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13 Sentences With "despotisms"

How to use despotisms in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "despotisms" and check conjugation/comparative form for "despotisms". Mastering all the usages of "despotisms" from sentence examples published by news publications.

While despotisms like Venezuela and North Korea receive greater attention on the world stage, we should not forget the lesson of Mugabe.
His life spanned decades of despotisms, but he came to believe that the world faced a greater threat in the 21st century than ever before.
Willard Thorp, editor. Princeton University Press, 1946: 220. Godwin expressed his antislavery sentiments in Putnam's and criticized then-president Franklin Pierce; backlash from Democrats hurt the circulation of the magazine, especially after November 1854, when Godwin published his essay "American Despotisms".Miller, Perry.
He thinks it is the reincarnation of a goddess who has come to punish him for his mistreatment of Xi'er and other despotisms. He is so frightened that he is paralyzed with fear. Xi'er recognizes that it is her arch-enemy and seizes the opportunity to take further revenge. She picks up the brass incense burner and hurls it against the landlord.
The Royal Council came to prominence again during the reign of King Charles II from 1665-1700, as Charles II was mentally incompetent. After the War of Spanish Succession and Nueva Planta decrees, Spain centralized itself further. Castile's government became dominant not just over Castile, but the former Crown of Aragon as well. The enlightened despotisms of Charles III and Charles IV also saw a prominent role for the Council of Castile.
Things do not go entirely as hoped, as the incompetent military authoritarians of the ship encounter three very different societies. The first planet was a penal colony; it is now many independent kleptocratic despotisms preying on each other. The second planet, Hygeia, is populated by health and fitness fanatic nudists. The third planet, Kassim, was colonized by a religious group, but when the ship arrives, the Terrans cannot find any human life, only empty villages overgrown by jungle.
Whereas colonial resentments were originally directed primarily against the king's ministers and Parliament, Paine laid the responsibility firmly at the king's door. Common Sense was the most widely read pamphlet of the American Revolution. It was a clarion call for unity against the corrupt British court, so as to realize America's providential role in providing an asylum for liberty. Written in a direct and lively style, it denounced the decaying despotisms of Europe and pilloried hereditary monarchy as an absurdity.
In contrast, the Essai praised ancient China and India. Voltaire also attempted to refute prejudices about the Muslim world, according to which the Ottoman Empire and all other Muslim states were despotisms in which individuals had no rights and no property of their own. He countered that these states differed among each other just as Christian states did, none of them treating subjects as slaves. He also pointed out that European feudalism gave individuals no more rights than a typical person in Turkey or Prussia.
In a November 2008 book review entitled "Deflating the Churchill Myth", Margolis in the Toronto Sun endorsed Pat Buchanan's book Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War as a "powerful new book". Margolis stated: > Buchanan's heretical view, and mine, is that the Western democracies should > have let Hitler expand his Reich eastward until it inevitably went to war > with the even more dangerous Soviet Union. Once these despotisms had > exhausted themselves, the Western democracies would have been left > dominating Europe. The lives of millions of Western civilians and soldiers > would have been spared.
Sumption has argued that the lockdown response to the pandemic could threaten democracy. He has said this is because people have been giving up their liberties because of their fear of the virus, and despotisms arise not because liberty is forcibly taken away by tyrants but because people voluntarily surrender their liberty in return for protection from some perceived threat and it’s in the interests of governments to exaggerate that threat in order to procure compliance. Furthermore, he has noted that advocates of human rights “have been extraordinarily silent” about the lockdown.
In April 1867, the Conservatives met at Nashville and nominated Etheridge to run against Brownlow for governor. The Conservative platform called for fidelity to the U.S. Constitution and obedience to all constitutionally-enacted laws, the assurance of "all the rights of freemen" to African Americans, and the extension of the right to vote to former Confederates. It also rejected "tyranny" and "military despotisms," a reference to a law passed by the legislature giving Brownlow the power to declare martial law in any county."For Governor, Emerson Etheridge: Our Platform," Memphis Daily Appeal, 18 April 1867, p. 2.
The group performed new works by Alvin Lucier, Pauline Oliveros, David Toop, Mark Applebaum, Karen Power and Juraj Kos, all of whom were present. The Festival also included the first Deep Listening Retreat in Ireland. In 2009, the QME performed the closing night of that year's Dublin Electronic Arts Festival, with guest David Toop. Recent compositions include Call of the Carolina Parakeet (2005), for Crash Ensemble, which received its premiere in Cork in spring 2005 and for David Adams (2005), for organ, as well as a number of soundscapes, including "Hermaphrodite" for the CruX Dance Company, and The Abstract Despotisms of Calculus for Crash Ensemble.
His was the mildest and least reactionary of all the Italian despotisms of the day, and although always subject to Austrian influence he refused to adopt the Austrian methods of government, allowed a fair measure of liberty to the press, and permitted many political exiles from other states to dwell in Tuscany undisturbed. But when during the early 1840s unrest spread throughout Italy, even in Tuscany demands for a constitution and other political reforms were advanced; in 1845 and 1846 riots occurred in various parts of the country, and Leopold granted a number of administrative reforms. But Austrian influence prevented him from doing more, even had he wished to do so. The election of Pope Pius IX gave fresh encouragement to Liberalism, and on 4 September 1847 Leopold instituted the National Guard – a preparation for a constitution; soon afterward the marchese Cosimo Ridolfi was appointed prime minister. The granting of the Neapolitan and Piedmontese constitutions was followed (17 February 1848) by that of Tuscany, composed by Gino Capponi.

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