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"dapperling" Definitions
  1. a little dapper fellow

13 Sentences With "dapperling"

How to use dapperling in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "dapperling" and check conjugation/comparative form for "dapperling". Mastering all the usages of "dapperling" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Leucocoprinus fragilissimus, commonly known as the fragile dapperling, is a species of gilled mushroom in the family Agaricaceae.
Lepiota erminea, commonly known as the dune dapperling, is a species of agaric fungus in the family Agaricaceae. It is found in Europe and North America.
Leucoagaricus leucothites, white dapperling, or white Agaricus mushroom, is a species of agaric fungus. The species was originally described as Agaricus leucothites by Carlo Vittadini in 1835. Solomon Wasser transferred it to Leucoagaricus in 1977.
Lepiota brunneolilacea, also known as the star dapperling, is a gilled mushroom of the genus Lepiota in the order Agaricales. It is known to contain deadly amounts of alpha-Amanitin, and was responsible for a fatal poisoning.
Echinoderma asperum or Lepiota aspera, sometimes known commonly as the freckled dapperling, is a large, brownish, white-gilled mushroom, with a warty or scaly cap. It lives in woodland, or on bark chips in parks, and gardens.
In the UK, Leucocoprinus birnbaumii has been given the recommended common name of "plantpot dapperling". In North America, it has also been called the "yellow parasol", "flowerpot parasol", "yellow houseplant mushroom", "lemon-yellow lepiota", or "yellow pleated parasol".
Leucocoprinus birnbaumii is a species of gilled mushroom in the family Agaricaceae. It is common in the tropics and subtropics. However, in temperate regions, it frequently occurs in greenhouses and flowerpots, hence its common names of flowerpot parasol and plantpot dapperling. The edibility is unknown.
The deadly dapperling is found in warmer parts of Europe, generally the south, but has also been recorded from Britain and Germany. In Asia, it has been recorded from Turkey, Israel, Pakistan, Iran and eastern China. The fruit bodies come up in parks and gardens, on roadsides and hedges.
Lepiota castanea, commonly known as the chestnut dapperling, is a dangerously poisonous, uncommon, gilled mushroom of the genus Lepiota in the order Agaricales. It is known to contain amatoxins and consuming this fungus can be a potentially lethal proposition. It was described by French mycologist Lucien Quélet in 1881. It has white gills and spores.
Lepiota clypeolaria commonly known as the shield dapperling or the shaggy- stalked Lepiota, is a common, poisonous mushroom in the genus Lepiota. It is widely distributed in northern temperate zones, where it grows in deciduous and coniferous forest. Fruit bodies have a brownish cap, a shaggy stipe with a collapsed, sheathing ring or ring zone, and spindle-shaped spores.
Lepiota cristata, commonly known as the stinking dapperling or the stinking parasol, is an agaric and possibly poisonous mushroom in the family Agaricaceae. A common and widespread species—one of the most widespread fungi in the genus Lepiota—it has been reported from Europe, northern Asia, North America, and New Zealand. It fruits on the ground in disturbed areas, such as lawns, path and road edges, parks, and gardens. The species produces fruit bodies characterized by the flat, reddish-brown concentric scales on the caps, and an unpleasant odour resembling burnt rubber.
Lepiota brunneoincarnata, also known as the deadly dapperling, is a gilled mushroom of the genus Lepiota in the order Agaricales. Widely distributed in Europe and temperate regions of Asia as far east as China, it grows in grassy areas such as fields, parks and gardens, and is often mistaken for edible mushrooms. The mushroom has a brown scaled cap up to 4 cm wide with a pinkish brown stem and white gills. It is highly toxic, with several deaths having been recorded as it resembles the edible grey knight (Tricholoma terreum) and fairy ring champignon (Marasmius oreades).
First described by the eminent nineteenth century mycologist Persoon as Agaricus asper, the freckled dapperling has been through several taxonomical name changes. Lucien Quélet moved it to genus Lepiota and since then it has long been known as Lepiota aspera (Pers.) Quel.. For a time it was placed with the other "spiny" Lepiota species into a separate sub-genus called Echinoderma, and in 1978 Marcel Bon put it into Cystolepiota. Then in 1991 Bon created the new genus Echinoderma for this and similar brownish warty species, and the new name Echinoderma asperum is almost universally accepted in more recent publications. The species name is the Latin adjective "asper" (with feminine: "aspera" and neuter "asperum"), meaning "rough".

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