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29 Sentences With "clingers"

How to use clingers in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "clingers" and check conjugation/comparative form for "clingers". Mastering all the usages of "clingers" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Branding half of the people in the country as "deplorables" and "bitter clingers" dehumanizes them.
Right winging, bitter clinging, proud clingers of our guns, our God, and our religion, and our Constitution.
Right wingin', bitter clingin', proud  clingers of our guns, our god, and our religions,  and our Constitution.
Right-winging, bitter-clinging, proud clingers of our guns, our God, and our religion, and our Constitution.
Obama, after all, is the one who called gun owners bitter clingers during the 2008 presidential race.
Right wingin', bitter clingin', proud clingers of our guns, our god, and our religions, and our Constitution.
Still, the figures suggest there are plenty of other passcode-clingers in the same boat as me.
They're saying Trump and his, uh, Trumpeters are right wingin', bitter clingin', proud clingers of our guns.
The loose fit of the Clingers mirrors the look of the popular sock boots, without being as flimsy.
Such folk, said Mrs Palin in her endorsement speech, are "Right-wingin', bitter clingin', proud clingers of our guns, our God, and our religions, and our constitution".
The people who will vote for The Donald are the disaffected bitter-clingers whom the last candidate you passionately begged us to vote for—Barack Obama—disparaged in his campaign.
For pro-immigration liberals it's the predictable cultural triumphalism: The arc of history is long, but thanks to immigration we won't have to cater to heartland gun-clingers any longer.
A large number of weapons have been removed — or "vaulted" in Epic parlance — and they include clingers, pump shotgun, poison dart trap, scoped revolver, suppressed assault rifle, thermal assault rifle and balloons.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think cult is a very strong but a very good word in this case (END VIDEO CLIP) INGRAHAM: Obama called us bitter clingers and Hillary called us a basket of deplorables.
But based on the film's tagline, "After your first, life will never be the same," After is going to take that whole virgins-becoming-emotional-stage-five-clingers myth to a whole other level. Gag.
Well, not America, the narrative continues, but downscale whites in the Rust Belt, the bitter clingers and deplorables who are rapidly becoming the Republican base as the Democrats become the party of the rich and their retainers.
" On GOP establishment attacks on Trump's conservative credentials: "How about the rest of us right wing and bitter clinging proud clingers of our guns, our God and our religions and our Constitution, tell us that we're not red enough?
By embracing Lamb, the Democrats did what they had to do in a district Donald Trump won by 20 points in 2016: they ran a candidate who sounded an awful lot like one of Obama's bitter Keystone gun clingers.
The update comes as part of path 7.40 for the battle royale game, which includes a number of other smaller changes, most notably a mode called "catch" that eliminates guns, forcing players to only use throwables like grenades and clingers.
So -- WATTERS: He definitely comes across as snobby when he says, you know, I was trying to drag all these bigger -- bitter clingers across the threshold -- (CROSSTALK) PERINO: In a few months, in four months, we&aposre going to have his book, so we&aposll hear directly from him.
What ties together the 47 percent, the bitter clingers, and the basket of deplorables is an apparent tradition of violating this ritual at fundraising talks — badmouthing not the opposition party but its voters in an effort to rationalize away the fact that the candidate won't be able to secure their votes.
Being a Final Fantasy VIII stan has been a point of pride—a petty act of rebellion, a middle finger to the bandwagon fans of Final Fantasy VII and nostalgia-clingers of Final Fantasy IX. I remember when I started working for Giant Bomb, and Brad Shoemaker and I got to talking about Final Fantasy.
But they won&apost acknowledge that there is a systemic problem inside the Democratic Party, and screaming Medicare for all in running a Hillary Clinton clone like Elizabeth Warren is not going to fix the giant gap that they have with the middle of the country whom they still consider a bunch of better clingers working jobs that they would never deign to get their hands dirty doing.
President Obama's typology of working Americans as "bitter clingers," and Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonDNC warns campaigns about cybersecurity after attempted scam Biden looks to shore up lead in S.C. Stone judge under pressure over calls for new trial MORE's pejorative follow up term "basket of deplorables," finally alienated enough of that critical mass from the power elites who have managed our government agencies, industry, legal system and electoral politics since the New Deal.
Vertical clingers and sleepers: Seasonal influences on the activities and substrate use of Lepilemur leucopus at Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve, Madagascar. Folia Primatologica 69(suppl. 1), 204-17.
Diademed sifaka, a lemur that is a vertical clinger and leaper Primate species move by brachiation, bipedalism, leaping, arboreal and terrestrial quadrupedalism, climbing, knuckle-walking or by a combination of these methods. Several prosimians are primarily vertical clingers and leapers. These include many bushbabies, all indriids (i.e., sifakas, avahis and indris), sportive lemurs, and all tarsiers.
This family is considered to be clingers-sprawlers; they attach to surface in erosional habitats or rest loosely on the top surfaces of substrates, respectively. The body of this stonefly is flattened and streamlined to aid in minimizing water resistance in a flowing stream. The Peltoperlidae are classified as in the feeding group shredders-detritivores. They chew and mine through leaf litter in their habitats.
Sometimes these locomotor types are lumped together into two main groups of lemurs, the vertical clingers and leapers and the arboreal (and occasionally terrestrial) quadrupeds. The jumping prowess of the indriids has been well documented and is popular among ecotourists visiting Madagascar. Using their long, powerful back legs, they catapult themselves into the air and land in an upright posture on a nearby tree, with both hands and feet tightly gripping the trunk. Indriids can leap up to 10 m (33 ft) rapidly from tree trunk to tree trunk, an ability referred to as "ricochetal leaping".
Poet Conrad Aiken, a contemporary of Kilmer, lambasted his work as being unoriginal-- merely "imitative with a sentimental bias" and "trotting out of the same faint passions, the same old heartbreaks and love songs, ghostly distillations of fragrances all too familiar". Aiken characterized Kilmer as a "dabbler in the pretty and sweet" and "pale-mouthed clingers to the artificial and archaic". Kilmer is considered among the last of the Romantic era poets because his verse is conservative and traditional in style and does not break any of the formal rules of poetics—a style often criticized today for being too sentimental to be taken seriously. The entire corpus of Kilmer's work was produced between 1909 and 1918 when Romanticism and sentimental lyric poetry fell out of favor and Modernism took root—especially with the influence of the Lost Generation.

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