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438 Sentences With "commented upon"

How to use commented upon in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "commented upon" and check conjugation/comparative form for "commented upon". Mastering all the usages of "commented upon" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Less commented upon is the show's representation of other species.
"I always find it surprising when that gets commented upon," Mr. Knight said.
So the company is going to favor material that is shared and commented upon.
This fact is frequently commented upon on labels in both European and American museums today.
Much less commented upon are the substantial benefits that established businesses obtain from the government.
It&aposs frequently narrated and commented upon by the real guys whose story the film is based on.
Grassley also commented upon the impact the next election could have on Trump's goal to reshape the judiciary.
Very old age, if commented upon, is presented as if it were a kind of extreme sports competition.
At least they are making a project of their lives, a measurable project that can be liked or commented upon.
The impropriety of the rhetoric and the frankly unsettling mob-like mentality that inspired it have been widely commented upon already.
To be sure, though, the rule has changed from what the public commented upon in the early stage of the process.
There is something here I might liken to satire, perhaps, in which the subject matter is being commented upon through its inclusion.
The government has never acknowledged nor commented upon the event — which resulted in upwards of 300 deaths as troops forcibly suppressed student-led protests.
The Many Hats of Ralph Arnold: Art, Identity & Politics showcases the Black, gay artist's 6003s photocollages, which commented upon mass media portrayals of sexuality and race.
As someone at a media company who follows a lot of journalists, snarkily commented-upon screenshots of Facebook Trending headlines were a periodic source of delight.
On issue after issue, we are seeing grassroots movements activate and coalesce in demanding change, and yet on this issue the status quo remains little commented upon.
Leaders from both countries also commented upon trade ties, and announced the signing of around $250 billion in commercial deals between U.S. and Chinese companies, according to Reuters.
This, of course, happens all the time—it's pretty much the entire point of late-night TV interviews—but even talk-show interviews can be commented upon in real-time.
Just over a month ago, it was widely commented upon when President Obama and Donald Trump managed to sit through a brief White House pool spray without coming to blows.
His use of slang and accents from various countries—especially the Toronto/UK slang with roots in the Caribbean—has been much commented-upon, but suddenly it all makes sense.
Reporters only glimpsed him fleetingly, as he stepped out of his Secret Service SUV to offer his distinctive gesture: a wave from his much-commented-upon hands becomes a thumbs up.
" This March, when National Beverage released a dismal third-quarter earnings report for 2018, it did so with this widely commented-upon explanation: "We are truly sorry for these results stated above.
It was amusingly Trumpian — Donald Trump often expresses admiration for things Donald Trump does or owns — but it was also revealing of some of his less commented-upon but more unsettling qualities.
More generally, video content is "among the most shared and commented-upon content on the web," said Mr. Winkler, who expects videos will now be given priority over text posts on Facebook.
But to help you out with a somewhat daunting shopping process, we put the following VPNs through a speed test, posted screenshots of their user interface, and commented upon their ease-of-use.
The Chinese government has never acknowledged nor commented upon the events that took place in Tiananmen on June 4, 1989 — which resulted in upwards of 300 deaths as troops forcibly suppressed student-led protests.
She feels she can't leave her house in Lagos without dressing up, because she might be commented upon, and she is not wrong: when she appeared on television with natural hair, it was an event.
"Miss Savage's creation stands in a niche at the focal point of the building front and is commented upon by practically everyone who passes," wrote the journalist Lillian Johnson in The Afro-American, a Baltimore newspaper.
Her life, her legal tactics, her appearance and her persona were explored, examined, celebrated, ridiculed, dissected and commented upon routinely and in microscopic detail throughout the course of the trial, as much as the celebrity plaintiff himself.
The movie begins with some interesting relationship dynamics, from the commented-upon age gap between the central couple to the sacrifices made and slights endured to mollify a partner so committed to and protective of his craft.
"To my knowledge today, neither Mr. Alefantis, nor his restaurant, Comet Ping Pong, were involved in any human trafficking as was part of the theories about Pizzagate that were being written about in many media outlets and which we commented upon," Jones said.
Linda Greenhouse Here's a possible solution to the most commented-upon mystery growing out of the Supreme Court's argument this week in a case of crucial importance to the future of public employee unions: Why did the normally loquacious Justice Neil M. Gorsuch stay silent?
"To my knowledge today, neither Mr. Alefantis, nor his restaurant Comet Ping Pong, were involved in any human trafficking, as was part of the theories about Pizzagate that were being written about in many media outlets and which we commented upon," Mr. Jones said.
In almost any other forum, any other context in the international art world, the work would have been shown, left alone, and gone the way of a thousand others: commented upon by an elite of collectors and critics, then bought and stored in some climate-controlled closet.
Seeing Doctor Manhattan's "lower Manhattan," shouldn't really a big deal to the reader and it's not much commented upon within the series itself, since Watchmen is steadfastly about morality and the power behind politics — not the kind of a story with time for crass dick jokes.
But the Trump-Clinton debate, Berger knew, would present one of the biggest challenges of his relatively short satirical career: An internationally televised primetime showdown that would be viewed and commented upon by a huge audience, meaning extra pressure for Berger to come up with a must-watch response.
Joseph Biden's Democrats did not propose any such thing in 1992; the much-commented upon position that Senator Biden adopted in the final months of George Bush's administration was that the nomination and confirmation process should take place after the partisanship of the campaign season had ended, not after the next president's inauguration.
We also relied on accounts of reporters who are no longer with us… To my knowledge today, neither Mr. Alefantis, nor his restaurant Comet Ping Pong, were involved in any human trafficking as was part of the theories about Pizzagate that were being written about in the media outlets and which we commented upon.
One of the challenges and the thrills of it is the slippery style of the play: We go kind of without transition from a Brechtian theater, in which the emotional climax of the scene is broken and commented upon, into absurdist drama with lines like "Have you milked the mammoth?" into this dark domestic family tragedy.
"She smiled and stepped in front of the painting and took David by the hand," the photographer said of a gentle image that, posted on Valentine's Day to the gallery's Instagram account, quickly went on to garner more than two million impressions and to be liked and reposted and commented upon by people as disparate as Josh Groban, Lana Del Rey and members of the British Parliament.
The similarity if the name ending "-varman" with that of the rulers of the Pallava dynasty has been commented upon since discovery.
Verlaine's first published collection, Poèmes saturniens (1866), though adversely commented upon by Sainte-Beuve, established him as a poet of promise and originality.
This feature was commented upon by William Stroudley. In 1851, Crampton started the Broadstairs Gasworks, overseeing the construction and financing much of the works.
To date the position paper has been widely commented upon, both on national Israeli television and in a number of Israeli and Palestinian financial publications.
Curtis, p. 157 She was the last British sovereign to veto a parliamentary bill, although her action was barely commented upon at the time.Curtis, p. 157; Gregg, p.
Grigorescu, pp. 432-433 Notably, in 1924, the editors chose to illustrate an issue with a print by the proto-Expressionist Edvard Munch, commented upon by Tudor Vianu.
The oldest extant commentary on this work is a Sanskrit commentary (Dipika or 'Elucidation') by Sri Vidyaranya. This work has been repeatedly translated and commented upon in other languages.
Giovanni Andrea Scartazzini, was a Protestant pastor and Italian-Swiss literary critic, best known for having translated into German and commented upon the Divine Comedy and the life of its author, Dante Alighieri.
He is noted to have commented, upon meeting Picasso who, at the time, was wearing his trademark workmen's clothes, that even though the man was a genius, that did not excuse his uncouth appearance.
In grammar, a content clause is a subordinate clause that provides content implied or commented upon by its main clause. The term was coined by Danish linguist Otto Jespersen. They are also known as noun clauses.
The sculpture was also displayed in 2000 at an exhibition entitled "Under the Sign of the Cross: Creative Expressions of Christianity in Canada" at the Canadian Museum of Civilization in 2000, when the controversy was again commented upon.
Suicide Note His grave is at Aoyama Cemetery in Tokyo. The story was soon sensationalized in contemporary newspapers, and was commented upon by the famed writer Natsume Sōseki, an English teacher at Fujimura's high school. Later Sōseki wrote on his death in Kusamakura.
Low's cartoon Rendezvous Political cartoons produced during World War II by both Allied and Axis powers commented upon the events, personalities and politics of the war. Governments used them for propaganda and public information. Individuals expressed their own political views and preferences.
Despite the lack of documentation about Bonasone's life, historians have recognized and commented upon his art. Together with Rota, Ghisi, the Scultori and Caraglio, he was among the leading sixteenth-century engravers, and is mentioned in even the most general histories of engravings.
One reason for the Sānatsujātiya's importance is that it was commented upon by Adi Shankara,Johannes Buitenen (1978). The Mahābhārata (vol. 3). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. the preeminent expositor of Advaita Vedanta, and one of the most important Hindu sages, philosophers, and mystics.
Police have not commented upon any similarities, but said that any surviving forensic evidence will be rechecked. Although DNA had been used to rule out a previous suspect, detectives believe a DNA link to Tobin is unlikely due to a deterioration of the samples through poor storage.
Hybrida was a candidate for censorship around 45; his character and support from Mark Antony, however, doomed his candidacy. The final mention of Hybrida during his life comes from Cicero who commented upon Mark Antony's divorce from Antonia Hybrida Major and the insult this conferred upon Hybrida himself.
India: The Giant Awakens, by Manoher V. Sonalker. Published by Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, 2007. . Page 333 Meanwhile, as the criminal trial dragged on, in 2003, a presiding judge commented upon the repeated requests (for adjournment) as being intended to delay the case.Smokescreen after the fire Indian Express, 5 September 2004.
The work has been commented upon by modern historians for its vision of English and Norman unity against the alleged barbarism from the Scots and Galwegians.Thomas, English and the Normans, p. 65, n. 44. According to Gransden it survives in only one manuscript, the famous Corpus Christi College Cambridge MS. 139.
One of the most commented-upon scenes in the film is when Brian tells his followers that they are all individuals and don’t need to follow anybody. According to Edward Slowik, this is a rare moment in which Monty Python puts a philosophical concept into words so openly and directly.
Abu Muqri (or Miqra) Mohammed ibn Ali al-Battiwi (fl. 1331) was a Moroccan astronomer who wrote a poem (urzaja) on the calendar, astronomy and the determination of the hours of prayer. It has been commented upon by o.a. Abd al-Rahman al-Jadiri (1375–1416) and Al-Qalasadi (1412–1487).
At this meeting, Lusk and ruling elders Nathan Johnston and Thomas Steele were appointed to form a committee to report on "our ecclesiastical relations." On June 3, the initial report was read and commented upon. On June 4, the amended report was adopted. It offers some introductory remarks regarding the Church.
"Painting against the tide". The Age. Meldrum blamed social decadence for artists' exaggerated interest in colour over tone and proportion. Beckett's painting however represents a departure from Meldrum's strict principles which dictated that tone should take precedence over colour, as commented upon in a newspaper critique of her 1931 solo exhibition.
It was commented upon copiously: by John Scotus Erigena, Hadoard, Alexander Neckham, and Remigius of Auxerre.For a digital edition of the glosses in Carolingian manuscripts of Martianus Capella, see Teeuwen (2008) and Isépy & Posselt (2010). In the eleventh century the German monk Notker Labeo translated the first two books into Old High German.
Menéame is a Spanish social news website based on community participation, made for users to discover and share content on the Internet, by submitting links, which are voted and commented upon. Its model is based on Digg and it combines social bookmarking, blogging and Web syndication with a publication system without editors.
The book includes the effort for peace that fails, followed by the effort to prepare for the great war—the Kurukshetra War. Viduraniti, a theory of leadership, is embedded in Udyoga Parva (Chapters 33–40). The Sanatsujatiya, a text commented upon by Adi Shankara, is contained within the Udyoga Parva (Chapters 41–46).
Gaiman's work is known for a high degree of allusiveness.See particularly Rodney Sharkey, James Fleming, and Zuleyha Cetiner-Oktem's articles in ImageTexT's special issue on Gaiman's work: . Dr. Meredith Collins, for instance, has commented upon the degree to which his novel Stardust depends on allusions to Victorian fairy tales and culture.Collins, Meredith.
Catharina Questiers married at the age of 34, which was relatively unusual at the time. Artists who painted her commented upon her appearance. Van De Vondel calls Catharina the “clean katheryn”. However, Constantijn Huygens offers a contrasting opinion; in a letter he writes that she was ‘the big fat one in Amsterdam’.
Some critics such as Jane Kallir have commented upon Schiele's work as being grotesque, erotic, pornographic, or disturbing, focusing on sex, death, and discovery. He focused on portraits of others as well as himself. In his later years, while he still worked often with nudes, they were done in a more realist fashion.
The absence of character interaction in Myst and Riven was commented upon in reviews. Adventure Gamers called the lack of characters a bad element of the games. Conversely, Laura Miller of Salon called the isolation a distinctive and welcome touch. In comparison to contemporary games, the deep solitude allowed the player to focus on puzzles.
Aspects of social life in England are commented upon at length including their dress codes, gender roles, separation of domestic and work spheres, and the very charitable nature of the English who care for orphans and needy through volunteer social associations. Other covered topics include the education of elites, newspapers, the parliament, and military organization.
Timeline and brief explanations of historical events commented upon in the poems of Abol Tabol. In analytical literature since 2017, the poems in Abol Tabol have been plotted on a timeline and compared with contemporaneous events, research having yielded plausible connections between historical events and the commentary and satire hidden in many of the poems.
In the social inclusion OMC some funds were made available for NGOs and consequently its "inclusive" approach to civil society has been favourably commented upon. However, this is not necessarily the case for other OMCs. According to FEANTSA (2005), the Pensions OMC is more closed and involves mainly the Commission and national civil servants.
The Victorian culture is often cited as the best example of this hypocrisy. Various 20th century philosophers (viz. J.J.C. Smart, David Kellogg Lewis, D.M. Armstrong) have commented upon the meaning of pain and what it can tell us about the nature of human experiences. Pain has also been the subject of various socio- philosophical treatises.
He awakens to find himself buried alive, and suffocates while imagining himself finally to be reunited with Saskia. In the epilogue it is revealed that several newspapers commented upon Rex's mysterious disappearance and its eerie similarity to Saskia's. Their fates are never discovered; it is as if they vanished from the face of the earth.
It is now also known from Sri Lanka. There are several races of the common iora that may appear similar to this species: Salim Ali collected a specimen in the Biligirirangan Hills which was commented upon by Hugh Whistler:Ali, S. (1942) Birds of Mysore. J. Bombay. Nat. Hist. Soc. 43(3):318-341 (p.
In 1997, Hargate began costuming the Miss America pageant itself. Later in his career, Hargate also dressed celebrities for special events. He dressed Annie Potts, Kim Basinger, Barbara Mandrell, Ethel Merman and Mary Tyler Moore for various awards shows. For the 1992 Academy Awards, his dress for Geena Davis was widely commented upon (and criticized).
In 1972 he published a materialist analysis of Hegel that was translated and commented upon by Alain Badiou. In opposition to the Idealist System,Hegelian Contradiction was interpreted in light of the theory of One Divides Into Two. Since the 1970s he has written works in dialogue with the broader stream of Continental Philosophy, including Husserl and Derrida.
Annual Review of Anthropology. Vol. 19 (1990), pp. 59-88 but can be seen any time acts, things, or people are held up and commented upon or otherwise set apart for consideration. In researching cultural practices reflexivity plays important role but because of its complexity and subtlety it often goes under- investigated or involves highly specialized analyses.
Chapman was subsequently rescued, but died the following day. After an hour Gibbon tried to escape but broke his lamp and in the darkness was blocked by a roof fall. He was eventually rescued. That, although significant damage was done, some of the men neither heard nor felt and shock was commented upon in newspaper reports.
The cast featured numerous British celebrities in cameo roles, which was commented upon by several reviewers. The Metro commented that "no one emerges unscathed among the cameo-packed cast that reads largely like a roll-call for Brit TV legends you'd previously suspected deceased".Run for Your Wife – 'As funny as leprosy' The Independent (London), 30th January 2015.
Trueman, p. 294. C. L. R. James, when describing the batsmanship of Wilton St Hill, commented upon St Hill's ability to judge the ball early in its flight and so quickly decide which stroke to play. In James's view, only Don Bradman and Sobers were comparable with St Hill in having this capability of "seeing" the ball.James, p. 109.
ACPOS evolved to be the strategic body which oversaw and co-ordinated all aspects of the direction and development of policing in Scotland. It commented upon police reform, published policies, campaigned on issues of importance, and worked in partnership with central and local government to set strategic objectives and deliver better integrated services for Scotland's communities.
The Commission commented upon, approved or disapproved, the papers being written on the chosen topics. The completed report of the Commission (respecting President Eisenhower's request that its efforts be non-partisan) was sent to the president on November 16, 1960. The Report was published by Prentice Hall on December 12, 1960 in both paperback and hardbound editions.American Assembly (1960).
Learning abstract concepts of mathematics is perceived to depend on a solid base of knowledge of the tools of the subject. Thus, these people believe that rote learning is an important part of the learning process.Preliminary Report, National Mathematics Advisory Panel, January, 2007 Eugène Ionesco commented upon rote learning in his play "The Lesson".Ionesco, Eugène.
Most notably, according to B.R. Modak, Sayana wrote commentaries on the Taittirīya texts (and others). According to N. Sharva, the Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa was also commented upon by Bhava Swāmī (circa 700 CE or earlier); Kauśika Bhaṭṭa Bhāskara Miśra (preceding and referred to by Sayana in the Nirukta and by Devarāja Yajvā in the Nighantu); and Rāmānḍara / Rāmāgnichitta.
Isaac al-Ḥadib compiled astronomical tables from those of Al-Rakkam, Al-Battam, and Ibn al-Kammad. Joseph ibn Wakkar (1357) drew up tables of the period 720 (Heg.); while Mordecai Comtino and Mattathia Delacrut commented upon the Persian and Paris tables respectively; the latter were commented upon also by Farissol Botarel. Abraham ibn Ezra translated Al-Mattani's Canons of the Khwarizmi Tables, and in his introduction tells a remarkable story of a Jew in India who helped Jacob ben Tarik to translate the Indian astronomical tables according to the Indian cycle of 432,000 years. Other tables were compiled by Jacob ben Makir, Emanuel ben Jacob, Jacob ben David ben Yom-Ṭob Poel (1361), Solomon ben Elijah (from the Persian tables), and Abraham Zacuto of Salamanca (about 1515).
On occasion his sartorial style is somewhat misguided such as in Mr. Moto Is So Sorry when he appears in black- and-white checked sports clothes with green and red golf stockings. When his outfits are commented upon, Mr. Moto makes excuses. In Stopover: Tokyo, he is said to have the imposing dignity of his samurai forebears when dressed in traditional Japanese clothing.
This attitude has been commented upon outside Africa as well. The environment following the war was thus one in which the European population was worried about civilian unrest. Fears that appear to have been stoked by an upsurge in political activity in the 1920s, notably Archdeacon Owen's "Piny Owacho" (Voice of the People) movement and Harry Thuku's "Young Kikuyu Association".
Meldrum also co-edited From Biped to Strider: The Emergence of Modern Human Walking with Charles E. Hilton. Meldrum, who is an "active member" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has also studied and commented upon issues of genetics and the Book of Mormon in his book "Who Are the Children of Lehi?", written with Trent D. Stephens.
The press of the day ignored the book, limiting its publication. As author, he was practically condemned to a civil death, as it was not even commented upon in the press, not even to criticize it. In 1912, he travelled to Bolivia as official envoy and ambassador, a post he maintained until his death. Saldías station in Buenos Aires is named after him.
The novel begins with the birth of Adolf Hitler and his early childhood. Huovinen describes the young Adolf as a rebellious child with a weak constitution, but with an intimidating gaze and vulgar speech. Also, his uncanny ability with a rifle is commented upon. Adolf eventually ends up as a vagrant in the streets of Vienna, selling mediocre watercolor paintings.
Her "sultry" looks and stylish wardrobe were often as much commented upon as the content of her speeches.Robert Playfair, "Polish Beauty Visitor Hailed as Best-Dressed" Daily Boston Globe (January 16, 1944): C1."Deweys Honor Envoy Leaving For Russia" Washington Post (November 1, 1941): 14. She also addressed an anniversary celebration for the Polish constitution in 1944, in Los Angeles.
There is very little information available concerning Weichardt. Her adult life was relatively short since she died at the age of twenty-nine. Her abilities in literature and music were commented upon by literary editors during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Her initial interest in music developed when she was a child living in Kassel with her parents.
Thoumine, p. 44 The blade profile is similar to some examples of the Indian tulwar, and expert opinion has commented upon this.Robson, p.23. The British sword is similar to some tulwars in the widening of the blade near the tip, which is gradual and does not incorporate a step as is found in the yelman of the Turkish kilij.
Besides the editions already mentioned, Casaubon published and commented upon Persius, Suetonius, Aeschylus, and the Scriptores Historiae Augustae. The edition of Polybius, on which he had spent vast labour, he left unfinished. His most ambitious work was his revision of the text of the Deipnosophistae of Athenaeus, with commentary. The Theophrastus perhaps exhibits his most characteristic excellences as a commentator.
B. was pregnant. According to Whaley, upon being told that she was pregnant, she replied in disbelief, saying "If it had been in my right side I would come nearer believing you are correct." From this comment, physicians determined that Corbin preferred intercourse in the right side, and this fact was commented upon in several subsequent reports.Gould, George, and Walter Pyle.
It was designed to move with the wind and weather conditions. Architectural Digest commented upon the work, calling it a "mesmerizing kinetic sculpture comprising hundreds of silver streamers" that would "[leave] passersby feeling as if they’re strolling beneath the sea’s rolling waves". Los Angeles Magazine also remarked on the installation, which they felt "[brought] a little delight to an urban eyesore".
Abhinava Chandrika is a commentary on Tattva Prakasika by Jayatirtha, which in turn is a commentary on Madhva's Brahma Sutra Bhashya (which is a bhashya or a commentary on Badarayana's Brahma Sūtras). It is his magnum opus which runs to 12,500 stanzas. It is not in continuation of Tatparya Chandrika but an independent gloss, covering those portions (ch. I-II) commented upon by Vyasatirtha.
Miriello remarked that Seidel's review was more interested in Seidel than the book itself and that it was "gallingly condescending" and "often inadequate." The New Republic in turn commented upon Miriello's response, suggesting that Seidel's opinions might have been more based upon differences in cultures between New York and the west coast. The Flamethrowers was a finalist for the 2013 National Book Award.National Book Awards - 2013.
The event was not commented upon in the press and his interview with a local reporter showed his disappointment at people's reactions. It contained also a quite subversive reference to Constantin Virgil Gheorghiu's book The 25th Hour, a novel that had been published in French translation in 1949, and had inspired Carlo Ponti's film (1967) directed by Henri Verneuil and starring Anthony Quinn and Virna Lisi.
Another feature of "Touch Me I'm Sick" that has been commented upon is Arm's vocals. Huey refers to them as a "hysterical screech", and "snarling, demonic howls". Similarly, the music writer Sleazegrinder compares Arm's singing to "a gargly, half-mad howl, the panicky yelp of a rabid dog falling down a well".Sleazegrinder. "The Story Behind The Song: Mudhoney – Touch Me I'm Sick". Louder.
Najm ad-Dīn Abū r-Rabīʿ Sulaimān ibn ʿAbd al-Qawī at-Tūfī () was a Hanbali scholar and student of Ibn Taymiyyah. He referred to ibn Taymiyyah as "our sheikh." Most of his scholarship deals with Islamic legal theory and theology. His writings did not attract a large following of Hanbalis, though his Mukhtasar al-Rawdah has been commented upon up to the 16th century.
The visitors could listen to music, read poems by Rolf Dieter Brinkmann or watch the video Caligula. There were also posters by Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Klaus Kinski, Nina Hagen, and Oscar Wilde. Due to the increased media presence at the Berlin Biennale, Meese's work was also analyzed and commented upon at home and abroad. Kunstmagazine Art described the installation as a "labyrinth of sentimentalities".
Early in 2013, Nenshi's council suspended relations with the Calgary branch of the Canadian Home Builders' Association. The CHBA as a result was banned briefly from attending planning sessions. This action was conducted after the Calgary branch president Charron Ungar commented that the city was enacting a policy of "suburban freeze". Ungar commented upon a city plan which scheduled two suburb developments within 10 years.
When they reached the Nara naval base they noted down the Turkish ships and installations. Additionally, Moraitinis dropped four bombs, three falling into the sea and one on the ground near a hospital, but without inflicting any serious damage or casualties. This operation is regarded as the first naval-air operation in military history and was widely commented upon in both the Greek and international press.
The Biography. – Kenozerje (the regional Northern site). In 1859, arrested in Chernigov for contacts with the local Old Believers community (where he went to study the local history and literature, on Khomyakov's recommendation), Rybnikov was pronounced "a revolutionary" (the fact scathingly commented upon by Alexander Hertzen in Kolokol) and deported to Petrozavodsk. There he started the extensive study of the Northern Russia's folklore, culture and history.
In cases of haemorrhage it > should be administered with vinegar. It is used against complaints of the > spleen and kidneys, copious menstruation, also against poisons, and wounds > caused by serpents. Lemnian clay was shaped into tablets, or little cakes, and then distinctive seals were stamped into them, giving rise to its name terra sigillata—Latin for 'sealed earth'. Dioscorides also commented upon the use of terra sigillata.
Leontius Pilatus, or Leontius (Leonzio Pilato; died 1366) (Latin: Leontius Pilatus, Greek: Λεόντιος Πιλάτος, Leontios Pilatos, Italian: Leonzio Pilato), was a Calabrian scholar and was one of the earliest promoters of Greek studies in Western Europe. Leontius translated and commented upon works of Euripides, Aristotle and Homer including the Odyssey and the Iliad into Latin and was the first professor of Greek in western Europe.
The Asiatic Society of Bengal invited Tessitori to join its Linguistic Survey of India. He was tasked by Sir George Grierson to lead the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana. He arrived in 1914 and stayed in Rajputana for five years. He translated and commented upon the medieval chronicles and poems of Rajasthan, several of which he had earlier studied at Florence's national library.
According to Artnet, she has had paintings sold at Auction as early as 1989. Her paintings usually sell for upwards of €6,000 and even up to €20,000. Her work has been commented upon by Jean-Claude Marcadé and exposed in numerous galleries and museums throughout Europe (especially within France and Russia). Catherine Zoubtchenko is still active and continues to paint in her studio in Paris.
Critical reception for "Mindful" was positive; commentators praised Michelle's verses. An accompanying music video was released on March 10, 2017; in the video, Michelle argues with a group of women in a trailer park. Various critics commented upon its use of bright colors. Michelle performed the single as part of the VH1 special, A Night with K. Michelle, and at her album release party.
Eesti ajalugu VI. Tartu 2005. p. 199. The Estonian people regarded German occupation with greater bitterness than the previous 1917–1918 German occupation and were repelled by the implementation of the German race laws and the insouciant exploitation of the country's natural resources. One Dutch Nazi visiting Estonia in June 1942 commented upon the "chauvinist national consciousness" of the Estonian people and no genuine Germanophile could be found.
Wright, Suzanne "The Truman > Delusion" on WebMD The Truman Show Delusion could represent a further evolution in the content of persecutory delusions in reaction to a changing pop culture. > Because reality shows are so visible, it is an area that a patient can > easily incorporate into a delusional system. Such a person would believe > they are constantly being videotaped, watched, and commented upon by a large > TV audience.
The text of this work, together with that of the writings of the Geonim, particularly their responsa, was first revised and copied; then these writings were treated as a corpus juris, and were commented upon and studied both as a pious exercise in dialectics and from the practical point of view. There was no philosophy, no natural science, no belles-lettres, among the French Jews of this period.
The idea of food as it relates to culture has also been commented upon, with Vera Regan stating that Wah uses food as a way to connect his commentary to "tie him to his family, his culture, and his identity". Of the book's title, Pauline Butling described that being in the "Diamond Grill" meant to be in "[a] precious and yet contradictory space of interrogation, to be either 'colourless or tinted'".
"The House in Turk Street" is an early short story by Dashiell Hammett,, featuring the Continental Op. It was first published in Black Mask in April 1924. This story indicates Hammett was turning towards themes of increasing violence in his stories, and its savagery has been commented upon; particularly how it ends in a massacre. The story was loosely adapted into the film No Good Deed, directed by Bob Rafelson.
In one case, McNitt supported a crossover between the comic strips Joe Palooka and Dixie Dugan, a feat which was commented upon by Editor & Publisher. Their last success came with the comic strip Heathcliff, which they syndicated from the start in 1973 until the late 1980s. Heathcliff appeared in some 1,000 newspapers, and the McNaught Syndicate became the production company for a few Heathcliff movies, including Heathcliff: The Movie from 1986.
The five faults and eight antidotes are factors of samatha meditation identified in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. The five faults identify obstacles to meditation practice, and the eight antidotes are applied to overcome the five faults. This system originates with Maitreyanātha's Madhyānta-vibhāga and is elaborated upon in further texts, such as Kamalaśīla's Stages of Meditation (Bhāvanākrama). This formulation has been commented upon by generations of Tibetan commentators.
It was Essbaum's fifth collection of poetry overall. H.L. Hix wrote “one hears [in Harlot] Herbert and Wyatt and Donne, their parallax view of religion as sex and sex as religion … their fondling and squeezing of language.” Some of the more commented-upon poems in the collection are the title poem, "Heart", "Folie à Deux", "Ménage à Trois", "Bad Friday", and "Tryptych", which originally appeared in Coconut Eight.
There is perhaps > no painting of recent years which has been more favorably received and > commented upon wherever seen by artists, art critics, naval officers, and > the public generally than "Peace." Mr. Dean is an American artist who stands > high in the profession and has no superior as a maritime painter. He has > made a life study of the sea and sea craft. The painting is entirely > emblematic of peace.
Individual users and companies using the operating system act as donors, sponsors and partners of the distribution. Linux Mint relies on user feedback to make decisions and orient its development. The official blog often features discussions where users are asked to voice their opinion about the latest features or decisions implemented for upcoming releases. Ideas can be submitted, commented upon and rated by users via the Linux Mint Community Website.
However, none of her lines were cut. Instead, they were all shouted from offstage, and were often accompanied by her flinging objects at the on-stage performers. The fight with Petruchio was also commented upon by many reviewers as being extremely physical. Lunt and Fontanne were the most famous celebrity couple of the time, and their backstage fights were rumoured to be just as ferocious as their on-stage performances.
These texts have seen interpolations and revisions. For example, it is generally accepted now that the Jain nun Kanti inserted a 445-verse poem into Cīvaka Cintāmaṇi in the 12th century. The Tamil Jain literature, according to Dundas, has been "lovingly studied and commented upon for centuries by Hindus as well as Jains". The themes of two of the Tamil epics, including the Silapadikkaram, have an embedded influence of Jainism.
Though not one of Lowry's more popular young adult novels, the book and series did receive positive reviews upon release. Horn Book commented upon the novel stating "Anastasia Krupnik is one of the most intriguing female protagonists to appear in children's books since the advent of Harriet the Spy . . . Genuinely funny, the story is a marvelously human portrait of an articulate adolescent." It was awarded as an ALA Notable Book.
Upadesasahasri is divided into two parts – one is in metric verse and another is in prose. There are nineteen chapters (prakarana) in the verse (or Metrical Part (Padyabandha). The manuscript of this work indicates that the two parts (prose and verse) were regarded as independent works and studied or commented upon separately. Manuscript also suggests the possibility that any single chapter could be studied differently – apart from the rest.
Some critics have remarked that not all of the site's articles succeed as satire, and that its content lacks the linguistic invention of some other satirical works. The Daily Mash's stories are sometimes commented upon by other news publications. Acclaimed parodic coverage includes Jeremy Clarkson's much-publicised disparaging remarks aimed at Gordon Brown,Massie, Alex, Dubious Proposition Of The Day, The Spectator, 6 February 2009. Accessed 25 February 2009.
The sequence's popularity has resulted in makeover sequences becoming something of a trademark for Hathaway, whose characters have undergone similar transformations in subsequent films such as Ella Enchanted (2004), The Devil Wears Prada (2006) and Les Misérables (2012), with some media publications crowning her the "queen of makeover movies". The mint sorbet Mia consumes as a palate cleanser during the state dinner has frequently been commented upon in the media. Describing the dessert as "the element of the movie that has always stood out the most", Priya Krishna, a food writer for The Cut, reported that since the film's release, food bloggers have attempted to recreate the dessert and celebrities have commented upon it on social media, concluding, "nothing ... has been so simultaneously mystifying and fascinating to me as the palate cleanser in The Princess Diaries", crediting it with inspiring her career trajectory. Zimbio ranked the confection one of the "Top 20 Movie Desserts Of All Time".
The film is divided into five segments (the titular seasons), each segment depicting a stage in the life of a novice Buddhist monk and his older teacher. The segments are roughly ten to twenty years apart, and the action of each takes place during the season of its title. The story unfolds rather simply, but the implications of the characters' actions are silently commented upon by the presence of Buddhist symbols and iconography.
The circumscription of genera in Thymelaeaceae has always been especially difficult, and is to some degree artificial. For example, the difficulty of distinguishing Daphne from Wikstroemia has been commented upon by Rautenbach and Herber. Several small genera are probably embedded in Daphne or Wikstroemia, or if Daphne and Wikstroemia are intermingled, these small genera might be embedded in both simultaneously. Stellera, for example, is nested within Wikstroemia, at least (see the phylogenetic tree below).
This episode also begins to finally reveal who is behind the documentary. The episode received largely positive reviews from television critics; many praised Krasinski and Fischer for the dramatic fight at the end. Furthermore, the reveal of the camera crew was commented upon by many critics. The episode was viewed by 4.19 million viewers and received a 2.0/5 percent rating among adults between the ages of 18 and 49, ranking third in its timeslot.
Synagogue Beit El Jerusalem. Oriental Judaism has its own chain of Kabbalah The Kabbalah of the Sefardi (Iberian Peninsula) and Mizrahi (Middle East, North Africa, and the Caucasus) Torah scholars has a long history. Kabbalah in various forms was widely studied, commented upon, and expanded by North African, Turkish, Yemenite, and Asian scholars from the 16th century onward. It flourished among Sefardic Jews in Tzfat (Safed), Israel even before the arrival of Isaac Luria.
Monopoly Here & now: The world Edition iOS version Adam Sussman, VP Publishing Americas and Asia for EA Mobile, commented upon the game's announcement: "Our alliance with Hasbro continues to benefit EA Mobile customers with our ability to bring favorite popular board game properties to the mobile platform". The game was part of an expansion in the Spring of 2008, along with Trivial Pursuit, Risk, and Yahtzee Adventures, which saw new twists on classic Hasbro titles.
Family law is a constantly changing area of law. Shifts in societal values and changes in public policy are reflected in judicial decisions and legislative amendments in the family law arena. Contributors to the Journal have commented upon issues such as same-sex domestic partnerships, the relevance of race to child custody, the impact of domestic violence on child access, equality rights in adoption reform, and how father's rights relate to child support.
Her filmed scene was subsequently cut from broadcast in the final aired version of the episode. Show creator Chuck Lorre commented upon this in the vanity card at the end of the episode. He noted the inherent irony in that the episode itself dealt with character Penny's response when she learns her scene was cut from the television show NCIS. Lorre characterized Contursi as "a very pretty and very talented young actress".
An exact contemporary of Frederick B. Kiddle was the fine accompanist Samuel H. Liddle, closely associated with Elwes's friend and supporter Harry Plunket Greene, and composer of various songs popularised by Dame Clara Butt, including her much- recorded version of 'Abide with me'. The rhyme of their names and roles was often commented upon, not least in a short humorous verse by Harry Graham:H. Graham 1936. cf Elkin 1944, 116, and Moore 1966, 123.
" Academic Michael Klossner refers to it as a "clichéd, Jekyll/Hyde rip- off", but notes favorably "the beautiful mountain settings, the colorful rustics and [Stanley] Cortez's sharp b&w; photography." The Neanderthal Man mask was frequently commented upon. Ken Hanke says it was "an appalling over- the-head mask (with stylishly wavy hair) that looks exactly like what it is." Phil Hardy notes that the mask "didn't flex with [Wally Rose's] facial movements.
Over the course of 52 years, Dick represented six constituencies as a Member of Parliament, including one for the Parliament of Ireland. He was seen as "dandified and stiff, old-fashioned in dress as in politics" and his "lavishly illuminated" Mayfair dinners, leading to the nickname "Jolly Dick, the lamplighter"—commented upon by Benjamin Disraeli as unsuited to his habitual expression. Also known as "Carrotty Quintin" due to his wealth, Dick was unpopular.
Discs were played and then commented upon. Sometimes The Dougie Squires Dancers, which included the then unknown Una Stubbs, performed dance routines to the music, and sometimes Tony Hart would draw a relevant cartoon while the record played. The programme was originally broadcast on Mondays at 7:15pm and later moved to Thursdays. Due to its success it was a twice weekly show (the second a repeat), later expanding to half an hour.
Around the same time that the Republic was being composed, the playwright Aristophanes produced the play Assemblywomen. The state formed by the women in this play bears many similarities to the ideal government described by Plato. It is not discernible which was released first; most likely Aristophanes had heard an early form of the Republic before it was completed and used it as the basis for Assemblywomen. Certainly, the similarities have long been commented upon.
Finally, under the name "decretals" are known certain collections, containing especially, but not exclusively, pontifical decretals. These are the canonical collections of a later date than the "Decretum" of Gratian (about 1150). The commentators on these collections are named decretalists, in contradistinction to the decretists, or those who commented upon the "Decretum" of Gratian. Eventually some of these collections received official recognition; they form what is now known as the "Corpus Juris Canonici".
Thus, Lucrezia was more free to move and was asked by others to bear their requests to her husband. For a woman to travel alone and meet with the Pope and other influential officials was unusual and it was commented upon by contemporaries. Her advice was sought by many high and low-born people, who she received. After her husband's death in 1469, Lucrezia gained additional political influence as an advisor to their son.
Hurst Hall Before the Civil War, Glazebury was part of Culcheth, and known as Hurst because of Hurst Hall.North Barn, Hurst Hall This is Cheshire It was formerly the seat of the Holcroft family, before the lived there during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Anthony Emery in Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300-1500: East Anglia, Central England and Wales commented upon Hurst Hall's four-bay hall,www.medievalarchitecture.
The title is a portmanteau of "Sonic" and "Mario". Somari was developed by the homebrew developer Hummer Team. Very little is known about the game's origins; it is theorized to have been based on source code extracted from the original game and its sequel and back-ported to the NES. The title has caught the attention of contemporary video game journalists, who have commented upon its accurate recreation of the original game.
This death, as well as the subsequent acquittal of the responsible officer, were both commented upon in Adorno's lectures. As politicization increased, rifts developed within both the Institute's relationship with its students as well as within the Institute itself. Soon Adorno himself would become an object of the students' ire. At the invitation of Peter Szondi, Adorno was invited to the Free University of Berlin to give a lecture on Goethe's Iphigenie in Tauris.
5, or 1 points, and high- ranking subs will eventually become full-fledged stories that can be commented upon. In addition to voting on the submissions, users are given a 255 character text field to suggest changes to the story, post helpful links to exterior sites or previous Plastic stories, or suggest alternate headlines for the story itself. One of Plastic's volunteer editors will then properly format the story for running on "the front page".
On June 26, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Burman to serve as the next Commissioner of the United States Bureau of Reclamation. She was confirmed by the United States Senate on November 16, 2017. Burman is the first woman to ever lead the Bureau of Reclamation. Her nomination was commented upon favorably by a number of public officials, including U.S. Senators Jeff Flake and John McCain; Arizona Governor Doug Ducey; and Congressman Paul Gosar.
After enough content has been gathered from 'editor drafts' and discussion, it may be published as a working draft (WD) for review by the community. A WD document is the first form of a standard that is publicly available. Commentary by virtually anyone is accepted, though no promises are made with regard to action on any particular element commented upon. At this stage, the standard document may have significant differences from its final form.
Baroni referred to "Serbia" in text messages in another apparent reference to Mayor Sokolich. Sokolich told The Huffington Post: "That slight is offensive to me, and it's offensive to me of everyone of Serbian background. If I were Serbian, I would be absolutely, positively appalled by it." The Serbian remarks received the attention of Serbian and Croatian media, and was commented upon by the Serbian government's Office for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region.
The subject material for the podcast is determined by pressing the random article button in the English Wikipedia. Each episode features between one and four articles discussed by the host, with excerpts read directly from the article and commented upon. New episodes are released every Tuesday with occasional bonus episodes focusing on articles chosen by the presenters or suggested by listeners. The podcast is hosted by Jack Stewart, who is also responsible for the technical and editing duties.
The play begins in Spain, where Pizarro recruits 167 men for an expedition to Peru. He is accompanied by his second-in-command Hernando de Soto, and Vincente de Valverde, a Catholic priest determined to spread the shining light of Christianity. It is narrated or commented upon by Old Martin, a jaded man in his mid-fifties. Young Martin – another character in the play – is his younger counterpart, integrated with the time-frame in which the expedition commences.
The La Lagunilla market was established and named after the La Lagunilla neighborhood, just outside the historic center of Mexico City. In the pre Hispanic era, this land was a small lagoon, which connected to the larger Lake Texcoco. This lagoon was important as docks for barges bringing merchandise into the Tlatelolco market. The activities of ancient Aztec markets were commented upon by Bernal Díaz del Castillo and other conquistadors who marveled at their size and variety of merchandise.
Letter to the editor by J. J. McCarthy, demanding the publication of his letter to the Dublin Builder which was commented upon in the Freeman's Journal, and its response by the editor, John Gray. Published on p. 3 of the Freeman's Journal of 28 January 1863 A letter to the editor (sometimes abbreviated LTTE or LTE) is a letter sent to a publication about issues of concern from its readers. Usually, letters are intended for publication.
"Marineflieger: Als Wilhelm II. seiner Flotte das Fliegen befahl" Die Welt, 6 May 2013, The Japanese established the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service, modelled on the RNAS, in 1913. On 24 January 1913 came the first wartime naval aviation interservice cooperation mission. Greek pilots on a seaplane observed and drew a diagram of the positions of the Turkish fleet against which they dropped four bombs. This event was widely commented upon in the press, both Greek and international.
Gary Sobers commented upon the formidable challenge posed to batsmen by the combination of Statham and Trueman in tandem. He said of Statham, however, that he could be too accurate.Sobers, page 206. Sobers explained that once a good batsman had established himself at the crease, he knew exactly where the ball was going to pitch and so, assuming he had the necessary skill, could move into position just as the ball was about to be delivered.
Christian August Brandis collected and commented upon the ancient sources for the unwritten doctrines.Christian August Brandis: Diatribe academica de perditis Aristotelis libris de ideis et de bono sive philosophia, Bonn 1823. Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg and Christian Hermann Weisse stressed the significance of the unwritten doctrines in their investigations.Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg: Platonis de ideis et numeris doctrina ex Aristotele illustrata, Leipzig 1826; Christian Hermann Weisse: De Platonis et Aristotelis in constituendis summis philosophiae principiis differentia, Leipzig 1828.
665-666 His "Silvery Water" e.g. was reprinted as "The Chemical Tables of Senior Zadith" in the collection of alchemical texts: Theatrum Chemicum, and commented upon by Pseudo Aquinas in Aurora Consurgens. They both also give his (modified) image of the sage holding a chemical table (see image above).Theodor Abt: "The Transmission of Ibn Umail's Vision to the Occident" in: Book of the Explanation of the Symbols - Kitāb Hall ar-Rumūz by Muhammad ibn Umail.
The trees planted were cedars of 3 varieties – Himalayan cedar, Atlas cedar and Blue Atlas.Hobart City Council Soldiers Memorial Avenue Management Plan 2004 The reason for the choice is not clear though its religious connotations and reputation for longevity were commented upon at the time. Trees were originally marked by wooden name boards, sheathed in zinc and painted with car duco. These were replaced in the early 1930s by zinc name plates suspended on the trees.
Dionysius and other ancient critics draw particular attention to the ethical tendency of his orations, but they censure the harshness of his metaphors, the inaccuracy in the arrangement of his subject, and his frequent digressions. His style was said to be noble and grand, but neither elegant nor pleasing.Dionysius, On the ancient orators, v. 3; Hermogenes of Tarsus, De Formis Oratoriis, v; Dio Chrysostom, Or. 18.11 His works seem to have been commented upon by Didymus of Alexandria.
By invoking the ' (motion of confidence) in the National Assembly, the prime minister generally takes the opportunity to make an important political statement. This parliamentary ritual gives the motion some formality, which will be widely commented upon by the media. For many years, it was the best format for making political policy speeches, that is, before the television interview appeared in its various forms, offering alternatives. It is a mark of courtesy and deference to parliament.
In anatomy, the supratentorial region of the brain is the area located above the tentorium cerebelli. The area of the brain below the tentorium cerebelli is the infratentorial region. The supratentorial region contains the cerebrum, while the infratentorial region contains the cerebellum. Although the Roman era anatomist Galen commented upon it, the functional significance of this neuroanatomical division was first described in 1824 using ‘modern’ terminology by John Hughlings Jackson, founding editor of the medical journal, Brain.
A number of modern scholars have commented upon Hanno's voyage. In many cases, the analysis has been to refine information and interpretation of the original account. William Smith points out that the complement of personnel totalled 30,000, and that the core mission included the intent to found Carthaginian (or in the older parlance 'Libyophoenician') towns. Some scholars have questioned whether this many people accompanied Hanno on his expedition, and suggest 5,000 is a more accurate number.
James wrote of cricket as "the game he (Grace) transformed into a national institution".James, ch.14. Simon Rae also commented upon Grace's eminence in Victorian England by saying that his public recognition was equalled only by Queen Victoria herself and William Ewart Gladstone. The inaugural edition of Playfair Cricket Annual in 1948 coincided with the centenary of Grace's birth and carried a tribute which spoke of Grace as "King in his own domain" and his "Olympian personality".
Aristotle had commented upon this phenomenon and Ptolemy put forward a theory of why such a physiological law might be useful. It was clearly stated for the first time by Alhacen in his Book of Optics (1021). Depiction of predictions for refoveating Muller's stimulus with eyes moving independently or eyes following Hering's law of equal innervation. Hering's law of equal innervation is best understood with Müller's stimulus where an observer refoveates a point that moved in one eye only.
One influential text from this period is the Xisheng jing, a text associated with the Daoist monastery of Louguan, a center of the Northern Celestial Masters located in the Zhongnan mountains. This work is widely cited and commented upon and describes meditation in terms of "reaching emptiness and nonbeing, peace and tranquility".Kohn, 2010, p. 34 In his commentary on the Xinsheng Jing, Wei Jie states: > The more advanced religious practice leading toward Dao is meditation.
However, the article was later corrected. Soon, the article was pulled from the newspaper's web site, the disappearance having been commented upon by the mainstream media, including The New York Times. The article details the war experience of Russian captain of the 135th regiment named Denis Sidristy. He said that his unit had been ordered to cease a training exercise and move to Tskhinvali on August 7, and he was there when the hostilities broke out.
Young then attended at the house and prorogued the council until 20 October. The Times severely commented upon Young's conduct, but he was commended by the British government. The Tasmanian supreme court ruled against the council, and when it was taken to the privy council this decision was confirmed. The new constitution was soon successfully instituted and Young welcomed the change in his position, feeling that he was now above the battle and freed from much trying responsibility.
The impact of the 2007 subprime mortgage financial crisis brought doubts on the viability of the BCDH design. Journalists speculated that the extra engineering expense of the complicated "twisting tower" design was excessive, and that an alternative design would be used instead. Construction tenders were able to submit price quotations for both the original BCDH design and an alternative of their own choosing. Delays at all stages of the design and planning phases were commented upon.
On 6 July 1999, Assad visited Moscow. The visit was originally planned for March but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was visiting Moscow at the same time so Assad's visit was postponed. Assad finalized an arms deal worth $2 billion, and after the visit both sides stated that they would strengthen their trade ties. Assad commented upon Russia's growing importance, stating that he welcomed Russia's strengthening and hoped that their role would be more clearly and openly expressed.
Vasugupta is regarded by some as the founder of the system of Hindu philosophy known as Advaita Shaivism of Kashmir, or Trika. Vasugupta's Shiva Sutra is an important Yoga text, foundational to the Trika system of Kashmir Shaivism. The text discusses the nature and cause of bondage, and how one liberates from this bondage. The text has been extensively commented upon by Indian authors, and some manuscripts have been translated into English, such as by Mark Dyczkowski and by Jaideva Singh.
Sara Kingdom is a fictional character played by Jean Marsh in the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. A security officer for Mavic Chen from the 40th century, she later joined the First Doctor and Steven to work against Chen's interests. She is sometimes classed as a companion of the First Doctor but the BBC's official Doctor Who website does not include her in their list of companions. Her status as a companion is commented upon in its Episode Guide.
Archie Green (June 29, 1917 - March 22, 2009) was an American folklorist specializing in laborlore (defined as the special folklore of workers) and American folk music. Devoted to understanding vernacular culture, he gathered and commented upon the speech, stories, songs, emblems, rituals, art, artifacts, memorials, and landmarks which constitute laborlore. He is credited with winning Congressional support for passage of the American Folklife Preservation Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-201), which established the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress.
The opening of "Denial" is evocative of David Bowie's song "Fashion", although it soon transitions into the sound of songs performed by Australian recording artist Kylie Minogue. "Denial" is composed of soft rock staccato verses, which are proceeded by a melancholic and harmonious pop chorus. Digital Spy's Nick Levine commented upon the song's compositional transition, writing: "'Denial' rides its elastic bassline to a transcendent, melodically-inspired chorus". The group's harmonies are backed by warm synthesizers and 1980s soft rock music.
Still Life with Young Boy blowing Bubbles c. 1635–36 by Gerrit Dou, a vanitas still- life of the kind which served as a model for Millais' painting. The painting was one of many child pictures for which Millais had become well known in his later years. It was modelled by his five-year-old grandson William Milbourne James and was based on 17th-century Dutch precursors in the tradition of vanitas imagery, which commented upon the transience of life.
His brief poems De urinis (352 verses on uroscopy) and De pulsibus (380 verses on Galenic pulsology), based on treatises by Theophilus Protospatharius by way of the Articella, were intended as mnemonic aids for his students to memorize, reflecting his preoccupation with pedagogy.Mireille Ausécache, "Gilles de Corbeil, ou le médecin pédagogue au tournant des XIIe et XIIIe siècles," Early Science and Medicine 3:3 (1998), pp. 187-214 They became didactic classics and were widely studied, copied, and commented upon.
A campaign to save the buildings was fought in the pages of The Sydney Morning Herald and by the Royal Australian Historical Society. It was unsuccessful and they were demolished in 1939. The publicity changed public opinion and this increase in awareness of the need to save old colonial buildings contributed to the success of the campaign to save The Mint and Hyde Park Barracks in Macquarie Street. It was around this time that the historical value of Cadmans was first commented upon.
On 25 May 2007, Arobieke approached a man in a shopping centre in Preston and commented upon the size of his biceps before "touching them without permission". He was arrested shortly afterwards on suspicion of breaching his Sexual Offences Prevention Order, and later convicted. and jailed for a further 15 months, with the muscle touching ban being made permanent. In July 2008, Arobieke was unsuccessful in trying to overturn the 'muscle touching ban', at one point 'behaving erratically' just before appearing in court.
As was commented upon in the mid-20th century already, the genitalia of Goniographa resemble those of other Xestiini, most notably Eugnorisma, more than they resemble the true Eugraphe (E. sigma and any close allies it might have). The female genitalia are generally similar to Eugnorisma and Protognorisma in their strongly sclerotized (hardened) bursal apparatus. While differing in some details it is roughly intermediate between the plump and more robust of the former and the slender and more delicate of the latter.
The first known text to use these Chandravākyass is Haridatta's manual on his Parahita system, known as Graha-cāra-nibandhana. The next major work that makes use of the mnemonic system of the Vākyas which has down to us is Vākya-karaṇa (karaṇa, or computations, utilising Vākyas). The authorship of this work is uncertain, but, is apocryphally assigned to Vararuci. The work is known to have been composed around 1300 CE. It has been extensively commented upon by Sundararaja (c.
Her works are held in a number of museums both in China and elsewhere. Her archery was commented upon by a number of contemporary writers, as were her masculine, martial tendencies; these were regarded as an attractive feature by the literati of the period. She lived in Eastern China, residing for most of her life in the Zhejiang and Jiangsu districts. After a career as a celebrated courtesan in Nanjing, Xue married several times, but none of these unions lasted.
From the outset, the Central Railway was found to be unattractive for passengers; the smoky atmosphere, and the dirty condition of the station and the trains were constantly commented upon. Street tramcars by contrast were frequent, clean, and had stops close to city destinations that the railway could not always match. The railways were nationalised in 1948, and the duplication of lines for passengers and goods was a disadvantage, now that competition was irrelevant. Some individual stations had already been closed.
The absence of available Federal stimulus funding to alleviate these issues was also commented upon with Sturges admitting that the government had failed to apply for financial support.Calls for Sturges to resign over infrastructure failure, ABC News, 30 May 2009. During his time in parliament, Sturges was reported to have made several "gaffes". In March 2009, he was accused of misusing his position by raising an incident between his son and a bus driver with the management of Metro Tasmania.
This short story explores many themes, usually mentioned in Analysis, such as a person having two sides to them, the dents that people make upon a community, and how they restore them, and the revenge of the fallen. There is also a frequently commented upon debate on the symbolism of the roses. The most common metaphor is that the roses represent Strangeworth's impression on the rest of the community, how they all respect her. However, upon her discovery, her roses are tarnished.
A 1593 CE manuscript page of the Aitareya Upanishad with Adi Shankara's commentary. This Hindu manuscript was preserved by and found in a Jain temple bhandara in Varanasi. Aitareya Upanishad is one of the older Upanishads reviewed and commented upon in their respective Bhasyas by various ancient scholars such as Adi Shankara and Madhvacharya. Adi Shankara, for example, commented on Aitereya Upanishad, clarifying that some of his peer scholars have interpreted the hymns in a way that must be refuted.
It is possible that even more extensive areas than those suggested by the remaining traces were once gilded, but that the fire reached temperatures high enough to burn off much the metal. 330x330px The color of the sphinxes and lion legs are also frequently commented upon in scholarship of the ivories. Variations in color occur among the pieces (gray, pink, orange, and red), resulting in pieces that match in form but not in color. These disparities are the result of varying conditions (i.e.
While his main thesis, which laid the foundations of his thinking, was not widely read until it was commented upon by Gilles Deleuze and, more recently, Bruno Latour and Bernard Stiegler, his complementary thesis, Du mode d'existence des objets techniques (On the mode of existence of technical objects) was published by Aubier immediately after being completed (in 1958) and had an instant impact on a wide audience. It was only in 2005 that Jérôme Millon published a complete edition of the main thesis.
On 17 September 1984, Morris Manning, a lawyer working for the Church, and representatives of the Church of Scientology held a press conference on the courthouse steps in Toronto. Manning read from and commented upon allegations in a notice of motion by Scientology, intending to commence criminal contempt proceedings against a Crown Attorney, Casey Hill. The motion alleged that Hill had misled a judge and had breached orders sealing certain documents belonging to Scientology in R. v. Church of Scientology of Toronto.
This etymological confusion has produced taxonomic confusion, as well. Some authorities actually proclaimed uncertainty whether the geier is a vulture or an eagle, and older dictionaries used the terms “geier”, “gyrfalcon” and “lammergeier”, almost interchangeably, e.g. Webster's 1913 Dictionary. Poets and others often assumed that the term geier refers to a form of eagle or falcon, rather than a vulture, a matter that was commented upon in the article by Harriet C. Stanton, Poets and Birds: a Criticism, The Atlantic monthly.
Karl Marx is one of the many notable people of the 19th century who were photographed in bow ties, which were conventional attire of the time. Bow ties were conventional attire in the nineteenth century. Portraits of U.S. presidents from Van Buren through McKinley commonly show them in bow ties. Wearing of a bow tie was seldom commented upon and did not form part of the public perception of figures such as American inventor Thomas Edison or Communist theorist Karl Marx.
Aurelio de la Vega is a Cuban-American composer, lecturer, essayist and poet. He has written numerous works in all forms and media except opera and since the early 1960s has been an active force in the United States musical scene. Many of his compositions are published and recorded, and the majority of them are played constantly nationally and internationally. His music and aesthetic ideas have been commented upon and analyzed in books, newspapers and reviews throughout the United States and Latin America.
The Tsar was seen as the protector of Greek-Orthodox Christians. Thought lost since the Russian revolution, the document (Schenkungsurkunde) has now resurfaced in St Petersburg 2003, and has also been long before commented upon by other scholars like Kurt Aland. The monastery has disputed the existence of the gift certificate (Schenkungsurkunde) since the British Library was named as the new owner of the Codex. Now following the late find of the gift certificate by the National Russian Library the existence cannot be disputed in earnest.
Four characters: Astaroth, Ivy, Sophitia, and Taki have come close, appearing in eight games. Other characters who do not appear often make cameos or being commented upon in-game. While continuously being revised in each game, the character lineup generally stay consistent until Soulcalibur V, in which a major time skip is done and the character roster undergoing major changes, with former mainstays being replaced by their younger successors. The series is notable for its inclusion of characters from other series appearing as guests.
Gong'ans developed during the Tang dynasty (618–907) from the recorded sayings collections of Chán-masters, which quoted many stories of "a famous past Chán figure's encounter with disciples or other interlocutors and then offering his own comment on it". Those stories and the accompanying comments were used to educate students, and broaden their insight into the Buddhist teachings. Those stories came to be known as gongan, "public cases". Such a story was only considered a gongan when it was commented upon by another Chán-master.
The high symmetry of the double-cone topology of the linear E ⊗ e JT system directly reflects the high underlying symmetry. It is one of the earliest (if not the earliest) examples in the literature of a conical intersection of potential energy surfaces. Conical intersections have received wide attention in the literature starting in the 1990s and are now considered paradigms of nonadiabatic excited-state dynamics, with far-reaching consequences in molecular spectroscopy, photochemistry and photophysics. Some of these will be commented upon further below.
The current church signage notes that the church was constructed in 1832. A contemporary news account regarding the second meeting of the South Carolina Convention of Universalists in September 1831 in Feasterville commented upon the zeal of the local brothers “in building the Liberty Meeting House.” This account documents that the current structure on the Liberty Universalist lot was erected as early as September 1831. The Liberty Universalist and Newberry churches were later joined by societies that formed in Lexington, Laurens, Anderson and Abbeville districts.
When they were about to kill a buffalo, they would offer it a prayer. Failures in the hunt would often be attributed to poorly performed rituals. Each animal produced from 200 to 400 pounds of meat, so a slaughter of 50 animals produced far more food than could possibly be eaten by the band, a wastage that was often commented upon by European and American observers. Sometimes a herd would be killed just to get at the delicacies such as the fat-filled tongues.
The Fixed Period is Trollope's only piece of dystopian writing. Trollope was influenced in writing the book by The Old Law, a 17th-century tragicomedy written by Thomas Middleton, William Rowley, and Philip Massinger which he had read, and commented upon, in 1876.R. H. Super, pp. vii–viii. The Fixed Period is set in the year 1980 in the Republic of Britannula, a fictional island in the vicinity of New Zealand, and deals with euthanasia as a radical solution to the problem of the aged.
Many critics commented upon the scene wherein Ed Helms's (pictured) character Andy checks his cellphone on stage. "Andy's Play" first aired on October 7, 2010. In its original American broadcast, it was viewed by an estimated 6.95 million viewers with a 3.5 rating/10 percent share among adults between the age of 18 and 49. This means that 3.5 percent of all 18- to 49-year-old households watched the episode, and ten percent of that demographic had their televisions tuned to the channel at any point.
In 2009 AVANCE was awarded the E Pluribus Unum Prize, presented by the Migration Policy Institute's National Center on Immigration Integration Policy. This award is given in recognition of initiatives that help immigrants and their children to adapt and contribute to the United States. In January 2012, AVANCE was awarded the Simmons Luminary Award for education excellence by Southern Methodist University. The work of the organization has been commented upon by former First Ladies, Hillary Clinton, Rosalynn Carter and Barbara Bush, in relation to education.
The oldest and most influential surviving commentary was published by Adi Shankara (Śaṅkarācārya). Shankara interprets the Gita in a monist, nondualistic tradition (Advaita Vedanta). Shankara prefaces his comments by stating that the Gita is popular among the laity, that the text has been studied and commented upon by earlier scholars (these texts have not survived), but "I have found that to the laity it appears to teach diverse and quite contradictory doctrines". He calls the Gita as "an epitome of the essentials of the whole Vedic teaching".
215 His six month visit to England was highly commented upon, publicized in the London Gazette and was even the subject of occasional poems.Nabil Matar, Turks, Moors, and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery, pp38f. He visited Oxford and Cambridge among many other places and became a Fellow of the Royal Society in April. John Evelyn recorded that he was "the fashion of the season", and commented on him that he was "a handsome person, well featured and of a wise look, subtile and extremely civile".
Mbira Dzavadzimu The mbira is a traditional instrument of the Shona People often used in religious ceremonies. There are several different varieties of mbira including the Mbira Dzavadzimu and Mbira Nyunga Nyunga. Shona music is well known as representative of mbira ("thumb piano") music. The performer of the "kushaura" (lead mbira part) often acts also as the lead vocalist, selecting a known melody or mbira pattern to accompany selected lyrics, usually a phrase or a few lines of text which are then commented upon improvisationally.
Van Luling criticized the writing style of the book, pointing out "numerous typographical errors" and "abrupt tonal shifts". Late- night talk show host Stephen Colbert discussed the novel on his television program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and commented upon the phallic role taken on by Trump Tower itself within the fictional work. Colbert commented a more appropriate title for Trump Tower would have been Symbolic Penis. Tango Magazine editor Rebecca Jane Stokes wrote that the novel exhibited significant amounts of sexual kinkiness.
The second section of the text, also known as Uttara Khanda and Pretakalpa, includes chapters on funeral rites and life after death. This section was commented upon by Navanidhirama in his publication Garuda Purana Saroddhara and translated by Wood and Subramanyam in 1911. The text specifies the following for last rites: The Pretakhanda is the second and minor part of Garuda Purana. It is, states Rocher, "entirely unsystematic work" presented with motley confusion and many repetitions in the Purana, dealing with "death, the dead and beyond".
The legal theories in this text were likely very influential in medieval India, because its passages and quotes are found inscribed in every part of India, and these inscriptions are dated to be from around 10th to 11th century CE. The text is also widely commented upon, and referenced in popular works such as the 5th-century Panchatantra. The text is profusely quoted in chapters 253-258 of the extant manuscripts of the Agni Purana, and in chapters 93-106 of the Garuda Purana.
Zimmerman left Chicago for Canada in July, 1993, just prior to his arraignment on federal fraud charges. In an interview with Worth Magazine several months later, Zimmerman commented upon the incident: > I thought then, "I'm a multimillionaire, I control the market now..." You > spend half of every day thinking about what would happen if you could trade > large enough to move a market by yourself, to play like the big firms and > banks do. I had everyone in the pit coming to me. I was the market.
The revelation began to spread in aristocratic circles of South China, and eventually Tao Hongjing, advisor to the princes of Qi, joined the group. He commented upon, and compiled the Shangqing texts, and developed a well- structured system consisting of a pantheon and new ways to reach immortality that depended upon meditation. More interested in Daoism and Buddhism than in public administration, in 492 he received authorization to leave the court. He moved to Maoshan, which had by now become the center of the school.
It was anthologized in the 1992 collection The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories. An obituary for Le Guin in the web publication The Conversation described the story as the "finest of its kind" in the genre of fantasy, and went on to say that its "crystalline prose [was] equal to Semley’s tragic fate". A review of The Wind's Twelve Quarters in a teachers' journal referred to the story as a "valuable reading experience". The style and structure of the story were commented upon by several reviewers.
The peculiarity of his texts, which were first and foremost intended for listening audiences, was conditioned by their spoken origin. Only in 1924 were his tales from the Northern Munchausen cycle published in the collection On the Northern Dvina. In 1927 northern folktales recorded and commented upon by Stepan Pisakhov were published in the almanac “Sovetskaya Strana”. In 1938–1940 Pisakhov’s own tales (in two volumes) first saw the light in Arkhangelsk. The geography of Pisakhov’s active creative scope stretched from Novaya Zemlya to Cairo.
In June, he returned to the track. Ridden by Edgar Prado, he started as the odds-on favorite for the Criminal Type Stakes at Belmont Park but finished third of the five runners. On August 3, he finished third to Cross Traffic and Successful Dan in the Whitney Handicap at Saratoga, with Ron The Greek fourth and Fort Larned fifth. It was at this time that his proclivity to win only when in front at the eighth pole was first commented upon in the racing press.
Dorling in 2011 In September 2013 he became the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, attached to St Peter's College, Oxford. In his inaugural lecture he spoke about the increasing disparity between Britain's richest 1% and the rest. He said: "Income inequality has now reached a new maximum and, for the first time in a century, even those just below the richest 1% are beginning to suffer, to see their disposable income drop." He has mapped (mainly using cartograms), analysed and commented upon UK demographic statistics.
Protesters engaging in the 'human microphone' The assembly was the main OWS decision-making body and used a modified consensus process, where participants attempted to reach consensus and then dropped to a 9/10 vote if consensus was not reached. Assembly meetings involved OWS working groups and affinity groups, and were open to the public for both attendance and speaking. The meetings lacked formal leadership. Participants commented upon committee proposals using a process called a "stack", which is a queue of speakers that anyone can join.
From 1974 to 1980, Gostuški organized and directed, at the Institute of Musicology at SANU, scientific public panels called Conversations about Science and Art. Many eminent experts in the natural and humanistic sciences of the time participated. As a first-class intellectual of European scope, he followed with vigilant attention and commented upon problems concerning the cultural and political orientation of Serbian people. A thinker of encyclopedic capacity and great powers of lucid expression, Gostuški was also the most prominent figure in Serbian music criticism.
In Indian thought and Indian logic Anavastha is an important doctrine. All major schools of philosophy have examined and commented upon this concept and laid down guidelines so as to avoid the endless series of statements and propositions and the non-finality of those propositions. Certain aphorisms of Pāṇini, in his Ashtadhyayi indicate that asiddhatva leads to anavastha since rules which cause endless repetition of application cannot be there because application of a rule should certainly result in finality. The word अत्र atra of Sutra 6.4.
Pedroche also used the show as a platform to raise awareness for ALS by participating in the Ice Bucket Challenge. In December 2014 it was announced that she signed a golden parachute with media group Atresmedia She also hosted the 2014-2015 New Year's Eve's Twelve Grapes broadcast for La Sexta alongside Frank Blanco, wearing a much commented upon transparent dress. During this show she participated in a 'champagne war' with Frank Blanco, a new year play on the previous 'water war'. She made a performance in La que se avecina.
There were already other Flemish potters in London, two of them in Southwark recorded in 1571 as "painters of pottes". English delftware pottery and its painted decoration is similar in many respects to that from Holland, but its peculiarly English quality has been commented upon: "... there is a relaxed tone and a sprightliness which is preserved throughout the history of English delftware; the overriding mood is provincial and naive rather than urbane and sophisticated."Carnegy, p.51. Caiger-Smith describes its mood as "ingenuous, direct, sometimes eccentric", and Garner talks of its "quite distinctive character".
Even in 1789, Thomas Clarkson commented upon the poor attendance at the meetings. The lack of organization and continuity was shown by the departure of Brissot in June 1789 for the United States to meet abolitionists, although he had organized the Society's first meeting in February 1789. He did not become active in the Society until the spring of 1790, when he again became the Society's president. The Society required presidents to serve only three months; they shared responsibility, but the short tenure hindered continuity of effort within the organization.
Moral Science Club circa 1913, with W. E. Johnson sat in the middle of the front row (to the right of Bertrand Russell) Johnson, who suffered poor health, published little. That, though "very able", he was "lacking in vigour" and had "published almost nothing" is a matter Bertrand Russell commented upon unsympathetically in a letter to Ottoline Morrell of 23 February 1913. Johnson's obituary in The Times, penned by J. M. Keynes, more kindly reports that "his critical intellect did not readily lend itself to authorship".W. E. JOHNSON, The Times, 15 January 1931.
In December that year, after suffering from ailing eyesight for several years, Long went temporarily blind at the age of 47.Lutts (1990), p. 87 Despite this setback, he continued to write; in early 1905 he began publishing a series of essays in Harper's Monthly under the pseudonym Peter Rabbit; told from the point of view of the "author", the essays commented upon the human condition, animal intelligence, and the controversy first begun by Burroughs two years prior. The essays were published a year later in a collection titled Brier-Patch Philosophy.
This mythology had been conceived by a musical duo of that name, from Detroit. Gallagher commented upon the process of creating these pieces: "The way that these drawings are made is my version of scrimshaw, the carving into bone that sailors did when they were out whaling. I imagine them in this overwhelming, scary expanse of sea where this kind of cutting would give a focus, a sense of being in control of something." Some of Gallagher's work would also consist of codes made from cut out letters.
It was widely commented upon in the press that the day after the broadcast of the first episode, which features problems with the 1,000-day countdown clock, the real-life clock in Trafalgar Square broke soon after it had been launched by Lord Coe and London mayor Boris Johnson. An additional coincidence occurred when some of the first athletes to arrive in London for the Olympics suffered delays; their bus drivers were unfamiliar with London and unable to find the Olympic Park in scenes that closely resembled the plot of episode 2.
Initial attempts to get it to fly were entirely unsuccessful. This was largely due to its unsatisfactory wing section (the shallow camber of the Zodiac's wings had been commented upon by the aviation journal Flight), but the aircraft was also underpowered for its weight, and a new set of wings did little to improve performance. A single brief flight on 28 May was achieved by Maurice Edmond, but after an accident that damaged its undercarriage on 10 June it was abandoned, as was work on five more examples being built at Filton.
Naikar (2008), p. 4 His poems cover a vast range of topics, from caste and religion to economics and administration, from arts and crafts to family life and health. People from a broad spectrum of life were commented upon: "Professionals such as priests, astrologers, sorcerers, tax collectors and accountants; artisans such as smiths, carpenters, tailors and potters; and businessmen such as oil men, money-lenders, fishermen and farmers", all have caught the poet's discerning eye. Sarvajna reserved his compliments only for the farmers, weavers, real spiritual seekers and chaste housewives.
The size of the tree, typically measured by its girth around the trunk, has been often measured and commented upon. It was measured at in girth in 1839 and in 1875, with a girth of up to was considered a challenger to the Cowthorpe Oak as the oldest in Britain. A 1906 measurement recorded of girth and the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica recorded when measured at a height of from the ground. In 1931 it was recorded as at a height of above the ground and in 1950 was said to be in girth.
In time, the Third Haven monthly meeting included other meeting groups besides the one at Third Haven, including the other three original Talbot County meetings, two in Dorchester County and one in Caroline County. In 1797, the east and west wings of the building were removed; the entire structure was widened by along its length, giving it a slightly unbalanced look which has been commented upon. In 1880, an additional brick building was constructed for use in the winter months. Unlike the original meeting house, it has electricity, heating, and plumbing.
Chris James, the owner of Torosay Castle, commented upon the operators of the Isle of Mull Railway in a Scottish newspaper—that he had "let them play trains for 30 years free of charge". In 2011, it was reported that the sale of Torosay Castle was not to go ahead. The castle was to open on 45 days in 2011, against 245 previously. The reduction in opening days meant that it would not be viable to operate the railway, although the track remained in situ as of March.
Shadowfire was well-received on both released platforms, gaining a 96% Crash Smash for the ZX Spectrum version, Crash review (Web Archive) and a 91% ZZap Sizzler award for the Commodore 64 version.ZZap64 review (Web Scan) Info gave it four stars out of five, describing it as "a very stylish import". While disliking the "tiresome" icon- based controls, the magazine concluded that it was "an unusual and entertaining space-opera offering". The innovative interface, multi-character gameplay and atmospheric music by Fred Gray were also favourably commented upon.
These connections can be seen in ship building styles and sailing techniques, for example in similarities between the Galway Púcán and the Arab Dhow. Another aspect focused on by Quinn is the Sean Nós or Old Style of Irish song and dance. The non-European feel of Sean Nós singing in particular has often been commented upon. Quinn originally proposed a North African origin for Sean Nós, but later agreed that it is shared by the Tatars of Tatarstan, thus an archetypal musical form older than the Book of Kells.
She attended the common district school until about 15 years of age, and at that time entered into advanced classes at the Lancaster academy, where she took high rank in mathematics, French, and rhetoric. Her ability as a writer was first recognized here. The weekly compositions, her contributions to the lyceum papers, and an occasional article in the county papers were favorably commented upon, and her pen name of "Mabel Percy" was soon known to the readers of the Portland Transcript, Saturday Evening Post, Peterson's Magazine, and other periodicals.
He stated that Ferdinand Kingsley's character of Catchlove was an "effective villain" with his "fun-to-hate portrayal". Gatiss' combination of different themes within the episode was also commented upon in a positive light, and the connection between Iraxxa and Bill with their shared gender. Zoe Delahunty-Light of SFX Magazine gave the episode three-and-a-half stars out of five. She described the episode as "stoic" and "dependable" overall, with an "awkward" beginning and one that "missed the chance to add an extra dimension to its characters".
In the by-election, Pascal Iauko stood as the candidate of the Iauko Group, a small political movement which had been headed by his father, after his break-away from the Vanua'aku Pati. Parties within the Opposition coalition tacitly endorsed him and did not stand against him, while the main parties within the coalition government each stood a candidate. Thus, "the seat was contested by almost a united opposition against a divided government side". Iauko's youth and "quiet demeanour" were commented upon, but he was also endorsed by local elders.
When this is extended to modern times, it implies that the biblical witness supports the abolition of slavery. The progressive liberation of women from oppressive patriarchalism, traced from Genesis and Exodus through to Paul's own acknowledgement of women as 'co- workers' (), sets a precedent that when applied to modern times suggests that women ought to have the same rights and roles afforded to men. Historically, the biblical witness has become progressively more stringent in its views of homosexual practice and the implications of this are not commented upon by Webb.
In contrast, Muir criticized all of the new characters in Scream 2, believing they never attained the same depth of the Scream cast because of Scream 2s focus on increasing the body count and violence over the original, saying that the film's killer could literally be anyone as the audience is never provided with enough information about the new characters to form an opinion about them. Ebert also commented upon this, saying "there is no way to guess who's doing the killing, and everyone who seems suspicious is (almost) sure to be innocent".
During the return flight an engine failure forced them down in the Aegean Sea and they were finally collected by the crew of the nearby . This operation is regarded as the first naval-air operation in military history and was widely commented upon in the press, both Greek and international. Moutoussis also participated in the Macedonian front of World War I as well as in the Greco- Turkish War (1919–1922), where he was positioned in Proussa Air Field (in modern Bursa)."History of the Hellenic Air Force", Vol.
Speaking to the audience of the Moscow 1st Typography on 30 October, Mayakovsky commented upon the question of whether the play has been now fully complete: "I never regard any of my work as complete and final 'monument to myself', as it were. I firmly believe in the creative forces of the working class, I come to [the workers' audience] get some help regularly... I receive criticism of different sort, and try to find use for all of these critical remarks."Makarov, V., Zakharov, A., Kosovan, I. Commentaries to The Bathhouse.
The two note that because this section of the poem was heavily quoted and commented upon in antiquity, reconstructing the contents and order of this book is less difficult than it is with the work's other books.Goldberg & Manuwald (2018), pp. 108–09. Consequently, given the relative dearth of fragments from other books—especially that of the climactic book 15—the two write the reconciliation of "scholarly methods and interpretive desires with the inconsistencies and silences of the fragmentary record" is "no easy task."Goldberg & Manuwald (2018), p. 104.
Serial killers Peter Kürten and Richard Trenton Chase were both called "vampires" in the tabloids after they were discovered drinking the blood of the people they murdered. Similarly, in 1932, an unsolved murder case in Stockholm, Sweden was nicknamed the "Vampire murder", due to the circumstances of the victim's death. Clinical vampirism in the context of criminal acts of violence, as well as "consensual" vampirism as a social ritual, have been extensively documented in the many works of Katharine Ramsland. Others have commented upon the psychiatric implications of "vampire cults" among adolescents.
It has been commented upon extensively in print and broadcast media, including a November 2008 BBC radio documentary, "The Fourth, The Fifth, The Minor Fall". Crowe's recording of Hallelujah was selected as the soundtrack accompaniment to a love scene in The Watchmen, before being replaced by Cohen's own live version. "I originally had a different version of 'Hallelujah' on that scene (involving characters Nite Owl and Silk Spectre II) - it was the version by Allison Crowe, and it was really beautiful. Too beautiful, as it turned out..." says the movie's Director Zack Snyder.
Her work has been published by NPR, Artforum, The Believer, Punk Planet and Maximum Rock-N-Roll. She currently writes a monthly column for eMusic and was recently published by The Feminist Press in the anthologies Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer for Freedom and The Riot Grrrl Collection. Hanna commented upon Vail's song "Free Pussy Riot", written in support of the Russian feminist punk band Pussy Riot after three members were arrested in March 2012. The Punk Singer, a 2013 documentary about Hanna, includes footage from three archival interviews with Vail.
The album is largely built around samples of other records. Although a dance record, Let Them Eat Bingo explores and fuses a vast array of styles, including hip hop, house, blues, reggae, punk rock, gospel, Latin music and African music, leading to an overall worldbeat style. Containing the UK number one single "Dub Be Good to Me" and the Top 10 hit "Won't Talk About It", the album was a success, reaching number 17 on the UK Albums Chart and receiving positive reviews from music critics who commented upon the inventive mixture of musical styles.
The novel is divided into six parts, with an epilogue. The notion of "intrinsic duality" in Crime and Punishment has been commented upon, with the suggestion that there is a degree of symmetry to the book.Davydov (1982), pp. 162–63 Edward Wasiolek who has argued that Dostoevsky was a skilled craftsman, highly conscious of the formal pattern in his art, has likened the structure of Crime and Punishment to a "flattened X", saying: This compositional balance is achieved by means of the symmetrical distribution of certain key episodes throughout the novel's six parts.
Located between châteaux Le Tertre and Monbrison, Marojallia was founded in 1999 when the plots of Roger Rex were sold to Philippe Porcheron, and developed by Muriel Thunevin, wife and partner of Jean-Luc Thunevin, the team behind Saint-Émilion's Château Valandraud. With Muriel Thunevin responsible for the 1999 and 2000 vintages, Porcheron has made the wine since 2001. Michel Rolland is retained as consultant oenologist. The unorthodox and "garagiste" methods were met initially with opposition by neighbouring estates in the appellation, which was commented upon by Robert Parker in The Wine Advocate.
They also affirmed it was common for them too, to use and carry knives such as the one Baretti had, confirming in this way the explanation Baretti had previously given. Other gentlemen commented upon the Haymarket, describing it as an unsafe place to go. Justice Kelnynge and Mr. Perrin stated it was a place "impossible to walk up [...] in the evening" because of the indecent women you could find there and Kelnynge said that a similar episode happened to him as well before. Major Alderton added that around the Haymarket aggressions happened frequently.
Therefore, Lane and all but three other bishops did not take part in the laying on of hands. (This situation was widely commented upon as exemplifying a "theology of taint".The Telegraph — Sentamu rejects 'taint' claim in women bishops row (Accessed 14 December 2015)) Instead, they gathered in prayer around North with only the three bishops "who share his theological conviction regarding the ordination of women" laying their hands on him. She was installed at Chester Cathedral on 8 March 2015, International Women's Day, signalling the official start of her ministry as Bishop of Stockport.
Ruini was seen as a social and political conservative, close to the positions of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. He was very active in the mass media and was the strongest voice of the Church against the spring 2005 referendum for the liberalization of Italy's legal restrictions on artificial insemination. He commented upon the issue of the 1999 French Pacte civil de solidarité for unmarried couples of the same or opposite sex. In 2007 a bill was proposed in the Italian Senate for a law on civil unions.
There was an important link between Raglan Castle and the surrounding parkland, in particular the Home Park and the Red Deer Park. Historian Robert Liddiard suggests that on the basis of the views from the castle at this time, the structured nature of the parks would have contrasted with the wilderness of the mountain peaks framing the scene beyond, making an important statement about the refinement and cultured nature of the castle lord.Liddiard, p.113. In the 15th century there were also extensive orchards and fish ponds surrounding the castle, favourably commented upon by contemporaries.
Shortly before this wound he had been knighted by King George V for his service in command of his division during the First Battle of Ypres. Field Marshal Sir John French commented upon his death that "he was a most distinguished and capable leader and his death will be severely felt."Sir John French's Ninth Despatch, The Long, Long Trail. Retrieved 9 July 2007 He was also a keen military historian and his collected papers are currently stored at the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives at King's College London.
In 1990, the first Hare Kṛṣṇa Temple was opened in Budapest, and with the arrival of serious Hungarian students Śivarāma Swami began initiating disciples. In the pioneer phase of preaching, Śivarāma Swami emphasised and inspired the translation, publication, and distribution of the sacred books of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava tradition, translated and commented upon by A. C. Bhaktivedānta Swami. He also inaugurated the Hungarian section of ISKCON’s international food relief program called Food for Life,Gandharvika Prema Dasi: Food for Life Hungary Lights Up the Holidays for Thousands of Under-privileged Families.
In 1887 Mitchell commissioned the art nouveau church of St George, Jesmond from Thomas Ralph Spence (1845–1918), secretary of the Newcastle Arts Association. The building is tall and dramatic inside and of excellent workmanship throughout (commented upon by George Bernard Shaw on his visit in the 1890s). The stained glass is especially fine, and the mosaic figures were designed by Mitchell's own son, C.W. Mitchell. The Lewis organ was originally provided with air by two powerful hydraulic engines supplied by Mitchell's neighbour in Jesmond Dene, Baron Armstrong.
The pro-Conservative alliance of the Church of England and the horse racing fraternity of the town of Newmarket was commented upon by Liberals at the time. The seat as a whole was marginal between the Conservative and Liberal interests, as the Liberals had support in the villages. A suitable rich, horse race loving Liberal candidate could win the seat. Upon its abolition under the Representation of the People Act 1918, the constituency was combined with the Chesterton (or West Cambridgeshire) division to create a new single member Cambridgeshire seat.
At his trial in Sheffield Crown Court in July 1989, Arkwright pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life imprisonment. It was commented upon that Arkwright was an "evil fantasist" who had a desire to be as famous as Jack the Ripper. The case against Arkwright for killing Kronadaite was unproven and at the trial, the judge ordered the case to lie on file. In 2003, Home Secretary David Blunkett changed the law so that certain people sentenced to life in prison, would spend the rest of their lives there, with no chance of parole.
It is used to make dolls (Lupitas), charro figures, masks and more in towns such as San Miguel de Allende, Cortázar, Silao, Celaya, San Miguel de Allende and Juventino Rosas. Celaya is particularly noted for making cartonería toys, and Judas figures, as well as mojigangas and more. Toys, especially miniatures, are carved from wood, which includes dollhouse furniture, jointed animal figures and human figures such as boxers. Juventino Rosas and Silao are particularly noted for this work and one notable craftsman was Gumersindo España Olivares, whose work was commented upon by chronicler Juventino Rosas.
Conradi echoed Gaufman's comparison of the tactic to the Soviet response, "Over there they lynch Negroes". Writing for Forbes in 2017, journalist Melik Kaylan explained the term's increased pervasiveness in referring to Russian propaganda tactics: "Kremlinologists of recent years call this 'whataboutism' because the Kremlin's various mouthpieces deployed the technique so exhaustively against the U.S." Kaylan commented upon a "suspicious similarity between Kremlin propaganda and Trump propaganda". Foreign Policy wrote that Russian whataboutism was "part of the national psyche". EurasiaNet stated that "Moscow's geopolitical whataboutism skills are unmatched", while Paste correlated whataboutism's rise with the increasing societal consumption of fake news.
Strong discontent against the deeply entrenched exploitation of the labouring masses was expressed in the form of poetic lamentations that were repeated and commented upon in the gatherings of Ayyavazhi. Akilathirattu devotes three full pages to enumerating and lamenting upon the innumerable exploitative measures imposed on the toiling masses, primarily on the Chanars. It lists a number of oppressive taxes (imposed on items such as firewood and the implements of the people's occupation). It also speaks about the varieties of taxes levied on land and cultivation and narrates the way the exploitative system of oozhiyam burdened the people.
The presidency of Donald Trump has led to many prominent controversies involving CNN. The network was accused by critics of giving disproportionate amounts of coverage to Donald Trump and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. CNN president Jeff Zucker defended CNN against the criticism, commenting that out of the Republican candidates, Trump was the most willing to give on-air interviews. Trump commented upon the allegations during his speech at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), jokingly referring to CNN as the "Clinton News Network". Donald Trump interview with CNN and Voice of America in September 2016.
Aside from minor works on the Hebrew language, the majority by far are of a cabalistic nature. There is scarcely a classic of Jewish medieval mysticism that he has not translated, annotated, or commented upon. Among these works may be mentioned the Zohar Only a few of Antonini's writings have been printed in the third volume of the Collectio Novissima of Martène. When urged by Pope Clement VII to publish his works, he is said, by the Augustinian historian, Friar Tomás de Herrera, O.E.S.A., to have replied that he feared to contradict famous and holy men by his exposition of Scripture.
Leningrad, 1961. Preface, p.7 Shakhovskoy's way of lampooning in his plays revered figures, like Nikolai Karamzin and Vasily Zhukovsky (whom he became great friends with in the 1820s), was commented upon by one of his admirers, Alexander Pushkin in Evgeny Onegin ("...And there caustic Shakhovskoy / Let out his comedies' noisy swarm").Там вывел колкий Шаховской / Своих комедий шумный рой Prince Shakhovskoy tutored (and was instrumental in their respective career development of) several leading Russian actors and actresses, including Vasily Karatygin, Alexandra Kolosova, Ekaterina Semyonova, Ivan Sosnitsky, Yakov Bryansky, Maria Varberkhova and Nikolai Dyur, among others.
In recent times, Mundhra is often noted as the forerunner of other financial scamsters of modern India, including Harshad Mehta and Abdul Karim Telgi, who also operated with considerable political connivance. However, unlike in the Mundhra case, the government response in appointing an honest and competent judge, and also the judicial investigation (24 days of public hearings) has been far from transparent. This lack of transparency has also been commented upon in the public investigation of the Bofors Scandal, one of India's largest scandals, which involved Feroze Gandhi's son Rajiv Gandhi, the Prime Minister at the time.
An Act of Adjournal is secondary legislation made by the High Court of Justiciary, the supreme criminal court of Scotland, to regulate the proceedings of Scottish courts hearing criminal matters. Now primarily derived from the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, the original power to create Acts of Adjournal is derived from an Act of the Parliament of Scotland of 1672. Before promulgation, Acts of Adjournal are reviewed and may be commented upon by the Criminal Courts Rules Council. Following Scottish devolution and the establishment of the Scottish Parliament, Acts of Adjournal are made as Scottish Statutory Instruments.
Along with King Suchandra, ninety-six minor kings and emissaries from Shambhala were also said to have received the teachings. The Kālacakra thus passed directly to the kingdom of Shambhala, where it was held exclusively for hundreds of years. Later Kings of Shambhala, Mañjushrīkīrti and Pundarika, are said to have condensed and simplified the teachings into the Śri Kālacakra or Laghutantra and its main commentary, the Vimalaprabha, which remain extant today as the heart of the Kālacakra literature. Fragments of the original tantra have survived; the most significant fragment, the Sekkodesha, was commented upon by Naropa.
Poliakoff is the most visible presenter on the videos; his hair, reminiscent of Albert Einstein or a mad scientist, is frequently commented upon. The combination of the professor's hair and amusing experiments has made these videos quite popular. Although uncertain what to think about the attention given to his hair, Professor Poliakoff is excited with the success of the videos, stating "With a few hours of work, I have lectured to more students than I have reached in my entire career." The YouTube channel as of December 2018, has over 1.1 million subscribers and the videos have surpassed 190 million views.
When the Balkan Wars broke out in October 1912, these airplanes performed a number of reconnaissance and bombing missions; the most notable was a sortie against the Ottoman fleet anchorage in the Dardanelles, where First Lieutenant Michael Moutoussis and Ensign Aristeidis Moraitinis spotted the Ottoman fleet and dropped four bombs. This mission is regarded as the first naval-air operation in military history and was widely commented upon in the press, both Greek and international.Boyne (2002) p. 66 Meanwhile, the Hellenic Navy, in the process of setting up its air arm, bought a fleet of Sopwith Gunbus seaplanes (also known as Greek Seaplanes).
In such cases, the decision of the President would be final. Justice Chandrachud's concurring opinion which was commented upon for its clarity and nuance, held that an ‘exceptional matter’ is one in which “the Government of the NCT is likely to impede or prejudice the exercise of the executive power of the Union Government”. Justice Chandrachud emphasized on the obligation of the Lieutenant Governor to abide by the aid and advice of the Delhi Government and observed that the interpretation that aids the basic features of representative governance and the cabinet form of government should be adopted.
The number of extant works ascribed to Jayatirtha are 22 in number with one non-extant work associated with him, 18 of which are commentaries on the works of the 13th century Hindu philosopher and theologian, Madhvacharya. He also crafted few but significant independent treatises dealing with the epistemology of Dvaita philosophy and refutation of the ontological aspects of Advaita. His precise and lucid style of writing earned him the distinction of Tikacharya or commentator par-excellence. His works were heavily commented upon by subsequent Dvaita philosophers like Vyasatirtha, Vijayendra Tirtha, Vadiraja Tirtha and Raghavendra Tirtha.
" Nevertheless he allowed Thurtell and Hunt to be convicted. Thurtell and his associates’ actions pursuant to the murder were as widely reported and commented upon as the crime itself. Having temporarily disposed of Weare’s corpse, "the trio entered the house, Hunt was introduced to Mrs Probert, directions were given to cook some pork chops for supper, and then Thurtell took the two men to the field, where they rifled the body, and left it lying enveloped in the sack. After supper a jovial evening was spent, Hunt sang several songs over the grog, and Thurtell gallantly presented Mrs.
Another notable Persian astrologer and astronomer was Qutb al-Din al Shirazi born in Iran, Shiraz (1236–1311). He wrote critiques of Ptolemy's Almagest and produced two prominent works on astronomy: 'The Limit of Accomplishment Concerning Knowledge of the Heavens' in 1281 and 'The Royal Present' in 1284, both of which commented upon and improved on Ptolemy's work, particularly in the field of planetary motion. Al-Shirazi was also the first person to give the correct scientific explanation for the formation of a rainbow. Ulugh Beyg was a fifteenth-century Timurid Sultan and also a mathematician and astronomer.
English delftware pottery and its painted decoration is similar in many respects to that from Holland, but its peculiarly English quality has been commented upon: "... there is a relaxed tone and a sprightliness which is preserved throughout the history of English delftware; the overriding mood is provincial and naïve rather than urbane and sophisticated." Caiger-Smith describes its mood as "ingenuous, direct, sometimes eccentric"; and Garner talks of its "quite distinctive character". Its methods and techniques were simpler than those of its continental counterparts. English tin-glaze potters rarely used the transparent overglaze applied by the more sophisticated Dutch and Italian potters.
In 1868 Janssen discovered how to observe solar prominences without an eclipse. While observing the solar eclipse of 18 August 1868, at Guntur, Madras State (now in Andhra Pradesh), British India, he noticed bright lines in the spectrum of the chromosphere, showing that the chromosphere is gaseous. Present in the spectrum of the Sun, though not immediately noticed or commented upon, was a bright yellow line later measured to have a wavelength of 587.49 nm. This was the first observation of this particular spectral line, and one possible source for it was an element not yet discovered on the earth.
While finding Yugi's victories in the anime ridiculous, Fandom Post still enjoyed the character's actions; the reviewer praised Yami's origins and actions as a Pharaoh, and the way he engages Bakura. The origins of the Pharaoh and his relationship with the priest Seto, Kaiba's previous life, were also praised. For the final duel between the two Yugi, Thompson praised Takahashi's writing because through this duel, both the Pharaoh and the reader are given the message to accept death while Yugi must accept loneliness and become a stronger man. Critics have also commented upon Yugi's role in the movies based on the franchise.
The painter's pose is elegant, and his gaze has been described as "astonishingly young, and at the same time, weary". Although the painting has been compared to classical and contemporary prototypes—portraits by Raphael, Bronzino, Titian, and Ingres have been cited as inspirations—the painting is consistent with a series of portraits of family members painted by Chassériau in his youth. The portrait is a frank portrayal of Chassériau's unattractive features, much commented upon during his life: Alice Ozy, later his mistress, referred to him as "the monkey". By comparison, a self-portrait of 1838, also in the Louvre, appears more idealized.
He wrote that those who volunteer to be Scout leaders should realise that to be a volunteer is a privilege, and that volunteers should expect to have their behaviour scrutinised and commented upon. If a volunteer's behaviour falls below standards, they should be helped raise it above the standard, and if they cannot raise their behaviour that they should leave Scouting. If their behaviour is a risk to young people, this should be reported immediately to statutory authorities. He also wrote that the protection of children is not just the duty of a professional safeguarding team, but of every adult in the organisation.
He granted them a favor by telling them the tale of the Earth-Minbari War. He also commented upon the terrible events that had befallen Centauri Prime, saying that while he had cared for each of his wives in his own way, he loved Centauri Prime the most, and that everything he had done had been “for her”. Following Mollari's death, Vir Cotto finds Mollari and G'Kar's lifeless bodies on the floor of the throne room. He manages to escape from the Centauri homeworld (avoiding the inevitable Drakh attempt to place a Keeper on him), and goes to Minbar.
The station first signed on the air on August 15, 1971 as KVRL, operating as an independent station. It was the third UHF television station in Houston, after KHTV (channel 39, now KIAH) and KVVV- TV (channel 16, which lasted only for 18 months). Four years after signing on, in 1975, the station's call letters were changed to KDOG—a callsign chosen by former station general manager Leroy Gloger. Another former general manager, Jerry Marcus commented (upon his retirement) that he saw the calls appropriate during the station's formative years as, in his words, channel 26 was a "dogged station" ratings-wise.
In 2015, Carlos Lozada wrote in The Washington Post that he found most of Trump's advice to be obvious or useless. San Francisco Chronicle was critical of the book in 2016, calling it "self-aggrandizing" and, "extolling little other than a brash, Gordon Gekko-like pursuit of money and real estate holdings." The Economic Times commented upon the work in 2017, saying it gave a window into Trump's views on deal-making. Bloomberg News and The Huffington Post observed in 2016 that the work formed part of a collection of works which were profitable for Trump in collaboration with ghostwriters.
Toll increases are indexed to inflation and regulated by the federal government. The consortium has rarely commented upon the profitability of the bridge, but during the structure's 10th anniversary, it was revealed that there had been a 30% cost overrun in construction ($330 million). The consortium is forced to cover this out of toll revenue since the federal government ferry subsidy is used to pay for the original tendered price ($1 billion). Operating costs for the bridge have also proven expensive, with warranty repairs for asphalt adherence and the complete replacement of all bridge deck lighting cutting into profits.
The Greek historian Strabo believed the Phoenicians originated from Eastern Arabia. Herodotus also believed that the homeland of the Phoenicians was Eastern Arabia. This theory was accepted by the 19th-century German classicist Arnold Heeren who said that: "In the Greek geographers, for instance, we read of two islands, named Tyrus or Tylos, and Arad, Bahrain, which boasted that they were the mother country of the Phoenicians, and exhibited relics of Phoenician temples."Arnold Heeren, p441 The people of Tyre in particular have long maintained Persian Gulf origins, and the similarity in the words "Tylos" and "Tyre" has been commented upon.
This document format has been revised in 2010 to include an easy to assimilate format for the reader. The problem with the earlier format often reported to RICS by clients in receipt of the previous 'Homebuyer's Survey and Valuation' was that the structure did not easily distinguish the faults from the main description. A traffic light system was introduced and surveyors have to rate each element of the inspection according to priority. In this way, serious impediments are identified easily, and less critical defects commented upon to give the reader advice on what will need attention in the near future.
Albarn was keen to work in Africa with local musicians again after his work on the album Mali Music (released 2002) so Tony Allen suggested that the four of them (including Danger Mouse) decamp to his home country of Nigeria to continue the sessions. There they recorded at Afrodisia Studios, once used by Fela Kuti, with a huge variety of local musicians, committing huge numbers of songs and ideas to tape before returning to England once more. The track listing was originally unveiled and commented upon by Damon Albarn and Paul Simonon in an interview in the November 2006 issue of Uncut.Uncut (Nov.
In 2010, the marinière set the trend: the Elite modelling agency in its annual competition, it dressed the finalists in them; Prada added them in its September collection, Gilas Loaëc's Breton brand Kitsuné, took it up, as did Dolce & Gabbana, Michael Kors and others. The following year, the France national football team commissioned its supplier Nike for new away kit as a white jersey with blue stripes, taking inspiration from the marinière. It was seldom used. Much commented upon - and criticised - this striped kit was dropped eleven months afterwards in favour of a much plainer all-white strip.
A short variant, quoted "from memory" and commented upon, in Ciprian, p.78–79. See also Sandqvist, p.20, 223 Like "Algazy & Grummer", "Ismaïl and Turnavitu" probably has a skeletal structure borrowed from real life: Turnavitu was a distinguished clan within Bucharest's Greek nobility, tracing its origin back to the Phanariote era. Mihai Sorin Rădulescu, "Genealogii: Discreția unui bucureștean de altădată", in Ziarul Financiar, August 29, 2008 The semi-fictional world is populated by other symbols of Romania's connection to the Orient, that are meant to evoke "the banality of a distinctively Balkan scenery" (Carmen Blaga).
16, 30 (Greek) At the end of January 1912, he acquired his pilot license and returned to Greece together with a privately owned Nieuport IV.G 50-hp aircraft. On 8 February 1912, Argyropoulos became the first Greek aviator to perform a flight in Greece, an event that was widely commented upon in the local press. After taking off from the Rouf district of Athens, he performed a 16-minute-long flight around the city, including an overflight of the Acropolis. An hour later he carried out a second flight, this time with Prime Minister Eleftherios Venizelos as his passenger.
Jaimini developed almost a new system which did not prove popular because principles presented in the shape of sutras are always capable of a variety of interpretations; Jaimini Sutras have been explained and commented upon by Neelakantha and Premanidhi. Jaimini appears to have favoured Charadasha not only for determining longevity but also for predicting important events to happen during the life of a person. Raman has found certain sutras tough, vague or capable of a two-fold interpretation. He also states that the Raja yogas given by Jaimini have not been tested as his method has not been in vogue.
Jones became widely known as "Cavendish" and wrote extensively in The Field, the world's original country and fieldsports magazine, which was founded in 1853. As "Cavendish" he also wrote on billiards, lawn tennis and croquet, and contributed articles on whist and other table games to the ninth edition (1889) of the Encyclopædia Britannica. "Cavendish was not a law-maker, but he codified and commented upon the laws which had been made during many generations of card-playing." One of the most noteworthy points in his character was the manner in which he kept himself abreast of improvements in his favourite game.
His larger canvases are academic and epic in scope. They were commercially successful but little commented upon by art critics and historians and thus they are not well documentedJean-Claude Poinsignon (2000), Le soldat-peintre Alphonse Chigot, in Valentiana no 25 – 26, 1er & 2eme trimstre p 30 The defeat of the French at Sedan in 1871 by the Prussians had a deep psychological effect on France. Chigot responded by painting some of his most eye catching and moving canvasses. In 1888 he produced a huge canvas entitled 1870-71 Armée de l’est now at the Musée d'Orsay .
Union leaders favourably commented upon his willingness to work with unions to achieve consensus, an attitude missing in fellow employers. In 1887, Smith published Liberty and Liberalism, a defence of classical Adam Smith liberalism in politics and economics and an attack against what he considered the increasing interference by the state. Additionally, Smith later wrote books on the Constitution of Australia, the dangers of socialism and a volume of verse. After an argument with his father in December 1887, Smith sold all his shares in Howard Smith to his brother Edmund Smith and resigned from the board.
"Doomsday" evolved from a song that was originally part-written by former Architects lead guitarist Tom Searle during sessions for the band's seventh album All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us. Following the guitarist's death on 20 August 2016, his brother Dan (the group's drummer) completed the song's lyrics in preparation for its release. The track was ultimately credited to Architects as a collective. Searle commented upon its release that "Completing it for him was a massive responsibility". The lyrical themes within "Doomsday" have been related to Searle's death by critics, especially lines such as "they say the good die young".
If the hand had been on the bat, it would have been a correct decision – as it stood, it was incorrect to give him out. This would prove to be a crucial error in the context of the series. England were thus victors – if in almost the most narrow way possible – and the series very much alive. Rather than engaging in the victory celebrations, the immediate reaction of Flintoff to the winning dismissal was to console the despondent batsmen – a gesture which was widely commented upon as indicative of the good sportsmanship and mutual respect between the teams which characterised the series.
As historian Gerald Horne describes, many Hollywood screenwriters had joined or associated with the local Communist Party chapter because it "offered a collective to a profession that was enmeshed in tremendous isolation at the typewriter. Their 'Writers' Clinic' had 'an informal "board" of respected screenwriters' – including Lawson and Ring Lardner Jr. – 'who read and commented upon any screenplay submitted to them. Although their criticism could be plentiful, stinging, and (sometimes) politically dogmatic, the author was entirely free to accept it or reject it as he or she pleased without incurring the slightest "consequence" or sanction.'"Horne (2006), p. 134.
The HDP denies the allegations and says the protests are orchestrated by the government to demonize the party. Zeyyat Ceylan, HDP's Diyarbakir co-chair, claimed the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) was trying to avenge its June 2019 Istanbul mayoral election defeat by using the families. Metin Gurcan, a columnist for Al-Monitor, commented upon the protests as pushing HDP to "distance itself from the PKK and transform". Attributed to the winter circumstances, the grouped stopped sitting on the stairs in front of the party building and moved to a tent to shelter from the cold weather.
At the time, the RNLI boat was known as the Institution Boat and The Harbinger was known as the Fishermen's Boat. After the gale, it was commented upon by some, that the design of The Harbinger led to its capsizing. A local benefactor paid for a new boat (The Seagull), of a new design and paid for a lifeboathouse to accommodate it, something that The Harbinger never had and she later became weathered after being exposed to the elements. Between 1884 and 1898, there was as secondary lifeboat in the village of Barmston some to the south of Bridlington.
Hambro made his literary debut in 1958 with the non-fiction book Frankrike ("France"), and released his first novel two years later. The novel, entitled De frafalnes klubb ("The Club of the Estranged"), was favourably commented upon by contemporary critics, but failed to arouse much subsequent interest from scholars. Hambro's reputation as a novelist rests more on his trilogy about the fictional character Nico Dietmeyer, deemed a Bildungsroman by academics. That work, serialised in the 1960s, was Hambro's first major commercial success, and has been reviewed in detail both by contemporaneous commentators and modern literary scholars.
In 1625 he and Federico Cesi printed in broadsheet (or broadside) form the work Apiarium in 1625, marking the first published microscopic revelations of biological structures.Grens Kerry, Apiarium, 1625, The Scientist The broadsheet contained an illustration of three bees - a design of three bees was the family crest of the new pope, Urban VIII. Stelluti’s Persio tradotto in verso sciolto e dichiarato ("[Works of Aulus] Persius [Flaccus] translated into light verse and annotated [lit. 'declared' in the sense of 'remarked/commented upon']"), published in Rome in 1630, is the first book published in codex form to contain images of organisms viewed through the microscope.
The Church of St Edmund King and Martyr, Kellington, is a grade I listed 12th century church in the village of Kellington, North Yorkshire, England. Excavations at the site have revealed the 14th century tomb related to the Knights Templar, and in the 1990s, the foundations of the church were underpinned because of possible subsidence effects from the nearby Kellingley Colliery. Its separation from the village upon elevated land, makes it a local landmark and it has been commented upon throughout history. A stone with Medieval carvings upon it was found in the church and has given rise to a legend attached to it about a shepherd fighting a snake.
Later, in Montana, an American Legion chapter made his conviction in Pasadena public to try to cancel his lectures in the state. Rustin served as an unidentified member of the American Friends Service Committee's task force to write "Speak Truth to Power: A Quaker Search for an Alternative to Violence," published in 1955. This was one of the most influential and widely commented upon pacifist essays in the United States. Rustin had wanted to keep his participation quiet, as he believed that his known sexual orientation would be used by critics as an excuse to compromise the 71-page pamphlet when it was published.
In 1982 he was awarded the Flacăra prize by the magazine patronized by the poet who, as seen after the change in 1989, was brandished as one of the dictator's main flatterers. With his travels abroad Mihai Olos was under the securitate's surveillance since his travel to Italy .Olos' art intervention journey with the scepter statue must have been also watched and commented upon in the informers' reports. The relationship between the artist's journey and the painting in which the artist had dared to put his own statue in the president's hand could have been interpreted both ways: either as a flattery or as an insolence.
In the episode, the office turns against Michael Scott when he refuses to fire the new office assistant, Luke (Peters), who has a terrible attitude and happens to be Michael's nephew. Meanwhile, after accidentally ruining one of Jim Halpert's (John Krasinski) pranks, Pam Halpert (Jenna Fischer) tries to prank Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) in return. "Nepotism" received generally positive reviews from television critics; many commented upon the episode's opening lip dub, although some noted it did not advance any story arcs. According to Nielsen ratings, the episode was watched by 8.4 million viewers, a slight increase from the sixth season premiere, "Gossip", and it finished second in its timeslot.
Stage sets representing heaven, hell, Pontius Pilate's house or the Holy Sepulcher were erected on the stages. To speak of actors is only pertinent to the plays; in the church, the rites were performed by clerics and monks who did not consider themselves to be acting in any amateur or professional sense. A director of sorts arbitrated between the stage and the audience; he commented upon the scene, narrated passages and kept order. While most performances were limited to a few hours, some plays could reach monumental proportions: The Passion-Play of Bolzano took seven days in 1514, and the one staged at Valenciennes in 1547, a total of 25.
The 1976 fictional poem The Love That Dares to Speak Its Name speculated what it would have been like if Jesus had had several sexual encounters with other men—including with Pontius Pilate, and a graphic description of Jesus' sexual encounter with a Roman soldier; Christian opposition to the poem's suggestions resulted in the Whitehouse v. Lemon court case, a famous blasphemous libel trial. The sadomasochistic undertones of the crucifixion have been commented upon, and occasionally portrayed explicitly in modern art; for satirical reasons, this was depicted in the controversial Jesus with erection poster, a concept which has also been depicted for serious reasons in sculpture by Terence Koh.
In Disney's Mickey Mouse cartoons, most of Mickey Mouse's friends are funny animals, including Goofy, who is a funny animal dog, also known as a dogface. Pluto, another dog character in the cartoons, is not a funny animal, as he is a pet with few anthropomorphic traits beyond his facial expressions. The stark difference between Goofy and Pluto's portrayals has been commented upon by media outlets. Television changed the dynamic of animation, in that although budgets were much smaller and schedules much tighter, this prompted a shift from the physical comedy that predominated film shorts to more dialogue- oriented jokes (including celebrity impressions and one-liner jokes).
Edmund Halley communicated to the Royal Society his phase- determinations of the total solar eclipse of 3 May 1715. On 14 July 1715 Pound observed an occultation of a star by Jupiter, on 30 October an eclipse of the moon, and made, in 1716 and 1717, various planetary observations all with a fifteen-foot telescope. Huygens's 123-foot focal length object-glass, lent to Pound in 1717 by the Royal Society, was mounted by him in the grounds of Wanstead House on the maypole just removed from the Strand, and procured for the purpose by Sir Isaac Newton. The inconveniences of this instrument were commented upon by Joseph Crosthwait.
Panchikarana is the method and process of the subtle matter (or the prior stage of matter) to transform itself into gross matter. Intelligence is the subtle manifestation of consciousness and matter its gross manifestation. Adi Shankara wrote a treatise on this theory, titled – Panchikaranam, which was elaborated by his disciple Sureshvaracharya, and later on commented upon in 2400 slokas by Ramananda Saraswati, disciple of Ramabhadra, and in 160 slokas by Ananda Giri, disciple of Suddhananda Yati. The Chandogya Upanishad teaches the Doctrine of Trivirtkarana from which developed the Vedantic Theory of Panchikarana with regard to the creation of the transformed evolutes of the original elements.
Look at Life cameras were also offered exclusive access behind the Iron Curtain to present life in the Eastern Bloc, particularly in East Berlin and the Soviet Union. The films were generally narrated in the style typical of newsreel films with a principal voice-over while letting the images tell the story. The narration was generally spoken over the natural sounds of the subject being discussed such as motor traffic or the activities within a workplace and with musical accompaniment. People who were featured in the programmes were seldom heard to speak unless as background sound, their activities and interactions with others generally being commented upon by the narrator.
Kosa Pan's embassy was met with a rapturous reception and caused a sensation in the courts and society of Europe. The mission landed at Brest, France and traveled overland to Versailles, constantly surrounded by crowds of curious onlookers. The "exotic" clothes as well as manners of the envoys (including their kowtowing to Louis XIV during their visit to him on 1 September), together with a special "machine" that was used to carry King Narai's missive to the French monarch caused much comment in French high society. Kosa Pan's great interest in French maps and images was commented upon in a contemporary issue of the Mercure Galant.
In April 2014, this was changed to allow for additional answers after a best answer is chosen, but the best answer can never be changed. Also, while "best answers" can be briefly commented upon, the comment is not visible by default and is hence hardly read. Even the user who posts the question isn't notified, before or after the best answer is picked, about a comment on the question or on the best answer. If the best answer chosen is wrong or contains problematic information, the only chance to give a better (or correct) answer will be the next time the same question is asked.
It is increasingly accepted among scholars that "at the end of the 1st century CE there were not yet two separate religions called 'Judaism' and 'Christianity'". Daniel Boyarin (2002) proposes a revised understanding of the interactions between nascent Christianity and nascent Rabbinical Judaism in Late Antiquity which views the two religions as intensely and complexly intertwined throughout this period. The Amoraim were the Jewish scholars of Late Antiquity who codified and commented upon the law and the biblical texts. The final phase of redaction of the Talmud into its final form took place during the 6th century CE, by the scholars known as the Savoraim.
Ammianus Marcellinus, in his account of The Battle of Strasbourg, alludes to the “vast personal strength” of Chnodomar, “on which he confided much”, and calls him “brave as a warrior and general, eminent for skill above his fellows”. At the same time, his height and brute physical strength, conspicuous even among barbarians, are commented upon. However, not all aspects of his personality will appear so favourably. It is admitted that, when brought before Julian's council at the conclusion of the battle of Strasbourg, he was trembling and struck dumb with terror, and then cast himself abjectly at Julian's feet, imploring his mercy in frenzied convulsions of remorse and fear.
A major development from the late 20th century is that high quality facsimiles of all kinds of primary sources regarding Johann Sebastian Bach became more readily available. Not only in print, like a new edition in color of Bach's autograph of the St Matthew Passion, but also on-line, like the Bach digital resource making hundreds of manuscripts, scores as well as writings, available at very high resolutions. It was no longer necessary to gain access to protected archived sources to make a detailed comparison between Spitta's writings and the artefacts he commented upon. Occasionally re-evaluations of source material led to new insights.
England appealed, and Kasprowicz was given out caught by Bowden. However subsequent replays suggested that the ball contacted Kasprowicz's glove while not in contact with the bat handle, rendering Bowden's decision technically incorrect. England were nonetheless declared victors – if in almost the most narrow way possible – and the series was thus level with three matches left. After a short engagement with his team in victory celebrations, the subsequent reaction of Flintoff to the winning dismissal was to console the despondent batsman, Lee – a gesture which was widely commented upon as indicative of the good sportsmanship and mutual respect between the teams which characterised the series.
Rosen served as a Moscow correspondent for UPI, and upon his return to the U.S., he was a reporter for the New York Daily News and an assistant metro editor for the Raleigh News & Observer. Rosen's 1991 front-page New York Daily News article about Donald Trump having stopped a mugging was circulated and commented upon during Donald Trump's 2016 US Presidential campaign. Rosen later became a news strategist, a congressional reporter for McClatchy Newspapers and a frequent contributor to Tribune News Service, before becoming a Pentagon correspondent for McClatchy and Washington correspondent for the Miami Herald. He has also served as a political expert for C-SPAN, NPR, and CBS.
William of Conches, Peter Helias, and Ralph of Beauvais, also referred to as speculative grammarians predate the Modist movement proper. The Modist philosophy was first developed by Martin of Dacia (died 1304) and his colleagues in the mid-13th century, though it would rise to prominence only after its systematization by Thomas of Erfurt decades later, in his treatise De modis significandi seu grammatica speculativa, probably written in the first decade of the 14th century. Until the early twentieth-century this work was assumed to have been authored by John Duns Scotus. Widely reproduced and commented upon in the Middle Ages, it remains the most complete textbook of Modist speculative grammar.
The collection of skulls and other remains of Japanese soldiers by American soldiers was shown by several studies to have been widespread enough to be commented upon by Allied military authorities and the US wartime press.Simon Harrison, Dark Trophies: hunting and the enemy body in modern war, Berghahn Booksl, 2012 Following the surrender of Japan, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East took place in Ichigaya, Tokyo from 29 April 1946 to 12 November 1948 to try those accused of the most serious war crimes. Meanwhile, military tribunals were also held by the returning powers throughout Asia and the Pacific for lesser figures.Dennis et al.
Some of them regarded the active intellect as a power external to the human mind, Alexander going so far as to identify it with God. Later, both these interpretations, Neoplatonist ones, and perhaps others, influenced the development of an important Arabic language philosophical literature, using the term 'aql as the translation for nous. This literature was later translated into, and commented upon, in Latin and Hebrew. Jewish and Islamic Al-Farabi and Avicenna, and also the Jewish philosopher Maimonides, agreed with the "external" interpretation of active intellect, and held that the active intellect was the lowest of the ten emanations descending through the celestial spheres.
The only work of his that has come down to us is the three books of the Elements of Harmony, an incomplete musical treatise. Aristoxenus' theory had an empirical tendency; in music he held that the notes of the scale are to be judged, not as earlier Pythagoreans had believed, by mathematical ratio, but by the ear. Vitruvius in his De architecturaVitruvius, Book V Chapter IV paraphrases the writings of Aristoxenus on music. His ideas were responded to and developed by some later theorists such as Archestratus, and his place in the methodological debate between rationalists and empiricists was commented upon by such writers as Ptolemais of Cyrene.
Nodwick :A short henchman, Nodwick has served the adventurers for many years. As the artist's style evolved, Nodwick grew shorter and his nose grew larger; this was actually commented upon in the comics themselves, with Artax trying to understand how it happened and Nodwick suggesting his nose grew to create balance for the oft-ridiculous weights he is forced to carry (generally orders of magnitude greater than his own weight). As most of the other henchmen in the strip look very similar to Nodwick, this seems to be a relatively common phenomenon. Artax and Yeagar frequently use Nodwick to set off traps, or to distract or bait monsters.
The Butterflies sculpture visited the following locations: The War Poets library, Edinburgh Napier University; BBC Scotland, Pacific Quay; Killin library, Killin; John Gray Library, East Lothian; Kirkwall library, Orkney; Glasgow Museum's Resource Centre, South Nitshill, Glasgow; Abbotsford House, Borders; Crighton Library, Dumfries; Aberdeen Central Library, Aberdeen. The sculpture's tour finished in the Scottish Parliament and was commented upon by MSPs and the First Minister. A 'time for reflection' parliamentary speech was given by Dr Colin Mackenzie, thanking the artist for her generosity and inspiration. During the tour the artist offered to collaborate with members of the public who sent in their own paper butterflies.
Following one of the Giants' longer losing streaks of the season, and the sudden emergence of rookie catcher Buster Posey, Molina was traded to the Texas Rangers on June 30, 2010, for relief pitcher Chris Ray and a player to be named later, which was minor league RHP Michael Main. As two of the Giants' best pitchers commented upon Molina's departure, his contributions to the Giants were very significant. "He helped me mature and succeed. I've said time and time again that he deserves half of those awards that I've gotten," said Tim Lincecum, the reigning two-time National League Cy Young Award winner.
323) Whistler's comments have been subsequently debated and Daniel Marien notes that the southern boundary of the species is not well understood and further notes that the Biligirirangans specimen commented upon by Whistler was identified positively by Biswamoy Biswas as a nigrolutea. Adult females of both species are entirely green above (except for a gray and white tail in nigrolutea) and yellow (dull in winter, brighter in spring) below. The juvenal and first-winter plumages in both sexes of both species are similar to their adult female plumages. First-year birds are best recognized by the possession of more pointed and somewhat narrower tail feathers.
Following a series of events he ends up aiding Torchwood, a team composed of two former alien-hunters and two former CIA agents, on their mission to restore death to the world. Danes is killed off in the final episode of the series; when death is restored he takes one of the Torchwood team's enemies out in a murder–suicide. Critics commented upon the character's resemblance both to horror film killers such as Freddy Krueger and Hannibal Lecter, as well as to American Evangelists and to the biblical Jesus Christ. The series also follows Danes' rise and fall in the public eye and the precariousness of fame.
Paatelainen was linked with the managerial vacancy at former club Hibernian in December 2007, and he was appointed on 10 January 2008. He commented upon taking the job that he wanted to make Hibs play a bit more direct, which he later claimed was misinterpreted as him wanting to play a long ball game. Paatelainen took the Hibs job at a time when they had only won one of their previous ten games and had slipped into the bottom half of the Scottish Premier League. Hibs’ results initially improved under Paatelainen and the club secured a place in the top half of the league.
Rice was eight when her schoolmate Denise McNair, aged 11, was murdered in the bombing of the primarily black Sixteenth Street Baptist Church by white supremacists on September 15, 1963. Rice has commented upon that moment in her life: Rice states that growing up during racial segregation taught her determination against adversity, and the need to be "twice as good" as non- minorities. Segregation also hardened her stance on the right to bear arms; Rice has said in interviews that if gun registration had been mandatory, her father's weapons would have been confiscated by Birmingham's segregationist director of public safety, Bull Connor, leaving them defenseless against Ku Klux Klan nightriders.
In the preface to his book occurs the expression, "of the exiles of Jerusalem." This, together with Aldabi's statement that he was exiled from his country (Andalusia), caused Graetz to assume that Meir ibn Aldabi was banished to Jerusalem. Graetz failed to take into account Aldabi's words, "He [God] led me into a waste land," which he would not have used in reference to Jerusalem. Aldabi belonged to the class of popular writers who, possessing extensive theological and scientific knowledge, commented upon the assertions of their predecessors with a clear understanding, expressing here and there their own opinions, and presenting some subjects from the standpoint of the Kabbala.
The screenplay was adapted by George F. Fish and Luella Forepaugh based on their own 1897 four act stage play, which was condensed into a 16-minute long film. Selig thought the screenplay he used was based directly on Stevenson's novel, not realizing it had been adapted from Fish and Forepaugh's stage play instead, causing some plot differences. Selig erroneously commented upon its release that his film was "presented in strict accordance with the original book....involving each detail of pose, gesture and expression.....executed by persons of indisputed dramatic ability." Despite its brevity, the film was also organized into four acts, just like the play.
Herodotus also believed that the homeland of the Phoenicians was Bahrain. This theory was accepted by the 19th-century German classicist Arnold Heeren who said that: "In the Greek geographers, for instance, we read of two islands, named Tyrus or Tylos, and Arad, Bahrain, which boasted that they were the mother country of the Phoenicians, and exhibited relics of Phoenician temples."Arnold Heeren, p441 The people of Tyre in particular have long maintained Persian Gulf origins, and the similarity in the words "Tylos" and "Tyre" has been commented upon. However, there is little evidence of occupation at all in Bahrain during the time when such migration had supposedly taken place.
68 Despite his earlier confrontation with the Iron Guard, the leftist poet Tudor Arghezi is thought by some to have deplored Codreanu's killing, and to have alluded to it in his poem version of the Făt-Frumos stories.Pop, p.47 Eliade, whose early Legionary sympathies became a notorious topic of outrage, was indicated by his disciple Ioan Petru Culianu to have based Eugen Cucoanes, the main character in his novella Un om mare ("A Big Man"), on Codreanu. This hypothesis was commented upon by literary critics Matei Călinescu and Mircea Iorgulescu, the latter of whom argued that there was too little evidence to support it.
The king capriciously and ruthlessly sends Sforza to prison, and takes Alinda as his mistress; he mounts a false accusation of adultery against Eulalia, claiming that she and Sforza have had an affair. Gonzago's motive is to replace Eulalia as queen with Alinda — a move that Alinda herself supports: she quickly shows a ruthless ambition that matches the king's lack of principle. These events at court are observed and commented upon by two courtiers, Lodovico and Horatio, who embody two contrasting responses. Lodovico is faithful and sincere, while Horatio is a sycophant who supports the king in whatever the king does, no matter how contemptible.
This unfinished work is not well-known even among readers of Peake's other works, having been published only in the Overlook editions (albeit in both single volume and omnibus). Mills (2005) comments on the irony of the narrator's comment that Titus would never again see Gormenghast Castle, for "even in the first proposed chapter, Titus returns in a dream to Gormenghast and the fight between Swelter and Flay." The textual repetition in the preadventure was commented upon by Chris Sandow, who stated that "[t]he fragments are clearly no more than early drafts". However, it is not clear that the repetition is an error.
On 20 March 1863 Bobrowski went to Kraków to investigate the circumstances of Langiewicz's self-proclamation as dictator and his subsequent departure. Shortly before, he had sent a letter to Langiewicz in which he had commented upon the character of Count Grabowski, who had convinced Langiewicz to become dictator, and in which Bobrowski had referred to Grabowski as a "common thug whom a serious politician should be ashamed to even mention" ("jest to awanturnik najpospolitszy, o którym poważnemu politykowi nawet wstyd wspominać"). The letter and its contents had somehow become public knowledge. Additionally, when Bobrowski had met Grabowski face-to-face, he had refused to shake his hand.
The album was released on Pye Records in June 1978 and featured the singles "Figaro" and "Beautiful Lover", which were hits in Europe, reaching No.1 and No.15 respectively in the UK. The album was TV advertised and reached No.18 in the UK Charts, their highest charting album to this point. It was certified silver with sales of over 60,000 on 1 September 1978. The songs on the album were in the group's now full-fledged pop mould, after experimenting with differing styles on their earlier albums. The tracks were mostly sung by the female members of the group and were often commented upon by the media on their similarity in style to ABBA.
The American historian Cynthia Behrman wrote the articles all commented upon "...Gordon's religious faith, his skill with native peoples, his fearlessness in the face of danger (a recurrent motif is Gordon's habit of leading his troops into battle armed with no more than a rattan cane), his honor, his resourcefulness, his graciousness to subordinates, his impatience with cant and hypocrisy, his hatred of glory and honors, his dislike of lionization and social rewards, and on and on. One begins to wonder whether the man had any faults at all". "The reading public wanted heroes, it wanted to read about one lone Englishmen sacrificing himself for glory, honour, God, and the Empire."Messenger, 2001 p. 195.
Her strong build, partly a result of the hard physical labour that was her livelihood, ran counter to the largely middle-class notion that women were meant to be physically frail. Some commentators saw her facial features as indicative of criminality; O'Donnell commented upon her "obliquely set eyes", which he declared "are not infrequently found in homicides... this peculiarity, which I consider was sufficient in itself, as one of nature's danger signals, to have warned people to steer clear of her." Webster's behaviour in court and her sexual history also counted against her. She was widely described by reporters as "calm" and "stolid" in facing the court and cried only once during the trial, when her son was mentioned.
Till date four collections of his nazms, ghazals and qatas have come to light, they are – 1) Dorahaa, 2) Saharaa Mein Azaan, 3) Sharaar e naghmaa and 4) Sachche Bole. He had also penned his memoirs titled – Lahore kaa jo zikr kiyaa (). His complete works, titled Kulliyaat e Gopal Mittal, were published after his demise. His life and works were commented upon and appraised by leading poets and writers – Jagan Nath Azad, Makhmur Saeedi, Wazir Agha, Balraj Komal, Hamidi Kashmiri, Bani, Hayatullah Ansari, Rashid Hasan Khan, Azad Gulati, Krishan Mohan, Zia Fatehabadi and Nazir Siddiqi, whose assessments were compiled and edited by Kumar Pashi and published in 1983 titled Gopal Mittal – shakhsiyat aur fan ().
The Upper Furnace Pool at Coalbrookdale, supplied by Resolution Coalbrookdale was a cradle of the First Industrial Revolution and was the scene of Abraham Darby's first production of iron by a coke-fired blast furnace, rather than the previous and expensive charcoal. Coalbrookdale is a narrow steep-sided valley that offered useful water power to drive the furnace blast and the various stamp mills, boring engines, etc. Contemporary visitors commented upon the picturesque 'fine cascades' of water. Although the water power available at Coalbrookdale had been described as 'abundant', it was also seasonal: in the summer months, the lack of water could require the furnace to be 'blown out' for some months and work suspended.
Its unusual length, lavish production values, innovative special effects, and emphasis on storytelling were markedly influential on other film-makers and ultimately on the development of narrative film as a whole. Scholars have commented upon the film's extensive use of pataphysical and anti-imperialist satire, as well as on its wide influence on later film-makers and its artistic significance within the French theatrical féerie tradition. Though the film disappeared into obscurity after Méliès's retirement from the film industry, it was rediscovered around 1930, when Méliès's importance to the history of cinema was beginning to be recognised by film devotees. An original hand-colored print was discovered in 1993 and restored in 2011.
The beautiful spirit of friendliness and cooperation among the so-called Sister Anglophone Societies since their inception has been notable and has persisted throughout the years. The St. Patrick's Society, the St. Andrew's Society and the St. George's Society were opposed to the Patriotes bas-canadiens who founded the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste, named "Aide-toi et le Ciel t'aidera" at its inception in 1834 by former 1st Mayor of Montréal, Jacques Viger. The national qualities and purposes of the various anglophone bodies were commented upon by the Honourable Peter McGill, the first English-speaking Mayor of Montreal, at a dinner given by St. Patrick’s Society on the evening of March 17, 1836.
His preference for and extensive use of Moreton Bay Fig for public plantings in Sydney during his time as director is well documented and commented upon by many of his contemporaries. Indeed, some members of the public bemoaned his use of "the inevitable Moreton Bay Fig" in the planting of Centennial Park. James Jones, the Head Gardener of the Botanic Gardens and Overseer of the Centennial Park from 1887-1892 assisted Moore in his task. In his Day Book Jones has left a record of the Herculean effort required to clear vegetation, alter landforms, groom slopes, create open spaces and construct the Grand Drive and subsidiary roads, under the pressure of a looming opening date.
According to the Claremont Review of Books, the "Spengler" columns in the Asia Times have attracted readership in the millions. Goldman concealed his identity under the "Spengler" pseudonym until 2009, when he revealed his identity in the Asia Times article, "And Spengler is…" and the First Things article "Confessions of a Coward". Goldman regularly appears as a guest on CNBC's Larry Kudlow Program, where he has been an outspoken critic of Federal Reserve efforts to resuscitate the American economy. In "Dumb and Dumber", a widely commented upon piece for Tablet magazine in May 2013, Goldman argued how both Republican and Democratic foreign policy elite in the United States have wrongly put their faith in the so-called Arab Spring.
Robot's contribution as a prose writer was in several ways innovative for its Romanian and Moldovan cultural contexts. His role in the "reform of [Romanian] prose" was commented upon by literary historian Mihai Zamfir, who listed Robot alongside a variety of significant voices in the Romanian novel of the 1930s (Max Blecher, H. Bonciu, Mircea Eliade, Constantin Fântâneru, Camil Petrescu, Anton Holban, Mihail Sebastian and Octav Șuluțiu). Dana Pîrvan-Jenaru, " 'Triumful' și 'moartea' romanului interbelic", in Observator Cultural, Nr. 458, January 2009 The poet's aesthetic accomplishment in prose form was discussed by Eugen Lungu, who called Robot "an acrobat of style." Music-hall, Robot's only novel, is centered on the lives of mother and son dancers Tamara and Ygor.
In 1832 Daniell exhibited a number of his own pictures of scenes in Italy, Switzerland and France with the Norwich Society of Artists, which were favourably commented upon by the Norwich Mercury. During the sole instance of an exhibition of his works with the Society, he showed Sketch from Nature, Lake of Geneva, from Lausanne, painted on the spot. Ruins of a Claudian Aqueduct, in the Campagna di Roma, and Ruined Tombs, on the Via Nomentana, Rome, painted on the spot. He served on bodies involved with the arts, becoming a Fellow of the Geological Society of London in 1835, and a committee member of the Society for the Encouragement of British Art in May 1837.
Sententiae, 1280 circa, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Florence Peter Lombard wrote commentaries on the Psalms and the Pauline epistles; however, his most famous work by far was Libri Quatuor Sententiarum, or the Four Books of Sentences, which became the standard textbook of theology at the medieval universities. From the 1220s until the 16th century, no work of Christian literature, except for the Bible itself, was commented upon more frequently. All the major medieval thinkers, from Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas to William of Ockham and Gabriel Biel, were influenced by it. Even the young Martin Luther still wrote glosses on the Sentences, and John Calvin quoted from it over 100 times in his Institutes.
The first known mention of the book appears in a text by the Arab philosopher Al- Kindī (d. 850). Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna) seems to have had direct knowledge of the book, as he paraphrased and commented upon the full text in his encyclopedic Al-Shifā’. In Spain, the 12th-century philosopher Ibn Bājja (Avempace) wrote on De Partibus and De Generatione. It has been remarked that one usually finds references to the Historia in the Eastern Islamicate world, while the other two books are generally referred to in the West, and in conformity to this pattern, Ibn Rushd (Averroes), like Ibn Bājja, wrote commentaries on De Partibus and De Generatione (see below), in which he criticizes Ibn Sīnā's interpretations.
" Under the rule of the dictator General Sani Abacha (1993–98), Osundare regularly contributed poems to a Nigerian national newspaper (now part of the collection Songs of the Season) that criticised the regime and commented upon the lives of people in Nigeria. As a result, he was frequently visited by security agents and asked to explain his poems and to whom they referred: > "By that time I realized that the Nigerian security apparatus had become > quite 'sophisticated', quite 'literate' indeed!" > "A couple of my students at the University of Ibadan had become informers; a > few even came to my classes wired. And when I was reading abroad, someone > trailed me from city to city.
When the matter came out, it caused outrage in Finland among those politicians and civil servants, to whom it should have been reported at the time, and it was widely publicised and commented upon in the Finnish media, amidst allegations of Finlandization. The alleged incident has been compared to other similar incidents involving the Soviet Union, such as the Aero Kaleva in 1940, Aeroflot Flight 902 in 1962, Korean Air Lines Flight 902 in 1978, Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983. Co- captain Kaukiainen said that the Finnair pilots decided to speak out on the matter after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 had been shot down in Ukraine on 17 July 2014.
Hornsby's own music evolved significantly during this time period. Critics have suggested that the Dead's vibrant tradition of melding folk music and the blues with psychedelic rock in "loose-knit expressions" and extended jamming "further pushed [Hornsby] outside the confines of mainstream pop". Critics have also commented upon the "close musical connection" formed between Hornsby and Jerry Garcia, suggesting that Hornsby's particular style of jazz-fueled improvisation added to the band's repertoire, and helped to revitalize and refocus Jerry Garcia's guitar solos in the band's sound. Hornsby's friendship with Garcia continued, both inside and outside the band, as the two "challenged" each other to expand their musicianship through several other album and live collaborations.
In 1963, Polke founded the painting movement "Kapitalistischer Realismus"Grafik des kapitalistischen Realismus KP Brehmer, , Sigmar Polke, Gerhard Richter, Wolf Vostell, Druckgrafik bis 1971 ("Capitalist realism") with Gerhard Richter and Konrad Fischer (alias Konrad Lueg as artist). It is an anti-style of art, appropriating the pictorial shorthand of advertising. This title also referred to the realist style of art known as "Socialist Realism", then the official art doctrine of the Soviet Union and its satellites (from one which he had fled with his family), but it also commented upon the consumer-driven art "doctrine" of western capitalism. He also participated in "Demonstrative Ausstellung", a store-front exhibition in Düsseldorf with Manfred Kuttner, Lueg, and Richter.
In the report of the Stevens inquiry into football corruption published in June 2007, Souness was criticised for an apparent lack of consistency:Souness issued a statement denying any wrongdoing:The Stevens inquiry then issued a clarification:In July 2007, Newcastle United was raided by the City of London Police, who were investigating transfer deals involving Newcastle, Rangers and Portsmouth. Two Souness transfers, Jean-Alain Boumsong and Amdy Faye, were among a list of 17 transfers not cleared by Quest. The Boumsong deal in particular was so odd that it was widely commented upon at the time. Four months after succeeding Sir Bobby Robson as manager, Souness was in his first transfer window as Newcastle manager.
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, On religion. Atlanta: Scholars, 1982, p. 22. The next mention of fetishism was in the 1842 Rheinische Zeitung newspaper articles about the "Debates on the Law on Thefts of Wood", wherein Marx spoke of the Spanish fetishism of gold and the German fetishism of wood as commodities: In the Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Marx spoke of the European fetish of precious-metal money: In the ethnological notebooks, he commented upon the archæological reportage of The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man: Mental and Social conditions of Savages (1870), by John Lubbock.Lawrence Krader (ed.), The Ethnological Notebooks of Karl Marx: Studies of Morgan, Phear, Maine, Lubbock.
The Western portal During construction of the tunnel a problem was encountered with flooding due to the saturation of the surrounding rocks. The resultant flow of water was channelled through the tunnel, hidden by a decorative cladding. Within a few months this cladding had begun to crack and water entered the part of the tunnel reserved for traffic; although no structural problems were found the water staining on the cladding gave the impression of a poorly built tunnel.Hansard record of parliamentary debate This was commented upon in Parliament by the local MP, Colin Breed, and a £7.4 million renovation project was contracted to Skanska to provide for a new tunnel lining and improvements to the electrical system.
This portrait, by Thomas Lawrence, of Georgiana Fane, as a peasant girl, is described as a good example of a trend in painting to represent the rich in fantastic scenes, as individuals from mythology, classical literature, or simple peasants. Georgiana Fane was an English heiress, daughter of John Fane, 10th Earl of Westmorland and his second wife the former Jane Huck-Saunders. Her mother bore four other children before separating from her father, after ten years of marriage. Georgiana is known for two things, a much commented upon portrait of her, when she was five or six years old, dressed as a peasant girl, and for her apparent stalking of the Duke of Wellington.
Cazemajou, p. 5 Crane's reputation was then enhanced by faithful support from writer friends such as Joseph Conrad, H. G. Wells and Ford Madox Ford, all of whom either published recollections or commented upon their time with Crane. John Berryman's 1950 biography of Crane further established him as an important American author. Since 1951 there has been a steady outpouring of articles, monographs and reprints in Crane scholarship.Cazemajou, p. 6 Today, Crane is considered one of the most innovative writers of the 1890s.Benfey, p. 3 His peers, including Conrad and James, as well as later writers such as Robert Frost, Ezra Pound and Willa Cather, hailed Crane as one of the finest creative spirits of his time.
John Hinnells and Richard King (2006), Religion and Violence in South Asia: Theory and Practice, , pp. 101–114 The violence of Babur, the father of Humayun, in the 1520s, was witnessed by Guru Nanak, who commented upon them in four hymns. Historians suggest the early Mughal era period of religious violence contributed to introspection and then transformation from pacifism to militancy for self-defense in Sikhism. According to autobiographical historical record of Emperor Babur, Tuzak-i Babari, Babur's campaign in northwest India targeted Hindu and Sikh pagans as well as apostates (non-Sunni sects of Islam), and immense number of infidels were killed, with Muslim camps building "towers of skulls of the infidels" on hillocks.
The poemwhich seems to have been inspired by Lucretius's Epicurean poem De rerum naturaespouses a Stoic, deterministic understanding of a universe overseen by a god and governed by reason. The fifth book contains a lacuna, which has led to debate about the original size of the poem; some scholars have argued that whole books have been lost over the years, whereas others believe only a small section of the work is missing. The poem was rediscovered 14161417 by the Italian humanist and scholar Poggio Bracciolini, who had a copy made from which the modern text derives. Upon its rediscovery, the Astronomica was read, commented upon, and edited by a number of scholars.
Magni was virtually unknown outside of Iceland until he competed on the U.S.-produced music television show, Rock Star: Supernova, in the summer of 2006 where he earned himself the nickname of "Ice-Man". He distinguished himself on the show with consistently solid vocal performances and his rapport with the show's House Band, as commented upon by the show's judges and host. Magni made it to the show's season finale, finishing fourth, behind Dilana (second) and Toby Rand (third), and new Rock Star Supernova frontman Lukas Rossi. A homecoming celebration took place at Smáralind on September 17, 2006, when Magni returned to Iceland after his three-month stint with the CBS show.
The nearest model for Pope's essay is the Treatise of the Sublime by Boileau of 1712. Pope admired Boileau, but one of Pope's (and Swift's) literary adversaries, Leonard Welsted, had issued a "translation" of Longinus in 1726 that was merely a translation of Boileau. Because Welsted and Pope's other foes were championing this "sublime," Pope commented upon and countered their system with his Peri Bathous in the Swift- Pope-Gay-Arbuthnot Miscellanies. Whereas Boileau had offered a detailed discussion of all the ways in which poetry could ascend or be "awe-inspiring," Pope offers a lengthy schematic of the ways in which authors might "sink" in poetry, satirizing the very men who were allied with Ambrose Philips.
" Chen's probe concerns NT$14.8 million (US$480,500) in special expenses from the government, while he was president, and his wife is on trial for corruption and document forgery. Prosecutors found at least NT$1.5 million had been spent on diamond rings and other luxury items for his wife., Ex-president barred from leaving Taiwan Upon his return to Taiwan, Chen's son claimed that he was a mere "figurehead," and was not directly involved in the transfer of money. Chen commented upon the public's suspicions that he had engaged in money laundering by colorfully stating: "Money is dry, it cannot be laundered; money is clean, not dirty, it does not need to be laundered.
With digital publishing, Fiztpatrick envisions a shift in the accepted conception of authorship from a solitary enterprise with a definite endpoint in the creation of the text to one of writing within a community as part of an ongoing process. This change is a result of the capabilities of word processing, which allows for the swift and simple revision of text, and the digital networking, which enables linking, reader commentary, and version control. By releasing text to be read and commented upon online authorship becomes ongoing, process-oriented work taking place in a community of interested readers. Another aspect of community or collective authorship that Fitzpatrick explores is related to remix culture.
Karpas – A vegetable other than bitter herbs representing hope and renewal, which is dipped into salt water at the beginning of the Seder. Parsley or another green vegetable.A Passover Haggadah: As Commented Upon by Elie Wiesel and Illustrated by Mark Podwal (Simon & Schuster, 1993, ) Some substitute parsley to slice of green onion (representing the bitterness of slavery in Egypt) or potato (representing the bitterness of the ghetto in Germany and in other European countries), both commonly used. The dipping of a simple vegetable into salt water and the resulting dripping of water off of said vegetables visually represents tears and is a symbolic reminder of the pain felt by the Hebrew slaves in Egypt.
John Hinnells and Richard King (2006), Religion and Violence in South Asia: Theory and Practice, , pp. 101–114 The violence of Babur, the father of Humayun, in the 1520s, was witnessed by Guru Nanak, who commented upon them in four hymns. Historians suggest the early Mughal era period of religious violence contributed to introspection and then transformation from pacifism to militancy for self-defense in Sikhism. According to autobiographical historical record of Emperor Babur, Tuzak-i Babari, Babur's campaign in northwest India targeted Hindu and Sikh pagans as well as apostates (non-Sunni sects of Islam), and immense number of infidels were killed, with Muslim camps building "towers of skulls of the infidels" on hillocks.
The phenomenon was noted as early as 1897 in 's remarks before the British Medical Association at a meeting in Montreal. It was later commented upon in print in 1901 in Gould and Pyle's Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine: In 2008, Mahmood F. Bhutta and Harold Maxwell performed the first full-scale investigation of the phenomenon. Before their research, the most recent mention in published research was a letter to the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1972, which involved a 69-year-old man, who had bouts of severe sneezing after orgasm. The two doctors noted that men and women often sought help or explanations for the disorder on internet chat rooms and forums.
The MeWe site and application has features common to most social media and social networking sites: Users can post text and images to what the site calls their "Home Feed", users can "like" others' posts using emojis, there is a standard set of animated GIFs, users can create specialized groups, and there is online chat. Users have control over how posts appear in their Home Feed (such as chronological, most recently commented upon, and more). Posts set to "private" can be seen only by other users who are in a person's contact list; while posts set to "public" appear to everybody. The latter feature was added after October 2018, when a wave of Google+ users "migrated" to MeWe.
The armbands were criticised as being ineffectual and that they laid the responsibility for stopping the assaults on the victims instead of the perpetrators. In December 2016, Sifo conducted a poll on public opinion on how Dan Eliasson performs as chief of police where 50% stated a negative or very negative view and 11% stated a positive or very positive view. According to police reports commented upon by Eliasson in June 2015, high crime rate areas numbered 15 in 2015 and 23 in 2017. In October 2017 Eliasson was interviewed by SR Ekot where he was queried about his promise in May 2015 to regain control in areas of Sweden with high crime rates.
Wisden praised Tom Cartwright for helping to develop Botham's technique as a swing bowler and, by the time he made his Test debut in 1977, Botham had mastered change of pace, the outswinger and the fast inswinging yorker, all formidable parts of his repertoire which eventually enabled him to break the world Test wicket record. Writing in Barclays World of Cricket (1986), former England captain Tony Lewis commented upon Botham's strength, enthusiasm and aggression "which he took into every game".Barclay's, pp. 157–158. Lewis, however, pointed out that Botham's exuberance often reduced the efficiency of his play, in that he would take too many risks or refuse to give up on a bowling tactic despite ongoing heavy cost.
Folio 32v of the original Book of Kells shows Christ enthroned. The film is based on the story of the origin of the Book of Kells, an illuminated manuscript Gospel book in Latin, containing the four Gospels of the New Testament located in Dublin, Ireland. It also draws upon Celtic mythology; examples include its inclusion of Crom Cruach, a pre-Christian Irish deity and the reference to the poetic genre of Aislings, in which a poet is confronted by a dream or vision of a seeress, in the naming of the forest sprite encountered by Brendan. Wider mythological similarities have also been commented upon, such as parallels between Brendan's metaphysical battle with Crom Cruach and Beowulf's underwater encounter with Grendel's mother.
Barges towed by a tugboat on the River Thames Containers of waste destined for Mucking Marshes Landfill are loaded onto a barge in central London Mucking Marshes landfill was a major landfill site servicing London, close to the ham of Mucking. Covering hundreds of acres of former gravel quarry, it was one of the largest landfills in Western Europe and had been filled for decades with municipal and commercial waste floated thirty miles down the River Thames in barges to Mucking Wharf. The barges, each carrying dozens of distinctive yellow containers, were a familiar, though rarely commented-upon, sight along the Thames through Central London. Once the barges had travelled downstream from Walbrook Wharf, mechanical cranes at Mucking Wharf unloaded the containers onto trucks.
Firefox News commented upon the episode positively, particularly in comparison with Torchwood's first finale episode, "End of Days".Review:Sarah Jane Adventures-The Lost Boy Digital Spy commented that the tone of the episode was strangely dark, having expected more jovial adventures following the Slitheen adventure which kick- started the series, commenting "dark emotions have been regularly encountered, often to do with human loss, and a fascinating morbid tone has descended". The Cult Editor for the website, Ben Rawson-Jones, noted a similarity with some Doctor Who stories wherein "the formula of an old enemy from earlier in the series returning has been closely adhered to. Such a shame it had to be the Slitheen then, rather than any evil nuns or General Kudlak's brethren".
In a 1976 interview with Carmen Thomas for a German television show, Lear confirmed that her father was British and mother was Russian, and that they had both already died. However, she would later claim that her mother had a French background. Lear's alleged transgender background has been commented upon in the media and in the biographies of those who knew Lear earlier in her life, including Salvador Dalí, with Dali's biographer Ian Gibson even devoting an entire chapter to her. April Ashley, a famous transgender entertainer and model, has long claimed that in the 1950s and early 1960s, she and Lear, whose birth name she stated was Alain Tap, were working together in Parisian transvestite revues Madame Arthur and Le Carrousel.
The term, adarsana, as a technical term in Yoga referring to ignorance or absence of knowledge, figures prominently in the discussions pertaining to the Sadhanapada of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Patanjali systemised the Yoga philosophy or Yoga- darsana propounded by Acarya Hiranyagarbha which is the practical application of Samkhya principles earlier systemised through twenty two sutras by Kapila. Vyasa-bhasya which is Vyasa’s commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali has been commented upon by Vachaspati Misra and Vigyanabhikshu. Vyasa states that liberation consists precisely in the cessation of the mind which cessation occurs by the disappearance of the cause of misconception or adarsana while adding that correct vision of reality (darsana) stops or sublates misconception which is the cause of bondage.
There his collection of paintings and works of art was among the most visited and commented upon in Paris, after those of the princes.Colin B. Bailey, "Conventions of the eighteenth-century cabinet de tableaux: Blondel d'Azincourt's La première idée de la curiosité", The Art Bulletin 69.3 (September 1987:431-47) He had made his first public purchases at the sale of the comtesse de Verrue, 1737.Comte de Ris 1877:345. By 1745 his place among the most selective collectors was well established: when the marchand-mercier GersaintEdme-François Gersaint is remembered today for the shop sign that was painted for him by Watteau: Guillaume Glorieux, À l'enseigne de Gersaint: Edme-François Gersaint, marchand d'art sur le Pont Notre-Dame (1694-1750) 2002.
The novel suggests that during this time Hitler met Joseph Goebbels, with whom he had an instant rapport with his vulgarities and anti-semitism - the first radical departure from actual history. The novel swiftly moves to the First World War, and describes Hitler's exploits as a behind-the-lines scout sniper - who, in his spare time, criticizes the Army High Command and tells jokes so disgusting that even hardened soldiers stay silent. Also his foul-smelling flatulence is commented upon. While following Hitler's rise to power from the Great Depression to the Second World War, the novel makes its most outrageous claim; Hitler and Goebbels jointly conceived the Second World War in order to "teach the pompous German nation a lesson" with two distinct operations.
The text consists of over 170,000 characters, with spaces dividing the text into about 35,000 groups of varying length, usually referred to as "words" or "word tokens" (37,919); 8,114 of those words are considered unique "word types". The structure of these words seems to follow phonological or orthographic laws of some sort; for example, certain characters must appear in each word (like English vowels), some characters never follow others, or some may be doubled or tripled, but others may not. The distribution of letters within words is also rather peculiar: Some characters occur only at the beginning of a word, some only at the end, and some always in the middle section. Many researchers have commented upon the highly regular structure of the words.
Little is known about Johnson's life between the end of 1729 and 1731. It is likely that he lived with his parents. He experienced bouts of mental anguish and physical pain during years of illness; his tics and gesticulations associated with Tourette syndrome became more noticeable and were often commented upon. By 1731 Johnson's father was deeply in debt and had lost much of his standing in Lichfield. Johnson hoped to get an usher's position, which became available at Stourbridge Grammar School, but since he did not have a degree, his application was passed over on 6 September 1731. At about this time, Johnson's father became ill and developed an "inflammatory fever" which led to his death in December 1731.
In the early 1980s, the group held several meetings of "right-wing Tories and neo-fascists" with the aim of "co-ordinating anti-immigration campaigns".Ciarán Ó Maoláin (1987) The radical right: a world directory, Longman, p328 By this time, the Conservative Party was concerned that "co- ordinating groups" like the Swinton Circle were being infiltrated by the far right.Larry O'Hara (1992), Lobster magazine 23, p47 "British Fascism 1974-83" Its most commented-upon meeting was in 1983 with Ivor Benson as guest speaker.Peter Barberis, John McHugh, Mike Tyldesley (2005), entry on London Swinton Circle, Encyclopedia of British and Irish Political Organizations, Continuum International Publishing Group, p185Tribune 28 October 1983 Revelations about the extreme-right past of one member led to a motion in Parliament.
Because Welsted and Pope's other foes were championing this "sublime," Pope commented upon and countered their system with his Peri Bathos in the Swift- Pope-Gay-Arbuthnot Miscellanies. Whereas Boileau had offered a detailed discussion of all the ways in which poetry could ascend or be "awe-inspiring," Pope offers a lengthy schematic of the ways in which authors might "sink" in poetry, satirizing the very men who were allied with Ambrose Philips. Pope and Philips had been adversaries since the publication of Pope's Odes, and the rivalry broke down along political lines. According to Pope, bathos can be most readily applicable to love making after two years of marriage which is clearly in binary opposition to the sublime but is no less political.
The text, state Clooney and Stewart, succinctly summarizes the foundations of Vaishnava theology that the entire universe exists within Vishnu, and all aspects of life and living is not only a divine order but divinity itself. Bhakti, in Bhagavad Gita, is an act of sharing, and a deeply personal awareness of spirituality within and without. The Bhagavad Gita is a summary of the classical Upanishads and Vedic philosophy, and closely associated with the Bhagavata and related traditions of Vaishnavism. The text has been commented upon and integrated into diverse Vaishnava denominations, such as by the medieval era Madhvacharya's Dvaita Vedanta school and Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita Vedanta school, as well as 20th century Vaishnava movements such as the Hare Krishna movement by Swami Prabhupada.
Variety wrote that the creative team behind Beyond Beyond "invent an elaborate mythology around an impressive figure called the Feather King, who guards the realm where Johan, the rabbit boy, must venture, though the trip proves too dark and complicated for family crowds, limiting export prospects." Common Sense Media also commented upon the film's themes and expressed concern that they might be too dark for younger audiences. Dove marked Beyond Beyond with their "Family Approved" seal and wrote that it was "a charming little story about the loss of a loved one and how that loss effects others." The SVT Nyheter Norrbotten praised the movie's 3D environment and compared it to works by Hayao Miyazaki, but also felt that the film's premise was too confusing.
He wrote that Belushi finished off the sketch with a moving rendition of the introduction to the original Star Trek series, while modifying it slightly to emphasize that NBC's greed had ended the Enterprise mission. Mother Jones magazine additionally commented upon the key theme of satire over conflict between the critical success of Star Trek and the decision to cancel the program by the studio executives. The magazine noted that writer Michael O'Donoghue's work for the sketch was among the highest caliber scripts he had written for Saturday Night Live. Mother Jones found it ironic that in the sketch the Enterprise was defeated not by its traditional enemies such as the Klingons, but by a stupid NBC executive in charge of the network's programming schedule.
Lord Mansfield subsequently commented upon his decision in the Somersett case in R v Inhabitants of Thames Ditton (1785)R v Inhabitants of Thames Ditton (1785) 99 ER 891. The official report notes that Mansfield expressed the view during counsel's argument that his ruling in the Somerset case decided only that a slave could not be forcibly removed from England against his will: "The determinations go no further than that the master cannot be force compel him to go out of the kingdom." In Thames Ditton a black woman by the name of Charlotte Howe had been brought to England as a slave by one Captain Howe. After Captain Howe died Charlotte sought poor relief from the Parish of Thames Ditton.
A Tulsa-area supervisor with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) commented upon environmental issues pertaining to the Creek Turnpike in a 19-page letter to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dated February 9, 1990. USACE was responsible for issuing three essential permits (which OTA had applied for on November 6, 1989) that would allow construction to continue, and was required to consider input from the service. In the letter, supervisor Stephen Forsythe recommended that the permits be denied and further studies conducted into alternate routes for the turnpike and the environmental impact on roads that connected to the turnpike. However, USACE only had the authority to review the impacts the Creek Turnpike itself made on wetland areas.
The Edict was seen by some especially among the religious as a specific sign leading towards the fulfillment of prophecy. Research conducted by Michael Sours into this subject and the records of the development of the Edict did not refer directly to the Jews but rather infers religious tolerance through ending executions for apostasy for Jews that seemed to convert making their social situation easier while actually keeping their personal and group identity in their Judaic religion. Jerusalem has had the largest Jewish population in Palestine in recent centuries since about 1844 and been majority Jewish since about 1852. The Edict was first publicly commented upon by Reverend Edward Bickersteth in his publication, Practical Guide to the Prophecies in the 1844 edition.
By the 19th century, the stage Irishman became more of a lower-class stereotype, associated with the emigrations of mid-century. Dion Boucicault's successful plays The Colleen Bawn (1860) and The Shaughraun (1874) included several Stage Irish characters. Patriotic inversions of the stereotype appeared in Ireland and it was commented upon by writers such as George Bernard Shaw in John Bull's Other Island and by John Millington Synge in The Playboy of the Western World. The latter play was condemned by Irish nationalists, including Sinn Féin leader Arthur Griffith, who described the play as "a vile and inhuman story told in the foulest language we have ever listened to from a public platform", and that it insulted Irish men and women.
Bateman published an article on the Benty Grange excavation in October 1848—five months after excavating the barrow—in The Journal of the British Archaeological Association. The finds were included in his 1855 catalogue of his collection, and shortly before his death, Bateman revised and expanded upon his 1848 account in his 1861 book Ten Years' Digging in Celtic and Saxon Grave Hills. Similarly, Llewellynn Jewitt commented upon the finds, including the hanging bowl, in his 1870 book Grave-mounds and their Contents. The hanging bowl was one of the first to be discovered, and in 1898 John Romilly Allen included it among 16 examples in the first English article to discuss hanging bowls as a distinct class of artefact.
Herodotus also believed that the homeland of the Phoenicians was Bahrain. This theory was accepted by the 19th-century German classicist Arnold Heeren who said that: "In the Greek geographers, for instance, we read of two islands, named Tyrus or Tylos, and Arad, Bahrain, which boasted that they were the mother country of the Phoenicians, and exhibited relics of Phoenician temples."Arnold Heeren, p441 The people of Tyre in particular have long maintained Persian Gulf origins, and the similarity in the words "Tylos" and "Tyre" has been commented upon. With the waning of Seleucid Greek power, Tylos was incorporated into Characene or Mesenian, the state founded in what today is Kuwait by Hyspaosines in 127 BC. A building inscriptions found in Bahrain indicate that Hyspoasines occupied the islands, (and it also mention his wife, Thalassia).
The history of the Princeton Triangle Club reflects many major social, cultural, economic, political, literary and theatrical trends in the United States during the late 19th and 20th centuries. It also traces the evolution of both undergraduate life and theatrical endeavors at Princeton University. In its century-plus of productions, Triangle has commented upon Princeton-specific topics, from examinations and campus safety to the Honor Code and the eating clubs, in addition to broader movements and events, including war protests, political scandals, women's rights, and affirmative action. Although Triangle essentially recreates itself every year with an entirely new, full-scale musical-comedy, the club remains committed to its longstanding traditions, from the annual national tour to the kickline, and perpetuates its unique spirit, blending topical humor with collegiate irreverence and outright playfulness.
Xeni recounted that Ionescu had displayed a degree of sympathy with King Carol's position, contending that the monarch was not entirely opposed to joining the Entente in its war effort. According to one of the PCD's main opponents, the writer and journalist Tudor Arghezi, Ionescu changed his priorities on the very day King Carol convoked a Crown Council which confirmed neutrality policies (3 August 1914). In this version of events, the Conservative Democrat commented upon the necessity of supporting the Entente Powers just as he was leaving Peleş Castle; Arghezi commented with irony that: "before reaching the street, Mr. Take Ionescu had reviewed his ideas several times. [...] It would seem that Mr. Take Ionescu's ideas are stillborn, just like premature babies, born before their time and dead before having an age".
Rather than attacking through the streets, the rebels used the dynamite to blow the walls of the adobe houses that were huddled up next to each other, which allowed them to proceed through the city house by house. Another novel aspect of the offensive used by the attackers, which was extensively commented upon by American journalist Timothy Turner who was observing the battle from El Paso, was the rotation of troops that the rebels employed. Rather than attacking en masse with the whole army, Villa and Orozco had their soldiers engage the enemy for a few hours, then go back to secure positions to sleep, while other rebels took their place. As a consequence the rebel troops were always rested while the less numerous defending federal troops were forced to remain sleepless and ever vigilant.
The western history of cinchona bark dates back more than 350 years. Circa 1650, the physician Sebastiano Bado declared that this bark had proved more precious to mankind than all the gold and silver that the Spaniards had obtained from South America. In the 18th century, the Italian professor of medicine Ramazzini said that the introduction of Peruvian bark would be of the same importance to medicine that the discovery of gunpowder was to the art of war, an opinion endorsed by contemporary writers on the history of medicine. The value of Jesuit's bark, and the controversy surrounding it, were both recognized by Benjamin Franklin, who wittily commented upon it in his Poor Richard's Almanac for October, 1749, telling the story of Robert Talbot's use of it to cure the French Dauphin.
Reconnaissance that required extensive penetration of the enemy lines, were carried out by the Corps Observation Groups. The 2d Day Bombardment Group, consisting of the 100th and 163d Squadrons was assigned to Ourches Aerodrome, was unable to carry out any offensive operations prior to 11 November. Offensive Pursuit Patrols were only made by the 25th and 141st Squadrons, new squadrons transferred from Colombey which formed the nucleus of the 4th Pursuit Group. Had the war continued, this group would have performed in a stellar manner, as it was strengthened by the 17th and 148th Squadrons, two organizations which were transferred from operations with the British Expeditionary Forces on 4 November, and had been flying in combat for several months and were both highly commented upon by the Royal Air Force.
Critical reception for Wyrmwood has been positive, earning an approval rating of 79% on Rotten Tomatoes. Twitch Film and The Hollywood Reporter both praised the film, and Twitch Film commented that the film's script is original. Variety also commented upon this element, as they enjoyed the character of Brooke "being injected with a chemical concoction that somehow gives her the ability to control the hungry hordes" and that "other nifty little touches, such as Frank and Barry’s discovery that zombie blood can be used as a substitute for gasoline, Brooke’s psychic powers bring something fresh to a horror subgenre that’s received a particularly heavy flogging in recent years." Shock Till You Drop also gave a favorable review, stating that they found it to be an "impressive feature debut".
His live performances, mainly in support of better-known musicians, received generally favourable reviews. His lack of performing experience and inconsistent approach with audiences was commented upon, while his music was likened to that of Damien Rice and David Gray. In March 2004, with Blunt performing in the support role for Katie Melua in Manchester, Alex McCann of Designer Magazine wrote, "Blunt's ascendance is a dead cert and this time next year it isn't that far removed from reality to suggest that a number one album, Brit Award and countless accolade's [sic] will be his for the taking." After the release of the album, concert support slots for Elton John and Lloyd Cole and the Commotions in late 2004 and early 2005 followed, as did a band residency at London club 93 Feet East.
In early January the road party continued to draw and split logs and were building piers for the bridge which was finished on 5 January 1815. Cox described the Fish River bridge as follows:Whitaker, 2014: Chapter 4, William Cox's Journal, p 73 The Fish River area was another steep obstacle on the Bathurst Road which was commented upon by many for travellers who found the Fish River Hill ascent on the west side particularly difficult. In April 1817 botantist Allan Cunningham described the journey over the Clarence Hilly Range to the Fish River as "severe and oppressive to our horses, the whole being sharp lofty hills and narrow boggy valleys, alternately", but he also reported that alterations were being made to improve the gradient. Cunningham's Journal for 3 August 1817 described this section as follows:I.
Like an aniseed ball, the > mix of pop tunes and ballads are pleasant and consistent throughout, but at > the same time never too adventurous. The French lyrics may spoil the album > for some but the catchy tunes and lyrics (even though they may mean little > to the average English speaker) highlight the universal language of pop... > ...Sixteen-year-old Alizée is France's answer to the teen queen phenomenon. > With one notable exception: Alizée has real talent... In recent years, critics have commented upon the maturing of Alizée's image and style, and her being a growing artist full of "classy" sounds, and having a strong voice. They have observed how "Lolita", who had begun her career at the beginning of the new century, has transformed into a mature woman and accomplished singer throughout the years.
" The definition given in The Science of Discworld (1999) is as follows: "A lie-to-children is a statement that is false, but which nevertheless leads the child's mind towards a more accurate explanation, one that the child will only be able to appreciate if it has been primed with the lie". The authors acknowledge that some people might dispute the applicability of the term lie, while defending it on the grounds that "it is for the best possible reasons, but it is still a lie". This viewpoint is derived from earlier perspectives within the field of philosophy of science. In a 1999 interview, Pratchett commented upon the phrase: "I like the lies-to-children motif, because it underlies the way we run our society and resonates nicely with Discworld.
Another of Cicero's works, his history of Latin oratory known as the Brutus, is dedicated to the memory of Hortensius. Though he criticises him at various points,e.g. Cic. Brutus 320 Cicero's respect for Hortensius is evident throughout, and he frequently mourns his rival's death: 'I grieved to have lost in him not, as some may have thought, a rival jealous of my forensic reputation, but rather a friend, and a fellow worker in the same field of glorious endeavour ... each of us was helped by the other with exchange of suggestions, admonitions, and friendly offices'.Cic. Brutus 2–3 Over the centuries, Hortensius's orations were lost, and the last person reported in the literature to have read and commented upon one of Hortensius's original works was the first century AD rhetorician Quintilian.
Plecker described Virginia's racial purity laws and requested to be put on Gross' mailing list. Plecker commented upon the Third Reich's sterilization of 600 children in the Rhineland (the so-called Rhineland Bastards, who were born of German women by black French Colonial fathers): "I hope this work is complete and not one has been missed. I sometimes regret that we have not the authority to put some measures in practice in Virginia."Michael Plunkett, Editor, Afro-American Sources in Virginia: A Guide to Manuscripts, The John Powell Papers, University of Virginia Press, 1995 Despite lacking the statutory authority to sterilize black, mulatto and American Indian children simply because they were "colored", a small number of Virginia eugenicists in key positions found other ways to achieve that goal.
This highly philosophical canzone was extremely influential, and it was commented upon by authors including Dino del Garbo, pseudo-Giles, Giles of Rome, Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, Iacopo Mini, and Fracesco de Vieri (see Enrico Fenzi, La canzone d'amore di Guido Cavalcanti e i suoi antichi commenti, Melangolo, 1999). While this has very little to do with modern psychology, Guido's philosophy of spiritelli was part of the guiding principles of Arabic medicine, considered very advanced in Dante's time. The merit of such philosophy in Cavalcanti's verse is its ability to describe what goes through the poet's mind in a very detailed, personal manner, creating sensuous, autobiographic poetry. This is revolutionary compared to the rhetoric and academic-seeming manner of the Sicilian and Neo-Sicilian Schools that had preceded the Dolce Stil Novo and, perhaps, a sign of the changing times.
Subhash Chandra Agarwal where he agreed with the majority that the office of the Chief Justice of India is a public authority and falls within the ambit of the Right to Information Act 2005. Justice Chandrachud's opinion was widely discussed for evolving jurisprudence around the balancing of the right to privacy and the public interest. His opinion was also commented upon for expanding the ambit of the phrase ‘public interest’ to include information ‘on the adequate performance of public authorities’ which includes ‘information on the selection of judges to the higher judiciary which must be placed in the public realm’. While the majority and the other concurring opinion applied the proportionality test to balance the right to privacy and public interest, Justice Chandrachud expanded the application of the proportionality test to balance the rights of privacy and information.
While acknowledging Lewontin's observation that humans are genetically homogeneous, A. W. F. Edwards in his 2003 paper "Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy" argued that information distinguishing populations from each other is hidden in the correlation structure of allele frequencies, making it possible to classify individuals using mathematical techniques. Edwards argued that even if the probability of misclassifying an individual based on a single genetic marker is as high as 30 percent (as Lewontin reported in 1972), the misclassification probability nears zero if enough genetic markers are studied simultaneously. Edwards saw Lewontin's argument as based on a political stance, denying biological differences to argue for social equality. Edwards' paper is reprinted, commented upon by experts such as Noah Rosenberg, and given further context in an interview with philosopher of science Rasmus Grønfeldt Winther in a recent anthology.
The countess is said to have been present, disguised as a boy, and to have held the duke's horse. Her husband died of the injuries inflicted on him in the duel which was fought with swords at Barn Elms on 16 January 1668, and was commented upon by Samuel Pepys in his diary the next day." Lord Shrewsbury is run through the body, from the right breast through the shoulder: and Sir John Talbot all along up one of his armes; and Jenkins killed upon the place, and the rest all, in a little measure, wounded...", Friday 17 January The sovereign, King Charles II strongly disapproved of duelling within his realm and the duke temporarily fell out of royal favour as a result. It was said that, at various times, Buckingham fought five different men over Anna.
Since the 1980s Lonin participated in the revival efforts of the Veps language and culture. He worked as a Veps language teacher at the Šoutar’v school in 1987–89, he translated the booklet Iisusan elo (‘The Life of Jesus’) and the Gospel of Mark, and although neither was printed, this marked the beginning of Bible translation in the Veps language. Lonin was later a part of group than commented upon the texts produced by Bible translator Nina Zaĭceva. Lonin was a long-time member of the Veps National Choir in Šoutar’v (1957–2001), and he even wrote a song about a twirling stick that the choir has regularly performed. Lonin participated in the third Finno- Ugrian World Congress in Helsinki in December 2000, and he also participated in the First Veps Authors’ World Conference in Kuhmo, Finland, in the autumn of 2002.
He also attained the nickname "The Human Rain Delay" for his deliberate routine at the plate before each at-bat and before each pitch. He drove pitchers crazy by stepping out of the batter's box after each pitch and starting his routine, which consisted of (1) adjusting his helmet, (2) adjusting his batting glove, making sure it was tight on his hand and especially the thumb, (3) pulling each sleeve on his uniform up about an inch, and (4) wiping each hand on his uniform pants – and then sometimes repeating the whole process again – before finally settling back into the box. Towards the end of his career this trait was very well known and often commented upon by broadcasters. Adding further to his "Human Rain Delay" moniker was his extremely fine bat control, which allowed him to foul off countless pitches.
In his prime, Grace was noted for his outstanding fielding and was a very strong thrower of the ball; he was once credited with throwing the cricket ball 122 yards during an athletics event at Eastbourne. He attributed this skill to his country-bred childhood in which stone throwing at crows was a daily exercise. In later life, Grace commented upon a decline in English fielding standards and blamed it on "the falling numbers of country-bred boys who strengthen their arms by throwing stones at birds in the fields". Much of Grace's success as a bowler was due to his magnificent fielding to his own bowling; as soon as he had delivered the ball he covered so much ground to the left that he made himself into an extra mid- off and he took some extraordinary catches in this way.
When the closure notice came in, it was partially lamented locally, but it was commented upon by the miners themselves as well as the locals, that the blow would not be felt in the same way as traditional pit villages as most of the men who worked in the pit were from outside the Melton Mowbray area and had taken the jobs at Asfordby when their own mines had been closed down. The mine was closed due to volcanic sills that sat above the coal seams. The volcanic rocks were heavier than expected and had been putting too much pressure on the excavated coal seams below. Just before the closure was announced in August 1997, a massive flood and rockfall destroyed £6 million worth of equipment and the mine was closed leaving behind a possible of mineable coal.
Wisden commented upon the recent development in Pakistani cricket of replacing matting pitches with "very dead turf pitches". The nature of such pitches is that they allow for little movement of the ball off a straight line of delivery and so create easy batting conditions which, consequently, inhibit development of the skills necessary to perform well on all sorts of pitch. As a result, most of the Pakistani batsmen had difficulty in English conditions against pace and seam where there is considerable deviation of the ball as it moves through the air. The 1962 Pakistanis suffered accordingly against the English pace bowlers as is shown by the series statistics in that 96 Pakistani wickets fell during the five matches and 73 were taken by pace or seam bowlers, only 21 by spinners and there were two run outs.
The Poetria nova is a 2,000-line poem written around 1210 in Latin hexameters and dedicated to Pope Innocent III. The Poetria nova aimed to replace the standard text on verse composition, Horace's Ars poetica called the Poetria in the Middle Ages, which was widely read and commented upon in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. Karsten Friis-Jensen suggests that Geoffrey of Vinsauf's "main incentive for writing independent arts of poetry was probably a wish to systematize the exegetical material which generations of commentators had collected around Horace's text, in a structure that was in better accordance with traditional didactics in the closely related art of rhetoric" (364). The medieval teacher intended to reshape the Ars poetica into an elementary textbook on composing poetry, "modeled on the Ciceronian rhetorics and their medieval derivatives, such as the artes dictandi and the treatises on the colores rhetorici" (Camargo 949).
In his book Artistic Form and Yoga in the Sacred Images of India, Heinrich Zimmer wrote in praise of the writings of Sir John Woodroffe: When Woodroffe later commented upon the reception of his work he clarified his objective, "All the world (I speak of course of those interested in such subjects) is beginning to speak of Kundalinî Shakti." He described his intention as follows: "We, who are foreigners, must place ourselves in the skin of the Hindu, and must look at their doctrine and ritual through their eyes and not our own." Western awareness of kundalini was strengthened by the interest of Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Carl Jung (1875–1961). Jung's seminar on Kundalini yoga presented to the Psychological Club in Zurich in 1932 was widely regarded as a milestone in the psychological understanding of Eastern thought and of the symbolic transformations of inner experience.
90-91 Susan Gilson Miller, Cambridge University Press 2013 Lyautey allowed the Sultan to retain his powers, both nominal and practical: He issued decrees in his own name and seal, and was allowed to remain religious leader of Morocco; he was further allowed an all-Arab court. Lyautey once said of this: > In Morocco, there is only one government, the government, protected by the > French. Walter Burton Harris, a British journalist who wrote extensively on Morocco, commented upon French preservation of traditional Moroccan society: > At the Moorish court, scarcely a European is to be seen, and to the native > who arrives at the Capital there is little or no visible change from what he > and his ancestors saw in the past. Lyautey served his post until 1925, in the late midst of the failed revolt of the Republic of the Rif against Franco-Spanish administration and the Sultan.
A promotional film, created by UK animation studio Axis Productions and directed by Stuart Aitken, featuring the transformation of a young girl into a zombie, played in a nonlinear sequence, was commented upon by Ben Parfitt of MCV. Parfitt praised the trailer itself, but criticised the online reaction to it, writing "It's a video that uses an image of a dead girl and images of her dying to create an emotional bond with a product." Wired exclaimed, "It may be the best video game trailer I've ever seen; gorgeous, well-edited and emotionally engaging." However Wired urged caution, stating that Techland did not make the trailer and that "everyone is hyped up about a short film, not the game itself." Dead Island was originally announced on 8 August 2007 and stated to be released in 2008, developed by Techland and produced by Adrian Ciszewski, but was delayed.
The Football Factory is the controversial debut novel of author John King, and is based around the adventures of a group of working-class Londoners who follow Chelsea home and away, fighting their rivals on the streets of England’s cities. The principal character/narrator is Tommy Johnson, whose internal monologues allow the reader an inside view of football hooliganism and the adrenaline highs involved. Major battles take place with Chelsea’s traditional enemies, among them Tottenham and Millwall, and the book’s authenticity has often been commented upon. The language used is hard-hitting but imaginative, as Tommy’s frustration and outspoken views on life in modern- day Britain delve into a range of subjects including class, patriotism, prejudice, poverty and the political system. Equally as important to the novel’s structure is the presence of pensioner Bill Farrell, a former soldier who fought in the Second World War and was decorated for his bravery.
The play makes use of various theatrical devices,Dr O. BRÜCKL (1965) SIR PHILIP SIDNEY'S ARCADIA AS A SOURCE FOR JOHN WEBSTER'S THE DUCHESS OF MALFI,English Studies in Africa, 8:1, 31-55, DOI: 10.1080/00138396508691115 some of them derived from Senecan Tragedy which includes violence and bloodshed on the stage. Act III, Scene IV is a mime scene, in which a song is sung in honour of the Cardinal, who gives up his robes and invests himself with the attire of a soldier, and then performs the act of banishing the Duchess. The whole scene is commented upon by two pilgrims, who condemn the harsh behaviour of the Cardinal towards the Duchess. That the scene is set against the backdrop of the Shrine of Our Lady of Loretto, a religious place, adds to its sharp distinction between good and evil, justice and injustice.
In the spring of 1950, in a small shop at 25 Fritjof Nansen Street, Sofia, his father covered the walls with numerous watercolours, made by Hristo in the environs of the city. That was to be his son’s first one-man show. Several years later, however, the future artist was forced out of necessity to sell all his paintings for as little as much as a loaf of bread. Hristo Simeonov graduated in painting from the Sofia Art Academy in 1960. His first exhibition of pario-realistic works was commented upon by Kiril Krustev, an art critic, in the Izkustvo journal, as follows: “In November 1978, Hristo Simeonov opened the most unexpected and astonishing exhibition ever held by a Bulgarian artist.” This judgement received an ultimate confirmation in 1988, when Simeonov staged his second pario-realistic show and published his essay “The Painting. Pario-realism”.
By the early 1830s Hosking had a sufficient reputation in the arts and sciences of buildings and construction to secure an appointment with the new Birmingham, Bristol and Thames Junction Railway Company (The West London Railway) to design an impressive scheme for carrying a roadway over the Paddington Arm of the Grand Junction Canal (now the Grand Union Canal); both of which then passed over the new railway. His success in designing this construction was much commented upon and assisted his election, in 1835, to Fellowship of the Institute of British Architects (now the Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA). Thereafter, Hosking continued to develop his interest in bridge design, though more academically, and went on to develop related interests in the construction of buildings for fire resistance, avoidance of damp, etc., which led to his being recognised as having competence in both civil engineering and architectural spheres.
Reviewing the band's show in Auckland, Chris Schulz wrote that vocalist Taylor's performance was "schizophrenic" and that his "unpredictable, passive- aggressive nature" was the focal point of Slipknot's live show. He also declared percussionist Crahan the "most menacing member of Slipknot", noting that in a "particularly violent" version of "Duality" he "appeared pleased to play his part in the song by violating an empty keg with a baseball bat." When reviewing the same show, Scott Kara of The New Zealand Herald compared Slipknot's performance to their appearance at the 2005 Big Day Out festival, noting that "the gruesome obscenities, the vomiting, and fights" were absent, which made for "a far tighter and more solid" performance. Kara also commented upon the connection the fans had with the show, saying that in songs like "The Heretic Anthem" Taylor "hardly needs to sing" due to the involvement of the audience.
Kocijančič has translated into Slovene (and written upon) a Pre-Socratic verse composition from Ancient Greek by the poet and thinker Parmenides (Parmenides: Fragments 1995) and The Elements of Theology by Proclus (1999). He translated and commented upon complete works of Plato (2004). He has also worked on the New standard translation of the Bible into Slovene by providing translation of and commentary to the Gospels and certain deuterocanonical books of Old Testament and the revision of the entire New Testament, and translated and annotated numerous patristic works such as Thoughts of the Greek Fathers on Prayer (1993), The Wisdom of the Desert (1994), Apostolic Fathers (1996), Gregory of Nyssa: Life of Macrina, Dialogue On the Soul and Resurrection (1996), Logos in Defence of the Truth: Selected Writings by the Early Christian Apologists (1998), Maximus the Confessor: Selected Works (2000). His last work is translation of the complete works of Dionysius the Areopagite (2009) and Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy (2012).
Geometric proof of the Pythagorean theorem from the Zhoubi Suanjing. With contents known much earlier, but in surviving texts dating from roughly the 1st century BC, the Chinese text Zhoubi Suanjing (周髀算经), (The Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven) gives a reasoning for the Pythagorean theorem for the (3, 4, 5) triangle—in China it is called the "Gougu theorem" (勾股定理). A rather extensive discussion of the origins of the various texts in the Zhou Bi is provided by During the Han Dynasty (202 BC to 220 AD), Pythagorean triples appear in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art, This work is a compilation of 246 problems, some of which survived the book burning of 213 BC, and was put in final form before 100 AD. It was extensively commented upon by Liu Hui in 263 AD. See particularly §3: Nine chapters on the mathematical art, pp. 71 ff.
Very little is known about the organization of the Roman fleets of late Antiquity, from the gradual break-up of the large provincial fleets into smaller squadrons in the 3rd century to the formation of a new navy at the onset of the Muslim conquests. Despite the evidence of considerable naval activity in this period, earlier scholars believed that the Roman navy had all but vanished by the 4th century, but more recent work has altered this picture towards a transformation into a mainly fluvial and coastal force, designed for close co- operation with the army. Under Emperor Diocletian (284–305), the navy's strength reportedly increased from 46,000 men to 64,000 men, a figure that represents the numerical peak of the late Roman navy. The Danube Fleet (Classis Histrica) with its attendant legionary flotillas is still well attested in the Notitia Dignitatum, and its increased activity is commented upon by Vegetius (De Re Militari, IV.46).
Madame Palmyre also called Mademoiselle Palmyre (19th century), was a French fashion designer couturier.Valerie Steele: Women of Fashion: Twentieth-century Designers, Rizzoli International, 1991 Madame Palmyre was an established fashion designer during the July Monarchy. She enjoyed a successful career, and came to have an influential position within the French fashion industry and mentioned as a member of the elite fashion designers in mid-19th-century Paris in the era of the Second French Republic and Second Empire, alongside other top designers such as Madame Camille, Madame Vignon-Chauvin and Madame Victorine. She was particularly noted for her ball gowns, which was commented upon once by Alfred de Musset. Among her famous clients were Louise of OrléansNapoléon III et la reine Victoria: une visite à l'Exposition universelle de 1855 : Musée national du château de Compiègne, 4 octobre 2008-19 janvier 2009, María Francisca de Sales Portocarrero, 16th Duchess of Peñaranda and Isabella II of Spain.
The Sedition Act in particular has been widely commented upon by jurists for the bounds it places on freedom of speech. Justice Raja Azlan Shah (later the Yang di-Pertuan Agong) once said: In 2009, the government announced it was considering amendment of several laws which impinge upon freedom of speech, including the controversial Internal Security Act (ISA), which has been used to detain numerous politicians and activists without trial. Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, accompanied by Inspector-General of Police Musa Hassan, Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail, Information, Communication, and Culture Minister Rais Yatim, and Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Aziz, told the press that the ISA, Police Act, Multimedia and Communications Act, the Restrictive Residence Ordinance, and the Emergency Ordinance would be reviewed with an eye to relaxing restrictions on freedom of speech. Rais also said that the Police Act would include provisions allowing peaceful assembly in certain designated places such as stadiums, without the need to obtain a permit from the police.
In 2014, both the SAD and the Indian National Congress (INC) voiced their opposition to Christian Mazhabi people being reconverted to the Sikh faith in a ceremony organised by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Parkash Singh Badal, then Chief Minister of Punjab and an SAD elder, said that such conversions are "unfortunate and against the basic tenets of Sikhism as Sikh gurus sacrificed their lives resisting conversion", while Amarinder Singh of the INC considered the move by the Hindutva-centric RSS to be "forced conversion". The RSS said that it was not sponsoring conversion to Hinduism but rather to Sikhism and that the SGPC had been lax in stemming the tide of poor Sikh families switching to Christianity. It was claimed by an RSS colleague, Ram Gopal, that 2,470 people had already been converted in the year prior to the controversy being commented upon and that the SGPC had initially supported the idea.
In 1991 he exhibited at the Spazio Ansaldo, Milan, in an installation designed by Renzo Piano, and more spectacular was an exhibition at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan, which was widely commented upon by the critic Roberto Tassi.Tassi, Roberto "Orellana" exhibition catalogue (Tai-Pei 1993, TFAM Ed.) In 1995, an incredible exhibition was shown at the Casa Das Artes in Vigo Spain, crucial from a critical point of view, as the critic Marco Ricardo Barnatán wrote in the exhibition catalogue, for its statement of Orellana's renewed aesthetic and realisation ideals and practice, a trait that indeed has marked the work of the artist ever since. Christian Stein, at the gates of the Spanish Pavilion at the 1995 Venice Biennale, declared that "Orellana is the most interesting artist that Spain has created since Tàpies and Miró". In 1998, his gallery, Christian Stein, showed his works in a solo pavilion at the ARCO art fair in Madrid.
T. R. Bell, a naturalist friend, writing of him after his death said :He was a good man in every sense of the word; a strongly religious man, a pleasant companion, broad minded, exceedingly tolerant of the weaknesses of others, gentle and lovable and a rare example of a man without a single enemy. Eha once wrote: He kept many pets at home and Surgeon-General Bannerman noted in his preface to Eha's books that he often found himself having to go on unpleasant trips to the primeval forests of Cumballa Hill to look for mosquito larvae to feed the fish. In appearance Eha has been described as a long, thin, erect, bearded man...with a typically Scots face lit up with the humorous twinkle one came to know so well. A photograph taken in 1902 shows a fringe of hair encircling a bald head which is commented upon by Bannerman as "a condition which Kemp's Equatorial Hair Douche had not been able to prevent".
A team of Japanese scientists, Tadayoshi Sasaki and Shigeru Kimura from the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Ikuo Obata from the National Museum of Nature and Science, and Toshio Ikuya from the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute at the University of Tokyo, jointly concluded, while the identity of the carcass could not be determined with certainty, the carcass was most likely that of a large shark. On July 28, 1977, the Zuiyō Maru carcass was commented upon in the international science magazine New Scientist. A scientist from the Natural History Museum in London had the same opinion as Bjerring and Persson, that the remains were not from a plesiosaur. The decomposition pattern of a basking shark, whose spine and brain case is relatively highly calcified for a cartilaginous fish, can be expected to produce a similar shape to a plesiosaur; the first parts that fall off during decomposition are the lower jaw, the gill area, and the dorsal and caudal fins.
Almost all have their own website and electronic document management systems where planning applications can be viewed and commented upon, along with local planning policy documents viewed and a wide range of other relevant sources. Provided that architectural drawings and other supporting documents are in electronic form then planning applications should ideally be submitted on-line, either via the LPA's website or via the UK-wide "planning portal" website which provides a nationwide clearing house on planning information and facilities. LPAs are under constant pressure to improve the speed, efficiency and quality of decision making. Applicants are usually advised to engage in discussion with the LPA before finalizing any planning application in order to research the relevant planning policies and other local issues. LPAs vary in their attitude to pre-application discussion but the advantage is to front load the process, and reduce the formal planning application closer to a “rubber stamp”.
Thirlmere from lower slopes of Raven Crag in the 1890s: water level 20ft above natural For the next ten years, the level of Thirlmere was twenty feet above that of the old lake: lowland pasturage was lost, but little housing. The straight level road on the east bank was favourably commented upon in accounts of cycling tours of the lakes, and it was widely thought - as James Lowther (MP for Penrith and the son of the Westmorland MP who had spoken against the 1878 Bill at its Second Reading) said at the Third Reading of a Welsh Private Bill - "the beauty of Thirlmere had been improved" by the scheme. Thirlmere water reached Manchester through a single 40-inch diameter cast iron pipe; due to leakage, only about 80% of the intended 10 million gallons a day supply reached Manchester. and, as early as May 1895 more than half the additional supply was accounted for by increased consumption.
Cherry, M., 'The Struggle for Power in Mid-Fifteenth Century Devonshire', in Griffiths, R.A. (ed.), Patronage, the Crown and the Provinces in Later Medieval England (Gloucester, 1981), 136 Thomas Courtenay's force attacked Radford's manor that night; they set fire to the wall and gates to draw him out. On their word, including Courtenay's solemn promise to do him no harm if he would speak with them, Radford let them in – although apparently he commented upon their large number. Whilst Radford and Devon's son drank wine, the latter's followers "ransacked" Radford's house, stealing goods up to the value of 1,000 marks, including all his horses and the sheets off his invalid wife's bed.Storey, R. L., The End of the House of Lancaster (Guildford, 1966), 169 On a pretext of meeting his father the earl, Courtenay persuaded Radford to accompany him when his force withdrew; however, he abandoned Radford on the road a short distance from the house, and six of Courtenay's men killed him.
Sir John Strachey (left) pictured in 1876 Writers have described the line as infringement of the principles of free trade and the freedom of the people of India. Sir John Strachey, the minister whose tax review led to the abolition of the line, was quoted in 1893 describing the line as "a monstrous system, to which it would be almost impossible to find a parallel in any tolerably civilised country". This has been echoed by modern writers such as journalist Madeleine Bunting, who wrote in The Guardian in February 2001 that the line was "one of the most grotesque and least well known achievements of the British in India". M. E. Grant Duff The massive scale of the undertaking has also been commented upon, with both Hume, the customs commissioner, and M. E. Grant Duff, who was Under- Secretary of State for India from 1868 to 1874, comparing the hedge to the Great Wall of China.
I... Dreaming is often commented upon for its use of soundtrack, an atypical element in Brakhage's work. The film has been likened to the director's earlier "trance films," such as The Way to Shadow Garden (1954) and Reflections on Black (1955), as well as the work of contemporaries Maya Deren, Kenneth Anger, and Gregory Markopoulos. Malcolm Cook, writing for Senses of Cinema, described I... Dreaming as "an emotional experience." Laurel Gildersleeve writes that the film "elicits a melancholy and cold emptiness," and communicates the loss of vitality that comes with growing older. R. Bruce Elder considered the film significant in Brakhage's oeuvre, in that it, alone among Brakhage’s work, challenges the idea of “mind as creating the world anew, with every passing moment, in a triumphant act of the imagination.” Fred Camper praised the imagery of I... Dreaming' as "poetic and suggestive," and interpreted the scratching of phrases as Brakhage acknowledging the impossibility of transcending his sadness.
Despite being a short ex tempore first instance decision, Re Nanwa Gold Mines has never seriously been doubted. The case was commented upon briefly in Barclays Bank v Quistclose Investments where Lord Wilberforce said: "I do not think it necessary to examine these cases in detail, nor to comment on them, for I am satisfied that they do not affect the principle on which this appeal should be decided. They are merely examples which show that, in the absence of some special arrangement creating a trust (as was shown to exist in Re Nanwa Gold Mines Ltd.), payments of this kind are made upon the basis that they are to be included in the company's assets." The case was also cited with approval in Swiss Bank Corporation v Lloyds Bank Limited [1982] AC 584,It was cited with approval by Buckley LJ in the Court of Appeal at [1982] AC 584, 595H.
In order to be acknowledged as a pyreneist, one must therefore, according to Beraldi, climb, write and feel - and necessarily publish. The subject of Beraldi's analysis in One hundred years of Pyrenees is the mass of works of all sorts that deal with travelling to the Pyrenees. The variety of visitors brings variety in works: A striking trait among the crowd of writers cited and commented upon by Beraldi, is the geographical origin: none (or so few) Pyreneans (born in or by the mountain). The pyreneist authors are tourists who came to the Pyrenees for leisure, even if some settled down or tried to settle down there: Ramon, professor in Tarbes, Russell renting La Vignemale for 99 years, Schrader settling in Pau... In 1908, Louis Le Bondidier says with irony: Through a severe and ironic critic, Bedraldi thus distinguish among these tourist travellers and writers those who are worthy of being acknowledged as pyreneists.
Individuals from more than 100 countries added their voices to this process and their submissions were read and commented upon by more than 150,000 visitors to the site. The Council of Conscience, a multi-faith, multi- national group of religious thinkers and leaders, then met in Vevey, Switzerland, to craft the final Charter for Compassion. The Councilors sorted and reviewed the thousands of written submissions, considered the meaning of compassion, determined key ideas to include in the Charter and created a plan for how the Charter will live in the world. The Charter for Compassion was unveiled by Karen Armstrong and the Council of Conscience on November 12, 2009, at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. That day, more than 75 launch events took place around the globe and more than 60 Charter for Compassion plaques designed by Yves Behar were hung at significant religious and secular sites around the world.
His brother and business partner Gerrit Jan Heijn was murdered after being kidnapped in September 1987. In 1989 he was honored with the Sydney R. Rabb Award by the Food Marketing Institute making him the first non-American to win this prestigious award. Albert Heijn had lived at Pudleston Court in Herefordshire, EnglandEx-supermarket boss Albert Heijn dies in Herefordshire, BBC News, 14 January 2011Albert Heijn - the supermarket millionaire, BBC Hereford and Worcester, 14 January 2011 for many years when he died, and was in no way formally involved with Ahold at the time of his death, although he at times commented upon the state of the company. In Hereford he founded a new company called Eign EnterprisesEign Enterprises (named after the English pronunciation of his surname) which established shops, restaurants, hotels and other enterprises in the local region. For this he was named Honorary Freeman of the City of HerefordTributes to ‘grocer’ who revamped eyesore, Herefordshire Journals, 20 January 2011 (WebCite archive) in 2002.
According to Jimi Hendrix: Electric Gypsy, "...Laughing Sam's Dice" was "hardly commented upon at the time [of the release of "The Burning of the Midnight Lamp" single] - dismissed as a good-time joke with lots of guitar to fill up the B-side." Due to its title, it has been suggested in later years that the song is a reference to (and possibly even influenced by) the hallucinogenics STP ("Stars That Play") and LSD ("Laughing Sam's Dice"), which were also said to be significant in the development of psychedelic music. Further on the background of the song, the following has been proposed: "The Stars..." has also been compared to "Spanish Castle Magic" and "Have You Ever Been (To Electric Ladyland)", insofar as being a song which embodies a "magical mystery tour spirit." The song was originally released as the B-side to the "Burning of the Midnight Lamp" single, released in the United Kingdom and some parts of Europe on August 19, 1967, which reached number 18 on the UK Singles Chart.
In the past, the icon has been covered with several elaborately designed oklad and riza (revetments) which caused damage to the frame. The reverse, which is much less well known, contains an image of the Hetoimasia ('prepared throne') and instruments of Christ's Passion that was painted in ca. 14th century (prior to that the reverse side had a painting of an unidentified saint)... Among icons of Virgin Mary with Jesus, Our lady of Vladimir is classed as an Eleusa icon (Russian: Oumilenie), due to the tender attachment between mother and child.. Theologians and believers have also commented upon the icons symbology and the religious sentiments it inspires. Contemplating the icon, theologian Henri Nouwen, remarked that the Virgin's eyes glance at neither the child or the viewer but appear to "look inward and outward at once"; that her free hand gestures towards the baby to "open a space for us to approach Jesus without fear"; and, that the child is shown as "a wise man dressed in adult clothes.".
In this short treatise upon Shah Nimatullah Wali's (1330-1431) predictions, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claims it testifies to his being the Mahdi and Messiah, appearing in the Thirteenth century (Hijri), within a new Government in India (The British Government)[... new Coin is struck]. The prophecy of The Messiah and Mahdi to be followed by an illustrious SON also applies to him, he wrote. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had prophesied that he shall be followed by a son, who shall be like him in his qualities. He claimed the Prophecy of Shah Nimatullah Wali mentioning the name of the coming reformer as AHMAD, I see the name of that illustrious personage written and I read: Alif, Ha, Mim, and Dal, Meaning that it has been disclosed to me in a vision that the name of that Imam will be Ahmad Nishan e Asmani,(page-31) was about him, which is his name. The book, Arba‘in Fi Ahwalil Mahdiyyin, which Mirza Ghulam Ahmad commented upon, had been published on 25 Muharram 1268 (Hijri)[19 November 1851 C.E.].
Convivio (; The Banquet) is a work written by Dante Alighieri roughly between 1304 and 1307. This unfinished work of Dante consists of four trattati, or "books": a prefatory one, plus three books that each include a canzone (long lyrical poem) and a prose allegorical interpretation or commentary of the poem that goes off in multiple thematic directions. The Convivio is a major stage of development for Dante, very different from the visionary world of the Vita nuova (although like the earlier work it too is a medium for the author’s evolving sense of artistic vocation and philosophical-spiritual quest). This difference is reflected in how the two works use the prosimetrum format: in the Vita Nova there is a complex interrelation and intertwining between the prose and the poetry, while in the Convivio large blocks of prose have an autonomous existence apart from the poems; the content of the poetry is not amplified or edited in the prose so much as commented upon prosaically, to serve as points of departure for the various subjects that the Convivio discusses.
For all their genetic improvements, the Culture is by no means eugenically uniform. Human members in the Culture setting vary in size, colour and shape as in reality, and with possibly even further natural differences: in the novella The State of the Art, it is mentioned that a character "looks like a Yeti", and that there is variance among the Culture in minor details such as the number of toes or of joints on each finger. It is mentioned in Excession that: Some Culture citizens opt to leave the constraints of a human or even humanoid body altogether, opting to take on the appearance of one of the myriad other galactic sentients (perhaps in order to live with them) or even non-sentient objects as commented upon in Matter (though this process can be irreversible if the desired form is too removed from the structure of the human brain). Certain eccentrics have chosen to become drones or even Minds themselves, though this is considered rude and possibly even insulting by most humans and AIs alike.
Prior to the American Civil War of 1861–1865, Thomas Affleck (1812–1868), a Scottish immigrant and nurseryman who became a Southern planter, made mustang wine on his Glenblythe Plantation located in Gay Hill, Washington County, Texas, and advertised it for commercial sale.C. Allan Jones, Texas Roots: Agriculture and Rural Life Before the Civil War, College Station, Texas: Texas A&M; University Press, 2005, pp. 148–149 He described it as "a pleasant and wholesome table drink" and "a tonic for patients recovering from prostrating fevers, and for Females who may have been long in delicate health." Moreover, he published a recipe, which was used by others and commented upon in the Southern press, as in the Southern Cultivator.Southern Cultivator, Volume 18, pp. 154–155 The wine was sometimes used as a way to thank guests and friends. For example, Dr J. H. Lyons, who went on to serve as the Mayor of San Antonio, Texas in 1865 and again in 1866–67, offered it to guests in the 1860s.H. C. Williams, 'Native Grapes of Arkansas and Texas', in Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1860, p.
Born in Montreal, Quebec, she studied at The Study, a premier independent school for girls, and was educated at the liberal arts Vassar College (BA in 1948). At the age of nine she was already committed to sculpture and her drawing skills were commented upon as remarkable early on in life. And at eleven she began exhibiting in annual juried exhibitions at the Royal Academy of Arts and the Société des Sculpteurs du Canada. While reading architecture history in New York she became engaged with the connections of art and architecture which would last a lifetime. On 17 May 1949, in Montreal, she married Jean Lambert, a French-German"Lambert & Co.: 'Some Mistakes'—Head of Investment House Looks Back on Losses", The New York Times, 1 April 1967, pages 31 and 44 economic consultant and the only son of Adolphe Lambert of Elmhurst, Queens, New York."Phyllis Bronfman Wed in Montreal", The New York Times, 18 May 1949, page L-31Canadian Jewish Review, 16 September 1949, page 18 Jean Lambert later became a banker, founding Lambert & Company, an investment bank in New York City; he was not Baron Jean Lambert of the Belgian banking family.
Ichigo's loss of time and her sense of life cruelly having passed her by due to the illness (she wistfully reveals to Kei that she has a younger sister who is now married and expecting a child) tends to cause her to have a much more cynical and serious demeanor than is normal for someone of her seeming age, which is sometimes commented upon by her (much younger) friends. :Her keen mind causes her to suspect the too-often 'coincidences' regarding their former teacher's departure, the new one's arrival and strange events in their neighborhood immediately after that to be connected, but her much younger and guile-less friends dismiss those connections. She also features in the sequel Please Twins! as a regular character, but with a much more mischievous behavior as class president and resembling a dictator, in fact the Morino's attitude from "Please Teacher" is completely opposite from "Please Twins" seeming that she chose (thanks to Kei) to enjoy her live to the fullest even after the 6 years she lost, the first time she shows that mischievous behaviour is in the after-credits scene of the OVA where she leaks Kei's apparent affairs with three different women.
At last their patience is > rewarded. Anonyma and her ponies appear, and they are satisfied. She threads > her way dexterously, with an unconscious air, through the throng, commented > upon by the hundreds who admire and the hundreds who envy her. She pulls up > her ponies to speak to an acquaintance, and her carriage is instantly > surrounded by a multitude; she turns and drives back again towards Apsley > House, and then away into the unknown world, nobody knows whither".The > Times, 3 July 1862, pg. 12 She counted among her lovers Aubrey de Vere Beauclerk, with whom she eloped for some months to America in the second half of 1862;'Mr and Mrs Beauclerk got on very well together until July 1862, when they went to Ems. A Miss Walters, who was better known as "Skittles,” happened to be staying there at the time, and Mr Beauclerk became smitten with her... Having travelled about with Miss Walters for some months the respondent, in 1863, returned to this country by himself..': The Times, Saturday, 1 November 1890; pg. 4; Issue 33158; col E'...the respondent made the acquaintance of a Miss Walters, better known as "Skittles," with whom he eloped and went to America.

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