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966 Sentences With "dependence on"

How to use dependence on in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dependence on" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dependence on". Mastering all the usages of "dependence on" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Dependence on Local-Authority Funding: Voyage's ratings are constrained by high dependence on local government, which accounts for over 0003% of the company's funding.
Dependence on Local-Authority Funding: Voyage's ratings are constrained by its high dependence on local government, which accounts for around 90% of its funding.
Reducing our dependence on carbon-based fuels will also enhance our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil from unstable and hostile countries.
Dependence on Local-Authority Funding: Voyage's ratings are constrained by a high dependence on local government, which accounts for around 90% of the company's funding.
System diversity addresses the dependence on a single system, such as GPS – some PNT alternatives have a dependence on GPS, therefore will fail should GPS become disrupted.
The Rosatom plant, he said, will only substitute a dependence on Russian nuclear fuel for a dependence on Russian gas, which is currently used to generate 95 percent of the country's electricity.
In the late-20th century, we entered the Information Age, a period of time characterized by the economic shift from a dependence on traditional industry to a dependence on computers and digital information.
The current divergence stems from Asia's continuing dependence on coal.
The dependence on cheap labor is built into these companies.
Eventually, Alberta will have to reduce its dependence on oil.
The revised BuzzwordCoin contract has no functional dependence on ETH.
And with booming agriculture comes a heavy dependence on pesticides.
Qatar's banking sector still has significant dependence on foreign funding.
The other is to increase your boss's dependence on you.
That way, it can reduce its dependence on third parties.
And here our dependence on other minds reinforces the problem.
The dependence on diesel has come at a cost, however.
The aim is to reduce Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
He could take issue with the growing dependence on American fuel.
But that overlooks finance houses' heavy dependence on secondary-market business.
Reality check: Dependence on mobile-money platforms is not without risk.
Having Americans around helps reduce dependence on their over-mighty neighbour.
The silences persisted, as did the couple's growing dependence on alcohol.
The protracted episode called attention to Virginia's dependence on federal largess.
Next, Nord Stream 2 will increase Europe's dependence on Russian energy.
We actually have a dangerous over-dependence on the European market.
So is Netflix, though it has high dependence on the Gang.
His dependence on partisanship remains a pillar of his political strategy.
Dependence on wholesale funding is common across non-banks, including DHFL.
Our dependence on the company and its myriad services will grow.
It also noted a continued high dependence on cash-flow borrowing.
This also leads to more dependence on technology — more expensive care.
Gulf states will have to get over their dependence on oil.
The dependence on top earners eventually will come home to roost.
The nation must cut its dependence on Russian-built rocket engines.
No wars over oil, dependence on foreign suppliers, or resource shortages.
Millennials' dependence on takeaway food should come as little surprise, really.
Reducing the dependence on coal is an emotional issue in Poland.
Reducing emissions from aviation will also cut our dependence on oil.
No effort to wean Europe from its dependence on Russian energy.
We're going to free ourselves from a dependence on fossil fuels.
The dinner participants also discuss weakening Europe's dependence on Russian energy.
It's true that dependence on norms is not an unqualified good.
Many American companies are already reconsidering their dependence on Chinese manufacturing.
Just as new technology in energy production and extraction have reduced our dependence on the Middle East, a technology innovation of a very different sort -- 3D printing -- is already poised to reduce our dependence on Asian factories.
China's dependence on American spending and technology limits diplomatic and military adventurism.
Exports from the United States would help reduce their dependence on Russia.
Now Walmart hopes to help these companies break their dependence on Amazon.
They have to undertake drastic measures to reduce their dependence on oil.
We'll see if Polly's dependence on other apps is the right answer.
Chief Executive Terry Gou has been reducing dependence on Apple through diversification.
Samsung has also had little success in breaking its dependence on Android.
A strong nuclear fleet reduces our dependence on foreign countries for energy.
Some US cities and states are abandoning their dependence on fossil fuels.
But our dependence on java is threatened by climate change and deforestation.
Pyongyang's cyber activities exploit its enemies' dependence on critical and financial infrastructure.
This increasing dependence on digital authentication may actually result in less security.
In the Times article, Musk also speaks about his dependence on Ambien.
Second, it reduces the company's dependence on stock market indexes and trades.
Importantly, the move will also reduce the country's dependence on other countries.
SPLRCI have fallen 21 percent, reflecting the sector's dependence on international commerce.
Continued dependence on coal is one of the main reasons for this.
China will further reduce its dependence on high-tech components from abroad.
The statement also warned against over-dependence on one telecoms equipment supplier.
The deal is aimed to reduce Europe's dependence on Russia's gas supplies.
The report also warned against over-dependence on one telecoms equipment supplier.
But dependence on oil revenue could still cause roadblocks for the switch.
Yet its dependence on the kindness of billionaires comes at a price.
Brown said the key distinction with children is their dependence on others.
He doesn't hide his marijuana use or his dependence on pain medications.
Qatar's most vulnerable point is probably its banks' dependence on foreign funding.
Gone are the days of America's crippling dependence on foreign energy sources.
Analysis: Mr. Trump says the U.S. must sever commercial dependence on China.
Analysis: Mr. Trump says the U.S. must sever commercial dependence on China.
"The country should not go from dependence on oil from the Middle East for transportation, to dependence on China for electric vehicles and batteries," said Robbie Diamond of Securing America's Future Energy, a nonpartisan advocacy group for renewable energies.
The United States says it will increase Germany's dependence on Russia for energy.
Trump has criticized it, saying it will increase European dependence on Russian energy.
For Chinese companies, that dependence on such revenue is higher — at about 55%.
Europeans' dependence on the dollar as the world's reserve currency limits their options.
At the same time, Dimon is sensitive to the economy's dependence on data.
Starling can both avoid dependence on big banks and provide services to others.
"You do form a dependence on these medications—a physical dependence," Mogali explains.
Hexaware intends to reduce its dependence on visas by hiring locals and nearshoring.
No wonder Gazprom has vowed to eliminate its dependence on Ukraine for transit.
First is Germany's ongoing dependence on coal, particularly lignite, the dirty brown sort.
In some ways our dependence on the phone also makes us less independent.
There is one trend to continue for this year - Hollywood's dependence on China.
Much of the media has been tamed by its dependence on government advertising.
We also take into account the bank's dependence on the undiversified Bahraini market.
Meanwhile, Kenya is also keen to diversify from its overt dependence on China.
The statement could reassure investors concerned about Qatari banks' dependence on foreign funding.
Another thing you and Virgo have in common is your dependence on logic!
But their dependence on computer systems and susceptibility to cyberattacks add new vulnerabilities.
Germany and other European countries also worry about their dependence on U.S. technologies.
Kasten makes puzzlements out of the truism of photography's utter dependence on light.
The dependence on trust makes the global economy vulnerable in another way, too.
However, some analysts have voiced concern about Singapore's dependence on its electronics industry.
Excel wants to double its wind power while slashing its dependence on coal.
"The question is what the price of increasing dependence on China will be."
Demand for steel is volatile, with an above-average dependence on economic cycles.
The lack of context negatively impacts my dependence on the stand-up reminders.
It also opened a new refinery to reduce dependence on imported oil products.
"We want to avoid dependence on maize as a staple crop," he said.
There's no doubt that sports like hockey have a huge dependence on endurance.
His business's dependence on China is seen as offering Beijing leverage over him.
Their dependence on modernism was most obvious in how they read their Bibles.
Mr. Saikawa said Nissan had "total dependence" on Mr. Ghosn before his arrest.
They are also reducing Google's dependence on chip makers like Nvidia and Intel.
Dependence on cheap and unsustainable consumer goods is like an addiction, she suggests.
It does not trust Mr. Assad, whose dependence on Iran is well established.
Like other Chinese companies, Huawei has worked to curtail its dependence on America.
We need to manage the transition off of our dependence on fossil fuels.
Costs are among the world's highest, thanks to heavy dependence on imported soybeans.
The new coronavirus, though, highlights their dependence on structures and policies on land.
Together they also endured endless medical complications and a frustrating dependence on others.
This reduces its dependence on fossil resources such as fuel, the automaker claims.
Investment in such groups should focus on reducing their dependence on foreign aid.
Physical dependence on opioids, coupled with pain from the injury, crushed Miller's spirit.
He was aware of his country's dependence on financial aid from the West.
Officials at Apple no doubt recognise the vulnerability created by their dependence on China.
They are instead another indication of problems arising from America's dependence on lethal injection.
State banks' high dependence on the state for core equity is likely to continue.
Presented by Netscout and directed by Werner Herzog explores our dependence on the internet.
But there's really nothing subversive at all, except that it subverts dependence on others.
A dependence on America will prove troublesome, as the market seems to have peaked.
Its dependence on coal is huge, yet it's also leading in developing renewable energy.
The electoral arithmetic is moving against FijiFirst, with its dependence on the Indian vote.
In its current form the SGC therefore does little to curb dependence on Russia.
"The kingdom can live in 2020 without any dependence on oil," claimed the prince.
Therefore trade experts said India's dependence on China for export oriented growth is limited.
The aim is that the new rate will eventually reduce markets' dependence on Libor.
But its dependence on exports and EU funds is also a source of vulnerability.
Businesses like miner Harmony Gold are exploring strategies to reduce their dependence on Eskom.
Moreover, after nearly four decades of tension, America's dependence on Iran is actually increasing.
That could potentially reduce the country's dependence on the likes of Boeing and Airbus.
They both noticed LA's dirty little dependence on mass-produced, packaged tortillas early on.
"The state wants to reduce its dependence on energy from foreign countries," Uc said.
Dropbox and Zynga are among the companies that have reduced their dependence on AWS.
So does its dependence on a smartphone for most activities, such as providing directions.
China says the aggressive policy is needed to reduce dependence on foreign-made chips.
China has been trying for some time to reduce its dependence on the dollar.
The only real long-term solution is to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
They are, further aware of adversary capabilities to exploit American dependence on orbital systems.
Buying Synaptics would reduce Dialog's dependence on Apple to less than half of revenue.
Both are looking to decrease dependence on the other with the rise of tariffs.
The Baltics have been struggling to reduce their dependence on the Russian power grid.
"More American ethanol production means less dependence on foreign supplies," Trump told the crowd.
The family cannot avoid dependence on aid from the UNHCR and organizations like CARE.
The country wants to reduce its dependence on aid to finance its national budget.
Critics are concerned about the $11 billion project boosting Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
Some European banks have been more aggressive in reducing their dependence on investment banking.
Germany's dependence on exports for growth makes it particularly vulnerable to the trade disputes.
Nigeria's dependence on imports puts a strain on the country's finances and foreign reserves.
Perhaps addressing our ongoing dependence on fossil fuels and the apocalyptic consequences to come?
This clearly highlights our total dependence on Google, and Google&aposs abuse of that.
The United States says the project will increase Germany's dependence on Russia for energy.
Foreign companies are already re-evaluating their dependence on China as a manufacturing hub.
And bringing Central Asian energy to market eases global dependence on Middle Eastern oil.
As the abandoned mine problem demonstrates, too much dependence on federal funding is risky.
The United States government said Nord Stream 2 deepens Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
But this growing economic dependence on the mainland has not dented nationalism in Taipei.
Weak volume trends in developed markets places more dependence on increases with price/mix.
The plan calls for doubling Xcel's wind power while slashing its dependence on coal.
FedEx is gradually decreasing its dependence on the Postal Service for last-mile delivery.
Dependence on the US constitutes a huge source of strength in the international system.
Such measures are intended to increase South Korea's security and decrease its dependence on Washington.
Could our dependence on cables or tethered charging solutions finally be coming to an end?
Opioids supplant natural painkillers produced by the brain and induce a dependence on the drug.
"Our belief is that records should have no ongoing dependence on the issuer," Jagers said.
European Union executives see Russia's plan as undercutting EU efforts to reduce dependence on Moscow.
Even as he talked about overcoming his country's dependence on oil, Mr Correa intensified it.
A part of the report's concern stemmed from Huawei's dependence on components from other companies.
Canada's dependence on the extraction of natural resources is a social, economic and environmental curse.
In particular, these seaborne supplies can help Europe reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas.
Trump's protectionist statements have caused particular alarm in Asia, given its dependence on global trade.
Considerable effort will be needed to entirely cut out relationship and dependence on fossil fuels.
It's another sign that Amazon is trying to reduce its dependence on other delivery companies.
But the country has been reluctant to curb its dependence on borrowing to fuel growth.
In its public filings, the company acknowledges its dependence on treatments paid by private insurers.
This initiative is meant to diversify the economy by decreasing the country's dependence on oil.
Worse yet, government dependence on carbon tax revenue could create a perverse incentive for failure.
Weak CSD volume trends in developed markets place more dependence on increases with price/mix.
More ethanol production would in theory reduce America's dependence on oil from the Middle East.
The decision, Medvedev said, would reduce "dependence on imports" and create up to 23.3,21.5 jobs.
Importing tech knowledge, the theory went, would ease Russia's dependence on exporting oil and gas.
Cheap credit was nurturing a dangerous dependence on easy money that could end in disaster.
Proponents of the pipeline say it will lessen dependence on foreign oil while creating jobs.
China has also shown surprising vulnerabilities, like its dependence on American semiconductor technology and software.
I recognized that his dependence on my wife, Elvira, and me was absolute and nonnegotiable.
Democrats' dependence on the left comes at a cost: They are America's smallest ideological group.
The Walmart shopping experience is largely opaque with respect to the chain's dependence on imports.
He called for higher car parking fees and reduced dependence on coal-fired power plants.
Yet the Islamic State's dependence on the idea of the caliphate is also a risk.
A major factor is their lack of status or dependence on a partner for status.
This is the status quo that dependence on the United States has frozen into place.
The United States created its own dependence on allies that hosted and assisted American forces.
Jay'la Cy'anne was born with a head of raven hair and a dependence on buprenorphine.
That would mean reckoning with Australia's dependence on providing China and other countries with coal.
The Chinese could do things differently to reduce their unsustainably large dependence on U.S. markets.
That would reduce its dependence on its largest brand, but extracting value would be hard.
By reducing the dependence on kerosene GravityLight hopes to make a difference to world health.
Most of the world's biodiesel, which reduces dependence on petroleum, is derived from soybean oil.
Coldwell said the relationship with the United States represents interdependency, not dependence on Mexico's part.
The measures Mr. Buhari took to reduce Nigeria's dependence on oil may yet yield fruit.
But its reform is crucial for Goldman because of the bank's outsized dependence on trading.
The C.P.U.S.A.'s vulnerability had a great deal to do with its dependence on Moscow.
Fuel-efficiency standards save consumers money, improve air quality and reduce dependence on foreign oil.
Those who'd survived the revolution had reached equality in their shared dependence on the state.
Federal dependence on states and localities thus creates an enormous incentive for moderation and compromise.
By tripling exports to overseas markets, this would reduce Canada's economic dependence on the United States.
Mexico's low wages also help reduce the German automaker's dependence on higher-cost plants at home.
"This number should only increase," he said, which should help reduce dependence on advertising for revenue.
Basically, he said to Angela Merkel, you&aposre a fool for becoming energy dependence on Russia.
" Sanders calls the leak "one more tragic cautionary tale in our dependence on oil and gas.
Another 69 firms are excluded directly by the fund based on their dependence on thermal coal.
Late last year, President Trump issued a presidential order to break U.S. dependence on foreign minerals.
Recent hydrocarbon discoveries off Cyprus's shores could help the EU reduce its energy dependence on Russia.
Behind machine intelligence "at scale" and cute Camera Effects lies a complete dependence on ad revenue.
Jerusalem's attempt to reduce its dependence on energy imports could diminish those trade ties, Hawes said.
That deepens an oil-exporting economy's dependence on crude, worsening the pain when prices eventually fall.
Scotland's economy has generally underperformed the British economy because of its dependence on oil and gas.
A U.S. government watchdog in the fall urged lawmakers to reduce dependence on Chinese pharmaceutical imports.
Low oil prices and high domestic American production, too, have lessened Washington's dependence on the kingdom.
When it comes to reducing its dependence on debt, China's actions matter more than its words.
Autonomous vehicles present an opportunity to reduce our dependence on oil and clean up the environment.
Dependence on the monsoon has been joined by an even sharper vulnerability to a rigged market.
In America, a dependence on cars is reinforced by a shortage of other forms of transport.
Striking a Gaullist pose, Mr Macron urged Europe to free itself from military dependence on America.
To be sure, AbbVie has been diversifying its portfolio to reduce its overwhelming dependence on Humira.
And it deepens content providers' dependence on those platforms — which in turn increases the latter's leverage.
They preferred a comparison with emerging markets, whose dependence on distant central banks fosters frequent crises.
That being said, he thinks reducing the dependence on other delivery services is a smart move.
He also alleged Trudeau committed fraud by lying about the firm's dependence on the Medicare system.
China, and eventually India, will be keen to end their dependence on semiconductors from Silicon Valley.
Value chain breadth (Canada is verging on a one-trick pony with its dependence on resources).
Top Saudi officials said they would reduce the kingdom's dependence on oil and public sector employment.
There is nothing moral about slavery, and progressives want just that--total dependence on the state.
"There's a lot of resentment toward the level of dependence on the Chinese economy," he said.
Our sources say Prince developed a sometimes debilitating dependence on Percocet in the years that followed.
A "Green New Deal" that would give everyone a job plus end our dependence on oil!
Users' dependence on the portal means a treasure-trove of insights into their preferences and peccadilloes.
His early relationship with Melania Trump became a public celebration of her financial dependence on him.
Concerns about China's growing dependence on food imports (see chart) may be causing policymakers to rethink.
Of the big countries Russia still scores worst, reflecting its corruption and dependence on natural resources.
If Diablo Canyon is closed, California's dependence on natural gas is likely to become dangerously high.
"Saudi Arabia's move to reduce its dependence on oil is very important and smart," he said.
The East African country wants to reduce its dependence on aid to finance its national budget.
As Europeans scramble to reduce their military dependence on America, they are making acronyms great again.
Kim wants to avoid total dependence on China, and needs Russia in order to do so.
The EU wants the project to work because it will cut Europe's dependence on Russian energy.
Some GOP lawmakers have advocated for stronger work requirements to eliminate a perceived dependence on welfare.
In a 2628G world, there will be less dependence on old-style antennas and tall masts.
Aranguren said the higher prices would encourage domestic energy production and reduce Argentina's dependence on imports.
The Paris-based manufacturer is pushing an international expansion to reduce its dependence on European sales.
The shift would not only curb pollution but also reduce the country's dependence on imported oil.
However, as prices of generic drugs stabilize, Walgreens said its dependence on these benefits has reduced.
Oil and gas interests opposed the bills, saying bans only increase U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
Hall prescribes more education to combat driving under the influence and developing a dependence on cannabis.
But the financial results of its most recent quarter highlight the chip maker's dependence on servers.
So, astrology, the study of the planets, the dependence on their patterns, makes sense to me.
To need you, to love you, and the most important thing is complete dependence on you.
Simply reducing your dependence on animal foods, and especially avoiding those high in fat, is helpful.
Election administrators are also grappling with another coronavirus-related challenge: a dependence on elderly poll workers.
Mexico and Canada are predisposed to compromise, given their huge dependence on the United States market.
Channel it and we could probably end global dependence on fossil fuels in about three weeks.
Movements in the Aussie dollar are influenced by China data due to Australia's dependence on exports.
Future energy solutions will lessen our dependence on oil and exposure to Iran and Iraq's rivalry.
The American crackdown has prompted Huawei to try to reduce its dependence on the United States.
Even as he criticized Amazon, Patterson was realistic about his dependence on the e-commerce giant.
German carmakers have suffered the most from the backlash because of their dependence on the technology.
Bears' dependence on extraordinary olfaction creates a reality that we can imagine, but never truly know.
Google's dependence on contractors, temporary employees, and outside vendors has long been a source of controversy.
That threat alone is already having a profound effect, underscoring local governments' dependence on federal funding.
Nike has also reduced its dependence on high-top basketball sneakers for growth in recent years.
In some instances, dependence on prescription painkillers led people to seek out harsher, illicit street opioids.
Due to uncertainty surrounding NAFTA, Mexico has taken steps to reduce its dependence on U.S. trade.
The civil nuclear program has not only reduced dependence on oil from the unstable Middle East.
Apple's interest is likely to transport data directly to devices, reducing the dependence on wireless carriers.
Ohler effectively captures Hitler's pathetic dependence on his doctor and the bizarre intimacy of their bond.
The conference is part of his Vision 2030 plan to break the country's dependence on oil.
Germany has faced criticism in the past from the U.S. over its energy dependence on Russia.
"So long as elections cost money, we won't end Congress's dependence on its funders," he wrote.
Their challenge, however, was to assume a European modernist spirit while resisting cultural dependence on Europe.
It could have tried to broaden the tax base so as to reduce its dependence on property.
Another 69 companies are excluded directly by the central bank based on their dependence on thermal coal.
Fitch expects the region's dependence on financial support from the federal government to increase in 2016-2018.
The ravaged local economy laid bare the city's bloated budget and over dependence on a single industry.
And as Huawei has shown, it only takes dependence on one American firm to cripple global ambitions.
The Obama administration said a worker's level of "economic dependence" on a company should also be considered.
Fitch expects the region's dependence on financial support from the federal government to increase in 2017-13.
The Italian-American company, however, has tried in recent years to lessen its dependence on the continent.
It&aposs part of a larger effort to diversify the economy away from dependence on oil revenue.
Until then, islanders will merely have swapped their dependence on a local laird for one in Holyrood.
The scheme aims to stop the "vicious cycle" of dependence on crop-price subsidies, says Mr Nathporn.
While public services may not be a big revenue driver, they do boost users' dependence on WeChat.
That misplaced dependence on AI and other tech solutions appears to be a trend in the industry.
With many women unable to return to work, families' incomes were halved, increasing their dependence on loans.
Investing further in processing facilities and innovation, especially to reduce dependence on minerals that create strategic vulnerabilities.
The isles' dependence on imported fuel has left many families with unreliable heating systems and expensive bills.
Saudi Arabia is embarking on a drive to transform its economy and reduce its dependence on oil.
Studies show that an estimated 9 percent of cannabis users will develop a dependence on the drug.
Merkel said Germany needed to reduce its dependence on coal power in order to significantly cut emissions.
How do we shift the economy away from its dependence on a boom-and-bust finance sector?
It hopes to increase output in the long-term, reducing the dependence on imports, through increased exploration.
The food community has, more than most industries, acknowledged its inherent dependence on immigrants and undocumented labor.
Many argue that a greater dependence on such donors would make American politics more democratic and representative.
By encouraging work, this reform could enhance retirement security for women and reduce dependence on welfare programs.
In January this year the German Federation of Industry warned against "excessive dependence" on the Chinese market.
She admitted that her financial dependence on my grandfather tipped the scales of her decision to stay.
Egypt's dependence on imports means a weaker currency may not lead to much of an export boom.
The company benefits from its proximity to owned sugarcane fields and low dependence on third-party producers.
Riyadh is seeking huge amounts of U.S. and foreign investment to reduce its dependence on oil exports.
The mid-sized French manufacturer is pushing an international expansion to reduce its dependence on European sales.
Every company in the industry was challenged, as were countries with a heavy dependence on oil revenues.
Basically, ethanol was supposed to help reduce carbon emissions and fix our growing dependence on foreign oil.
And they're increasing America's dependence on imported biodiesel fuel, knowingly at the expense of U.S.-produced fuels.
"Of course, people want to move toward less dependence on fossil fuels," said the senior Biden aide.
Farmers are particularly keen to reduce their dependence on the manufacturer and bring more repairs back onsite.
Europe needs a real security policy, backed by credible military power and less dependence on Russian energy.
China and Russia are setting up their own payment systems to lessen their dependence on American banks.
Android has long suffered from security patching problems caused by dependence on third-party manufacturers and carriers.
Moderate evidence: The risk and severity of dependence on e-cigarettes is lower than for conventional cigarettes.
Some of Trump's most vocal supporters in Congress have expressed similar concerns about dependence on Chinese manufacturers.
These disasters show the inherent risk we take with our dependence on explosive fuels for our lives.
Longer term, and likely to our detriment, Canada is looking to reduce its dependence on American goods.
For Barcelona, its continued dependence on Lionel Messi is both a valuable point and a worrying sign.
Saudi Arabia is embarking on a push to transform its economy and reduce its dependence on oil.
Public sentiment also is high to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, especially as climate change keeps accelerating.
The goal is to reduce dependence on foreign oil and cut harmful emissions from petroleum-based fuels.
Developing common currencies across different countries could help these economies reducing their dependence on the U.S. dollar.
The age of over-dependence on oil is winding down, and not just in the United States.
"These countries have a high dependence on desalination because there is not really an alternative," she adds.
After three-quarters of a century, Poland is ready to cut its dependence on Russian natural gas.
If they cross over into dependence on either, the brain does not react the same, Leasure said.
A deal may help Tsai defend the industry, and ultimately reduce her economy's dependence on the mainland.
First, Greece's dependence on debt was not dealt with until it had become too big to handle.
It keeps them on the trajectory of life-long success, preventing long-term dependence on public support.
It represents a technological step forward for the $200 billion automaker, whilst reducing Panasonic's dependence on Tesla.
However, China has been looking to reduce its dependence on the U.S. dollar and other financial instruments.
Saudi Arabia is embarking on a huge push to transform its economy and reduce its dependence on oil.
And we need to make sure that we don&apost have over-dependence on any one energy source.
" Shanahan warned that the S-400 purchase will "lead to Turkish strategic and economic over-dependence on Russia.
Iguarán, the energy expert, stressed Venezuela's long-running dependence on oil revenue to pay for importing basic goods.
NOP, in fact, has been shown to short-circuit our dependence on drugs such as heroin and alcohol.
He said the project would lower consumer fuel prices, create jobs and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
Environmentalists have long criticized the US's dependence on oil, and the increasing reliance on fracking to satisfy it.
In July Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippines' president, instructed his energy minister to reduce his country's dependence on coal.
Pregnancy drug dependence diagnoses, which includes dependence on opioids, increased by 511 percent during the same time period.
Sheth is founder and CEO of Skillmatics, an educational games business designed to reduce children's dependence on technology.
The dependence on a single source leaves the rest of the world vulnerable to an interruption of supply.
Financially, the ramifications are likely to be amplified by the kingdom's growing dependence on foreign sources of capital.
From fire hydrants to school teachers, our way of life is built on intricate dependence on one another.
Without balance and self control, too much dependence on ice cream can hinder your ability to self-soothe.
Gyllenhaal, for his part, infuses Jerry with a streak of violent pride and a lowkey dependence on bee.
Power generation companies worldwide are under regulatory pressure to move towards renewable energy and reduce dependence on coal.
That sparked criticism from coalition partners that delays in closing the deal would prolong Slovakia's dependence on Russia.
Apple's move would reduce its dependence on Dialog Semiconductor Plc, that makes power-management chips for smartphone makers.
That dependence on consumption entailed risks, he said, although the euro zone might well get away with it.
The main structural vulnerability is South Korea's excessive dependence on exports; they account for 56 percent of GDP.
It said the Afghan government should not cooperate with sending people back, despite its dependence on foreign aid.
It said that "significant dependence" on TCS was a source of concern for its directors and shareholders. bit.
Of course too many politicians of both parties are deeply compromised by financial dependence on corporate campaign donors.
After all, the American Revolution was won by cleverness, with a dependence on spycraft, smuggling, and guerrilla warfare.
A more nuanced criticism is that too little has been done to reduce Portsmouth's dependence on the navy.
He added that an increased dependence on suppliers would leave Subaru with less control over developing new technologies.
Local leaders speak of dismantling car culture and replacing it with a wholesome dependence on human-powered vehicles.
Capitec has been lessening its dependence on lending by growing its revenue from transactional banking in recent years.
Moscow is trying to expand control over the internet and reduce its dependence on foreign companies and countries.
The widespread dependence on SS7 makes the flaw especially troubling, said Lieu, who holds a computer science degree.
The crackdown has prompted unease in Australia, where fears about the nation's economic dependence on China are growing.
After the movement joined with Republicans, groups like Democrats for Life have resisted dependence on a single party.
The Commission fears the pipeline would undercut efforts to reduce dependence on Moscow and its support for Kiev.
To reduce its dependence on labels and stand apart from rivals, Spotify is broadening beyond its music library.
It would also deprive Kering of a potential target to reduce its dependence on slowing fashion brand Gucci.
Investing in new energy sources decreases our dependence on fossil fuels and lessens our impact on the environment.
The point is to get the reader to take a quiz, which reinforces their dependence on these companies.
We are a digital generation and we have dependence on technology — be it social media, email, or texting.
The crackdown also prompted unease in Australia, where concerns about the nation's economic dependence on China have grown.
China is building pipelines, ports and railways in Pakistan and Myanmar to relieve its dependence on this waterway.
Third, they showed the dangerously high level of public employee union dependence on favorable government treatment for survival.
The United States has supported pipelines to bypass Russia and alleviate former Soviet states' economic dependence on it.
Most producers now smartly cover capital expenditure with cash flow as opposed to dependence on leverage and financing.
In a way, Mr. de Blasio, a longtime critic of clusters, inadvertently increased the city's dependence on them.
Yule logs, roasted chestnuts and holiday fruits are reminders of our dependence on plants for food and fuel.
Woods pleaded guilty to reckless driving and entered a rehabilitation program to treat a dependence on prescription medication.
In theory, Russia could help reduce North Korea's dependence on China for oil and gas, but little else.
His ascension comes as Goldman reduces dependence on trading, to favor businesses like investment banking and consumer lending.
Now that may seem unhealthy, but you can find a way to monetize your dependence on social media.
Concerns about the US dependence on medical products from China have been bubbling since long before the coronavirus.
You heard it here first, folks: Our collective dependence on single-use plastic water bottles is *extremely* dumb.
While natural gas emits less carbon than coal, Britain's heavy dependence on the fossil fuel is deemed unsustainable.
It lessened her dependence on him, and therefore gave him freer rein to explore his darker, second self.
Their dependence on the program increased in recent years as it became an important source of their revenue.
Hungary's example exposes a flaw in this dependence on such "neutral" procedures: that they don't just enforce themselves.
She accepted his contention that his outlandish behavior was partly the result of his dependence on prescription drugs.
Critics, however, maintain the program has saddled developing countries with crippling debts and increased their dependence on China.
Financial market conditions have improved, as has the structure of underlying insurance portfolios, with lower dependence on guarantees.
Such liberalization might increase investment, but as a policy to minimize dependence on exporting natural resources, it fails.
But there's something about the labyrinth, and our complete dependence on its continued function, that defies total comprehension.
Automakers have been trying to diversify their source of rare earth materials to ease their dependence on China.
The findings come as skyrocketing e-cigarette use erased previous years' progress in ending youth dependence on tobacco.
Indonesia has also historically had a relatively large revenue dependence on commodities, which a larger fiscal base would mitigate.
The RFS was enacted more than a decade ago to help farmers and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
Yet, Clinton also referred to the drilling practice as a necessary bridge leading away from our dependence on coal.
The collapse of this year's talks has raised questions about the industry's dependence on this method of setting prices.
Despite its joint-stock company status, the not-for-profit mission of CdT increases its dependence on the province.
But few Greenlanders see independence as viable given their economic dependence on Denmark, part of the affluent European Union.
By installing solar panels on a specially designed boat's roof, he is working to end Achuar's dependence on petrol.
UBS warned in a report on Tuesday that Apple was "fragile" due to its dependence on iPhone and China.
North Dakota soybean farmers are especially exposed in the U.S.-China trade dispute because of their dependence on China.
But our familiarity and dependence on apps is also part of why Natural Cycles is not the best solution.
After new U.S. sanctions were imposed, Moscow promised to intensify work to cut dependence on Western payment systems further.
In 1910 the American navy, worried about its dependence on insecure coal supplies, commissioned its first oil-fired destroyer.
To combat the dependence on beef when it comes to the Western diet, the key is to get creative.
She acknowledged Nicaragua has been "committed to tackling climate change" and already working on lowering its dependence on carbon.
Interest from big players in the grain market has been stoked by Saudi Arabia's increasing dependence on grain imports.
Technology for the new system has to avoid dependence on U.S. companies, which might face pressure from their government.
President Barack Obama has taken several needed steps to curb emissions and reduce the country's dependence on dirty fuels.
CIH plans to reduce its dependence on the real estate sector, but, in our view, this will take time.
Risks clearly exist, particularly among EM countries with outsized debt growth and strong dependence on commodity exports or China.
Bulgaria says it wants to diversify its gas supplies and end its near 100 percent dependence on Russia's Gazprom.
O move grocery distribution in-house to reduce its dependence on its biggest supplier, United Natural Foods Inc UNFI.
Dependence on Russian gas is another reason for Europe to think twice before directly challenging Putin and his cronies.
Where it can, the United States is already unpicking military dependence on what it perceives to be hostile suppliers.
Carrying a gun would not be proof of my own personal responsibility nor my lack of dependence on others.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on Facebook that India's dependence on cash had fallen by nearly 3.89 trillion rupees.
As detailed in the forthcoming report, human dependence on these pollinators, particularly bees, has only increased in recent decades.
Aramco sees many other risks as well, ranging from climate change to the company's dependence on demand from Asia.
Diminishing people's ability to drive by increasing their dependence on technology seems to be an inherently flawed safety plan.
There are undeniable geopolitical advantages to reducing American dependence on foreign oil and to lowering the cost of energy.
In Europe, Denmark provided Russia a major boost for its efforts to deepen Europe's dependence on its energy exports.
Liquidity risk management should be improved by reducing dependence on interbank deposits and enhanced emergency management, the guidelines said.
Policies: Has called for welfare recipients to change their behavior, as the key to ending dependence on public benefits.
The Continent needs to reduce its energy dependence on Russia, which is subsidizing oppression near the union's eastern border.
That's another reason he's urging investors to steer clear of dependence on the economy as they look for growth.
ASRI first focused on healthcare and farm training in an attempt to sever the locals' dependence on illegal logging.
Greece wants to tap into its limited oil reserves to reduce dependence on oil imports and boost public finances.
Bulgaria, a European Union country, had been under pressure from its Western allies about its energy dependence on Moscow.
In recent years, the ICE has bet on wind energy to reduce its dependence on water to produce electricity.
Morocco, a net energy importer, aims to diversify fuel supplies and reduce its dependence on foreign oil and coal.
"Americans' dependence on the government was 14 times greater in 2009 than it was in 1962," the index states.
However, you must begin by learning about their vulnerabilities and providing viable alternatives to their dependence on extremist groups.
She surmised that Bloomberg is "genuinely concerned" about Biden's dependence on Wall Street donors and a new Super PAC.
New Mexico's financial dependence on the oil and gas industry may make condemnations of that industry controversial, she wrote.
Many of these countries fear for their economies as the world starts to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.
After so public a departure, especially one delivered from abroad, his dependence on Riyadh has been made especially visible.
Those concerns resulted largely from the college's dependence on tuition and student fees for 87 percent of its revenue.
But Mr. Museveni also insisted on building a refinery in Uganda to ease the region's dependence on imported fuel.
It has been directly responsible for Mexico's dependence on trade with the United States for its own economic development.
To the Editor: Kudos to Mayor Bill de Blasio for acting to counter our dangerous dependence on fossil fuels.
Our dependence on fossil fuels is often likened to that of cigarette smoking, but the analogy doesn't hold up.
"Our goal is to get the broader American public to recognize its dependence on immigrant labor," Parra told Hyperallergic.
Partly that's due to its relative youth and its dependence on global sourcing for its core technology, the batteries.
Alibaba said the move was meant to foster long-term growth and reduce its dependence on any one person.
But the Arab oil embargo of 1973 made many scientists realize the extent of society's dependence on fossil fuels.
Helpless children, he believed, are easily victimized by their tormentors because of their physical and emotional dependence on them.
Google, Microsoft, and Amazon have been very vocal about their efforts to reduce the world's dependence on fossil fuels.
U.S. corporations have been lessening their dependence on China, diversifying their supply chains to other Asian and European nations.
And warned of too much dependence on individual 5G suppliers, and of operators relying overly on a single supplier.
"Food delivery and e-commerce ballooned China's dependence on single-use plastics and a general throwaway culture," he said.
Washington has put forward U.S. LNG as a way for Europe to reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a target to reduce dependence on oil imports by 10 percent by 2020.
The process takes place within a highly stratified system that requires a dependence on higher-ups at every level.
They concluded that "growing dependence on cell phones in modern life" is behind an uptick in cellphone-related injuries.
We have chosen energy security, and we will one day end America's dependence on hostile sources of foreign energy.
The funds should help rebuild the country after a long civil war and reduce Angola's dependence on oil exports.
Landlocked Nepal, a natural buffer between India and China, has been trying to lessen its dependence on New Delhi.
The country's vulnerable environment and growing dependence on China have raised questions about the sustainability of its economic success.
"With 5G on the horizon, our dependence on wireless connectivity is bound to grow," Rosenworcel said in the statement.
Meanwhile, the Healthy Families America home visiting program reduced dependence on special education in elementary school by 27 percent.
As much as the state has done to diversify, there is no getting around the state's dependence on oil.
It's a tall order that would require a near complete transition away from the world's dependence on fossil fuels.
That dependence on foreign markets — epitomized by cars, the country's No. 1 export — is limiting its room to maneuver.
Leaning on solar and wind means a greater dependence on weather, just as weather patterns have become less predictable.
That sparked criticism from government coalition partners that delays in closing the deal would prolong Slovakia's dependence on Russia.
"Their dependence on foreign capital flows is much higher," said William Jackson, chief emerging markets economist at Capital Economics.
"But that will perpetuate your dependence on me," he responded, offering to meet with the local loan officer instead.
Selling 5 percent of the company is not enough to achieve meaningful reduction in the government's dependence on oil.
How others do it  Russia, Norway, Saudi Arabia, and UAE all face similar problems: dependence on the hydrocarbon revenue.
The fuel will help light and heat millions of Polish homes, while gradually cutting the country's dependence on coal.
NXP's strength in the automotive market had been expected to help Qualcomm reduce its dependence on the smartphone market.
Chinese officials had viewed the U.S. punishment as an attack exposing their country's dependence on imports of key technologies.
America must take this opportunity to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels altogether, and build cleaner renewable energy facilities.
If Stories take off inside Tinder, for example, it should create some dependence on Snapchat and its camera product.
Locals have been hoping that May's dependence on the DUP will ensure she acts decisively to protect the plant.
At the same time that MBS is both liberalizing Saudi society and quashing any form of possible dissent, he has also embarked on an ambitious plan known as Vision 2030 for weaning the Saudi economy from its almost entire dependence on oil and its citizens from their almost entire dependence on the state.
"The deal is a real coup for CRH," they added, saying it would reduce CRH's dependence on third-party providers.
That's especially important now, because the big economies of Europe have taken steps to cut their dependence on Russian energy.
But many of group's other labels are on the up, mitigating for now any concerns about Kering's dependence on Gucci.
Its ratings strengths are balanced by a high level of external indebtedness and dependence on commodities and Chinese demand, however.
Some 22% of people who have taken a drink will develop dependence on alcohol at some point during their life.
Trump, a Republican, said the project would lower consumer fuel prices, create jobs and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
It's hard to get a handle on the ugly, smoggy implications of this nation's dependence on fossil fuel-burning cars.
"For every dollar spent boosting renewables, nearly four dollars were spent to maintain our dependence on fossil fuels," Lin added.
Clinton, among other proposals, has said she wants to reduce U.S. dependence on coal and limit hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
Asian countries, such as Vietnam, were also expected to boost renewable energy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, he said.
The union embraced Waitrose's directive earlier this month, claiming that dependence on energy drinks leads to bad behavior from students.
Our dependence on big donors' generosity would have to fall and, by implication, we would have to be less extravagant.
They are angered by a growing dependence on automated systems that are taking humans and transparency out of the process.
This, in turn, will increase our dependence on her (yes, I do personify Siri, the same as I do Alexa).
Above all, Gulf states have to overcome their dependence on volatile oil and coax their pampered people into productive work.
Its dependence on Chinese manufacturers has become a sore point with President Trump as his trade war with China continues.
At the same time it would give local governments a new revenue source, reducing their unhealthy dependence on land sales.
The EU is also providing 101.4 million euros for the project that aims to reduce dependence on Russian gas imports.
The choice of Poland for the climate talks is itself a point of contention, because of its dependence on coal.
Similar policy and tax incentives should be provided for sectors that will reduce Indian dependence on the global energy ecosystem.
Australia's current dependence on fossil-fuel exports would decline if other nations acted as aggressively as the Paris deal proposes.
Were the hackers really Robin Hood in disguise, freeing us from our hostage-like dependence on an outdated scoring system?
The scheme, he says, will reduce the kingdom's dependence on about 8m predominantly unskilled foreigners, who far outnumber Saudi workers.
The companies, Ur-Energy and Energy Fuels, allege that the increasing dependence on foreign imports of uranium threatens national security.
Twenty percent of respondents in San Francisco cited a dependence on drug or alcohol as an obstacle, the report said.
In addition to becoming more eco-friendly, the program will also help cut the American military's dependence on foreign oil.
Rising exports, he said, do not reflect the reality of Morocco's dependence on imports that weigh on the trade balance.
The sentient memory of our complete and profound dependence on our first caretakers follows us in every succeeding love relationship.
Think of it in terms of finding a way to liberate themselves from their over dependence on the United States.
There are a number of programs, government and private, that aimed to help people overcome dependence on drugs and alcohol.
There is an order of magnitude of difference between Europe's dependence on trade and investment with Russia, compared to Iran.
Even in the event of a future military confrontation, the risks of China's dependence on U.S. imports may be exaggerated.
Rather than deepening our dependence on offshore oil, we need forward-looking policies that transition us away from fossil fuels.
The deal, along with a focus on cloud computing, will also help Intel reduce its dependence on the PC market.
The plan, a package of economic and social policies is designed to free the kingdom from dependence on oil exports.
Cobalt's dependence on the Congo is a well understood problem for both lithium-ion battery manufacturers and their automotive customers.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has set a target to cut India's dependence on foreign oil to 67 percent by 2022.
With its dependence on seasonal rainfall, India has long managed water with an elaborate network of canals, tanks and wells.
Fitch believes that income diversification is a challenge for Multibank, as the dependence on interest income on loans is high.
Slane called the U.S. dependence on Chinese drugs a national security concern, noting that recent Chinese militarization doesn't inspire confidence.
Yet, our dependence on China for minerals is at an all-time high and growing, despite increasingly tense diplomatic relations.
Now, dependence on them is in decline, Mr. Meguro said, and with it Okinawans' tolerance for the problems they bring.
President Trump has repeated their mistakes by ignoring overwhelming evidence of climate change and prolonging our dependence on fossil fuels.
It was the department's first step to carry out a December presidential order to break U.S. dependence on foreign minerals.
This underpins the Afghanistan National Peace and Development Framework, our five-year blueprint for ending Afghan dependence on foreign aid.
They give up seeing themselves, if they ever really did, as individual agents and accept their dependence on each other.
For U.S. President Donald Trump, Nord Stream 2 is a "horrific" pipeline that will increase Germany's dependence on Russian energy.
A healthy alternative fuel market would free the US from its overwhelming dependence on Saudi Arabia to stabilize oil markets.
He is currently touring the United States seeking investments to help broaden the economy and lessen its dependence on oil.
The region as a whole was massively affected, and in the North, [with its dependence on] coal mining as well.
Despite my total dependence on these products, however, I also have a deep-seated distrust of the companies behind them.
Its supporters say the process, which has slashed the country's dependence on foreign energy sources in recent years, is safe.
Thought bubble: For the last several years, shale has obliterated the four-decade-long U.S. economic dependence on OPEC oil.
This scenario often leads the way for patients to develop a dependence on and even an addiction to opioid painkillers.
Chinese internet companies have struggled to expand abroad, which experts say stems in part from their dependence on their government.
When Brown became dean of the business school in 270, he was concerned about the college's dependence on Chinese students.
One thing none of the candidates' policies suggest they'll talk about on CNN tonight: cities and their dependence on cars.
The government is trying to shift the country's growth engine away from its traditional dependence on factories and building things.
Under Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli, Nepal has moved away from dependence on India, despite close cultural and religious ties.
Under Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli, Nepal has moved away from dependence on India, despite close cultural and religious ties.
It focuses on designing urban communities that encourage people to live near transit services and decrease their dependence on driving.
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the president-elect of Mexico, has been advocating a reduction in dependence on U.S. farm imports.
A lopsided dependence on China for development projects was a key part of Mahinda Rajapaksa's startling election defeat in 2015.
Eliminating an alternative path for outreach to voters will tend to increase dependence on those institutions and their large microphones.
Now, 85033 years later our dependence on foreign oil has been thoroughly mitigated — but the RFS doesn't deserve the credit.
It wants to reduce the economy's dependence on labour-intensive manufacturing and boost the role of high technology and services.
The country's largest producer of broiler chickens, Tyson had already been reducing its dependence on the volatile commodity meat business.
U.S. dependence on China for pharmaceuticals, medical supplies and other goods has sparked fears of shortages because of the outbreak.
Advocates argue that it will save the world by ending our dependence on fossil fuels like natural gas and oil.
And they see a role for American investment in efforts to shift the Saudi economy from its dependence on oil.
Thus, from the earliest days of the Republic, Americans have developed a an uneasy dependence on the military at home.
T) aims to nearly double its automotive display sales in five years to lessen its dependence on Apple Inc (AAPL.
By tapping an otherwise unused resource, it will also help the city move away from its dependence on fossil fuels.
Last year, Trump signed an executive order encouraging U.S. government, firms and citizens to reduce their dependence on foreign goods.
But technology has also complicated their lives, and many high schoolers say their generation will struggle with dependence on technology.
The IPO is the centerpiece of the Saudi leader's plans for diversifying the economy away from its dependence on oil.
The transformative presence of China on so many fronts has loosened many African countries' dependence on Western governments for development.
It also could have consequences for Trump's support base in farm states, where there's a huge dependence on agricultural exports.
Islamabad's efforts to recalibrate CPEC are made trickier by its dependence on Chinese loans to prop up its vulnerable economy.
Many of Apple's latest products and services share a common goal for the company: increasing customers' dependence on the iPhone.
One level deeper: Because of the industry's outsized dependence on coal, the fossil fuel's decline is hitting railroads especially hard.
Hamm has said bolstering U.S. drilling would reduce dependence on Middle East oil, whose proceeds he says finance terrorist attacks.
Participation levels have quadrupled in the last decade and the side has now shed its former dependence on cricketers born overseas.
Additionally, such a savage cutback in refining capacity may expose Japan to a greater dependence on transportation fuel imports, Sivanandam said.
Prejudice and nationalism are too ingrained to vanish entirely; but, through mutual dependence on the high seas, interracial bonds are forged.
This sort of exertion of governmental power in foreign lands is enabled by South Asian nations' geopolitical dependence on one another.
Refiners would have a mixed impact, with east coast refiners, seeing a negative impact because of their dependence on foreign oil.
The next step: Ditching dependence on computers that make it hard for users to get the most of their snazzy devices.
This inevitably means less dependence on a "meta" weapon type and more strategic use of supers, latent abilities, and unique loadouts.
Thanks to Trump's deepening dependence on "alternative facts," the assertion of reality is now a viable campaign strategy for 2020 Democrats.
The listing is the centerpiece of the kingdom's Vision 2030 plan to diversify the economy away from its dependence on oil.
The film often seems more like a series of vignettes than a narrative, and its dependence on shock value gets tiring.
A whole new industry has cropped up around cutting out, limiting, or modifying our dependence on popular — let's say ubiquitous — technology.
Still, the Saudis know that they are in for tough times and that their dependence on oil has left them vulnerable.
Administration officials, including Perry and President Trump himself, have emphasized that European countries should lessen their dependence on Russian natural gas.
Not so fast, as Bloomberg reports that Apple wants to use OLED displays from LG to reduce its dependence on Samsung.
The bill also would require DOD to identify the national security vulnerabilities caused by our current dependence on pharmaceuticals from China.
A listing there would be a sign that Chinese firms are taking out insurance to lower their dependence on Western finance.
Apple, however, is also rumored to be developing its own OLED technology in a bid to reduce its dependence on Samsung.
Republicans believe that the British government's dependence on the DUP has undermined its role as an impartial broker in the talks.
Anything less will lead to a hampering of innovation and continued dependence on old, outdated methods of collection, storage and transmission.
That also means that dependence on China to fund the budget deficit is far more limited compared to some global peers.
But their dependence on Western support, and the West's alliance with Ukraine's thriving civil-society activists, gave some cause for optimism.
Another 69 firms have been excluded by the fund's management due to their dependence on coal as a source of power.
Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates each have "vision 2030" plans that include reducing their dependence on oil and gas.
The European Parliament says it increases Europe's dependence on a single route for gas imports, which is bad for energy security.
Bulgaria pulled out of the project in 2012 because of its costs and concerns over increased energy dependence on the Kremlin.
Modi set a target in 2015 to cut dependence on oil imports from about four fifths to 67 percent by 2020.
Some western bankers say their ability to work with HNA is limited by lingering questions about the company's dependence on leverage.
The complex could open the way for millions of dollars in trade and cut India's dependence on sometimes-hostile neighbor Pakistan.
Proprietary chips would reduce Facebook's dependence on outside manufacturers, and allow the company to better integrate its VR hardware and software.
Turkey, which imports virtually all of its gas and is looking to lessen its dependence on Russian energy, supports the project.
With such a heavy dependence on the performance of only a few stocks, the risk to that portfolio continues to grow.
"Apart from the mounting import bill, the region's increasing dependence on imported energy raises significant energy security concerns," the IEA said.
African countries need to diversify away from dependence on exporting commodities, which in turn means liberalising markets and bolstering independent institutions.
Availability of Canadian crude could lessen our dependence on comparable oil from Venezuela, which is in the throes of political instability.
Dependence on oil export revenues actually increased during the oil boom, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
A new strategy paper from Germany's influential BDI industry federation calls on firms to reduce their dependence on the Chinese market.
We could ask the indispensable questions about how to end our dependence on fossil fuels and what that means for society.
Canada should diversify its trade and investment portfolio with other Southeast Asian nations -- and in the process lessen dependence on China.
In its 102-page report, the committee said that the university's dependence on slavery was deeper and broader than originally believed.
Encouraging patients with diabetes to eat a high-carb diet is effectively a prescription for ensuring a lifelong dependence on medication.
Subsequently, numerous entities, including industry groups, published their concerns about over-dependence on GPS, its vulnerabilities, and the lack of alternatives.
Perhaps we should be focused on developing energy sources and power production that alleviates the need for dependence on fossil fuels.
But in pressuring Saudi Arabia, American officials would tread lightly, acutely aware of American dependence on Saudi oil and intelligence cooperation.
Mohammed bin Salman, now crown prince, has been promoting a program to diversify Saudi Arabia away from its dependence on crude.
This public support releases candidates from dependence on special interests and large dollar funders, allowing them to run without strings attached.
The increases were particularly sharp after 28255, which the researchers speculated may be due to teenagers' increasing dependence on social media.
Smartwatches are supposed to improve the way we interact with the digital world and, hopefully, ameliorate our dependence on our phones.
Approximately 85033 million Americans struggle with dependence on drugs or alcohol, but only one in nine receive any kind of treatment.
He also said any sharp rise in oil prices could unbalance the reform drive given Pakistan's heavy dependence on imported energy.
Their view is that the Internet's chief function is to liberate individuals from control by, or dependence on, government and corporations.
"We support our European institutions to lower their dependence on a single supplier," Perry said, according to S&P Global Platts.
Critics argue that the pipeline — which is to be laid under the Baltic Sea — will increase Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
A report earlier this year from Barclays suggested that an enterprise-grade iCloud could help Apple decrease its dependence on hardware.
To reduce its dependence on American soy, Beijing could also try to squeeze more beans out of each acre at home.
The region has, in essence, bet that a functioning market is the best route to easing dependence on any one source.
Fortunately, there are many steps that both the private and public sectors can take to reduce their dependence on sheer luck.
The company bought Blue Buffalo last year to diversify its portfolio and reduce its dependence on snack, cereal and yogurt businesses.
But the rest of the coalition the Saudis and Emiratis have assembled is united mainly by dependence on their financial aid.
But in any event, technological advances such as fracking have dramatically reduced America's dependence on foreign oil over the past decade.
A yuan that circulates more widely would spur Chinese trade, reduce its dependence on dollar holdings and enhance its geopolitical influence.
Instead, what happens is that politicians' dependence on special interest money generally elevates the priorities of the wealthy across the board.
In an emailed statement, Mr. McFarlane said his encounters with CEFC were related to research on American dependence on foreign oil.
It has seen massive growth in sales in recent years, particularly to Asian nations seeking to reduce their dependence on coal.
One such passage reads: Chihuly's trust in and dependence on Moi grew over time, and Moi considered Chihuly a close friend.
Poland's energy relationship with Russia is also complex and it has sought to reduce its dependence on Russian oil and gas.
North Korean propaganda, Ms. Kim said, often compares the North with South Korea, highlighting its neighbor's dependence on the United States.
Fortum said it was understandable that Uniper's carbon neutrality target excluded its Russian operations because of Russia's dependence on fossil fuels.
The urban exodus of the last half-century has fostered dependence on motorized vehicles and a commensurate decline in daily exercise.
The French watchdog said Apple indulged in anti-competitive behavior in its distribution network and abused economic dependence on its resellers.
Like many of his predecessors, Chávez understood the need for reducing the country's dependence on oil, and yet the opposite occurred.
Harlan is cutting this whole family off, but this is after a years of letting their dependence on him build, right?
They tend to be uncomfortable with their economic dependence on Saudi Arabia and sometimes dismiss the Saudis as oil-rich upstarts.
The region has, in essence, bet that a functioning market is the best route to easing dependence on any one source.
Moreover, domestic manufacturers would be less competitive and consumers would feel the pinch brought on by more dependence on foreign energy.
Critics argue that the pipeline, which is to be laid under the Baltic Sea, will increase Europe's dependence on Russian gas.
Our dependence on the supply chain does not allow for this kind of approach in healthcare, especially in times of crisis.
It worries about dependence on imported fossil fuels: last year 72% of its oil was imported and 43% of its gas.
Brazil and Mexico, which have the region's largest economies, are aiming to expand trade to wean their dependence on American consumers.
And with greater dependence on others, he said, has come greater vulnerability to claims that his work is not his own.
The downside you identify to this outcome is that the newfound money might simply fuel his dependence on drugs and alcohol.
Mr. Putin has used Belarus's dependence on Russian oil and gas to revive a moribund plan to merge the two countries.
Each side is also aware of its dependence on the other — the newspapers for access, and the royal family for publicity.
The collection's dependence on viscerally affecting items reflects the Smithsonian's tendency toward a broad, largely artifact-based history—Here's somebody's Buick!
The station is part of efforts to boost tourism revenue as the country seeks to shed its dependence on oil exports.
You can see this dependence on good intentions by looking at how health reform has played out at the state level.
Kansas, they argue, is not an economic microcosm for the country, with its unique dependence on energy, agriculture and aircraft manufacturing.
Adding to that concern, Apple's wearables require an iPhone to work properly, which underscores the company's dependence on its flagship product.
Students from private schools may not rely on student loans as much, or schools may have curbed dependence on student loans.
That's despite President Donald Trump's efforts to revive American manufacturing and reduce dependence on imported goods, including steel and other materials.
Much is said to diminish the potential impact of leveraging North Korea's trade dependence on China to rein in the regime.
They see the gas relationship not as one of western dependence on Russia, but of mutual dependence between buyer and seller.
The kingdom urgently needs to reverse a decline in foreign investment to diversify its economy and end its dependence on oil.
A central goal of his tenure has been to increase non-oil revenues to reduce Nigeria's dependence on crude oil sales.
Elizabeth Warren is going after some of her Democratic rivals ahead of Tuesday night's debate over their dependence on big donors.
Because of that, utilities have pushed to gain allowances to resell imported cargoes and reduce their dependence on long-term contracts.
Until recently, it was the far right and the far left that questioned the European Union's dependence on the United States.
Voted in by a Taiwanese public equally distrustful of growing economic dependence on China, the DPP also champions Taiwan's own history.
In the end, Chabahar's easy accessibility could potentially help overcome Washington's dependence on Pakistani supply routes and should be seriously explored.
That could help reduce dependence on the state and cut welfare costs, especially as new forms of automation eliminate some jobs.
For the past 60 years, both Democratic and Republican administrations have often worked to foster dependence on the US security architecture.
Mohammad bin Salman, or MbS as he is known, wants to reform Saudi society and end its dependence on oil revenue.
However, resilience to shocks is curtailed by the small size of the population (32,000), limited economic diversification and high dependence on Italy.
Canada has long been keen to reduce its trade dependence on America and has identified China, India and Japan as promising markets.
The Swiss initiative mirrors efforts elsewhere in Europe to reduce dependence on nuclear power, partly sparked by Japan's Fukushima disaster in 2400.
"It's about changing the mentality of how we use our energy and electricity, it's about reducing our dependence on coal," she said.
A deal would help it expand in international markets such as France and Latin America, cutting its dependence on low-growth Italy.
Aiming to reduce its dependence on Tesla, Panasonic recently partnered with Toyota Motor Corp to develop and supply batteries for electric vehicles.
Chinese help was clearly not enough to produce a deal with North Korea on Thursday, despite Pyongyang's dependence on its northern neighbour.
Apple shares fell Tuesday after HSBC downgraded the stock, citing too much dependence on a single product and slowing emerging markets economies.
The sociologist argued that the popular response to the total spiritual dependence on God's inscrutable will was a turn to worldly activity.
Insurers have reacted by reducing the dependence on guarantees and the duration of the contracts, and by increasing the duration of assets.
Germany's gas industry has warned restricting fracking could increase the country's dependence on imported energy, much of which it imports from Russia.
Contrary to Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society, welfare had created chronic dependence on subsidies like Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC).
Its dependence on coal power fell to 4.7%, down from 70% a decade ago, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. 4.
Taiwan sends about 40% of its exports to China but has been trying to wean itself off dependence on its giant neighbour.
Dependence on Russia, which provides Armenia with cheap gas and security guarantees, acts as a brake on deeper relations with Western countries.
The Renewable Fuel Standard, a more than decade-old regulation that is aimed at helping farmers and reducing U.S. dependence on oil.
This was a giant coming-out party for "Vision 2030", the economic plan to move Saudi Arabia away from dependence on oil.
It reduces their economic dependence on their husbands, making it easier to refuse to have more children even if he wants them.
It employs artificial intelligence to resolve problems like repetitiveness, vague wording, sentence length variation, over-dependence on adverbs, passive voice, and more.
The core concern centers around Germany's dependence on Russian energy which could make it susceptible to exploitation and more vulnerable to interference.
None of these ventures freed the province from its dependence on commodities such as lumber and iron ore, with their volatile prices.
China is hoping to deal with this over-dependence on fossil fuels partly by rebalancing the economy away from energy-intensive industries.
A growing number is addicted to OxyContin and other pain killers and looking for a way to lessen their dependence on them.
And he said the U.S. also wants to address concerns about the Afghans&apos dependence on their increasingly competent special operations forces.
Similar to We Happy Few, the protagonist in LISA, Brad, suffers from a dependence on an apparent "happy drug," also called Joy.
"The Trump administration seems just as determined to drag America backward to more dependence on dirty fossil fuels," The Fresno Bee said.
Damming and deforestation of indigenous territories enable mining and industrial agriculture; pipelines, roads and refineries create dependence on fossil fuels for energy.
Dependence on Wi-Fi chipmaker advancements is cited as one possible reason why Apple is reportedly getting out of the router business.
China has also tried to boost the amount of alternative feeds used in livestock rations to reduce its dependence on U.S. imports.
This is a bigger issue for regionals which have a greater dependence on lending for their profits than bigger, more diversified banks.
People are seeing and feeling health repercussions of China's dependence on fossil fuel-fired cars and power plants in an acute way.
Nevertheless, the deals illustrated Saudi Arabia's hunger for foreign capital and technology as it tries to reduce its dependence on oil exports.
A lower dependence on coal-based power means significant job losses in both labor-intensive mining and its downstream industries, he said.
His government managed to raise the absurdly low price Ukrainians are charged for gas, and reduce the country's dependence on Russian supplies.
Last December in Paris, almost 200 nations agreed a sweeping plan to end global dependence on fossil fuels to limit rising temperatures.
For example, deepening dependence on coal and nuclear resources may, in fact, reduce resilience to extreme heat or cold, hurricanes, or floods.
The goal was to reduce the region's dependence on natural gas to manage peak energy consumption by installing new power storage systems.
Other diplomats agreed, describing efforts within their countries and others to lessen their dependence on Russian natural gas for their energy needs.
They have called for U.S. firms to reduce their supply chain dependence on China and limit Chinese firms' access to U.S. technology.
The Kremlin built the new Vostochny site to reduce Russia's dependence on the Soviet-era Baikonur Cosmodrome, which is in Kazakhstan. video
The natural gas industry has already helped reduce the country's dependence on imported fuels that cause more pollution, like coal and oil.
We've just got to keep it on track by guarding against the forces that seek to profit from our dependence on oil.
In China, Beijing's focus on reducing dependence on high credit growth has raised worries about tighter monetary policy and slower economic growth.
With subscriber market share at 26%, management has decided to reduce dependence on its roaming partners and build out a nationwide network.
Trump tied ethanol to his campaign slogan "Make America Great Again," saying ethanol reduces dependence on imported oil, which helps energy independence.
StarCraft II is also much trickier for computers to master than many other games because of its complexity and dependence on strategy.
That dependence on jet fuel and the outdated ways the service moves around it and plans for its use are a risk.
Official government development plans going back decades have called for reducing the dependence on oil and increasing Saudi employment — to little effect.
But decades of dependence on the United States for arms sales and security guarantees have left the Saudis with few immediate alternatives.
Azerbaijan's huge energy reserves and strategic location give it a prominent place in Europe's hopes of reducing its energy dependence on Russia.
India's dependence on groundwater and the country's failure to replenish aquifers have exacerbated the crisis, said V.K. Madhavan chief executive of WaterAid.
He has literally and figuratively broken up Op's dependence on rigid forms in order to reconfigure them, push them into new territory.
Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross has opened an investigation into whether U.S. dependence on uranium imports poses a threat to national security.
The next step will be to develop a realistic but ambitious timeline for the city to end its dependence on fossil fuels.
Loosening standards would only cost consumers more, increase our dependence on oil and put Americans at greater risk from a changing climate.
They've chosen to ignore the science that tells us our climate is changing and we must reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
The post-Jobs trajectory of Apple has given fodder for both sides of the argument over the company's dependence on its founder.
Japan accused China of halting rare earth supplies for political reasons, sparking recognition worldwide of the risks of dependence on one supplier.
While Poland's dependence on coal is well known, the government's use of the global forum to promote its energy agenda was striking.
Some Trump officials and Republicans in Congress say the crisis has underscored an urgent need to reduce America's economic dependence on Beijing.
No matter how much we wish it were otherwise, the world's heavy dependence on fossil fuels will continue for the foreseeable future.
The big picture: The strategic push is part of MBS' Saudi Vision 2030 plan to reduce the country's economic dependence on oil.
Beyond radio, smuggling USB drives loaded with soap operas, books, and movies into North Korea could reduce dependence on official regime propaganda.
He reasons that the fear of missing out phenomenon (FOMO) and dependence on their phone (nomophobia) places too much stress on students.
That could help reduce dependence on the state and cut welfare costs, especially as greater automation sees humans replaced in the workforce.
Mr. Johnson and Mr. Stringer have both spoken about changing dependence on cars in the city — comments that have angered car owners.
What's exciting about Mutiny is we empower these great marketers to improve their customer experience without that constant dependence on technical teams.
The European Union is also providing 101.4 million euros for a project that aims to reduce Croatia's dependence on Russian gas imports.
As the world's largest crude oil importer, China's heavy dependence on other countries for energy has influenced much of its foreign policy.
The actions of the PA had in part reflected greater efforts to end what it sees as over-dependence on Israeli markets.
Isolationism is a national policy of separating your country from dependence on others, and I believe it has been overplayed of late.
This is an opportunity to guide patients to a more natural management of gastro-esophageal reflux disease and less dependence on antacids.
Some European countries oppose Nord Stream 2, arguing that it increases Europe's dependence on Russia and poses threats to their national security.
Resilience to shocks is greatly curtailed by the small size of the population (32,000), limited economic diversification and high dependence on Italy.
Coal ash, the hazardous byproduct of burning coal to produce power, is a particularly insidious legacy of the nation's dependence on coal.
The far-too-long dependence on Russia for Americans and others to fly into space will at last come to an end.
Though its backing sounds upbeat, the lyrics of "Reasons I Drink" find Morissette appearing to open up about her dependence on alcohol.
They are the most important action the United States has taken to address climate change and reduce the nation's dependence on oil.
"When interest rates are low, the government's dependence on debt won't rise even if it issues public bonds for spending," Hamada said.
The law is intended to help farmers and cut U.S. dependence on foreign oil but refiners say it costs them a fortune.
Between the '28503s and early 22019s our dependence on foreign supplies of oil, especially from the Middle East was on the rise.
He underwent four back surgeries and spent time in rehab following a DUI arrest in 2017 that revealed a dependence on painkillers.
The dependence on the value of equity stakes to reduce leverage is not commensurate with Fitch's view of an investment-grade profile.
Irrespective of the Trump administration's backwards action today, California will continue to lead the way on reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
The rest of the world has begun to fundamentally rethink its dependence on China to make much of what the world consumes.
Can he carry out anything like it, without first getting campaign finance reform and weaning his members off their dependence on lobbyists?
Schoenberg's achingly chromatic Five Pieces for Orchestra, originally composed in 1909, represents a midway stage in weaning audiences from their dependence on melody.
The State Department is working with Iraq to end its dependence on Iranian natural gas, and increase its energy independence, the spokesperson said.
This helps the company achieve above-market growth and shield profitability from sector-specific risks arising from high dependence on large OEM customers.
For instance, the European Union, seeking to reduce its dependence on Russia, has ramped up its natural gas imports from the United States.
However, the dependence on the value of equity stakes to reduce leverage is not commensurate with Fitch's view of an investment grade profile.
These strengths partially offset vulnerabilities from Peru's high dependence on mining exports, financial dollarization (29% of private credit), and non-resident capital flows.
"Africa is already disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change due to its over-dependence on agriculture," he told Mashable by phone.
It doesn't shy away from difficult and complex topics, from Ryan's co-dependence on his mother to the toll of being a caretaker.
Trump has accused Germany of being "captive" to Moscow because of its dependence on Russian energy, and urged that the project be halted.
It is largely motivated by Mr Lukashenko's desire to reduce its security dependence on Russia, in the wake of its intervention in Ukraine.
At the request of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, GAO is looking at the U.S. dependence on China and other international drug manufacturers.
Despite the country's immense dependence on the marketplaces, however, the common perceptions of market women in the country do not reflect their power.
Karelia is exposed to material refinancing risk, which stems from the region's high dependence on access to capital market to service its debt.
Muhammad bin Salman, the ambitious crown prince, aims to attract tens of billions in foreign investment to reduce Saudi's dependence on oil revenues.
Will Carbon Engineering's technology decrease the amount of CO2 in the air, or is it going to prolong our dependence on fossil fuels?
As the trade battle between South Korea and Japan drags on, Seoul announced it will cut down its economic dependence on Japanese industries.
For starters, we should improve the robustness and resilience of our infrastructure; our dependence on satellites has put us in a precarious position.
BE-4 is the only engine that can fly by 2019, meeting the congressionally mandated deadline to eliminate dependence on Russian-built engines.
"It's definitely a decision to reduce our dependence on them, it has nothing to do with an upcoming bond," said spokesman Ulrich Steiner.
Some European nations, including Lithuania and Poland, started to reduce their dependence on Russian pipeline gas by importing LNG from the United States.
Saudi Arabia has embarked on a series of economic reforms, called Vision 2030, designed to free the kingdom from dependence on oil exports.
Both activities contaminate on a massive scale: coca farming because of its monoculture dependence on industrial pesticide, oil drilling because it's oil drilling.
The Trump administration scrapped a landmark climate change rule on Wednesday that was designed to lessen America's dependence on coal-fired power plants.
Oil independence: The U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil continues to decrease, with even fewer imports in 2016, a new 30 year low.
The Negative Outlook reflects the company's dependence on regulatory approval for future LTC rate increases and the potential for future LTC reserve charges.
It's one of the many promising technologies surrounding hydrogen, an energy source proponents say could help reduce our dependence on polluting fossil fuels.
As Wing notes, the program arrives as Helsinki is making a push to lessen dependence on car ownership by improving public transit citywide.
Offsetting rating factors include SIRe's small size and heightened operational risks, mainly emanating from its dependence on a small number of key staff.
Both strictures are designed to remind these women of their dependence on the good graces of the American patriarchy, in very different ways.
Even left-wing websites such as the DailyKos cannot mask the outrageous — and tragic — rise in dependence on government handouts under this president.
Offsetting factors include SI Re's small size and heightened operational risks, mainly emanating from its dependence on a small number of key staff.
The country's economy has declined over the years because of government overspending, a heavy dependence on debt and a costly, inefficient energy system.
Then he proceeded to trump himself, saying that the kingdom could overcome "any dependence on oil" within a mere four years, by 2020.
But beyond our dependence on oil and gas, the size of the world's top oil companies would make mass divestment a huge challenge.
He also worries whether people will begin to see dependence on safety nets as an easier route than farming, as crop failures worsen.
This is especially true in the case of Trump's dependence on support from communities at the bottom of the Lesthaeghe-Neidert S.D.T. scale.
The fund is considering foreign opportunities and will seek a variety of investments to move the kingdom away from its dependence on oil.
The military are only too aware of their limited capabilities and their dependence on America for training, equipment and back-up in extremis.
The new regulations appear to make Amazon's dependence on one large seller on its site, Cloudtail, illegal, according to industry officials and analysts.
Under President Xi Jinping, China has taken steps to keep tabs on technology from American companies and reduce the nation's dependence on it.
This would help Greece return to markets next year, for the first time since 2014, and eventually reduce its dependence on bailout loans.
Georgians can choose the worn path of statism, embrace a dangerous dependence on Russia, and remain captive to unstable political and legal systems.
Riyadh also wants close economic ties with the United States as it tries to cut its dependence on oil by diversifying its economy.
The timetable for implementing the LSA is driven by the need to end the DOD's dependence on Russian built rocket engines by 2022.
He said that despite liquidity pressures in the sector, NBG had contained its dependence on central bank funding to 17 percent of assets.
In response, Congress began looking for ways to reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil while creating a more environmentally friendly alternative to gasoline.
"Perhaps we should be focused on developing energy sources and power production that alleviates the need for dependence on fossil fuels," he said.
The two global water operators are both trying to reduce their dependence on municipal water clients by diversifying into the industrial water market.
Kiev's pro-Western government wants to wean Ukraine off a traditional dependence on Russia for energy supplies, including gas imports and nuclear fuel.
The deal can effectively put an end to Bulgaria's almost complete dependence on Russian gas supplies, the head of the energy regulator said.
The , seen as a proxy for China risk because of Australia's dependence on Chinese demand for its exports, rose 0.62 percent to $0.7171.
When completed, the Dakota Access Pipeline will bring low-cost U.S. oil to markets in the Midwest, reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
It doesn't do anything to lessen America's use of oil itself as a fuel or our dependence on an inherently volatile global market.
However, if it is well-established that the dependence on a primary product is a key supply risk, the opposite is also true.
Allman's dependence on alcohol was at its worst point in the early 1980s and, after moving to Florida, he began to lose control.
Santa Fe's dependence on discretionary transfers is also low, as current transfers received-to-operating revenue averaged 6% in the last five years.
We need to be putting our investment into developing those resources, not into a project that will perpetuate this dependence on fossil fuels.
"This kind of event makes structural problems evident: Dependence on imports for food and fuel, lack of planning and economic inequality," they note.
Yes, but: The prospect of more U.S. exports still has important strategic and commercial implications for Europe and its dependence on Russian gas.
Apple is also thought to be reconsidering its dependence on China as a manufacturing hub for its most important products, including the iPhone.
Baltic nations have informed their publics of Russia's activities, toughened their defenses against cyberattacks and moved to reduce their energy dependence on Moscow.
Importers made limited efforts to reduce rare earth consumption and dependence on China after a diplomatic dispute between China and Japan in 2010.
It is, under the circumstances, genuinely ridiculous to portray US dependence on imported Canadian metal as a potential threat to American national security.
Equally impressive are Dr. Jacobson's dependence on untainted scientific information and his willingness to amend his center's advice when new evidence demands it.
Lots of technology in the background that's coming along that could really, really get us off of the dependence on the cellular networks.
Mr. Masekela developed a dependence on alcohol early in his career, and by the early 1970s he was addicted to cocaine, as well.
From 1900 to 1999, most cognitive researchers dismissed dogs as uninteresting because they believed domestication had led to a hopeless dependence on humans.
It's rare for Apple to be fined on competition grounds, and the French watchdog said the firm had abused economic dependence on resellers.
He hopes to reduce North Korea's overarching economic dependence on China and curb Beijing's aspirations to control the future of the Korean Peninsula.
"One of the first things we can do to prepare ourselves is break our dependence on China for essential medical supplies," Carlson said.
In a similar move, it designed its own servers and networking hardware, reducing its dependence on hardware makers like Dell, HP and Cisco.
Dependence on fossil fuels Russian President Vladimir Putin has already ordered the military to send planes and helicopters to help fight the inferno.
Cars that are "made in America" incorporate foreign parts, and you'd need to shut down domestic industry to avoid dependence on foreign trade.
The Swiss initiative mirrors efforts to reduce dependence on nuclear power elsewhere in Europe, partly in response to Japan's Fukushima disaster in 20505.
Analysts in South Korea have said that North Korea was trying to import more Russian oil to lessen its fuel dependence on China.
In April, four months after Georgi became ill, the family's deportation was postponed, because his dependence on the feeding tube made flying hazardous.
In Egypt he received a hero's welcome and concluded an agreement with Cairo that would help pry Egypt from its dependence on Moscow.
The strategy, analysts say, has already reduced Apple's dependence on critical outside suppliers like ARM Holdings Plc, now owned by SoftBank Group Corp.
In some ways, Moscow's energy muscle-flexing has backfired, with European countries taking steps to cut their dependence on Russian oil and gas.
Security risks remain high on that list, as well as climate change and the company's dependence on demand from Asia, its prospectus said.
This unfinished dream, at best, reinforces America's centrality in Afghanistan, including the country's continued dependence on U.S. cash and military support for survival.
That way, US and European firms could begin locking out Huawei and reducing dependence on the Chinese firm's best-in-class networking hardware.
At a press conference on Friday, Zhang from the National Energy Administration said Beijing is trying to reduce China's dependence on foreign oil.
U.S. presidents have aimed to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil since the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s, which triggered soaring prices.
Where the United States and NATO stand on the election is still seen as crucial, given Afghanistan's dependence on their aid and support.
Despite enhanced European Union efforts to diminish dependence on Russian gas imports, Gazprom has remained the record gas supplier to Europe in 85033.
The rules have been widely praised by environmentalists and energy economists for reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil and its greenhouse pollution.
Taking swift action to end the global economy's dependence on fossil fuels can ward off some of the worst projected impacts, they say.
Advocates have also argued that dependence on Canada for energy is far more secure than reliance on countries like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.
The king has little short-term memory, hence his often puzzled look and his dependence on prompts delivered via discreetly placed iPad screens.
The ban — since lifted with strict conditions — brought ZTE to its knees and highlighted the risks of China's dependence on foreign-made technology.
Mexico's continued dependence on LNG is largely a result of falling domestic natural gas production and delays facing U.S. cross-border pipeline expansions.
"The takeover of Opel increases the already very high dependence on Europe," Professor Dudenhöffer said in a written analysis of the deal Friday.
One way to reduce dependence on Social Security is to invest in a tax-advantaged retirement vehicle, such as an individual retirement account.
Kazakhstan wants to wean itself from a dependence on natural resources and transform itself into a financial hub, the Dubai of Central Asia.
Many European countries are seeking L.N.G. imports to reduce their dependence on Russia and because gas production on the continent is in decline.
However, in the absence of cheaper, shorter and acceptable alternative routes, U.S. dependence on Pakistani supply lines has provided Islamabad an important leverage.
Smaller cities, such as Midland, also face risk from their economic dependence on natural resources and the decline in the price of oil.
Do you think that was specific to Facebook use, or do you think that was reflective of our dependence on technology more broadly?
The plan involves diversifying the Kingdom's economy to lessen its dependence on oil, ushering in some measure of social change in the process.
O for nearly $800 million to bolster its portfolio of drugs to treat rare diseases and reduce its dependence on the primary care market.
Riyadh has been stepping up plans to develop a civilian nuclear energy capability as part of a plan to reduce its dependence on oil.
Faurecia has greatly reduced its dependence on some of its large historical customers and no manufacturer now represents more than 20% of product sales.
This dependence on ride-hailing is having the adverse effect of increasing traffic congestion, which in turn makes bus service slower and more frustrating.
The move is part of a broader push by Qualcomm to diversify away from its dependence on processor and modem chips for mobile phones.
Its first quarter operating profit dropped 29% to €1.1 billion ($1.2 billion), a performance that highlighted its dependence on truck sales in North America.
O for nearly $800 million to bolster its portfolio of drugs to treat rare diseases and reduce its dependence on the primary care market.
Frances hopes that this will enable it to curb its dependence on nuclear generation which accounts for over 75 percent of its power consumption.
The backdrop: Macron has claimed that the rise in fuel taxes is necessary for moving the nation away from its dependence on fossil fuels.
Freed from dependence on a gatekeeping broadcast station, independent outfits everywhere have flooded the internet with anthologies and long-form series updating Sanctum's template.
Many diplomats, analysts and economists say the magnitude of the goals -- including the primary one of ending dependence on oil by 2020 -- defy credibility.
In the interview, Perry issued a message for the European Union, saying it needed to wean itself off its dependence on Russian energy supplies.
We could reduce our trade deficit by reducing our government's dependence on borrowing, but that requires a discipline that no one seems to have.
Given U.S. dependence on Chinese supply, the threat of a restriction could hurt many industries including high-tech devices, automotives, clean energy and defense.
" When I ask Scarlet just how unhealthy my dependence on Girls has been, she asks in return: "What does the show function to do?
The Vision 2030 reform programme, launched by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman last year, aims to free the economy from dependence on oil exports.
This was the best and last political opportunity to deal with our dependence on oil and we failed to live up to the challenge.
The company has partnerships with Fiat-Chrysler, Lyft, and Avis, even while it's manufacturing its own sensors and hardware to reduce dependence on suppliers.
Tehran also appears to have grasped that the huge increase in U.S. shale oil production has freed America from its dependence on Saudi crude.
If approved, Upadacitinib could reduce AbbVie's dependence on its flagship rheumatoid arthritis treatment Humira, which generated more than $16 billion in sales last year.
Such worries, along with concerns over the EU's growing dependence on Russia for energy supplies, have also driven fierce U.S. lobbying against the project.
The city of Berkeley, California is considering launching an initial coin offering (ICO) in a stated effort to reduce its dependence on federal funding.
"The United Kingdom faces specific credit risk in its regular dependence on foreign investment inflows to finance its record current-account deficit," Randolph warned.
In 2016, Crown Prince Mohammed announced a long-term economic plan, called Vision 2030, which aims to remove Saudi Arabia's economic dependence on oil.
The idea is to reduce dependence on materials like Styrofoam, which are notoriously bad for the environment, and often end up in a landfill.
The East African country aims to cut its dependence on aid to finance its budget, 17 percent of which currently comes from aid money.
That is why, since the Arab oil embargo of 1973, every American president has seen the country's dependence on imported oil as a weakness.
Ever since Newfoundland and Labrador joined Canada in 1949, conmen and credulous politicians have promoted misguided projects to reduce its dependence on natural resources.
Vanadium's problem, however, is that there is already a structural shortage of the stuff rooted in its historical co-dependence on the steel sector.
The government is keen to create jobs and reduce its dependence on the oil sector by developing industries such as tourism, particularly Islamic tourism.
The RFS program, also aimed at reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil and boosting rural economies, has expanded the market for corn-based fuels.
Europe's best response, Mr. Wolff suggested, is to put greater focus on its domestic market in order to reduce its dependence on global trade.
Pretoria is considering building an oil refinery that will process Iranian crude to bolster its petrol supply and reduce its dependence on foreign companies.
Chance's dependence on gospel inspiration may be nearing its tipping point, but for tonight, it served as a perfect conduit for his impressive talent.
It may also mistakenly lead many to look toward greater dependence on — and even the expansion of — existing government programs, such as Social Security.
If Trump is looking to increase demand for fossil fuel, reducing requirements to increase dependence on biofuels such as ethanol could be one path.
But energy companies like ExxonMobil, Basf , Dea and CEP want to develop Germany's shale resources, arguing this could reduce its dependence on imported energy.
A turbulent market in 1Q16 had a negative impact on such fees, although this was reduced by the bank's modest dependence on performance fees.
The deal would help Atlantia to expand in international markets such as France and Latin America and cut its dependence on low-growth Italy.
Many diplomats, analysts and economists say the magnitude of the goals — including the primary one of ending dependence on oil by 2020 — defy credibility.
In a bid to lessen his dependence on the App Store, he recently made Tasteful available on chat platforms such as Messenger and Slack.
And by cutting access to contraception, preventative care, and abortion, the Trump administration's budget reinforces women's dependence on government programs to traditional family structures.
For China, increasing imports of energy and farm products from the United States represents an unwelcome increase in dependence on a potentially hostile supplier.
LAUREN MELODIA Brooklyn The writer is general manager of Milk Not Jails, which promotes economic alternatives to rural America's dependence on the prison industry.
Though this proposed revision might seem toothless, it has the potential to have significant effects given colleges' dependence on federal grants and student loans.
It is also an unlikely one, given the nation's dependence on Russia and the general political trends driving politics in the former Soviet Union.
However, the Program has spurred the creation of micro-grids and distributed power generation across Japan that reduces municipalities dependence on large power plants.
Carriers are "always looking for alternative partners to lessen their dependence on the big three guys," said Jonathan Chaplin, analyst at New Street Research.
Cancer has been a focus area for AbbVie as it looks to reduce dependence on its arthritis treatment Humira, the world's top-selling drug.
Not only has this saved the country billions and closed loopholes previously used for corruption; it has also ended Ukraine's energy dependence on Russia.
An era of cheap oil has highlighted Saudi Arabia's unsustainable dependence on crude, with dwindling revenues prompting an urgent economic reform initiative in Riyadh.
Exposure in the absence of pain will change a baby's brain development, and can cause a newborn to develop a dependence on the drugs.
It had also faced pressure from Washington and Brussels to limit its energy dependence on Russia, which was under contract to build the plant.
U.S. adults with an alcohol use disorder, defined as a dependence on alcohol, also increased nearly 50 percent during the period studied, researchers found.
The 31-year-old, who becomes second in line to the throne, has been working to reduce the Mideast economic powerhouse's dependence on oil.
Critics dismissed the plan as insufficient to resolve the country's economic problems including Soviet-style shortages, triple-digit inflation and heavy dependence on imports.
Many Democrats argue that raising the minimum wage is key to helping workers and reducing poverty, while also lowering dependence on government welfare programs.
The deal aligns both with Poland's goal of reducing its dependence on Russia for gas and the U.S.'s goal of selling gas abroad.
The stubborn belief that our country can only flourish through a continued dependence on fossil fuels insults the resolve and ingenuity of American workers.
He would be the first leftist president in decades in Mexico, and has pledged to reduce the country's economic dependence on the United States.
Neom is part of Vision 2030: an ambitious plan to revolutionize Saudi society, reduce dependence on oil, and make the country a technology hub.
"The Board agrees that planning for potential disruptions posed by climate change and reducing company-wide dependence on fossil fuels are important," they wrote.
It plans to increase its assets to $600 billion by 2020, as part of a plan to reduce the Saudi economy's dependence on oil.
SAFE is a nonpartisan, nonprofit focused on reducing America's dependence on oil through policies and actions that improve the efficiency of the transportation sector.
"As a nation, our job is to break our addiction to fossil fuels, not increase our dependence on oil," he said in a statement.
The program was designed to reduce U.S. dependence on foreign fossil fuels, cut pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and bolster the domestic biofuel industry.
Unlike the economies of the United States, Canada, Russia, several Middle Eastern nations, and others, France's dependence on fossil fuel extraction is very low.
As our dependence on foreign supplies of strategically important minerals increases, the task of rebuilding our military muscle may be hostage to foreign suppliers.
Evonik has been trying since 2014 to make a big acquisition that could bolster growth and reduce its dependence on the animal feed business.
The Russians have keenly recognized that they could subvert the modern dependence on social media as a seemingly trustworthy platform for news and information.
The heroin epidemic has grown largely out of a dependence on legal opioid painkillers and has spread to white, urban, suburban and rural areas.
Rusnano was set up in 2007 to invest in promising high-tech firms and help Russia diversify away from its economic dependence on energy.
"That transition from ventral to dorsal, it has nothing to do with the pharmacological emergence of the physical dependence on the drug," Baler continued.
Bulgaria had also faced pressure from Washington and Brussels to limit its energy dependence on Russia, which was under contract to build the plant.
One of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's primary objectives is to diversify the Saudi economy and wean his country off its dependence on oil.
Chinese leaders, worried about skies choked with pollution and the country's growing dependence on foreign oil, have championed electric cars as a possible solution.
Sealing the deal would reduce its dependence on the stagnating mobile-phone market and expand exposure to faster-growing ones such as autonomous vehicles.
Australia has tried to balance its growing economic dependence on China with its longstanding post-World War II security relationship with the United States.
Recently, because of problems getting around, she had to bring in a home health aide for assistance, only deepening her increased dependence on others.
Cu Rua's death, which occurred during a heated national debate about Vietnam's perceived political and economic dependence on China, prompted an outpouring of sadness.
Desperate to reduce the dependence on imports, the authorities in China have pledged tens of billions of dollars to help foster homegrown chip champions.
It's an instrument of massive surveillance and our dependence on it distorts our judgements and directs major decisions without deep human deliberation or contemplation.
"We are obviously, even without knowing what the future holds, are deeply concerned because of our very high dependence on sales tax," Rogoff said.
And United States governments have been complaining about Germany's dependence on Russian gas for years, even if Mr. Trump has done so more bluntly.
The order brought ZTE, once seen as an innovative, competitive Chinese company, to a virtual standstill, exposing its dependence on American chips and software.
He soon buys real estate to minimize his dependence on a paycheck and begins to shelter income and minimize taxes by setting up corporations.
This may force companies to cut some of their dependence on China, something that already started to happen because of President Trump's trade war.
It will take a few years for companies to make the deep switch to 3D printing and reduce their dependence on global supply chains.
At his swearing-in this month, Masisi promised to drive a transformation of Botswana's economy, creating more jobs and countering excessive dependence on diamonds.
Military-to-military cooperation should be strengthened through the purchase of U.S. military equipment to reduce Astana's sole dependence on Moscow for military equipment.
Tesla's dependence on the U.S. is not a surprise since it is based in California and the Golden State is filled with Tesla loyalists.
But developing advanced tech industries, such as semiconductors, while cutting dependence on the United States "will be difficult" in the short term, he cautioned.
California's dependence on inmate firefighters — who are paid less than $26 an hour — has been underscored as officials contend with a fierce fire season.
But parents have discovered a range of inappropriate videos on the app, highlighting the platform's dependence on automation and a lack of human oversight.
Nord Stream 2 faces resistance from some European countries and the United States, which say it would enhance Europe's dependence on Russian energy supplies.
It's a technique borrowed from the oil and gas industry that promises to free geothermal energy from its dependence on natural hot-water reservoirs.
President Moon said last week that his government will lessen South Korea's dependence on Japanese technologies and materials by finding alternative sources for imports.
President Moon said last week that his government will lessen South Korea's dependence on Japanese technologies and materials by finding alternative sources for imports.
This network won't just give the company an extra source of reliable energy — it'll help to cut down dependence on costly, "dirty" backup generators.
Prince Mohammed is also the guiding force behind a plan, known as Vision 2030, to transform the kingdom and reduce its dependence on oil.
Lee speaks about how he runs a multifaceted company, from growing pains while working with talent to the dependence on platforms and selling apparel.
This dependence on weak states — as targets of attacks and audiences for propaganda — highlights a need for the international community to strengthen local regimes.
San Miguel Corporation, which has interests in beverages, food, energy and infrastructure, is eyeing more peso bonds to reduce its dependence on dollar borrowings.
This study, however, was small in scale, short-term and limited by its dependence on the volunteers' perceptions of their responses to the experiment.
The conference, hosted by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is part of his Vision 2030 plan to break the country's dependence on oil.
The pipeline was meant to give Dakota producers new leverage in the market by reducing their dependence on more costly rail shipments for delivery.
Lawmakers, though, have sought to take the lead, introducing a flurry of bills to take on Huawei and reduce American dependence on its technology.
As Nadra Nittle previously wrote for The Goods, teachers' dependence on crowdfunding sites like DonorsChoose shows that education — and students — continue to be shortchanged.
The social overhauls are part of a broad plan to open up the kingdom's economy and to reduce its near-total dependence on oil.

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