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22 Sentences With "dichotomized"

How to use dichotomized in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dichotomized" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dichotomized". Mastering all the usages of "dichotomized" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The higher education system is essentially dichotomized between four year institutions and those that provide one year certificates.
But it often felt like the year's most exhausting film conversations were drawn along sharply dichotomized lines: Either this movie is great or it is terrible.
Regardless, the investigation and its aftermath have, according to Aslin, dichotomized the brain and cognitive scientists at the University of Rochester: There are those who are willing to move on.
A slew of Jim Carrey's outrageous characters that also exhibit a marked duality come after this film—specifically, I Love You Phillip Morris and especially Me, Myself & Irene, where his character tries to function with two dichotomized personalities.
The point biserial correlation coefficient (rpb) is a correlation coefficient used when one variable (e.g. Y) is dichotomous; Y can either be "naturally" dichotomous, like whether a coin lands heads or tails, or an artificially dichotomized variable. In most situations it is not advisable to dichotomize variables artificially. When a new variable is artificially dichotomized the new dichotomous variable may be conceptualized as having an underlying continuity.
The postcolonial era brought about "patriarchal contradictions [and] the dichotomized icons of idealized femininity and degraded whoredom, of feminine plenitude and feminine lack."Ashok, Savitri (2009). "Gender, Language, and Identity in Dogeaters: A Postcolonial Critique". Postcolonial Text 5 (2).
Age is an attribute that can be operationalized in many ways. It can be dichotomized so that only two values - "old" and "young" - are allowed for further data processing. In this case the attribute "age" is operationalized as a binary variable. If more than two values are possible and they can be ordered, the attribute is represented by ordinal variable, such as "young", "middle age", and "old".
In the 1850s, Max Müller introduced the notion of two Aryan races, a western and an eastern one, who migrated from the Caucasus into Europe and India respectively. Müller dichotomized the two groups, ascribing greater prominence and value to the western branch. Nevertheless, this "eastern branch of the Aryan race was more powerful than the indigenous eastern natives, who were easy to conquer." By the 1880s, his ideas had been adapted by racist ethnologists.
The system of economics, explains Galeano, seems to be dichotomized these days: "You have a job or you have nothing",Galeano, Eduardo, Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World, p.164, Picador USA, New York, USA (1998) "What is rewarded above is punished below",Galeano, Eduardo, Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World, p.147, Picador USA, New York, USA (1998) "Profits are privatized, losses are socialized".Galeano, Eduardo, Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World, p.
Aside from the disparity between urban and rural public schools, there was also the dichotomized system adopted since 1978, which divided schools into two groups: key schools (zhongdianxiao) and non-key schools (putongxiao). Key schools receive more funding due to the goal of developing first-class education in a limited number of schools in a short period of time. The key school system was canceled by the 2006 amendment to the Compulsory Education Law, along with the introduction of reforms that address education inequality.
They were erect or arched, dichotomized (forked) occasionally, and had adventitious roots arising directly from prostrate stems. As in Asteroxylon the vascular bundle in the stems was an exarch actinostele, with a star-shaped arrangement of tracheids of a primitive annular or helical type (so-called G-type). Leaves were unbranched strap-shaped microphylls (4 cm long in B. longifolia) with a single prominent vascular thread, arranged spirally on the stem. The sporangia were borne in the axils of the leaves, broader than long, dehiscing by a transversely-orientated slit.
Archaeological studies of domestic sites have been particularly affected by ongoing feminist work. The long- standing trend in archaeology to associate women with domestic spaces, placed in opposition to the association with men and “public” spaces, has been a continuous locus of feminist research. Since the advent of the new millennium, there has been a shift away from such dichotomized spatial separation of gender. In historical archaeology, feminist archaeologists have been crucial to widening the definition of what constitutes a household from a familial model based on Western norms, such as household archaeology projects studying brothelse.g.
A review of twenty-one studies found Black Hispanics to have poorer health compared to White Hispanics. The causes are still unknown, but researchers suggested that racial discrimination and segregation may contribute to racial health differences among the Hispanic population in the United States. Although Black Hispanics are often overlooked or dichotomized as either "black" or "Hispanic" in the United States of America, Black Hispanic writers often reflect upon their racialized experience in their works. The most commonly used term in literature to speak of this ambiguity and multilayered hybridity at the heart of Latino/Latina identity and culture is miscegenation.
For example, in work relating to social identity theory it has been shown that merely crafting cognitive distinction between in- and out-groups can lead to subtle effects on people's evaluations of others . Different social situations also compel people to attach themselves to different self- identities which may cause some to feel marginalized, switch between different groups and self-identifications,Benet-Martínez, V., & Hong, Y-Y. (2014) or reinterpret certain identity components.Kislev, E. (2012) These different selves lead to constructed images dichotomized between what people want to be (the ideal self) and how others see them (the limited self).
Gleitman had an array of interest and accomplishments, such as being a known polymath, he was also involved in the arts of theatre in which he both acted and directed while at Berkeley, Philadelphia, and New York City. Besides his interest in psychology, theatrics was a major part of life and he worked with actors of all ages ranging from children all the way up to seasoned professionals. Gleitman would refer to himself as a bigamist because when it came to psychology and theatre, he dichotomized the thought of having to choose, but always found a way to entertain both.
A 1910 depiction of Aryans entering India, from Hutchinson's "History of the Nations" The nasal index: a method of classifying ethnicity based on the ratio of the breadth of a nose to its height, Developed by alt=Image showing drawings of various nasal shapes. In the 1850s Max Müller introduced the notion of two Aryan races, a western and an eastern one, who migrated from the Caucasus into Europe and India respectively. Müller dichotomized the two groups, ascribing greater prominence and value to the western branch. Nevertheless, this "eastern branch of the Aryan race was more powerful than the indigenous eastern natives, who were easy to conquer".
Then, different levels of abstractions were proposed to resolve the generalization issue, basically dichotomized in learning methods at a symbolic level or at a trajectory level. The development of humanoid robots naturally brought a growing interest in robot programming by demonstration. As a humanoid robot is supposed by its nature to adapt to new environments, not only the human appearance is important but the algorithms used for its control require flexibility and versatility. Due to the continuously changing environments and to the huge varieties of tasks that a robot is expected to perform, the robot requires the ability to continuously learn new skills and adapt the existing skills to new contexts.
One of his most important works was the development of Time-Limited Psychotherapy, which is described in a treatment manual called Psychotherapy in a New Key: Time-Limited Dynamic Psychotherapy (1984) co- written by Strupp and his colleague Jeffrey Binder. In Time-Limited Psychotherapy, an integration of classical and interpersonal psychoanalytic theory is attempted, with a major result of this being the emphasis on the analysis of transference even when the external conditions, such as lesser frequency and the training of the therapist, are not those of psychoanalysis proper. Furthermore, in this manual's theory, the psychological reality is not dichotomized into veridical and distorted, with transference defined as a distortion, but it is viewed as multiple and contributed to by both participants in the interaction.
Their three children are Kim Jong-chul (born 1981), Kim Jong- un (born 1983), and Kim Yo-jong (born 1987). He did not have children with his fourth partner, Kim Ok. The two half-brothers Kim Jong-un and Kim Jong-nam never met, because of the ancient practice of raising potential successors separately. From the early 1980s onward, Kim Jong-il dichotomized the Kim Family between its main, or central, branch (won kaji) and its side, or extraneous, branch (kyot kaji). The main branch referred to Kim Il-sung’s family with Kim Jong-suk and publicly included Kim Jong-il and Kim Kyong-hui. The side branch referred to Kim Il-sung’s family with Kim Sung-ae and included the three children from their marriage.
Chinese dictionaries are traditionally dichotomized between zìdiǎn 字典 "character dictionaries" and cídiǎn 辭典 "word dictionaries". In the history of Chinese lexicography, the Yunhai jingyuan was the earliest hybrid of a word dictionary and a rime dictionary (Yong and Peng 2008: 226). Earlier rime dictionaries that only included characters include (c. 230) Shenglei and the (601) Qieyun, which was revised as the (720) Tangyun 唐韻. In 773, during the reign of Emperor Daizong of Tang (r. 762-779). Yan Zhengqing assembled a group of over 50 scholars with diverse backgrounds to compile the Yunhai jingyuan at his residence in Huzhou. They included several of his literary friends, the Daoist poet Zhang Zhihe, the Chan Buddhist monk Jiaoran 皎然, and Lu Yu, author of The Classic of Tea (Benn 2015: 108).
Within his written responses and advisement to individual Christian communities, Engberg-Pedersen makes claims that Paul draws from common understandings of societal practices of his time, yet strives to make them applicable to new context for his followers. Engberg- Pedersen draws from the scholarship done by John T. Fitzgerald when discussing how Paul uses the social practice of forgiveness and atonement to illustrate Christian practices. Fitzgerald, in Paul and Paradigm Shifts: Reconciliation and Its Linkage Group discusses that in the Greco-Roman world, it was left to a guilty person to appeal to the goodwill of the person that he or she offended, with the hope that the offended person would chose to forgive the wrong. This understanding of forgiveness was fairly dichotomized between how one forgives within a public, social structure and how a person approached a more religious form of atonement.
After the zhi's original cultural memory was forgotten, the only physical objects still known as zhi were jade goblets, and readers from this point on could only think of such valuable cups when reading the Zhuangzi (2007: 169). The biggest problem with this upper-class connotation of jade-zhi goblets frequently used in toasts for longevity is that it appears incompatible with the Zhuangzi description of zhiyan. "Goblet words come forth daily," but the jade-zhi of the mainstream tradition is not a container for daily use, it is a special goblet for elite usage on ceremonial occasions (2007: 155). Fried does not cite Lau (1966) who studied all known versions of the anecdote about the tipping vessel in Duke Huan's shrine, and dichotomized between earlier Daoist two-position versions and later Confucian three-position versions.

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