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172 Sentences With "cluster together"

How to use cluster together in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cluster together" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cluster together". Mastering all the usages of "cluster together" from sentence examples published by news publications.

If altruism can spread when altruists cluster together, then its opposite — spite, or harming another organism even when one gains no individual benefit from it — can also spread if spiteful organisms cluster together.
In the past, minority ethnic groups tended to cluster together.
As Schopenhauer said, even porcupines cluster together when it's chilly.
There's a catch: Similarly situated zip codes tend to cluster together.
Groups tend to cluster together, giving rise to friction and stereotyping.
What held America's first cluster together was a strong respected leader: George Washington.
The colors cluster together, seeming to get brighter when they meet in the middle.
Freckles are hereditary, very small ("around 2 mm each," says Dr. Bowe), and cluster together.
In past eras, when information travelled at a snail's pace, civil servants had to cluster together.
There's a reason why the vast majority of Burners cluster together in camps, themed or otherwise.
Shekh and a fellow refugee from Deir ez-Zor are among several who cluster together for protection.
If at-risk shoppers line up or cluster together, she said, they could get each other sick.
They are more like "aggregates" of members that cluster together, somewhat like a school of fish in nature.
Down a nearby alley, users cluster together on a curb, some of them nodding in and out of consciousness.
In one large homeless encampment in Oakland, hidden under the interstate, makeshift tents cluster together beneath flimsily tied tarps.
But Democrats and independents cluster together in their disapproval of Trump, while Republicans still hold him in high esteem.
Corals of every species and type, especially those that have similar forms and structures, cluster together across the reef.
The animals cluster together when grazing, which makes them exceptionally hard to tally, especially when little lambs are underfoot.
Their paths are all super elongated, and they all cluster together in the same area when they approach the Sun.
We wouldn't have to cluster together in increasingly expensive cities on the coasts (all the better to spread viruses in).
The Democrats do not rely on paper ballots for caucuses — supporters instead physically cluster together and are counted by precinct chairs.
The phone will cluster together photos that are most relevant at any moment — trips, photos of the last weekend or last year.
Decreasing diversity is another loss: if different sorts of people do not cluster together, they cannot exchange ideas and innovations so readily.
Waiting for assistance In Venmony families cluster together, sheltering on stoops outside their homes as they wait for some kind of relief.
People with postgraduate qualifications tend to buy houses next to others like them, just as those with less schooling tend to cluster together.
"Very little is known so far about how to get a fleet of robots to cluster together into a three-dimensional structure," he said.
But we also cluster together in communities of taste that can be as prickly and polarized as the other tribes with which we identify.
Unlike other voting blocs, women don't cluster together in communities where they interact predominantly with other women and share the same social and economic realities.
Image: Vlue/Shutterstock We've all noticed how those last few Cheerios in the cereal bowl seem to cluster together in the center and along the edges.
He writes especially keenly about life in the peloton, the main pack of cyclists who cluster together to save energy by coasting in each other's slipstreams.
"Those little nanostructures could cluster together, and in that way they could attain a size that could make them primitive or rudimentary gravity sensors," he said.
These cluster together to form a slug when resources disappear, a formation that allows them to move to an environment that will supply what they need.
In general, the Muzak and Top 100 pop songs were distinct from other musical styles like jazz, R&B, tango, and rock, which tended to cluster together.
Yesterday, in the middle of a relatively warm spring day in London, little grey clouds began to cluster together like magnets until the sky was entirely covered.
Last week, in an address to the Italian Bishops Conference, Francis suggested that it was time to cluster together some of the hundreds of Italian parishes around the country.
And that pattern, Ms. Giannone finds, has been driven entirely by what's happening with high-skilled workers: When they cluster together in these places, their wages rise even more.
Board of Education had an unintended effect: Through ruling school segregation by race legally unconstitutional, the case triggered white communities to cluster together in the suburbs, away from black communities.
By comparing those flow lines to Kraan-Korteweg's map showing where the galaxies physically cluster together, they can try to address how dense of a supercluster Vela is and how far it extends.
The dozen-odd Spanish Neanderthals, in contrast, subsisted on split gill mushrooms, which cluster together in close groups, normally on rotting wood, and have very short stems relative to the gray shag mushrooms.
Frequent five-justice majority coalitions Looking at those coalitions, it is clear that, apart from top swing voter Kennedy, justices appointed by Democratic and Republican presidents tend to cluster together in split decisions.
The space agency thinks the hills group together like that because they move with the nitrogen ice, which transports the icy chunks to certain parts of the plain, allowing the hills to cluster together.
Edwards and other researchers analyzed one of these photomosaics of Palmyra Atoll and recently published their findings: the corals in this reef tend to cluster together, especially those that are more fragile, they found.
A study out Wednesday from researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology found fire ants cluster together to form towers of hundreds of thousands of ants more than 30 ants high, all to escape floods.
The drama's second season ended on a cliffhanger that brought much of the cluster together in London, only to have them watch in terror as Whispers (Terrence Mann) and the nefarious BPO captured Wolfgang (Max Riemelt).
The next step will be to see where meaning is located for people listening in other languages -- previous research suggests words of the same meaning in different languages cluster together in the same region -- and for bilinguals.
Even though herd immunity will protect the 2% to 3% of unvaccinated people if they remain within the broader community, "the problem is that these under-vaccinated people tend to cluster together," Dubé said, echoing Bartone's thoughts.
A study published in the journal Nature Climate Change said more hotter-than-average days would cluster together if the world warms by 2 degrees Celsius (20193F) above pre-industrial times, lengthening the duration of future hot spells.
At the same time, farms themselves have gotten much more specialized—it's not uncommon for just a few crops to make up the entirety of a farmer's yield, and what's more certain kinds of farms tend to cluster together.
" While it is understandable that newcomers to a strange country cluster together, another commenter urges against ghettoisation: "Stop ONLY socialising in your own tightly knit communities speaking only your local language and grouping together everywhere from homes to offices.
Activism can become an exclusive enclave—a kind of enlightened clubhouse—where self-selecting activists cluster together, expressing our idealistic values but never developing into a big enough force to make a real dent in the problems we protest.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Just past the metal detectors at the entrance to the Metropolitan Museum, 11 people cluster together, tablets and smartphones raised in front of their faces, photographing the central information desk and the arches beyond.
This is a little complicated, but here's the short version: when vapors from pine trees combine with oxygen, the resulting particles can cluster together if they're helped by high-energy particles from space that rain down on the Earth's atmosphere, called cosmic rays.
Square Enix Montreal was originally built to accommodate a team of a few hundred people, but is currently home to around 40, who cluster together on one side of the office alongside a massive window with a fantastic view of Mount Royal.
The researchers said the structures may have been created by a multicellular organism or an aggregation of single-celled organisms akin to the slug-like organism formed when certain amoebas cluster together in lean times to move collectively to find a more hospitable environment.
"What you notice in a contagion model is that the events will cluster together, unusually closely in time, more so than you would expect from a model that just assumes that they kind of happen randomly," says Sherry Towers, a mathematician at Arizona State University.
So it is possible that states could revise their voting procedures in response to a public health crisis, perhaps by making it easier to vote by mail or through various absentee procedures that would not require people to cluster together on one particular date.
Most teams play in arenas with seating capacities that don't exceed a few thousand, and which look and smell like traditional hockey rinks, where popcorn, hot dogs and poutine waft through the air, and groups of men cluster together to drink beer and socialize on the concourse.
In a luminous essay on the installation published by The New York Review of Books, Lisa Appignanesi writes: De Waal has constructed his own version of this sanctuary: a high mirroring table on which tall, narrow, and rectangular free-standing vitrines of varying heights cluster together.
A smattering of Korean restaurants cluster together in the Richmond; taquerias line 16th Street (now interrupted by shiny, newly constructed apartment buildings); and in the Tenderloin, there are corners where you find yourself in what feels like a 360-degree outdoor mini-mall of Vietnamese eateries.
With the standard boarding method of dividing the plane into three sections and boarding passengers from front to back, there is a 67% chance of reaching 20 or more air travel-related cases of Ebola per month, as passengers cluster together while waiting for the earlier boarders to stow their bags.
By plucking the highest achievers from all over the country and encouraging them to cluster together in the same few cities, it robs localities of their potential leaders — so that instead of an Eastern establishment negotiating with overlapping groups of regional elites (or with working-class or ethnic leaders), you have a mass upper class segregated from demoralized peripheries.
Like the first version of the blocks, M-Blocks 2.0 move by generating momentum with an internal flywheel, and can climb on and around each other using magnets: But these new blocks also have a "barcode-like" system on each block face that they can "read" to do things like follow a specific path: And they can also act with a hive mind to find each other and cluster together: Though this might seem terrifying, there are more benevolent expectations for the blocks right now.
During the day, they share a retreat where they cluster together.
Over time, many smaller police units were organized or cluster together for the purpose of expanding control.
They tend to cluster together – for example, those living in poverty experience a number of negative health determinants.
In: Witzany, G. (ed). Biocommunication of Animals. Springer, Dortrecht, pp. 103-133. They do cluster together in some feeding situations.
Complementary industries were encouraged to cluster together so that they could benefit from the input sharing and knowledge spillovers of each neighbouring firm.
Despite the unclear branching order for most bacterial phyla, several groups of phyla consistently cluster together and are referred to as supergroups or superphyla. In some instances, bacterial clades clearly consistently cluster together but it is unclear what to call the group. For example, the Candidate Phyla Radiation includes the Patescibacteria group which includes Microgenomates group which includes over 11 bacterial phyla.
They base this conclusion on the observation that national IQs can generally be predicted from the countries' racial composition, and that national IQs of racially similar countries tend to cluster together.
The maltose will be the yeast's main food source during fermentation. During this rest, starches also cluster together forming visible bodies in the mash. This clustering eases the lautering process. The α-amylase rest is also known as the saccharification rest.
In some species, the larvae cluster together, reducing their chances of being killed, and in some cases form together with their heads pointing outwards or tap their abdomens up and down. Some adults bear black and yellow markings that mimic wasps.
The pancake scheme follows three simultaneous processes: first, gas cools and new clouds of cold gas form; secondly, these clouds cluster to form galaxies; and thirdly, the forming galaxies and, to an extent, single clouds cluster together to form a cluster of galaxies.
The termini in contrast are not conserved between species. Of this group Avipoxvirus is the most divergent. The next most divergent is Molluscipoxvirus. Capripoxvirus, Leporipoxvirus, Suipoxvirus and Yatapoxvirus genera cluster together: Capripoxvirus and Suipoxvirus share a common ancestor and are distinct from the genus Orthopoxvirus.
Prevention strategies have been developed for the different risk factors of the specific cerebral palsy subtypes. Primary prevention consists of reducing the possible risk factors. However, when multiple risk factors cluster together, prevention is much more difficult. Secondary preventions may be more appropriate at that time, e.g.
Streptomyces reticuliscabiei is a streptomycete bacterium species that is associated with netted scab in potatoes. Its type strain is CFBP 4517T (= ATCC 49173T). It is considered to be part of a cluster together with S. turgidiscabies, however they cause different diseases, the former involved in common scab.
However, lifestyle businesses can and do win awards and provide satisfaction to their owners and customers. If sufficient high-quality creative producers begin to naturally cluster together, such as in Brighton, England, during the 1990s, the perception of a place can be radically changed (see Porter's cluster).
Hydrophobic molecules tend to be nonpolar and, thus, prefer other neutral molecules and nonpolar solvents. Because water molecules are polar, hydrophobes do not dissolve well among them. Hydrophobic molecules in water often cluster together, forming micelles. Water on hydrophobic surfaces will exhibit a high contact angle.
Pinnipeds that breed on fast ice tend to cluster together more than those that breed on drift ice. Some of these species are serially monogamous, including the harp seal, crabeater seal and hooded seal.Riedman, p. 196. Seals that breed on ice tend to have little or no sexual dimorphism.
All of these can happen at the same time. All the numerous combinations of changes result in many different possible energy changes. Each of these changes will match a frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum which is absorbed. When many of these frequencies cluster together in a group, an absorption band results.
With drag reduction, there are many factors which play a role in how well the drag is reduced. A main factor in this is temperature. With a higher temperature, the drag reducing agent is easier to degrade. At a low temperature the drag reducing agent will tend to cluster together.
Indiana bats spend the summer living throughout the eastern United States. During winter, however, they cluster together and hibernate in only a few caves. Since about 1975, their population has declined by about 50%. Based on a 1985 census of hibernating bats, the Indiana bat population is estimated around 244,000.
Located in a geologically active region, New Zealand has numerous geothermal features, including volcanoes, hot springs, geysers and volcanic lakes. Many of these features cluster together geographically, notably throughout the central North Island's Taupo Volcanic Zone. These areas attract scientific interest and tourism; power generators, industry and civil engineering also utilise them.
KIF23 is a plus-end directed motor protein expressed in mitosis, involved in the formation of the cleavage furrow in late anaphase and in cytokinesis. KIF23 is part of the centralspindlin complex that includes PRC1, Aurora B and 14-3-3 which cluster together at the spindle midzone to enable anaphase in dividing cells.
Paramecium aurelia are unicellular organisms belonging to the genus Paramecium of the phylum Ciliophora. They are covered in cilia which help in movement and feeding.Paramecium can reproduce sexually, asexually, or by the process of endomixis. Paramecium aurelia demonstrate a strong “sex reaction” whereby groups of individuals will cluster together, and emerge in conjugant pairs.
It has been proposed that successful firms often cluster together in cohesive groups, as dense ties among the group members reduce transaction cost by providing a basis for trust and coordination amongst the firms.Useem, Michael. (1980) "Corporations and the Corporate Elite" Annual Review of Sociology 6:41-77Uzzi, B. (1997). Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks.
Some analyses placed it closest to species now placed in Euryoryzomys or Nephelomys, but with low support. O. bolivaris was not included.Weksler, 2006, figs. 34–39 Species of Oryzomys included in Weksler's study did not cluster together in his results, but instead appeared dispersed across Oryzomyini, indicating that the genus was polyphyletic and should be split up.
The species roosts in caves or abandoned buildings during the day. Individuals do not cluster together, hanging 2–5 cm apart suspended by a single foot, which allows them to rotate on their perch. If alarmed, they fly towards the opening and light rather than deeper into the roosting site. Females will carry young but only from one shelter to another.
In molecular biology mir-367 microRNA is a short RNA molecule. MicroRNAs function to regulate the expression levels of other genes by several mechanisms. miR302/367 cluster, together with Hdac2 inhibition, reprograms human and mouse fibroblasts to iPS cells, faster and more efficient than the custom viral infection (OSKM) strategy. Expression of miR367 is essential for Oct4 expression and miR302/367-mediated reprogramming.
All implicit solvation models rest on the simple idea that nonpolar atoms of a solute tend to cluster together or occupy nonpolar media, whereas polar and charged groups of the solute tend to remain in water. However, it is important to properly balance the opposite energy contributions from different types of atoms. Several important points have been discussed and investigated over the years.
It is a solitary fish, feeding in the daytime, mainly on other fish and small crustaceans such as crabs and small lobsters. It spawns in December and January, always around the time of the full moon, and always in the same locations. By the light of the full moon, huge numbers of the grouper cluster together to mate in mass spawning.
Other ligands for octahedral coordination include PPh3, PPh2Me and thiourea. Nickel tetrahedral complexes are often bright blue and 20 times or more intensely coloured than the octahedral complexes. The ligands can include selections of neutral amines, arsines, arsine oxides, phosphines or phosphine oxides and halogens. Several nickel atoms can cluster together in a compound with other elements to produce nickel cluster complexes.
Helictites at Jenolan Caves in Australia. A helictite starts its growth as a tiny stalactite. The direction of the end of the straw may wander, twist like a corkscrew, or the main part may form normally while small helictites pop out of its side like rootlets or fishhooks. In some caves, helictites cluster together and form bushes as large as six feet tall.
Those who score very low on agreeableness show signs of dark triad behavior such as manipulation and competing with others rather than cooperating. Agreeableness is considered to be a superordinate trait, meaning that it is a grouping of personality sub-traits that cluster together statistically. The lower-level traits, or facets, grouped under agreeableness are: trust, straightforwardness, altruism, compliance, modesty, and tender-mindedness.
This lineage could have arrived in the Levant through the PPNB expansion from northeastern Anatolia. A 2014 study found T-PH110 in one ethnic Bhutanese male, out of a sample of 21, possibly implying a rate of 4.8% in Bhutan. Also have been found in a German individual and another two from Caucasus. The Bhutanese and the German haplotypes seems to cluster together.
NGC 1452's bar extends from the core to the middle of the galaxy. It size on the night sky is 2.8' x 1.5' which is proportional to the size of the 65 000 light-years. The galaxy is a member of the NGC 1407 Group, a small group of the galaxies inside the Eridanus Cluster, together with the galaxies NGC 1407, NGC 1400 and others.
Stryer et al., pp. 333–334. This is known as the hydrophobic effect. In an aqueous system, the polar heads of lipids align towards the polar, aqueous environment, while the hydrophobic tails minimize their contact with water and tend to cluster together, forming a vesicle; depending on the concentration of the lipid, this biophysical interaction may result in the formation of micelles, liposomes, or lipid bilayers.
Microbacteriaceae contains twenty- eight other genera, though a distinct clade is formed between genus Rathayibacter and genus Clavibacter. Genera that are closer related to Rathayibacter are Frigoribacterium, Curtobacterium, and Clavibacter; while genus Leifsonia is more distantly related to Rathayibacter. In genus Rathayibacter there are six species that cluster together within Microbacteriaceae and Rathayibacter toxicus has the deepest branching as it is least related to the other species.
Furthermore, solitary insects do not provide a high energy reward for predators, and therefore predators do not expend significant effort to hunt them. However, with the evolution of sociality where many Hymenoptera cluster together in colonies, nests become a nutritionally rich and therefore worthwhile target. If there were no defenses, predators would devour the defenseless society, leaving few surviving individuals. Sociality would therefore not be beneficial.
The female attaches chains of about 16 eggs in lines to twigs or stems of the host plant. These hatch after about a week and the nymphs moult five times as they grow. They are similar in appearance to the adults but are reddish when young with dark spines on head and thorax. They cluster together at first but later disperse more widely around the plant.
Heart-nosed bats are one of the first bat species to be heard singing, or vocalizing. Many behaviors of this bat are still unknown but it was found with studies that the heart-nosed bats will cluster together in the daylight hours but then go their separate ways during the night hours. The night hours are when the singing takes place. It was observed that there are two known songs.
Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources. A great deal of psychometric research has demonstrated that these facets or qualities are significantly correlated. Thus, openness can be viewed as a global personality trait consisting of a set of specific traits, habits, and tendencies that cluster together. Openness tends to be normally distributed with a small number of individuals scoring extremely high or low on the trait, and most people scoring moderately.
The females lay the eggs of the first generation separately on flowers or small berries. After about four to eight days the eggs hatch. The first generation larvae feed on flowers, growing fruit clusters and tender stems from the outside, webbing the developing cluster together. As the caterpillars reach maturity, they leave the cluster to pupate by cutting part of a leaf and wrapping it around themselves to create a cocoon.
The story depicts a world in the aftermath of "the Change", a mysterious event whereby all domesticated mammals spontaneously gain near-human intelligence and the ability to speak. Terrified pet owners evict their dogs, and the bewildered animals cluster together in packs. Linna, a student, interacts with the abandoned dogs as they become feral, and notices that they tell each other stories about "One Dog", a trickster figure.
Similar mutations in the complex were found to cluster together, leading Lewis to propose that these homeotic genes arose through a duplication mechanism which would conserve the clusters through evolution. The independent discoveries of the homeobox in the 1983 by Walter Gehring's laboratory at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and Thomas Kaufman's laboratory at Indiana University confirmed Lewis's theory.Taubes, GA. Discovering the Homeobox. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute. 2012.
These are utilizing the natural gravitational force and the particles corresponding behavior to separate the particles into fractions or dividing a liquid from particles (dewatering/clarifying). One type of classifier is the Air classifier. Classification accuracy will be of relevance as concrete aggregates do have boundary limits according to Particle-size distribution (grading) on Filler (materials) in the sand fraction. Particles in this size range do also tend to cluster together.
"Strange Phenomena" is a song written and recorded by English musician Kate Bush. It was released as a single only in Brazil in June 1979, and was the sixth and final single from her debut album, The Kick Inside. "Strange Phenomena" speaks about déjà vu, synchronicity and how coincidences sometimes cluster together in seemingly meaningful ways. It has been described as "a frank paean to menstruation" by The Guardian.
The intracellular T-cell signaling domain lies in the receptor's endodomain, inside the cell. After an antigen is bound to the external antigen recognition domain, CAR receptors cluster together and transmit an activation signal. Then the internal cytoplasmic end of the receptor perpetuates signaling inside the T cell. Normal T cell activation relies on the phosphorylation of immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs (ITAMs) present in the cytoplasmic domain of CD3-zeta.
He received a year's wage of about and a one- off pension-in-advance of about . A new chief executive was not found until December 2004, when Bjørn Erikstein took over. In the autumn, Stokke also left the chair of Entra Eiendom. Eventually he became involved in the venture Oslo Cancer Cluster together with Ansgar Gabrielsen, who had succeeded Dagfinn Høybråten as Minister of Health in June 2004 and served as such for one year.
Each independent sample's maximum likelihood estimate is a separate estimate of the "true" parameter set describing the population sampled. Successive estimates from many independent samples will cluster together with the population’s "true" set of parameter values hidden somewhere in their midst. The difference in the logarithms of the maximum likelihood and adjacent parameter sets’ likelihoods may be used to draw a confidence region on a plot whose co- ordinates are the parameters θ1 ... θp.
Economies of agglomeration or agglomeration effects are cost savings arising from urban agglomeration, a major topic of urban economics. One aspect of agglomeration is that firms are often located near to each other. This concept relates to the idea of economies of scale and network effects. As more firms in related fields of business cluster together, their costs of production may decline significantly (firms have competing multiple suppliers; greater specialization and division of labor result).
Pale spear-nosed bats are nocturnal, spending the day roosting in hollow trees or the mouths of caves. They live in colonies of up to 400 individuals. Within each colony, individual bats cluster together in smaller groups, which are either all-male, or consist of a single breeding male and up to 15 females. The composition of these harems varies, with females moving between different groups in response to the displays of males.
When the tide is out, these snails tend to cluster together in moist places, hiding in crevices or under rocks. As soon as the tide comes in, they disperse to graze on microalgae. As in other members of the family Planaxidae, fertilisation is internal, and the embryos are retained in a brood chamber located behind the female's head. They are liberated into the sea and become planktonic at the veliger larval stage.
Sponges have no cells connected to each other by synaptic junctions, that is, no neurons, and therefore no nervous system. They do, however, have homologs of many genes that play key roles in synaptic function. Recent studies have shown that sponge cells express a group of proteins that cluster together to form a structure resembling a postsynaptic density (the signal-receiving part of a synapse). However, the function of this structure is currently unclear.
Sponges have no cells connected to each other by synaptic junctions, that is, no neurons, and therefore no nervous system. They do, however, have homologs of many genes that play key roles in synaptic function. Recent studies have shown that sponge cells express a group of proteins that cluster together to form a structure resembling a postsynaptic density (the signal-receiving part of a synapse). However, the function of this structure is currently unclear.
This interacting galaxy was found 1.4 billion light years away in the center of Abell 3827. A huge halo of stars is surrounding its interacting nuclei. It has immense gravity that holds the cluster together due to its mass. Its unusual shape has led to the conclusion that each one of the nuclei was formed from multiple collisions of smaller galaxies, and now the nuclei are merging to form a single huge elliptical galaxy.
The cadherin superfamily includes cadherins, protocadherins, desmogleins, desmocollins, and more. In structure, they share cadherin repeats, which are the extracellular Ca2+-binding domains. There are multiple classes of cadherin molecule, each designated with a prefix (in general, noting the type of tissue with which it is associated). It has been observed that cells containing a specific cadherin subtype tend to cluster together to the exclusion of other types, both in cell culture and during development.
Scientists demonstrated that most of personality traits cluster together and they also cluster with most neuropsychiatric disorders and are therefore related. In research, scientists used linkage disequilibrium regression score to investigate the correlation between personality traits and psychiatric disorder. According to LDSC, there is a positive correlation between major depression disorder and neuroticism and a small correlation between schizophrenia and neuroticism; these correlation have also been confirmed in twins studies. Also, neuroticism and openness show strong genetic correlation.
Dōjin shops are either independent or part of a larger dōjin shop chain. Dōjin shop chain outlets can be found in many large cities in Japan. They often cluster together in areas that are seen as gathering places for pop culture fans, such as Tokyo's Akihabara and Ikebukuro neighborhoods, or the Nipponbashi area of Osaka. Outlets can be very large and often have multiple floors dedicated to dōjinshi for different audiences, or to new and second- hand dōjinshi.
Dislocation loops may form in the damage created by energetic irradiation. A prismatic dislocation loop can be understood as an extra (or missing) collapsed disk of atoms, and can form when interstitial atoms or vacancies cluster together. This may happen directly as a result of single or multiple collision cascades, which results in locally high densities of interstitial atoms and vacancies. In most metals, prismatic dislocation loops are the energetically most preferred clusters of self- interstitial atoms.
Seven species endemic to the Canary Islands form a polytomy, resolved differently in different analyses, in which subtaxa of some species do not always cluster together. Within the white and whitish pink clade (WWPC), there is weak support for a clade consisting of C. clusii and C. munbyi; the other species either formed part of a polytomy or resolved differently in different analyses. Halimium and Cistus were regularly shown to be paraphyletic with respect to one another.
Other catalysts have since been found; one of them, amidinium carbodiimide, is formed in primitive Earth experiments and is effective in dilute aqueous solutions. When present in certain concentrations in aqueous solutions, proteinoids form small microspheres. This is because some of the amino acids incorporated into proteinoid chains are more hydrophobic than others, and so proteinoids cluster together like droplets of oil in water. These structures exhibit a few characteristics of living cells: #An outer wall.
Within Euryzygomatomyinae, Clyomys is the sister group to Euryzygomatomys. In turn, these two fossorial genera are the sister group to the terrestrial Trinomys. In the phylogeny of the family Echimyidae, Euryzygomatomyinae is the sister group to a large assemblage comprising Carterodon and the family Capromyidae. These phylogenetic relationships, based on the comparison of complete mitochondrial DNA genomes and nuclear DNA exons, disagree with analyses of craniodental characters which cluster together the fossorial genera Clyomys, Euryzygomatomys and Carterodon.
When these aspects collectively cluster together, they form a prototypical case of what it means to be a mother, but nevertheless they fail to outline the category crisply. Variations upon the central meaning are established by convention by the community of language users. For Lakoff, prototype effects can be explained in large part due to the effects of idealized cognitive models. That is, domains are organized with an ideal notion of the world that may or may not fit reality.
Galaxy clusters should not be confused with star clusters, such as galactic clusters—also known as open clusters—which are structures of stars within galaxies, or with globular clusters, which typically orbit galaxies. Small aggregates of galaxies are referred to as galaxy groups rather than clusters of galaxies. The galaxy groups and clusters can themselves cluster together to form superclusters. Notable galaxy clusters in the relatively nearby Universe include the Virgo Cluster, Fornax Cluster, Hercules Cluster, and the Coma Cluster.
Many others were merchants, particularly in the South. Because they were active participants in the British empire (to the point of considering themselves to be "North British" rather than "Scottish"), lowland Scots tended to stay loyal in the Revolution. Highland Scots started arriving in North America in the 1730s. Unlike their lowland and Ulster counterparts, the Highlanders tended to cluster together in self-contained communities, where they maintained their distinctive cultural features such as the Gaelic language and piobaireachd music.
For example, some male Canadian red sided garter snakes engage in female mimicry in which they produce fake pheromones after emerging from hibernation. This causes rival males to cover them in a mistaken attempt to mate, and so transfer heat to them. In turn, those males that mimic females become rapidly revitalized after hibernation (which depends upon raising their body temperature), giving them an advantage in their own attempts to mate. Bat cluster together to maintain high and constant body temperatures.
Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles. This theory, proposed by T.A. Witten Jr. and L.M. Sander in 1981, is applicable to aggregation in any system where diffusion is the primary means of transport in the system. DLA can be observed in many systems such as electrodeposition, Hele-Shaw flow, mineral deposits, and dielectric breakdown. The clusters formed in DLA processes are referred to as Brownian trees.
ASL is composed of four identical monomers; each monomer consisting of a single polypeptide chain between 49 and 52 kDa, between 196 and 208 kDa for the entire tetrameric enzyme. Each monomer has three highly conserved regions remote from one another, but these regions cluster together in the tetramer to form four active sites. Therefore, each ASL homotetramer has four active sites to catalyze the breakdown of argininosuccinate. Each monomer in the ASL homotetramer is composed of three structural domains; all three are primarily alpha helical.
The book went on to become a Wiley classic and in 2005 came out in a Dover edition (with a supplement). Once Schulman proved that (contrary to published work) there was no infinite cluster for long-range percolation in one dimension for sufficiently small but non-zero connection probability, it became of interest whether for sufficiently large connection probability there was an infinite cluster. Together with Charles Newman (then of Univ. Arizona) they used rigorous real- space renormalization methods to prove that indeed there was.
The Royal Science and Technology Park (RSTP) is a Swazi public enterprise and science park created to foster the conception of inventions and facilitate their patenting and help knit various elements of the R&D; cluster together. It is intended to provide a focal point for research, facilitates the links between research and industrial communities and stimulates the development of knowledge-based businesses through the incubation of techno-preneurship and high-tech enterprises. The land for the park was acquired through forced evictions, according to Amnesty International.
River specialist and geography professor Joe Desloges states that ice pans are "surface slabs of ice that form in the center of a lake or creek, instead of along the water’s edge". As water cools, ice crystals form into 'frazil ice' and can cluster together into a pan-shaped formation. cited in: If an ice pan accumulates enough frazil ice and the current remains slow, the pan may transform into a 'hanging dam', a heavy block of ice with high ridges and a low centre.
It is only when you study that gas at a macroscopic scale that the effects of entropy become noticeable. On average you would expect the smoke particles around a struck match to drift away from each other, diffusing throughout the available space. It would be an astronomically improbable event for all the particles to cluster together, yet you cannot comment on the movement of any one smoke particle. By contrast, certain subatomic interactions involving the weak nuclear force violate the conservation of parity, but only very rarely.
Alzheimer's disease occurs due to the overproduction of β-amyloid peptide (βAP) that will cluster together to form plaques between neurons in the brain and disrupt cell function. In addition, there is an accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles of hyperphosphorylated tau inside the neuron. The Wnt signaling pathway is crucial for brain development processes, which include neuron proliferation and differentiation as well as neuroblast migration and axon guidance. Downregulation of this signaling has been shown in Alzheimer’s patients as a result of high levels of DKK1.
While both forms of aconitases have similar functions, most studies focus on ACO2. The iron-sulfur (4Fe-4S) cofactor is held in place by the sulfur atoms on Cys385, Cys448, and Cys451, which are bind to three of the four available iron atoms. A fourth iron atom is included in the cluster together with a water molecule when the enzyme is activated. This fourth iron atom binds to either one, two, or three partners; in this reaction, oxygen atoms belonging to outside metabolites are always involved.
Hierarchical clustering of this data to group genes with similar interaction profiles allows for the identification of epistatic relationships between genes with and without known function. By sorting the data in this way, genes known to interact will cluster together alongside genes which exhibit a similar pattern of interactions but whose function has not yet been identified. The E-MAP data is therefore able to place genes into new functions within well characterized pathways. Consider for example E-MAP presented by Collins et al.
In areas where salmon are forced to leap waterfalls, grizzlies gather at the base of the falls to feed on and catch the fish. Salmon are at a disadvantage when they leap waterfalls because they cluster together at their bases and are therefore easier targets for the grizzlies. Grizzly bears are well-documented catching leaping salmon in their mouths at Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park and Preserve in Alaska. They are also very experienced in chasing the fish around and pinning them with their claws.
Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) points out the carcasses of several dead rats at the fence, suggesting that someone has been feeding the walkers, which lures them in and causes them to cluster together instead of spreading out. Despite the survivors' efforts to clear them, the walkers' combined mass causes the fence to begin to give way. Rick decides to sacrifice the piglets and uses them to successfully lure the walkers away from the fence. The plan seems to take an emotional toll on Rick.
These troops would generally have had the lowest morale of all troops in the Sasanian army and would cluster together for mutual protection. According to Arab historians, during the Battle of al-Qādisiyyah the Persian commander Rostam Farrokhzād refused to provide the Paygan troops with food and water the night before the battle. Instead, in the Arab camp, all soldiers there were being provided with supplies, including the peasants. This may be the reason why many of the Paygan soldiers in the army defected to the Arab side before and after the battle.
The various paralogues in a mammal have differing but overlapping substrate specificities and tissue distributions as summarized by Hagenbuch and Meier. These authors also provide a phylogenetic tree of the mammalian members of the family, showing that they fall into five recognizable subfamilies, four of which exhibit deep branching sub-subfamilies. However, all sequences within a subfamily are >60% identical while those between subfamilies are >40% identical. As also shown by Hagenbuch and Meier, all but one (OatP4a1) of the mammalian homologues cluster together, separately from all other animal (insect and worm) homologues.
The brood itself begins to decline towards late August, thus leading to the conclusion that brood declination occurs when reproduction no longer occurs. After reaching the post-enlargement behavior, brood destruction occurs in which wasps begin exhibiting abortive behavior by either throwing larva out or feeding them to existing nest mates; if not aborted, these larvae eventually emerge as abnormal adults. After this destruction, the adult wasps abandon the nests. Prior to hibernation, the wasps cluster together in aggregations to mate and then begin hibernation until the next season.
In artificial intelligence and operations research, hierarchical constraint satisfaction (HCS) is a method of handling constraint satisfaction problems where the variables have large domains by exploiting their internal structure. For many real-world problems the domain elements cluster together into sets with common properties and relations. This structure can be represented as a hierarchy and is partially ordered on the subset of a relation. The expectation is that the domains are structured so that the elements of a set frequently share consistency properties permitting them to be retained or eliminated as a unit.
However, this has been proven incorrect, and it is now generally accepted that fat tissue is an active hormone, and immune organ. Yet another historical event that moved medical science towards recognizing fat tissue as an underlying cause of metabolic disease has been the problematic issues that have arisen with the "metabolic syndrome". The metabolic syndrome is a commonly used medical term to describe atherosclerotic coronary heart disease risk factors that tend to cluster together. Over the years, there have been at least 15 other similar terms used to generally describe the same clustering.
Armenians of the Diaspora are the primary speakers of the Western dialect of the Armenian language. This dialect has considerable differences with Eastern Armenian, but speakers of either of the two variations can usually understand each other. Eastern Armenian in the diaspora is primarily spoken in Iran and European countries such as Ukraine, Russia, and Georgia (where they form a majority in the Samtskhe-Javakheti province). In diverse communities (such as in Canada and the U.S.) where many different kinds of Armenians live together, there is a tendency for the different groups to cluster together.
Epithelial cell infected with Chlamydia pneumoniae The slide shows at (1) an epithelial cell infected by Chlamydia pneumoniae; their inclusion bodies shown at (3); an uninfected cell shown at (2) and (4) showing the difference between an infected cell nucleus and an uninfected cell nucleus. Epithelium grown in culture can be identified by examining its morphological characteristics. Epithelial cells tend to cluster together, and have a "characteristic tight pavement-like appearance". But this is not always the case, such as when the cells are derived from a tumor.
Another significant characteristic of carbon black is its structure and the size of its aggregates. The size and complexity of the aggregate structure is determined by the volume of the carbon black spherical primary particles, which cluster together during the production process. The highly complex carbon black structure consists of branched chains with many secondarily created spaces in the aggregate. On the other hand, aggregate structure that is developed only a little represents smaller clusters of the spherical particles and thus also smaller spaces inside of the aggregate.
When these proteins cluster together in a healthy cell, the network provides mechanical flexibility to the cell so it can squeeze through narrow capillaries and other tight spaces. But when the cell gets infected with the malaria parasite, the structure of the network protein changes. Because the clustering mechanism is not well understood, it was decided to examine it with the quantum dots. If a technique could be developed to visualize the clustering, then the progress of a malaria infection could be understood, which has several distinct developmental stages.
After allowing for body weight and volume, the male voice is usually an octave deeper than the female voice.Dominance and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in human voice pitch Puts, David Andrew and Gaulin, Steven J.C and Verdolini, Katherine; Evolution and Human Behavior, , 2006, Volume 27, Issue 4, pp. 283–96 Women have a longer life span in almost every population around the world.Gender, women, and health Reports from WHO 2002–2005 Human variation is highly non-concordant: many of the genes do not cluster together and are not inherited together.
The questions ask respondents to rate various considerations in terms of how relevant they are to the respondent's moral judgments. The purpose of the questionnaire is to measure the degree to which people rely upon each of the five moral intuitions (which may coexist). The first two foundations cluster together with liberal political orientation and the latter three cluster with conservative political orientation. In addition to survey instruments measuring endorsement of moral foundations, a number of other contemporary survey measures exist relating to other broad taxonomies of moral values, as well as more specific moral beliefs, or concerns.
When the thetans left the projection areas, they started to cluster together in groups of a few thousand, having lost the ability to differentiate between each other. Each cluster of thetans gathered into one of the few remaining bodies that survived the explosion. These became what are known as body thetans, which are said to be still clinging to and adversely affecting everyone except Scientologists who have performed the necessary steps to remove them. A government faction known as the Loyal Officers finally overthrew Xenu and his renegades, and locked him away in "an electronic mountain trap" from which he has not escaped.
Receptive females will allow a male to mate, usually during the rainy season, resulting in the making of an egg sac and the laying of 300 to 500 eggs several weeks later. The egg sac is incubated for about seven to eight weeks at 24 to 27 degrees Celsius, after which pale-colored young emerge and cluster together. The spiderlings develop quickly, molting again over the next couple of weeks, by which time they disperse to live independent lives. Unreceptive females are likely to be aggressive towards approaching males and may try to kill and eat them.
Since black rats do cluster together during winters for warmth, it could be remotely possible for it to be naturally-occurring. Regarding some of the preserved specimens being fakes, the fabrication would have most likely been done on dead ones, given how difficult it would be if the rats were alive. Proper observation of the phenomenon, under scientific scrutiny, occurring naturally with live rats from the start till the end, has yet to happen. However, experts support it being cases of freak accidents with well-observed instances of it occasionally happening to squirrels—also from the rodent family.
" The first page of Othello from the First Folio, printed in 1623 One year later, the play was included among the plays in the First Folio of Shakespeare's collected plays. However, the version in the Folio is rather different in length, and in wording: as the editors of the Folger edition explain: "The Folio play has about 160 lines that do not appear in the Quarto. Some of these cluster together in quite extensive passages. The Folio also lacks a scattering of about a dozen lines or part-lines that are to be found in the Quarto.
The Indian meat, poultry, and seafood industries are largely dependent on wet markets. According to Food & Beverage News, domestic consumers prefer freshly cut meat from wet markets over processed and frozen meats despite use of outdated and unhygienic facilities by the majority of Indian wet market abattoirs. In Delhi, the food retail system consists of the traditional informal food retail sector (wet markets, pushcarts, and kirana "mom-and-pop" stores), rent-free-subsidized retailers' cooperatives, government-owned food distribution channels, and private modern supermarkets. Delhi wet markets generally consist of a number of small retailers that cluster together to sell their produce during daily fixed hours.
They all belong to Haplogroup B4a1a1a, the typical 'Polynesian motif'. aDNA analysis shows that the three individuals cluster together with another Lapita sample, dating to around 2,680 to 2,340 years old, taken from Talasiu, Tongatapu, Tonga; all together, the samples form a genetically distinct population when compared against modern populations. When compared against modern populations, the ancient samples from Teouma and Talasiu are genetically closest to the Ami and Atayal people from Taiwan, and the Kankanaey people from the northern Philippines, while sharing little similarity with modern Papuans. According to Matthew Spriggs, the ancient population at Teouma came "straight out of Taiwan and perhaps the northern Philippines".
There are no fixed job descriptions, with the only obligation of working in 12 departments in the first 12 months, while possible job offers are negotiated with the departments. Management by Wandering Around: Department mixing is encouraged, which leads to almost no walls between offices and mixed departments between floors. Manufacturing Cells: Production teams of workers cluster together to a complete scale giving workers greater autonomy and responsibility, which resulted in greater happiness and productivity. Often they set production quotas and develop improvements for products autonomously and overall in Natural Business: As a guiding principle everybody should concentrate on the corporate skills of making, selling, billing and collecting.
Once hierarchy has been established, pairs of individuals will often cluster together to form an "aggregate"; this is fastest in male-female pairings, followed by pairs of females, then pairs of males. Social hierarchy is established by a number of interactions: Higher-ranking individuals will chase and bite their subordinates while the latter are trying to crawl on top of them. Juveniles never engage in aggressive behaviour, but climb on top of adults, which tolerate their presence on their backs. Hierarchy is quickly established among individuals from a single group, but not among organisms from different groups; these are substantially more aggressive and very rarely climb one another or form aggregates.
Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Chlamydiae in the traditional molecular phylogeny view are considered as phyla and also cluster together in what is referred to as the PVC superphylum, along with the candidate phyla Omnitrophica (previously OP3) and the Poribacteria. An important molecular marker in the form of a conserved signature protein has been found to be consistently shared by PVC members, with the exception of Poribacteria. The conserved signature protein may be a marker that represents a synapomorphic quality and a means to distinguish this bacterial group. Recent studies have characterized this protein and it has been attributed to play an important housekeeping function in DNA/RNA binding.
The community also has many fusion cuisine restaurants. Shilcutt said that "the restaurant density in this area is roughly equivalent to the population density of Vatican City." Lisa Gray of the Houston Chronicle stated that this Chinatown resembles newer Chinatowns that opened in automobile-oriented metropolitan areas in the United States such as suburbs in Greater Los Angeles and the Silicon Valley, as opposed to older, uniformly Chinese, pedestrian-oriented Chinatowns in New York City and San Francisco. Gray said that in older Chinatowns immigrant businesses cluster together by ethnic group, while in newer automobile oriented Chinatowns retail operations from different ethnic groups move in next door to each other.
Matrix cells of the thalamus, or calbindin- immuno-reactive neurons (CIR neurons), are widely distributed and diffusely dispersed in each of the nuclei of the dorsal thalamus. In comparison, parvalbumin immuno-reactive neurons (PIR neurons) can be found only in principal sensory and motor relay nuclei, and in the pulvinar nuclei as well as the intralaminar nuclei. The PIR neurons cluster together creating "densely terminating afferent fibers…forming a core imposed on a diffuse background matrix of PIR cells" (Jones 2001). PIR cells tend to project upon the cerebral cortex and terminate in an organized topographic manner in specifically localized zones (in deep layer III and in the middle layer IV).
The novel, set in 1961, follows an eccentric community of houseboat owners whose permanently moored craft cluster together along the unsalubrious bank of the River Thames at Battersea Reach, London. Nenna, living aboard Grace with her two children Martha and Tilda, is obsessed with thoughts of her estranged husband Edward returning to her, while her children run wild on the muddy foreshore. Maurice, who lives next to her on a barge he has named Maurice, provides a sympathetic ear for her worries. He ekes out a precarious living as a male prostitute, bringing back men most evenings from the nearby pub, and allowing his boat to be used for the storage of stolen goods by his shadowy acquaintance, Harry.
In graph theory, a clustering coefficient is a measure of the degree to which nodes in a graph tend to cluster together. Evidence suggests that in most real-world networks, and in particular social networks, nodes tend to create tightly knit groups characterised by a relatively high density of ties; this likelihood tends to be greater than the average probability of a tie randomly established between two nodes (Holland and Leinhardt, 1971; Watts and Strogatz, 1998). Two versions of this measure exist: the global and the local. The global version was designed to give an overall indication of the clustering in the network, whereas the local gives an indication of the embeddedness of single nodes.
The mineral composition shows an unvarying presence of pleochroic rhombic pyroxene. The other femic minerals noted are augite and hornblende with minute grains of opaque iron ores and these minerals have been noted to cluster together. Plagioclase feldspars, alkali feldspars and quartz are the sialic minerals present in this series of rocks. Charnockite rock quarry at Pallavaram In order to determine the geological age of the charnockitic region of the Pallavaram area in the Madras (Chennai) Block, palaeomagnetic investigations were carried out at 12 sites, which suggested an age of magnetization in the Pallavaram charnockites as 2600 Ma while in the St. Thomas Mount the period of emplacement was assessed as 1650 Ma (Mesoproterozoic).
The bottom- up approaches are the traditional ones, and they have the advantage that they require no assumptions on the overall structure of the document. On the other hand, bottom-up approaches require iterative segmentation and clustering, which can be time consuming. Top-down approaches are newer, and have the advantage that they parse the global structure of a document directly, thus eliminating the need to iteratively cluster together the possibly hundreds or even thousands of characters/symbols which appear on a document. They tend to be faster, but in order for them to operate robustly they typically require a number of assumptions to be made about on the layout of the document.
The Balto-Slavic study itself calculated genetic distance by SNP data of the multiple autosomes and ranked most proximal to Bulgarians the Serbs, followed by Macedonians, Montenegrins, Romanians, Gagauzes, Macedonian Greeks apart from Thessaloniki, the rest of the South Slavs, Hungarians, Slovaks, Czechs, and then by Greeks from Thessaloniki, Central Greece and Peloponnese. The East Slavs and Poles cluster together remaining less proximal to Bulgarians than Germans, among whom Slav admixture is also observed. Balts, however, according to the PCA analysis are less proximal to Bulgarians than Italians for example are. Bulgarians are also only modestly close to their eastern neighbours – the Anatolian Turks, suggesting the presence of certain geographic and cultural barriers between them.
The viral DNA polymerase encoded is type B, which is present and conserved in all large dsDNA viruses. At the amino acid level, the best match of the DNA polB of hytrosaviruses is to the DNA polB found in the Alcelaphine gammaherpesvirus,.aka Alcelaphine herpesvirus, likely misspelled as Acephaline herpesvirus or Acelaphine herpesvirus Based on the DNA polB gene, hytrosaviruses relate more closely with invertebrate viruses with large linear dsDNA compared to viruse with circular dsDNA genomes. Some of the linear dsDNA viruses that cluster together with hytrosaviruses include members of families Herpesviridae (120-240 kp), Iridoviridae (140-303 bp), Poxviridae (130–375 kb), Phycodnaviridae (100–560 kb) and Mimiviridae (1200 kb).
In addition to that, the Alawites were also able to obtain a position of power through granting top level positions to family members of the ruling clan or other tribal allies of the Alawite community. During the period 1961–1980, Syria was not necessarily exclusively ruled by the Alawite sect, but due to efforts of the Sunni Muslim extremist opponents of the Ba’th regime in Syria, it was perceived as such. The Ba’ath regime was being dominated by the Alawite community, as well as were other institutions of power. As a result of this, the regime was considered to be sectarian, which caused the Alawite community to cluster together, as they feared for their position.
Instead, the eggs form layers called "rafts" that float on the water. This is a common mode of oviposition, and most species of Culex are known for the habit, which also occurs in some other genera, such as Culiseta and Uranotaenia. Anopheles eggs may on occasion cluster together on the water, too, but the clusters do not generally look much like compactly glued rafts of eggs. In species that lay their eggs in rafts, rafts do not form adventitiously; the female Culex settles carefully on still water with its hind legs crossed, and as it lays the eggs one by one, it twitches to arrange them into a head-down array that sticks together to form the raft.
It has been argued that there are limitations to the scope of the Big Five model as an explanatory or predictive theory. It has also been argued that measures of the Big Five account for only 56% of the normal personality trait sphere alone (not even considering the abnormal personality trait sphere). Also, the static Big Five is not theory-driven, it is merely a statistically-driven investigation of certain descriptors that tend to cluster together often based on less than optimal factor analytic procedures. Measures of the Big Five constructs appear to show some consistency in interviews, self-descriptions and observations, and this static five-factor structure seems to be found across a wide range of participants of different ages and cultures.
Vakola stretches from the Western Express Highway in the west to the Kalina Military Camp in the east. One of the interesting facts is that the oldest Sindhi colony Aaram Society was inaugurated by India's first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru in the year 1954 for the refugees who had escaped from Pakistan at 1947 still exists. Yashwant nagar, Dawri Nagar, Nagdevi Nagar, Vakola Bridge, Dhobighat, Shivaji Nagar, Datta Mandir, Vakola Pipeline, Vakola Village and Vakola Masjid areas form most of Vakola, densely populated by Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics and Jains. These communities, though tending to cluster together, live in relative harmony with each other, however, the area of Vakola was among the worst affected during the Bombay riots of 1993.
Research has shown that the sales adjustment grid and the multiple regression model are theoretically the same, with the former applying more heuristic methods and the latter using statistical techniques.see, for example, Lentz and Wang, Journal of Real Estate Research, 1997 Spatial auto regression plagues these statistical techniques, since high priced properties tend to cluster together and therefore one property price is not independent of its neighbor. Given property inflation and price cycles, both comparison techniques can become unreliable if the time interval between transactions sampled is excessive. The other factor undermining a simplistic use of the SCA is the evolving nature of city neighborhoods, though in reality urban evolution occurs gradually enough to minimize its impact on this approach to value.
She found that neurons project from areas in the sensory and motor cortices governing the same body part and cluster together in the striatum, forming matrisomes. Graybiel went on to show that matrisomes exist for each body part and were organized into loops connecting the neocortex, a region responsible for cognition, perception and motor control, to the brain stem, a region coordinating movement. Studies of rodents and primates revealed that matrisomes were crucial to habit formation. In later work, Graybiel demonstrated, first in the striatum and later in the infralimbic cortex, that a task-bracket or “chunking” pattern of neuronal activity emerges when a habit is formed, wherein neurons activate when a habitual task is initiated, show little activity during the task, and reactivate when the task is completed.
Azerbaijanis were integrated in the first cluster, together with Gorgan (Iranian Turkmen population) and Kurds, and in an intermediate position between Iranian populations and western Siberians, namely the Chuvashes, Mansis, Buryats and Todja (Tozhu Tuvans). Correspondence analyses based on HLA-DRB1 allele frequencies showed similar results. The HLA genetic distances observed in the study "presented low values in Altaic populations and Mansi with respect to Azerbaijanis, which are shown in a half-way position between Mediterranean and Central Asian, but much close to Todja, Tuvinians and Mansi, in correspondence analyses (Fig 3). These results suggest that “turkification” process caused by Oghuz Turkic tribes could also contribute to the genetic background of Azerbaijani people, as other genetic and historic data argue (Yarshater, 1988; Schonberg et al. 2011)." The MtDNA subclade U7a4 peaks among the modern inhabitants of Azerbaijan (26%) and Azerbaijani inhabitants of northwestern Iran (16-22%), while occurring in the rest of Iran at frequencies from 2-16%. According to generalized data from various laboratories, more than half of Azerbaijanis are carriers of Y-haplogroups of Near East origin (E-M35, G-P15, J-P209 and T-CTS6507), which confirms the hypothesis of Neolithic migrations from the Fertile Crescent.

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