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315 Sentences With "conquests"

How to use conquests in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "conquests" and check conjugation/comparative form for "conquests". Mastering all the usages of "conquests" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Trump's brags about his sexual conquests, or the times he nobly declines potential conquests, often includes more than a hint of slut shaming.
It's a story of conquests and victories over weaker men.
Elsewhere, Russia is sitting unmolested on its conquests in Ukraine.
Alas, as Kublai Khan knew, not all conquests require invasion. ■
Their peers reinforce their behavior by glorifying the number of conquests.
His carnal conquests are the cornerstone of his can-do braggadocio.
Darién has a long history of attempted crossings and failed conquests.
He is a serial philanderer who treats women as disposable conquests.
As those past conquests showed, talk alone will not create results.
Male bartenders are seen as sex conquests, and this needs to stop.
Mr Trump has in the past bragged about his many sexual conquests.
He had been desperate to boost his self-esteem through sexual conquests.
Take Genghis Khan, best known for his rapid conquests and bloody massacres.
They need wars, victories and conquests, along with an easily manipulated population.
Bond girls have often been portrayed as little more than sexual conquests.
And many bragged about their "sexual conquests" in an effort to impress us.
Babitz's sexual conquests have always been a natural source of fascination for readers.
And Saladin's conquests owed more to artifice and luck than to military prowess.
In fact, says Frankopan, the Arab conquests were neither brutal nor as shocking.
Colonizers reframe the oppressed culture's history and make their [own] conquests romantic, seductive.
While scrolling through images of Orlando's previous conquests relationships Kara's insecurities boil over.
What were their first great conquests, and when did they reach their zenith?
Whatever conquests you're embarking on, Mars is pushing you to attack them vigorously.
Some point to the Romans, others to the Moorish conquests of Southern Europe.
The episode's remaining minutes are given up to a pair of pyrrhic conquests.
Ben toasts his conquests and makes the rounds, smooching everyone in sight except Rachel.
I've known him for many years and have witnessed his predatory behavior toward conquests.
The story did not say that Mr. Blumenthal had boasted of bravery or conquests.
"Venus can be a bit possessive in Taurus, desiring control over their conquests," Stardust says.
While IS purged its conquests of non-Sunnis, it largely avoided battling for Shia territory.
Sunni rulers embarked on sweeping conquests that extended the caliphate into North Africa and Europe.
But the conquests of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were different.
What the victors didn&apost disclose: many of those conquests came without firing a shot.
They were, most likely, talking up their conquests and trying to puff out their chests.
The two Nigerian cases were discovered in part because of the army's conquests, experts said.
In one century men choose to hide their conquests under religion, in another under race.
Melania Trump stands before the great pyramids like a colonizer in front of her conquests.
Here, Nick's conquests include not only his estranged wife, but also his gorgeous neighbor (Olivia Horton).
It doesn't help that there's already a culture that celebrate brawls, heavy drinking, and sexual conquests.
When Booster was 17, his parents read his journal and found lists of male sexual conquests.
But whenever anyone writes about her, they always lead with a list of her sexual conquests.
In the forest, a bunch of dudes crowd around a campfire boasting about their romantic conquests.
Others made vulgar comments, and some bragged about sexual conquests that they might have made up.
They said Kavanaugh and his friends wanted to memorialize their supposed conquests with the yearbook references.
"Every French person has a responsibility and a role to play in the conquests to come."
It's honestly hard to know when to take Roosh seriously, including about his own sexual conquests.
They claim he also boasted about his sexual conquests and encouraged them to share their sexual experiences.
But of course, diminishing Babitz as the sum of her sexual conquests is both facile and absurd.
The character's amorous conquests, the scripts made clear, may well have existed chiefly in his own mind.
Here&aposs what the victors did not disclose: many of their conquests came without firing a shot.
Well, at Auburn University's famed Toomer's Corner, these antics are sanctioned -- even encouraged -- to celebrate gridiron conquests.
They call their conquests "Tinderellas" and pride themselves on getting women into bed after a few texts.
As outlandish as that fight scene sounded, it's nothing compared to the conquests he remembers for Esquire.
The past five centuries of world history have featured conquests, plunder, torture, genocide, slavery, occupation and worse.
The foppish Carr meanwhile appears faintly contemptible, unable or unwilling to think much beyond his sexual conquests.
The retreats give the former teammates a weekend to remember old times and relive on-ice conquests.
You shouldn't brag too much about your sexual conquests, even if you're a rich and successful man.
And they wanted things they could claim as political conquests, such as a government commitment to land reform.
He has accomplished little on the economic front, and his conquests, such as they are, are fairly pitiful.
There are many examples of the use of a feigned retreat in this history of the Mongol conquests.
The average number of conquests per year fell drastically — to 113 per year, or one every four years.
He told stories about his Vietnam battles and.... ...conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie.
He told stories about his Vietnam battles and.......conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie.
She lost to a man with far less political experience, who was caught on tape boasting about his conquests.
In fact, those female conquests of Bill's that have gone public have routinely stated Hillary tried to silence them.
They would then tally their conquests, with victors in the conquest passing around a ceremonial mask, according to prosecutors.
But that, too, puts the prime minister at odds with those in his party who decry past imperial conquests.
They then did what kings around the world had done: they invented a mythical past to justify their conquests.
Young men brag about sexual conquests, demean those who have denied them and dehumanize their opponents, real and imagined.
The frat bros "routinely posted images and videos of their sexual 'conquests'" to the Facebook group, the lawsuit claims.
They said Judge Kavanaugh and his friends were seeking to memorialize their supposed conquests with the "Renate" yearbook references.
Some of the issues were serious — such as whether one note amounted to boys bragging about their sexual conquests.
Genji may have raped one of his conquests; he kidnapped Murasaki virtually on first sight, when she was 2212.
And as he keeps racking up the sexual conquests, a part of us is meant to cheer him on.
He told stories about his Vietnam battles and conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie.
Courtesy Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, Kuwait Jerusalem was among the first conquests of the Arab Caliphate, in 638.
Trump told them the headlines were a boon because the men he wanted as customers would admire his sexual conquests.
The Muslim conquests, meanwhile, helped spread the oud beyond the Arab world, where it took on new styles and contexts.
But the seizure of Crimea is the exception that proves the rule, precisely because of how rare conquests are today.
Boys who have friendships with girls are also less likely to think of women as sexual conquests, Mr. Porter said.
The Israeli left, for its part, swapped its original socialist agenda for land-for-peace after the conquests of 1967.
Like armies in search of conquests, locust populations started spreading north into Iran and south into Yemen in search of food.
In truth, they're ephemeral victories for the President and outright conquests for industries who priorities can rapidly dovetail with Trump's needs.
He has led ABI since 22008 atop a Brazilian-heavy management team with a lust for trimming fat from flabby conquests.
He told stories about his Vietnam battles and.... [0752 EDT] - ...conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie.
He has alienated many people by joking about rape, supporting vigilante killings, bragging about his sexual conquests and insulting Pope Francis.
After six seasons of conquests and battles, Daenerys' greatest love affair was with Dothraki king Drogo in the show's first season.
Her scorched-earth conquests of Astapor and Yunkai are rousing in the moment — she turns the tables and frees the slaves!
But as the set pieces turn and the conquests continue, it's clear Mr. van Hove is also interested in something else.
It brings to mind ambitious venturers, bankrolling crusades and conquests, opening up spice routes and making history—for good and ill.
And for two consecutive nights, they had set somnambulant Yankee Stadium rocking with late-game conquests of the Boston Red Sox.
"We are merely scratching the surface of those conquests today," the district attorney, Matthew D. Weintraub, said at a news conference.
The scale of the Conservative victory, and the extent of its conquests in traditional Labour strongholds, may not have been anticipated.
These genius men were above the rules, while their conquests and victims, by contrast, are left to pick up the pieces.
But many Vietnamese object to China's island-building projects in disputed waters, viewing them as reminders of Chinese imperial conquests of Vietnam.
I became fixated on the other side of space travel — the fatalities, losses, and loneliness that so often underlay journeys and conquests.
He spent years on The Howard Stern Show honing his shock jock persona, bragging about his sexual conquests and insulting public figures.
For this reason, among many others, John Grisham was probably never going to add sports novels to his list of literary conquests.
He definitely doesn't identify with "men's rights activists" like Paul Elam, who tend not to share his hedonistic nihilism about sexual conquests.
For.... years, as a pol in Connecticut, Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam - except he was never there.
He's a colorful and controversial figure known for his inflammatory comments on a gang rape, his sexual conquests and tough stance on crime.
For years, as a pol in Connecticut, Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam - except he was never there.
Reddit chat threads are brimming with banter from players who crow about conquests and share insight on where to find high-value targets.
Holman is single, but despite some mild flirtation here and there with a few people, he makes no conquests in those three days.
For years, as a pol in Connecticut, Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam -- except he was never there.
Our living rooms are among their final conquests, as indoor-only cats are a phenomenon of mostly the last 70 years or so.
Trump's personal conduct -- the bullying, the prejudice, the lack of curiosity, the boasting about sexual conquests -- could not be any further from Romney's.
Fellow security guards printed and passed around bodybuilding photos from my social media sites, accompanied by false stories of sexual conquests of me.
Canada's comfort with diversity goes back to British colonists' "incomplete conquests" of indigenous groups and French-speaking settlers, Peter Russell, a historian, has argued.
He is best known for his rapid conquests and bloody massacres but the leadership lesson that the author draws relates to Genghis's meritocratic approach.
" Two classmates of Kavanaugh told the Times that the Renate mentions in the yearbook were part of the athletes' "unsubstantiated boasting about their conquests.
At the same time, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has lost half of its conquests and much of its top leadership.
More important, in Kids, it seems all the boys want is to fuck the girls, but in real life, the girls weren't sexual conquests.
At first, the United States carried out its conquests of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines in the name of liberation from Spanish tyranny.
His home was plastered with photos of his conquests, including two named for him: Beckey's Spire, also known as Christianity Spire, in Sedona, Ariz.
Beth (Kelly Reilly) is a hard-charging businesswoman, racking up boardroom and bedroom conquests, who feels transplanted from a more unapologetically sudsy family saga.
Qianlong, one of the greatest of the Manchu rulers of the Qing dynasty, cobbled together a vast multiethnic Chinese empire through conquests and alliances.
For all of Aurora's grand conquests and Bostonian standards, for all the trappings of wealth, she can't foil the curse of her daughter's cancer.
Thus, these once sacred objects known today as "traditional African Arts" are quite simply trophies of the conquests and colonizations of Africa by Europe.
The very settlement of the American West taught pioneers, despite all their conquests, that they could not always have their way in the world.
My conquests began to feel fatalistic; they saw me as part of a lineage of queer black excellence that they could quantify and consume.
The modern state was assembled through a series of conquests between 1902 and 1926 and proclaimed as the unified Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932.
This is not unique to our romantic conquests: For the most part, we're still reluctant to speak frankly about matters of money as a whole.
Fraternity members used the private group — called the "Dog Pound" — to share "revenge porn," including explicit videos and photos of "sexual conquests," the complaint alleges.
They commiserated over the widespread destruction the latest hurricane had left along the Yucatán peninsula and traded self-deprecating anecdotes about romantic conquests long past.
Critic's Notebook If a sexual predator wanted to come up with a smoke screen for his ghastly conquests, he couldn't do better than Cliff Huxtable.
"For years, as a pol in Connecticut, Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam – except he was never there," Trump tweeted.
It has never been enough for Donald Trump to privately date attractive women: he has always shown a deep need to parade his female conquests.
For...."Tweet #2: "years, as a pol in Connecticut, Blumenthal would talk of his great bravery and conquests in Vietnam - except he was never there.
There's the handsome hipster who does charity work abroad, but presumably only for the Instagram likes and sexual conquests he can gather along the way.
It is easy to look at the schedule and imagine a potential repeat of Monmouth's early-season conquests last year of UCLA, USC and Georgetown.
A divorced former movie star who had once bragged about his carnal conquests (sound familiar?), he went out of his way to coddle the Rev.
While I then associated my conquests with "being a better boy," I now realize what I was really working toward was becoming a better farmer.
But unlike, say, Heath Ledger's character Patrick Verona in 10 Things I Hate About You, which came out that same year, Sebastian's not a tough working-class kid with a secret heart of gold, who agrees to a bet to make a quick buck — he's a mega-rich asshole who treats women as conquests, with only the prospect of further conquests spurring him on.
Only the fifth person to climb all of the world's 14 highest mountains, Wielicki says the era of big Himalayan conquests is coming to an end.
" Meanwhile, Jose Vinals, the chairman of Standard Chartered, also told CNBC that central bank independence is "one of the big conquests of the last 25 years.
In the song, she "carves" her lover's name into her bed post, a nod to the practice of counting one's sexual conquests on a wooden bedpost.
Answers to some of these questions come out organically, but others, like the ones about their past sexual conquests, require some gentle probing to figure out.
You have to give plausible reasons for your conquests, usually through "forging claims" on foreign territory, that you can then use to justify launching a war.
Proportional to world population, it would be rivaled only by the An Lushan rebellion in eighth-century China and the Mongol conquests of the 19953th century.
But these affairs caused Jackson great pain nonetheless, especially toward the end of her life, when he actually fell in love with one of his conquests.
"There's currently a conservative vein that seeks to restrict both the rights, but also the conquests, of LGBTI civil society," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The viewer moves through a short hallway, flanked on either side by these small bodies, many of them recreations of indigenous objects destroyed during the conquests.
"There's currently a conservative vein that seeks to restrict both the rights, but also the conquests, of LGBTI civil society," he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
" She said to the authors, "Female Weinstein employees are essentially used to facilitate his sexual conquests of vulnerable women who hope he will get them work.
Much of the world used to be filled with the constant threat of war, from the Roman conquests to the Mongol invasions to the world wars.
When we first meet Chuck, he is a teenage billionaire playboy, one who treats women like conquests and discards of them when he gets what he wants.
On one occasion, to pass the time in a dungeon in Gwalior in India, he tried to count his conquests and arrived at a figure of 478.
The Kiwi singer revealed on Australian radio station triple j that she's won a $50 bar tab *and* a free pizza in her quiz defeating conquests before.
In East Asia, the wars of the mid-20th century — Japan's conquests, the Chinese civil war and the wars in Korea and Vietnam — took millions of lives.
Having grown up to be a master thief, Hope travels from port to exotic port, eternally a woman of mystery, seeking meaning in her various criminal conquests.
His conquests evoke similarities to the European settlement of America, and it's a curious coincidence that the Endeavour's final resting place will remain where that story began.
Bill Barbot, a former Georgetown Prep student, told the Times that Kavanaugh was part of the school's "fratty" culture, in which boasts about sexual conquests were commonplace.
"There is a lot of interest," Mr. de Baecque said in a telephone interview, adding that Napoleon's meteoric rise to power and military conquests still captivate people.
ISIS's territorial conquests had basically been stopped by the end of 2014; by the time of the 2016 election, it had lost a third of its peak territory.
According to the complaint, the primary job of one group of female employees at TWC was merely to accompany Weinstein to events and to facilitate his sexual conquests.
After it seized the city in May, it started destroying historical sites a month later, expanding its conquests and showing its contempt for the people and their history.
Corridos — songs dedicated to well-known drug lords, exalting their conquests and exploits — blare from trucks with dark tinted windows as they make their way through the streets.
The school has already been rocked by the sensational material unearthed in last summer's criminal trial, including explicit emails sent between senior male students apparently tallying sexual conquests.
Earlier in the show, Game of Thrones put in a lot of work setting up parallels between Daenerys's conquests in Essos and George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq.
Rose repeatedly boasted of his sexual conquests, telling Plaintiffs words to the effect of 'you should have seen the women that I was with when I was younger.
Rivals who were checked by agreements with your legitimate government and the unified power of your nation can pounce on the rebels (or on you) for easy conquests.
Moreover, before 1928, the average state experienced one conquest per human lifespan, but since the late 1940s, that rate has fallen to one or two conquests per millennium.
In multiplay masterworks like "The Norman Conquests" and "House and Garden," he keeps shifting points of view, so that characters hitherto in the background suddenly dominate the foreground.
China is without a doubt looking to increase its regional influence and power, but based upon past history, it is not necessarily looking for territorial conquests and victories.
Despite postwar agreements that — in Japan's view at least — settled claims for damages sought by the country's former colonial conquests, debate over compensation and reparations has not subsided.
Similar conquests were undertaken subsequently, culminating in Emperor Qianlong's Ten Perfect Military Campaigns, which he completed in the late 313th century, at the zenith of the Qing dynasty.
Among Zwirner's recent conquests are the artists William Eggleston and Felix Gonzalez-Torres (whom he shares with Andrea Rosen), as well as the Josef and Anni Albers Foundation.
Whether you're fond of long journeys or find adventure and novelty through metaphysical or academic conquests, yours is a generation that finds meaning by looking up and out.
"Managing Harvey's past and present sexual conquests was never something I imagined being part of my job responsibilities," O'Connor wrote in a 2015 memo to Weinstein Company executives.
As I joined them in the restaurant's streetside patio, I felt self-conscious—embarrassed, even—to be counted among what felt like his menagerie of South Asian conquests.
Sólo con Tu Pareja has a lot in common with Roma, even though it's a playful sex comedy (with a somewhat immature approach to prodigious sexual conquests and STIs).
"After so many defeats and conquests, man is beginning to put himself out of date," wrote the dour Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran in his 1983 book Drawn and Quartered.
He attempted to rekindle the fire of his invincible army by listing all the conquests and victories that had gone before, and wondered why here, now, they would balk.
She's a woman consumed by the pursuit of love, but Elaine (Samantha Robinson), the titular character in Anna Biller's The Love Witch, just can't keep from killing her conquests.
" Even Charlotte gets uncomfortable, imploring her friend not to talk "like that" because it's "rude and politically incorrect," to which Samantha replies, "I don't see color; I see conquests.
After the Roman Empire fell in the fifth century CE, the years saw a series of conquests — Visigoths, Arabs, what have you — but they all reused the existing city.
He alluded to numerous romantic conquests and recounted a period of months that he spent in Paris earning a living as a "mec" — or pimp — for a young prostitute.
So while these battles are part liberation from Sunni jihadists, they are also Shia-led re-conquests — supported by airstrikes from the Americans in Mosul and Russians in Aleppo.
Destruction of history ISIS took over the central Syrian city last May, expanding its conquests in the region and continuing to show its contempt for the people and their history.
Altice Europe pursued its commercial conquests in France in the second quarter, through heavy promotions that penalised margins but led to gains in the number of mobile and broadband customers.
She plays a French actress partial to low-cut gowns, Champagne and conquests, and the film is one long teasing encounter between her and a pilot and Lothario (Chester Morris).
Later that day, love and money planet Venus enters methodical Virgo at 10:32 PM. On Tuesday, optimistic Jupiter ends its retrograde at 1:04 PM, propelling philosophical conquests forward.
The EU is substantially less imperialist than 18th-century Britain or 19th-century France, and those nations' conquests arose partly because they were competing for power with rival nation-states.
He gave her an incorrect diagnosis of genital warts, groped her, took photos of her vagina and spoke of his sexual conquests, Ms. Nafziger said in an interview on Saturday.
Winegard is particularly interested in wars and conquests, and argues that, for much of military history, deaths caused by mosquitoes far outnumbered, and were more decisive than, deaths in battle.
That means Blizzard has given AI researchers the necessary tools to tackle artificial learning in a game that is much more complex than previous AI conquests like chess or poker.
It is only now that the people she is killing are considered more innocent than her past conquests that fans and characters within the series begin to balk at her actions.
Like the other over 265 works in Pergamon and the Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Ancient World, she represented the spread of Hellenistic visual culture through the conquests of Alexander the Great.
ISIS renamed 17th Tammouz to "Fatah," harking back to the lightning conquests of the early Islamic empire that spread the realm from the Atlantic to the borders of the Indian subcontinent.
The rule of Egypt's Ptolemaic Pharaohs ran from 443 to 30 BCE, bookended by the conquests of Alexander the Great at its rise and the suicide of Cleopatra at its downfall.
Other times I was a consul of Rome whose conquests had sent entire armies of slaves back to my capitals, where they generated massive increases in tax income and resource production.
His masterpiece LA Plays Itself (believed to be the first film in history to depict a man being fisted) is a fragmented series of sexual conquests against the backdrop of nature.
As the three of us—Stephenson, Alice and I—invest Callum with a creation story, I realize that at some level this is what we do with all our new romantic conquests.
Occasionally, throughout the years, she'll show up in random places: singing the hook to a Q-Tip song, cameoing in Ted as one of the bear's sexual conquests, duetting with Willie Nelson.
While Magro seemingly never contacted his nighttime conquests, the Jersey Shore editing team seriously loved showing flashbacks of a deeply inebriated Magro making out with two random women at the same time.
Even though we're very liberal, we still have a Wall of Shame in a place that customers don't have access to, listing the sexual conquests of everyone who works at the bar.
In his work, he illuminates a cold-but-human netherworld where kids run their own lives and revel in an orgy of one-upmanship, conquests, despair, and the grandeur of drug use.
In many ways, their online dominance is an extension of their earthly conquests, and the same flesh-and-blood behavior that propelled cats across the globe also sustains Lulu and her peers.
Seconds after he is introduced, he tries to bang her on his ship's version of a holodeck, and then, she brings up his "playlist" of conquests, portraits of women he's slept with.
We see that idea at work when countries resort to sanctions instead of bullets, when they recognize — because conquests no longer "stick" — that it's more profitable to trade than to annex territory.
The wipes were meant for both him and his conquests to have a little post-coital clean-up, complete with a nice cool feeling from coming straight out of the mini-fridge.
Fighting Iran's enemies such as Saddam Hussein, ISIS and the Taliban, while refusing to stop Iranian conquests in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq, was presented as proof of Washington's collusion with Tehran.
What is clear is that tar was an important marine technology, and new finds suggest that a vast industry making it emerged at the beginning of the Viking era, helping enable their conquests.
Dany originally had 8,000 Unsullied when she liberated them after sacking Astapor, though it's not specified exactly how many are left after her many conquests and struggle against the Sons of the Harpy.
In this telling, Arabic was born deep in the peninsula and spread with the Islamic conquests; as it made contact with other languages, it gradually devolved into the many Arabic dialects spoken today.
Conquests in Egypt, Yemen and Mosul helped amass the forces and revenues needed to take on the crusaders, but it was only in his last years that the interlopers became his primary target.
The Kremlin preferred to co-opt the powerful by allowing them access to rents, and to placate any public discontent with cash and foreign conquests, most notably the annexation of Crimea in 2014.
A third team of mostly female employees were required to meet with the potential targets of his sexual conquests beforehand, and then follow through on his promises of employment afterward, the lawsuit states.
As was the case with other territorial conquests of Judeo-Christian/Western colonization, countries like China, Japan, and Korea once had societies that, if not outright accepting of homosexual relationships, didn't persecute them.
Historical conquests "The genetics of the Abusir el-Meleq community did not undergo any major shifts during the 1,300-year timespan we studied," said Wolfgang Haak, group leader at the Max Planck Institute.
It started as a way to say "Hey, let's recognize the role of Italians," which is ironic because [Columbus] was someone who wouldn't recognize the civil rights of others in his colonial conquests.
" While the Romans were erecting arches and columns to military conquests and the ruthless emperors who led them, the Jews were yearning for a time when men would "beat their swords into plowshares.
Craft and tradition are emphasized over the hot and trendy, and history is always present, reflecting matters from ancient conquests to subtle changes in domestic living that shaped the design of everyday objects.
Mr. Lazenby is a good storyteller, chummy but not falsely ingratiating, with seemingly little concern that a lot of the information he imparts concerning, say, his sexual conquests, is arguably Too Much Information.
They range from banter, where men discuss their conquests using derogatory terms, to promoting conservatism over equality and encouraging users to post pictures and personal information of "immoral" women in order to "shame" them.
In recent releases it's an underlying feeling that Future is in on all of it — lines about his countless sexual conquests are delivered with, yes, braggadocio, but also bitterness and at times self-loathing.
Gamers in Europe narrate virtual conquests, women in India and Saudi Arabia give make-up tips in Hindi and Arabic, teens in America share their anxieties, an elderly quilter in Missouri teaches her craft.
PARIS, Aug 2 (Reuters) - Altice Europe pursued its commercial conquests in France in the second quarter, through heavy promotions that penalised margins but led to gains in the number of mobile and broadband customers.
Once recaptured, Mosul could pose a far more complicated rebuilding challenge, given that it is so much bigger than other Islamic State conquests and was much more diverse, with Christian, Kurdish and Shiite minorities.
Because these objects are imperfect reproductions, I thought about the reproductions kept in Mexico's national anthropology museum, while the originals, stolen during conquests, sit in museums like the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
The CA-based doctor has been uploading videos of her conquests to YouTube for two years, and she's since racked up nearly 3 million followers on her channel, not to mention 2.5 million on Instagram.
With three upcoming title conquests to look forward to, the former rulers of the UFC championship landscape could gain some ground on the US contingent, who currently who hold eight titles of the promotion's belts.
Cut off from Christian Europe following the Muslim conquests in the seventh and eighth centuries, Timbuktu's sheer remoteness at the far end of the Saharan caravan trails meant that first-hand accounts were non-existent.
Once the first city is founded, each civilization starts out on its own path, whether that means arming up to pursue early conquests and fend off barbarians or focusing on cultural and scientific development first.
While it's easy to gloss over the scene as something typical of straight young boys, it doesn't mean that the bet wasn't inundated with the sexist idea of men reducing women's bodies to territorial conquests.
"The Pact appealed to the West because it promised to secure and protect previous conquests, thus securing Western Nations' place at the head of the international legal order indefinitely," as Hathaway and Shapiro rightly say.
He liked to host wine-tasting parties at his house, and a former employee who attended one said that Cagney spent much of the evening boasting about his sexual conquests and visits to strip clubs.
After the French Revolution and Napoleon's conquests brought legal emancipation to Jews in much of Western Europe, for instance, many Jews began to think of their Jewishness as a private matter, an individual religious choice.
Margaret, a woman who then worked at a consulting firm, recalled that high-ranking executives would come to her office and talk about sexual conquests and whom they found attractive, sometimes giving unsolicited shoulder rubs.
Among them were the complaints we detailed on Tuesday, and employees who spoke to The Times said that Mr. Cagney would brag about his genitalia and his sexual conquests at late-night, wine-soaked gatherings.
In his high school yearbook, Judge Kavanaugh and some of his friends described themselves as "Renate Alumnius," a mysterious reference that two of his classmates said was unsubstantiated boasting about the football players' sexual conquests.
Why Hillary Clinton wins even when she loses Trump's crude banter The intense scrutiny of the campaign has also renewed interest in Trump's crude banter about his sexual conquests and desires on Howard Stern's radio show.
Players might be racing airships, climbing the corporate ladder, or reenacting the conquests of Napoléon Bonaparte but the rules were always the same: Roll the dice, move your counter, and hope to reach the end first.
Ernst's long string of conquests and affairs with much younger women caused significant tension, but as Carrington became aware of these dynamics, she largely sidestepped the issue, even befriending many of Ernst's paramours during their relationship.
Although he maintains some of the loucheness of previous albums, women now occupy his mind more often than his bed, and he can be someone who experiences hurt rather than blindly inflicting it upon his conquests.
Some men, who indulge in "locker room talk" about sexual conquests, may be thinking again: Few things are a better prompt to change than seeing one's own ugly image in a mirror provided by another's actions.
Gawker's legal team has maintained that Mr. Bollea has consistently made his sex life a public matter, bragging about his conquests and his penis size on various radio shows, including with Howard Stern and Mr. Clem.
" While the creators considered letting audiences see the plays over multiple days or just see one, as with "Angels in America" and "The Norman Conquests," they decided to consistently begin with "Lewiston" and segue to "Clarkston.
They said that Judge Kavanaugh and his friends often made disrespectful sexual comments about Ms. Dolphin, and that the understanding at the time was that the many yearbook references to her were boasts about sexual conquests.
Helena Kelly has to remind the reader that Austen's novels take place in the context of Napoleon's conquests; Aiken's Eliza wanders over a war-ravaged Portugal, fighting off evildoers with a knife concealed in her boot.
At this point, it would be impossible to tease out the strands of what were once called "far-off lands" from what is genuinely considered British, so intricately laced is English style with the empire's conquests.
Dubbed "Duterte Harry" and "the Punisher" by the local press for his exploits, Duterte is a colorful and controversial figure known for his inflammatory comments on a gang rape, his sexual conquests and tough stance on crime.
Similarly, he said that the phrase "Renate Alumnius," a term some of his past Georgetown Prep classmates described as alluding to bragging about sexual conquests — was just about making a woman named Renate Schroeder Dolphin feel included.
Photographs of the two men from a big-game hunting trip in Africa resurfaced last year, stirring criticism from animal rights activists for their poses with exotic animal conquests, including an elephant, a crocodile and a leopard.
Mr. Duterte, who has advocated vigilante killings of suspected criminals, boasted about his sexual conquests and insulted Pope Francis, is the front-runner in opinion polls among dozens of candidates to succeed President Benigno S. Aquino III.
Fisher questions the integrity of this approach through the lens of the "redemption through love" theme: If Fisher talks here of female conquests that are anything but metaphorical, one could argue that this development can be perfectly applied to Drake's artistic trajectory, and that the conquests in question can easily be replaced by his audience—after all, as Fisher says elsewhere, Drake has plenty of things to quench his thirst: food, alcohol, sex, drugs; in short, anything that is consumable—while his audience will always remain an immaterial horizon.
But by then he was so rich that he could go on living his big boy's dream, wearing his captain's hat in bed and parading with armfuls of giggling conquests clad, to his orders, in "lingerie or less".
The best part of any gig was getting laid afterwards; he estimated his conquests in the thousands, because chicks loved men intent on the wandering life, and it suited him, too, to be here today and gone tomorrow.
And it's why he devolved into a petty toddler when a powerful, attractive, brilliant woman attacked him on national television, emasculating him in front of millions of women whom he sees as nothing more than future sexual conquests.
She was both a horrific snob, who made conquests of noted artists, and an encouraging muse who pushed her romantic partners to greatness (if only by making them scared they'd join her extensive trash heap of ex-lovers).
Davis's work seems to fly in the face of the conquests of empire by generating fragments of a rich and colorful culture that exists outside these white walls and can never be fully or properly understood within them.
There's a moment in the Lance Bass–produced documentary about boy-band puppeteer and notorious conman Lou Pearlman that's more heartbreaking than any one of the forlorn love songs *NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys (Pearlman's biggest conquests) ever recorded.
He equates his own sexual conquests to his falcon's capture of prey, comparing the stains of menstrual blood on his bed sheets left by the women he brings home to the stain of his bird's prey on its feathers.
Duterte, the mayor of Davao City known for his "jokes" about his sexual conquests and the rape of a missionary, also said this morning he'll step down in six months if he hadn't stamped out corruption in the country.
Experts have pointed to a handful of potential reasons: We spend more time behind screens and less time interacting IRL; we are more focused on academic and professional achievements than sexual conquests; we are wary of STIs and rape.
Smaller nations declare war and create conflicts, forming larger empires out of their conquests, while larger nations also focus on conquering their neighbours and rivals, consequently creating unique challenges as the player expands and comes into conflict with others.
"Cast your eye around that glorious array, and if you look at it in its moral significance, it teaches us that there is a great end in life beyond merely toiling and achieving conquests over Matter," Dr. Chapin declared.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which claimed responsibility for Tuesday's terror attacks in the Belgian capital of Brussels, has become grimly familiar to the world after its Middle Eastern conquests and now its growing terrorist campaign abroad.
A second group of female employees at TWC was tasked with contacting Weinstein's sexual partners and ensuring there was space on his calendar for sexual activity, while a third group would follow up with prospective sexual conquests regarding Weinstein's employment promises.
The film is a glimpse into the lives of some of NAMBLA's most prominent boy-lovers, including Leyland Stevenson, who shares his longing for boy flesh, and gives a play-by-play of one of his sexual conquests in florid detail.
He set up meetings with these women, telling them he would make them famous, the LA Times story recounts: During these meetings, many of the women said, Toback boasted of sexual conquests with the famous and then asked humiliating personal questions.
"The present-day Lebanese are likely to be direct descendants of the Canaanites, but they have in addition a small proportion of Eurasian ancestry that may have arrived via conquests by distant populations such as the Assyrians, Persians, or Macedonians."
"There isn't a bubble around the classical world, no hard and fast lines separating one culture from another," said Mr. Potts, noting that Alexander the Great's conquests included Central Asia, and that the Roman Empire extended as far as Afghanistan.
Scott told me of his sexual conquests with young girls and the costars of the show at the same time tried to convince me that I was unlovable, defective and branding me with the most vulgar words for homosexuals that exist.
The lineup includes some productions new to the repertoire, like a staging of Puccini's "Manon Lescaut" by Adolf Shapiro, and a new version of Benjamin Britten's "Billy Budd," a seafaring opera set during the Napoleonic conquests, directed by David Alden.
And if he was the kind of person who amused himself and his friends by bragging about his sexual conquests at girls' expense, can he be trusted to make fair decisions on the Supreme Court when it comes to women's rights?
The debate over the Spanish and Portuguese conquests of what is now called Latin America took on a new meaning after 1992, when the former colonial powers and former colonies met to revisit and discuss Columbus's arrival in the New World.
Which is to say: However much China denounces Western countries' colonial legacy, it, too, has a long past as an imperialist power, and Hong Kong's life in the Chinese empire began as a spoil of bloody conquests, as a colony.
Other strands feature children who have learned early not to trust the authorities; and Emmett (Jacob Latimore), whose mother simply rolls her eyes at his sexual conquests, especially after one of them deposits the baby he fathered at their doorstep.
Mr. Toledo was regarded by many as Mexico's greatest living artist, one who could trace his lineage to the Zapotecs, who flourished before the 21996th-century Spanish conquests in what is now the southern state of Oaxaca, his native region.
Mr. Toledo was regarded by many as Mexico's greatest living artist, one who could trace his lineage to the Zapotecs, who flourished before the 21996th-century Spanish conquests in what is now the southern state of Oaxaca, his native region.
Of course, there are plenty of men working to create a new model of masculinity that views women as human beings with hopes and dreams rather than conquests, but none of them have Kroll's following or a platform like Netflix.
Madagascar has its own kings and noblemen, whose polysyllabic names lie deeply rooted in the historical conquests and ancient migrations of each tribe, but none of those revered Indian Ocean pedigrees belongs by birthright to either of the half-Italian children.
He said researchers thought that migrations, conquests and the intermixing of Eurasian people — like the Assyrians, Persians or Macedonians — with the Canaanites 3,800 to 2,200 years ago might have contributed to the slight genetic changes seen in modern Lebanese populations.
Take 'tribal art,' an egregious category used for far too long to refer to the pilfered artwork from colonial conquests that ended up in the West, or the fact that contemporary art from Africa is still dogged by that geographical designation.
According to multiple ancient texts — notably "Huai Nan Zhi" (淮南子) and "Shi Ji" (史記) — Hong Kong was part of a much larger southern region, known today as Lingnan, that was first annexed to the Middle Kingdom through a series of brutal military conquests led by the infamous first emperor of the Qin dynasty, in the years 221-210 B.C. Ge Jianxiong, an historian at Fudan University, in Shanghai, has called these conquests unjustified wars of colonial subjugation waged by the Han people from central China against the non-Han peoples on its periphery.
What begins as a familiar cop movie scene involving five officers swapping stories about their sexual conquests (one of which involves a chicken) quickly shifts gears when the group is called to assist a nearby squad in the notorious town of Inceagac.
Foreign conquests and assimilation into Greek and Roman empires more than 1,500 years ago appear to have left very little genetic imprint on ancient Egyptians, according to a new study that, for the first time, successfully sequenced DNA from ancient Egyptian mummies.
With Betty Cooper (Lili Reinhart) and Veronica (Camila Mendes), and yes, even Cheryl Blossom (Madelaine Petsch) by her side, Ethel leads a pack of powerful young women to stand up against the local bully who is spreading rumors about his sexual conquests.
But since polls show that evangelicals who attended church frequently voted for Trump at much the same rate as nominal evangelicals, he is left with no explanation for why so many evangelicals voted for an adulterer who boasts about his sexual conquests.
As a single man, he's boasted in the past about sexual conquests enabled by his role, and has a reputation for being combative, aggressive and impatient — qualities that have arguably served Uber well in its rapid growth and competition with players like Lyft.
Normans in Italy are not a surprise, as the group, which arose in the northern part of France, would eventually go on to have military conquests all over Europe, including in the southern part of Italy in the late 10th and early 11 centuries.
This reference to ancient Greece is compelling given the history of invasions into South Asia begun by Alexander the Great in 327 B.C.E. These conquests failed to yield the power that Alexander sought, but they established trade connections and influenced cultural production for several generations.
All of our names are on the list, followed by a vertical line for when someone got laid, a star for a special sexual adventure—our DJ once got a blowjob while he was in the booth—and an F for conquests who were fat.
He's an undeniably sketchy dude, and the film shows him giving statements that are later contradicted by Kaiser and others, dodging media questions, and caught on hidden camera bragging about his conquests—including offering to use sex workers to entrap and discredit political opponents.
But Moses's place in history is secured nonetheless; "No one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel," the book of Deuteronomy records before it moves into accounts of great conquests and triumphs.
There are the expected references to Jay's serial conquests of white women (a preference that helped bring down the real Jack Johnson and was the center of "The Great White Hope") and his love of sartorial sumptuousness, but they are not center stage here.
President Trump has long sought to appeal to religious and social conservatives, many of whom were initially wary of the candidacy of a thrice-married Manhattan billionaire who had openly boasted of his sexual conquests and displayed little interest in church or the Christian faith.
But John, with his flair for saccharine cuteness and his insistence on treating his conquests like romantic-comedy heroines, didn't like just to play or cheat, and he certainly didn't like any of his girlfriends to suspect that they didn't have his full attention.
And despite all the hormone-fueled posturing and bragging over sexual conquests and salacious daydreaming we did among the fraternity of boys, I never heard anything like what came out of Trump's mouth, not even from desperate, frustrated, sexually confused teenagers just coming into their chest hair.
And based on CDC estimates, the fourteenth-century Black Death, caused by the bubonic plague, could have taken approximately the same number of lives as World War II, World War I, the Crusades, the Mongol conquests, the Russian Civil War, and the Thirty Years' War combined.
Photo by Angela Owens Planes Mistaken for Stars' comeback album, Prey, starts mid-note, as if the band never left, but simply reappeared from the ether—a group of immortal, wandering spirits manifesting in corporeal form to pick up their conquests right where they left off.
The international community, led by the United States, could mount a campaign to roll back Iranian conquests and combat Iranian-backed terror such as the reported 2011 plan -- thankfully thwarted -- to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the United States and blow up a popular restaurant in Washington.
He was heard in the recording boasting of sexual conquests and celebrity entitlement, and the ensuing reaction led to a number of women coming forward to describe specific episodes that included walking in on them changing during beauty pageants as well as groping and kissing them.
Since the small trading outpost of Moscow first began to expand into what would become modern Russia, the country — through a series of conquests, and itself being conquered — occupied more and more of the northern Eurasian continent until it reached its peak during the years of the Soviet Union.
When discussing Alexander's astounding conquests, the author has far less to say about his innovative use of cavalry than about the fact that he carried around with him a text of Homer's "Iliad", a book that goaded the great Macedonian to surpass the achievements of his hero Achilles.
By the time Trump took the stage at a victory rally in Spartanburg Saturday night, he was already reminiscing about South Carolina as if it were a distant memory, promising future conquests in next week's Nevada caucuses and in the 11 states that hold primaries on Super Tuesday.
A linguistically restrained version of Mr. Duterte, who has been compared to Donald J. Trump, would be quite a change for a man who cursed Pope Francis for creating traffic delays, made light of the 1989 rape and murder of an Australian missionary and boasts of sexual conquests.
But it lifted the spirits of a United States stunned by Japan's conquests in the war's early months, and it provoked the Japanese into an attack on the American naval base at Midway in June 1942, a disastrous defeat for Japan and a turning point of the Pacific war.
Leaning forward in a club chair at his Beaux-Arts townhouse and business headquarters on East 63rd Street, the designer reminisced unsentimentally about his conquests, splicing his narrative with dry asides that conjured a lost world of polo grounds, martinis at Musso & Frank, and winter holidays at Chamonix.
So, not only did the United States, Britain and France take no new territory for themselves after the war (aside from a small minor adjustment of the border between France and Italy); the Allies also returned Manchuria to China, liberated Ethiopia from Italy and reversed Germany's conquests throughout Europe.
Washington (CNN)A woman who signed a letter supporting Brett Kavanaugh after he was accused of sexual assault earlier this month called revelations from his high school yearbook that showed he and his friends reportedly boasted about their supposed conquests with her "hurtful," The New York Times reported Monday.
This world has always been one that runs on ale and machismo, with men whipping out their (literal) swords to prove their manly worth, bragging about their many conquests to prove their manly worth, or, worse, raping women to inflate their conquest count to prove their manly worth.
Cruz's suspicions gained a patina of plausibility this past week when The Washington Post resurfaced evidence that, until two decades ago, Trump would bizarrely call reporters posing as one of two fictional publicists (John Miller or John Barron) and brag about his own business and romantic conquests, real and imagined.
Compared to Stephen Davis's perpetually bestselling (and much-maligned) Led Zeppelin bio Hammer of the Gods, or ex-Soul Coughing frontman Mike Doughty's memoir, which I shut in the middle of an extended listing—that's right, listing—of his nineties road conquests and never opened again, Porcelain is positively courtly.
"What's unusual is not how he talked about women like they're objects or conquests; we all know there are men who talk like that, even if it's not most men," said Michael Kimmel, a sociology professor at Stony Brook University who has written several books on men, sex and masculinity.
Alessandro, the brutish brother in Marco Bellocchio's " Fists in the Pocket " (1965), claims to be "a volcano of ideas" and shoves his mother off a cliff, while the nameless visitor played by Terence Stamp in Pasolini's " Theorem " (1968) seduces pretty much everyone, leaving his conquests in a state of ruin, catatonia, or ecstasy.
In the in-depth article, published Saturday, the Times described the presumptive Republican nominee as a man with a nearly compulsive need to be surrounded by beautiful women, one who repeatedly made unwelcome advances, with an almost boyish tendency to brag about his sex life and rank his conquests for their beauty.
Kobe Bryant is sputtering to the end of a Hall of Fame career looking like anything but a Hall of Famer, the head coach seems to actively dislike young players, and the one he actively dislikes the most, D'Angelo Russell, surreptitiously filmed Nick Young talking about his sexual conquests while engaged to singer Iggy Azalea.
Iran's earliest traces of human history reach as far back as 100,000 BC. Its historic monuments preserve the legacy of a civilization that has kept its Persian identity throughout the tides of foreign conquests, weaving in influences from Turkic, South Asian and Arab cultures, and the footprints of Alexander the Great and later Islam.
The couple was lured by the remoteness of the area, which the ancient Romans called ''Finibus Terrae'' — the ends of the earth — and by a layered history that had been shaped not merely by the Greeks who settled there, but by the Norman conquests, the Ottoman invasions and by an ancient Indo-European tribe called the Messapii.
Khaled El-Enany, the Egyptian antiquities minister, said that the royal colossus found on March 7 in Matariya, an impoverished Cairo neighborhood, was probably a statue of Psamtik I. The colossus bore a strong resemblance to Ramses II, one of the most influential figures of the ancient world, who was celebrated for architectural wonders and military conquests.
The phrase 'fall of Rome' is technically a misnomer, since only the western half of the empire collapsed in 21453 A.D. There are innumerable reasons for the decline and subsequent end of the western portion of the Roman Empire, ranging from invasions by the Visigoths, to economic hardship, to natural disasters, to the hubris of overreaching territorial conquests.
Yet in the love 'em and leave 'em film landscape, where films like American Pie and Wedding Crashers have come to define the word, "conquests" is misleading: for Elaine, it isn't about notches in a bedpost, it's about love, real love, the kind that makes you want to give up your own life and start a whole new one with someone else.

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