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"consanguine" Definitions
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38 Sentences With "consanguine"

How to use consanguine in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "consanguine" and check conjugation/comparative form for "consanguine". Mastering all the usages of "consanguine" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Next, how did the consanguine family change into the Punaluan?
It is evident that the punaluan family was formed out of the consanguine.
A 2009 study put the percentage of consanguine (blood related) marriages in Libya at 48.4%.
In this or a similar manner that form which Morgan styles the Punaluan family developed from the consanguine family.
22.5-64.3% of marriages in Kuwait are consanguine (blood related), according to a 2009 study in the journal Reproductive Health.
28.5-63.7% of marriages in Jordan are consanguine (blood related), according to a 2009 study in the journal Reproductive Health.
39-45% of marriages in Bahrain are consanguine (blood related), according to a 2009 study in the journal Reproductive Health.
According to a 2009 study, the percentage of consanguine (blood related) marriages in Sudan at between 44.2-63.3%. Cousin marriage is common among the Kababish tribe of the Sudan.
Berényi, p. 184; Deheleanu, p. 219 Andrei was simultaneously the uncle and cousin of writer Alexandru Mocioni, born from a consanguine marriage between Ecaterina and her uncle Mihai Mocioni.Berényi, p.
Prevalence of marriages up to and including distance of second-degree cousin in the world according to The National Center for Biotechnology Information in 2012. Global prevalence of consanguine marriage, illustrating a higher prevalence across the Greater Middle East region.
World map showing prevalence of marriage between cousins, up to and including second cousins, according to data published in 2012 by the United States National Center for Biotechnology Information. Global prevalence of consanguine marriage, illustrating a higher prevalence across the Greater Middle East region.
Worldwide, it has been documented in 110 persons, 85 of them Finnish. It is a recessive genetic disease. Many people with Mulibrey nanism have parents who are closely related, consanguine. Signs and symptoms are variable: siblings who suffer this disease sometimes do not share the same symptoms.
The word odoodem is a dependent noun with the root /-ode/, meaning a "consanguine kin", with the possessive suffix /-m/. When speaking on one's own doodem, the Anishinaabe would say nindoodem(-ag) ("my clan(s)"), gidoodem(-ag) ("your clan(s)") for addressee's and odoodem(-an) ("his/her clan(s)") for other's.
Consanguine marriage is marriage between individuals who are closely related. Though it may involve incest, it implies more than the sexual nature of incest. In a clinical sense, marriage between two family members who are second cousins or closer qualifies as consanguineous marriage. This is based on the gene copies their offspring may receive.
The terminology of the kinship of the Hupda has five distinct generations, two above and two below a generation. All the terms of kinship refer to members of the family, real or fictive. The second generation (-2) does not distinguish between affinal and consanguine relatives. All the terms, except mother and father, refer to the real and fictive relative.
Global prevalence of consanguine marriage, illustrating a higher prevalence of cousin marriage in the Middle East. Globally, 8.5% of children have consanguineous parents, and 20% of the human population live in communities practicing endogamy.Obeidat BG, Khader YS, Amarin ZO, Kassawneh M, AlOmari M. Consanguinity and adverse pregnancy outcomes: the north of Jordan experience. Matern Child Health J 2010;14(2);283-9.
30-40% of marriages in Syria are consanguine (blood related) as of 2009. In Syria the right belongs to the paternal male cousin alone and the maternal male cousin has no special rights. The custom is however less frequent in big cities such as Damascus and Aleppo. Patai reports that in the decades preceding 1962 the right was often ignored among the Syrian urban middle class.
Much of this is still taken from Morgan, although Engels begins to intersperse his own ideas on the role of family into the text. Morgan acknowledges four stages in the family. The consanguine family is the first stage of the family and as such a primary indicator of our superior nature in comparison with animals. In this state marriage groups are separated according to generations.
Pușcariu declined, citing a wish to be closer to the Romanian lands. In 1903 Pușcariu began courting Leonora Maria Dima. In keeping up with the Pușcariu family tradition, which favored consanguine marriage, she was his mother's grandniece.Nastasă (2010), pp. 56, 84, 130 Leonora had studied music in Brașov; her father, a mathematics teacher at Pușcariu's high school, was the elder brother of composer Gheorghe Dima.
An avunculate marriage is a marriage with a parent's sibling or with one's sibling's child—i.e., between an uncle or aunt and their niece or nephew. Such a marriage may occur between biological (consanguine) relatives or between persons related by marriage (affinity). In some countries, avunculate marriages are prohibited by law, while in others marriages between such biological relatives are both legal and common, though now far less common.
Foucault uses the term Umwelt, borrowed from Jakob von Uexküll, meaning environment within. Technology, production, cartography the production of Nation states and Government making the efficiency of the Body politic, Law, Heredity and Consanguine not only sound genuine and beyond historical origin and foundation it can be turned into 'exact truth' where the individual and the societal body are not only subjugated and nullified but dependent upon it.
Heirs referred to as primary heirs are always entitled to a share of the inheritance, they are never totally excluded. These primary heirs consist of the spouse relict, both parents, the son and the daughter. All remaining heirs can be totally excluded by the presence of other heirs. But under certain circumstances, other heirs can also inherit as residuaries, namely the father, paternal grandfather, daughter, agnatic granddaughter, full sister, consanguine sister and mother.
The heirs mentioned in the Qur'an are the mother, father, husband, wife, daughter, brother who shares the same mother, full sister, sister who shares the same mother, and consanguine sister. The Qur'an improved the status of women by identifying their share of inheritance in clear terms. It also completely forbade the practice of inheriting widows. This is not meant as a regular legal ordinance but is part of the Qur'anic endeavor to improve the position of women.
The marriage, being valid under the laws of the place of celebration, was then recognized for immigration purposes only.Matter of Bautista In Visa Proceedings, A-21307895, September 12, 1978 In addition, the Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines prohibit by consanguinity (tahrimjbin-nasab) the following marriages:Code of Muslim Personal Laws of the Philippines, Article 24. # Ascendants and descendants of any degree; # Brothers and sisters, whether germane, consanguine or uterine; and # Brothers or sisters and their descendants within the third civil degree.
This analysis is used to support the idea that consanguine affection is not the supreme virtue of Confucianism, but rather a situationally important one. Other defenses of Confucianism argue that corruption related to familial ties is not a phenomenon specific to modern China. In a piece written with Guo Qiyong, Gong Jianping argues that the refusal to report crimes as an attempt to protect family members is a situation that has been observed all over the world all throughout history.
47-60% of marriages in Iraq are consanguine (blood related), according to a 2009 study in the journal Reproductive Health. In Iraq the right of the cousin has also traditionally been followed as cousin marriage accounts 50%. The uncle of the girl – or father of the boy – assigns or reserves his niece to his son at an early age, the parents from both families arrange for the marriage usually early. This is usually done to preserve wealth in the family and is more common in rural areas.
Settled Sami (Lapplander) family of farmers in Stensele, Västerbotten, Sweden, early 20th century A family from Basankusu, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The term "extended family" is also common, especially in the United States. This term has two distinct meanings: # It serves as a synonym of "consanguinal family" (consanguine means "of the same blood"). # In societies dominated by the conjugal family, it refers to "kindred" (an egocentric network of relatives that extends beyond the domestic group) who do not belong to the conjugal family.
12.8-42% of marriages in Lebanon are consanguine (blood related), according to a 2009 study in the journal Reproductive Health. A 1983-84 study of cousin marriage among 2,752 households in the capital, Beirut, found a 7.9% rate of marriage between first cousins among Christians, and a 17.3% rate among Muslims. In Lebanon first-cousin marriage rates differs among religious affiliation as it is found to be 17% for Christians and 30% for Muslims throughout the past century, however first-cousin marriage is declining among all marriages in Lebanon.
Xwedodah (; khwēdōdah; xᵛae¯tuuadaθa) is a spiritually-influenced style of consanguine marriage assumed to have been historically practiced in Zoroastrianism before the Muslim conquest of Persia. Such marriages are recorded as having been inspired by Zoroastrian cosmogony and considered pious though little academic and religious consensus has been established as to the extent of the practice of Xwedodah outside of the aristocracy and clergy of the Sasanian Empire. In modern Zoroastrianism it is near non-existent, having been noted to have disappeared as an extant practice by the 11th century AD.
She was one of the daughters of Pabag, a local ruler in Pars; her brothers were Shapur, Ardashir I, and Balash. She later became the wife of Ardashir I in accordance with the Zoroastrian law of consanguine marriage. She was thus given the title of bānbishnān bānbishn ("Queen of Queens") and is assumed to have been represented the figure on the far right of the investiture relief of Ardashir at Naqsh-e Rajab. She was most likely also the mother of Ardashir's son Shapur I, and later lost her title of bānbishnān bānbishn after the death of her husband in 242.
Furthermore, the Qur'an introduced additional heirs that were not entitled inheritance in pre-Islamic times, mentioning nine relatives specifically of which six were female and three were male. The laws of inheritance in the Qur'an also included other male relatives, such as the husband and half-brothers from the mother's side, who were excluded from inheritance in old customs. The heirs mentioned in the Qur'an are the mother, father, husband, wife, daughter, brother who shares the same mother, full sister, sister who shares the same mother, and consanguine sister. In general, the Qur'an improved the status of women by identifying their share of inheritance in clear terms.
The 2009 study in the journal Reproductive Health cited above, puts the percentage of consanguine marriage in Mauritania at 47.2; Morocco at 20-28; Oman at 56.3; Qatar at 54. In the town of Timbuctoo, a field investigator found that among the Arabs one third of marriages are with first cousins. Half of these are with the father's brother's daughter and slightly fewer with the mother's brother's daughter. It is possible that the high MBD marriage rate is the result of Songhoi influence, one group of which prefers the MBD type and shuns the FBD type, and another group of which have a preference for both.
Anthropologist Martin Ottenheimer argues that marriage prohibitions were introduced to maintain the social order, uphold religious morality, and safeguard the creation of fit offspring. Writers such as Noah Webster (1758–1843) and ministers like Philip Milledoler (1775–1852) and Joshua McIlvaine helped lay the groundwork for such viewpoints well before 1860. This led to a gradual shift in concern from affinal unions, like those between a man and his deceased wife's sister, to consanguineous unions. By the 1870s, Lewis Henry Morgan (1818–1881) was writing about "the advantages of marriages between unrelated persons" and the necessity of avoiding "the evils of consanguine marriage", avoidance of which would "increase the vigor of the stock".
In the third book of the Denkard, which consists of a collection of Wisdom literature that can at times contradict itself, regarding an inquiry whether it was appropriate to marry a Hebrew, xwedodah is referred to not as consanguine marriage but rather as marriage within the faith which is viewed as providing honor and strength to those who engage in it and can include incestuous relationships of various kinds. The Revayats, dating from the 1400s as a series of clerical communications, further solidify this broader view of xwedodah while encouraging the incestuous nature of it also noting that the practice had not been extant in centuries and the Shahnameh has it mentioned in passing.
Cousin marriage was legal in all states before the Civil War.PLOS Biology, “It's Ok, We're Not Cousins by Blood”: The Cousin Marriage Controversy in Historical Perspective by Paul DB, Spencer HG (2008) Anthropologist Martin Ottenheimer argues that marriage prohibitions were introduced to maintain the social order, uphold religious morality, and safeguard the creation of fit offspring. Writers such as Noah Webster (1758–1843) and ministers like Philip Milledoler (1775–1852) and Joshua McIlvaine helped lay the groundwork for such viewpoints well before 1860. This led to a gradual shift in concern from affinal unions, like those between a man and his deceased wife's sister, to consanguineous unions. By the 1870s, Lewis Henry Morgan (1818–1881) was writing about "the advantages of marriages between unrelated persons" and the necessity of avoiding "the evils of consanguine marriage", avoidance of which would "increase the vigor of the stock".
Xwedodah became a more solidified doctrine in the Pahlavi/Middle Persian literature of post-Sassanian Zoroastrianism. In Zoroastrian cosmogony as explained by the Pahlavi text Bundahishn, Ahura Mazda is said to not have sired the other divine creations but rather to have fashioned or set them in their proper places and is referred to as both "mother", through spiritual nuturing, and "father", through material development, of all existence. The Denkard, which includes passages encouraging the action, and the Dadestan-i Denig both claim that not only was the world was created through xwedodah, but rather humanity from the Consanguine marriage of Mashya and Mashyana, who were born from the spiritually-incestuous relationship of Keyumars (produced from xwedodah with Armaiti) and Spenta Armaiti, also developed from it to the pleasure of Ahura Mazda.Skjærvø, “Next-of-Kin Marriage”; Williams (ed.), The Pahlavi Rivayat, ii, 132–133, n. 4.
The belt can symbolize fatherly authority and paternal responsibility for one's children's behavior and moral development, but corporal punishment is not recommended for use in modern society as it was in the past. Since the 1980s and more commonly in the mid-1990s, the practice of sagging the pants, in which the waistbands (usually secured by a cinched belt) of trousers or (typically long) shorts are worn at or below the hips, thereby exposing the top part of any underwear not obscured by an upper-body garment, has been seen among young men and boys, especially among those who are black and consanguine with hip-hop culture and fashion. This practice is sometimes (incorrectly) believed to have originated with prison gangs and the prohibition of belts in prison (due to their use as weapons and as devices for suicide) -- historically, including in the latter part of the 20th century, gang- affiliated young men and boys were expected to wear their belts fastened tightly.
In a response to various essays written by Liu Qingping criticizing Confucianism, Guo Qiyong argues that the understanding of consanguine love as the root of humaneness is the result of a misinterpretation of Confucian texts. Guo places more emphasis on Mencius’ discussions of the human heart-mind and its innate tendency towards good as the root of human behavior, citing the story of a person inclined to save a child from falling into a well because it is his immediate gut-reaction to do so. According to various Confuician and Neo-Confucian scholars, things born from heaven and from the heart-mind are the true root of Confucian ethics, and therefore it is filial piety that is the result of the greater Confucian concern for humanity rather than uprightness being the product of practicing filial piety. Stephen Angle proposes the additional idea that, while some Confucian virtues can be viewed as more important than others, it is most appropriate to take a situational approach to analyzing their importance in order to achieve harmony within various contexts. Angle points out the emphasis in Confucianism on avoiding “either/or” decisions and argues that harmony should not be interpreted as “a tradeoff between two competing values”.

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