their friends out.
It has empowered anti-American dictators in Iraq, Libya and Syria.
Let us all say "nyet" to Putin and to dictators everywhere.
What is it with President Trump and his obsequiousness to dictators?
Us.Sanders is nothing if not consistent, even when he's praising dictators.
"I'm more worried about living dictators than dead ones," he added.
More than 70 different dictators ruled Haiti from 1804 to 1915.
Yet he is displaying events that Tunisia's dictators sought to suppress.
Once dictators are marginalized in places with ancient rivalries, conflict erupts.
Dictators are not "okay," but negotiating with them is often necessary.
The latter was meant to protect citizens from dictators or occupiers.
Almost everywhere, it seemed, dictators were out and democrats were in.
Dictators refuse to allow a voice to those who oppose them.
"That's something you see a lot of dictators do," she said.
Ditto attacks on the press, harassment of opponents, fondness for dictators.
Ultra-wired dictators would run into similar problems as economic planners.
The president's principal emotion in the face of dictators is envy.
Exactly. The kind of characteristics ... How many dictators you got elected.
Source: Dictators' Dinners: A Bad Taste Guide to Entertaining Tyrants, Britannica
Source: Dictators' Dinners: A Bad Taste Guide to Entertaining Tyrants, VICE
Source: Dictators' Dinners: A Bad Taste Guide to Entertaining Tyrants, Time
When Franklin Roosevelt became president in 1932, dictators dominated the world stage.
Dictators such as Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe would find this approach very familiar.
It's a story of diplomatic failures, madcap dictators, and tricky geopolitical maneuvering.
African dictators are leery of a Trump presidency, and for good reason.
The audience, consisting mostly of autocrats and dictators, spouted gushers of flattery.
THE NAMES of the 20th century's bloodiest dictators are synonymous with evil.
Dictators ruled the day and cared for little but their own survival.
He has cosied up to foreign dictators while traducing his own officials.
Those are the way tin-pot dictators act, jailing their political opponents.
And still, coaches bemoan the one time they can't act as dictators.
This is the story of many dictators, demagogues, populists, even progressive populists.
Margaret Thatcher once dismissed referendums as "a device of dictators and demagogues".
The military and Sisi himself were heroes to some, dictators to others.
The Kennedys champion human rights and challenge dictators to tear down walls.
For nearly forty years, she has intimidated dictators and charmed prime ministers.
WHENEVER dictators stifle dissent, the art which most often survives is music.
He will not stand in the ranks of the dictators he admires.
For corrupt dictators, Chinese aid is even better than the Western kind.
" President Trump says it's "okay" to meet with dictators: "Come on in.
BRASÍLIA — They were idealists, united in the struggle against Brazil's military dictators.
"On the contrary, Trump will have greater affinity with dictators," he said.
At least in Pakistan, she said, they hadn't chosen their own dictators.
Freedom of expression simply cannot be negotiated with autocrats, dictators or bullies.
Then it relied on homegrown kings, colonels and dictators to maintain order.
"When it comes to dictators, President Trump is all praise," Cooper said.
Trump prefers the company of dictators who can flatter and be flattered.
American presidents have been fond of hosting Pakistani dictators at Camp David.
Reagan never lionized ruthless dictators, let alone fell 'in love' with one.
When things get tough, dictators and populists must fight on many fronts.
He stood out from his fellow dictators, above all, for his bluntness.
"We will be equal, dictators together of our own fate," he said.
Pakistan's judiciary has played handmaiden to military dictators in other ways, too.
Does the no cozying up to dictators principle include Persian Gulf monarchs?
Around the world, nonviolent civil resistance has toppled dictators and oppressive regimes.
At times that has meant cultivating close ties to strongmen or dictators.
Better then to submit to one's dictators than compromise oneself with foreigners.
Dictators are not normal political leaders, and we cannot treat them so.
Comparing the leader of the free world to murderous dictators is absurd.
Dictators rarely agree with such principles, at least not without a fight.
Source: Dictators' Dinners: A Bad Taste Guide to Entertaining Tyrants, Business Insider
The backsliders include America, where the president seems to prefer dictators to democrats.
Decades of working with dictators had not created a stable, prosperous Arab world.
Yet, to this day, dictators rely on an obedient army to retain power.
These liberal assumptions have been challenged from the top for years — by dictators.
Immigrants blame their plight on Venezuela's rulers, labeling them as dictators and thieves.
The same tool that united us to topple dictators eventually tore us apart.
In him, I see the petty dictators my grandparents ran from in Europe.
Sometimes this take years, but the dictators always lose out in the end.
Dictators tend to lose popularity when they stay in office for too long.
A similar dynamic is occurring with Trump's praise of dictators like Saddam Hussein.
"Dictators seem to get elevated and people who believe in democracy not," Sen.
Rebels and dictators often refuse to give up unless they are promised amnesty.
The right kinds of dictators can be more predictable and profitable than democracies.
They're providing the tools and tactics dictators need to continue oppressing their people.
When surveys don't go according to plan, dictators can simply shut polling down.
Silencing reporters and disappearing people were the hallmarks of Latin America's military dictators.
" She added: "President Trump has a track record of praising dictators and strongmen.
Stalin was another tyrant who would make the "worst dictators in history" list.
This does not mean Trump is unwilling to criticize dictators for their abuse.
Since the end of the Arab uprisings Western countries have reembraced regional dictators.
Curiously, Trump has one soft spot that defies easy characterizations: he likes dictators.
"He praises dictators like Vladimir Putin and picks fights with our friends," Mrs.
Trump could start by immediately curtailing his effusive praise for dictators and strongmen.
Detestable, and harkens back to Trump's duplicitous acceptances of denials from other dictators.
It's very chic, it's very chichi for leftists to celebrate vicious communist dictators.
Women have confronted military dictators and fought on the streets against discriminatory laws.
He's not enamored of overseas dictators or the gun lobby or religious zealots.
He's embraced strong men and dictators at the expense of the great democracies.
Democratically elected leaders borrow from the anti-press playbook of dictators and tyrants.
But historically, one risk is that dictators come to believe their own propaganda.
Critics of American policy point out that sanctions have never toppled determined dictators.
Within 24 hours, Tay was tweeting about racism, anti-semitism, dictators, and more.
And that can only give heart to dictators who view inconsistency as weakness.
Biden said Trump is "dumbing down the presidency" and coddling up to dictators.
Hong Kong (CNN)Throughout history, protesters worldwide have torn down statues of dictators.
And I'm repulsed by current U.S. policies that coddle dictators and diminish democracy.
The mullahs, like all bullies and dictators, only understand the language of power.
"But the first thing they say to me, almost always, 'Congratulations on your economy,'" Trump said, after his comments on dictators entering the US.The president's visits with dictators, as well as his praise of them, has proved controversial in the past.
It is alarming to witness a president of the United States, who often praises foreign dictators who abuse human rights, acting like those dictators by launching aggressive and hostile attacks on news organizations that are bulwarks of the free press.
He is well aware that other dictators have been killed after they've been overthrown.
They've found ways to excuse Trump's praise for dictators and his racist dog whistles.
Middle Eastern dictators are not known for their magnanimity, and Syria is no exception.
Many of the details in Albright's pocket histories of various dictators are similarly familiar.
Outright dictators like Josef Stalin and Nicolae Ceausescu believed they could actually alter it.
Go deeper: John Bolton says U.S. support for other dictators doesn't undermine Maduro strategy
We don't know want dictators, tax evaders and other criminals using our property market.
So I think, yeah, regime change is easy, getting rid of dictators is easy.
History's bloodiest dictators forced to live together in a Seattle loft and find love.
As it turns out, Christian runs the books for the world's most hated dictators.
The Dominican Republic pulled ahead in part because it was luckier in its dictators.
But this is how tyrants, this is how autocrats, this is how dictators behave.
Perhaps royalty, and dictators, affect us all, especially those who grow up with them.
"Kings and monarchs and dictators seek that kind of loyalty," Tribe said on Sunday.
But as long as dictators and autocrats reign, we must continue to speak out.
Dictators of all stripes relied on retouching to alter photos that portrayed "inconvenient" realities.
Their looming concrete towers, so devoid of ornamentation, remind us of scary Soviet dictators.
History teaches us that we must stop dictators and tyrants before they seize power.
Countries around the world are not fated to a future of dictators or extremists.
Dictators in the mold of Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe continue to terrorize their own populations.
Mr. Kim, at 34, is one of the world's youngest and most reclusive dictators.
Isn't it weird that these ruthless dictators have such a well developed sensitive side?
Well, in most Arab countries, it's perfectly normal that dictators or rulers write poetry.
The Vicar of Christ cut deals with dictators, including a devil's bargain with Mussolini.
This is a country between dictators, a country, for now, of festivity and hope.
Squeezing regional dictators is simply not a priority for Latin America's democratically elected leaders.
"We don't want to be dictators of what people should think," Mr. Dragset said.
"Adding insult to injury, he seems to have a love for dictators," Schumer said.
Like all brutal dictators before him, Mr. Assad will bring about his own downfall.
Nor do they understand that they have appropriated the culture of dictators and tyrannies.
It's the kind of thing that dictators and demagogues like to tell their people.
In every corner of the world, dictators are ascendant and increasingly entrenched in power.
In other cases, like Niger, Honduras and Burkina Faso, dictators were ousted by coups.
And expressed his admiration for the power exerted by authoritarian dictators around the world.
Americans used to find the antics of these regimes, with their tinpot dictators, funny.
"It would greenlight this conduct for all the dictators of the world," Jordan said.
Like dictators do, he hates the media -- unless it reports only glowingly about him.
They've found ways to excuse Trump's praises of dictators and his racist dog whistles.
Cartoonish dictators and bloodless politicians move through landscapes of corporate logos and flag motifs.
There is no question that, during the Cold War, the US did do a great deal of meddling in Latin America, supporting horrific right-wing dictators and militias, often against Soviet-backed left-wing dictators and militias (and sometimes against democratically elected leftists).
Dalton Trumbo was too soft on dictators like Stalin and Hitler, or so said CNSnews.
Especially the president of the United States is picking fights with Canada and praising dictators.
Gabbard has continually connected with dictators aligned with both Russian interests and Republican foreign policy.
"Regardless of what happens in this meeting between two dictators..."You got that one right!!!
Democratically elected proto-dictators use a two-pronged approach after taking power by legitimate means.
This has been the wish and the downfall of dictators and nations through the ages.
No two dictators are the same, and neither are the issues concerning our national security.
New administrations should be prepared to be tested by many of these dictators and tyrants.
What do you think Trump's relationship with world leaders who are basically strongmen or dictators?
But being happy that these dictators fell does not mean that people are better off.
But the biggest problem is that Trump has a penchant for legitimizing dictators and strongmen.
Kim, MBS and Putin are dictators to whom Trump always gives the benefit of doubt.
It is instructive to determine why the Kim dictators have pursued nuclear weapons so emphatically.
While Trump has a habit of praising dictators, his effusions for Kim are unusually florid.
Pena Nieto had likened Trump to dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini earlier this year.
Under President Reagan, the U.S. government abandoned its longstanding policy of supporting right-wing dictators.
More times than not, dictators are not accountable for the common good (China, Saudi Arabia).
He also compared the solutions Mr. Trump offers to those of history's most hated dictators.
He grew up in Haiti, which has cycled through dictators and contested elections for decades.
So, instead of sucking up to dictators, we want you to find a safer hobby.
Trump himself clearly has the same instincts as the foreign dictators he so openly admires.
But the fundamental truth was that Robert Mugabe was one of Africa's most evil dictators.
I always say, someone was talking about the internet and dictators don't like the internet.
It was supposed to topple dictators, to build social collaboration, to punish defection and isolation.
Few people have spent so much time around negotiating tables with thugs, warlords and dictators.
And in the meantime, avoid entertaining visitors who are lobbyists for thug-like Ukrainian dictators.
You show you're not cuddling up to dictators by thanking a dictator for his support.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman appears to be following this barbaric policy of previous dictators.
Those are reasons enough for the monarchs and dictators attacking Qatar to silence Al Jazeera.
Talk is cheap and this is equally true for barroom braggarts and tin-pot dictators.
But the politics of some of those dark dictators was to always have an enemy.
I also worry that Trump is buoying the repressive instincts of dictators around the world.
None of the country's military dictators had ever before been held accountable for their actions.
While it helped topple dictators, many of the changes in those countries were short-lived.
Instead, Trump continues to dismiss our own experts and take the word of dictators instead.
He said dictators like Syria's Bashar Assad's now use the phrase "fake news" against critics.
We have had productive relationships with Monarchs, Dictators, Kings, and countries of all political affiliations.
"That sent a signal to dictators around the world that that's O.K.," Ms. Klobuchar said.
These are the kind of fearless diplomats we need to stare down dictators and despots.
Here is the story of how he became one of the world&aposs scariest dictators.
This is the precise picture of a long oppressed people's rising up against their dictators.
This is the precise picture of a long oppressed people rising up against their dictators.
"What makes this country different from countries with dictators in Africa, or Stalin or Hitler or any of those countries with dictators and totalitarian leaders, is when they took over, they put their opponents in jail," CNN's Dana Bash said Sunday night after the debate.
And what dictators are not already able to coerce you or Apple to unlock your phone?
He's done this by giving credibility to tabloid journalism, fake news, conspiracy theories and Russian dictators.
Maybe, you know, honestly like overthrow some corrupt dictators in the world, that would be awesome.
How did they become the party that, through deceit, distraction, deflection and distortion, now allows dictators?
Dictators hedge against regime change by ensuring that the resulting power vacuum would be even worse.
When you look at history, the first thing that dictators do is shut down the press.
They tried to bribe these despots and dictators with billions and hundreds of billions of dollars.
Dictators can be afforded the luxury of pure grief, while few others are given this privilege.
Throwing people in jail without charge, trial or sentence is the practice of dictators, not democracies.
Tony Blair became rich in his retirement by offering advice to bankers and third-world dictators.
Pop stars and preachers campaigned for relief from "odious debt" that dictators imposed on their people.
He has compared the GOP presidential nominee to dictators such as Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
The pair have apparently worked on dozens of cases involving defending dictators all around the world.
But the deals broke down when the dictators fell or wobbled, leaving Christians in a predicament.
Aid can also burden weak bureaucracies, distort markets, prop up dictators and help prolong civil wars.
"To all the dictators violating human rights in the world, this can happen," Mr. Guengueng said.
The "Greatest Generation" understood that retrenchment as a foreign policy simply emboldened dictators, fascists and zealots.
True, there was never consistency to U.S. policy, but dictators understood that slaughtering civilians risked reaction.
Progressive pastors and priests campaigned against the military dictators who ruled the country in past decades.
HRC has indeed become a "haven for dictators" and a den of gross human-rights violators.
Years ago, few assumed that Mr. Assad would join the ranks of the world's bloodiest dictators.
When the Arab Spring erupted, in 2011, it forced out dictators in Tunisia, Egypt, and elsewhere.
Even in Nicaragua under the Sandinista and in Augusto Pinochet's Chile, dictators would be decisively defeated.
In the century since, kings and dictators have mostly sought to subjugate in their own interest.
Through the years, the United States had supported Guatemala's dictators with money, weapons, intelligence, and training.
Do you agree, the free press should ask Pence, when the president often praises foreign dictators?
As Ward has noted previously, the Trump administration has a tendency to side with foreign dictators.
Dictators, corrupt officials and international meddling have competed with earthquakes and hurricanes to destabilize the country.
Yes, it's disturbing that our president likes dictators, but that's a symptom of something more sinister.
We cannot elect a man who belittles our closest allies while embracing dictators like Vladimir Putin.
Dictators like Viktor Orban and their anti-Semitic ilk cannot be allowed to harvest their crimes.
It's very similar to the framing that Putin and other dictators use to justify their power.
The regime should invest in its own people instead of bankrolling dictators, terrorists, missiles and militias.
One of the basic premises of the Carter Center is that you should talk to dictators.
That was followed by tweets of fake quotes last week attributed to Bernie Sanders praising dictators.
" — David Axelrod "I'm not sure what Bernie gains by the 'sometimes dictators do good things' defense.
Key stats: He has tweeted 570 attacks against immigrants and tweeted praise to dictators 132 times.
Then, as now, silencing criticism is the number one goal of dictators during times of crisis.
France's support for military dictators and sit-tight leaders in Africa is shameful, troubling and ongoing.
"In a democracy you don't pay tribute to dictators or tyrants," parliamentary spokeswoman Adriana Lastra said.
South Korea's dictators had offered economic growth and political repression; its people were clamoring for more.
Of course, this does not mean that Trump should never meet and be civil with dictators.
Cartoon by Nick Downes The worst dictators tend to be the most enthusiastic readers and writers.
As a way to topple dictators, nonviolent struggle has double the success rate of violent resistance.
That's what is done by tin-pot dictators spanning the globe from North Korea to Zimbabwe.
" Said CNN's Dana Bash: "Not to sound too corny, but what makes this country different from countries with dictators in Africa or Stalin or Hitler or any of those countries with dictators and totalitarian leaders is when they took over, they put their opponents in jail.
"    "Under this administration, we will no longer appease dictators and despots near our shores in this Hemisphere.
"Dictators love elections," said Busingye Kabumba, a law lecturer at Makerere University in Kampala, the Ugandan capital.
There have been dictators who've caressed their horses and much-hated imperialists who've cuddled little lion cubs.
Otherwise, we are simply sending a message to despots and dictators everywhere they can behave with impunity.
Time and time again, President Donald Trump seems to side with dictators over his own intelligence community.
" Without it, McCain cautioned, America would lose too many "individual liberties," adding, "that's how dictators get started.
Donald Trump through the past year has said he's admired dictators and authoritarians from around the world.
And regardless of their reasons for killing domain fronting now, the dictators have scored another victory.[Signal]
John McCain (R-Ariz.) just kept reciting the names of dictators during President Donald Trump's swearing-in.
Dictators, strongmen and autocrats have practiced the art of drumming up loathing toward others to great effect.
Dictators and tyrants are using Trump's words to justify their own abuses of power in their countries.
It had relationships with dictators, for example to co-operate against terrorism, but it also criticised them.
Haiti was ruled nearly three decades by father-son dictators, who assassinated political foes and eliminated dissent.
He coddles dictators, and he's made our border a symbol of nativist hostility all the world over.
Even royal dictators worry about public opinion, and in Saudi Arabia it is against compromise with Israel.
But for dictators, despots and other manipulators and enemies of democracy, there has been plenty to enjoy.
Many kings or dictators fear the masses, and create corps of bodyguards to shield them, she notes.
In other places he has been happy to embrace dictators and ignore the erosion of human rights.
US hostility has led it to support dictators, butchers & extremists, who've only brought ruin to our region.
The Obama administration is "being played by brutal dictators", among them Cuba's president, Raúl Castro, he thunders.
After all, tin-pot dictators—not U.S. presidents—centralize power in the hands of unqualified family members.
In supporting the Arab Spring, horrific dictators were overthrown without consideration for who would fill the voids.
Dictators have traditionally relied on state media to cast even their most quotidian accomplishments in hagiographic terms.
There's a scholar named Erica Chenoweth who has studied social movements throughout history that have overthrown dictators.
So shitty dictators that can barely turn on a computer can hack and spy on their opposition.
Their priests serve under dictators, from two-bit rulers of banana republics to crushing states like China.
Without question, Twitter, Facebook and the advent of mobile communications brought down dictators during the Arab Spring.
That's why critics remain useful, not as the Pauline Kael-style dictators of yesteryear but as explainers.
Autocrats and dictators fear sarcasm because it destroys the mystique that is essential to maintaining their power.
In some scenarios, big tech's capabilities are being used by dictators to craft a dystopian digital reality.
Mediator The thing about dictators is they don't have to answer any stinking questions from the press.
But does that rule also apply to one of the better-known dictators of the 20th century?
But what about all the people who went through traumatic childhoods, and didn't become dictators or criminals?
One of the biggest knocks on Trump's foreign policy is that he admires dictators, even murderous ones.
Clinton takes aim, for example, at Trump's positive comments about dictators in Russia, China, and North Korea.
It is what the dictators in Moscow and Beijing and the mullahs in Qom will never get.
It led to the overthrow of dictators in some countries, but to grueling civil war in others.
We assume that cash-strapped dictators will quickly fall because they can no longer buy people's loyalty.
No nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rogue states, brutal tyrants, and murderous dictators.
Though they're not as extreme, they recall images from around the world of falling statues of dictators.
So Americans need to ask ourselves: Isn't it time to stop enabling dictators like Juan Orlando Hernández?
He is jealous of dictators in other countries (Vladimir Putin) whom he admires and longs to emulate.
Myanmar's transition, as flawed and corrupted as it has been, was a process dictated by the dictators.
Across the Middle East, aging dictators clung to power with the blessing and support of the West.
But what's terrifying about Trump is that he seems to prefer dictators to our democratic allies everywhere.
American interventions have generally been aimed at helping non-authoritarian candidates challenge dictators or otherwise promoting democracy.
Trump was like, 'Yes, I dictated it, and I am one of the healthiest dictators ever elected.
President Donald Trump reliably tells the truth on one thing: He likes the way dictators do business.
There is no Day of Victory in this fight — and certainly no victory in siding with dictators.
U.N. archives are full of despots and dictators using sovereignty as their justification for flaunting international norms.
It is dictators who, through repression, produce Islamists and jihadists, who threaten stability, which justifies authoritarian rule.
"An American president does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections," Sen.
President Trump has stood by as his favorite dictators have ridden roughshod over the rights of journalists.
"An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections," Sen.
MORE (R-Ariz.), have criticized Trump's rhetoric, saying it empowers dictators abroad to crack down on journalists.
The same dictators fill both books, but Kalder's focus is on their words more than their acts.
He pleaded with foreign dictators to help fix presidential elections in his favor in 2016 and 2020.
No nation can succeed in the long run by promoting rouge states, brutal tyrants, and murderous dictators.
The east African nation has seen far less violence under Museveni than the two dictators who preceded him.
"Backing ruthless dictators over our allies in the region?" tweeted U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, a Democratic presidential hopeful.
Some see in Trump a reflection of their own political figures, from dictators to buffoonish and controversial entertainers.
He's praised dictators from North Korea's Kim Jong Un to Russia's Vladimir Putin to the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte.
From the Mediterranean to the Pacific, Mr Putin is hailed as an example by nationalists, populists and dictators.
The country was ruled by three decades of father-son dictators who assassinated political foes and crushed dissent.
"We cannot elect a man who belittles our closest allies while embracing dictators like Vladimir Putin," Biden insisted.
I would like to think in the medium- and long-term that dictators come to a bad end.
All this carries a whiff of the Somozas, the brutal, thieving dictators whom the Sandinistas overthrew in 1979.
Although Venezuela's regime claims to be socialist, its practices are similar to those of the old-school dictators.
Why would a man known for his international dealings as a lobbyist for global dictators be stockpiling iPods?
Even dictators found it necessary to conduct phony elections to cover their rule with a cloak of legitimacy.
Dictators were propped up in Iraq, Syria, Libya—all over the place, a Godfather-esque takeover started forming.
In March, Pena Nieto likened Trump's "strident tone" to the ascent of dictators Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
He pointed to Trump's comments endorsing waterboarding, insulting U.S. allies like China and praising dictators like Saddam Hussein.
You helped to elect someone who has openly embraced dictators and said he didn't even want an election!
"An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections," McCain said.
He was the second civilian president elected in South Korea after years of military dictators, not the first.
He needs to put the house in order," one protester told the AP. "We don't want any dictators.
We cannot stand silent when dictators act with such flagrant disregard to fundamental norms of fairness and justice.
He is descended from a line of dictators and has built a nuclear bomb to protect his interests.
They didn't care that he found ways to avoid paying taxes or that he expressed admiration for dictators.
A start would be to recognize the vicious character of the dictators and tyrants whom the U.N. enables.
Despite this lived experience, the common opinion that Middle Eastern women are best served by secular dictators endures.
"  "Would we be having to wonder if our president's love of dictators foreshadows some kind of coup here?
Still other censorship reflects sensitivities that arise from operating in dozens of countries, including some run by dictators.
What a strong guy," and cozying up to dictators and calling our allies weak and stupid," Weld said.
Liberals and many Democrats criticize Trump for alienating traditional allies like Canada, France and Germany while befriending dictators.
As a result, the fashion dictators of cycling are the sponsors who pay riders to be rolling billboards.
It's full of all the images that are very hard to show — everything from dictators to the toilet.
Even murderous dictators hell-bent on amassing nukes need a hobby, and for Kim Jong Un, it's basketball.
"Switzerland is still one of the best places for corrupt dictators to hide their money," Mr. Pilet said.
In addition, Trump has undercut the appeal of democracy while heartily embracing dictators and autocrats around the world.
Even by the grim standards of recent Egyptian dictators, General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi has been extraordinarily repressive.
In China, Turkey and Russia, dictators have played on nationalist sentiments to concentrate power in their own hands.
The whole project was a gamble, because I had no idea how many poet-dictators I would find.
Trump likes what he perceives to be strong men, like dictators and oligarchs (short hair, all of 'em).
Challenging our adversaries and promoting democracy replaced by coddling Russia and cozying up to dictators near and far.
We can meet our security imperatives without giving a green light to dictators who abuse universal human rights.
"This sort of dance between east and west, between dictators and Brussels, it cannot work forever," he said.
Flag-waving super-patriots who called Democrats unpatriotic are perfectly OK when Republicans actively collude with foreign dictators.
And Sanders's biggest political vulnerability as he calls for revolution is his exotic view of Latin American dictators.
The Royal Shakespeare Company recently set the play in Africa, powerfully evoking the continent's dictators and civil wars.
"An American President does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections," McCain said.
Iran supports and props up dictators; not just Syria's Bashar al-Assad, but here in the Western Hemisphere.
He accused the Castro regime of both being and supporting "ruthless dictators," including embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.
PACIFIC: Silicon Chips and Surfboards, Coral Reefs and Atom Bombs, Brutal Dictators and Fading Empires, by Simon Winchester.
To declaim "America first" and again, "America first," is to recall the darkest clarion calls of nationalist dictators.
"I do not mind the fact that [Trump] sat down with dictators like Kim [Jong Un]," Yang said.
The practice, long followed by dictators, has now been adopted even by the "misleaders of the free world".
It has an ugly history of being wielded by dictators and tyrants who sought to control public information.
But Cohen aims his ire at Hoover with a fervor typically reserved for fascist dictators or domestic terrorists.
Instead, brutal dictators, despots and war criminals are granted an open ear and open mind from President Trump.
In none of these cases did dictators simply roll over and give up after a weekend of dialogue.
In Washington, Mr. Manafort was known for representing dictators and strongmen, such as Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines.
Following Mr. Trump's example, many of the world's autocrats and dictators are taking a shine to it, too.
Here&aposs what we know of how Kim grew to be one of the world&aposs scariest dictators.
In seeking to understand how political dictators influence their progeny, Nordlinger draws up a debatable list of 17 strongmen.
In fact, there are more than a few political leaders, dictators, and men of ill repute who adore animals.
During the campaign, he pined for the days of strongman dictators who were able to preserve stability and order.
During the half century that they ruled the country, Myanmar's military dictators occasionally turned to astrology for policy decisions.
Trump, like dictators in the Middle East where I've performed comedy countless times, don't want to be publicly ridiculed.
All the dictators of Franco's ilk have vanished from Europe - Hitler, Mussolini - and were not honored with such tombs.
He calls the generals who took power as dictators in Brazil in 0003 and ruled for two decades "heroes".
Libya and Egypt both enjoyed brief moments of liberalisation after revolutions toppled their dictators, Muammar Qaddafi and Hosni Mubarak.
Mr Trump has mocked the folly of toppling dictators in Iraq or Libya (though he once backed both interventions).
Since his overthrow, many African countries have endured abusive dictators, warlords and large-scale bloodshed that has gone unpunished.
He said that Trump had a "Mount Rushmore" of dictators that he admired, including Vladimir Putin and Muammar Gaddafi.
The fascist dictators of the 1930s and '40s were terrible people, but they tended to have loads of charisma.
It is not known what precisely the two dictators discussed once they retired to a guest house for talks.
So Fall constantly shies away from considering what it means for a few rich benevolent dictators to redefine reality.
And by sending his troops into Uganda, he got rid of Idi Amin, one of the world's nastiest dictators.
The Telegraph published an article claiming that I'm the chosen photographer for African dictators, but that's just not true.
This admiration for displays of power can also be seen in his repeated praise of authoritarian leaders and dictators.
There's a long and ignoble tradition of American politicians from both major parties praising dictators who serve American interests.
John McCain "kept reciting" the names of dictators to her during President Donald Trump's inauguration speech in January 2017.
Or when he gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the dictators in Iran for a bogus denuclearization deal.
He has also filmed documentaries that showcase dictators like Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Cuba's Fidel Castro in positive lights.
The art of smart foreign policy is realizing you have to work with dictators and despots you don't like.
The most extreme contemporary example of this propaganda-machine would be North Korea and its former and current dictators.
Huey Long, George Wallace, and Ross Perot were also compared to fascists and accused of being would-be dictators.
The unapologetic removal of dictators as licensed by the Wolfowitz Doctrine underwrites American interventions in Libya, Iraq and Kosovo.
But like those of the dictators he'd hoped to emulate, his reign will one day come to an end.
For example: The use of chemical weapons was not limited to Hitler, or dictators like Saddam Hussein or Assad.
Police who had tortured and killed under military dictators carried on using the same techniques in the new era.
If American presidents have a long history of extolling dictators, they've at least sometimes done so for good reasons.
Each of those dictators still had the self-respect to not bring their unqualified adult children to international summits.
We may despise foreign dictators, but using military force to overthrow threatening regimes creates more problems than it solves.
"I don't understand Donald's bizarre fascination with dictators and strongmen who have no love for America," she once said.
The criminalization of political opposition is one of the time-honored tactics of monarchs and dictators through the ages.
Dictators of many stripes have loved kitsch, from Kim Jong-Il to Vladimir Putin to Saddam Hussein to Turkmenbashi.
And creating a whole city in the real world, of course, is a privilege reserved to kings or dictators.
Trump's interaction with dictators: If President Obama had done it, he would have been given the Nobel Peace Prize.
VICE: What do you love about dictators' poetry so much that inspired you to spend eight years studying it?
I would've liked to include dictators like Enver Hoxha, Franco, Pinochet, or Jaruzelski, but they've not written poems, unfortunately.
Dictators and poets have that in common: wanting to have an influence and leave a mark on their audience.
"Fake news," President Trump's battle cry, is now in heavy rotation with autocrats and dictators from Venezuela to Cambodia.
Large posters of the late dictators Saddam Hussein of Iraq and Muammar el-Qaddafi of Libya are behind him.
Not surprisingly, Trump, who basically seems to like dictators in general, has expressed admiration for Erdogan and his regime.
President Trump's enthusiasm for dictators in the Middle East is only the most recent—and the most egregious—example.
When the dictators lost their grips, countries across the region imploded, loosing savagery and suffering that still burns on.
Foremost among these is Frotty Anisman, a shifty and slovenly specialist in moving the liquid assets of unsavory dictators.
President Trump was on his best behavior, as is so often the case when he is dealing with dictators.
"The world's worst dictators are using [the president's] own words to justify their own abuses of power," he added.
Exhibit E is Trump's repeated high praise of foreign dictators, which is unprecedented in the history of American presidents.
"He undermines our Democratic alliances while embracing dictators who appeal to his vanity," Mr. Biden said of the president.
Leaders, it was said, weren't dictators or tyrants; instead of ordering us around, they influenced, motivated, and inspired us.
"Thoughts are like little dictators telling us what to do and we often listen to them," said Mr. Goldstein.
As history has taught us, silencing religion as an alternative to state power is a favorite tool of dictators.
Dictators, terrorists and criminals have been freeriding on the prosperity and liberty of the American economy for too long.
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was asked if he was bothered by sitting down with so many dictators.
No doubt he also recognizes that recent history show dictators with nukes (Russia, China) get to stay in power.
He eats fast food, likes pro wrestling and has the terrible taste in interior design common to arriviste dictators.
"Among the candidates for the presidents of America, he's the only man who says that once he becomes the president of America, he will fight the dictators — all African dictators including Museveni," one of the activists, Kizza Hakim, told a local TV station, referring to Uganda's 72-year-old President Yoweri Museveni.
Trump has made a habit of trusting dictators Trump's attempt to exploit Ukraine for political purposes appears to have largely been a product of his own inclinations and influence from Giuliani, but his willingness to listen to dictators like Orban and Putin has also apparently played a role in this escalating scandal.
Read more:Giuliani said Trump 'isn't fond of dictators' — here's every dictator Trump has praisedTrump calls Kim Jong Un a 'friend' while downplaying North Korean weapons testingBrian Klaas: Trump's behaviour is scarily similar to these 3 modern dictatorsTrump's willingness to listen to dictators has spiraled into a crisis that could upend his presidency
In the past, fascist regimes have been led by dictators with "complete power" that forced conformity to a particular viewpoint.
Not surprisingly, it ran afoul of those dictators who managed to hang on -- and who now clearly have Trump's ear.
"Just as in interventions past, those who oppose war are labeled supporters of dictators and haters of 'freedom,' " she tweeted.
" A spokesman for Democratic front-runner Joe Biden accused Trump of "coddling" dictators at the "expense of American national security.
Before 2002, when it was called the Organisation of African Unity, it was dismissed as a talking-shop for dictators.
The military dictators of the 1970s had little compunction about flooding vast areas of forest and displacing thousands of families.
He has flouted every norm of public life and then some, pow-wowing with murderous dictators and snubbing close allies.
A spokesman for former Vice President Joe Biden said Trump was "coddling" dictators at the expense of U.S. national security.
But Bolsonaro's popularity alarms many Brazilians — in part because he has expressed admiration for dictators, and has expressed racist views.
But beyond politicians and a handful of notorious dictators and drug lords, the nation has few figures of international renown.
After decades of hate speech, cynics deride this volte face as a publicity stunt by Arab dictators seeking Western approval.
"We deliberately put these tools together to go after really bad people—organized crime, terrorists, dictators, Chinese Triads," Sharma says.
Someone who out-and-out supports the worst dictators, who runs on an isolationist platform with the slogan "America First"?
Manafort made millions "skating close to the line," advising foreign dictators and helping rewrite the rules of lobbying in Washington.
"He has sucked up to dictators, he has made impulsive decisions that often his own team doesn't understand," Warren said.
Which country routinely imposes regime change, including on dictators foolish enough to voluntarily give up their nuclear and missile programs?
Especially during the decline and fall of the Soviet Union, our Eastern European dictators and leaders could be absolute hypocrites.
Remember the Cold War, when Republican and Democratic administrations funneled money to overseas dictators to secure alliances against the Soviets?
In the past, African leaders defended and protected their fellow dictators from internal dissent or external pressure for democratic reforms.
The merger between Rio de Janeiro and Guanabara, imposed by military dictators, brought the state's clientelistic culture to the city.
Although Latin Americans have little appetite for the dictators of the past, new types of anti-democratic politics could emerge.
Next, there should be safeguards to prevent noncompetitive elections within certain regional groupings, which usually redound the benefit of dictators.
Many saw a link between the domestic on-air advertising boom and the rise of Fascist dictators like Hitler abroad.
His bromances with dictators like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are embarrassing and they undermine our nation's democratic values.
Burma – a country ruled for 50 years by a succession of military dictators – will now have a democratically elected government.
Trump would expel millions from our shores, cozy up to brutal dictators, and apparently give out nuclear weapons like jellybeans.
That's because, Jealous argues, Trump is "all over the place" and thus, like other "fickle" dictators in history, definitively untrustworthy.
We cannot continue the failed practices of half-assed engagement that led to despot dictators, gang violence and rampant intolerance.
But it wasn't without its critics — some said it was reminiscent of the military parades dictators and other strongmen hold.
Those dictators included Ms. Park's father, Park Chung-hee, who led the country from 1961 until his assassination in 1979.
The White House did not clarify to CNBC whether Trump's comments about dictators were included in his complete prepared text.
In an election in 1990 he tried but failed to overturn a constitutional bar on former dictators running for president.
Long periods of our history have resembled Mr. Gove's nightmarish scenario, with foreign powers and military dictators controlling our fate.
But that's a far cry from saying it's worthless as anything but a tool for crooks, terrorists, and rogue dictators.
The Democrats need to focus on integrity and competence instead of inviting a debate over whose favorite dictators are worse.
" Then we heard 2010 Hannity: "President Obama, catering to the world's dictators, is literally the Neville Chamberlain of our time.
"Our founding fathers did not want dictators running America," said Representative Steny Hoyer, the No. 2 Democrat in the House.
Mohammed bin Salman is the latest in a long line of "courageous modernizers" who turned out to be vicious dictators.
When North Korea looks at other authoritarian dictators that failed to secure nuclear weapons, it sees a legacy of failure.
For decades, jihadists have argued that violence was the only way to topple the entrenched dictators of the Middle East.
From the book THE INFERNAL LIBRARY: On Dictators, the Books They Wrote, and Other Catastrophes of Literacy by Daniel Kalder.
It can make America healthier, wealthier, more innovative, more energy secure, more respected — and weaken petro-dictators across the globe.
Pakistani journalists have always been boisterous taking on military dictators and civilian rulers who have tried to curb their freedoms.
He sucks up to dictators and tells a half-dozen lies before he puts his socks on in the morning.
He acted out of opposition to the Reagan administration's support for Central American dictators accused of brutally suppressing leftist guerrillas.
Dictators, denied complete control of the information flow, are confounded in whatever domestic or international mischief they may be contemplating.
Photographs of dictators, alive and dead, hung on the walls of almost every street, shop and office across the region.
Former President Clinton on Wednesday expressed concern that President Trump's rhetoric reflects the same values as dictators around the world.
America's global image has declined significantly under Trump, who has repeatedly insulted key US allies while cozying up to dictators.
Overall, however, roughly 80 percent of the dictators who try to overturn term limits succeed, mostly by amending the constitution.
Like Mr. Trump, democratically elected dictators have often believed that they don't owe political consideration to the minorities they vilify.
The pro-market shift coincided with a democratic wave that swept away the dictators, all except the Castros in Cuba.
Once upon a time, American liberals knew that legitimizing dictators never ended well for those who dared speak their minds.
He knew the names of the leaders fighting for democracy, and he knew the names of the despots and dictators.
Republicans were still the party of Bush: hawkish neoconservatives who criticized Obama for weakness on terrorism and appeasement of dictators.
In the end, however, every player becomes a fascist dictator, and the best of these dictators are also vicious imperialists.
As far back as the '70s, Westwood stood up to dictators torturing people across the globe with a simple T-shirt.
Neither the oppression of dictators nor the promises of Islamic radicalism have delivered the human dignity that comes with government accountability.
She has spent most of her political career defending policies that line up with the interests of extremist groups and dictators.
Sanders has spoken favorably of left-wing dictators from places like Cuba and Venezuela and honeymooned in the old Soviet Union.
He encourages police to kill suspected criminals, and regards the dictators of the 1970s and 1980s as role models (see Bello).
Pena Nieto has sharply criticized the presumptive GOP nominee, even comparing his style of politics to dictators like Hitler and Mussolini.
Not only does he admire dictators; he explicitly praises thuggishness, such as the mass murder of criminal suspects in the Philippines.
He has spoken again and again not just about his admiration for dictators, but his approval of their most brutal methods.
Clayton Besaw of the OEF says that one way dictators have adapted to modern politics is by choosing to hold elections.
Royalty, dictators, and sundry other unsavory sorts who plunder whole countries' economies through corruption and offshore accounts tend to be excluded.
Trump has unsettled traditional American alliances, cast off commitments to promoting human rights, and cozied up to dictators like Vladimir Putin.
It hovered there until 1988 and for several years, kept climbing as walls fell, treaties were signed, and dictators were overthrown.
Trump has a decades-long history of praising dictators, seeing them as tough, can-do leaders who can effect real change.
Rex Tillerson cozies up to vicious dictators Assad, Erdogan--tells senior State Dept diplomats not to have eye contact with him.
As I recently wrote in The Hill, Ronald Reagan would strongly condemn Trump's praise of dictators and attacks against democratic leaders.
Operation Condor was a reflection of the impunity that the South American dictators thought they enjoyed in the 1970s and 1980s.
Since taking office, President Donald Trump has eagerly embraced foreign autocrats, portraying brutal dictators as allies to be courted and celebrated.
Justice Minister Katarina Barley labeled the denunciation tactic a "tool of dictators" familiar from Communist East Germany and the Nazi era.
My view is that former President Reagan, who would vehemently challenge Russian dictators who attack America, would agree with George Will.
The parading of military has long been the stuff of dictators and authoritarian regimes -- from Iran to North Korea to Russia.
"Such police state tactics were historically experimented or resorted to by fascist dictators to ultimately silence critics and resistance," it said.
It's no accident that, around the world, rentier states tend to be run by unelected dictators — the ultimate dealmakers in chief.
We believe that one person should have one vote and that foreign dictators should not be allowed to select our leaders.
The congressman asserted that the U.S. has historically engaged in supporting dictators and regimes, citing South America as a prime example.
We're willing to contribute [to these changes], and hopefully Americans will be willing to do so better than dictators have done.
But now Trump seems to be distancing himself from America's long-term allies while cozying up to controversial leaders and dictators.
Manafort, who is two decades older than Gates, had years of experience working for Republican politicians, controversial dictators, and corporate interests.
"It would be mimicking the tin-pot dictators of historical disgrace who seek to punish those who have run against them."
They were everything but idealistic revolutionaries: social-democratic reformers, moderate globalists, nationalist demagogues, corrupt couples or dynasties and would-be dictators.
But one cannot imagine Kerry selling a pardon, or raking bucks from foreign dictators, or using public office for private gain.
In World War II, Americans sacrificed their lives and lost their loved ones to defeat dictators in Germany, Italy and Japan.
Donald Trump keeps hinting that he'd emulate dictators like Vladimir Putin and use the powers of his office for political advantage.
"An American president does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections," he said in a statement.
That would make it far easier to install friendly dictators in small nearby countries, like Estonia, or even annex them entirely.
" ("Gutenberg of Arabia," BuzzMachine, 22016) "Dictators and politicians, media moguls and marketers try to tell us what to think and say.
It's why he is more comfortable dealing with dictators like Putin and Kim Jong-un than with democrats like Justin Trudeau.
He seems to delight in destroying alliances, abrogating international agreements, lauding dictators and racists, threatening nuclear war and pardoning unrepentant criminals.
Modern-day dictators and autocrats impose their anti-liberal and antidemocratic rule by securing a majority of votes in general elections.
Except that Trump's instinctive need to appease dictators appears to be even more powerful than his aversion to imitating his predecessor.
"An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections," McCain said in a statement.
"A fellow member turned to me and pointed to it and said, 'That's what third-world dictators do,'" Mr. Sanford said.
That's especially true given concerns that Zuckerberg and Facebook have wrongly skewed elections and helped dictators more easily oppress their citizens.
Crypto AG helped them spy on uprisings in Latin American countries, Middle Eastern dictators, the Vatican and even the United Nations.
President Trump has seriously disrupted longstanding treaty commitments, agreements and positive relationships with many of our allies, while fawning over dictators.
"An American president does not lead the free world by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections," McCain said in a statement.
Trump publicly attacks the free press and calls it the enemy of the people, using language usually reserved for foreign dictators.
Witness his admiration for dictators around the world and you'll see that fear is the measure of power he most respects.
Trump has a well-established affinity for dictators, and he's known for taking their word over that of his own experts.
Washington often failed to honor its values -- in the carpet bombing of Cambodia, for instance, or its support for Arab dictators.
" Buttigieg argued that Trump had made the world less safe by embracing dictators, alienating Democratic allies, and employing "tariffs as tantrums.
Armando Iannucci: I had been thinking of doing something about dictators, or autocrats, or, How does one person captivate a nation?
They knew that the kings and dictators of Europe, when they grew unpopular, would fabricate a reason to go to war.
Gabbard's enthusiasm for dictators was enough to help lead the Hawaii teachers union to endorse Sherry Campagna, Gabbard's most prominent challenger.
But it is concerning to see that a group of lawmakers seem to approvingly cite foreign dictators who have done this.
"It's not hyperbole to note that Trump's bizarre adoration of dictators who falsely flatter him is a national security risk," Klass added.
What this means, concretely, is that Trump will not launch wars to topple dictators, be they Bashar al-Assad or anyone else.
Even a bit of democracy, however, saves lives overall—because empires and dictators are more likely to starve and slaughter their subjects.
Whether he's with business titans or dictators, life is much easier when you can parcel out the world with your strongman friends.
Satisfaction with democracy is lowest in Brazil, which just elected far-right firebrand Jair Bolsonaro, who has expressed admiration of military dictators.
Raleigh, North Carolina (CNN)Donald Trump on Tuesday once again expressed his preference for keeping dictators in power in the Middle East.
Pence denies the insults, the racism, the admiration for dictators, acting as though Kaine is saying "ridiculous" things by even raising them.
Pena Nieto has been outspoken in his distaste for Trump, comparing the GOP nominee to fascist dictators Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini.
In the 1990s, the Rwandan Army led the charge to overthrow Mobutu Sese Seko of Congo, one of Africa's most notorious dictators.
For example, ridicule is a powerful weapon against dictators, who must manufacture a cult of personality and fear to stay in power.
But we talked about sources of inspiration, and everything from dictators to cartel leaders, and we pulled from all of those sources.
The Department of Justice has been investigating Manafort, a political consultant and lobbyist known for his work with foreign dictators, since 2014.
Vaez says these new protests resemble, in many ways, the 2011 Arab Spring protests that toppled a number of Middle Eastern dictators.
I don&apost recall these same media leads griping about embracing dictators when Barack Obama restored ties with the Castros in Cuba.
Some were spending more money paying back debts incurred by former dictators than on the health and education of their own people.
Back in 2003, Saddam's novels were widely discussed among Arab intellectuals exchanging accusations of writing for dictators for money, or under threat.
Toppling and/or marginalizing dictators in the Middle East has led to failed or failing states in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen.
Some of his best-paying clients were foreign dictators who hired Manafort to rehabilitate their public images after some very shady behavior.
Mustachioed generals hunkered down in presidential palaces, while the U.S. government backed dictators and military juntas it believed were bulwarks against communism.
He has already broken the bounds of permissible political discourse with his remarks about Mexicans, Muslims, women, dictators and his political rivals.
Somebody needs to kindly inform all the dictators of the world that they should seriously consider a second career as party planners.
Jeju was long a home for democracy activists and opponents of the South Korean military dictators and the Japanese occupation before them.
They can act less like democratic statesmen and more like dictators who don't care what voters think because they don't have to.
Some Africans, led by dictators who have been the focus of international investigations, have accused the court of being a neocolonial institution.
Cruz's expressed appreciation for dictators shows he has learned little from our history and will base our security on a disproven illusion.
"Regardless of what happens in that meeting, between the two dictators, what we are seeing right now, this is history," Huntsman said.
Flake has in recent days said Trump's attacks on the media damages the country's standing in the world and empowers dictators elsewhere.
The secretiveness of North Korea has made it an easy target for America to project various stereotypes, about Asians and about dictators.
Mr. Pearlman was Black Sabbath's manager from 19433-1983, and he also managed other bands, among them the Dictators and Romeo Void.
Drug lords, dictators and multinationals like Apple game it to their advantage — and unraveling the financial mysteries it conceals requires sleuthing skills.
He respected the dignity inherent in every life - a dignity that does not stop at borders and cannot be erased by dictators.
Meanwhile, our false rhetoric of workers' "choice" continues to obscure the ways the state is handing ever more power to workplace dictators.
This president let it diminish to a point where tin pot dictators like the mullahs in Iran are taking our Navy ships.
Ms. Jahangir never minced words while defending democracy and human rights, despite threats to her life, both from military dictators and militants.
Her father, Malik Ghulam Jilani, was a civil servant and a left-wing politician who was frequently jailed for opposing military dictators.
He was partners with Paul Manafort in a Washington lobbying firm that specialized in representing the most terrible dictators on the planet.
Thus, Trump attacks and insults our closest allies while praising brutal dictators who flatter him (and declares neo-Nazis "very fine people").
A legend across the Middle East, Dina Talaat Sayed has danced for princes, presidents and dictators in a career spanning four decades.
It's no secret by this point in the Trump presidency that he is someone who tends to heap praise on authoritarian dictators.
This is the way generals and dictators have always spoken to distinguish themselves from the caviling civilians they mean to sweep aside.
He respected the dignity inherent in every life -- a dignity that does not stop at borders and cannot be erased by dictators.
Brave leaders who share America's values and interests should be at least as welcome in Washington as genocidal dictators who threaten them.
For all their tough talk about standing up to dictators, they started with the Russian reset and ended with a Russian Crimea.
Clinton said on the late night show "Conan" that the world's dictators all want to blur the line between fact and fiction.
A country set on destabilizing region after region, stoking wars, and aiding the worst kinds of dictators isn't looking for a reset.
Trump's untruth is timeless because, throughout history, dictators, crooks and torturers have attacked journalists who have brought the truth to the people.
Two other former presidents — the military dictators Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo — were questioned in 1995 on suspicion of bribery.
In general, when this type of experiment is conducted across countries, genders and ages, most dictators give some money to the recipients.
And, if they pass the revalidation, they will begin to receive the entire amount that was being robbed by the Cuban dictators!
It gives a publishing platform to anyone with an opinion and an internet connection, and has proven difficult for dictators to monitor.
Bashar al-Assad failed to pursue politics, choosing instead the response of dictators down the ages: a brutal war against his own people.
She has had the worst dictators in the world standing there and she has had some of the nicest people in the world.
In other words, a consolidation of power when you look at history, the first thing that dictators do is shut down the press.
The Sunni monarchs and dictators keep a tenuous control on their Sunni populace: Each time one falls, terror that threatens the west ensues.
This would make it harder for murderous dictators to terrorise their people, and give diverse ethnic groups the sense that they rule themselves.
The country was prone to famines, foreign invaders, and dictators for much of the 20th century; its GDP was among the lowest worldwide.
Ceding ground to dictators is destined to work about as well today as it did when it was last tried in the 1930s.
So, we can&apost count on these dictators to make rational decisions rationale in our -- in terms of how we see the world.
He said as president he would isolate dictators, prioritize international cooperation — particularly on climate change —  and have a "high bar" for military intervention.
As dictators quaked in the Arab uprisings of 2011, these groups, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood and its offshoots, gained influence and seized control.
A meditation on the theater of state funerals for dictators, artist Adrian Paci removes the focus on grief to focus on the mourners.
Meyers went in on Trump for his refusal to condemn the KKK, his proposed policies, and his weird habit of praising actual dictators.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads LONDON — Totalitarianism in the digital age need not manifest in the actions of dictators and hawkeyed fascists.
He accompanied this with images of 20th- and 21st-century dictators who thought they were invulnerable but were toppled and killed or jailed.
As Reagan showed us, toughness with backing of military power is the only thing despots, dictators and terrorists understand and will listen to.
They said, Donald Trump, our president, was extremely rude to presidents and prime ministers, and I&aposm in a couple of cases, dictators.
Trump's political strategist, Paul Manafort, is known for representing dictators such as Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine's Kremlin-backed president who was ousted in 2014.
This is why prominent libertarians like Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek supported right-wing dictators, ranging from Mussolini (Mises) to Pinochet (Hayek).
It's quite the speech and boy, wouldn't it be nice if that were enough to stop the dictators and warlords of the world?
"President Trump's feteing of autocrats and dictators, including from the Oval Office, undermines the values for which America has always stood, " Price said.
Strong leaders remain in power by defeating their rivals in open and fair elections; paranoid dictators remain in power by jailing their opponents.
Trump will be even friendlier with dictators, with the exception of Kim Jong-un and the theocratic leaders of Iran, than his predecessors.
Any failure of the United States to uphold its own standards emboldens dictators and despots to restrict the media in their own countries.
"We're doing a lot of interviews tomorrow — generals, dictators, we have everything," Trump says in the tape, obtained by Politico and published Saturday.
But since Donald Trump took office, we've watched America stand by – or even send signals of support – as dictators stomp on these rights.
Durbin said Tuesday that Trump's actions mirror the tactics of strongman dictators who silence the press and critics to consolidate their own power.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee considers ways to prevent the president from triggering nuclear war while he shamefully continues to praise foreign dictators.
It was instead a story we always see with autocrats, dictators and genocidaires: one of a powerful few backed by a malevolent many.
As opponents accused him of coddling foreign dictators and aspiring to unconstitutional powers, Mr. Trump said outright that if he were president, Mrs.
Violent extremism feeds on the frustrations of those forced to live under dictators who cannot be challenged by peaceful protests and democratic politics.
They also note their disagreement with Trump's favor toward "autocrats and dictators" like North Korea's Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
By the same token, demagogic dictators have proved unremittingly hostile to monarchy because the institution represents a dangerously venerated alternative to their ambitions.
Ocasio-Cortez was shown between images of the dictators as the voice of President Reagan mentions "enemies of freedom," according to Sports Illustrated.
But Mr. Johnson complained that presidential candidates were expected to talk tough about dealing with dictators like Mr. Assad or risk losing support.
Unlike Cylon, they are products of democracy, even as they undermine its institutions and its norms, like oligarchs or dictators of predemocratic times.
He has suggested, sounding like dictators over time immemorial, that his Democratic opponent in the last election should be prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated.
He calls our free press the enemy of the people and praises dictators who murder journalists and close down newspapers and television stations.
Diplomatic Memo At various points, in different eras, they sat across from dictators and kings and ministers, negotiating on behalf of their country.
If democracy has survived the assaults of dictators and populists, it has not been because of waning supply and demand for those offerings.
Gene Sharp, a preacher's son whose own gospel of nonviolent struggle inspired velvet revolutions that toppled dictators on four continents, died on Jan.
"US hostility has led it to support dictators, butchers & extremists, who've only brought ruin to our region," Zarif wrote in the Twitter post.
With Trump siding with authoritarians and dictators around the world, American credibility and popularity on the international stage has plummeted to historic lows.
Trump has also restored the credibility of the presidency by establishing a cost for dictators who cross red lines related to chemical weapons.
Michael Bloomberg's campaign is backpedaling from a series of wild tweets it pushed out Monday attacking Bernie Sanders for supposedly loving murderous dictators.
This practically guarantees a result we are beginning to see: Dictators and other bullies are emboldened to trample rights and liberties with impunity.
The only time Elshowaya's playful personality clouds over is when she reminisces how things used to be, before dictators tore her family apart.
Software is soft power, and US companies betray the values of the nation that enabled their success by doing the bidding of dictators.
One of the benefits enjoyed by the global dictators Trump admires so much is they do not have to put up with dissent.
Two former presidents — the military dictators Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo — were questioned by prosecutors in 1995 on suspicion of bribery.
Some economists have criticized these efforts, maintaining that these programs often impede development by creating dependency, distorting market incentives, and entrenching corrupt dictators.
"It's music to the ears of dictators and authoritarian leaders," said Rob Mahoney, the deputy executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists.
They are skeptical of humanitarian interventions and wars to topple dictators, because those are idealistic quests removed from the interests of everyday Americans.
It doesn't explain his love for dictators, his disdain for American allies or his contempt for intelligence agencies, the press and confirmed science.
Like a dinner party with A-list dictators and serial killers at which Pol Pot and Hitler debate the merits of pleated pants.
We can think of many examples of people, whether they're former dictators or arms merchants or movie stars, who have gotten special treatment.
Whatever the reason, it's given him the political space to talk with whomever he wants — like some of the world's most brutal dictators.
Compared with Mr Bolsonaro, who insults minority groups and likes dictators as long as they are right-wing, Mr Haddad is a reassuring figure.
Since his election, Trump has attacked big companies like Boeing, dictators like Fidel Castro, and even Alec Baldwin and "Saturday Night Live" on Twitter.
And he paid billions of dollars in energy subsidies and made concessions and somehow sucking up and bribing dictators would make for world peace.
Rather than the US trying to export its norms to the Middle East, he's implying, maybe we could learn something from Middle Eastern dictators.
" McCain clarified that he wasn't accusing Trump of being a dictator but rather looking at historical context: "[Dictators] get started by suppressing free press.
Hillary Clinton is out with a new ad raising questions about Trump's affection for dictators and its implications for his commitment to constitutional democracy.
The issue of establishing a national style for federal buildings, while also the domain of infamous dictators, has its place in American architectural history.
However, he takes issue with Trump's public pressure on the central bank, as well as what he sees as the president's admiration of dictators.
So likely in an effort to look good in front of his domestic audience — dictators have politics, too — Kim took the Paektu glamour shots.
But they do not stop his contempt for democratic norms—the serial lying, the cosying with dictators—from giving cover to would-be autocrats.
Before he was Donald Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort was best known as a master strategist for some of the world's most notorious dictators.
Childhood is a precious time in human life, so it can be jarring to see kids working in fields or blindly supporting violent dictators.
Today, as president of Russia, he's challenging the US-led Western world order by propping up dictators, tampering with elections, and invading his neighbors.
Clinton, a former secretary of state, said Trump's comments were more consistent with what dictators in non-democratic countries might say about their opponents.
Mr Mugabe was evidently shaken to the core, perhaps, like so many dictators, because he had come to believe that his people loved him.
CoupCast's data find that for dictators, the "sweet spot" in terms of political stability comes very early in their despotism—after just 18 months.
"He's even showered praise on Saddam Hussein, one of the vilest dictators of the 20th century," Biden said, accurately enough, before leaping into hyperbole.
True, the Middle East is not the peaceful, democratic and productive region Americans might have thought that toppling dictators and totalitarian regimes would create.
It's also a wildly rich Persian Gulf authoritarian regime that makes a hell of a customer for companies willing to do business with dictators.
Unless these changes are made, the dictators club will continue to protect its own while bashing the only democratic state in the Middle East.
Often, the reason data from dictators remains unchallenged is that so many economists, financiers, diplomats, and donors rely on it to do their jobs.
"President Obama, catering to the world's dictators, is literally the Neville Chamberlain of our time," Hannity says in an old clip in the video.
Corrupt politicians and dictators, bribery-riddled oil deals, and shadowy businesses are propped up, guided and protected by teams of lawyers, bankers and accountants.
"We're doing a lot of interviews tomorrow — generals, dictators, we have everything," Trump says in the tape, obtained and published by Politico in November.
The peace process did usher in a "new era in the Middle East," but one that only dictators and jihadists have reason to celebrate.
Manafort's "South Bronx" is the world of foreign tyrants and dictators and the political consultants who help them to perpetuate their regimes of misery.
In Afghanistan, in Iraq, and in Libya, armies soon crumbled and dictators quickly fled when confronted with the full weight of American military might.
The assumption was he'd join the ranks of deposed dictators like Libya's Muammar Gaddafi, Iraq's Saddam Hussein, and Tunisia's Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali.
"He respected the dignity inherent in every life, a dignity that does not stop at borders and cannot be erased by dictators," he said.
But along the way, many say, he became a mercenary, willing to serve brutal dictators and corrupt industrialists as long as they paid handsomely.
So dictators see a clear field: A record number of journalists are in prison worldwide, by the count of the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Book burning was routine for Spain's Inquisition and Franco's dictatorship as well as for Stalin, Hitler, Mao Zedong and a good many other dictators.
But when it comes to them playing as brutally as those dictators acted, we need to allow that to see the results and effects.
He had the bona fides to prove it, finding money hidden by dictators like Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines and Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
Today, dictators are again waging war against the free press, only this time, they're using Trump's term — fake news — as a cudgel, said Flake.
"Even dictators, people who make many bad things, they are scared because they will have to answer to heaven sooner or later," she added.
Although some of its projects have coddled corrupt dictators in order to haul off African raw materials, others have delivered concrete economic benefits locally.
" Like many dictators, Mr. Seaman said, "This is a guy who goes to sleep at night not knowing whether he's going to wake up.
Campaign regulations make elections fair, legal codes keep judges from becoming dictators in robes, and legislative rules ensure laws are enacted fairly and openly.
But if I'm not, it sure does explain his affinity for foreign dictators and illustrates just how dangerous a position our country is in.
In the 1980s, Stone co-founded a lobbying firm that represented dictators including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire.
Mike Bloomberg received a wave of criticism this week after his campaign tweeted fake quotes depicting fellow candidate Bernie Sanders as praising various dictators.
They were fleeing jihadists or dictators, or they were no longer able to live off the land as their ancestors had done for generations.
That left wing of the Democratic Party trusted those anti-American dictators more than they trusted J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, or Gen.
In his verses, Ajami praised the Arab Spring revolts that toppled four dictators, often with the help of money and other support from Qatar.
Abrams has also been accused of trying to prop up friendly dictators in El Salvador and Nicaragua during his role in the Reagan administration.
Even more significant is the broader pattern in which dictators are eliminating checks on their power and declining to even play-act at democracy.
Since 85033 alone, dictators abolished term limits in Uganda, Togo, Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Chad, Djibouti, Gabon, Niger, Venezuela, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Tunisia and Nicaragua.
Trump may not be a despot, but he is behaving like a despot's apprentice — borrowing tactics from dictators and authoritarian strongmen across the globe.
They included Irish Fascists and Romanian Iron Guard militants, not to mention the support Franco received from the dictators in Berlin, Rome and Lisbon.
They included Irish Fascists and Romanian Iron Guard militants, not to mention the support Franco received from the dictators in Berlin, Rome and Lisbon.
And, with Trump siding with authoritarians and dictators around the world, American credibility and popularity on the international stage have plummeted to historic lows.
For one thing, there seems to be an exception to Trump's overall fondness for dictators when it comes to leftists in the Western Hemisphere.
After studying law in Paris he returned home to a long string of official posts under the dictators who ruled Tunisia for half a century.
I mean, the left&aposs mentality seems to be I got to kiss the ring and bribe dictators then maybe they will like us better.
It's only natural for popular culture's depictions of dictators and existential threats like Thanos and the Night King to assume the atmosphere of the times.
James Kirchick is a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, and the author of The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age.
Despite Sharlet's revelations about the group's ties to dictators and military regimes, its breakfast has continued to draw every American president from Eisenhower through Trump.
Look, the truth is that a powerful nation like the United States, certainly working with our allies, we can overthrow dictators all over the world.
What this president has done is that he has sucked up to dictators, he has made impulsive decisions that often his own team doesn't understand.
THIS year marks the 21970th anniversary of the start of the democratic wave that swept over Latin America and turned military dictators into political flotsam.
His Conservative opponent, Margaret Thatcher, called the referendum "a device of dictators and demagogues" that would be dangerous to minorities and destructive of parliamentary sovereignty.
Al-Qaeda had been focused on getting the West out of Muslim lands and ending its support for Arab dictators it deemed apostates and stooges.
These things ultimately, let me just say, all you dictators, you ultimately end up in a drain pipe begging for your life and then dying.
Manafort had a track record of improving the public reputations of corrupt dictators, like Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and Zaire's military strongman Mobutu Sese Seko.
The problem with being European, looking at America, is that we know dictators have always used the language of constitutionalism to camouflage their land grabs.
But he compounded regional crises by laying down red lines, for instance on the use of chemical weapons, that he then allowed dictators to cross.
While addressing the world's longest-ruling dictators about terrorism, Trump failed to mention how state violence and repression feeds ISIS and al Qaeda's propaganda campaigns.
A Secret Service agent choking a photojournalist on Monday at one of Trump's rallies is in line with the candidate's praise for dictators and fascists.
READ: Nicki Minaj and 7 other pop stars who sang for dictators Leif Wenar holds the Chair of Philosophy and Law at King's College London.
" CNN's Jake Tapper pointed to Trump's fondness for Duterte and other dictators and said, "Equating brutality and despotism with leadership, that's not an American value.
Who ever heard of any president or president-elect who has praised foreign dictators, including Putin, while the Russians act covertly to subvert our elections?
Meanwhile, the dictators and military governments that the United States propped up in Greece and Spain burnished their "democratic" credentials by appealing to anti-communism.
The kings, colonels and dictators of old did not have to deal with amplified citizens deeply connected to one another and the world with smartphones.
The president's hard-headed support of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, despite strong evidence connecting him to the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, emboldens dictators.
The common thread that emerged among the dictators profiled was operating in countries with little or no history of democracy, or very weak democratic institutions.
John McCain (R-Ariz.), a strange habit for a man who heaps lavish praise on North Korean leader Kim Jong Un among other murderous dictators.
Trump, beaming over what seemed almost a bromance with one of the world's most brutal dictators, said he would invite Kim to the White House.
"He does have a pre-existing attitude of favorability toward these dictators, but I think it's more than that with Putin and Russia,"  she said.
The "big lie" is the favored propaganda technique of history's worst dictators: Repeat a lie loudly, over and over until people come to believe it.
The ruling was seen as a blow against graft and witness intimidation, which have crippled international efforts to bring dictators and war criminals to justice.
" McCain blasted the report of the phone call, saying "An American president does not lead the Free World by congratulating dictators on winning sham elections.
Important as this was, it could not compensate for the decades when the United States, while claiming to defend democracy, had aided Latin America's dictators.
But he warned that declaring an emergency to forge policy unilaterally would drag the country down to the level of the world's most abusive dictators.
As seen in Syria, Russian contractors also frequently play an important role in helping imperiled dictators reclaim energy-rich territory and safeguarding future Russian investment.
Vladimir Putin has moved one step closer to membership in a rarefied club that includes authoritarian strongmen, dictators, and despots: the "Presidents for Life" club.
In the 1960s and '70s, activists worldwide cheered the rise of African independence leaders like Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, many of whom later hardened into dictators.
President Trump's former campaign chairman and former lobbyist for dictators Paul Manafort was accused of trying to tamper with witnesses in his own case Monday.
Both dictators once had nuclear programs and gave them up; both were swiftly toppled by the American military when US policymakers decided they were threats.
The Trump administration, which often prefers to side with dictators around the world, has taken an unusually strong interest in the power struggle in Venezuela.
As well as a former lobbyist for bloodthirsty dictators who had an addiction to the sort of lifestyle that included an $18,500 python skin jacket.
Negotiating with dictators is sometimes unavoidable (and better than the alternatives), but relationships that encourage aggression are counterproductive for American interests in democracy and stability.
So he started with threats of "fire and fury," then turned to surprise initiatives, then gratuitous flattery of one of the world's more brutal dictators.
It is sometimes likened to Switzerland for its relative political neutrality and its history of serving as banker in a region of dictators and oligarchs.
So far Trump's base and Congressional Republicans have stuck with him despite his incompetence, corruption, coddling dictators, and hijacking U.S. policy for his own gain.
Among their many ripe targets are the fashionable comparisons drawn between Mr. Trump and various foreign dictators of the past, above all Hitler and Mussolini.
In the fall, he was going to teach a literature class at Princeton, "with a feeling of complete illegitimacy," on novels about Latin American dictators.
Instead of celebrating democracy as an alternative to Chinese authoritarianism, he is denigrating the rule of law at home and cozying up to dictators abroad.
He is terrified of ending up like Saddam Hussein or Muammar Qaddafi, two dictators who abandoned their weapons programs only to be forced from office.
Sanders is a socialist, with a record of praising dictators (granted, so does Trump) and arguing in favor of bread lines in the mid-28s.
Deutsche Bank's willingness to lend to dictators was driven by the same recklessness that drove it to shoot for a 25 percent return on equity.
A grizzled orator with a penchant for Latin American dictators, he has the same forgiving attitude she does toward the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin.
There are plenty of Arab dictators keeping their own people down, but Iran is doing it at home and in three other countries at once.
Brazilians elected the former army captain, until 2017 an obscure congressman with a fondness for dictators, to express anger at crime, corruption and economic decline.
This contrarian hypothesis is nicely put in Daniel Kalder's "The Infernal Library: On Dictators, the Books They Wrote, and Other Catastrophes of Literacy" (Henry Holt).
Putin rules Russia with an iron fist to be sure, but growing public anger over dead loved ones is something even dictators can't always control.
Harris also rebuked Trump for alienating U.S. allies and forging close relationships with dictators, saying a unified front is needed in dealing with China. Sen.
It only fuels the unnatural desire for attention from the world's most depraved dictators and leaves the general populace dangling in vulnerable locations like Hawaii.
They run between dictators and the people they've been oppressing for generations; between progressives and medievalists; between Sunni and Shiite; between majority populations and minorities.
HANOI (Reuters) - A T-shirt bearing the face of one of the world's most infamous dictators would normally be a tough sell, one would think.
Vladimir Putin runs a kleptocracy that invades neighboring countries, stands accused of trying to interfere in the US election, and backs dictators around the globe.
The ruling on Thursday cemented a legal victory that will be used as a blueprint to prosecute dictators across the world, human rights experts said.
Trump has cozied up to dictators like Russia's Vladimir Putin while personally insulting Merkel and British Minister Theresa May over their refugee and counterterror policies.
Trump's penchant for dictators has always been a pronounced aspect of his foreign policy, but in Japan he appeared to throw aside attempts at masking it.
And this is far from the only time that Trump has praised the power (and methods of retaining that power) of rogue dictators and authoritarian rulers.
And through his friendships with dictators, has deliberately sabotaged America's domestic climate progress, and effectively handed US climate policy over to polluters and fossil fuel executives.
Analysts say that Turkey believed that the Arab dictators whom protesters were trying to unseat across the region in the 2011 Arab Spring would not last.
President Donald Trump's criticism of the Federal Reserve is "very disturbing" as is his "envy" of dictators, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers told CNBC on Monday.
"These cryptocurrencies are a gift from God to criminals and dictators who want to keep their money safe," said Browder in a phone interview on Tuesday.
These days, as he purges real and imagined foes, he is almost as awful as the Arab dictators he once denounced (he keeps winning elections, though).
It later served as the seat of administrators dispatched from Beijing and then of the dictators who ruled Taiwan after its split from China in 1949.
And when you go in and you remove one of those dictators, unless you have an appropriate plan for replacing them, you're going to have chaos.
In the Western Hemisphere it led to the embrace of anti-American dictators, such as the Castro regime in Cuba, cheered on by the United Nations.
So that adds an extra layer of stupidity to it beyond simply being an examination of how power can make people dictators and strip their humanity.
Russian organized crime, Middle Eastern dictators such as Muammar Ghaddafi's entourage, and senior Putin Administration officials have used Moldovan banks to launder up to $85033 billion.
The Korean war ended in 1953 with an armistice but no peace treaty; North Korean dictators—three generations of belligerent Kims—have stoked tension ever since.
The video also compares Trump and Chavez, who died in 2013, with European dictators Mussolini and Hitler, and concludes by urging voters to "protect" U.S. democracy.
Presidents don't habitually welcome murderous dictators to the White House (although, as Vice pointed out, basically every president cozies up to a dictator at some point).
We saw the first path when a totalitarian movement on college campuses glorified the suppression of free speech, making wusses (and worse, little dictators) of students.
"The dictators hate and fear comedy, satire, laughter and happiness because it helps people to express themselves freely and refuse being controlled and manipulated," said Faghihimani.
Kim, having watched the demise of other dictators who gave away their nuclear programs, believes that his atomic weapons are the only guarantor of his survival.
After those meetings, White House officials said Trump would not let differences over human rights impede upon his efforts to strike deals with autocrats and dictators.
When it comes to American foreign policy, the whole world is always watching and calculating, and America sent an unfortunate message to dictators and terrorists everywhere.
Mrs Clinton criticised her opponent for praising "dictators like Vladimir Putin" and for having spoken admiringly about the bloody Chinese crackdown on demonstrators in Tiananmen Square.
Dictators and democrats seeking to deflect blame for their own incompetence have always manipulated the truth; sore losers have always accused the other lot of lying.
Sanchez was in Cuba "to entertain dictators instead of calling for freedom and democracy," the leader of the opposition Popular Party, Pablo Casado, wrote on Twitter.
They declared that aid should be for improving the lot of poor people—and not, implicitly, for propping up friendly dictators or winning business for exporters.
Bolivians are fighting against five more years of a Morales presidency, while the dictators in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba can't even seem to control their message.
"This just once again reinforces this inexplicable affinity that the president has toward basically totalitarian dictators, but in particular to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin," Hirono said.
Trump insults democratic leaders as he praises foreign dictators, wages trade wars against democratic allies, undermines democratic security alliances and divides and threatens democratic economic alliances.
Trump has now made major concessions to Kim Jong Un. He received nothing in return except paper promises that North Korean dictators have violated for generations.
Scholars of North Korea say Kim is well aware that in recent times dictators who have failed to build nuclear weapons were eventually ousted and killed.
"  Coons later added that his "sense of President Trump is that he is enamored of those who are absolute rulers and dictators of their home countries.
We partnered with Joseph Stalin to defeat Adolf Hitler, and after that we partnered with a variety of brutal dictators to stop the spread of communism.
At the outset of the war in 2011, Mr. Erdogan was confident that Mr. Assad would quickly fall, as the dictators of Egypt and Tunisia had.
He made his Washington bones lobbying on behalf of dictators like the Angolan butcher Jonas Savimbi, Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine.
Yet the ambassadors never warned the dictators and, five days before the assassination, Kissinger recalled the cable, saying he wanted no further action on the matter.
"He loves dictators, he's got kind of a personal Mount Rushmore," said the senator, citing leaders like Mr. Putin and Kim Jong-un of North Korea.
"Rick Scott is doing his best to impersonate Latin American dictators who have overthrown Democracies in Venezuela and Cuba," the state party said in a statement.
He cites Trump's incitement of violence at his rallies, his threat to use libel and antitrust laws against his opponents, his admiration of strongmen and dictators.
Sen. John McCain condemned President Trump on Tuesday for his call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying U.S. presidents shouldn't congratulate "dictators on winning sham elections."
Surveilling dictators may sound great, but a surveillance society is the stuff of dystopian novels from Brave New World to The Hunger Games for a reason.
That task is compounded when your country has been under the thumb of autocratic and corrupt dictators for generations and entrenched interests work actively against reforms.
Five years have passed since the start of Arab Spring revolutions when dictators across Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria were challenged by peaceful, popular uprisings.
The United States had consistently supported dictators in the Arab world and was not in the business of exporting democracy, irrespective of the Bush administration's slogans.
Mr. Trump, she says, has a "rap sheet" that includes passing tax cuts for the rich, trying to repeal Obamacare and cozying up to foreign dictators.
You know, Trump's open admiration of dictators, his desire to be able to order people around, to go after his "enemies", go after a free press.
"He's like the dictators he attacks but says he admires," said Sam Sassourian, a 72-year-old retired engineer who emigrated from Iran in the 1980s.
On the other side of the political spectrum, Senator Sanders has been just as clear in debates and comments of his support for left wing dictators.
Mr. Trump is using the presidency to cover up his crimes, feather his nest and protect the interests of dictators who funnel money to his family.
They stopped a naked act of Communist aggression and opposed three malevolent dictators — Stalin, Mao and Kim — while helping South Korea take wing as a democracy.
More than a decade earlier, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, a French nongovernmental organization, denounced Western companies and governments for enabling dictators by welcoming their ill-gotten wealth.
"Trump's pathetic statement -- apparently an attempt to appease China -- is yet another disgraceful example of his bizarre affection for dictators," the group warned in a statement.
Established in 1948 to help the Western Hemisphere become a "land of liberty," by the 21st century it had a reputation for supporting dictators over democrats.
"Recognizing the inherent right of Americans to travel to Cuba isn't a concession to dictators, it is an expression of freedom," Flake said in a statement.
One of the military dictators who succeeded Ms. Park's father, Chun Doo-hwan, forced businesses to donate to a foundation under his control in the 1980s.
And they have good reason to be concerned: Russia invades its neighbours, props up dictators and war criminals that spread mayhem, and interferes in foreign elections.
Their caution had little to do with wisdom or altruism and everything to do with self-interest: Dictators are all about surviving and remaining in power.
That surprise success inspired others frustrated by oppression and poor governance, leading to a series of uprisings that toppled dictators and rattled governments across Arab world.
"Albright worries that Trump's isolationism, protectionism and fondness for dictators are eroding America's ability to lead and help solve international challenges," our reviewer, Sheri Berman, writes.
The same is true of the United States, whose sad legacy of working with African dictators and working against transformative leaders in Africa is well-documented.
The ICC is meant to be a "court of last resort," a place to try dictators and other people who cannot be brought to justice domestically.
And just like with term limits, dictators appear less and less willing over the last few years to even go through the motions of façade democracy.
" Gabbard said Americans "are calling for an end to this ongoing Bush-Clinton-Trump foreign policy doctrine of regime change wars, overthrowing dictators in other countries.
If Scarborough were to run for president, he could run against Trump as a Reagan Republican who does not praise dictators from Russia to the Philippines.
Warner also said Trump "seems to choose the word of dictators over the words of our intelligence community" and cited several examples from the past year.
"Your rhetoric is creating a climate in which dictators and tyrants are able to employ your words in suppressing a free press," Sulzberger told the president.
Expect more impulsive gestures from the commander-in-chief -- for instance, summits with dictators like North Korea's Kim Jong Un -- to bolster his standing at home.
On the contrary, they're often splitting apart, and in some cases — most notably in Russia under Putin — populist dictators are working cleverly to accelerate this process.
Still, it shows that Trump has a penchant for siding with dictators when it most suits him — even at the expense of Americans and US allies.
Luis Cruz Azaceta: Dictators, Terrorism, War, and Exiles continues at the American Museum of the Cuban Diaspora (1200 Coral Way, Miami, Florida) through March 26, 2017.
Even if the referendum had gone the other way, it should still have served as a wake-up call to the European Union's unelected bureaucratic dictators.
George Soros argues that democracy "is now in crisis" and that Donald Trump's election and anti-European Union sentiment will help to empower dictators around the globe.
But there are other historical authoritarian figures that have become popular in the United States, including dictators like Chile's Pinochet, Italy's Benito Mussolini, and Spain's Francisco Franco.
That said, an American president jesting about staying in power for life obviously caused a bit of consternation — especially one who has a history of admiring dictators.
He also turned his attention to the "dictator's club," and said that dictators desire two things, nuclear armament and to erase the lines between fact and fiction.
Dictators get upset when things are done exactly as they like, but Kim understands that you're going to have some duds when you're working with rocket science.
We also live in a region where the US and other western, liberal democracies have supported and armed brutal dictators and overlooked their horrendous crimes for decades.
On October 24th, in an operation organised by Pedro Sánchez, the Socialist prime minister, and attended by 22 of the dictators' descendants, Franco's coffin was dug up.
Mr Bolsonaro has offended various groups, including women and gays; encourages police to kill criminals; and regards the dictators of the 363s and 1980s as role models.
Mr Manafort's conviction did not surprise anyone who had followed his trial, or his long career as a political consultant available for hire by dictators and thugs.
Mr Calil amassed a fortune thanks largely to his chumminess with two Nigerian dictators of the 1980s and 1990s, Ibrahim Babangida and the flagrantly corrupt Sani Abacha.
Do the rules apply to the president of the United States when he celebrates violence against the media, or taunts volatile dictators with nuclear war on Twitter?
But Beijing's investments, massive market and willingness to work with democrats and dictators alike mean that when Xi calls, much of the world is willing to come.
Ex-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Reality Check: Trump's appreciation for dictators By Sonam Vashi, CNN Albright pondered Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's statements on world leaders.
Once a renowned political consultant who made a fortune lobbying for foreign dictators, Manafort's fall from grace was exacerbated by his chronic aversion to telling the truth.
In the 1980s Latin America turned from a land of dictators and juntas into the world's third great region of democracy, along with Europe and North America.
We might also remember that Dick Cheney and other "serious conservatives" defended our support of apartheid South Africa, and Reagan was pretty tolerant of dictators like Pinochet.
His re-election campaign quickly released a statement denouncing "an agenda of sky-high tax rates, government-run health care and coddling dictators like those in Venezuela".
A religious nationalist and former army captain, he is anti-gay, pro-gun, and an apologist for dictators who tortured and killed Brazilians between 24.8 and 21.
Ms Rosenblatt: The attraction of dictators grows in periods of uncertainty, such as the one we are living through today, when people are vulnerable to simple solutions.
Since Obama attended his first UN as president in 2009, several authoritarians, dictators and other undemocratic leaders who have at times vexed America have departed the scene.
I hate to say it, dictators and they all start off by saying Mr. President, I'd like to congratulate you on the incredible economy that you've created.
" A senior administration official said these restored sanctions are designed to constrict the revenue Iran uses to fund "terrorists, dictators, proxy militias, and the regime's own cronies.
"This referendum is not for the country, it's for the dictators in power," said Ahmed Nana, a 22-year-old barista at a coffee shop in Sulaimaniya.
Just days ago, for example, Trump heaped praise on North Korea's Kim Jong Un, regarded by many as one of the most hardcore dictators in the world.
In the past, Africa was overpopulated with dictators, who personalized the powers of the state, suppressed opposition, abused human rights, and siphoned the wealth of the land.
Gyeongsang in the south-east is Saenuri's traditional stronghold: a region that has nurtured industrialists and military dictators, among them Ms Park's late father, Park Chung-hee.
Argentine history is marred by repressive dictators who abused their authority and committed grave human rights abuses, as well as elected presidents who misused law enforcement institutions.
During the Cold War, Republicans frequently held summit meetings with communist dictators (four times with Chinese premiers and a remarkable twenty times with leaders of the Kremlin).
Manafort's efforts allowed these newly-minted dictators to brutalize their people, ransack their national treasuries, and disappear dissidents and journalists alike without putting their reputations at risk.
"Pure democracy can be an invitation to little dictators," Tom Boothe, a co-founder of La Louve, a Parisian co-op based on Park Slope's, told me.
"As president of the United States, I would remind the world that we are the United States of America and we do not coddle dictators," Biden said.
A man who welcomes foreign interference in American elections and embraces foreign dictators is incapable of understanding why the Fourth of July matters or what it represents.
The great generation of Jomo Kenyatta and Nnamdi Azikiwe gave way to the disgraceful era of dictators such as Charles Taylor and Sani Abacha, among many others.
Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign chairman, has a history of representing heinous dictators, including Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine, a Kremlin puppet who was deposed by revolution in 2014.
On the other, a man who says our military is a disaster and that the country is so corrupt we have no right to criticize dictators abroad.
MORE befriended and wined and dined the most ruthless African dictators and overlooked their deplorable human rights and corruption records in the name of counter-terrorism cooperation.
Just as the United States underpinned NATO's resolve to provide collective security against the Soviet Union, an American retreat today will allow autocrats and dictators to advance.
Stories like Kwon's are a bitter and cruel reminder of the human cost of a peninsula destroyed by war, divided by politicians and kept apart by dictators.
All the Democratic Presidential candidates agree the Trump foreign policy is a disaster, shattering alliances while alienating allies, embracing authoritarian dictators, substituting bluster and bluffing for strategy.
Third, Kim knows what happened to Gorbachev, whose spectacular fall served as a lesson to dictators everywhere about the folly of attempting to reform a totalitarian system.
They're not referring to actual dictators, but rather a psychological profile of individual voters that is characterized by a desire for order and a fear of outsiders.
"As Vice President Biden said in Philadelphia, Donald Trump embraces dictators and tyrants like Putin and Kim Jong-un while alienating our closest allies," Mr. Bates said.
He blamed Washington for replacing secular governments in Afghanistan and other countries with Islamic fundamentalist regimes; reflexively favoring Israel over the Palestinians; and supporting Saudi Arabian dictators.
Why does President Trump put complete faith in the words of dictators alleged to have sanctioned murder, whether they are in Russia, Saudi Arabia or North Korea?
Before joining Edelman in 2017, he was a partner and managing director at Bell Pottinger, the UK PR firm known for working for dictators and repressive regimes.
While European nations view organizations like the International Criminal Court as an important check on dictators, Mr. Bolton and other American conservatives see it as an affront.
Epstein would also tell people he was making money for various African dictators, according to two Epstein confidants, who said that people who heard this were skeptical.
Biden during a campaign launch in Philadelphia on Saturday accused President Donald Trump of cozying up to "dictators and tyrants" like Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Through a mutual friend, Scott Kempner of the band the Dictators, they got in touch with Dion, who told them that he had planned an entire album.
Mr. Guengueng was in the courtroom, too, his trademark hat on the seat beside him, flanked by human rights advocates who had pursued justice against other dictators.
If the United States Congress passes the bill, it will be delivering a firm message both to other silent allies of Hong Kong and to China's dictators.
Maduro was now the fourth member of an exclusive club of sanctioned dictators, joining Syria's Bashar al-Assad, North Korea's Kim Jong Un and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe.
Twitter is an instrument of his foreign policy: He has praised dictators more than a hundred times, while complaining nearly twice as much about America's traditional allies.
However, except for the façade of a political-economic ideology that must be defended at any cost, it is their common status as dictators that defines them.
Term limits often galvanize protest when dictators move to abolish them because they represent such a basic principle — that no one should be permanently entrenched in power.
Cozying up to dictators, threatening war via tweet, hollowing out our State Department... There is absolutely no doubt: President Trump is the worst president in modern history.
He trailed this shady outfit, laundromat of choice for narcos, terrorists and dictators, for years, before nailing it for fraud in 1991 and forcing it to close.
The memoirs of those who survived the 1930s — Sebastian Haffner's "Defying Hitler" is a great example — warn against normalizing dictatorships, particularly when new dictators are popularly elected.
It's why dictators love crises, the democracy scholars Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt have written, as an excuse to grab power — often to cheers from their supporters.
"They are going to go to tyrannical dictators who often have trouble convincing their militaries to attack their own people, which we saw in Egypt," Asaro said.
MacWilliams studies authoritarianism — not actual dictators, but rather a psychological profile of individual voters that is characterized by a desire for order and a fear of outsiders.
Behar was forced to apologize earlier this year for mocking the Christian faith of Vice President Mike Pence and has compared Trump to brutal dictators in the past.
In addition to his political work in the U.S., Paul Manafort is best known for being a consultant to dictators around the world, and you cannot afford him.
For most parents, it's known as the witching hour, those endless minutes between dinner and bedtime when kids morph from moppets to monsters, mutating into miniature unhinged dictators.
As such, these videos of a birthing in reverse document the process of mothers undoing the moment they gave birth to men who would become tyrants and dictators.
She has long spoken favorably about American use of force when it's not directed at toppling dictators, arguing that the US needs to refocus on fighting Islamist terrorists.
Christie then proceeded to criticize Clinton's diplomatic efforts in Libya, Nigeria, Syria, Russia and Cuba, arguing in each case that she was too soft on dictators and terrorists.
Randomly disintegrating people resembles the strategies of dictators across history, says Jeff Nekola, a biologist at the University of New Mexico, who's written about Malthus and economic growth.
BOWMAN: For centuries, the kings and queens of England were the dictators of their age, with the added advantage that they could claim a divine right to rule.
I'm inclined to see something corrupt behind Trump's weird credulity regarding foreign dictators, but his take on domestic political events does raise the prospect that he's simply ignorant.
The NBA, on the other hand, is voraciously hungry for global expansion and is willing to dance with dictators in the name of spreading the gospel of basketball.
Quite the contrary: The wrongful arrest of Berhe is being held up as a blueprint for European police and prosecutors to work hand in hand with African dictators.
While examples of the offshore industry enabling dictators, terrorists and drug cartels will (rightly) capture much of the attention, it would be a shame if other miscreants escape.
It was a disaster because Trump is a disaster—he doesn't know what he's doing and effortlessly alienates America's closest allies while lavishing praise on strongmen and dictators.
The use of overwhelming lethal force does not immediately cause dictators or terrorists to turn tail and run, even if that's what politicians in Washington want to believe.
This article delves into the history of a Trump adviser, Paul Manafort, a Republican with unsavory ties to dictators and oligarchs, as well as a number of Republicans.
Trump should listen to Sanders and others who believe in praising democratic leaders and condemning foreign dictators, not treating America's friends like enemies and our enemies like friends.
He said Twitter had allowed Panamanians to express their sense of liberation after years of living under the thumb of dictators and, to an extent, the United States.
" Clinton's campaign released a video ahead of Trump's speech using his comments on Hussein and others to slam the businessman over his praise of "powerful and dangerous dictators.
Since the country's first prime minister was deposed and killed with U.S. and Belgian support shortly after independence, the DRC has suffered from a series of plunderous dictators.
His self-aggrandizing, dreadful treatment of opponents and subordinates, public embrace of homicidal dictators, and rambling speaking style draw a portrait of a leader embarrassing to many Americans.
"Some of Trump's visits with and praise of dictators have been controversial in the past, including when he called North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un a "friend.
They have accused her of running facilities that offered substandard care, and of cozying up to dictators like Enver Hoxha in Albania and Jean-Claude Duvalier of Haiti.
Quasi-authoritarian populist figures like Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban have used less overt tactics to undermine independent media outlets than outright dictators, albeit to the same effect.
Nor do they care about the authoritarian policies he espouses, his truly scary embrace of dictators abroad and crackpots at home, or his monumental ignorance on every subject.
Even in a perfect dictatorship you need to be very lucky, to choose the right dictator, which is a paradox by itself because you don't choose your dictators.
For more than a decade, Russia has meddled in elections around the world, supported brutal dictators and invaded sovereign nations — all to the detriment of United States interests.
Sanders offers an even more inviting target, given his aversion to U.S. military spending and foreign intervention and his attraction to Russian, Chinese and Latin American communist dictators.
I spoke to Paul to find out why dictators tend to write poetry, how the book came about, and whether or not their poetry is actually any good.
If things work out for him and perhaps a few more of his fellow rookies, they, too, will one day be dunking dictators, masters of their own universes.
That's especially true when the president is meeting with repressive dictators, like Kim, in part as a way to show democracy and freedom of the press in action.
The book's subtitle is "How One Family's Lust for Power Destroyed Syria," but Dagher overemphasizes the degree to which the Assads differed from other dictators in the region.
During the decades after the Korean War, when the South was ruled by military dictators, government officials raided Jehovah's Witnesses' meeting halls to haul draft-age men away.
This aggressive disregard for the interests of like-minded countries, indifference to democracy and human rights and cultivation of dictators is the new world Mr. Trump is creating.
Dictators live in their own self-created bubble of adulation and impunity, which leads them to huge misjudgments when they are forced to act outside of the bubble.
Dictators often make poor decisions because they don't get accurate information: When you squelch independent voices you end up getting just flattery and optimism from those around you.
"When I meet with the leaders of countries, as they come in — kings and queens and prime ministers and presidents and dictators — I meet them all," he said.
Instead of standing up for the values of a free society, Mr. Trump, with his oft-vented scorn for democracy's building blocks, has strengthened the hands of dictators.
RELATED: Bashar al-Assad and Kim Jong Un: A tale of two dictators Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime has repeatedly denied claims that it uses chemical weapons.
Human rights advocates said the work supported brutal regimes in the 215s and '214s, but the company insisted that it did not answer for the conduct of dictators.
What is less well known is that since his arrival on the global stage, the world's most authoritarian dictators have adopted Trump's catch phrase to justify imprisoning journalists.
" Biden, at a campaign launch in Philadelphia on Saturday, said: "Are we a nation that embraces dictators and tyrants like (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and Kim Jong Un?
While the toppling of four Arab dictators offered a brief sense of victory for protesters, a proliferation of crackdowns and new wars prompted the retreat of popular movements.
"Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a way for bad dictators or criminals to bypass sanctions," Browder told CNBC's "Squawk Box " from the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
In subsequent decades, when South Koreans demanded more democracy, their military dictators, including Ms. Park's father, brutally suppressed them through martial law, torturing and even executing their leaders.
Putin added that efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula would be a futile effort, as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has learned the lessons of previous dictators.
At the height of his powers, he boasted a clientele that ranged from Central African dictators and their cronies, to warlords ransacking Libya, to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
As one might expect, most dictators appear to care more about themselves than the recipients, and as a consequence typically give away 20-30 percent of the money.
"When I was in law school, it was normal for dictators to retire in the south of France," said Diane Orentlicher, a law professor at Washington's American University.
Manafort, who is two decades older than Gates, had worked for Republican politicians, controversial dictators, and corporate interests before his career took a turn in the mid-2000s.

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