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32 Sentences With "concomitant to"

How to use concomitant to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "concomitant to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "concomitant to". Mastering all the usages of "concomitant to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In fact, they were concomitant to Auburn controlling the ball for more than 36 minutes of gameplay.
Those in the West have been used to seeing elections for representatives to parliaments, chosen by parties, as the natural concomitant to free societies.
This should preclude any fiscal control board from imposing any debt haircut concomitant to its spending and tax reforms; giving them that ancillary power would be a step too far and could end up being a backdoor super-restructuring.
Alcinous, Handbook, 16.1-2. His system is understood as a synthesis of Plato and Aristotle, with some elements borrowed from the East, and perhaps derived from a study of the Pythagorean system, which experienced a revival of sorts concomitant to that which produced Middle Platonism.
Hornblower, S., Spawforth, A. (eds.) The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization (1998) pp. 219–24 The changes to Roman government concomitant to the war mostly eliminated the political traditions of the Roman Republic (509–27 BC) and led to the Roman Empire (27 BC–AD 476).
NDU CIC faculty members have backgrounds in the private sector, civilian government and defense, and academe, contributing a rich combination of experience and theory that enhances our learning environment. Although by mission the College is primarily a teaching college, faculty are active in many intellectual communities because scholarship is concomitant to good teaching.
All aspects of society – politics, culture, business and economy – have become increasingly information-oriented. Information gives rise to economies and societies wherein information, naturally, becomes the dominant commodity or resource. Concomitant to informatization is the globalization of the economy. The communications or information revolution has tended to shrink the size of the world, figuratively.
Concomitant to the Insect class were the Dragonfly class of smaller boats—Dragonfly, Grasshopper, Locust and Mosquito. Unfortunately, most of these became casualties of war in 1942 with the Japanese attacks. In 1926 the Wanhsien incident, brought the attention of the perils of China. A local warlord seized the Swire steamer Wahsien and held ship and officers for ransom.
The museum emphasizes the multifaceted nature of the game warden's role. Confronting armed poachers in rural and even remote locations can be lonely, dangerous and even fatal work for game wardens. Recognition of the ultimate sacrifice of these officers at this museum is considered to be important, concomitant to recognition at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.Fallen Officers, Michigan Conservation Officers Association.
South Carolina's form of republicanism ideology termed "country-republicanism" by historian Lacy K. Ford Jr. effected how people in the state thought about commerce and the economy. Within the state, political thought was distinctly homogeneous. Citizens believed that independence was to be vigorously reinforced by a disengaged government, that all industries were concomitant to agriculture, and that economic sovereignty was crucial for political sovereignty. The practice of slavery influenced these ideals.
As noted at the North American Game Warden Museum, confronting armed poachers in rural and even remote locations can be lonely, dangerous and even fatal work for game wardens. Recognition of the ultimate sacrifice of these officers at this museum is considered to be important, concomitant to recognition at the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial.Fallen Officers, Michigan Conservation Officers Association. Officers are exposed to other risks beyond being killed by hunters, trappers and armed fishermen.
Concomitant to the support provided to Organization Todt during the construction of the Westwall by the NSKK, the organization was also tasked by Hitler's chief architect, Albert Speer. He founded a unit known as the "Transport Brigade Speer", which was organized under the auspices of military considerations, dividing them accordingly into regiments, divisions, companies and platoons. On 27 January 1939, Hitler made the NSKK the sole authority for motor-vehicle related military training.
Concomitant to the selection of the Men's Team of the Century was that of the male player of the century; University of Virginia Cavaliers midfielder Claudio Reyna, a Division I first-team All America in each of his three collegiate seasons, a two-time recipient of the Missouri Athletic Club Player of the Year and Soccer America Player of the Year Awards, and the 1993 Hermann Trophy winner, was so chosen by Soccer America.
In earlier Common Slavic, vowel length was allophonic, an automatic concomitant to vowel quality, with short and all other vowels (including nasal vowels) long. By the end of the Common Slavic period, however, various sound changes (e.g. pre-tonic vowel shortening followed by Dybo's law) produced contrastive vowel length. This vowel length survives (to varying extents) in Czech, Slovak, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian and Old Polish, but was lost entirely early in the history of Russian, with almost no remnants.
It is within this Bardo that visions and auditory phenomena occur. In the Dzogchen teachings, these are known as the spontaneously manifesting Thödgal (Tibetan: thod-rgyal) visions. Concomitant to these visions, there is a welling of profound peace and pristine awareness. Sentient beings who have not practiced during their lived experience and/or who do not recognize the clear light (Tibetan: od gsal) at the moment of death are usually deluded throughout the fifth bardo of luminosity.
Hence, vasculitis, glomerulonephritis and arthritis are commonly associated conditions as a result of type III hypersensitivity responses. As observed under methods of histopathology, acute necrotizing vasculitis within the affected tissues is observed concomitant to neutrophilic infiltration, along with notable eosinophilic deposition (fibrinoid necrosis). Often, immunofluorescence microscopy can be used to visualize the immune complexes. Skin response to a hypersensitivity of this type is referred to as an Arthus reaction, and is characterized by local erythema and some induration.
Therefore, "right to education" was concomitant to the fundamental rights provided under Part III of the constitution. The fundamental rights guaranteed under Part III of the constitution of India including the right to freedom of speech and expression and other rights under Article 19 cannot be appreciated and fully enjoyed unless a citizen is educated and is conscious of his individual dignity. Education is instrumental to reduce the inequality, and ensuring adequate livelihood. Illiterate people is vulnerable to exploitation.
The transference identified by Freud, Desoille believed, could be expressed and resolved in the directed waking dream. Finally in the 1950s and 1960s, concomitant to his political affiliations, Desoille held to a Pavlovian conception of neurosis, based on reflexes, in what was termed a "rational psychotherapy". Those reflexes that are poorly adapted could be dissolved through the directed waking dream method, according to Desoille, and, starting in the imagination, new dynamic stereotypes could be formed. Desoille died at age 76 in Paris.
Concomitant to the selection of the Women's Team of the Century was that of the female player of the century; North Carolina Tar Heels forward Mia Hamm, a Division I first-team All America in her final three collegiate seasons, a two-time recipient of the Hermann Trophy and the ISAA Player of the Year and Soccer America Player of the Year Awards, and with the Tar Heels four times a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I champion, was so chosen.
Concomitant to the power shift was a change in evangelicalism itself, with new groups arising and extant ones switching their focus. There was a new emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus from newly styled "non-denominational" churches and "community faith centers". This period also saw the rise of non-traditional churches and megachurches with conservative theologies and a growth in parachurch organizations while mainline Protestantism lost many members. The Jesus Movement is considered by some to be part of the Fourth Great Awakening.
Bona fides is a Latin phrase meaning "good faith". Its ablative case is bona fide, meaning "in good faith", which is often used as an adjective to mean "genuine". While today fides is concomitant to faith, a more technical translation of the Latin concept would be something like "reliability", in the sense of a trust between two parties for the potentiality of a relationship. In ancient Rome bona fides was always assumed by both sides, had implied responsibilities, and both legal and religious consequences if broken.
He used this method to directly detect colloidal assembly, their structure, and orientation , which affirmed the spatiotemporal aspects of the method. Breaking the barrier of programmable pulsed laser generation has been concomitant to his insights into the theoretical aspects of pulsed light and heat dissipation dynamics. His work on the cumulative thermal effects of femtosecond infra-red lasers, has revolutionized the existing framework of laser heat dissipation. This has in turn been shown to be the key to mitigating the deleterious effect of heat accumulation during sensitive measurements of nonlinear optical properties.
Nth degree, or nth degree, are two words expressing a number to a certain level. In the first word, 'Nth' or 'nth', is a word expressing a number, in two parts, 'n' and 'th', but where that number is not known, (hence the use of 'n') and a correlatory factoring, 'th', (exponential amplification, usually from four onwards (fourth, fifth)), is used to multiply the 'n' (number), to arrive at a number, concomitant to subject matter. The 'degree' is used as a noun, expressing the level or amount of the final multiplicated number.
Concomitant to stringent yield predictability and reproducibility requirements, the design's bizarre yields meant that as a primary, RACER did not furnished the proper quantity and strength of x-rays and neutrons to implode and initiate respectively the secondary stage. Both x-ray and neutron fluxes were products of the fission process and the degree of fission in the RACER cores varied unpredictably as shown by the yield variability. The unpredictable neutron flux had a catastrophic impact to the TX-22 program, as the MORGENSTERN prototype fizzled and its sister project RAMROD was canceled due to the poor performance of RACER IV.
The EDC went for ratification in the French National Assembly on 30 August 1954, and failed by a vote of 319 against 264. By the time of the vote, concerns about a future conflict faded with the death of Joseph Stalin and the end of the Korean War. Concomitant to these fears were a severe disjuncture between the original Pleven Plan of 1950 and the one defeated in 1954. Divergences included military integration at the division rather than battalion level and a change in the command structure putting NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in charge of EDC operational capabilities.
The 21st plank of the National Action Plan was titled "Reproductive Freedom." In this plank, the women of the National Women's Conference stated their full support of women's reproductive freedom and encouraged all levels of government to comply with the Supreme Court's decisions to guarantee it, such as Roe v. Wade. The plank also included the support of abortion and pregnancy-related care being available to all women as well as encouraging organizations to hold the government responsible for maintaining these principles. The delegates also called for the requirement of consent for all sterilization procedures, concomitant to Department of Health, Education and Welfare's April 1974 regulations.
This thesis of a maritime foundation was contrary to the general scholarly consensus that the rise of civilization was based on intensive agriculture, particularly of at least one cereal. The production of agricultural surpluses had long been seen as essential in promoting population density and the emergence of complex society. Moseley's ideas would be debated and challenged (that maritime remains and their caloric contribution were overestimated, for example) but have been treated as plausible as late as Mann's summary of the literature in 2005. Concomitant to the maritime subsistence hypothesis was an implied dominance of sites immediately adjacent to the coast over other centers.
Concomitant to its machinations against Austria, the SD also became involved in subversive activities throughout Czechoslovakia. Focusing on the Sudetenland with its 3 million ethnic Germans and the disharmony there which the Czech government could not seem to remedy, Hitler set Heydrich's SD in motion there in what came to be known as "Case Green". Passed off as a mission to liberate Sudeten Germans from alleged Czech persecution, Case Green was in fact a contingency plan to outright invade and destroy the country, as Hitler intended to "wipe Czechoslovakia off the map." This operation was akin to earlier SD efforts in Austria; however, unlike Austria, the Czechs fielded their own Secret Service, against which Heydrich had to contend.
Creangă's account also focuses on practical jokes, used by him and others as punishment for friends he believed were not reciprocal in sharing their Christmas supplies. These involve "posts", contraptions which are designed to singe one's toes during sleep, and their application manages to alienate the victims, who leave the house on by one. However, the final such attempt produces a scuffle between the two camps, so loud that neighbors mistaken it for a fire or an attack by the Austrian troops stationed in Fălticeni (a military presence concomitant to the Crimean War and a Moldavian interregnum). This ends when all young men are evicted from the house, Creangă himself moving in with a local smith.
Concomitant to this were the effects that the growing presence of technology companies in the surrounding metropolitan area were having upon the city itself, namely gentrification. The use of exclusive busing services, along with the suburban locations of tech companies, served to isolate tech workers from other San Francisco residents in a manner similar to gated communities. Observations of the tech buses' impact include the following: > The buses roll up to San Francisco's bus stops in the morning and evening, > but they are unmarked, or nearly so, and not for the public. Most of them > are gleaming white, with dark-tinted windows, like limousines, and some days > I think of them as the spaceships on which our alien overlords have landed > to rule over us.
The assembled lords and prelates concluded a concordat, which recognized the independence and immunity of all Church property in Frankish Greece from any feudal duties, concomitant to its subordination, via the Latin Patriarch of Constantinople, solely to the Pope. The clergy would, however, continue to pay the old Byzantine tax of akrostichon to the secular rulers, and failure to do so would make Church property liable to confiscation. The Greek clergy was not granted the same privileges as the Latin one, in so far as the sons of a Greek priest might be called upon to perform feudal duties, unless they too were ordained. The agreement was ratified by Pope Innocent III, but notably not by Geoffrey of Villehardouin, who continued to persecute the Archbishopric of Patras and deny it any bequests and endowments.
Concomitant to the tournaments were several chess-related events planned by the organizing committee of the Olympiad, some under the auspices of FIDE; the events were known collectively as the First Chess Festival Calvià 2004. Within the festival were held simultaneous exhibitions, game demonstrations and lectures by top Spanish players, and several secondary tournaments, including one for amateur players, a rapid chess event for players aged under 16, and one for senior players. Chess classes were introduced into the primary and secondary schools, as well as senior centers, in and around Calvià in an effort to promote chess generally, and chess films were screened on the beaches of Calvià every weeknight during the Olympiad. Chess-oriented art was displayed at an International Chess Fair, with prizes for top works awarded by a jury.

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