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321 Sentences With "despots"

How to use despots in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "despots" and check conjugation/comparative form for "despots". Mastering all the usages of "despots" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And the technique has worked well for despots and would-be despots ever since.
But even enlightened despots are despots, and I don't think that Zuckerberg should be permitted to have as much power as he currently does.
Hopefully, our adorable new despots will have mercy on us.
"He could not abide bigots and swaggering despots," Bush said.
Despots' brats do not only use social media for boasting.
After freedom from European colonisers came freedom from African despots.
We undercut our criticism of despots elsewhere in the world.
Tweets linking a U.S. Senator with history's most infamous despots.
You are a parody of a human, unknown cameraman, you are possibly the worst man currently alive, and I include despots in that list, I always include despots: We will get to Paul McCartney anon.
Despots don't look for career professionals to do their dirty work.
Knaves counterfeit honest men, and despots counterfeit a love of liberty.
They fund both useful projects and vanity ones for local despots.
Previous American presidents supported despots for reasons of cold-war realpolitik.
Typically, despots rig elections and lie to say they were clean.
But it's not just psychopathic despots who like to play with crossbows.
In Latin America, the movement focused on putting former despots behind bars.
Despots who fought change all along have cracked down on independent media.
Despots and purveyors of extremist right-wing rhetoric are on the rise.
And yet, in spite of these risks, despots thrive on this uncertainty.
Remarkably, this is a reversal of a tactic often used by despots.
It's the one long preferred by despots and autocrats the world over.
History is littered with despots who started with words and petty threats.
Soon attention turned to his work advising foreign despots, including in Ukraine.
He extolls despots and dismisses our democratic allies as weak or unimportant.
But secularisation may last only as long as the despots pushing the plan.
In a region of despots, Prince Muhammad is one of the more feared.
Or in the same way that despots from the past dehumanized their victims.
Even despots know that locking up mouthy but non-violent dissidents is disreputable.
The president is at home with despots because he sees himself in them.
Despots and terrorists could use them against innocent populations, removing any ethical restraints.
The message is clear: The United States has granted carte blanche for despots.
Despots remove people in order to take over all the organs of government themselves.
A slippery slope to how despots wrest power, silence dissent, and oppress the masses.
It remains a vocal defender of human rights, which pleases idealists but annoys despots.
African despots who have lost power may still have reason to fear the ICC.
Maybe this time, enlightened despots won't grind up the peasants in an endless war.
He is making it more so by emboldening despots in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere.
But in 2011 the Arab spring erupted, and Arab despots responded by muzzling their critics.
The list includes violent extremists and despots, but also celebrities, academics and even entire countries.
The public sector is run by manager-despots who treat their workers as "human resources".
They also stirred controversy when the bank was criticized for environmental destruction and supporting despots.
Young men are nothing if not understudy poets — imams, kings, despots, loafers, all of them.
At the Berlin Wall and elsewhere, he stood up strongly against Communists and other despots.
This model appeals to despots around the world, while cheap prices appeal to everyone else.
These are the kind of fearless diplomats we need to stare down dictators and despots.
Independence movements sometimes deliver liberation, but sometimes they simply replace foreign despots with local ones.
"In other words, the despots are treating me far worse than they treat aliens," he said.
They tried to bribe these despots and dictators with billions and hundreds of billions of dollars.
Angry young people sometimes start revolutions, as the despots overthrown in the Arab Spring can attest.
Sixty years ago, Americans looked to Europe and Asia and saw continents liberated and despots defeated.
Twitter's alleged willingness to allow despots to manipulate it so easily, if true, is deeply disheartening.
Second, but relatedly, Trump is doing what despots do best—attacking the media for accurate reporting.
He has also nurtured the sort of cult of personality that crops up only around despots.
But the wealthy — whether they're Hollywood stars or hedge fund managers or African despots — aren't ordinary.
"    "Under this administration, we will no longer appease dictators and despots near our shores in this Hemisphere.
Otherwise, we are simply sending a message to despots and dictators everywhere they can behave with impunity.
After young Arabs used smartphones to organise the uprisings of the Arab Spring, despots everywhere grew nervous.
Not when you mix in colonialism, wars, history, natural resources, the terrible whims of despots, and more.
But for dictators, despots and other manipulators and enemies of democracy, there has been plenty to enjoy.
The plot fails: one of the conspirators ends up hawking his plan to would-be African despots.
In peace the oil business dominated stockmarkets, bankrolled despots and propped up the economies of entire countries.
Despots and demagogues have proven to be just as adept at using Facebook as democrats and dreamers.
Despots love to stoke selfishness among their subjects, he went on, because it usefully divides the masses.
We expect despots to create enemies, foreign and domestic, in order to rally the nation behind them.
First, in order to roll back democratic checks, despots must blur the lines between truth and falsehood.
Those of us who believe in democracy don't think despots should coerce their subjects using military power.
Her critiques echo those of warlords and despots whose arguments have long been dismissed by the West.
They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own.
U.N. archives are full of despots and dictators using sovereignty as their justification for flaunting international norms.
It has died over the millennia with the empires that flourished under despots, then faded under conquest.
Trump is obviously more comfortable with despots like Russia's Vladimir Putin than democrats like Canada's Justin Trudeau.
Despots with a bossy, scoutmasterly streak, the Nationalists issued dozens of orders to stamp out bad teahouse habits.
"He has kind words for Vladimir Putin, the Chinese despots who perpetrated the Tiananmen Square massacre," Tapper recalled.
In a frightening echo of despots, Trump has signaled that he accepts democracy only when it suits him.
"Tweets enabling lying despots in their relentless attempts to subvert democracy are not your best look," Sacca wrote.
Instead, brutal dictators, despots and war criminals are granted an open ear and open mind from President Trump.
We've also highlighted actual despots, terrorists, and saboteurs who pose a serious threat to lives around the world.
But do I believe that narco-traffickers and despots and organizations like that will use lethally autonomous robotic weapons?
Unlike some other despots, he is seemingly still healthy and works long hours—indeed, he micromanages almost every decision.
Cersei and Daenerys have lost any nuance either one of them had, turning into reckless, ruthless, power-mad despots.
The art of smart foreign policy is realizing you have to work with dictators and despots you don't like.
History was littered with global despots who fit the bill, but I chose someone closer to home: former Sen.
"They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own," McRaven wrote.
Huawei is a global leader in surveillance cities, exporting its ability to suppress human freedom, including to eager despots.
Every morning I wake up to see if our president is threatening any more dangerous despots with nuclear war.
The rule of law is the principle that protects every American from the abuse of monarchs, despots and tyrants.
Oligarchs, despots and billionaires from across the world would regularly land in London to try to silence their critics.
"Trump can't conceal his admiration for despots, or his disdain for democratic leaders like Justin Trudeau," Schiff wrote on Twitter.
"HE COULD NOT ABIDE BIGOTS AND SWAGGERING DESPOTS" Bush, in his eulogy, described McCain as a man with a code.
Failing to stand up for the rule of law is to encourage other would-be despots to do their worst.
After all, across three generations of Kim family despots, North Korea has confounded world leaders and almost every American president.
BMS&K clients, American allies supporting the U.S. against the Soviets, were branded, some with good reason, despots or worse.
But the sad truth (for us despots) is that other people are free to marry whom and when they like.
Like many despots, Trump is unable to accept popular narratives that challenges his standing as the man of the people.
Look one way and there's Israel's right wing carousing with European despots and Holocaust deniers while fanning racism at home.
Despots who seek to remain in charge by bequeathing their office to a puppet sometimes succeed (think of Vladimir Putin).
He knew the names of the leaders fighting for democracy, and he knew the names of the despots and dictators.
But if the taboo on chemical weapons is allowed to fade away, other despots will be tempted to use them, too.
Shortly after the ''underwear bomber'' attack in Detroit, Simmons called Obama a ''boy king'' who emboldened terrorists and third-world despots.
Aslam's characters must struggle to survive in a society ruled by mob violence, sectarianism and intolerance, presided over by fanatical despots.
It has faltered, sometimes badly, undermining leaders whose views did not fit its strategic objectives and replacing them with pliant despots.
We like to think that, in a tyrannizing world, the best and the bravest thing is to beat the despots down.
Assange has dedicated his life's work to endangering innocent lives, abetting despots, and stoking a crisis of confidence in the West.
So much money to be made and so many unhinged despots getting in the way of his being able to make it.
It's no secret that the President seems to have a Pavlovian response to flattery, even if it comes from despots like Kim.
Social media platforms like Twitter were instrumental in organizing the protests that led to the overthrow of despots throughout the Middle East.
The west now has enough energy of its own -- we don't need to send our cash to despots and fanatics any more.
Many leaders were despots who masked their autocracy with the rhetoric of Arab unity and the liberation of Palestine (and realised neither).
In the Middle East the overthrow of despots during the Arab spring let people speak freely for the first time in generations.
" Words can be used to "sanction ignorance and preserve privilege," she said, to provide "shelter for despots," to create "menace and subjugation.
The company stands accused of various offenses: degrading politics; empowering despots; leaving users vulnerable to abuse; abusing its users' data for profit.
Furthermore, denigrating the electoral process is an important way for despots to downplay election results that hint at any semblance of unpopularity.
At one time, Mr. Mahathir might have been more suited to the hall of infamy that included Asia's despots and junta chiefs.
He is drawn to the world's despots, rather than its democrats, because they can make stuff up and get away with it.
Chris Sacca tweeted a response to Noto: Tweets enabling lying despots in their relentless attempts to subvert democracy are not your best look.
Murdering critics abroad is a tactic previously employed by despots like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, who used their embassies to terrorise exiles.
As Reagan showed us, toughness with backing of military power is the only thing despots, dictators and terrorists understand and will listen to.
Any failure of the United States to uphold its own standards emboldens dictators and despots to restrict the media in their own countries.
"It telegraphs to despots around the world they can murder people with impunity, and that this president will have their back," he said.
Which explains why he has turned his sights on Never Trumpers: What despots and demagogues fear most is their followers developing a conscience.
But we should reject the moral relativism that says because our own union is not perfect, we are no different from the despots.
A roughly 500-year period was glossed as a time of "Oriental decline," wherein Muslim empires were said to languish under ineffectual despots.
Her work challenges the nationalist myths being spouted by a growing number of would-be despots across Europe, including in her native Poland.
A slender, bespectacled man who would become one of Africa's most notorious despots was about to secure a prize he had long coveted.
During the Obama years, it became a standard conservative refrain that the 44th president had a bad habit of making nice with despots.
His values are driving Facebook as the company doubles down on policies that empower demagogues and despots and disempower the rest of us.
And he is an inveterate liar, which makes it all too easy for the despots he chooses to scold to dispute his statements.
And Mr Trump seems better disposed to despots than his predecessor; he has praised Egypt's president, Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, as "a fantastic guy".
Instead he is falling into paranoid intolerance: more like the Arab despots he claims to despise than the democratic statesman he might have become.
Still, extremists and despots have exploited the conflict, and the P.L.O. has continued to peddle the fiction that regional peace must await its resolution.
It may well be true that Trump is elected in the fall despite all the handwringing that anti-despots might expose to the public.
But Trump — who has made no secret about his admiration for despots like Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping — doesn't seem to grasp that.
Protesters in Algeria and Sudan, after successfully pushing for the ouster of their own aging despots, are watching for a similar bait-and-switch.
The rule of law is the bedrock of American democracy, the principle that protects every American from the abuse of monarchs, despots and tyrants.
We want to "Make America Great Again" by excluding those who yearn to breathe free, by sitting on the sidelines while despots commit atrocities.
Are there legions of K Street big shots working for foreign despots and parking their riches in Cypriot bank accounts to avoid the I.R.S.?
But what about the rest of the world, where despots and democracies rise and fall frequently, and a major election occurs every few months?
Lying, and urging citizens to distrust those reporting the truth, is the bailiwick of despots like Trump's friends in Russia, North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
More likely, the meeting will be punctuated by Trump lashing out at US allies, cozying up to despots and attacking his perceived enemies at home.
That's anathema to Trump, based on how he relies on his feelings about foreign leaders (normally despots) rather than the assessments of his home team.
ONLY one thing spooks the oil market as much as hot-headed despots in the Middle East, and that is hot-headed hedge-fund managers.
"These can be weapons of terror, weapons that despots and terrorists use against innocent populations, and weapons hacked to behave in undesirable ways," Musk says.
Like Chamberlain before him, Obama fell for the same duplicitous and deceitful behavior by ruthless despots that demands we not allow history to repeat itself.
Yet by alienating our allies and sucking up to despots, he's not just betraying America's core values, he's discounting a crucial dimension of U.S. power.
They saw an American president trading high-fives with Raúl Castro, one of the most discredited and dismal despots ever to grace the world stage.
These days there is no shortage of articles and books dealing with radical-right populism, despots, democratic backsliding, and the tactics that authoritarian leaders deploy.
Only a supremely narcissistic leader would turn on essential allies and embrace despots, as Trump has, with so little regard for his country's moral standing.
Vladimir Putin has moved one step closer to membership in a rarefied club that includes authoritarian strongmen, dictators, and despots: the "Presidents for Life" club.
In her analysis of the causes of repression in her society, Ms. Alexeyeva consistently disputed any neat apposition of Russian despots and Western democratic leaders.
The president's political rivals accuse him of straining relationships with allies in NATO and elsewhere while embracing despots, including President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
Our nation has a history of allying with despots: President Franklin D. Roosevelt did so with Stalin, the Soviet leader, to help defeat the Nazis.
Mild pecking is normal behavior in the flock, employed by dominant birds (or "despots") as a way to remind subordinates of their lower social position.
"I've seen this type of behavior and actions on the part of foreign tyrants and despots and autocrats in my national security career," he added.
Mr. al-Araibi's arrest was a stark reminder that despite its reforms, Interpol was still vulnerable to manipulation by strongmen, despots and human rights violators.
Using the appeal of sports, especially football, to make themselves and their regimes look good is one of the oldest tricks in the despots&apos handbook.
"These can be weapons of terror, weapons that despots and terrorists use against innocent populations, and weapons hacked to behave in undesirable ways," the letter continued.
He plans to host a summit with African leaders in October, and has sent advisers and private military companies to help some of the continent's despots.
Stephen Greenblatt's Tyrant is a survey of all Shakespeare's major despots: Richard II, Macbeth, King Lear, Coriolanus, Leontes of The Winter's Tale, Saturninus of Titus Andronicus.
In the first ten days of his tumultuous and controversial presidency, Trump has borrowed five key aspects—willfully or not—from the playbook used by despots.
But Russia hasn't been communist in decades, and it is Trump, not Sanders, who fawns over Putin and other despots, including Stalinist madman Kim Jong-un.
By extension the worst excesses of despots will also be legal but could not be considered moral, sensible or in the best interests of the nation.
"These can be weapons of terror, weapons that despots and terrorists use against innocent populations, and weapons hacked to behave in undesirable ways," the letter added.
Regulars, lost souls, cops, media despots, cam girls, hackers, sex androids, weirdos, bounty hunters, dogs in people clothes all find their way to the bar stool.
"That should be the role of the United States, not to be the supplier of weapons to despots and autocrats all over the world," he said.
Trump seems especially willing to disregard intelligence if it complicates his desire to court foreign despots like Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un or the crown prince.
They are actively seeking, with the assistance of radical Muslim despots, weapons that would permit them to execute hundreds of thousands of Americans in a single attack.
" Maxim Gorky, an early supporter who would soon call Lenin a "coldblooded trickster," concurred: Former slaves "will become unbridled despots as soon as they have the chance.
Bell Pottinger was hardly the only British outfit working for rogues and despots, as well as publicly traded companies, nor was it the largest or most profitable.
" Even George W. Bush, the most recent former Republican President, took a swipe at his co-partisan while praising McCain's lifelong opposition to "bigots and swaggering despots.
The letter warns against autonomous weapons that could be used for terror, by despots, or hacked to kill people at a larger and faster scale than ever.
Establishment elites can inadvertently assist would-be despots, as insiders delude themselves into believing they can invite an outsider into power and then pull the puppet strings.
He prefers the world's despots while insulting our NATO allies who have helped us forge the foundation of Western liberal democracies based on equality, justice and fair elections.
We certainly will not find dependable allies among the despots, who are only too happy to pocket our aid and then sell us out whenever it proves convenient.
The big picture: Right now, that assumption looks flawed: Technology might actually solidify the standing of despots and provide them with a new way to exert their power.
"I've seen this type of behavior and actions on the part of foreign tyrants and despots and autocrats for many, many years," Brennan said Wednesday, calling into MSNBC.
No bowing to democratic European leaders, however; only bowing to hereditary rulers, leaders of nations with no history of women's rights or progressivism, and despots implicated in funding terrorism.
Smiles has taken it upon himself to show us how to make a proper seafood tower; one worthy of the most lavish despots or the booziest of backyard parties.
To hold the line, we must recognise that despots rarely reveal their intentions and that leaders who start out well frequently become more authoritarian the longer they hold power.
The world "is led, in some ways, by a US president whose embrace of despots and attacks on the press has set a troubling tone," Time's Karl Vick wrote.
For one thing, his ability to give other despots and terrorists WMD leads to the horrific prospect of ISIS acquiring these weapons in return for much-needed hard cash.
Sam Nunn (Ga.) to secure and dismantle the recently-collapsed Soviet Union's weapons of mass destruction, thereby leaving far fewer of these powerful weapons available to despots and terrorists.
Further, the failure to respond will not only embolden the Assad regime but also convince despots around the world that weapons of mass destruction can be used without penalty.
Notwithstanding the BLM's permissive attitude toward oil and gas exploration, the agency is widely condemned in the West as Big Government despots trying to keep locals subordinated to Washington.
While Erdogan and Putin get pardoned for eroding remaining vestiges of democracy in their countries, other despots get harsher treatment in yet another example of Trump's inconsistent foreign policy.
In this way of thinking, the same God who put, say, despots in power, for reasons not knowable to us, also put Trump in power, for reasons equally unknown.
But it is a striking contrast to 2016, when he preferred to focus on the domestic over the international, railing more against millionaires and billionaires than terrorists and despots.
Once we're free from the shackles of our own dopamine drives and screen addictions, we can focus on other dystopian issues, like staving off the totalitarian despots and killer robots. 
But the author thinks that the real-life sitting American president bears something of a passing resemblance to one of the GoT franchise's most despised despots: Joffrey Baratheon (Jack Gleeson).
However, more reflective despots learn that denial of basic rights and the naked seizure of property can destroy opponents — one by one if need be — just as effectively over time.
It is easy to see how this would anger not just Cuban Americans but lots of other families — including my own — who came to America to escape Latin American despots.
Tyrannical despots, vast quantities of narcotics, women seen as second-class citizens: it's hard to imagine how reporting on the war in Afghanistan could have prepared Kim Barker for Hollywood.
But when she interviews an old friend of the Marcoses who chortles about American support for despots, the movie — like his comment — becomes the tragedy it was meant to be.
Large-scale military parades these days evoke the totalitarian aesthetic of North Korea or the Soviet Union, where aging despots would demonstrate the perseverance of their regimes to the world.
Washington often appeals to international law to justify military action against despots who commit atrocities, as it did when it secured UN Security Council approval in 2011 to bomb Libya.
Our president can give despots a license to kill, claim that climate change is going to magically reverse itself, make up nonexistent riots — and it all passes in a blur.
Together, the parts of Ms. Backström's show serve as powerful analogues for our own era of refugees and migrants moving across a globe ravaged by despots, war and ecological disaster.
Modern Iraq — a European creation that made countrymen out of ancient adversaries — has been held together only by external force or internal despots for the better part of a century.
Officials are also concerned about the optics of such a display of force, considering increased tensions with North Korea, and the connection between military parades and political despots in other nations.
But murdering a critic abroad would be a chilling escalation, a tactic previously used by despots like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi, who used their embassies in London to terrorise exiles.
The fall of long-standing despots such as Mr Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, is a necessary part of any transition to democracy.
And Mr. Trump has done more than just leave him and the United States open to criticism that we embrace despots as long as there is a buck to be made.
Groups like the Committee to Protect Journalists have noted an uptick in foreign leaders, often autocrats and despots, using the phrase "fake news" to silence unflattering coverage and attack independent reporters.
Just think about how many cold-blooded despots would be made more palatable to the electorate if they were only seen walking around with a cone or two of rocky road.
Germans are adding an angry rejoinder that Mr. Trump is a godsend to despots and tyrants around the world, but they refuse to buy spare parts for their grounded Luftwaffe (air force).
"People I Want to Punch in the Throat: Competitive Crafters, Drop-off Despots, and Other Suburban Scourges," is a hilarious book from Jen Mann based on her blog of the same name.
Rather than banning independent media, as despots might have done a generation ago, he slaps spurious fines or tax bills on their owners, forcing them to sell their businesses to loyal tycoons.
She has met too many real-life despots to indulge such sloppy thinking, and seen too much of their handiwork, starting with the murder of many of her relatives in the Holocaust.
Profits from corruption should be handled like despots' money and returned according to the same principles, Lukas Straumann from the activist Bruno Manser Fund, said, urging Switzerland to "close this glaring loophole".
It's full of the visions of a country wracked by the effects of automation, mechanization, and the clueless despots who'll do nothing to repair it, either on a personal or cosmic level.
He was also an editor, a political activist and a scathing and ironical polemicist, castigating equally the Russian despots in Petersburg and his fellow socialists in exile in London, Geneva and Paris.
The secretary learned his time was up while on a diplomatic mission to Africa, rather in the manner African despots would be deposed when out of the country (Trump operates through coups).
That isn't to say things might not still go horribly wrong, only that the habit of comparing Trump to despots of yore is off the mark and undermines the case against him.
I suspect what Kim Jong Un is doing with his toilet habits may soon be copied by despots and dictators like him, and appeal to traditional leaders with heavy opposition to their leadership.
After all, several of them once led high-handed campaigns to open markets in far-off lands by working in cahoots with pliant local despots, only to learn hard lessons about colonial hubris.
"We work together, that is what has traditionally set us apart from places that have turned to single leaders, despots, dictators, authoritarians who have promised people, 'I can fix it alone,' " she added.
" The former FBI director also criticized Trump for praising "despots and dictators like [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [North Korean leader] Kim Jong Un" and attacking people like "a war hero like [Sen.
"In charging two former RFA journalists with espionage, Cambodian authorities have opened the door to more serious forms of intimidation worthy of despots and dictators," RFA spokesman Rohit Mahajan said in emailed comments.
Instead, according to records and interviews across five continents, Interpol prioritized international expansion over safeguards, meaning despots and human rights violators could potentially use the agency to arrest people based on political motivations.
That legal blanket has, alas, enabled despots and other powerful individuals to skim assets in countries where the rule of law is thin — think Zimbabwe or Russia — and stash them beyond anyone's reach.
For more than a decade, we users of digital devices have actively championed an online infrastructure that now looks uniquely vulnerable to the sanctions of despots and others who seek to control information.
Wanted by U.S.: The Stolen Millions of Despots and Crooked Elites | Teams of government lawyers, the F.B.I. and Homeland Security are trying to recover assets the United States says were stolen by foreign officials.
Although the Congo he grew up in was a desperate place, racked by a civil war in which millions had died and despots had dug themselves in, he kept Lucha both idealistic and legalistic.
The Man in the High Castle complicates things even further by drawing equivalences between its alternate-reality despots and real Kennedy-era America, which Tagomi finds in the midst of the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Some African refugees — largely from Nigeria, Gambia, Somalia, Ivory Coast and Guinea — are escaping wars, but others are fleeing despots, corruption and poverty, a tapestry of problems that have plagued the Continent for generations.
Now that Mr. Trump has given his stamp of approval to autocrats and despots, from Vladimir V. Putin in Russia to Kim Jong-un in North Korea, the moral check on dictatorship has disappeared.
For despots and their families, human traffickers and gun runners, there's no better friend than the US, at least when it comes to hiding their finances from prying eyes, both at home and abroad.
Before that, the former Miss Manila was a globe-trotter who met with world leaders — U.S. presidents as well as Third World despots — and partied with George Hamilton, Andy Warhol and, inevitably, Donald Trump.
Then appreciate what it means for Sanders, in any context, to allow a Democrat with a documented affinity for despots to smear him over positions that were, at the time, widely held among mainstream liberals.
Whether we're talking about elections for student council, the White House, or the British Parliament, the only way for little people to exercise their power — against billionaires or high school despots — is with their votes.
Wherever you stand on the question of Russian interference in the election or the Mueller investigation in general, Americans want to see their representative on the world stage stand up to despots like  Vladimir Putin .
From Vladimir Putin's protestations of innocence on election meddling to Prince Mohammed bin Salman's denial that he had the journalist Jamal Khashoggi murdered, Mr. Trump has shown that he trusts despots over his own government.
He is 59—young by the standards of Central Asian despots—and may remain president for life, after reforms passed last year removed term limits and scrapped the requirement that presidential candidates be younger than 70.
Trump makes rare trip to Clinton state, hoping to win back New Hampshire MORE (R-Ariz.), speaking to NBC from a security conference in Munich, Germany, warned that Trump is toying with the rhetoric of despots.
They will want to know how such a dangerous person could have gotten so close to the presidency — a man who spoke of abandoning our allies, admiring foreign despots, weakening constitutional rights, and serially molesting women.
For the catch, of course, with all enlightened despots is that they feel about liberty for their subjects the way the young St. Augustine felt about chastity for himself: they want it, just not quite yet.
Faced with criticism from Canada over the treatment of two prominent human rights activists, Saudi rulers on Monday did the kind of thing that backward, insecure despots often do — they lashed out and penalized their critics.
This haphazard approach not only allows some despots to get away with murder and build up their weapons of mass destruction, it also signals that it doesn't take much to get on Donald Trump's good side.
The second was during the cold war, when East and West vied for the allegiance of newly independent African states; the Soviet Union backed Marxist tyrants while America propped up despots who claimed to believe in capitalism.
Inside the tech industry, the view is that companies like NSO Group or Intellexa endanger Silicon Valley's already rotting reputation, put users at risk, lack real global oversight, and often sell their wares to despots and dictators.
Here's a snapshot: Despots use fake news as a weapon: Leaders or state media in at least 15 countries have used the term "fake news" to try to quell dissent or defuse questions about human rights violations.
Instead, in an onslaught of astonishing ferocity led by President Obama, they used their convention to portray Mr. Trump as a dangerously unstable figure and a friend of foreign despots like President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
These questions have bedeviled European leaders, and many Americans, as Mr. Trump has blithely alienated America's friends and allies, canceled hard-won accords, dumped on trade treaties, threatened trade wars, lauded ruthless despots and cheered populist demagogues.
" So far, Trump's reaction to the Khashoggi crisis mirrors his approach to domestic politics: it involves telling lies, writes The New Yorker's John Cassidy: "Another receptive audience for Trump's disinformation campaigns is made up of foreign despots.
The hostile regimes surrounding Israel have continually stoked such fears; just hours after Israel declared independence in 1948, seven armies from neighboring countries attacked, and opportunistic despots have encouraged terrorism against Israel and its citizens ever since.
His susceptibility to fanfare and flattery leads him to mistake after mistake, especially when it comes to despots like Kim Jong-un of North Korea and Vladimir Putin of Russia, autocrats he admires and longs to emulate.
Periodic grand alliances against "terrorism" (by which officials mean religious Sunnis) or against Iran (by which officials mean Shiites everywhere) will accomplish nothing and just play into the hands of secular Sunni despots whose repression drives extremism.
Here was a President who embraces despots, doubles down on defending "both sides" of the Charlottesville protests, unknowingly retweets Mussolini slogans, and has made his sympathies clear for white nationalist causes and right-wing politics around the world.
The N.C.A.A., the nonprofit organization that once governed college athletics and now more closely resembles a sprawling sales team for high-end workout gear, was, like so many despots before it, meant to be a force for good.
But it has also presumed to offer him something "more" valuable according to the value system it imputes to him: a tawdry love of gleaming gold fixtures, common to vulgar despots all the way back to Midas himself.
If the international community continues to stand back and ignore his crimes, they are sending a message to despots and autocrats the world over: not only will brutal regimes be tolerated, but their perpetrators may even be celebrated.
They betray our country, our moral convictions as a democracy, our common-sense belief that our commander-in-chief should also be our defender-in-chief, not an authoritarian-wannabe who cozies up to dictators and murderous despots.
It will take much more than this project to change the reputation of the United States in this part of the world, where we are famous for exploiting workers and resources and helping to keep despots in power.
Earlier this year, Charles Walker OBE, a senior MP in the ruling Conservative Party, raised protests that certain MPs and their families were being treated like "African despots" after banks pre-emptively closed their accounts with no explanation.
" Waters told Rolling Stone earlier this year that his upcoming North American tour would be an "exercise in resistance, not just to Trump, but to all the despots, dictators, thieves, and ne'er-do-wells all over the world.
Seeing it, I imagined Emma Lazarus's poem rewritten for the age of Trump: Give me your despots, your rich,Your vulgar tax evaders yearning to flee,The depraved and debauched that itchTo steal, I will make them free.
Several diplomats said they worried that Mr. Trump was trying to discredit a tenet of American democracy — a free press — and in so doing, might embolden despots around the world into further challenges to freedom of the press.
North Korea is a hereditary Asian dynasty (currently on its third Kim) — but one maintained by Marxist-Leninist police-state powers unimaginable to earlier epochs of Asian despots and supported by a recently invented and quasi-religious ideology.
At the appointed hour, their 12th imam, who disappeared in 941 to avoid the persecution Sunni despots had inflicted on his 11 predecessors (pictured below), would return as al-mahdi al-muntadhar, "the awaited saviour", and vanquish the oppressors.
But Trump has made no secret of his admiration for Putin, which suggests that his NATO position is about more than just money: Trump believes the world is better off if in the hands of despots, strongmen, and dictators.
Despite all the efforts of Muslim despots to scrub gays from the historical record, Islamic history is not only rife with gays in the public arena, but boasts a vast corpus of literature and poetry that celebrates their love.
The governments that come to power are still often corrupt and inefficient, but far less brazenly so than those of cold war despots such as Mobutu Sese Seko of Congo or Jean-Bedel Bokassa of the Central African Republic.
And, when the leader of a nation previously devoted to the promulgation of press freedom worldwide seeks so colorfully to delegitimize journalism, he inevitably gives cover to foreign despots who threaten reporters in order to protect their own power.
The nuclear missile crisis now involves another mercurial dictator who hates America, North Korea's Kim Jong Un. The third in the line of the Kim despots has accelerated North Korea's missile program, developing missiles that could reach American territory.
We happily suspend all need for it in Until Dawn, we revel in the bombastic despots of Far Cry, and the most interesting character in Fallout 4 is a 1930s detective robot that looks like a broken porcelain doll.
President Trump's continuing and virtually pathological attacks against CNN, other nationally respected news organizations and the free press stain the American presidency and are similar to the behavior of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and other despots around the world.
Rhetorically, anyway, Mr. Trump has raised the temperature many more degrees by declaring the news media to be nothing less than the enemy of the people, a phrase more familiar coming from the likes of Stalin and other despots.
Democrat concerns But the Democrats catalogued a series of concerns, including his stance on Russia, human rights, how long he would recuse himself from decisions that could affect ExxonMobil, and the oil company's track record of doing business with despots. Sen.
But if the regime's travails prove anything, it's that China's current despot is no more enlightened than despots elsewhere, and China's people are no less eager to have what people have elsewhere: justice, fairness, rights, freedom from fear, freedom itself.
Of all the obscene spectacles one has had to endure over the past several months, the worst has been that of the United States and Britain — their finest hour but a wan memory — competing for the favor and lucre of despots.
If successful, Trump's foreign policy would create a Europe dominated by right-wing populists intent on controlling borders, while the people of Asia would be ruled by despots untroubled by calls for democratization and eager to cut bilateral trade deals.
Second, given that dictators, particularly atheistic communist despots, sole goal in life is to maintain their tenuous grip on power in the here-and-now, they are in fact relatively easy to deter, at least in terms of nuclear use.
To me, Yassi's obsession with Donald Trump represented the radical disjuncture between the brave new world we adults came to inhabit and the innocent world of a child, where even the names of autocratic despots are reduced to lyrical rhymes.
Having written a poem comparing Stalin's fingers to fat grubs, Osip was arrested by the despot, who (as seems typical of despots) had no sense of humor and appears to have been particularly offended by the line about his fingers.
A security crackdown in Saudi Arabia before Mr. Trump's visit — as well as the Bahraini regime's deadly attack on a sit-in immediately afterward — suggest that the region's despots feel that they've been given carte blanche to stamp out peaceful dissent.
The city is starkly unequal and controlled by an authoritarian corporate-friendly government, with some areas parceled out to small-time despots — like a renovated Bastille where inmates have their memories confiscated, leaving them unaware that the outside world exists.
Africa is rarely recounted as a continent of great transition, where multi-party democracy flourishes and the rule of law is increasingly the norm, but as a land only of wildlife, despots and the persecuted — and of course, their western saviours.
In the calls, he voiced admiration for one of the world's most durable despots, the president of Kazakhstan, and said he hoped to visit a country, Pakistan, that President Obama has steered clear of during nearly eight years in office.
In his lyrics and writings, the use of Soviet imagery and arguably positive references to Mao can grate in a culture rich with despots (though I grow defensive when people unfamiliar with his approach, who don't "get it," criticize him for the same.).
Refusing to break with Saudi strongman Mohammed bin Salman over the killing in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Trump effectively told global despots that if they side with him, Washington will turn a blind eye to actions that infringe traditional US values.
The cases, which involved Cold War allies of the United States, should serve as a warning to today's despots and offer hope to the legion of victims of human rights abuses around the world who are still waiting for their day in court.
It is not an exaggeration to point out that most demagogues and despots assert that their actions are done for the betterment of the people — and therefore they need not be subservient to anything as trivial or troublesome as elections or a constitution.
" She added: "I was thinking all the despots, you know, Stalin, Hitler, but then I thought, even though they said the same things -- 'we're going to make Germany great again' -- and it was at a time when the Deutsche Mark I think was 25 cents.
The five Labour MPs are certainly right that Bagehot would have worried about the transfer of power from Britain to the EU. As a creature of his time, he regarded continental Europe as a political backwater, governed by either unaccountable bureaucracies or wilful despots.
The only president who has not accepted the security policies of this consensus is Donald J. Trump, who has a habit of occasionally praising dictators and despots — including Putin — that should be as alien to true conservatives as it is alien to true liberals.
Ms. Derian, who had trained as a registered nurse and admitted on her appointment that she knew little about diplomatic protocols, earned a reputation for angering despots as well as career State Department diplomats, many of whom viewed her as well-meaning but unsophisticated.
More likely, we could envision a world in which despots use the threat of nuclear attack to extract concessions from others, ranging from economic extortion, prevention of interference in regional proxies carrying out nefarious activities, to outright demands for external support to failing regimes.
Like so many others who have covered Trump and his coterie of dullards, I have often been caught up in questions of whether despots have blackmail leverage over Trump or offer him favors; of whether he recognizes his kind or he's an easily influenced idiot.
MOSCOW — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia has long made the buttressing of beleaguered despots a pillar of his foreign policy — most successfully by deploying the military in Syria — to drive home the point that outside powers should not dabble in other countries' internal affairs.
The bottom line: An era of blatant U.S. permissiveness over abuses of international law by the world's despots — a chapter that arguably began when President Obama abandoned his chemical weapons "red line" in Syria in 2013 — will inhibit dissent and free speech beyond the Middle East.
Does Pence want to help elect, and work for a president, whom leading lights in national security — those who have spent lifetimes risking their lives to defend America from despots and terrorists — believe gives aid, comfort and support to dictators and terrorists who threaten our nation?
Trump has used these words and more to praise, court, make excuses for and seek favor with a motley collection of foreign despots and dictators — in some cases calling them fascist is not too strong a word — whom no American president should ever flatter or praise.
Previous presidents may have made realpolitik accommodations with unsavory regimes, but we've never seen anything like Trump's obvious preference for brutal despots over democratic allies, his willingness to make excuses for whatever people like Vladimir Putin or Mohammed bin Salman do, up to and including murder.
If the President fails to establish some baseline rules on what is or isn't acceptable from a friend, enemy (or frenemy in some cases), despots will figure out how to play the POTUS to stay on his good side -- and get away with breaking international law.
The resignation was most likely another masterstroke by the last survivor of the band of wily Communist bosses who seized power in their respective republics when the Soviet Union fell apart and repurposed themselves as national champions and, in Central Asia at least, as all-powerful despots.
In Egypt, too, albeit under very different circumstances, the utopianism of 2011 has given way to suffocation and violence, as a new iteration of military despots attempt to expunge collective memories of that brief moment when the ability to shape the world around oneself had fallen into collective hands.
It would inflict a devastating and permanent blow to the core vision of our Founding Fathers who warned the nation repeatedly, and drafted our Constitution carefully, to protect our democracy from being corrupted or destroyed by malignant dominance of foreign powers or domestic dominance of home grown despots.
When human-rights campaigners object to what is happening under oppressive regimes, despots can point out that liberal democracies such as France and Spain also criminalise those who "glorify" or "defend" terrorism, and that many Western countries make it a crime to insult a religion or to incite racial hatred.
Part of the answer, surely, is that Handke is considered a fascist (though his full political views are hardly clear), whereas Pinter, Grass and the others were all men of the left, whose fellow traveling with despots could glibly be excused, at least by other leftists, as an excess of idealism.
In June, The Hill published my op-ed magnifying the potential of a new federal law, the Global Magnitsky Act (GMA) to punish dictators, despots, and their co-conspirators who deprive citizens of fundamental human rights through torture, forced disappearance, and assassination — and the corrupt seizure of lucrative private assets.
"I'm deeply concerned, not only concerned ... about what happens inside the United States at some of the volatile Trump rallies – I think that the president has sent a message to despots abroad that you can disrespect the press," Baquet said during a portion of an interview with CNN's David Axelrod that aired on Friday.
THE LUCKY STARBy William T. Vollmann Across three decades and two dozen volumes of immersive fiction and nonfiction, William T. Vollmann has traversed landscapes of impossible beauty and extreme degradation, returning to produce exhaustive works on war, poverty, disasters, despots, immigrants, activists, sadists, scientists, martyrs, con artists, artist-artists and prostitutes — many, many prostitutes.
Conservative critics see Francis, who was chastened by the experience of living under a military dictatorship in his Argentine homeland, as someone who is quicker to denounce right-wing despots than left-wing ones, and who harbours a soft spot for anyone who claims to champion the interests of the global south against the economic might of the north.
More from NBC News:North Korea warns region is 'close to nuclear war' amid U.S. drillsTrump and Putin speak by phone, discuss potential personal meeting'Tortured with electricity': Chechen gay men recount days of abuse The Trump administration may not have a coherent foreign policy yet, but one theme is emerging: The president seems to have a soft spot for despots.
In a hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen, Open Constitution Initiative co-founder Teng Biao and Center for a New American Security's transatlantic security expert Andrea Kendall-Taylor said there are indicators popping up worldwide that suggest a growing return to dictators and despots.
But he applied that standard to Venezuela, criticizing President Nicolas Maduro, immediately after touting his good relationship with one of the most repressive and abusive despots in the world -- Kim Jong Un. The takeaway for oppressors around the world is clear: The President has no consistent approach to those whom he will embrace and those whom he will abandon.
The Internet wasn't meant to let despots restrict information, but instead of getting beat, they started playing the game better than anyone: by sharing just as the rest of us were, overwhelming the citizenry with content, content, content until what was real and where all the fakery was coming was nearly impossible for anyone to sort out.
He made commercially lucrative deals with despots and dictators, inspired fevered international conspiracy theories with his work for the Trilateral Commission, helped rescue New York City from bankruptcy when President Gerald Ford told it to drop dead (sort of), and gave away untold millions of dollars in support of the arts, medical research, historic preservation and other philanthropies.
With the apparent "no collusion" conclusion to the Robert Mueller investigation, there will now be a retreat from this alternative reality to more defensible terrain — the terrain where Trump is a sordid figure who admires despots and surrounded himself with hacks and two-bit crooks while his campaign was buoyed by a foreign power's hack of his opponent.
The film's main villain, after all, is a corrupt old banker who would turn Bedford Falls into his own personal playground, and George succeeds in leading the fight against him less because of his business acumen (though he has plenty) and more because his natural tendency to stand up to despots gains him friends and allies across all sorts of boundaries.
"What keeps despots, dictators awake at night, what topples evil empires is the little person who goes into the square in the middle of the town in the dark of the night and scrawls on the wall, 'No,'" Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, said earlier this month at a rally to support a Mexican immigrant threatened with deportation.
Cousins observes that the world has only become more Wellesian—by which he means more visual, more open to the kinds of radical innovation pioneered in Welles's movies and in the meantime amped up by the advent of the internet—but somehow no less vulnerable to the kinds of despots that populated his pictures, quite a few them played by Welles himself.
They value America's alliances, especially with Europe; believe in American strength but not winner-take-all dominance; support working within the United Nations and other multinational institutions; understand the sustained effort needed to build trust with friends and manage adversaries; include human rights and rule of law as part of the agenda; and recognize the limits of cozying up to despots.
Such a state of affairs inevitably would lead to actions taken by the ruler that are not in the interests of the nation, like dishonoring treaty agreements, abandoning allies, impugning the independent judiciary and the free press, disregarding fundamental rights and liberties of the people, abrogating civic norms and virtues, pursuing acts of personal enrichment and currying favor with foreign despots and authoritarians.
This wasn't about his praise for despots at home or abroad; it had nothing to do with the past year, which he's spent demonstrating that he has less of a hold on American history than a sixth-grader failing civics; he didn't mean to take back any of the off-the-dome inanities that inspired the right wing to embrace him as a hero.
New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet is arguing that President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's attacks against the news media are sending a message to "despots" around the world that they can disrespect the press.
"Plot," beginning Monday on HBO, asks the audience to imagine the outlandish idea that the presidency might have been won by a celebrity demagogue new to politics who appeals to bigotry and fear, who ran on the slogan of "America First," who boasts of having "taken our country back," who sees fine people on the most reprehensible side of history, who cozies up to despots and behaves as if he were their puppet.
He has undermined the institution of diplomacy by advocating a 30 percent cut in the State Department budget and trying to push out 2,000 career diplomats, has shown little interest in explaining American positions at home or abroad and has done little to counter the steady erosion of trust in America's historic role as a global leader, which Mr. Trump has brought about by his indifference to old alliances and his courtship of despots and strongmen.
According to the bullhorns and depending on the year, America's military campaigns abroad would satisfy justice, displace tyrants, keep violence away from Western soil, spread democracy, foster development, prevent sectarian war, protect populations, reduce corruption, bolster women's rights, decrease the international heroin trade, check the influence of extreme religious ideology, create Iraqi and Afghan security forces that would be law-abiding and competent and finally build nations that might peacefully stand on their own in a global world, all while discouraging other would-be despots and terrorists.
Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Eight Democratic presidential hopefuls to appear in CNN climate town hall Top aide Jeff Weaver lays out Sanders's path to victory MORE (I-Vt.) on Friday accused President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE of leading with "strong authoritarian tendencies," saying that the real estate mogul "kind of likes" despots.
I told him that it was with a heavy heart that I was asking Iraqi dissidents to oppose the war that could liberate them from the everyday terror that despots inflict on their people, that I felt I could say this to them because I knew full well what it meant for those who awaited the knock on the door, who feared they would be dragged to a cellar full of tortured prisoners, who would have to deal with a legacy of persecution and exile to postpone their deliverance so that all of humanity was not dragged into a maelstrom of chaos.
Senator Bernie SandersBernie SandersHarry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' The exhaustion of Democrats' anti-Trump delusions Warren offers plan to repeal 1994 crime law authored by Biden MORE (I-Vt.), acting more like a commander in chief than President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE, castigated Trump for being unable to get along with leaders of democratic nations while appearing comfortable with authoritarians, dictators and despots.

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