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23 Sentences With "communicability"

How to use communicability in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "communicability" and check conjugation/comparative form for "communicability". Mastering all the usages of "communicability" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In a third group, there were works by Alina Glazoun and Alexey Rumin, which only indirectly referred to surrealism or magic, instead addressing questions of language and communicability that Zhuravlev wanted to raise.
In all of this, they have kept kids calm, explained the ins and outs of virus communicability, while answering questions and taking phone calls from increasingly confused, worried, and in some cases frantic parents.
Public Culture 17(1):75-100. (in press). Communicability, Racial Discourse, and Disease. Annual Review of Anthropology 34.
The presence of false membranes in one form of mammitis in cows does not necessarily imply its communicability to man.
The communicability period lasts until the infected person has been treated and all infected body surfaces and surrounding environment have been disinfested.
His translation of some Upanishads and Puranas in Hindi and English show his command over both languages. In these translations, he has taken care of the communicability of the language to the common people without causing any compromise with their poetic and philosophical heights and depths.
Shors p. 170 Incubation periods for viral diseases range from a few days to weeks, but are known for most infections.Shors pp. 170–72 Somewhat overlapping, but mainly following the incubation period, there is a period of communicability—a time when an infected individual or animal is contagious and can infect another person or animal.
This led them to favor the idea that "opportunities for transmission are prominent within the classroom". Indeed, their data suggest that classrooms synchronize in terms of infestation status. In contrast, Janis Hootman suggests that school communicability is low. In 1998 she found that infestations within American classrooms were restricted to a minority of chronically infested students.
It is unlikely that linguistic factors are the sole component to differences in color perception across cultures. The culture differences in color naming and color perception can be extended to nonlinguistic factors. Color in the environment determines the language individuals of that group use in colloquial conversation. Thus, the communicability scores of color categories depends partly on the language, and even more so on the salient objects in the environment.
Evaluating immediate exclusion policies is difficult, because the communicability of head lice in school settings has not been carefully studied. This has not, however, prevented authors from confidently asserting their opinion: Two studies have noted clustering of head louse infestation by classroom. However, the authors differ in their interpretation of this clustering. In 1997, Richard Speare and Petra Buettner noted prevalence ranges of 0% to 72.2% across classrooms in the same grade (3rd) and in the same Australian school.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) breaks biological agents into three categories: Category A, Category B, and Category C. Category A agents pose the greatest threat to the U.S. Criteria for being a Category "A" agent include high rates of morbidity and mortality; ease of dissemination and communicability; ability to cause a public panic; and special action required by public health officials to respond. Category A agents include anthrax, botulism, plague, smallpox, tularemia, and viral hemorrhagic fevers.
Since 1977, the Resaca area has been the home of the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension, housed in the former midcentury modern hilltop residence purchased from the late Thurman Chitwood, local entrepreneur and ordained minister in the Church of Christ. The monastery is the only Orthodox Christian monastery in the state of Georgia. At one time it offered hospice to those afflicted with AIDS. Local detractors, with unfounded fears of casual communicability of AIDS, unsuccessfully sought to have its permitting revoked.
This was for a unique video lecturing system the college was initially planned to have, that relies on the use of closed circuit television for teaching purposes. The system grabbed international media attention, and was complimented in the 1967 edition of Time. However, the video lecturing system was abandoned after it was condemned for the lack of communicability of students with instructors. In 1972, the campus was reorganized as a separately governed division of the university's Faculty of Arts and Science, developing its own curriculum.
In epidemiology, particularly in the discussion of infectious disease dynamics (mathematical modeling of disease spread), the infectious period is the time interval during which a host (individual or patient) is infectious, i.e. capable of directly or indirectly transmitting pathogenic infectious agents or pathogens to another susceptible host. The infectious period can start before, during or after the onsent of symptoms, and it may stop before or after the symptoms stop showing. It is also known in the literature as the infective period, the period of infectiousness or the period of communicability.
The quintet is notable for its texture balance and transparency. It is a relatively simple work, the realisation, inspiration and communicability qualities of which can be appreciated from the first listening. Oswald's affiliation with the German school is apparent, with echoes of Schumann and Mendelssohn, especially in the first and last movement respectively. On the other hand, the harmonies of the first movement's development section already show the composer approaching the style of Fauré and the French school, an inclination that will become more clear in his future works.
So, the process is in fact one of communication about communication, or metacommunication. Semiotic engineering has two methods to evaluate the quality of metacommunication in HCI: the semiotic inspection method (SIM) and the communicability evaluation method (CEM). In the 2009 book Semiotic Engineering Methods for Scientific Research in HCI, Clarisse de Souza and Carla Leitão discuss how SIM and CEM, which are both qualitative methods, can also be used in scientific contexts to generate new knowledge about Souza, C.S.; Leitão, C.F. (2009) Semiotic Engineering Methods for Scientific Research in HCI.
Father Damien saw the difficulty of those afflicted by leprosy and was called to help them even though he was aware of the diseases communicability. He traveled regularly back to other island to report his work at Kalaupapa to the Catholic Diocese of Hawaii and miraculously did not catch leprosy for decades. Eventually, however, the signs of leprosy were spotted by the Diocese during one of his reports and he returned to Kalaupapa permanently. He provided the colony with support of all kinds until his death of leprosy a year later.
In a historically early instance of biowarfare, Siemienowicz sponsored the firing of artillery containing the saliva of rabid dogs during a 1650 battle. While the success of this experiment is unknown, it demonstrated an educated guess about the disease's communicability that was not confirmed until the 18th century. It was popular warfare in ancient times to catapult a deadly disease using infected cadaver or its parts to the enemy and one of the most popular example of it is Genghis Khan's war against besieged Chinese cities, where he catapulted dead bodies infected with plague into cities.
The application allows for a comparison of the methodology with that of human experts in the field and how the results are in agreement with a panel of social media experts. In neuroscience, it is found that Katz centrality correlates with the relative firing rate of neurons in a neural network. The temporal extension of the Katz centrality is applied to fMRI data obtained from a musical learning experiement in where data is collected from the subjects before and after the learning process. The results show that the changes to the network structure over the musical exposure created in each session a quantification of the cross communicability that produced clusters in line with the success of learning.
Among the peculiar characteristics of his works emerge vitality, expressiveness and communicability, both in the portraits anchored to the tradition Baroque like the Polo Querini of 1684 (Querini Stampalia Foundation, Venice) and in the most simplified ones. His characters emerge from the shadows although described to the smallest detail, showy with their showy and festive attires. Del 1675 is the first Self-portrait (Civici Musei, Galleria d'Arte Antica, Udine), characterized by a marked introspective vein and free from the embellishments typical of the official portrait which had made it famous to Venice. Portrait of Isabella del Sera, around 1671 One of his many followers was Fra' Galgario (Giuseppe Vittore Ghislandi) who spent a decade in Venice and had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with Bombelli.
Hence, this resulted in narrowing down the list to 6 well-established rating systems and 2 Energy standards. The six rating systems were BREEAM from the UK, CASBEE from Japan, CEPAS from Hong Kong, Green Globes from Canada, LEED from the USA, and the International SBTool, where the Energy standards were CEN-ISO developed in Europe and ASHRAE from the USA. Stage (III) of the development process began with a thorough review analysis of the selected frameworks. Criteria were established to rate the credibility and effectiveness of the 6 chosen systems methods and structures. Using the Pacific Northwest Laboratory’s Sustainable Building Rating Systems Summary as a guideline, each of the 6 systems were reviewed using the criteria of Development, Usability, System Maturity, Technical Content, Measurability & Verification, and Communicability.
Estrada has been a major contributor in the area of study of complex network, where he has developed several approaches to investigate the structure and dynamics of such systems. An index introduced by him in 1999 to characterise the degree of folding of proteins, and then generalised to the study of complex networks in 2005, has eventually become the Estrada index of a graph or network, and it is the subject of intensive research in mathematics and other fields. Estrada is also known in the field of spectral graph theory where he has introduced several approaches to characterise the organizational architecture of complex networks, such as the "subgraph centrality", "communicability", "spectral scaling", "golden spectral graphs", etc. Estrada is also known in the area of Mathematical Chemistry, in particular to the development and use of molecular descriptors based on the use of Graph Theory.
What scientific objectivity requires is, not denial of the first-person subjective point of view, but rather a means of communicating inter-subjectively about what one can grasp only from that point of view. Given the relational structure first-person phenomena like qualia appear to exhibit – a structure that, Carnap devoted great effort to elucidating – such a means seems available: we can communicate what we know about qualia in terms of their structural relations to one another. Dennett’s position rests on a failure to see that qualia being essentially subjective is fully compatible with their being relational or non-intrinsic, and thus communicable. This communicability ensures that claims about qualia are epistemologically objective, that is, they can in principle be grasped and evaluated by all competent observers, even though they are claims about phenomena that are arguably not metaphysically objective, that is, they are about entities that exist only as grasped by a subject of experience.

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