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479 Sentences With "classic example"

How to use classic example in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "classic example" and check conjugation/comparative form for "classic example". Mastering all the usages of "classic example" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The U.S. Federal Reserve is a classic example of this.
It's a classic example of willful erasure and ahistorical mythmaking.
This is a classic example of algorithmic bias in action.
I think Nina was a classic example of just that.
Steve Jobs, who transformed several industries, is the classic example.
That's a classic example of Dad's Spielbergian home video craft.
Recent hyperventilating over the California primary is a classic example.
The easing of felon disenfranchisement laws is a classic example.
" That's a classic example of what Crawford calls "dirty data.
The classic example is literacy tests as a condition of voting.
The classic example is the Volcker recession of the early 1980s.
J.C. Penney was a classic example of a mall comeback story.
Yeah, the Arab Spring is a classic example for me, always.
This ragged, inflammatory documentary is a classic example of guerrilla filmmaking.
The classic example is to train it on images of faces.
That is a classic example ... We're down a rabbit hole here.
The hoopla over her killing is a classic example of bigotry.
"Smash is a classic example of ingroup / outgroup behavior," she says.
It represents a classic example of America's "catastrophic success" in Afghanistan.
It's a classic example of an album being colored by making it.
The classic example is the low-lying, high-population nation of Bangladesh.
This is a classic example of a well-intended but botched regulation.
It is a classic example of burying one's head in the sand.
The classic example is the war taxi companies have waged against Uber.
This is a classic example of counting political chickens before they've hatched.
Williams, meanwhile, is another classic example of the Fox News liberal dynamic.
"This is a classic example of power and control," said Qudsia Raja,
"Slot machines provide a classic example of variable rewards," Mr. Eyal wrote.
Watching TV while messing around on a laptop is the classic example.
A classic example of such a vote is on approving the House Journal.
"This is a classic example of why I love break-ups," Cramer said.
It seems to be a classic example of the law of unintended consequences.
Former California governor Pat Brown's 1966 re-election battle is a classic example.
Consider this a classic example of when keeping it real goes completely awry.
The Swiss army knife is a classic example of the no-electronics gadget.
" He added, "It's a classic example of an environment that's difficult to model.
Courtesy Bulbapedia Drifloon is a classic example of how deceptive appearances can be.
That match was a classic example of the state of South American football.
It's a classic example of someone not picking on someone their own size.
The "Mooch" is the classic example of the instability of the Trump regime.
"It's a classic example of the narcissism of small differences," Ms. Borel said.
The United Nations has denounced it as a classic example of ethnic cleansing.
Let's look at a classic example from "I Love Lucy": So it's confusing.
The classic example is not having a seat at the regular lunch table.
As such, Trump's speech is a classic example of too little, too late.
A classic example of both is the discovery of 3M's Post-it Note.
Basically it's a classic example of investors not really doing their homework properly.
"So that to me is a classic example of a starting place," Tillis said.
A classic example is two airlines competing over a single route between two cities.
The model involves "costly signaling," the classic example of which is the peacock's tail.
In the classic example, two characters are stranded alone in a snowed-in cabin.
President Trump's action on immigration is a classic example of a cog springing loose.
It's a classic example of how regulatory policies can unintentionally create the wrong incentives.
A classic example of the detrimental effect of price control is rent-controlled housing.
The United Nations has already denounced it as a classic example of ethnic cleansing.
Top U.N. officials have denounced the violence as a classic example of ethnic cleansing.
It is a classic example of what the Taliban are up to right now.
Facebook is the classic example of positive network effects strengthening the site over time.
Nokia was already a classic example of the perils of disruptive innovation for industry leaders.
The Mercator projection, which sacrifices accurate geography for nice, straight lines, is a classic example.
What was supposed to be sexual tension was actually a classic example of sexual coercion.
The microwave oven, whose parents were World War II radar systems, is the classic example.
For Sean Spicer, it's more of a classic example of death by a thousand cuts.
The classic example is "Black Friday," the busiest shopping day of the year after Thanksgiving.
True to the name, the classic example is a $5 cup of coffee each morning.
It is a classic example of a young but already shrewd Trump hard at work.
Here are just a few: BuzzFeed shared this pretty classic example of mistaken file attachments.
It is a classic example of putting the freeway through the poorest part of town.
America, with its civil religion of individual liberty, is the classic example of the latter.
It's a classic example of luxury, consistently praised for its excellent service and posh appearance.
First of all, this is a classic example of the Clinton model of doing business.
Some might argue that a classic example of this would be Ezra Pound, or Knut Hamsun.
It's a classic example of bad P.R. the maker of the comments could never have predicted.
A classic example are the lynchings of African Americans that became commonplace after the Civil War.
The classic example in language is that a doctor is male and a nurse is female.
In a classic example of unintended consequences, a clause in the founding document was instrumental too.
The chatbot that recently went rogue on Twitter is a classic example of automation gone bad.
Supporters of "openness" regard Brexit as the classic example of the revolt against the open society.
The Scholastic Aptitude Test, first widely administered by the Educational Testing Service, is a classic example.
This is a classic example of the rule of man rather than the rule of law.
The toner swindle has been around for years, and IDC Servco sounds like a classic example.
The classic example was the famous "Bear in the Woods" ad from Reagan's 2628 reelection campaign.
Being a perpetual outsider gives you lots of time to reflect, and Moby's a classic example.
This is a classic example of spending so much money on something that it gets weird.
Some of them have an okay amount of omega-3, with the classic example being walnuts.
Nachman Shai, an Israeli legislator, called the Russian leader's remarks a classic example of anti-Semitism.
It's a classic example of The Walking Dead taking 40 minutes to tell a shallow story.
"This is a classic example of A.I. bias," said Ms. Whittaker, who also works at Google.
It's also a classic example of how conservatives often view feminism and other movements for equality.
The thing is, today's puzzle is a classic example of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.
He's the classic example of someone who lasts longer by not burning himself into the ground.
In the classic example, she reaches up to the stovetop and burns herself on a pan.
The classic example of this was the Cadillac-driving "welfare queen" trope of the Reagan years.
The often-maligned North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a classic example of analysis gone awry.
This is probably a classic example of how hard it should be to win a gold medal.
The classic example is Iago in Othello, who doesn't have a real motivation for what he does.
It's the classic example of how to cut a giant company into smaller companies without disrupting service.
Think of the classic example of adding more lanes to a road to try and ease congestion.
President Trump's new executive order on immigration may be a classic example of a risk-risk tradeoff.
Clairborne Hardware Co. is a classic example of a strategic lawsuit against public participation, or a SLAPP.
Kodak, which folded after failing to see that camera film would become obsolete, is the classic example.
But "Seven Pillars" (to me a masterpiece) shows how Lawrence is a classic example of self-radicalization.
A classic example of the same kind is complementing a colleague on their clothes or new haircut.
Will Smith's red, green, yellow and black Cross Colours look on "Fresh Prince" is a classic example.
The classic example is a baby falling down a well or a disaster or something like that.
A wild weekend The President's weekend in Biarritz, France, was a classic example of his behavior overseas.
Absent a clear quid pro quo, conflict of interest seems like a classic example of gray corruption.
He is a classic example of how politics in Ukraine has long been business by other means.
Ethanol's enduring presence on our energy landscape is a classic example of concentrated benefits and dispersed costs.
The cast of the original "Star Trek" television series is the classic example of science fiction's myopia.
The cast of the original "Star Trek" television series is the classic example of science fiction's myopia.
These wealth taxes are a classic example of policies that are less radical than their opponents claim.
The classic example: if someone knows when you're home and when you're away, robberies become a bit easier.
JL: They're a classic example of founders who are programmers who built something to solve their own problem.
Gorny's career is a classic example of the revolving door between federal agencies and the industries they regulate.
Today's puzzle is a classic example of the hidden word, a tactic used in theme and cryptic puzzles.
Farhad: Yes, definitely — it instantly became a classic example of tech founders stepping into it on Day 1.
Mohamed is a classic example of someone who came as a player and built a career in Mexico.
Why it matters: This is a classic example of business using regulation to gain a competitive edge over others.
Tango is a classic example of a good idea and terrible execution; the ZenFone AR is just collateral damage.
"This is a classic example of why we implore members of the public not to feed bears," he said.
The argument that these pro-gun control teens are tantamount to Hitler is a classic example of association fallacy.
"Men who have trouble asking for directions when they're lost, that's a classic example of self-reliance," Wong said.
"This is a classic example of the adage 'No good deed goes unpunished,'" he said, offering a possible explanation.
Why it matters: This is a classic example of how an industry works to ensure it benefits from regulations.
A classic example of this is shift workers, who account for about 20 percent of the country's work force.
Peloton's lawsuit is a classic example of a big business trying to intimidate a competitor out of the marketplace.
A classic example is the beginning of the beautiful Barcarolle: a deep bass note, followed by a high chord.
She gave the classic example of automobile seat belts, which may encourage more reckless driving, according to some studies.
But allow me to answer my own question: Yes, it can be both -- a classic example of perceptual ambiguity.
The classic example is an electric lighter, in which a spring-loaded hammer smacks a crystal, producing a spark.
"This is a very classic example of how hard it should be," Robb Stauber, the American women's coach, said.
"This is a classic example of communicating with loved ones, sharing your affections, and making pleasant social connections," she says.
Another day, another classic example of J.K. Rowling shutting down the Trump administration through the sweet medium of Harry Potter.
I mean, I'll just give you a classic example from this week that we came up with that I loved.
A classic example is William Wilberforce, a British politician whose legislation banning the slave trade stemmed from his evangelical beliefs.
Take the classic example of a factory worker in Michigan losing his job because the factory is relocated to China.
The classic example is him planting the idea that the Voting Rights Act had to comply with a newly minted
Aikido is the classic example of mysticism in the martial arts, but the new kid on the block is Systema.
Mr. Purdy, 29, a black man, who once aspired to be a nurse or a doctor, is a classic example.
Not least, Deutsche Bank is a classic example of the species of financial animal known as Too Big To Fail.
It was a classic example of how NCAA enforcement works: punish the little guy for the sins of the powerful.
The classic example of this was the so-called "ping-pong diplomacy" between the US and China in the 1970s.
Dexter is a classic example, and more recently, Penn Badgley's protagonist Joe Goldberg in You, Netflix's runaway hit stalker thriller.
" Wise found a classic example with Crawl or Die, "a micro-budgeted horror film with a female lead, totally badass.
The Trump administration's forced separation of immigrant children from their parents is a classic example of using people as objects.
"This is a classic example of how the 'Internet of Things' benefits the companies that control the data," Schneier says.
Additionally, enforcement is near impossible and subject to an officer's whims — this is a classic example of unnecessary over-regulation.
Courts are reluctant to intervene in what they call "political questions," and a Senate impeachment trial is a classic example.
"A classic example of an instrument made by the Mangbetu, who had a highly refined culture of art and music."
The classic example is people who see a different color for different letters of the alphabet or for different numbers.
During a widely criticized Q&A session at the Austin Film Festival, Benioff and Weiss bluntly discussed their stint as Game of Thrones showrunners as a classic example of clueless novices learning everything about their trade as they went — a privilege, some argued, that made them the classic example of mediocre white men failing up.
A classic example is a patient whose feelings of shame take the form of a conviction that she is inherently unlovable.
That has remained a classic example of when the party establishment took a responsible stand for the good of the nation.
This "Fandom is Broken" business is a classic example of how language designed to fight privilege is appropriate by the privileged.
In published comments this week he blamed America for the trade war, calling it "a classic example of unilateralism and protectionism".
It's OK to say "let's do less" in the way that Blair, who was a classic example of British overstretch, couldn't.
"In some ways, it was a classic example of data-driven management paying off," Buttigieg writes in his recent political memoir.
In a classic example of Survivor telephone, Lauren checks in with Dr. Mike; Dr. Mike asks Jessica; and Jessica blames Cole.
It's the classic example of buying a bigger belt to deal with your weight gain, instead of going to the gym.
This is a classic example of what researchers have found most intriguing about déjà vu: its simultaneous novel and familiar qualities.
Let's get something out of the way: casting Scarlett Johansson in Ghost in the Shell is a classic example of whitewashing.
"This case is a classic example of a big corporation deceiving its customers for financial gain," Ferguson says in a statement.
The proposed solution—to establish a forum to monitor global excess steel capacity—was a classic example of agreeing to disagree.
Think of the classic example from the 2016 campaign -- the one that claimed that the Pope endorsed Donald Trump for President.
"This is a classic example of why we implore members of the public not to feed bears," Licence told KOIN-TV.
The classic example of this phenomenon: the F-35 program, which Lockheed Martin claims produces 125,000 jobs spread over 46 states.
"This is a classic example where administrators should stand by a student who's been harassed viciously for no reason," she says.
Mats Ljungqvist, a state prosecutor, told the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter that the case was a classic example of refugee espionage.
A classic example is artificial trans fat, which enters the food supply as an integral component of partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
The classic example is what happened to U.S. debt from World War II. When and how did we pay it off?
Cosmic Thing's second huge hit, "Roam," which like "Love Shack" peaked at #3 on the Hot 100, is a classic example.
A classic example of this is the predatory fireflies whose females will sometimes mimic the flash pattern of another species of firefly.
Team owners versus the general public is a one-sided fight, a classic example of concentrated gain taking precedence over diffuse pain.
McMaster's Tal Afar campaign is considered by many military experts to be the classic example of counterinsurgency tactics during the Iraq War.
As Andrew Dilnot, who wrote a report on the issue in 2011, points out this is a classic example of market failure.
Unfortunately, we're faced with a classic example of a narrow corporate interest having an outsized effect on politics, both national and state.
"Civilly, if she did this to hurt him, it would be a classic example of intentional infliction of emotional distress," Scalkiewicz says.
This is a classic example of the negotiation that's a normal part of driving – we're all trying to predict each other's movements.
The way she's positioned as smaller and physically weaker is a classic example of a character who's meant to gain kids' sympathies.
In a classic example of the method, in November a man brandishing a knife in Camden, New Jersey was arrested without incident.
"It was probably a classic example of me being too much army, and not enough prince," he said of the Vegas incident.
"It's a classic example of voter suppression, denying people easy access to exercise their right to vote," Jackson said in the statement.
With this classic example of Trump-speak, the President equated civil inquiry with incitements delivered by the most powerful person on Earth.
Here's the classic example: In most tabletop games, you roll to unlock a door, and if you fail, the door stays locked.
Huntington's disease, a classic example, is caused by a single gene mutation: If you have the mutation, you will develop the disease.
The classic example was that when the Rolling Stones sang, "I can't get no satisfaction," they were "actually" saying they got plenty.
It is a classic example of what all composers and orchestras go through when trying to bring a new work to performance.
This is a classic example of the negotiation that's a normal part of driving — we're all trying to predict each other's movements.
In one classic example of this phenomenon, we have an environmental shift to thank for the emergence of the global flu pandemic.
It's a classic example of chasing the horse after it's out of the barn, and the federal government needs to catch up.
A classic example of a misguided initiative is the effort to promote a bilateral investment treaty between the United States and China.
But Bangalore's a sort of classic example, because in addition to the poverty which would catch your eye, it has terrible politics.
With whitewashed cottages blended among palatial houses, it is a classic example of the manicured countryside in southern England's well-heeled areas.
What's a classic that you would start somebody out on -- a movie that you'd describe as a classic example of a classic film?
The Biblical flood is the classic example—a narrative as familiar to Hinduism and Ancient Greece as it is to the Abrahamic religions.
Some of Gillibrand's allies have suggested the backlash is gendered — a classic example of a woman being blamed for a man's alleged misdeeds.
The classic example: One utterance of "fuck" will slide in a PG-13 release, but a second places it firmly in R territory.
To him, Bristol-Myers is a classic example of a stock that is immunized from the Fed, economy or the price of oil.
The classic example of the president's snake oil is that his protectionism will bring these industries back, and that will solve the problem.
A classic example of fulfilling this duty is the netting in a baseball stadium in the areas where foul balls are frequently hit.
Rated a generous 19753/10 on Rotten Tomatoes, Austin Powers in Goldmember is a classic example of a joke gone much too far.
The Administration's surprise announcement last week that it will start executing federal convicts again — after a 21625 year pause — is a classic example.
"Now, the one with the cast, she's a classic example of the Southern belle," Jeff Park said after the women had moved on.
This rule is a classic example of what is wrong with our financial regulatory system: The DOL has some jurisdiction over retirement accounts.
" Reagan's decision to cut it, Houk said, "is a classic example of the government doing something with the people instead of for them.
Here's a classic example: Consider a woman, Wendy, who could easily provide a meal to a young child but fails to do so.
His videotaped deposition of Bill Gates, one of the company's founders, is remembered as a classic example of the art of cross-examination.
The senator's concern for nonunion miners seems a classic example of a hackneyed legislative tactic — arguing for the perfect to block the good.
"Last week, though, we got a classic example of why you need to buy this stock into any real big weakness," Cramer said.
Lobster and corn, scallops, crab, meaty white fish like halibut — all of these would benefit from the rich embrace of a classic example.
"This is a classic example, and a clear example, that evil lives amongst us," said Superintendent Douglas G. Carter of the State Police.
"This case is a classic example of a big corporation systematically deceiving Washington state consumers and putting profits above those consumers," said Ferguson said.
Having just read Sebastian Mallaby's comprehensive biography*, "The Man Who Knew", it struck me that his career was a classic example of cognitive dissonance.
A classic example: An elderly man with diabetes and severe arthritis who weighs 220 pounds is discharged from the hospital, barely able to walk.
But even if it could, McMansion Hell's annotation of photographs for the purpose of criticism and commentary is a classic example of fair use.
"It's a classic example of the fact that many things are laid at porn's door, that should be laid instead at society's," Gallop wrote.
A classic example of an NP hard problem is the Traveling Salesman problem: the salesman must find the shortest route to visit 100 cities.
The macro itself is a classic example of a very specific sort of Facebook memery: the completely nonsensical analogy that really makes you think.
I'm betting the guidance was a classic example of UPOD (under promise, over deliver), which means Nike is a buy tomorrow morning, right here.
Bohemian Rhapsody is a classic example of that, where in Rocketman, there's only one live performance, and that only lasts for half a song.
"This is a classic example of, 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely,'" he says, before nearly striking himself in his robo-face with his robo-claw.
This is a classic example of a psychological phenomenon that my lab has studied: how people perceive emotion differently in men's and women's faces.
To this day, the whole Murphy thing gets held up as the classic example of unreasonable Leaf fans running good players out of town.
It's the same classic example of older men who buy a sports car or motorcycle when their physical health and strength begins to decline.
You look at the woman who called the police on a barbecue in the park in Oakland — that's sort of a classic example, right?
The graffiti is a classic example of the grim and cynical sense of humor soldiers cultivate in order to maintain their sanity in war.
It was a classic example of people on Twitter bringing more attention to something than it deserved, in ways that work against their interests.
Tea Party activists and Fox News personalities talked about it as a classic example of federal overreach in matters best left to local governments.
Analysts said the recent Chad incursion, hardly the first time the French military has swooped in to rescue Mr. Déby, was a classic example.
Their findings would become the classic example of a concept called motivated reasoning: Our tendency to come to conclusions we're already favored to believe.
One classic example of a trigger is fireworks on the Fourth of July, which can startle and trigger flashbacks in veterans with PTSD from combat.
I think Brown is a classic example of men being trash, and I cringed when I saw him fawning over a woman he doesn't deserve.
The classic example is the rise of Adolf Hitler, which was engineered by a coalition of conservatives who thought they could control the inexperienced chancellor.
It's a classic example of capitalism working not quite the way that was promised but the way it does when put into practice by humans.
Dishonored 2 is a classic example of the "immersive sim" — a genre where detailed worldbuilding and consistent mechanics give players many paths to every goal.
"This is a classic example of how important agency deregulation, from the president on down, can be for valuations in the stock market," Cramer said.
We saw a classic example this week when actress Mila Kunis stunningly admitted she had no idea until recently that groups who oppose abortion exist.
To his followers it was a brave case of carrying on after some bad luck; to an outsider, it's a classic example of chasing losses.
This is another classic example of a well-utilised twist ending and the devastating power that can be caused by a perfectly-delivered final line.
He cited telecoms company BT as a "classic example" of where investors can be put off buying a stock because of a ballooning pension deficit.
It's a classic example of what I call the Lamppost Theory: Politicians use economics the way a drunk uses a lamppost—for support, not illumination.
But a classic example of delayed development is Angelique Kerber, 29, who won her first two Grand Slam titles in 2016 before slumping this year.
To his detractors, it was a classic example of the senator's tendency to flip-flop, a nakedly political vote cast to ensure his re-election.
A classic example is Monopoly, in which players accrete real-estate empires, although hobby gamers would point to more sophisticated examples, such as Terraforming Mars.
"Race car" is a classic example of a PALINDROME, but I only made the connection on the crosses (and INFIELDERS is a great baseball pun).
So in a classic example of the serpentine nature of Iraqi politics, Mr. Maliki has blocked Mr. Abadi from using Dawa resources for his campaign.
"It's a classic example of how D.C. and New York react versus how the rest of the country reacts," said one former White House official.
This passage in the Time interview is a classic example: His comments about Sweden during a rally referred to some alleged situation the previous night.
The hacking of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's email account was a classic example of ill-gotten information whose source became secondary to the discussion.
The entrance hall is a classic example of Gilbert Scott's work, with imposing, stone arches and columns, vaulted ceilings and a grand staircase, also in stone.
"This is a classic example of the adage 'No good deed goes unpunished,'" Hargan said, referring to the agency's efforts of following up with the sponsors.
The distortion is largest near the poles: Greenland, which looks about the same size as the whole of Africa on the Mercator, is a classic example.
At this point, a lot of people are probably saying this is a classic example of a stupid first-world problem—and you wouldn't be wrong.
"This is a classic example of the type of influence that big money buys," said Craig Holman of Public Citizen, which advocates against money in politics.
A classic example of this is "The Man in the Moon" or the man who claims the face of Jesus was burned into his morning toast.
However, Wagner's lawyers at the Electronic Frontier Foundation say that her blog is a "classic example of fair use" and that Zillow needs to back off.
For humans, a classic example of habituation is that we stop noticing the sensation of our clothes against our skin moments after we put them on.
These events were a classic example of slut-shaming: Tolbert revealed that she had engaged in an overtly sexual activity, and she was punished for it.
A classic example of the power of psychological safety is John F. Kennedy's approach to decision-making, which changed dramatically over the course of his administration.
The mantis shrimp is already a classic example of polarized light sensing in nature, as it boasts one of the most complex visual systems ever discovered.
Citing long lines at a particular polling place as proof of some sort of conspiracy is a classic example of mistaking anecdotal evidence as statistically significant.
It's not unheard of for defendants to win in criminal cases, only to get sacked in civil court—the classic example being the OJ Simpson murder saga.
A classic example is Cold War–era Berlin: The US and its allies made clear that if the Soviet Union invaded West Berlin, they would declare war.
The current positioning across the complex is a classic example of a market that has become "locked" with all traders trying to position themselves the same way.
Tracy is a classic example of the "white savior" archetype – the well-meaning white hero who arrives in a foreign land and saves its people from themselves.
Facts First: This is a classic example of someone confusing weather and climate, which both change naturally, but on far different time scales and for different reasons.
I mean, you go back to the classic example of the Luddites in England, where they broke the looms because they were afraid of losing their jobs.
It's a classic example of our society's Madonna-Whore complex, pitting two women against each other to figure out who's the good one and the bad one.
It would be wrong not to begin with a classic example of one well-documented fart fetishist: Novelist, poet, and author of Ulysses, James Augustine Aloysius Joyce.
The classic example is we divided voters all favoring our extreme single-issue candidates, but finding a candidate capable of governing to be an acceptable second choice.
"Stans are a classic example of what I call 'soft cults,'" says Derek Thompson, author of Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction.
No news yet if Arnott's will be returning to the old recipe for Shapes, but it's a classic example of if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I.R. Gallery in Dumbo is a classic example.) This is the route taken by two Bushwick galleries, Transmitter and TSA New York (Tiger Strikes Asteroid New York).
A recent episode of Australia's Married At First Sight (yes, it's a real show in which people get first sight) served up a classic example.
It called California's law a "classic example of unconstitutional state regulation" and urged the court to block it before it is set to take effect Jan. 1.
So providing care for older people, in their homes or in facilities, has become the classic example of a job native-born Americans would rather not take.
All in all, Green is probably the classic example of a feminist whose feminism was never grounded in a deep commitment to the principles behind social justice.
I'm also a rapt beneficiary of the renaissance in podcasting — a classic example of technology, innovation and investment coming together to eventually get a new medium right.
The classic example of unequal treatment is the ability to easily hail a cab, but there are more serious ones, such as easier interactions with the police.
The last World Cup was a classic example where Mexico led the Netherlands until the 88th minute before conceding two quick fire goals to lose 2-1.
"It's a classic example where we did something that companies weren't doing because it was too risky," said Dr. Schiller, referring to the perceived likelihood of failure.
"I've always intended to write a paper about that because it was such a classic example of urban myths associated with drug use," Paul Dillon told VICE.
She's a classic example of a politician who uses feminism as part of her personal brand, but would actually throw absolutely anyone's rights in front of a truck.
Anthony Kennedy asked, "You want us to say that trademark law is just like a public park...the classic example of where you can say anything you want"?
David Jaensch was heading back from a camping trip on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula when he spotted this classic example of a cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) cloud over Port Lincoln.
The classic example of defense being favored is World War I, where technologies like machine guns made it quite difficult to advance on enemy positions and seize territory.
The classic example is Red Bull who evolved from an energy drink into a lifestyle magazine into documentaries, a TV series, live events, merchandising, and a music studio.
The classic example is zig-zagging lights off to one side of your visual field that gradually become larger and more intense (also known as a visual aura).
"Cahalan is a classic example of those who applaud the system when it produces what they want, but go crazy when their own ox gets gored," he said.
J.R.R. Tokien's Middle-Earth in Lord of the Rings is the classic example, but George R.R. Martin aspires to Tolkien's world-building throne with Game of Thrones' Westeros.
This was, Mass said, a classic example of a model's failing at the most basic level — it couldn't even forecast the weather just a few hours in advance.
The classic example is the iPhone, which is "made in China" but in which Chinese labor and capital account for only a few percent of the final price.
Cyclone Debbie, which tore into Queensland in the first quarter of 2017, was another "classic example" of the dangers of depending on a single supply source, Pathak said.
"M*A*S*H" is a classic example of ensemble acting, and members of the cast often credited Mr. Reynolds with the chemistry that made the show work.
The classic example is of a dog that has disobeyed an order displaying what appears to be a "guilty face", as a way of appeasing its owner when scolded.
The classic example fund-watchers point to is HealthShares, which launched more than a dozen funds targeting medical and drug trends in the late 2000s but went under swiftly.
Modern Russia is a classic example: if you want to succeed in the Russian oil business, you're better off making friends with Putin than studying up on drill mechanics.
A classic example you hear about is people who want to take the ladder away while the Sims are in the pool or something, just to see what happens.
" He cites the Jaguar XK-E as a classic example, noting that Henry Manney from Road & Track magazine even once called it "the greatest crumpet-catcher known to man.
The farm bill has, especially in the scholarly discussions of American politics over the past 20133 years, been held up as a classic example of "strange bedfellows" in politics.
It's a classic example of a chief time-travel narrative: Once you realize you can't change the past, can you escape it and preserve your own safety and sanity?
"The Bloomberg report is a classic example of Uber using unsavory tactics in an attempt to impact our business," said a Lyft spokesperson to The Verge, echoing the sentiment.
The United Nations has denounced the violence during the past 10 weeks as a classic example of ethnic cleansing to drive the Rohingya Muslims out of Buddhist majority Myanmar.
The court also pointed out that if gender stereotyping is unlawful, then Hively is the classic example of someone who does not conform to others' stereotypes about females, e.g.
Herd immunity is a classic example of a positive externality: A community, at no additional cost, becomes more protected against a disease when an individual chooses to get vaccinated.
Adam Ford, a lawyer for Jiampietro, in a statement called Thursday's lawsuit "a classic example of inappropriate forum shopping" by Goldman Sachs to delay advancing his client's defense fees.
The classic example is a prom dress, but generous return policies are luring more people to try bringing back, say, the camcorder they bought to record the prom, too.
The lawsuit called California's law a "classic example of unconstitutional state regulation" and urged the court to block it before it is set to take effect on Jan. 1.
"Zenefits is a classic example," he says, referring to the human resources startup and its founder, Parker Conrad, who became embroiled in a massive scandal involving fraud two years ago.
One classic example of the phenomenon is the $5-a-day wage introduced by Henry Ford, which at the time was well above the market rate for an undifferentiated labourer.
A classic example of this is in image editing, where some software might make a single change applying to all of the thousands of pixels in an image at once.
In Venezuela, the Chávez regime has notoriously aggregated executive power, limited political opposition, attacked academia, and stifled independent media — a classic example of "de-democratization" under the color of law.
And yes, this is a classic example of Trump leaning into criticism and refusing to ever even consider apologizing or pulling back from something he said off-the-cuff. 2.
"Jeep is the classic example of a brand that is capable of doing a lot more than it is doing today, but it needs product, it needs extension," he said.
So in the textbooks then, it was still listed as a classic example of a vestige of evolution, and a I think a lot of textbooks are still that way.
The classic example is a lighthouse that steers everyone away from shoals, whether or not they've paid the fee; public health measures that limit disease are in the same category.
Sutter, the nonprofit hospital group in Sacramento, with operating revenues of $2751 billion, has long been viewed as the classic example of a hospital system that got way too big.
"Witchfinder General" is a classic example of florid gothic cinema, a British exploitation mode that, along with Italian westerns, graced the grungy movie houses of the 1960s and early 1970s.
The idea that readers are somehow better off for setting the petty politics of health care policy aside is a classic example of a solution in search of a problem.
It's a classic example of government intervention in a sector of the economy where there is no reason to intervene and the harms are likely to far outweigh the benefits.
An assortment of multicolored oranges can be quite beautiful, though for this salad it is fine to use just one kind of orange, with blood orange as the classic example.
"What happened next is a classic example of the rigorous nature of thematic investing: Boeing reported today and it was an astounding quarter and the stock zoomed up," Cramer said.
The Toomey amendment is a classic example of what Frances Lee calls a message vote: a vote used to reinforce a partisan contrast rather than change policy for the better.
And again, this is a classic example of government, just by its nature, not being able to keep up with the speed and capability of innovation in the private sector.
The classic example from the audio industry is Grado, a Brooklyn-based headphone manufacturer that's still a family-run business, operating from the same location as it began many decades ago.
It's treated as a classic example of judicial overreach and greed: A woman, driving in her car while holding McDonald's coffee between her legs, spills some of the coffee on herself.
ThinkGeek's annual gags are a classic example of this — every year, at least one of their phony products generally ends up being demanded into the real world by would-be buyers.
We chose to do our interview in the storied committee room, where she shared a classic example of an unnecessary challenge that comes from being the only woman with 20 men.
The elephant vagina joke is probably a classic example of the Baron Cohen brand of humor, which should be firmly stamped in the consciousness of anyone who saw Borat or Brüno.
In its naked fear-mongering, it recalled the Willie Horton ads run by the George H.W. Bush campaign in 1988, which are widely regarded as a classic example of racist incitement.
Cuba is a classic example, where our 55-year embargo has achieved none of its objectives – in fact, it has been used by the Cuban authorities to justify their repressive policies.
Now considered a classic example of Motown's signature sound, the group rose to prominence with hits like "My Girl" and "Since I Lost My Baby," produced under the inimitable Smokey Robinson.
The classic example came when his extremely wealthy father bailed out his casino by purchasing $3.5 million worth of chips at a blackjack table and then left the casino without gambling.
The classic example that political scientists cite is the Arab Spring of 22019-12, where many North African and Middle Eastern nations suffered through unrest and revolution after food prices spiked.
They are the classic example of someone who comes alive when they are in their comfort zone and surrounded by familiarity, and when their mother is with them she does just that.
A classic example of that is in California, where you saw images of the drilling that goes on right in the middle of downtown Los Angeles that mostly houses the Latino population.
It's a classic example of something that is really tough to go back to and fix, but if you consider it early enough in development, it's free, it's just another design decision.
The classic example is a group of 14 species of Darwin's finches in the Galapagos islands; though they share a single species as their common ancestor, they evolved separately on different islands.
He is a classic example of a backlash politician: a leader who exploits real or perceived white anxieties by exhibiting a flamboyant hostility to the political and economic demands of black Americans.
There is an arguable public purpose to such an investigation, since the contract was a classic example of influence peddling by a corrupt Ukrainian company seeking leverage with Vice President Joe Biden.
Lyoto Machida was the classic example of this in MMA but they are becoming more common with men like Stephen Thompson utilizing the same sort of strategies with more kicks thrown in.
A classic example of an NPC is Navi, a character in the 1998 video game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time who acts as a navigator for Link, the game's protagonist.
That same year, in a classic example of how spies mine conferences for prospects, Pobodnyy—using his cover as a diplomatic attache—met Carter Page at an energy symposium in New York.
A classic example: At a 2008 Democratic primary debate, a then-anchor at ABC News anchor, Charlie Gibson, suggested that a middle class family in New Hampshire might make $200,000 a year.
The classic example of this is illustrated by the 100-to-1 sentencing ratio of crack to powdered cocaine, which was the result of a federal drug law in place until 20163.
The classic example of a tragedy of the commons, as related by William Lloyd and popularized by Garrett Hardin, is a plot of land that is open to grazing by local farmers.
There's little sense of personalization or differentiation from service providers, and the aforementioned router/gateway boxes they currently force into consumers' homes are a classic example of that utility style of thinking.
Draper's impassioned conviction that he, an investor and bitcoin enthusiast, knows what's politically in the best interest of all Californians is a classic example of the dangerous hubris of wildly wealthy tech entrepreneurs.
A common version of pareidolia is perceiving human faces in random configurations of physical objects; a classic example is when people claim to see the face of Jesus in a piece of toast.
Written by Frank Conniff — better known as "TV's Frank" from Mystery Science Theater 3000 — this episode is a classic example of the inventive, supernaturally tinged domestic farce common to the original Sabrina comics.
A classic example of appropriation is the 1967 novel by William Styron, "The Confessions of Nat Turner," where a white Southern author takes on the voice of a black slave on a plantation.
John McCain, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, blasted the program as "an unfortunate and classic example of acquisition gone awry," in a report on government spending waste released earlier this month.
As an undergraduate at Princeton University, he had learned the classic example of the math that plotted how growing populations of snowshoe hares fuel the rise of the lynx that feed on them.
Read MoreCiti: World economy seems trapped in 'death spiral' "This is a classic example of why the headline looks worse than the actual report," said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderlich Securities.
Subramanian said Caterpillar is a classic example of an industrial value play that often beats the markets during earnings recoveries, but she couldn't quite resist a pun on the company's famous ticker symbol.
This was a classic example of how the stupidity, arrogance and abuse of power by a faulty administration can impact its people, and the long-term damage it can inflict on international relations.
Just across the bay in San Francisco was what her neighbors feared was a classic example of what happens when tech companies move into an economically depressed urban center: rising inequality and gentrification.
In antitrust lingo, this deal represents a classic example of vertical integration: The companies have a "vertical" relationship where one company — Time Warner's networks and studios — supplies the other — AT&T's distribution operations.
"Park Slope is the classic example," said James A. Parrott, the director of economic and fiscal policies at the Center for New York City Affairs at the New School and a commission member.
"This is a classic example of government engineering a crisis and then presenting an impossibly bureaucratic solution to it on the backs of taxpayers," the party chairman, Gerard Kassar, said in a statement.
"What we are finding, and Red Chris is a classic example, is that under a lot of these deposits... if you look deep there is a chance to find (new) deposits," he said.
The United Nations has denounced the violence during the past 10 weeks as a classic example of ethnic cleansing to drive the Rohingya Muslims out of Buddhist majority Myanmar, an accusation Myanmar rejects.
It is a classic example of convergent evolution, in which two organisms that are not closely related develop similar features because of the environment they adapted to and the ecological role they played.
It was the classic example of a reverse takeover, highlighted by the fact that the eMachines' CEO, Wayne Inouye, replaced Waitt as CEO—and immediately started replacing thousands of American jobs with outsourcing.
During the War on Terror, the Marines pulled heavy-lift helicopters from AMARG to meet needs in Iraq and Afghanistan, a classic example of the type of situation AMARG was intended to address.
The classic example is a legacy magazine that one source told me spent around $500,000 on clothes for a cover shoot fitting last year, only to have the subject appear naked on the cover.
The pro-cyclical behavior of costs is a classic example of positive feedback which amplifies the boom-bust cycle in oil prices and delays the process of adjustment following a supply or demand shock.
El Museo Casa de Alfeñique, a classic example of baroque architecture in Mexico, was also damaged, but will be repaired and restored by the National Institute of Anthropology and History, according to La Jornada.
Koon Chow, macro and FX strategist at UBP, told CNBC on Friday that Brazil's presidential vote was a classic example of the "polarization theme we have seen in so many countries" around the world.
A classic example of writers not knowing that they reached the level of exhaustion is Dexter, because he was emptied out and wasn't going to change by the end of season four or so.
A classic example is the daylight no-knock raid on Manafort's home in Virginia last summer, which signaled that the special counsel's office would apply more pressure than normal to Trump's former campaign chairman.
The pro-cyclical behaviour of costs is a classic example of positive feedback which amplifies the boom-bust cycle in oil prices and delays the process of adjustment following a supply or demand shock.
Hillary Clinton is the classic example of a politician enjoying soaring approval when they aren't perceived as an active office-seeker and seeing that sky-high favorability rapidly tumble once they enter the arena.
It's almost a classic example of what economists call sunk costs, — the home — versus opportunity costs, which is the ability to move when and if you want, albeit at the price of uncertain rent.
A classic example of the utility of zero-knowledge proofs describes two millionaires, Alice and Bob, who want to know which of them has more money without revealing how much wealth they each have.
This classic example of compounding growth or interest from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has the 25-year-old ending with a 25% larger final balance despite 20 fewer years of investing.
A classic example is Black Caviar, Australia's undefeated mare who was well respected long before she went to England, but gained even more status when she won the 2012 Diamond Jubilee Stakes at Ascot.
In other words, supply-side economics is a classic example of a zombie doctrine: a view that should have been killed by the evidence long ago, but just keeps shambling along, eating politicians' brains.
The classic example of a government that repaid a large debt with relative ease is the American government after World War II, as my colleague Paul Krugman writes in a piece on Blanchard's address.
To illustrate the problems with the government's traditional approach to development software, it's helpful to look at a classic example: the FBI's struggles to build an electronic case tracking system between 218 and 218.
"You go in there, and the classic example [is], 'I went in to buy this, and I spent 400 bucks,'" Moody's analyst Charlie O'Shea said, calling the retailer "bulletproof" in any kind of economic scenario.
Indeed, arguably the best drama on TV is FX's The Americans, which is a classic example of the form — right down to the two kids the Soviet spy protagonists will lose if they're ever caught.
In a classic example of a constitutionally questionable practice turning into informal precedent, the "Tyler Precedent," as Feerick called it, would guide the way succession worked the next seven times a president died in office.
In a classic example of "scratch your own itch," Artella's online production platform helps artists find each other to congregate around and collaborate on projects of any size and scope — all through a web browser.
In a classic example of closing the barn door after the horses have run out, the U.S. Cyber Command belatedly announced last week the start of an effort to slow Russian interference in the midterms.
At Vassar, the "dialogue across differences" event represents a classic example of groupthink, where conflict is minimized, disagreement with consensus views is strongly discouraged, and where harmony is valued above accurate analysis and critical evaluation.
The 1993 Christmas single "Mr Blobby" is a classic example of how Blobby just showed up and kicked a bunch of people in the shins while taking credit for the work of everyone around him.
" Eric A. Goldstein, a senior lawyer with the Natural Resources Defense Council, an environmental group, had a different view, calling the lawsuit a "classic example of impact litigation that's designed to upend the existing order.
The Beeb assistant might be a boondoggle, a waste of British taxpayer money, and a classic example of the BBC making a tech thing without a super clear reason or need just because it can.
In June, Buffett called Bezos a "classic example" of how a business owner could thrive, by having focused at Amazon on how to "delight" customers, and keep them coming back, rather than simply process their orders.
A classic example occurred in 2014, when Boyhood kept winning early prizes, and backlash struck hard, resulting in many industry awards floating over to Birdman, which experienced a late surge and ended up winning Best Picture.
If you ask us, this is a classic example of combative and confrontational fire signs finding something to argue about, while the more stable, even-keeled earth signs look for the points they can agree with.
The classic example is height, which is strongly heritable (33 to 90 percent), yet the average height of 11-year-old boys in Japan has increased by more than 5 inches in the past 50 years.
Raven Grill: The oldest operating bar in the District, The Raven is a pretty classic example of a neighborhood dive: a place desperately in need of a renovation, a little sticky, surly, cheap, and cash only.
"This case represents a classic example of a shell game of moving the money from one investor to another with some left over to fatten the coffers of the money manager," Galvin said in a statement.
Jesse Jackson called the mishap "a classic example of voter suppression" in a statement on Facebook and went to the precinct, after the issue began to prompt outrage on social media, to encourage voters to stay.
As for Ukraine, the West's unwillingness to acknowledge that it was a classic example of a young state that didn't naturally command the allegiance of all its peoples has contributed to it becoming a failed state.
Jose's story is a classic example of how IIRIRA has operated, according to David Hernández, an assistant professor of Spanish, Latina/o, and Latin American Studies at Mount Holyoke College and an expert in immigration policy.
Until the 1990s, few state or federal courts would let evidence of prior sexual assaults be heard in rape trials, considering it a classic example of evidence that only shows a "propensity" to commit a crime.
"This is a classic example of hubris and mendacity," said Mr. Sopko, a former prosecutor who was appointed as the special inspector general by President Barack Obama in 2012 and has remained under the Trump administration.
"He is the classic example of someone who has been abused by a group, whether it be a football team, a fraternity, or any other group nowadays, that requires complete loyalty, complete obedience," his lawyer said.
The long-running New York production Sleep No More, which gives audience members masks and asks them to explore a creepy hotel while a production of Macbeth unfolds around them, is a classic example of immersive theater.
Mitchell's spattered shot selection is a classic example of an inexperienced player going out of his way to prove he belongs and routinely found him forcing the issue against defenses that were already bent to stop him.
For these reasons, Marks thinks investors' bullish knee-jerk reaction to lower rates in the US economy is paradoxical given historical precedent — and a classic example of not being able to see the forest for the trees.
The "Fast and Furious" investigation was a classic example: The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives tried to track guns across the Southwest border, and one of those guns was used to kill a federal officer.
Stephens has shut down his Twitter account, Karpf's tweet has gone viral in a classic example of the Streisand effect, and that might have been the end of it for me -- if not for the provost's invitation.
A classic example: 2007's "Leave Britney Alone" meme, which gave us a famous proto-reaction GIF: These early video-to-GIF viral memes paved the way for the deluge of celebrity reaction GIFs in our future.
People have always taken taxis to the hospital — there's the classic example of the woman going into labor in the back of a cab — but ride-hail technology makes it much easier, especially in less densely populated cities.
"This is a classic example of payola," he said of the brand mentions, invoking a term that's been used to describe radio DJs who accept payments from record companies in order to play certain artists on the air.
Some perceptive observers of race relations have argued no such double standard exists, citing the Feds' raid on militiamen in Waco, Texas, in 1993 as a classic example of law enforcement's willingness to use violence against all perpetrators.
Turner's self-denial may be a classic example of an offender rationalizing his behavior, or it simply be the result of a group of lawyers and attorneys crafting a statement to get him the least possible jail time.
When it was still standing, 19063 Boone Street was a classic example of a Baltimore row house: three stories tall and only 15 feet wide, with a curved bay window in front and a narrow garden out back.
"I think you have a classic example here where Director Coats is trying to make policy and not inform policy," Ruddy told CNN on Monday, a day after he was spotted dining with Trump in Palm Beach, Fla.
Kemp's office maintains that those voters will be allowed to vote, most likely by provisional ballot, if they bring the proper ID. Kemp's Democratic opponent, Stacey Abrams, says the suspended list is a classic example of voter suppression.
A classic example of this indeterminacy in action came just last month, when the Trump administration argued that the 2002 law authorizing Bush's invasion of Iraq provided legal justification for their assassination of an Iranian general (Qassem Soleimani).
These Baltics dynamics are, taken together, a classic example of what political scientists call a security dilemma, in which each side feels insecure and builds up to reach parity, which prompts the other side to do the same.
The classic example has always been Breaking Bad, a show whose ratings struggled to justify its renewal for several seasons, but also a show that concluded its run with more than 10 million viewers tuning in for its finale.
Additionally, her defense of her father — taking his words at face value over the words, and evidence, of a considerable number of women — seems to be a classic example of victim-blaming, or believing the accused over the accuser.
The classic example of how successful this approach can be was the overthrow of the Taliban in Afghanistan in the winter of 2001, which was accomplished by some 100 US Green Berets on the ground calling in American airstrikes.
"This is a classic example of how some people fear new technology so they reactively reject it instead of accepting it, no matter how irrational that fear may be," a Verizon executive told the South Jersey Times last year.
The Wii was a classic example of this — the entry-level content, whether for hardcore gamers (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) or casual gamers (Wii Sports) was more than enough to produce a very large initial install base.
Cocaine is the classic example here: While coke withdrawal produces extreme craving and irritability, the lack of physical symptoms—like the vomiting and diarrhea seen in opioid withdrawal—led 1980s experts to incorrectly conclude that it was less addictive.
The classic example is the India pale ale: a historically British beer whose evolution has yielded many styles, from the pioneeringly bitter "West Coast I.P.A.s" of California to the fruit-juice-like "New England I.P.A.s" of Vermont and Massachusetts.
David Brat, the Tea Party challenger to then House leader Eric Cantor, are a classic example of this: the total money raised was less significant than the number of donors and the enthusiasm that inspired them to chip in.
The heist — which has not been reported previously — was a classic example of how hackers exploit the weakest link in the extensive chain of vendors, postproduction studios and collaborators that corporations must trust with their most valuable intellectual property.
The classic example is of protesters who chain-link themselves to a building or some other object: By disrupting someone's — particularly a corporation's or politician's — plans, such demonstrations force others to pay attention even if they don't want to.
The iconic "attack it!" scene in Black Swan where Nina is practicing ballet in full throes of her delusion, her face sweaty and determined, is a classic example of Aronofsky's masterful direction in obtaining extremely visceral performances from his actors.
When: Saturday, October 24700, 260–10pm Where: hm157 (3110 North Broadway, Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles) Swedish director Victor Sjöström's 1921 film The Phantom Carriage is a silent horror masterpiece, a Dickensian morality tale, and a classic example of innovative early cinema.
Another study reported the majority of workers recognize a skills gap (61 percent), but a whopping 95 percent did not think it applied to them — a classic example of the Lake Wobegon effect, where all the children are above average.
MELVIN A. BENARDE, Princeton, N.J. Avoidable Tragedy To the Sports Editor: Re "Vindication for 96 Victims as Light Falls on a Dark Day," April 27: A classic example of the truth of the old saying that justice delayed is justice denied.
"One of my major concerns has been the big five [defense companies] and the rotating back and forth between government and business and this is, kind of, a classic example of why we deserve straightforward answers," McCain said during the hearing.
Rather than using the myriad of laws already on the books to aggressively target and address IUU fishing, this rule suggests massive and expensive data collection is somehow the answer… It is a classic example of guilty until proven innocent.
These plans are "just the classic example of insurance that disappears exactly when you need it," said Jay Angoff, a former state insurance official in Missouri and New Jersey, who also worked in the Obama administration overseeing the insurance marketplace.
Perhaps the weirdest incident happened in 2013, when Curiosity spotted rocks that bore a startling resemblance to a squirrel—a classic example of pareidolia, a kind of optical illusion in which faces, animals, or everyday objects are projected onto insignificant stimuli or mediums.
In a classic example of two entangled singlet state particles, if the first one is found to spin on an upward axis, then the second one must have a spin that points down, like two dice that always roll to opposite sides.
The famous story of the 'Grizzly man' is a classic example—Timothy Treadwell claimed he 'befriended' wild Grizzly bears, spending many days in close contact with them, until one day both him and his girlfriend were killed and eaten by a bear.
In this classic example from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, someone who starts investing for retirement at age 25 ends up with more money at retirement, even though someone starting at age 35 contributes three times as much over the years.
It's a classic example of the modern internet user's dilemma: should we trade our personal data for the convenience of, say, unsubscribing from all the bullshit in our inboxes, or writing notes, or using basically any of the biggest sites on the internet?
This may become different in the age of Trump, but the GOP has been agit-prop excellent in having all of its top players 'on message' and saying the same thing—obviously, eliminating Obamacare is a classic example and there are many others.
The Watts Towers are a classic example of "outsider art," built over a 30-year period by an Italian immigrant named Simon Rodia, who used found objects to build a network of otherworldly-looking cement and steel towers rising above his neighborhood.
"[Net neutrality is] an effort by one set of private interests to enrich itself by using the power of the state to obtain free services from another — a classic example of what economists term 'rent seeking,' " Eisenach told lawmakers at the hearing.
"If they are priced correctly, air taxis may be able to democratize travel in cities where there is no public transport alternative or where the congestion and size of the urban area (Sao Paulo is the classic example) are so great," adds Perry.
If you got the center across clue then you probably got the whole grid; I thought the double clue was great even though it was a tell, and I definitely considered this puzzle a classic example of this fun day of the week.
A classic example is the Clean Air Act, which charges the Environmental Protection Agency with identifying forms of harmful air pollution and promulgating rules to cost-effectively reduce it, rather than counting on Congress to pass new laws every time science or business practice changes.
But in a classic example of life imitating art, Noxon has been forced to confront the same ideas and questions that are brought up in her own film: How do you create art about eating disorders that doesn't glamorize it and potentially cause further harm?
"I'll be ready," Kerr told him on the bench before hitting the title-clinching jumper, a classic example of superstar trust, never easily earned at the level at which Jordan competed and — let us once and for all admit — at which James now competes.
But working your average competitive white-collar job—me writing this piece of content, a classic example—isn't a matter of life and death, and as a knowledge-based, competitive society, that's where we could most realistically see growth in the use of modafinil.
But this generalization has its limits; to pluck one now-classic example, Ursula Le Guin's "Earthsea" novels are revisionist in some of the ways I've just described, but far more concerned with the life and death of magic than with an Archipelagan game of thrones.
"This is a classic example of where Apple's ownership of the whole widget including both hardware and software is a huge advantage over device vendors dependent on Android and the broader value chain of component vendors," said Jan Dawson, founder and chief analyst of Jackdaw Research.
"A classic example is if a nursing home writes a hospital into their disaster plan and doesn't tell the hospital," says Kristi Koenig, EMS director for the County of San Diego and professor emerita of emergency medicine and public health at the University of California, Irvine.
Among the possibilities: It's his psychology: Michael Maccoby, a Washington, DC-based anthropologist and psychoanalyst, told Axios that Musk is a classic example of a productive narcissist — a renowned entrepreneur and visionary who is changing the world, even though he may lash out on Twitter when challenged.
Cramer thinks the real reason why analyst and hedge fund managers question the rally in General Mills, is because this company is a classic example of a company that is slow, only somewhat steady, has little organic growth, no pizzazz and a very over-stretched valuation.
The classic example of this strategy, which sought to accommodate rather than challenge capital, was Brazil under Lula's Workers' Party (Partido dos Trabablhadores, or PT)— "often hailed as a triumph of pragmatic social-democratic governance in the developing world," Sabrina Fernandes wrote in Jacobin in 2017.
Georges Bizet's opera "Les Pêcheurs de Perles" (1863) is a classic example of nineteenth-century French exoticism: it paints a rosy picture of humble pearl fishers in the faraway land of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) with a perfumed, Gallic-sounding score whose sweeping melodies delight the ear.
Pokémon Go is the classic example of one millions of people have used, but you know, there's the Ikea room furniture app where you can basically see what it looks like if you put a couch in the corner of your living room or something like that.
Katie FieldAssociate Professor, Plant-Soil Processes, University of LeedsA classic example of "plant smarts" might be the Venus Fly Trap (Dionea muscipula) which seems to count the number of times a hair is triggered on the surface of its trap before deciding to close on the unfortunate insect within.
"In fact, this is a classic example of how I'm always telling you to wait for some exogenous weakness to give you a chance to buy great stocks at lower levels," he suggested, adding that his charitable trust promoted Citigroup to a "buy" because its stock is too cheap.
"This is a classic example of a state where voters on the right and the left agree on the need for criminal justice reform," said Udi Ofer, the director of the justice division of the American Civil Liberties Union, which has been heavily involved in reform efforts in Oklahoma.
The fact that Rosselló wants to allow PREPA to negotiate contracts without independent oversight — despite PREPA's long history of expensive contracting failures — suggests he has learned nothing from the Whitefish scandal, which was a classic example of an overnight deal made with no public input or regulatory oversight.
The staggering failure of the world's leading polluters to reach an agreement on reducing carbon emissions at the COP25 climate talks in Madrid last month is a classic example of how too many governments are still hitting the snooze button in the face of our planet's loudest alarm.
Add that to the fact that the product's audience was essentially the tech elite — wealthy health nuts — and Juicero had created the perfect storm: a classic example of Silicon Valley creating tools for itself and "fixing" a problem that didn't require a tech solution in the first place.
But the liberal establishment's fixation on Facebook's 2016 sins — first the transmission of fake news and now the exploitation of its data by the Trump campaign or its appendages — still feels like a classic example of blaming something new because it's new when it's the old thing that mattered more.
While Brennan was the toast of cocktail parties throughout the D.C. Swamp, the CIA suffered an injury; the institution that helped to put John Brennan into a place of public trust has been tossed under the bus by his self-serving, virtue-signaling actions — a classic example of disloyalty being rewarded.
Vox's Emily Crockett writes: Trump's behavior, [anti-violence advocate Rus] Funk said, is a classic example what advocates call "toxic masculinity" — the idea that to be a "real man" is to be sexually aggressive, unemotional, tough, and even violent, and to view women as objects to be conquered and dominated.
Perhaps the most classic example is How I Met Your Mother, which committed itself to an ending before season two — by shooting footage for a series finale that ultimately wouldn't air until the end of season nine — and then found itself boxed in as that ending approached, in a way many fans disliked.
Peter Carr was known as Mueller's spokesman, and he unwittingly led us to paydirt: a set of glass doors leading to a plain office building -- a classic example of the form in a part of town that was once an industrial hub but is now full of concrete and glass office buildings.
The bottom line: Meadows' district is a classic example of people choosing their news: They either don't believe the worst things they've heard about the bill — and they might think anything is better than the Affordable Care Act anyway — or they believe all of the bad things and are up in arms about it.
So instead of the idea of the network, which is a classic example of an ideal that grew out of the 1960s, which was a vision of the commune where we would all be interconnected and we would achieve a global consciousness — instead of that lyrical vision of interconnection, what we get is monopoly.
Critics note that the show's casting of one black actress as a handmaid makes little sense, particularly if white supremacy is part of the Republic: "The Handmaid's Tale is a classic example of the problem with settling for diversity that exists out of a desire to be 'color-blind,'" Angelica Jade Bastien wrote at Vulture.
A classic example of an "imagine if Obama did it" situation arose last week when the current president of the United States, who cools his heels almost every weekend at one of his many golf resorts and has been staging multiple campaign-style rallies per week, claimed to be too "busy" to visit the troops.
In some ways, then, the Knicks' 108-81 loss was a classic example of the cruelest way to lose: to fall behind big (by 17 points), come all the way back and even take a second-half lead (by 2), only to let the game slip away again (this time for good, and in historically grim fashion).
"We used to have dreams of getting out the flats," she raps at one point, before dropping a "sticking down baby hairs before Insta" punchline later—it's a classic example of how Simz whips you from a wry smile and joke to an evocative scene from her own life or a story she's choosing to tell.
The classic example is Hungary, where Fidesz, the white nationalist governing party, has effectively taken over the bulk of the media; destroyed the independence of the judiciary; rigged voting to enfranchise supporters and disenfranchise opponents; gerrymandered electoral districts in its favor; and altered the rules so that a minority in the popular vote translates into a supermajority in the legislature.
The potential punishments are lower if the crime takes place in another public place, such as the street, as happened to one of her clients, a freelance foreign correspondent and VICE News contributor named Andrea Noel whose case is viewed by many as a classic example of the way women who report assaults are ignored, belittled, criminalized or even attacked.
More famous than many of the drivers who have come and gone over the years, he has become known to millions of fans as Bernie or Mr E. If the end of his reign was often foretold, time and again he confounded his critics — a classic example being the bribery trial in Germany that ended in 2014 after he agreed to pay $100 million as a settlement.
Some observations: Watch the video above to see a classic example of dadding: safely explaining to hold the bottle with one hand and hammer it with another—slowly now son, gently—before brusquely telling him off for holding the note the wrong way around, dad holding the camera in the wrong aspect, dad disappointed the note turned out to be from the day before and written entirely by coke.
Here's a classic example with an OP Roadhog up against four players doing their best to take him down: While some games like the one above allow the fighters to respawn and keep fighting, others only give the fighters one life each to take down the boss, which can make for really interesting dynamics and team compositions focused on stopping the boss with things like Mei's Endothermic Blaster and Ana's Sleep Dart.
But the contrast between the terror that many Americans actually experience and the specter of violence that Trump invoked is a classic example of an insidious form of racism that some say is pervasive, though seldom acknowledged: Angry white men seeing "primitive aggressions" in others that they refuse to see in themselves: White men warn the public about vicious Central American gangs invading the United States, even though white men have committed more mass shootings than any other group.

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