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79 Sentences With "climbing the corporate ladder"

How to use climbing the corporate ladder in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "climbing the corporate ladder" and check conjugation/comparative form for "climbing the corporate ladder". Mastering all the usages of "climbing the corporate ladder" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Climbing the corporate ladder Lots of workplaces have fitness centers.
She mapped out a life for herself climbing the corporate ladder in tech.
Looks like climbing the corporate ladder is easier than the jungle gym, after all.
Capricorn cares deeply about material success, climbing the corporate ladder, and creating a legacy.
It's well-established that women face more obstacles climbing the corporate ladder than men do.
The master's in business administration was once almost a prerequisite for climbing the corporate ladder.
I was perfectly content in my administrative job, supporting executives and climbing the corporate ladder.
More women than ever are climbing the corporate ladder and smashing straight through the glass ceiling.
Lapin finds that Ann Shoket's book speaks to millennial women with aspirations beyond climbing the corporate ladder.
I've finally made it to the big leagues and can start my journey climbing the corporate ladder.
After graduation, he joined a management-training program at Indiana Bell and began climbing the corporate ladder.
Like many young professionals, David Feldman had dreams of climbing the corporate ladder and landing a corner office.
If climbing the corporate ladder, sans student loans, is your goal, check out An Entire MBA in 1 Course.
Yes, I experienced harassment when I was climbing the corporate ladder, and so did a number of my friends.
As women continue climbing the corporate ladder, they can see the barriers keeping women out of the C-suite.
Many people spend most of their lives climbing the corporate ladder, trying to get ahead of the next person.
Gender stereotypes, like the idea that women are not primary breadwinners, still hold back women from climbing the corporate ladder.
Like many things at Netflix, which touts employee "freedom and responsibility," there's no formal structure for climbing the corporate ladder.
The murky friendships and bureaucracy can at times be maddening, but persevering does not only mean climbing the corporate ladder.
Climbing the corporate ladder will only get you so far; at some point, you reach your earning potential and plateau.
As evidenced by these 10 stories posted by Reddit users, climbing the corporate ladder (and becoming CEO) takes hard work. 2250.
Currently climbing the corporate ladder, Ashley feels her life is in a perfect place right now — in all areas except romance.
Once, while I was climbing the corporate ladder at Goldman Sachs I was deeply alarmed by a restructuring in our team.
The goal is to protect everyone regardless of whether they are climbing the corporate ladder or working in a low-paid position.
Marshall, who grew up in the housing projects in Richmond, California spent nearly four decades climbing the corporate ladder at AT&T.
Jimmy Funkhouser was climbing the corporate ladder and chasing what he thought was the American Dream when he had a change of heart.
By and large though, these chief executives majored in the STEM (or science, technology, engineering and math) fields before climbing the corporate ladder.
This opens up a freedom that most people, still trapped in the grind of climbing the corporate ladder, can only dream of.103.
The upshot is though psychopaths may have some advantage in climbing the corporate ladder, once at the top they do shareholders no favors.
Sticking with a company and climbing the corporate ladder is seen as "the best way to advance their career" by 44 percent of millennials.
The Definitive Guide to Business A lot of professionals think that doing well at work means outshining their coworkers and climbing the corporate ladder.
Whether working part time at the mall, flipping burgers or climbing the corporate ladder, plenty of white women were happy to pay me less.
Inspired by the promotional poster talking about climbing the corporate ladder, it was the last piece I crafted before leaving the company the following month.
If Kevin wants the top job - and few people climbing the corporate ladder for decades don't - he knows that he needs to go run something.
But while such research illustrates the difficulty women experience climbing the corporate ladder, McDonnell wanted to examine how women are pushed down that ladder as well.
I get, story-wise, why he needs to be present, that the climax hinges on Tarkin's climbing the corporate ladder by nuking his rival in middle management.
Rosalind Brewer has been climbing the corporate ladder for more than 20 years, holding roles at Kimberly Clark, Walmart and Sam's Club, of which she was CEO.
Climbers are individuals who work for a big company and devote all of their energy into climbing the corporate ladder until they land a senior executive position.
I revealed in an article that I had been undocumented for over a decade, including some of the years I spent climbing the corporate ladder at Goldman Sachs.
Luxenberg said he thinks job hopping is more common among young people partly because the Great Recession led to pessimism about the ease of climbing the corporate ladder.
Indeed, climbing the corporate ladder will rarely get you into the club (Tim Cook who runs nearly $288 trillion company Apple, for example, is worth around $21958 million).
When you're climbing the corporate ladder, for example, you might be destroying the organization around you by driving out the best people, undermining their productivity, creativity, and so on.
I came to the U.S. as a kid and was undocumented for over a decade, including some of the years I spent climbing the corporate ladder at Goldman Sachs.
The difficulties of woman-to-woman friendship, breakups, and climbing the corporate ladder are all up for bizzaro discussion on the Margot Robbie-produced series, which premieres November 15.
And those who can make sense of thousands of cells of raw data and can consolidate them into actionable insights will find themselves climbing the corporate ladder pretty swiftly.
For many years to come, these companies gave aspiring entrepreneurs hope in a country where climbing the corporate ladder was often seen as the only way to advance or succeed.
"We need systemic, lasting changes that deter bad behavior and protect everyone, from professionals climbing the corporate ladder to workers in low-paid positions who often have little power," Sandberg said.
In your 250s, fresh out of school, everything is looking up — you're probably doing some job hopping, getting promoted, climbing the corporate ladder with gusto, and your paycheck looks better and better.
These are certainly legitimate concerns: Regardless of how much a person enjoys traveling the globe, it's often impossible to not compare ourselves to our peers who are rapidly climbing the corporate ladder.
Climbing the corporate ladder is core to the idea of an American capitalism that offers the opportunity for a high level of success to all, but it is currently failing many workers.
Because Arkansan John McFarland's story is a very American one — working hard, climbing the corporate ladder — and it's an example of what Arkansans can accomplish when the right training combines with the right opportunity.
"There's always excuses that it's not the right time, but it always is," said Playbuzz's Olmert, who spent most of his career climbing the corporate ladder before taking the leap into his own venture.
It is clear to me: the private sector needs to be more intentional when it comes to breaking down the historic and systemic barriers that prevent women and people of color from climbing the corporate ladder.
Players might be racing airships, climbing the corporate ladder, or reenacting the conquests of Napoléon Bonaparte but the rules were always the same: Roll the dice, move your counter, and hope to reach the end first.
Just like working a 9-5 job, scaling the ranks to internet stardom requires climbing the corporate ladder—you'll just need to make sure you never let anyone in on the fact that you're doing so.
It's a popular belief that getting an MBA is the golden ticket to kickstarting a successful business, climbing the corporate ladder, or snagging a high-paying job that can buy you a vacation house in the Hamptons.
That is where the show's central character, Ben (Sean Teale), came from, although when we meet him he has insinuated himself into the Green Zone and is climbing the corporate ladder at one of the megacompanies, Spiga.
When she graduated college, she took a job in public relations for Victoria's Secret and spent a decade climbing the corporate ladder, but always had the idea to start her own company in the back of her mind.
Stan, a closeted queer man with a wife and kids, doesn't have to work for Trump for us to understand who he is as a character and the problems he faces as someone climbing the corporate ladder in the 1980s.
Somewhere between the death of two close friends, the 2016 election, making my first big purchases without parental help, and climbing the corporate ladder, I experienced the moment that arguably makes you an adult: the realization that there is no such thing as an adult who has it all figured out.
As Retsuko continues to balance her desire to progress at her job with her frustration at the sexism she faces from her co-workers, her animated features shift between softness and sharpness — a symbolic gesture of the show many female viewers can identify with in their own experiences climbing the corporate ladder.
Wah becomes jealous of Gwan's closeness with Kin. Over time, Hong has lost his interest in Kar Mun and seeks to woo Bong's daughter Cindy for the ulterior motive of climbing the corporate ladder. They visit Nurse Lan in Malaysia. Kar Mun uses her uncle, a Malaysian general (Chu Tit Wo), to pressure Hong into marriage.
During his rookie years, Antonio had a partner, Sean Patterson. Sean had mistakenly filed double overtime pay, a minor infraction, however, Gradishar of Internal Affairs (IA) had Sean fired and took away his pension. The shame caused him to commit suicide a year later, leaving behind a wife and kids. Antonio has never forgiven Gradishar for using Sean as her way of climbing the corporate ladder.
Lyness, Karen S., and Donna E. Thompson. "Climbing The Corporate Ladder: Do Female And Male Executives Follow The Same Route?." Journal of Applied Psychology (2000) 86-101. Web. The 1996 study "A Study of the Career Development and Aspirations of Women in Middle Management" posits that social structures and networks within businesses that favor "good old boys" and norms of masculinity exist based on the experiences of women surveyed.
The group perform a choreographed dance move, and a Newton's cradle is shown being used, in rhythm to the song. The words "break through the glass ceiling" appear in stock market background, a reference to the obstacles that minorities, particularly minority women, have when climbing the corporate ladder. The members of Fifth Harmony dress in business-esque attire, demonstrating themes of feminism and self-worth. The verse changes to Kid Ink, who is dressed in almost all-black clothing.
From the early 1990s to today McCoy has been climbing the corporate ladder at the Rogers Broadcasting Group. He started as vice president and general manager of CKKS-FM, and in 1991 also became general manager of CKWX. Rogers then, in 1999, promoted him to vice president of programming for all of their Toronto stations, which include CHFI, CFTR, and CISS-FM. CISS had been recently bought by Rodgers and McCoy changed the format from country to top 40.
The song is about the people Scholz worked with at Polaroid Corporation before getting his recording contract, and about Scholz's lack of interest in climbing the corporate ladder into company management. Dick Nusser of Billboard Magazine described the theme of the song being that "Competition and a corporate slot aren't the only choices. Better to turn on, tune in and seek 'Peace Of Mind.'" According to music journalist Chuck Eddy, the lyrics argue that it is unhealthy for people to compete with each other.
After Switzerland, the three again become part of each other's lives back in Korea. Ha-jin starts working in Jae-myung's father's company and does everything to make the rich chairman like him, shrewdly climbing the corporate ladder until he becomes the boss's right-hand man. Dan-hee, who also works for the same company, is a softball player on the company's league team. Jae-myung becomes the team's coach, and he falls in love with Dan-hee whose headstrong and optimistic personality attracts him.
James "Bird" Guess was completely broke and homeless right after high school, but he never gave up. In fact he personally financed his way through college and graduated with hopes of climbing the corporate ladder and becoming a rich executive. After working for about a year in "Corporate America", James’ ambition and goals outgrew his corporate career plan and he decided to quit his job and risk everything to go after wealth, success, and the "American Dream". Starting with only $1,000 saved from college, poor credit, and a dream to become a millionaire.
Derek began his job full of optimism, but quickly lost his moral compass climbing the corporate ladder, even neglecting his family. One morning, Derek goes into work and meets with a desperate client - Melanie Cross - who needs more time on a loan. Derek thinks he cannot help and calls security on her. After discovering that a bungled legal case for massive company Vandacorp has been pinned on him by his superior Kara Powell ("The Siren", as she has the ear of company head John Towers), Derek confronts her.
The film takes place in the US during the 1960s and 1970s. Jack Rafferty, deputy head of the trade union of transport workers gives testimony before the senate committee on suspicion of corruption. Rafferty has the right to refuse to testify citing the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution, but then he will never be elected as chairman of the trade union. Therefore Rafferty decides to take a chance and starts to answer questions of the commission... Climbing the corporate ladder was a very difficult task for Rafferty; full of "dark" deeds.
Erwin is an overseas university graduate content on his path to climbing the corporate ladder. He receives an offer to get promoted to work in the Singapore office, although his father suddenly falls ill and requests him to take over their little family shop. Erwin is forced to spend a month working at the little shop, pressured by his father and to the disappointment of his girlfriend Natalie. Erwin's older brother Yohan laments about his father's favoritism and tries to make his own ends meet as he struggles with his own perceived failures.
In 1982, the Edo Shoji Corporation is a large Japanese trading company that has created a new branch in the fictional country of Cannibalia (or Kanivaria depending on how you transcribe it). Executive Director Yabushita assigns Hitoshi Himoto to be the head of the new South American office, which is an exceptional promotion for Hitoshi. Having joined the workforce after his days of being a sumo wrestler, Hitoshi finds himself rapidly climbing the corporate ladder. However, not long after he is assigned to South America, Director Yabushita suddenly resigns from the company.
Since the 1970s, occupations within many industrialized nations such as the United States have become less secure. As the traditional job hierarchies within a firm deteriorate and companies downsize due to unexpected circumstances such as a recession, or employer changes both involuntary and voluntary, the reduction in security in firms become more frequent. Instead of residing under one employer and being promoted within the one company, employees are climbing the corporate ladder by switching between employers. Because of this, many employees cannot expect to reside within the same firm for the next 15 to 20 years.
He has become a Joe Shmoe, wearing the suit and tie, and doing the job to satisfy his wife's idea of a husband, complete with him climbing the corporate ladder and keeping an elegant and prosperous house. The play opens with Bobbi and Roger prepping the house because the owner of his company, George McGowan, to entertain the possibility of a promotion for him. Bobbi then has one of her charm school students, Susan, be hostess and Bobbi nags Roger before the bell rings. When it does, they are shocked to see George has not brought his wife, but Kim, a new, leggy young blonde from New York.
Erwin is an overseas university graduate content on his path to climbing the corporate ladder. He receives an offer to get promoted to work in the Singapore office, although his father suddenly falls ill and requests him to take over their little family shop. Erwin is forced to spend a month working at the little shop, pressured by his father and to the disappointment of his girlfriend Natalie, who wants her boyfriend to get his promotion. Erwin's older brother Yohan laments about his father's favoritism and tries to make his own ends meet as he struggles with his own perceived failures, ending in a tantrum calmed by his wife.
While exploring music, Rouba also pursued an advertising degree at Notre Dame University in Lebanon. She later utilised her studies to venture into a career in public relations advertising and communication that entirely diverted her away from music. She moved to Dubai in the UAE in 1998, where she focused on climbing the corporate ladder and earned several senior roles and finally a regional position with Ogilvy & Mather, a multinational agency. After abandoning music for more than a decade to pursue a successful her professional career in marketing and communication, Rouba finally revived her love for music and began performing live again at Musichall, Bar Louis, Blue Note and other live music venues in Beirut.
The Apartment is a 1960 American romantic comedy film produced and directed by Billy Wilder from a screenplay he co-wrote with I. A. L. Diamond, starring Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine, alongside Fred MacMurray, Ray Walston, Jack Kruschen, David Lewis, Willard Waterman, David White, Hope Holiday, and Edie Adams. The story follows C.C. "Bud" Baxter (Lemmon), an insurance clerk who, in the hope of climbing the corporate ladder, lets more senior coworkers use his Upper West Side apartment to conduct extramarital affairs. Bud is attracted to the elevator operator, Fran Kubelik (MacLaine), who in turn is having an affair with Bud's immediate boss, Sheldrake (MacMurray). The Apartment was distributed by United Artists to critical and commercial success, despite controversy owing to its subject matter.
This revelation leads Dan-bi to begin searching for her birth mother by using her adoptive father's will as leverage, not knowing that the truth about what happened to her birth father is directly tied to the chairman. She encounters several people along the way: the chairman's grandson who falls for Dan-bi but is uncertain of the outcome if they became a couple; a divorced lawyer whom Danbi loves, but whose father is also connected to her birth father, which is the reason why the lawyer's mother disapproves of Dan-bi for her son; the lawyer's ex-wife, and their daughter who likes Dan-bi more than her own mother; a step-sister who sees Dan-bi as a roadblock to climbing the corporate ladder; and an ailing doctor who was not only the love of Dan-bi's adoptive father's life, but knows the real truth about Dan-bi's parentage.

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