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"copestone" Definitions
  1. a stone forming a coping
  2. a finishing touch : CROWN

10 Sentences With "copestone"

How to use copestone in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "copestone" and check conjugation/comparative form for "copestone". Mastering all the usages of "copestone" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The edifice of German nationality still requires the copestone for the completion of the structure.
Abruptly he swung his feet down from the copestone to the floor of the veranda.
The horrid shrieks of the Chouette served to place the copestone on the fury of the Schoolmaster.
The universe is finished the copestone is on, and the chips were carted off a million years ago.
The justices and councilors of a supreme court, the copestone of the judiciary, were nominated by the same body.
Far from the first attack, it was the copestone of eight years marked, roughly annually, by attempted or successful terrorist operations.
It was reserved to his successor to raise it, as the martyr had predicted it would be raised, even to the copestone.
The copestone which Absalom put on his plot when all was ripe for execution was of a piece with the whole undertaking.
Not far below is a horizontal band of triple corbelling that surrounds the building. This effect is created by projecting three courses of brick out farther than the wall below (as in a corbel), repeating it with three more courses of brick, and then repeating it again for the entire rest of the wall up to the copestone. Steele adds depth and interest to this band by varying the projection of each of the three brick courses by facade so that corners highlight one or another course (see photo below). This effective horizontal band is similar to but more sophisticated than what Steele used near the top of his noted First Congregational Church (Sioux City, 1916–1918).
Various examples of swarf, including a block of compressed swarf Swarf, also known as chips or by other process-specific names (such as turnings, filings, or shavings), are pieces of metal, wood, or plastic that are the debris or waste resulting from machining, woodworking, or similar subtractive (material- removing) manufacturing processes. Swarf or chips can be small particles (such as the gritty swarf from grinding metal or the sawdust from sawing or sanding wood); long, stringy tendrils (such as the springy chips from turning tough metals, or long shavings from whittling); slag-like waste (such as is produced within pipe during pipefitting work); or stone fragments and dust (as in masonry)."The universe is finished; the copestone is on, and the chips were carted off a million years ago." —Ishmael, in Moby-Dick, by Herman Melville.

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