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34 Sentences With "credulously"

How to use credulously in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "credulously" and check conjugation/comparative form for "credulously". Mastering all the usages of "credulously" from sentence examples published by news publications.

On Monday, news reports took Bernalillo County authorities' version of those events credulously, heralding the home assistant as a hero.
Take, for example, a very obvious joke turned nightmare scenario circulating credulously across the platform today via a celebrity news account.
They credulously repeat the owner&aposs claims in a scary piece about the so-called "unintended consequences" of the higher wage.
" When told that he had seen a Gulfstream V, a much smaller aircraft, the pilot laughed and replied faux-credulously, "O.
All three stories crumbled upon contact with the barest scrutiny, embarrassing the outlets and politicians that credulously or cynically promoted them.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, other outlets have credulously cited the Fox News "report" as evidence that dog flu is running wild across the country.
For instance, he credulously accepts Bannon's self portrait as a puppetmaster of the global right and, most absurdly, a plausible presidential candidate.
The Journal interviewers react credulously — they immediately ask Trump if such a plan should not, in fact, be able to attract votes from Democrats.
Her recovery was so miraculous, these articles have credulously reported, that Harvard scientists are gearing up to study how Bero's diet saved her from cancer.
When Biden admonished a man in Iowa who credulously parroted Trump's line of attack, many political analysts pronounced him imprudently thin-skinned and unattractively defensive.
A piece on the fringe right pro-Trump blog Gateway Pundit, one that names Whelan's target and credulously repeats his allegations, has nearly 35,000 Facebook shares.
Some greatest hits include a credulously outraged post over an obvious prank tweet about destroying ballots and a host of articles feeding the inane "spirit cooking" debacle.    
And yet, somehow, many of the same media outlets that reported this story credulously last month are now reporting that this possibly nonexistent jewel has mysteriously vanished.
Lo and behold, a number of major media outlets — including Washington Examiner, The Hill, Daily Mail, Breitbart, and Daily Caller — credulously reported on the "victories" by Gabbard and Yang.
There are even plenty of cases of news outlets acting as court stenographers, credulously repeating the party line even as evidence amassed that an administration was lying (see: Vietnam, Iraq).
After a meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin a few days later, he credulously stated that Putin had denied Russia's involvement—a denial that Trump seemed to accept at face value.
Fact-checkers have done a fine job of debunking Trump's wild assertion that millions voted illegally, although many headlines too credulously described it simply as a "claim" rather than a demonstrable falsehood.
I'm not going to say this damages Goop's tech advice credibility because that assumes it existed to begin with, but credulously treating gadgets like they're literally toxic is bogus scaremongering at its finest.
The issue many, including me, take with The New York Times article is not that it presented facts it had obtained from an anonymous source, but that it presented these facts too credulously.
Apart from Tondo, the only Italian journalists in the room were a reporter and an editor from MeridioNews, a small, independent Sicilian Web site; major Italian outlets have largely ignored the trial or written credulously about the prosecution's claims.
And instead of debunking Trump, Fox News credulously covered his remarks with chyrons like "TRUMP BLASTS IMPEACHMENT TRIAL AS 'HOAX' WHILE IN DAVOS" — framing that may lead people who aren't actually watching the hearing to buy what Trump is selling.
The reliance on bona fide Facebook users to originate inauthentic content marks an evolution in Russian social media tactics, which in 2016 relied primarily on fake accounts to distribute misinformation that was then viewed and credulously shared by actual American voters.
Slate, famous for its contrarian #slatepitch pieces, published several essays by William Saletan on race and research, which credulously accepted the arguments of J. Philippe Rushton, a race-obsessed researcher linked to the racialist Pioneer Fund and white nationalist New Century Foundation.
It's Thanksgiving week, which is great news for a food website because people are encountering all sorts of eating-adjacent issues that they need addressed and if we can properly anticipate those quandaries, we'll be able to credulously capitalize on the reliable clicks of service journalism.
It's very easy for self-help and life-hacking to take over-credulously claims about "this is the thing that is going to make you more or less happy," even though those studies are p-hacked or have low effect sizes and that sort of thing.
Pale Horse Rider, for example, credulously recounts the circumstances in which Cooper lost his right leg: According to his own accounts, Cooper tried to tell a journalist about what he'd seen in Admiral Clarey's Cabinet, and shortly after that, while bicycling down a mountain road, a black car tried to run him off the road.
On April 22, 2016, the Times ran an article by Maggie Haberman with the headline, "Donald Trump's More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P." The article all too credulously used stories of Trump's personal tolerance as a window into his policy views: But it is his views on gay rights and gay people that most distinguish Mr. Trump from previous Republican standard-bearers.
Trump had not commented on ISIS's claim by Monday evening, and the White House was not asked about it during the daily briefing, though some of the president's political allies, including former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, credulously tweeted about the announcement: Palin's tweet wound up a relatively isolated event as cable news and journalists on Twitter for the most part discarded ISIS's claim, though it was picked up by the Associated Press and others.
He rattled off various milestones in the history of image manipulation: the transposition, in a famous photograph from the eighteen-sixties, of Abraham Lincoln's head onto the body of the slavery advocate John C. Calhoun; the mass alteration of photographs in Stalin's Russia, designed to purge his enemies from the history books; the convenient realignment of the pyramids on the cover of National Geographic , in 1982; the composite photograph of John Kerry and Jane Fonda standing together at an anti-Vietnam demonstration, which incensed many voters after the Times credulously reprinted it, in 2004, above a story about Kerry's antiwar activities.
183 Skeptical investigator Joe Nickell has written that Holzer did not provide verification for some of his claims and he credulously accepted spirit photographs, anecdotal reports, and other doubtful evidence.Nickell, Joe. (2000). "Haunted Inns: Tales of Spectral Guest". Skeptical Inquirer.
Progressive Christians, such as preacher-theologian Peter J. Gomes, caution Christian fundamentalists that a "spirit of fear" can distort scripture and history through dangerously combining biblical literalism, apocalyptic timetables, demonization and oppressive prejudices, while Camp warns of the "very real danger that Christians could pick up some extra spiritual baggage" by credulously embracing conspiracy theories. They therefore call on Christians who indulge in conspiracism to repent.
Then the "buyers" visited the same bazaar demanding any noorseekee available and credulously paying more than the "sellers" had demanded. The merchants, making easy profits, were thus much more enthusiastic toward the next "sellers". Noorseekee were small, stackable, reasonably durable, light-weight and would neither spoil nor rust, making the trade especially easy. This went on for several rounds to build trust, form messaging pathways and establish the noorseekee as a special ware or even a Soviet-specialized secondary currency.
A default theory can have zero, one, or more extensions. Entailment of a formula from a default theory can be defined in two ways: ; Skeptical : a formula is entailed by a default theory if it is entailed by all its extensions; ; Credulous : a formula is entailed by a default theory if it is entailed by at least one of its extensions. Thus, the Nixon diamond example theory has two extensions, one in which Nixon is a pacifist and one in which he is not a pacifist. Consequently, neither nor are skeptically entailed, while both of them are credulously entailed.
Appealing to Kujan's arrogance, Kint allows himself to be outwitted, humiliated, and broken by his interrogator; Kint further invents a mythical villain that he credulously believes in and gives Kujan the privileged perspective of the skeptic. Kint thus creates a neo-noir thriller inside of a neo-noir thriller and demonstrates the artificiality of storytelling. Benjamin Widiss identifies post-structural elements to the film, such as the lack of a clear protagonist throughout much of the film. This extends to ambiguity over Kint's role as author or reader, and whether he is Kint pretending to be Söze or the reverse.

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