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90 Sentences With "concatenating"

How to use concatenating in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "concatenating" and check conjugation/comparative form for "concatenating". Mastering all the usages of "concatenating" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But creative people of no other period dreamed bigger and harder than those in Europe and America between the world wars, when concatenating economic, political, and social disasters fed faith in the gospel of progress.
Why revisit the concatenating disasters in Iraq for which my nation bears responsibility: the blitz that drove Saddam Hussein's troops out of Kuwait in 1991 (remember when he seemed the worst person in the world, several human beasts ago?), and the full-on invasion of 2003, whose terrible consequences have not ceased since Barack Obama declared an end to American combat involvement in 2010?
In computer programming, `append` is the operation for concatenating linked lists or arrays in some high-level programming languages.
Keys are constructed by concatenating the names of objects and parameter using '.'(dot) as a separator, e.g. InternetGatewayDevice.Time.NTPServer1 . Each of the parameters may be marked as writable or non-writable.
Every Hanner polytope can be given vertex coordinates that are 0, 1, or −1.. More explicitly, if P and Q are Hanner polytopes with coordinates in this form, then the coordinates of the vertices of the Cartesian product of P and Q are formed by concatenating the coordinates of a vertex in P with the coordinates of a vertex in Q. The coordinates of the vertices of the direct sum of P and Q are formed either by concatenating the coordinates of a vertex in P with a vector of zeros, or by concatenating a vector of zeros with the coordinates of a vertex in Q. Because the polar dual of a Hanner polytope is another Hanner polytope, the Hanner polytopes have the property that both they and their duals have coordinates in {0,1,−1}.
To define a sequence, users need to specify the key type of the sequence. PAM supports functions on sequences including construction, find an entry with a certain rank, first, last, next, previous, size, empty, filter, map-reduce, concatenating, etc.
An alloyed branch predictor combines the local and global prediction principles by concatenating local and global branch histories, possibly with some bits from the program counter as well. Tests indicate that the VIA Nano processor may be using this technique.
A difference list of the second sort represents lists as a function f, which when given a list x, returns the list that f represents, prepended to x. It is typically used in functional programming languages such as Haskell, although it could be used in imperative languages as well. Whether this kind of difference list is more efficient than another list representations depends on usage patterns. If an algorithm builds a list by concatenating smaller lists, which are themselves built by concatenating still smaller lists, then use of difference lists can improve performance by effectively "flattening" the list building computations.
A domain hack is a domain name that suggests a word, phrase, or name when concatenating two or more adjacent levels of that domain. For example, and , using the fictitious country-code domains .ds and .le, suggest the words birds and example respectively.
Psychological attributes, like temperature, are considered to be intensive as no way of concatenating such attributes has been found. But this is not to say that such attributes are not quantifiable. The theory of conjoint measurement provides a theoretical means of doing this.
Intermediate discussions of chords derive both chords and their progressions simultaneously from the harmonization of scales. The basic guitar-chords can be constructed by "stacking thirds", that is, by concatenating two or three third-intervals, where all of the lowest notes come from the scale.
Together with Lilí Martínez, Noro Morales and Jesús López, he is responsible for establishing the modern Cuban piano style. His frantic way of concatenating guajeos gave rise to a neologism: peruchinear. Such style has been said to combine a "percussive" right hand with a "swinging" left hand.
In fact such codes are typically constructed to correct only a small fraction of errors with a high probability, but achieve a very good rate. The first such code was due to George D. Forney in 1966. The code is a concatenated code by concatenating two different kinds of codes.
Concatenating the perfect fifths ((F,C), (C,G), (G,D), (D,A), (A,E), (E,B),...) yields the sequence of fifths (F,C,G,D,A,E,B,...); this sequence of fifths displays all the notes of the octave. This sequence of fifths shall be used in the discussions of chord progressions, below.
The first values in Gould's sequence may be constructed by recursively constructing the first values, and then concatenating the doubles of the first values. For instance, concatenating the first four values 1, 2, 2, 4 with their doubles 2, 4, 4, 8 produces the first eight values. Because of this doubling construction, the first occurrence of each power of two in this sequence is at position . Gould's sequence, the sequence of its exponents, and the Thue–Morse sequence are all self-similar: they have the property that the subsequence of values at even positions in the whole sequence equals the original sequence, a property they also share with some other sequences such as Stern's diatomic sequence... As cited by Gilleland.
An alert reader may have noticed that writing symbols □, ■□, ■■□, ■■■□, etc. by concatenating a marked square, i.e. ■, to an existing string is different from writing the completed symbols one after another on a Turing-machine tape. Another entirely possible scenario would be to generate the symbol-strings one after another on different sections of tape e.g.
The random state is iterated after each use by concatenating the old state with the current high-resolution timer output and hashing the result again. The first 72 bits of the hash output are encoded with a modified base64 scheme to produce readable passwords, while the remaining 88 bits represent the undisclosed internal state of the random number generator.
The same principle can be applied to the All-Reduce operations, but instead of concatenating the messages, it performs a reduction operation on the two messages. So it is a Reduce operation, where all processing units know the result. Compared to a normal reduce operation followed by a broadcast, All-Reduce in hypercubes reduces the number of communication steps.
However, MSD sorts are more amenable to subdivision and recursion. Each bucket created by an MSD step can itself be radix sorted using the next most significant digit, without reference to any other buckets created in the previous step. Once the last digit is reached, concatenating the buckets is all that is required to complete the sort.
Over the ages, Latin- speaking populations produced new adjectives, nouns, and verbs by affixing or compounding meaningful segments. For example, the compound adjective, , "all- powerful," was produced from the adjectives , "all", and , "powerful", by dropping the final s of and concatenating. Often, the concatenation changed the part of speech, and nouns were produced from verb segments or verbs from nouns and adjectives.
In many programs, associating a geometrical transformation matrix (see also transformation and matrix) at each group level and concatenating such matrices together is an efficient and natural way to process such operations. A common feature, for instance, is the ability to group related shapes and objects into a compound object that can then be manipulated as easily as a single object.
HTTP servers often use compression to optimize transmission, for example with or . If both compression and chunked encoding are enabled, then the content stream is first compressed, then chunked; so the chunk encoding itself is not compressed, and the data in each chunk is not compressed individually. The remote endpoint then decodes the stream by concatenating the chunks and uncompressing the result.
Most uucoding tools will only handle data from the primary data fork that can result in a loss of information when encoding/decoding (for example, Windows NTFS file comments are kept in a different fork.) Some tools (like the classic Mac OS application UUTool) solved the problem by concatenating the different forks into one file and differentiating them by file name.
The CDI-40 was historically recommended as context dependent identifier that was formed by concatenating the 24-bit OUI with a 16-bit extension or by concatenating a 36-bit OUI-36 with a 4-bit extension. In either case, the extension was assigned by the organization that purchased the OUI. The resulting identifier was generally represented as a set of octets separated by dashes (hexadecimal notation) or colons (bit-reversed notation) as in FF-FF-FF-FF-FF or FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, as a string of 5 bytes as in {FF,FF,FF,FF,FF}, or as a base 16 number as in FFFFFFFFFF16. Note: There were also IAB based CDI-40 sequences that were formed by combining the 36-bit IEEE assigned IAB base value with the 4-bit extension identifier assigned by the organization – e.g.
A four- way handshake is used to establish another key called the Pairwise Transient Key (PTK). The PTK is generated by concatenating the following attributes: PMK, AP nonce (ANonce), STA nonce (SNonce), AP MAC address, and STA MAC address. The product is then put through a pseudo-random function. The handshake also yields the GTK (Group Temporal Key), used to decrypt multicast and broadcast traffic.
In cases where one or more of the b terms has more than two digits, the final quotient value b cannot be constructed simply by concatenating the digit pairs. Instead, each term, starting with b_1, should be multiplied by 100, and the next term added (or, if negative, subtracted). This result should be multiplied by 100, and the next term added or subtracted, etc., until all terms are exhausted.
Finally, the whole page composition is built up by mapping all the images into the coordinate system of an “anchor” image, which is normally the one nearest the page center. The transformations to the anchor frame are calculated by concatenating the pair-wise transformations found earlier. The raw document mosaic is shown in Figure 6. However, there might be a problem of non- consecutive images that are overlap.
Some TRS-80 BASIC commands, such as RANDOMIZE, ON and the really useful DEF commands (only subroutines can be used for formulae), are not available, so only simple TRS-80 programs can be entered without alteration. The Basic can use integers, decimals and floating point numbers. Double precision numbers are not available, but can be used by storing the different power position numbers in a string and concatenating the strings.
' (RkReÜAÜG) (literally, Cattle marking and beef labeling supervision duties delegation law) was a law of the German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern of 1999, repealed in 2013. It dealt with the supervision of the labeling of beef.Pleonast page on the law The name is an example of the virtually unlimited compounding of nouns that is possible in many Germanic languages. German orthography uses "closed" compounds, concatenating nouns to form one long word.
Furthermore, it is possible to construct codes which surpass known bounds for worst-case codes—specifically, unique decoding with a 1-R error rate. This can be done by concatenating timestamped digital signatures onto messages. A computationally bounded channel cannot forge a signature; and while it may have valid past signatures, the receiver can use list decoding and select a message only if its signature has the correct timestamp.
For instance, there are uncountably many numbers whose decimal expansions (in base 3 or higher) do not contain the digit 1, and none of these numbers is normal. Champernowne's constant : 0.1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829..., obtained by concatenating the decimal representations of the natural numbers in order, is normal in base 10. Likewise, the different variants of Champernowne's constant (done by performing the same concatenation in other bases) are normal in their respective bases (for example, the base-2 Champernowne constant is normal in base 2), but they have not been proven to be normal in other bases. The Copeland–Erdős constant : 0.23571113171923293137414347535961677173798389..., obtained by concatenating the prime numbers in base 10, is normal in base 10, as proved by . More generally, the latter authors proved that the real number represented in base b by the concatenation : 0.f(1)f(2)f(3)..., where f(n) is the nth prime expressed in base b, is normal in base b.
Historically some early languages, notably FORTRAN (1955) and ALGOL (1958), allowed spaces within identifiers, determining the end of identifiers by context. This was abandoned in later languages due to the difficulty of tokenization. It is possible to write names by simply concatenating words, and this is sometimes used, as in `mypackage` for Java package names,Naming a Package though legibility suffers for longer terms, so usually some form of separation is used.
An alternative construction involves concatenating together, in lexicographic order, all the Lyndon words whose length divides n.According to , the sequence generated in this way was first described (with a different generation method) by , and the connection between it and Lyndon words was observed by . An inverse Burrows—Wheeler transform can be used to generate the required Lyndon words in lexicographic order. De Bruijn sequences can also be constructed using shift registers or via finite fields.
Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech computer or speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware products. A text- to-speech (TTS) system converts normal language text into speech; other systems render symbolic linguistic representations like phonetic transcriptions into speech. Synthesized speech can be created by concatenating pieces of recorded speech that are stored in a database.
Bi-directional RNNs use a finite sequence to predict or label each element of the sequence based on the element's past and future contexts. This is done by concatenating the outputs of two RNNs, one processing the sequence from left to right, the other one from right to left. The combined outputs are the predictions of the teacher-given target signals. This technique has been proven to be especially useful when combined with LSTM RNNs.
Each digital block is considered an 8-bit resource that designers can configure using pre-built digital functions or user modules (UM), or, by combining blocks, turn them into 16-, 24-, or 32-bit resources. Concatenating UMs together is how 16-bit PWMs and timers are created. There are two types of analog blocks. The continuous time (CT) blocks are composed of an op-amp circuit and designated as ACBxx where xx is 00–03.
Vocaloid keeps the "synthesized score" in memory to adjust sample timing so that the vowel onset should be strictly on the "Note-On" position. No timing adjustment would result in delay. ;Pitch conversion :Since the samples are recorded in different pitches, pitch conversion is required when concatenating the samples. The engine calculates a desired pitch from the notes, attack time, and vibrato parameters, and then selects the necessary samples from the library.
A trajectory of a system variable is a sequence of segments concatenated. We call a trajectory constant (respectively linear) if its concatenating segments are constant (respectively linear). An event segment is a special class of the constant segment with a constraint in which the constant segment is either one of a timed event or a null-segment. The event segments are used to define Timed Event Systems such as DEVS, timed automata, and timed petri nets.
The ROMP's virtual memory has a segmented 40-bit (1TB) address space consisting of 4,096 256MB segments. The 40-bit virtual address is formed in the MMU by concatenating a 12-bit segment identifier with 28 low-order bits from a 32-bit ROMP-computed virtual address. The segment identifier is obtained from a set of 16 segment identifiers stored in the MMU, addressed by the four high-order bits of the 32-bit ROMP-computed virtual address.
The ideas of the factor method and binary method can be combined into Brauer's m-ary method by choosing any number m (regardless of whether it divides n), recursively constructing a chain for \lfloor n/m\rfloor, concatenating a chain for m (modified in the same way as above) to obtain m\lfloor n/m\rfloor, and then adding the remainder. Additional refinements of these ideas lead to a family of methods called sliding window methods.
An Adler-32 checksum is obtained by calculating two 16-bit checksums A and B and concatenating their bits into a 32-bit integer. A is the sum of all bytes in the stream plus one, and B is the sum of the individual values of A from each step. At the beginning of an Adler-32 run, A is initialized to 1, B to 0. The sums are done modulo 65521 (the largest prime number smaller than 216).
Figure 2.2: Concatenating two child ropes into a single rope. : Definition: `Concat(S1, S2)`: concatenate two ropes, S1 and S2, into a single rope. : Time complexity: (or time to compute the root weight) A concatenation can be performed simply by creating a new root node with and , which is constant time. The weight of the parent node is set to the length of the left child S1, which would take time, if the tree is balanced.
JAWA () is a motorcycle and moped manufacturer founded in Prague, Czechoslovakia in 1929 by František Janeček,Jawa company Retrieved 2014-03-01 who bought the motorcycle division of Wanderer. The name JAWA was established by concatenating the first letters of Janeček and Wanderer. In the past, especially in the 1950s, JAWA was one of the top motorcycle manufacturers and exported its 350 into over 120 countries. The best known model was the 350 Pérák and in the 1970s the 350 Californian.
VC-6 is an example of intra-frame coding, where each picture is coded without referencing other pictures. It is also intra-plane, where no information from one plane is used to predict another plane. As a result, the VC-6 bitstream contains all of the information for all of the planes of a single image. An image sequence is created by concatenating the bitstreams for multiple images, or by packaging them in a container such as MXF or Quicktime or Matroska.
It is also a centered decagonal number. There are 911 inverse semigroups of order 7 911 is obtained by concatenating its product of digits and sum of digits. As "911" or "9/11", typically pronounced "nine- eleven", it is commonly used to refer the calendar dates November 9 or September 11, depending on which date notation is used. The latter usage most commonly refers to the North American emergency telephone number, see 9-1-1, or the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.
Configuration matrices include the f-vectors of regular polytopes as diagonal elements. The extended ƒ-vector is formed by concatenating the number one at each end of the ƒ-vector, counting the number of objects at all levels of the face lattice; on the left side of the vector, f−1 = 1 counts the empty set as a face, while on the right side, fd = 1 counts P itself. For the cube the extended ƒ-vector is (1,8,12,6,1) and for the octahedron it is (1,6,12,8,1).
The CDI-32 was historically recommended as context dependent identifier that was formed by concatenating the 24-bit OUI with an 8-bit extension identifier that is assigned by the organization that purchased the OUI – the resulting identifier was generally represented as a set of octets separated by dashes (hexadecimal notation) or colons (bit-reversed notation) as in FF-FF-FF-FF or FF:FF:FF:FF, as a string of 4 bytes as in {FF,FF,FF,FF}, or as a base 16 number as in FFFFFFFF16.
The EUI-48 is an identifier that is formed by concatenating the 24-bit OUI with a 24-bit extension identifier that is assigned by the organization that purchased the OUI – the resulting identifier is generally represented as a set of octets separated by dashes (hexadecimal notation) or colons (bit-reversed notation) as in FF-FF- FF-FF-FF-FF or FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, as a string of 6 bytes as in {FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF}, or as a base 16 number as in FFFFFFFFFFFF16.
A Smarandache–Wellin number that is also prime is called a Smarandache–Wellin prime. The first three are 2, 23 and 2357 . The fourth is 355 digits long: it is the result of concatenating the first 128 prime numbers, through 719. The primes at the end of the concatenation in the Smarandache–Wellin primes are :2, 3, 7, 719, 1033, 2297, 3037, 11927, ... . The indices of the Smarandache–Wellin primes in the sequence of Smarandache–Wellin numbers are: :1, 2, 4, 128, 174, 342, 435, 1429, ... .
Speech synthesis has been identified as a popular branch of synthetic media and is defined as the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech computer or speech synthesizer, and can be implemented in software or hardware products. A text- to-speech (TTS) system converts normal language text into speech; other systems render symbolic linguistic representations like phonetic transcriptions into speech. Synthesized speech can be created by concatenating pieces of recorded speech that are stored in a database.
Where 'φ' and 'ψ' denote well-formed formulas (wffs) of L, '⌜(φ v ψ)⌝' denotes the result of concatenating left parenthesis, the well-formed formula (wff) denoted by 'φ', space, 'v', space, the well- formed formula (wff) denoted by 'ψ', and right parenthesis (in that order, from left to right). Just as before, rule 2.5' (unlike rule 2.5) entails, e.g., that if 'p' and 'q' are well-formed formulas (wffs) of L, then '(p v q)' is a well-formed formula (wff) of L.
To create a set of eigenfaces, one must: # Prepare a training set of face images. The pictures constituting the training set should have been taken under the same lighting conditions, and must be normalized to have the eyes and mouths aligned across all images. They must also be all resampled to a common pixel resolution (r × c). Each image is treated as one vector, simply by concatenating the rows of pixels in the original image, resulting in a single column with r × c elements.
The trees do not have a prescribed shape and in the extreme case the heap can have every element in a separate tree. This flexibility allows some operations to be executed in a lazy manner, postponing the work for later operations. For example, merging heaps is done simply by concatenating the two lists of trees, and operation decrease key sometimes cuts a node from its parent and forms a new tree. However, at some point order needs to be introduced to the heap to achieve the desired running time.
Concatenating outputs from multiple hash functions provides collision resistance as good as the strongest of the algorithms included in the concatenated result. For example, older versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) used concatenated MD5 and SHA-1 sums. This ensures that a method to find collisions in one of the hash functions does not defeat data protected by both hash functions. For Merkle–Damgård construction hash functions, the concatenated function is as collision-resistant as its strongest component, but not more collision- resistant.
The pooled LEs can then be concatenated together into virtual disk partitions called logical volumes or LVs. Systems can use LVs as raw block devices just like disk partitions: creating mountable file systems on them, or using them as swap storage. Striped LVs allocate each successive LE from a different PV; depending on the size of the LE, this can improve performance on large sequential reads by bringing to bear the combined read-throughput of multiple PVs. Administrators can grow LVs (by concatenating more LEs) or shrink them (by returning LEs to the pool).
The subcomponents are also called species. The subcomponents are implemented as subpopulations and the only interaction between subpopulations is in the cooperative evaluation of each individual of the subpopulations. The general CC framework is nature inspired where the individuals of a particular group of species mate amongst themselves, however, mating in between different species is not feasible. The cooperative evaluation of each individual in a subpopulation is done by concatenating the current individual with the best individuals from the rest of the subpopulations as described by M. Potter.
The eD2k hash function is a root hash of a list of MD4 hashes. It gives a different result than a simple usage of the MD4 algorithm. The file data is divided into full chunks of 9500 KiB (9728000 bytes) plus a remainder chunk, and a separate 128-bit MD4 checksum is computed for each. If the file is greater than 9500 KiB (which means that there is more than one chunk), the eD2k hash is computed by concatenating the chunks' MD4 checksums in order and hashing the result again using MD4.
The location update procedure allows a mobile device to inform the cellular network whenever it moves from one location area to the next. Mobiles are responsible for detecting location area codes (LAC). When a mobile finds that the location area code is different from its last update, it performs another update by sending to the network, a location update request, together with its previous location, and its Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI). The mobile also stores the current LAC in the SIM card, concatenating it to a list of recently used LACs.
The segmental content is usually a left substring of that of the given name. However, in some cases it is obtained by other means, including the use of another reading of the kanji used to write the name. For example, a girl named Megumi may be called Keichan or just Kei, because the character used to write the Megumi, , can also be read Kei. The common Japanese practice of forming abbreviations by concatenating the first two morae of two words is sometimes applied to names (usually those of celebrities).
The double-Amici prism is a symmetric form of the more general triplet prism, in which the apex angles and glasses of the two outer elements may differ (see the figure at right). Although triplet prisms are rarely found in optical systems, their added degrees of freedom beyond the double-Amici design allow for improved dispersion linearity. The deviation angle of the triplet prism is obtained by concatenating the refraction equations at each interface:Nathan Hagen and Tomasz S. Tkaczyk, "Compound prism design principles, II: triplet and Janssen prisms," Appl. Opt. 50: 5012-5022 (2011).
This contrasts to Romance languages, where prepositions are more used to specify word relationships instead of concatenating the words. As a member of the Germanic family of languages, English is unusual in that compounds are normally written in separate parts. This would be an error in other Germanic languages such as Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, German and Dutch. However, this is merely an orthographic convention: As in other Germanic languages, arbitrary noun phrases, for example "girl scout troop", "city council member", and "cellar door", can be made up on the spot and used as compound nouns in speech, also in English.
Furthermore, valid downloaded chunks are available for sharing before the rest of the file is downloaded, speeding up the distribution of large files throughout the network. A file's identification checksum is computed by concatenating the chunks' MD4 checksums in order and hashing the result. In cryptographic terms, the list of MD4 checksums is a hash list, and the file identification checksum is the root hash, also called top hash or master hash. It is possible for a malicious user to create two different chunks with the same checksum due to MD4 being vulnerable to collision attacks.
A free group may be defined from a group presentation consisting of a set of generators with no relations. That is, every element is a product of some sequence of generators and their inverses, but these elements do not obey any equations except those trivially following from = 1. The elements of a free group may be described as all possible reduced words, those strings of generators and their inverses in which no generator is adjacent to its own inverse. Two reduced words may be multiplied by concatenating them and then removing any generator-inverse pairs that result from the concatenation.
Similarly, the 2 × 4 rectangle forms of them can be categorized. Each of these forms has exactly one chain associated with it, and each chain yields four different rectangle forms, depending on the position of the edge where it is folded with regard to the middle tile. By concatenating one of the numbers 0, 1, 2, or 3 to the chain's name, depending on whether the number of tiles to the right of the middle tile before the folding edge, a categorization of the rectangle forms is obtained. The starting position, for example, is rectangle form OUR2.
Each Vocaloid license develops the Singer Library, or a database of vocal fragments sampled from real people.The database must have all possible combinations of phonemes of the target language, including diphones (a chain of two different phonemes) and sustained vowels, as well as polyphones with more than two phonemes if necessary. For example, the voice corresponding to the word "sing" ([sIN]) can be synthesized by concatenating the sequence of diphones "#-s, s-I, I-N, N-#" (# indicating a voiceless phoneme) with the sustained vowel ī. The Vocaloid system changes the pitch of these fragments so that it fits the melody.
Quasi-quotation is introduced as shorthand to capture the fact that what the formula expresses isn't precisely quotation, but instead something about the concatenation of symbols. Our replacement for rule 2 using quasi-quotation looks like this: :2'. If φ is a well-formed formula (wff) of L, then ⌜~φ⌝ is a well-formed formula (wff) of L. The quasi-quotation marks '⌜' and '⌝' are interpreted as follows. Where 'φ' denotes a well-formed formula (wff) of L, '⌜~φ⌝' denotes the result of concatenating '~' and the well-formed formula (wff) denoted by 'φ' (in that order, from left to right).
Concatenative synthesis is a technique for synthesising sounds by concatenating short samples of recorded sound (called units). The duration of the units is not strictly defined and may vary according to the implementation, roughly in the range of 10 milliseconds up to 1 second. It is used in speech synthesis and music sound synthesis to generate user-specified sequences of sound from a database built from recordings of other sequences. In contrast to granular synthesis, concatenative synthesis is driven by an analysis of the source sound, in order to identify the units that best match the specified criterion.
An amount of (classical) physical information may be quantified, as in information theory, as follows.Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver, Mathematical Theory of Communication, University of Illinois Press, 1963. For a system S, defined abstractly in such a way that it has N distinguishable states (orthogonal quantum states) that are consistent with its description, the amount of information I(S) contained in the system's state can be said to be log(N). The logarithm is selected for this definition since it has the advantage that this measure of information content is additive when concatenating independent, unrelated subsystems; e.g.
The EUI-60 is an identifier that is formed by concatenating the 24-bit OUI with a 36-bit extension identifier that is assigned by the organization that purchased the OUI – the resulting identifier is generally represented by a string of 15 nibbles, as a base 16 number as in FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF16, or as FF-FF-FF:F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F.F as an EUI-64 value. Note: This identifier was previously used as the worldwide name (WWN) identifier within some storage systems. Its use is now considered deprecated by the IEEE and the EUI-64 identifier should be used in the future for this and all other purposes for which the EUI-60 was previously used.
The circle of fifths drawn within the chromatic circle as a regular star dodecagon: Concatenating the perfect fifths ((F,C), (C,G), (G,D), (D,A), (A,E), (E,B),...) generates the sequence of fifths (F, C, G, D, A, E, B, F, ...); this sequence of fifths displays all twelve notes of the chromatic circle.This sequence of fifths features the diminished fifth (b, f), which replaces the perfect fifth (b, f) containing the chromatic note f, which is not a member of the C major key. The note f (of the C major scale) is replaced by the note f in the Lydian chromatic scale .
If n is even, it can be obtained in a single additional sum, as n=n'+n'. If n is odd, this method uses two sums to obtain it, by computing n-1=n'+n' and then adding one. The factor method for finding addition chains is based on the prime factorization of the number n to be represented. If n has a number p as one of its prime factors, then an addition chain for n can be obtained by starting with a chain for n/p, and then concatenating onto it a chain for p, modified by multiplying each of its numbers by n/p.
A currency pair is the quotation of the relative value of a currency unit against the unit of another currency in the foreign exchange market. The currency that is used as the reference is called the counter currency, quote currency or currencyWestern Union How to Read Currency Exchange Rates and the currency that is quoted in relation is called the base currency or transaction currency. Currency pairs are generally written by concatenating the ISO currency codes (ISO 4217) of the base currency and the counter currency, and then separating the two codes with a slash. Alternatively the slash may be omitted, or replaced by either a dot or a dash.
The obvious shortcoming of MSL (as compared to MLS) is that it does not support immixture of various classification levels in any manner. For example, the notion of concatenating a SECRET data stream (taken from a SECRET file) with a TOP SECRET data stream (read from a TOP SECRET file) and directing the resultant TOP SECRET data stream into a TOP SECRET file is unsupported. In essence, an MSL system can be thought of as a set of parallel (and collocated) computer systems, each restricted to operation at one, and only one, security level. Indeed, the individual MSL operating systems may not even understand the concept of security levels, since they operate as single-level systems.
The isopleth crosses the scale for T at just under 4.65; a larger figure printed in high resolution on paper would yield T = 4.64 to three-digit precision. Note that any variable can be calculated from values of the other two, a feature of nomograms that is particularly useful for equations in which a variable cannot be algebraically isolated from the other variables. Straight scales are useful for relatively simple calculations, but for more complex calculations the use of simple or elaborate curved scales may be required. Nomograms for more than three variables can be constructed by incorporating a grid of scales for two of the variables, or by concatenating individual nomograms of fewer numbers of variables into a compound nomogram.
Each subsequent call to `strcat()` has to compute the length again before concatenating another name to the `buffer`. Analogous to Schlemiel not carrying the paint bucket (or the string's length) with him, all the subsequent `strcat()`s have to "walk" the length of the string again to determine where the second string should be copied. As more data is added to `buffer` with each call to `strcat()`, that terminating null character also gets farther away from the beginning, meaning that subsequent calls are increasingly slow. The problems illustrated by Spolsky's example are not noticed by a programmer who is using a high-level language and has little or no understanding of how the language implementation works, including some basic knowledge of its underlying principles and functions.
MIPS I branch instructions compare the contents of a GPR (rs) against zero or another GPR (rt) as signed integers and branch if the specified condition is true. Control is transferred to the address computed by shifting the 16-bit offset left by two bits, sign-extending the 18-bit result, and adding the 32-bit sign-extended result to the sum of the program counter (instruction address) and 810. Jumps have two versions: absolute and register- indirect. Absolute jumps ("Jump" and "Jump and Link") compute the address control is transferred to by shifting the 26-bit instr_index left by two bits and concatenating the 28-bit result with the four high-order bits of the address of the instruction in the branch delay slot.
The basic unit in the PBGA is a neuron with all of its inbound connections as represented in the following figure: File:pbga2.jpg The genotype of a basic unit is a set of real valued weights followed by the parameters of the neuron and proceeded by an integer valued field that determines the promoter gene value and, consequently, the expression of the unit. By concatenating units of this type we can construct the whole network. With this encoding it is imposed that the information that is not expressed is still carried by the genotype in evolution but it is shielded from direct selective pressure, maintaining this way the diversity in the population, which has been a design premise for this algorithm.
The M-sample variance, and the defined special case Allan variance, will experience systematic bias depending on different number of samples M and different relationship between T and τ. In order to address these biases, the bias-functions B1 and B2 has been definedBarnes, J. A.: Tables of Bias Functions, B1 and B2, for Variances Based On Finite Samples of Processes with Power Law Spectral Densities, NBS Technical Note 375, 1969. and allows conversion between different M and T values. These bias functions are not sufficient for handling the bias resulting from concatenating M samples to the Mτ0 observation time over the MT0 with the dead-time distributed among the M measurement blocks rather than at the end of the measurement.
An expansion of the Genetic Algorithm accessible problem domain can be obtained through more complex encoding of the solution pools by concatenating several types of heterogenously encoded genes into one chromosome. This particular approach allows for solving optimization problems that require vastly disparate definition domains for the problem parameters. For instance, in problems of cascaded controller tuning, the internal loop controller structure can belong to a conventional regulator of three parameters, whereas the external loop could implement a linguistic controller (such as a fuzzy system) which has an inherently different description. This particular form of encoding requires a specialized crossover mechanism that recombines the chromosome by section, and it is a useful tool for the modelling and simulation of complex adaptive systems, especially evolution processes.
The vectors would consist of cepstral coefficients, which are obtained by taking a Fourier transform of a short time window of speech and decorrelating the spectrum using a cosine transform, then taking the first (most significant) coefficients. The hidden Markov model will tend to have in each state a statistical distribution that is a mixture of diagonal covariance Gaussians, which will give a likelihood for each observed vector. Each word, or (for more general speech recognition systems), each phoneme, will have a different output distribution; a hidden Markov model for a sequence of words or phonemes is made by concatenating the individual trained hidden Markov models for the separate words and phonemes. Described above are the core elements of the most common, HMM-based approach to speech recognition.
Until January 1, 2007, all ISBNs were allocated as 9-digit numbers followed by a modulo 11 checksum character that was either a decimal digit or the letter "X". A Bookland EAN was generated by concatenating the Bookland UCC 978, the 9 digits of the book's ISBN other than its checksum, and the EAN checksum digit. Since parts of the 10-character ISBN space are nearly full, all books published from 2007 on have been allocated a 13-digit ISBN, which is identical to the Bookland EAN. Most of UCC 979 (formerly "Musicland") has now been assigned for the expansion of Bookland, and was first used by publishers in the French language, which can now use the additional prefix "979-10-" in addition to the nearly full "978-2-" prefix (onto which legacy 10-character ISBNs starting with "2-" have been remapped).
Cyberattack Protection: SQL injection is a type of attack used to exploit bad coding practices in applications that use relational databases. The attacker uses the application to send a SQL statement that is composed from an application statement concatenated with an additional statement that the attacker introduces.HOWTO Secure and Audit Oracle 10g and 11g, Ron Ben Natan, Ph.D., CRC Press, 2009 Many application developers compose SQL statements by concatenating strings and do not use prepared statement; in this case the application is susceptible to a SQL injection attack. The technique transforms an application SQL statement from an innocent SQL call to a malicious call that can cause unauthorized access, deletion of data, or theft of information. One way that DAM can prevent SQL injection is by monitoring the application activity, generating a baseline of “normal behavior”, and identifying an attack based on a divergence from normal SQL structures and normal sequences.
The tropical semiring is an algebraic structure on the real numbers in which addition takes the usual place of multiplication, and minimization takes the usual place of addition. This combination of the two operations of addition and minimization comes up naturally, for instance, in the shortest path problem, where concatenating paths causes their distances to be added and where the shortest of two parallel paths is the one with minimum length, and where some shortest path algorithms can be interpreted as tropical matrix multiplication. Tropical geometry applies the machinery of algebraic geometry to this system by defining polynomials using addition and minimization in place of multiplication and addition (yielding piecewise linear functions), and studying the "roots" of these polynomials, the breakpoints where they fail to be linear. The field is named after the Brazilian adopted home of one of its pioneering researchers, Imre Simon.
The EUI-64 is an identifier that is formed by concatenating the 24-bit OUI with a 40-bit extension identifier that is assigned by the organization that purchased the OUI – the resulting identifier is generally represented as a set of octets separated by dashes (hexadecimal notation) or colons (bit-reversed notation) as in FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF or FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, as a string of 8 bytes as in {FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF}, or as a base 16 number as in FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF16. Note: According to the IEEE guidelines, the first four digits of the organizationally assigned identifier (i.e., the first four digits of the extension identifier) portion of an EUI-64 “shall not be FFFE16 or FFFF16” (i.e., EUI-64 identifiers of the form and are not allowed) – this is to support the encapsulation of EUI-48 (FFFE16) and MAC-48 (FFFF16) values into EUI-64 values (though now the encapsulation is deprecated).
It is proposed that the first protein named pF(1) obtained the energy to support the RNA World by a thermal variation of F(1) ATP synthase's binding change mechanism. It is further proposed that this pF(1) was the single translation product during the emergence of the genetic machinery. During thermal cycling pF(1) condensed many substrates with broad specificity, yielding NTPs and randomly constituted protein and RNA libraries that contained self-replicating RNA. The smallness of pF(1) permitted the emergence of the genetic machinery by selection of RNA that increased the fraction of pF(1)s in the protein library: (1) an amino acids concatenating progenitor of rRNA bound to (2) a chain of 'positional tRNAs' linked by mutual recognition, and yielded a pF(1) (or its main motif); this positional tRNA set gradually evolved to a set of regular tRNAs functioning according to the genetic code, with concomitant emergence of (3) an mRNA coding for pF(1).
If Γ is a quiver, then a path in Γ is a sequence of arrows an an−1 ... a3 a2 a1 such that the head of ai+1 is the tail of ai for i = 1, ..., n−1, using the convention of concatenating paths from right to left. If K is a field then the quiver algebra or path algebra KΓ is defined as a vector space having all the paths (of length ≥ 0) in the quiver as basis (including, for each vertex i of the quiver Γ, a trivial path e_i of length 0; these paths are not assumed to be equal for different i), and multiplication given by concatenation of paths. If two paths cannot be concatenated because the end vertex of the first is not equal to the starting vertex of the second, their product is defined to be zero. This defines an associative algebra over K. This algebra has a unit element if and only if the quiver has only finitely many vertices.
There are various ways to associate a word (in the sense of combinatorics, i. e., a finite sequence of elements of an alphabet—here the set of positive integers) to every Young tableau. We choose the one apparently most popular: We associate to every Young tableau T the word obtained by concatenating the rows of T from the bottom row to the top row. (Each row of T is seen as a word simply by reading its entries from left to right, and we draw Young tableaux in English notation so that the longest row of a straight-shape tableau appears at the top.) This word will be referred to as the reading word, or briefly as the word, of T. It can then be shown that two skew semistandard tableaux T and S are jeu-de-taquin equivalent if and only if the reading words of T and S are Knuth equivalent.
The first step in every implementation of the C standard library function for concatenating strings is determining the length of the first string by checking each character to see whether it is the terminating null character. Next, the second string is copied to the end of the first. In Spolsky's example, the "Schlemiels" occur when multiple strings are concatenated together: strcat( buffer, "John" ); // Here, the string "John" is appended to the buffer strcat( buffer, "Paul" ); // Now the string "Paul" is appended to that strcat( buffer, "George" ); // ... and "George" is appended to that strcat( buffer, "Ringo" ); // ... and "Ringo" is appended to that After "Paul" has been appended to "John", the length of "JohnPaul" (or, more precisely, the position of the terminating null character) is known within the scope of `strcat()` but is discarded upon the end of function. Afterwards, when `strcat()` is told to append "George" to "JohnPaul", `strcat()` starts at the very first character of "JohnPaul" (which is "J") all over again just to find the terminating null character.
The second case reduces to the first by splitting the string at the split point to create two new leaf nodes, then creating a new node that is the parent of the two component strings. For example, to split the 22-character rope pictured in Figure 2.3 into two equal component ropes of length 11, query the 12th character to locate the node K at the bottom level. Remove the link between K and G. Go to the parent of G and subtract the weight of K from the weight of D. Travel up the tree and remove any right links to subtrees covering characters past position 11, subtracting the weight of K from their parent nodes (only node D and A, in this case). Finally, build up the newly orphaned nodes K and H by concatenating them together and creating a new parent P with weight equal to the length of the left node K. As most rope operations require balanced trees, the tree may need to be re-balanced after splitting.
If the application software in use does not provide the ability to handle integers of this size, the modulo operation can be performed in a piece-wise manner (as is the case with the UN CEFACT TBG5 Javascript program). Piece-wise calculation can be done in many ways. One such way is as follows: # Starting from the leftmost digit of D, construct a number using the first 9 digits and call it N.231 is approximately equal to , making it possible for any 9-digit integer to be handled using 32 bit integer arithmetic # Calculate N mod 97. # Construct a new 9-digit N by concatenating above result (step 2) with the next 7 digits of D. If there are fewer than 7 digits remaining in D but at least one, then construct a new N, which will have less than 9 digits, from the above result (step 2) followed by the remaining digits of D # Repeat steps 2–3 until all the digits of D have been processed The result of the final calculation in step 2 will be D mod 97 = N mod 97.

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