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39 Sentences With "derogating"

How to use derogating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "derogating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "derogating". Mastering all the usages of "derogating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Measures derogating from the provisions of the Covenant must be of an exceptional and temporary nature.
The fire-fighters are therefore arguing for the option of derogating from the maximum working week.
The Supreme Court states that "the rules derogating from the passive electoral law must be strictly interpreted".
But he was that rare thing, a man who could lift your spirits while derogating your world view.
Self-abasement is a process whereby through criticizing, blaming, or otherwise derogating the self, the individual seeks to allay anxiety.
To the extent privacy was not recognized, traditionally, as a valid basis for derogating from openness, that position has been altered by legislation.
Nothing in this Charter shall be construed as limiting or derogating from any of the rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights.
These provisions and orientations presume the juridic prescriptions which are already in effect, referring to them on occasion, and in no case derogating from them.
He said that the Liechtenstein Government had never had recourse to the possibility available to it of derogating from certain fundamental rights under certain conditions.
The Emergency Act contains no provisions derogating from the obligations set forth under paragraph 2, article 4, of the Covenant, from which no derogation is permitted.
The latter can be spread over individualised production programs by derogating from the depreciation method and amount booked to the balance sheet on an economic and fiscal basis.
Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Covenant stipulates that, in time of public emergency, States parties may take measures derogating from certain of their obligations under the Covenant.
The Naga way of life and cultural and economic bonds among all the Naga peoples can surely be strengthened without derogating from the integrity of any other Indian State.
It is necessary to clarify the conditions under which imports from these derogating countries are allowed, and in particular those relating to the sourcing of the products for import.
Nothing in Article 54 shall be construed as derogating from the law in force in any Contracting State relating to immunity of that State or of any foreign State from execution.
Article 4 of the ICCPR states that human rights are non-derogable under any circumstances, but it also provides strictly constrained regimes for temporarily derogating from human rights in a state of emergency.
Ever since Aqueduct began to be such a remarkable financial success, the powers in the N. Y. R. A. have been derogating Belmont-reducing the number of its racing days and transferring most of its stake races to Aqueduct.
Taruskin also criticizes the ideas of measuring Schoenberg's value as a composer in terms of his influence on other artists, the overrating of technical innovation, and the restriction of criticism to matters of structure and craft while derogating other approaches as vulgarian .
The Supreme Court of Iceland agreed with the prosecutor and found the author guilty of "derogating a foreign nation". The court sentenced Þórbergur to pay a fine of 200 krónur.„Æra Hitlers metin á 200 krónur“, grein í Alþýðublaðinu, 103. tbl, 1.
On the other hand, when self-image was threatened, those participants tended to degrade the stereotyped member, which bolstered their self-image.Fein, S., & Spencer, S. J. (1997). Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 31-44.
Some studies have observed increases in self- esteem following self-affirmation,Fein, S., & Spencer, S. J. (1997). Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(1), 31 whereas other have found no effect on self-esteem.Schmeichel, B. J., & Martens, A. (2005).
People are also less likely to endorse prejudiced beliefs when their own self-worth is affirmed. After being made to feel good about themselves, people are more likely to positively rate job candidates from stigmatized groups Fein, S., & Spencer, S. J. (1997). Prejudice as self-image maintenance: Affirming the self through derogating others.
However, a motu proprio has no effect in so far as it harms the acquired right of another or is contrary to a lawAccording to the article in the 1911 Catholic Encyclopedia, a motu proprio was at that time considered valid even if counter to ecclesiastical law. or approved custom, unless it expressly states that it is derogating from these matters.
In direct action cases, on application by the applicant or the defendant, the President may exceptionally decide that a case is to be determined pursuant to an expedited procedure derogating from the Rules of Procedure where the particular urgency of the case requires the Court to give its ruling with the minimum of delay. This ensures that the case is prioritised so that the Court's judgment can be given as soon as possible in the best interests of justice. In preliminary reference cases, at the request of the national court, the President may exceptionally decide to apply an accelerated procedure derogating from the Rules of Procedure. Just like expedited direct action cases, the accelerated preliminary reference procedure ensures that the case is prioritised so that the Court's judgment can be given to the referring national court as soon as possible in the best interests of justice.
Overall, social anxiety may serve as a way for people to anticipate certain actions that might bring social exclusion. People with social anxiety might display characteristics of self-blaming and self-derogating, have high perceived social standards, poorly defined social goals, a heightened sense of self-focused attention and retreat from social situations to avoid social 'mishaps'.Hofmann, S. G. (2007). Cognitive factors that maintain social anxiety disorder: A comprehensive model and its treatment implications.
Jennifer Crocker and Riia Luhtanen were the first to study collective self-esteem. They believed there was a relationship between people's self-esteem and how they felt about groups they were a part of. Crocker hypothesized that people who were high in the trait of collective self-esteem would be more likely to “react to threats to collective self- esteem by derogating out-groups and enhancing the in-group.” The idea of collective self-esteem rose out of social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner).
When the control order crosses the line and "deprives liberty", rather than "restricts liberty", it is called a derogating control order because it infringes Article 5 of the ECHR. This can only happen if there is a derogation according to Article 15, and the Home Secretary must apply to a court for the authority. Derogation is only allowed when there is a "war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation". The ECHR states that the government cannot deprive any person of their liberty without due process of law.
Ability of prospective assessment of personality profiles to predict the practice specialty of medical students. Proceedings, Baylor University Medical Center, 20, 22-26. His two most cited papers are Steven Fein and Steven J. Spencer "Prejudice as Self-image Maintenance: Affirming the Self Through Derogating Others" in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1997 Vol. 73, No. 1,31-44 (cited 932 times according to Google Scholar) and SJ Spencer, S Fein, CT Wolfe, C Fong "Automatic activation of stereotypes: The role of self-image threat" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin November 1998 vol.
His predecessor, Pope Pius IX, became known as the Pope of the Immaculate Conception because of his dogmatization in 1854. Leo XIII, in light of his unprecedented promulgation of the rosary in 11 encyclicals, was called the Rosary Pope because he promulgated Marian devotion. In his encyclical on the 50th anniversary of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception, he stresses Mary's role in the redemption of humanity and calls her Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix. While allowing the title "Mediatrix", recent popes, following on the Second Vatican Council, have warned away from the term "co- redemptrix" as derogating from the one mediator, Jesus Christ.
When people are in the position of evaluating others, self-image maintenance processes can lead to a more negative evaluation depending on the self-image of the evaluator. That is to say stereotyping and prejudice may be the way individuals maintain their self-image. When individuals evaluate a member of a stereotyped group, they are less likely to evaluate that person negatively if their self-images had been bolstered through a self-affirmation procedure, and they are more likely to evaluate that person stereotypically if their self- images have been threatened by negative feedback. Individuals may restore their self-esteem by derogating the member of a stereotyped group.
Finally, some occupational groups in principle covered by the Act, by virtue of agreements derogating from the law have a legal status which is better or worse than is provided for under the Act. There is a requirement for the law to be applicable that the employee works at least 8 hours a week on average, and also a requirement that the employee is not a civil servant. The regulations concerning termination of employment under the Act establish a system of notices of termination based on the employee's length of service, which cannot be derogated from to the detriment of the employee. There is also the possibility of compensation in certain cases.
The Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (c 2) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, intended to deal with the Law Lords' ruling of 16 December 2004 that the detention without trial of eight foreigners (known as the 'Belmarsh 8') at HM Prison Belmarsh under Part 4 of the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 was unlawful, being incompatible with European (and, thus, domestic) human rights laws. The Act allowed the Home Secretary to impose "control orders" on people who were suspected of involvement in terrorism, which in some cases may have derogated (opted out) from human rights laws. As yet, no derogating control orders have been obtained under s.4 of the relevant Act.
This was achieved by the British government derogating from the ECHR on the basis that the threat to the UK amounted to a 'public emergency threatening the life of the nation' within the meaning of Article 15. However, the use of immigration detention powers meant that, although the British government could not force them, the detainees were technically free to return (albeit facing a real risk of torture). However, 2 detainees did leave – one to France and one to Morocco. In 2002, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission held that indefinite detention under Part 4 was incompatible with the right to non- discrimination under Article 14 ECHR, on the basis that only suspected terrorists who were foreign nationals were subjected to detention, while suspects who were British nationals remained free.
Social identity theory suggests that media coverage of an ego-involving issue will activate group identity and increase the salience of the issue among members of a group that champions a particular political or social cause. This in turn triggers self-categorization processes, as ingroup members differentiate themselves from their counterparts in the outgroup, seeking to elevate their self-esteem by viewing the ingroup as superior to the disliked outgroup on core dimensions. When exposed to controversial media coverage that contains unfavorable depictions of the ingroup, group members, concerned about the perceived inaccuracy of the portrayals and convinced that the portrayals undermine the group's legitimacy in the larger society, cope by derogating media coverage, viewing it as hostilely biased. In this way, they reduce the symbolic threat and restore valued social self-esteem.
23 June edition, Aviation Week & Space Technology, page 29-30 On 10 July 2008 Diamond Aircraft announced that it was dropping out of the bidding to purchase Thielert, citing that Thielert withheld key information "vital to the due diligence process", although Thielert disagreed. On Friday 11 July 2008, Thielert issued a press release stating: "the reasons Diamond is presenting for its non-participation are clearly pretext". Thielert implied that Diamond was not a serious prospective buyer and that "Diamond's actions clearly serve the purpose of derogating Thielert's reputation in the naive assumption to be able to subsequently purchase Thielert far under value." As part of its insolvency, Thielert indicated that it would not honor warranties or inspect and replace life-limited parts as was the case when the engines were sold to customers.
An illicit violation of the Charter, whether by a private party or by the provincial Crown, may give rise to a cease-and-desist order and to compensation for damages. Punitive damages may be awarded in case of an intentional and unlawful violation. The Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms is called quasi-constitutional because, according to section 52, no provision of any other Act passed by the Quebec National Assembly may derogate from sections 1 to 38, unless such Act expressly states that it applies despite the charter.Charter of human rights and freedoms A total impossibility to adopt derogating laws could be considered incompatible with parliamentary sovereignty, a fundamental principle in political systems following the British tradition; however, Canada, of which Quebec is a province, has a tradition of constitutional supremacy.
The 1991 Constitution made significant changes to states of siege and states of emergency, known constitutionally as states of exception. The 1886 Constitution, in article 121, allowed the President to declare a state of siege, which gave him extraordinary lawmaking powers, in the case of foreign war or internal disturbances. The duration of the state of siege was practically unlimited, with the government determining when to declare public order to be reestablished; and it could be declared throughout the country or in parts thereof. Judicial and legislative oversight of the state of siege was very limited, although a 1968 amendment imposed automatic review by the Supreme Court of all decrees adopted and the President was barred from derogating laws (only entitled to suspend laws incompatible with the state of siege during its duration) or impeding the normal functioning of Congress.
At the same time, the Committee keeps its initial role as a platform for discussion, due to the fact that it develops an inter- institutional dialogue with a view to raising awareness of the competent authorities about the fiscal and structural reforms for rendering the Romanian economy more flexible and taking the necessary steps for the changeover to the euro, on the other hand. The Committee’s main topics of discussion are: \- the experience of other EU Member States in the preparation of the changeover to the euro; \- the stage of Romania's preparation for the adoption of the euro; \- new mechanisms and concepts developed at European Union level in the field of economic governance and the strengthening of the Economic and Monetary Union; \- documents of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the Government of Romania regarding the convergence to the euro area of the derogating Member States.
To allow Leyland the relief it sought would have the effect of derogating from the title Leyland had conveyed to car owners when they purchased the cars. This rationale is comparable to the doctrine of legal estoppel under US law. Although Armstrong was a third party not in privity with Leyland, and a stranger to the car purchase transaction, nonetheless Armstrong was permitted to rely on the non- derogation rights of the car owners relative to Leyland (as Aro was permitted to rely on the rights of car owners to repair their property and keep it in good order). In his speech, Lord Bridge stated, “What the owner needs, if his right to repair is to be of value to him, is the freedom to acquire a previously manufactured replacement exhaust system in an unrestricted market.” In this regard, he observed that it was infeasible for the general public to make their own tailpipes or go to the village blacksmith to have them specially made.

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