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"cherry-picking" Definitions
  1. the act of choosing the best people or things from a group and leaving those that are not so good
"cherry-picking" Antonyms

494 Sentences With "cherry picking"

How to use cherry picking in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "cherry picking" and check conjugation/comparative form for "cherry picking". Mastering all the usages of "cherry picking" from sentence examples published by news publications.

If this is cherry-picking, then every trade arrangement is cherry-picking.
Cherry-picking expedition Cherry-picking of reality was rife in the President's speech.
"Not only are you cherry-picking data, not only are you cherry-picking the facts, you are cherry-picking your concerns about national security," Jones told host Anderson Cooper.
Not only you are cherry picking data, you are cherry picking your concerns about national security pic.twitter.
And there is a tremendous difference between venture capitalists cherry-picking growth metrics in their Series B funding round and a president cherry picking export numbers to start unfounded trade wars.
"They accused their critics of cherry picking statements," Supran says.
But it advises "cherry picking" emerging markets to avoid Asia.
But we don't have to do this kind of cherry-picking.
The institutional cherry-picking from the EU side has already begun.
This reinforces concerns that the CREDO results may reflect cherry-picking.
It would not invite "cherry picking" of the private insurance industry.
And those people might be cherry-picking data in the science.
Undercutting his argument or cherry-picking his words doesn't achieve anything.
Cherry-picking notable sites and "checking the box" become the focus.
That is what's known in the business as cherry-picking. 3.
Democrats argue Republicans are cherry-picking what papers are released. Sen.
Otherwise, your money is best spent cherry-picking from the Virtual Console.
It is very nostalgic, but it's beyond just a "cherry-picking" manner.
That is still cherry-picking to many and May rejected the idea.
The White House's cherry-picking is also raising hackles among some economists.
But the evidence is decidedly mixed, with both sides cherry-picking data.
"They accused the journalists of cherry-picking," Oreskes said of Exxon's responses.
Time to Act Cherry-picking is the essence of any free market.
Cherry picking which victims get justice is unacceptable by literally anyone's standards.
"This is cherry-picking information and then releasing it publicly," she said.
For all their reservations, investors still clearly have an appetite for cherry picking.
But the companies also had plausible deniability by cherry picking what they rebuffed.
Cherry-picking free content isn't considered fair or right, according to the critics.
"It is not about cherry picking," May told the mass-selling Bild newspaper.
The D.C. game of cherry-picking polls can result in a slanted view.
When sloppily cherry-picking isolated numbers, they disrespect our intelligence and our democracy.
"They are cherry-picking, picking and choosing, focusing on these communities," Alsadah said.
Pollster Ann Selzer explained that Trump was "cherry-picking" within one specific poll.
With more than 100 successful state precedents, shouldn't we all embrace cherry-picking?
He was cherry-picking this stuff that shed women in a bad light.
Historically, it's a cherry-picking on behalf of a set of tendentious claims.
It's a very serious allegation to accuse professional journalists of deliberately cherry-picking statements.
The draft guidelines dismiss this as cherry-picking that would undermine the single market.
In other words, the plan prevents HiPPOs from cherry picking results after the fact.
And then there's the dishonesty and cherry-picking of the pro-foreign aid crowd.
Increasingly, the business is cherry-picking best practices from other bits of private equity.
Cherry picking was seen in Pakistan State Oil Co Ltd , which gained 0.3 percent.
In preparation, we've been cherry-picking companies in the latest batch that interest us.
Instead they are cherry-picking selected groups — religious and ideological — to gain an edge.
What Sanders was doing then was cherry-picking data that looked good for him.
I'm merely pointing out that cherry-picking allows you to come to different conclusions.
The SEC alleged that from January 2012 to November 22, Denha engaged in cherry picking.
Trump also has a habit of cherry-picking or exaggerating economic data for political gain.
CHERRY-PICKING Safe-haven assets gold and U.S. Treasuries stepped back after two heady days.
Sometimes knowledgeable people are better at cherry-picking information so that it supports their beliefs.
What I suspect it is really doing is cherry-picking its residents to maximize profits.
Seems to me that selective editing and cherry-picking did not serve the reader well.
READ MORE HERE >>The hedge-fund industry has a problem with managers cherry-picking performance.
He noticed news sites cherry-picking content from Reddit and wanted in on the action.
Hundreds of books have been assembled by ­cherry-picking anecdotes, thirdhand reminiscences and unsourced accusations.
"They're going to be cherry-picking acquisitions like there's no tomorrow," Wang told Business Insider.
Cherry-picking appears to be happening in Florida, which has heavily promoted private flood policies.
But critics accuse Singer of cherry-picking which items to exclude to reach this result.
The point of risk adjustment is to prevent insurance companies from cherry-picking the healthiest people.
That means you can often show increase or decrease, as you wish, by cherry-picking endpoints.
An ominous impression can always be created by cherry picking a nominee's judicial decisions and speeches.
"We have been cherry picking from different transactions that have been offered to us," said Saurez.
Do we still like Halloween, or are we cherry picking the parts of Halloween we like?
"That kind of cherry picking, your honor, is an intolerable abuse of the process," Kaplan said.
Each hopscotches through history, cherry-picking crises and triumphs that fit the demands of episodic storytelling.
I'm cherry picking, but my point is that green certification doesn't necessarily translate to higher prices.
Well, if you think the LA Times is cherry-picking [examples], we'll look at all of them.
Trump asked us to believe him, but he'll have to have to stop cherry picking stats first.
This prevents them from cherry-picking results and analyses that are more favorable to their favored conclusions.
Amazon accuses Sanders of cherry-picking negative employee experiences that hew to his political and economic narrative.
In 2014, Kreidler attempted to review association rates and reject plans that were "cherry-picking" healthy employees.
The Eurogroup president echoed these comments saying that there'd be "no cherry-picking possible" within the negotiations.
"It was really cherry-picking where they thought they were going to find the benefits," Naimi says.
"When it's in a state of full distress, that's when they can start cherry-picking," he said.
That means the activists are technically correct, but it seemed to Cramer they were just cherry picking.
"This is kind of a cherry-picking, which I don't believe is acceptable," one EU official said.
Fico reiterated that he was opposed to any "cherry-picking" in negotiations, saying EU freedoms must remain.
And I hope more and more companies follow the lead, rather than just cherry-picking certain issues.
Some members of Congress latched on to Gradient's argument to accuse the EPA of cherry-picking data.
It hasn't opted to permit rampant cherry-picking across multiple dimensions of five different health care systems.
Schiff said Tuesday that there is "sufficient evidence" to suggest collusion, accusing Republicans of cherry-picking facts.
"The fact is we cannot accept cherry-picking, the fact is you decided to leave," Bettel said.
KURTZ: But that as opposed to cherry-picking intelligence as opposed to not being skeptical about the intelligence.
" The SEC's main concern with the dissemination of past specific performance is related to so-called "cherry-picking.
Rather, she is misconstruing the reality of what&aposs happening by cherry picking what has happened since 1992.
This "cherry-picking" of the data, she said, made the findings look more profound than they really are.
The idea is to avoid cherry-picking of healthy patients by paying insurers more for covering sick patients.
This caricature is built by cherry-picking verses from the Quran and then expanding into select textual narratives.
A lot of music purists would argue that you can't judge an album by cherry-picking its highlights.
The Obama-era Labor Department was "cherry-picking" to find legal precedent for its position, Ms. McCutchen said.
Schiff's statements build on the President's own track record of cherry-picking intelligence to suit his personal needs.
This ends cherry picking by insurance companies since they average the same profit no matter who they cover.
It has also been criticized by educators for cherry-picking only the brightest students despite open-enrollment laws.
There are, and always have been, a flurry of factors that fashion editors consider when cherry-picking their champs.
But Democrats said it's a deeply misleading document, twisting and cherry-picking classified intelligence to support the president. Rep.
Mrs May herself pointed out that all free-trade deals are bespoke, so they include elements of cherry-picking.
She said the ghostwriting allegations were based on "cherry-picking" one email out of 10 million pages of documents.
He is already talking about a rigged system, cherry-picking voter registration laws that don't favor him as proof.
" Not doing so "sounds like cherry-picking evidence," he said, which "can be a way to manufacture false positives.
The brilliance of this system is that it eliminates the major problem in the health insurance market: cherry picking.
His response was essentially that the questioner was cherry-picking two decisions and ignoring everything else in his record.
Assuring consumer access to more accurately priced, higher-value, private-market flood insurance through cherry-picking is the answer.
Yet Bolton's history suggests a long and storied history of cherry-picking intelligence to support his preferred hawkish policies.
EU negotiators say letting Britain stay in the single market for goods without free movement would be unacceptable cherry-picking.
Proponents of the benefits argue they're needed to keep insurers from cherry picking healthy customers into cheaper low-benefit plans.
"Cherry-picking the right assets that are simple and uncomplicated is the key to structuring the CLO well," he added.
When it comes to the single market and customs union, European leaders have made clear their opposition to "cherry-picking".
You can accuse literally anyone writing about Musk in a big-picture way of cherry-picking and be absolutely right.
Investors are cherry-picking larger or better perceived credits in the market amid a flurry of new issuance in January.
"It didn't take the easy route by shutting out at-risk students and cherry picking the brightest applicants," says Gates.
But Dr. Lackmann said that "it's pretty easy to cook the books" by making ambiguous forecasts and cherry picking data.
"We cannot let the four basic freedoms of the EU be diluted by special arrangements or cherry-picking," he said.
I think they're cherry picking their information and purposely just spread propaganda to put people against Muslims and Asian folks.
It also means that cherry-picking the historical record to establish a dubious "original" meaning would be harder to conceal.
"They were cherry-picking certain news outlets for interviews they wanted to do," Mr. Schreuer said, and that was it.
Nearly half of respondents were also concerned that the SI system would lead to "cherry-picking" of buy-side flow.
"No cherry-picking" is heard most often from Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel used it days after the Brexit vote.
Cherry-picking editing techniques give devoted viewers someone to cheer for and someone to hate; YouTubers have just recycled those methods.
Therefore, The Economist is cherry-picking to distort Turkey's international co-operation efforts on the issues of torture and ill treatment.
The Senate votes a lot, Kerry's case went, and Republicans were cherry-picking what was one in a series of votes.
Simon wants the judge to see those unedited six minutes of video, accusing the district attorney of cherry picking video footage.
Some in Britain want "what the English call cherry picking", he said, adding that the reply to that was "No way".
"Our approach is not about cherry-picking, but about reaching a deal which fits the aims of both sides," Davis said.
" Asked if the EU also needed to climb down from its own high horse, Krichbaum said: "We cannot allow cherry picking.
And Europeans, as well as May, rule out "cherry picking" deals that give Britain access to certain EU markets, like banking.
Nothing better shows how liberal attacks on the Electoral College amount to nothing more than sour grapes and constitutional cherry-picking.
The story is not one of open versus closed, but of the right cherry-picking aspects of globalization while rejecting others.
But this really isn't Lydic or The Daily Show cherry-picking certain members of the NRA to make a surprising point.
Cherry-picking the source material's biggest moments only highlights the lack of development, making an adaptation seem both hectic and ungrounded.
But instead of cherry-picking scenes to present the traditionally idealized Western view of contact, Reihana endeavored to present both sides.
Congressional Republicans accused Representative Elijah Cummings, chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, of cherry-picking from Ms. Newbold's interview.
Moynihan distinguished himself because he derived his policy positions from research, rather than by cherry-picking statistics to justify those policies.
One was a component of the Affordable Care Act designed to prevent small, newer insurance companies from cherry-picking healthy clients.
"The natives didn't wear false eyelashes, but we're just going to add them because we're cherry-picking here," Ms. Smith says.
Telecom policy expert Harold Feld said that cherry picking and massaging economic data has been a telecom sector pastime for years.
Supporters of changes to the law have pushed back, accusing opponents of cherry-picking a few cases to stoke public anxiety.
The analysts wrote that Amazon is "cherry picking" the densest zip codes, and only hiring delivery service partners in those areas.
Throughout the Brexit process, EU leaders have said that there must be no "cherry picking " parts of the European Union membership.
It&aposs been around since 1926, and it has a particularly celebrated eye for cherry-picking promising debuts from the pack.
" Regarding the cherry-picking of patients with different types of coverage: "The reality is that dentists don't want to see Medicare patients.
Rather than cherry picking individual companies to invest in, Buffett say index funds are a good way to get into the market.
However, cherry picking provisions in tax reform could undermine the overall effort and perpetuate the existing problems with our current tax system.
However, data from marketing technology firm Amobee suggests fan blogs that picked up on the Twitter drubbing weren't just cherry-picking tweets.
However, Brussels has ruled out a separate deal just for aviation on the grounds that it would be tantamount to cherry-picking.
Instead of fast-tracking on-site visits, the EPA attacked the journalists for "cherry-picking facts," without actually refuting the story itself.
These trials also tend to have less data massaging — such as the cherry-picking of outcomes — than might be possible in journals.
He criticized the city for "cherry picking" buildings that he said were not vulnerable to development and ignoring many others that were.
"The government is cherry-picking specific incidents from media accounts to support its arguments," said Eduardo Balarezo, another attorney who represents Chapo.
Senate Republicans this week shot down Democratic efforts to prevent Trump's lawyers from cherry-picking previously unreleased documents to make their case.
In logic, CHERRY PICKING really refers to picking out and using just the elements of information that confirm your point of view.
Over the years, all 50 states have faced one or more insurance availability crises and their solutions have all involved cherry-picking.
Students are assigned by lottery, and system leaders limit mid year transfers and discipline policies to prevent schools from cherry-picking students.
Democrats have a decidedly different view, charging the Republicans with cherry-picking evidence solely to defend their ally in the White House.
Complaints of cherry-picking should go away once the full transcripts of key witnesses are released to the public for all to see.
"We will not allow any cherry picking," Merkel said to cheers from 1,000 CDU delegates in the western rust belt city of Essen.
Based on our experience in Milwaukee, successful choice schools will be accused by national teachers' unions of "discrimination" and "cherry-picking" their students.
Just as importantly, Trump's cherry-picking strategy is so transparently cynical only he and his surrogates could relay it with a straight face.
But these problems largely arise from participants cherry-picking — switching from their Medicare Advantage plan to traditional Medicare when they get really sick.
He added that Amazon is "prudently cherry-picking areas with dense delivery" and will probably still leave rural delivery up to other companies.
Judge Gorsuch's defenders have accused Democrats of cherry-picking, arguing that his adherence to the law does not suggest a lack of compassion.
The judge's defenders accuse the Democrats of cherry-picking and say his adherence to the law does not indicate a lack of compassion.
NO CHERRY-PICKING After Cameron has addressed EU leaders on Tuesday evening, they will meet the next day to discuss Brexit without him.
So it's better to look at the averages of polls, to get a broader sense of what's out there, rather than cherry-picking.
Over time, SoFi has caught some flak for cherry-picking customers and not being more inclusive with who can take advantage of its services.
Wisconsin prosecutors and law enforcement have accused the documentary directors of cherry-picking the evidence to cast it in a light favorable to Avery.
Some will complain that this is cherry-picking the starting point (although that is not true of the chart, which includes the dotcom boom).
They often avoid making loans to early-stage businesses while cherry picking the best clients from local banks that have nurtured and grown them.
The guidelines stress there can be no "cherry picking" from the benefits of single market membership without accepting freedom of movement for EU workers.
And just so you know that I'm not cherry-picking, 22019% is literally the strongest performance that I've seen Pete have with this group.
What would be cherry-picking would be if we were to seek a deal where our rights and obligations were not held in balance.
Vogel, who wrote an article in Forbes highlighting the lawsuit and prospective book deal before the film's release, also accused Reed of cherry-picking.
Cherry picking winners and losers – or fixating on Uber and its peers – would be to miss the opportunity to rethink protections for all earners.
But it was a cherry-picking approach that focused exclusively on bringing women into the work force and neglected their experiences in other realms.
Cherry-picking will force the NFIP to do what should have done decades ago: buy or mitigate these properties to the benefit of all.
Our country cannot tolerate another round of politicians cherry picking and misrepresenting crime data to stoke fears, raise dog whistles, and score political points.
Increasingly, he did away with any pretense at democracy, cherry-picking which countries would host the Cup of Nations and rarely explaining his reasoning.
While some association health plans have received positive press, these kinds of plans are notorious for cherry-picking healthy enrollees and even committing fraud.
Citing anecdotes and cherry-picking statistics without context, Trump has made his case against immigration by framing it as a threat to domestic safety.
And European leaders' insistence that the four freedoms of the single market are indivisible, and that there can be no cherry-picking, are getting louder.
"Sponsors are cherry picking, choosing the best of both worlds - loan transfer restrictions and bond covenant-lite flexibility at the same time," said a lawyer.
First, they cannot allow cherry-picking, by which they mean letting Britain have membership of the single market while rejecting free migration and budget payments.
"Instead of cherry-picking causes popular with the radical left, the ACLU should allocate its resources defending all civil liberties," Chandler said in a statement.
That cherry-picking approach was quite specific to that particular dossier; it cannot be done by a country turning its back on the club altogether.
He's gone after Mexicans, Muslims, and refugees, often cherry-picking stories of immigrant crime and inviting anti-immigrant extremists to depict "foreigners" as threatening invaders.
Jim Carafano, a defense policy expert at the conservative Heritage Foundation who worked on the Trump transition, said those criticizing Trump are "cherry-picking" statements.
Republicans have accused Cummings of cherry-picking information from her closed-door interview in order to smear the Trump White House, an accusation that Rep.
The CIA's reputation suffered under George W. Bush by cherry-picking intelligence to justify the war in Iraq, unleashing killer drones and engaging in torture.
It is the cherry-picking of a painting here and a painting there to bolster an endowment or support operating expenses that is frowned upon.
And even when it embarks on this cherry-picking expedition, the EPA still winds up showing that the benefits of cutting carbon outweigh the costs.
" She also said some pharmacist lobbying groups are painting a "skewed picture of the reimbursement they receive from CVS Caremark by cherry-picking some claims.
Instead, cherry-picking who plays by the rules and who gets put in the penalty box will, for at least another year, define Presidential pursuits.
"We cannot let the state begin cherry-picking which federal laws it decides to follow," Supervisor Michelle Steel said in a statement after the meeting.
But it can continually reinvent itself, cherry-picking talent from the rest of Serie A to ensure it can compete on the bigger European stage.
The intention was to prevent groups from cherry-picking healthy participants, but it had the side effect of significantly increasing costs for some sole proprietors.
But already, prosecutors, police officials and others are cherry-picking cases and crime data to make a case for rolling back some of the reforms.
The intention was to prevent groups from cherry-picking healthy participants, but it had the side effect of significantly increasing costs for some sole proprietors.
For example, at 43A, the answer to the clue "As you can tell from these few examples, Bings are better than maraschinos" is CHERRY PICKING.
Under the concept of cherry-picking, private market insurers – given a level playing field – will identify these overcharged policyholders and offer them a fairer price.
"Cherry picking is over for the United Kingdom, and we will defend the interests of the 440 million E.U. citizens when negotiating with the U.K."
When the Washington Post dinged Sanders and other Democrats for "cherry-picking" the $2 trillion savings figure, progressive wonks were aghast, and with some good reason.
Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, responded to Mrs May's Brexit speech with vows to hold the EU together and block any British "cherry-picking" in the negotiations.
The problem: The research around the topic is relatively scarce and prone to cherry-picking, thanks to small sample sizes or poor, if any, control groups.
CHERRY-PICKING - The favourite bugbear of EU leaders who say special deals for Britain could unpick their single market and inspire others to quit the bloc.
Second, given the potential concerns about schools cherry-picking students and other concerns with high-stakes testing, it's worth looking at other evidence on academic achievement.
But cherry-picking polls, ignoring the fundamentals and focusing on apparent micro-trends won't get us any closer to an accurate predication of what will happen.
European leaders are also determined to preserve the integrity of the single market and have been clear that there can be no "cherry picking" of benefits.
Democrats have accused Republicans behind the memo of cherry-picking information and trying to discredit the entire Russia investigation by casting aspersions on a single warrant.
They used to just be pro these businesses, all of them, no matter what side they were on, but here they're cherry-picking, it looks like.
The British plan runs afoul of the European Union, whose chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, rejected the scheme last week, suggesting that it amounted to cherry-picking.
"We had a lot of customers shopping us but they were just cherry-picking us in certain departments and not buying the whole store," Ellison said.
Today&aposs fake, made for TV &aposChristians&apos are heartless racists who feel that caging children is right and justified by their cherry-picking bible quotes.
Ms. Conway is cherry-picking remarks from Mr. Mukasey, who led the Justice Department under President George W. Bush, as proof that Mr. Trump was right.
Industry wonks and insiders often write Dines's ilk off as ignorant of actual dynamics at work in porn, cherry-picking negative tales to prove an ideology.
CHERRY-PICKING - The favorite bugbear of EU leaders who say special deals for Britain could unpick their single market and inspire others to quit the bloc.
KURTZ: It is not a surprise, Marie, that journalists and pundits are cherry picking the evidence because as you say, there is something here for all sides.
The practice commonly referred to as "cherry picking" has again surfaced in recent regulatory actions at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Because of those who try to circumvent or take advantage of this structural vulnerability through cherry picking, regulators subject the block trade allocation process to heavy scrutiny.
Trump typically fulminates against polls that show him doing badly while cherry picking others, that however dubiously, appear to show him in a more favorable political position.
"We cannot let the state begin cherry-picking which federal laws it decides to follow," Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steel said in a statement after the vote.
The other 27 countries insist that Britain should not be better off than it was as an EU member, and they are united in opposing cherry-picking.
The drive for younger players may also be a reaction against the strategy of cherry-picking big name players that Qatar pursued for its national handball team.
"Euroskeptic parties across the continent are cherry-picking parts of the Brexit story to bolster their own domestic narrative," said Otilia Dhand, an analyst at Teneo Intelligence.
Projects will be evaluated and green-lit independently of Facebook, to prevent the company from cherry picking the proposals it likes and nerfing the ones it doesn't.
So ahead of this year's VMAs, we're taking a look back at Rihanna's videography and cherry-picking some of our favorite moments, via GIFs, of course. 1.
Nobody, it seemed, was spared investor's wrath: That's just a smattering of the cloud stocks, and it didn't take any cherry picking to give you the idea.
He's confessing to a practice called p-hacking, or the cherry-picking of data after an experiment is run in order to find a significant, publishable result.
There are no pet industry exchange-traded funds (although a couple are in the works at ProShares and Gabelli NextShares), which means cherry-picking your own stocks.
"Our nation knows all too well the perils of ignoring and 'cherry-picking' intelligence in foreign policy and national security decisions," the chairmen said in their letter.
Clinical-trial watchdogs rightly note that using too many measures or outcome targets or patient subsets can open the door to cherry-picking or moving the goalposts.
The satisfaction of cherry-picking his ideal French realtor — sassy Catherine, on her scooter — is more appetizingly celebrated with far aux cerises (a boldly original cherry flan).
But in its tweetstorm, the cookbook maker accused Wansink of cherry-picking recipes, making up arbitrary portion sizes, and smearing its name under the guise of science.
But cherry-picking which Iranian perspectives -- among many -- to stand in solidarity with hurts us and shows an amateur strategy, if there is a strategy at all.
Critics argue that the administration is cherry-picking intelligence for political gain — starting with a conclusion and working backwards rather than following the facts where they lead.
As a result, "reports of 'green job creation' or the 'jobs that will be created by Keystone' are just data cherry picking, not real analysis," he wrote.
The filmmaker has also been lambasted for allegedly cherry-picking videos of debauchery, drinking and driving, vomiting and explicit sexual content and editing them out of context.
That's partly symptomatic of a "good old boys' club" mentality that sees filmmakers cherry-picking eager male protégés who look and think like they did as fledgling visionaries.
In her speech, Merkel called the bombardment of the Syrian city of Aleppo a "disgrace" and warned Britain there would be no "cherry picking" in its Brexit talks.
Chancellor Angela Merkel notably warned German industry in October 2016 against British "cherry picking" as it would undermine the EU single market that had helped make it rich.
On April 11, 2011, a trio of prominent Catholic Democratic operatives traded a series of emails accusing Republicans of cherry-picking aspects of their religion for political gain.
The concern is just part of the broader worry from critics that Sessions is cherry-picking cases, and justifications, depending on how a case suits his conservative worldview.
He notes that due to their limited finances, most fachosphere sites act as news aggregators, cherry-picking stories from the mainstream media and rewriting them under exaggerated headlines.
European leaders have made clear that they cannot accept cherry-picking in which Britain takes the benefits it wants from the single market without accepting all its obligations.
There can be no bespoke deal and no cherry-picking, the EU insists; and Britain must also maintain a level playing-field on regulation, competition and state aid.
"So I must stress again: Brexit means Brexit, that means leaving the European Union, that means cutting off relations ... and not cherry picking, not special relationships," Weber said.
"This is cherry-picking information and then releasing it publicly," Nada Bakos, a former CIA analyst and current senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, tells me.
"We understand and respect your position that the four freedoms of the single market are indivisible and there can be no 'cherry picking'," she said in the letter.
The European Commission accused Trump of "cherry-picking" data to distort the debate in a transatlantic dispute over U.S. metals tariffs that threatens to become a trade war.
Handelman went on to warn against a system that allowed "cherry-picking" of coverage options by healthier consumers while those with medical needs were left carrying financial burdens.
"It is illusory to imagine we will accept cherry-picking," he said of the idea that Britain could maintain EU regulations in some sectors, while diverging in others.
The industry has a history of boosting profits by signing up healthy people and finding ways to avoid sick people — called "cherry-picking" and "lemon-dropping," experts say.
Those who seek to disparage her by cherry-picking three or four supposedly damning aspects of her candidacy are looking for easy excuses and hiding their gender bias.
But the advocates for these changes, cherry-picking best and worst-case scenarios to fit their narratives, are far removed from the streets where law enforcement officers serve.
Throughout the House's impeachment inquiry, Republicans accused the Democrats of rushing, operating in secrecy, cherry-picking facts, refusing to call key witnesses and denying the president due process.
They're voicing concerns that the president's defense team will try to slip some of that evidence into the trial, cherry-picking only the documents that boost Trump's case.
Democrats say the memo is just a selective cherry picking of facts meant to distract the public and undermine special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of the Trump campaign.
Its conclusions drew swift condemnation from many Democrats and liberal economists, who accused the administration of "cherry-picking" economic evidence to sweeten Mr. Trump's pitch to American workers.
China's year-end economic data dump presented an ambiguous picture of the world's second-largest economy that analysts chose to paint in various ways by cherry picking data points.
" And as Germany's Angela Merkel prepared to head to the summit, she told Berlin: "We'll ensure that (Brexit) negotiations don't take place according to the principle of cherry-picking.
Although political craft often includes cherry-picking facts and battles with straw men, Trump far exceeds the norm and has confounded analysts and pundits who try to assess him.
A multi-speed, multi-tier Europe conjures up a vision of the dreaded "cherry-picking", in which countries take the benefits of the EU without paying the appropriate price.
Managers flatter themselves by being creative in how returns are calculated, by picking a bogus benchmark, or by cherry-picking a favorable time period over which to calculate performance.
Schiff and the other Democrats on the committee accuse Nunes of cherry-picking facts to build a case that the FBI and DOJ abused their power in surveilling Page.
Brexiteers also know the EU is unimpressed by talk of selective regulatory divergence, which it sees as cherry-picking, and wants to enforce a level playing-field for competitiveness.
Senior EU officials believe the Commission and member states can use the hostility of the European Parliament to British "cherry picking" as a tool to pressure London in talks.
Such cherry picking of visual similarities — more specifically, mirrored bodily positions — employs an oversimplifying tunnel vision, which threatens to exclude the other factors that helped to define Rodin's work.
As for Australian-style cherry-picking, Jonathan Portes of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research points out that Britain does a lot of this already (see chart).
"There will not be a possibility to have cherry-picking" for Britain, he said at a conference in Brussels, reaffirming comments by EU leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
From the very start it has been a key clear principle of the EU 27 that there can be no cherry-picking and no single market 'a la carte'.
But top GOP senators have brushed aside Democratic concerns and accused them of cherry-picking quotes from Kavanaugh, who has also defended the decades-old Supreme Court ruling. Sen.
But by cherry-picking lines from those briefs, the Supreme Court's Zubik ruling misleadingly suggested that the nuns and the feds were this close to coming to a solution.
"They are still in the idea, I think, that 'Let's do a little bit of cherry-picking of the advantages of the union without having the duties,' " Verhofstadt said.
Only by cherry picking homes and businesses with adequate or excessive prices, further increasing the losses NFIP will suffer when disasters strike, since spread of risk will be eroded.
Initially, says Tegan, they thought they'd have to do a lot more creative work, cherry-picking choruses and writing around them, but many of songs stood on their own.
If the administration applies its tariffs to all steel and aluminum exports — as opposed to cherry-picking countries to punish — there are five nations that will suffer the most.
Landlords are seeing these new restaurant concepts as business opportunities for themselves, often cherry-picking new food start-ups and offering them seed money to locate in their shopping centers.
Cherry-picking a variety of caricatured clichés based on extant social and political failures in post-revolution Iran is exploitative and straight up meaningless to the narrative of this movie.
At Hedgeable, another, much smaller robo-advisor, the SEC found that the company had manipulated results it reported to the public by cherry-picking the best-performing accounts it managed.
Merkel has said there can be no "cherry picking" of what it wants to keep from its EU membership while jettisoning aspects of the relationship that it does not like.
After selecting hundreds of startups, the team is cherry picking the best and personally working with them to make sure that the best of these startups get funding and connections.
We're told the brass is now seriously considering cherry-picking 30 to 40 officers with solid records who don't take an excessive number of sick days to staff the area.
She's in Portland, Oregon, for a couple of shows before wrapping up what she calls her "cherry-picking" tour for Motel Bouquet, her upcoming album that Noisey is premiering today.
GOP lawmakers have repeatedly accused Democrats of conducting a probe that lacks transparency, "cherry-picking" the information released to skew the narrative and opting to focus on impeachment over legislating.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier firmly ruled out on Tuesday Britain "cherry-picking" the aspects of the EU it liked when it leaves the bloc.
On December 83, the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier outlined the process of Brexit negotiations in a press conference in Brussels, adding that "cherry-picking is not an option".
That's a strategy that likely won't be accepted by the EU — which sees it as "cherry picking" some of the benefits of EU membership without upholding its most crucial obligations.
Yet, as Berkshire Hathaway's Warren Buffet has frequently complained, compensation consultants more often seem to be used to rationalize a pre-ordained result by cherry-picking the right peer group.
The Trump administration may suspend a permanent Affordable Care Act program that prevents health insurance companies from cherry-picking healthy people in the individual marketplaces, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Dr. Byron, the divinity school professor, said Mr. Sessions's use of the passage is a classic case of a politician "cherry-picking" the Bible for statements that match their policy.
He and other GOP lawmakers accuse Democrats of "cherry-picking" information released to the public — an argument that was frequently aimed at the GOP when it was in the majority.
GOP members claim the proceedings lack transparency and they allege members across the aisle are "cherry-picking" the information released in an attempt to sway public opinion in their favor.
The inspector general at the time, Glenn A. Fine, said this cherry-picking kept other officials from being able to evaluate the mole investigation and make an earlier course correction.
Seen in the light of experience, cherry-picking is clearly the single most effective thing we can do to correct a well-intended but structurally terminal tax payer-funded monopoly.
"She may call for a system of 'managed divergence,' but the EU — through presidents (Donald) Tusk and (Jean-Claude) Juncker — have already dismissed this option as 'cherry-picking,'" Korteweg said.
In the video above, Coleman Hughes argues that by cherry-picking our heroes, and focusing on small parts of their legacy, we are merely paying lip service to their mission.
Although a recently announced settlement involving Christian Robert Mayer{here}, has little to do with order bunching, fraudulent allocation practices akin to cherry picking were at the heart of the case.
And both writers fail to acknowledge that there have never been more good shows on television at any given time in the medium's history, in favor of cherry-picking specific examples.
Just like before the Khan fight, Canelo and De La Hoya are having insults and accusations volleyed their way for supposedly cherry picking opponents and actively avoiding a fight against Golovkin.
There is truth in the idea that Republicans have had a decent week of polling, but it can also be exaggerated by cherry-picking data that's consistent with a particular narrative.
In this context, the European Council welcomes the recognition by the British Government that the four freedoms of the Single Market are indivisible and that there can be no 'cherry picking'.
Together with other aggrieved Berenson sources, as well as the renowned neuroscientist Carl Hart, they have called out Berenson for cherry-picking their work and overstating risks found in the literature.
"They're cherry-picking part of the video ... This is exactly what police have said is unfair when only portions of video are released against them," Olango family attorney Dan Gilleon said.
But it wasn't given much credence by criminologists, who accused MacDonald of cherry-picking her data and of being way too quick to identify a few data points as a trend.
It seemed like people were just cherry-picking parts of the paragraph that served their purpose, instead of remembering that it was a diary entry that was written 40 years ago.
In boasting about the stock market, the President was cherry-picking a single day's rally amid a period of major selloffs and a 20% decline that was the fastest in history.
There is always a risk that meticulous scrutiny of a long career leads to cherry-picking and finding whatever we're looking for, especially for somebody trying to be creative and funny.
In an email leading up to publication, Loladze, the Bryan College researcher, accused the department of essentially "cherry picking" data to raise issues that weren't scientifically valid, according to the emails.
Ariño de la Rubia gives examples such as cherry-picking statistics or propaganda and says that Facebook has to be "very, very careful" here because the company's committed to free speech.
By having a standard plan and eliminating cherry picking, Medicare Advance for All will produce intense competition among insurers not over whom to insure, but over the quality of their care.
To the Editor: Bret Stephens should have tested his faith in the power of health savings accounts by something more than cherry-picking examples of price disparities for a few tests.
They fret that opening Europe's patchy "four freedoms" (people, capital, services, goods) to negotiation could bring down the union; "cherry picking" (or "raisin picking" as they say here) being the ultimate crime.
It is the height of British colonial arrogance for the royal couple to be cherry-picking their dream destination at a time when African migrants have never been less welcome in Britain.
And I'm definitely opposed to cherry-picking the parts of a culture that you like and may profit from without listening to the concerns of the people who belong to that culture.
Since the referendum on June 23rd she has thus been simultaneously tough on Britain ("no cherry-picking" during negotiations, she promised the Bundestag) and lenient (seeing "no reason to be especially nasty").
It's hardly a surprise that the administration's brief barely mentions the chief justice's census opinion, cherry-picking a few quotations that, lacking context, appear to run counter to the opinion's ultimate conclusion.
He again expressed his regret at Britain's decision, and said that the Europe would not accept "cherry-picking" of EU policies without Britain accepting the liabilities and obligations that came with them.
They rest on cherry-picking quotes from a journal Saleha Mahmood Abedin edited, and are belied by the evidence that she's a feminist who raised her daughter to be an independent woman.
This is despite her own admission that the 2010 paper used extremely common methods to boost the attractiveness of results, including so-called "p-hacking" (essentially cherry-picking data) and excluding outliers.
In the Brexit debate, Britain's attempts to pick and choose is commonly described as cherry-picking, and top officials of the European Union have said they won't let Britain take this approach.
Republicans on Capitol Hill blasted Mr. Cummings for his handling of the case, calling it a "partisan attack on the White House" and accusing him of cherry-picking from Ms. Newbold's interview.
But Castro would later go after Biden for distancing himself from the Obama administration's deportation policy, accusing the former vice president of cherry-picking parts of Obama's record when it suits him.
However, Johnson equated the committee's report on Russia's influence on energy to cherry-picking, as Smith and other Republican committee members have refrained from addressing concerns about Russia meddling in U.S. elections.
Supporters of the revised laws have countered that law enforcement officials and other critics are fear-mongering and cherry-picking negative stories to undermine public support for the bail and other changes.
At the heart of the dispute: The government pays insurers extra to enroll people with more serious medical problems, to discourage them from cherry-picking healthy people for their Medicare Advantage plans.
But by short-circuiting that process, the administration (with the help of the Supreme Court) set a precedent of cherry-picking law and precedent as it suits rather than being bound regardless.
Facebook does not refute the legitimacy of the documents, but does say the documents constitute "cherry picking" information that doesn't provide a full picture of Facebook's activities and sentiments at the time.
But with Turkey's main equity index down 4% this quarter, others are cherry-picking based on a different range of criteria, including companies' exposure to foreign markets, debt levels and relations with Erdogan.
"It is much cheaper for RWE to wait it out than embarking on a bidding war with Fortum," a person familiar with the deal said, adding that RWE would essentially be "cherry-picking".
"Someone is cherry-picking the candidates for voters, and that's un-American," Cook said, adding that he had done his own poll on Twitter, and found that he would have beaten Hillary Clinton.
Conservative critics such as the Straussian Allan Bloom (later famous for his polemic The Closing of the American Mind) accused Rawls of cherry-picking principles to suit the liberal prejudices of the moment.
The past week provided fresh examples of how journalists endlessly seeking to portray the Russia probe in black-and-white terms can misinform the public through omission, cherry-picking or lack of context.
Its so-called "zeroing methodology" -- long a problem for the trade body -- involves cherry-picking violators and neglecting law-abiding producers in a way that lets U.S. officials artificially inflate the penalties imposed.
Dr. Swann recommends cherry-picking from lines that do clinical testing for efficacy, like Obagi, SkinMedica, and Elta MD. Skinceuticals, which releases studies on their efficacy, is also a good one to explore.
"I think they've sat on it for too long, and it's opened up a huge opportunity for these satellite constellations to come in and start cherry-picking that entire market out," he said.
And despite taking a pass on telling jurors his story, the often-chatty Shkreli then accused prosecutors on Facebook of cherry picking evidence to show jurors, instead of offering them the "whole" story.
The ambassadors' cherry-picking method—to focus solely on deaths of service members and line-item budget costs—is to ignore the considerable indirect costs of war, costs that can't be wished away.
They serve as a reminder to firms that the handling of trade break-downs, or allocations, is a process the industry cannot take lightly, and that intentional acts of cherry picking are being detected.
One German official says flatly that there can be no cherry-picking and opting in or out: otherwise why should Germany not choose to opt out of its huge payments to the EU budget?
As usual, however, they're so craven and cynical that they're simultaneously cherry-picking moments that they think make Trump look good, particularly Comey's insistence that Trump was not being personally investigated by the FBI.
This does double duty: it prevents cherry-picking, and it also helps smooth out the random fluctuations that are an inherent part of polling, but can all too easily be mistaken for real movement.
They are cherry-picking, and that's the other irony around this is that Trump was supposed to be the pro-business president, leave business alone, and he's meddling in a lot of these deals.
Live coverage: Senators query impeachment managers, Trump defense MORE (D-Calif.) a key foil in their arguments, questioning why he didn't appear before the House Judiciary Committee and accusing him of cherry-picking evidence.
The EU's priority is to conduct the talks in as orderly a fashion as possible, and not to allow any deal to weaken its own legal order (hence the constant warnings against British "cherry-picking").
Writing in the Guardian newspaper on Saturday, the British cosmologist, who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease aged 21, also accused the government's health minister Jeremy Hunt of cherry-picking scientific evidence to justify policies.
"It seems to us that the chairman is cherry-picking facts and lacking important context," Angela Morabito, a spokeswoman for the Education Department, told The Washington Post, which was the first to report the news.
Yet often the Dutch and Danes are among the toughest in the room, discloses one country's representative to the EU, as they would suffer most from a cherry-picking Brexit conferring unfair advantages on Britain.
Cherry-picking positive news coverage and dismissing the critical is a dangerous practice for any president to engage in, and it's the kind of thing authoritarian leaders in other countries have been doing for years.
The EU's sole red line seems to be that Britain cannot benefit from "cherry picking"—for example, benefiting from membership of the single market in terms of goods trade, but not allowing free labour movement.
While it appears impressive on paper to report accuracies ranging upwards of 90 percent, there is debate about the over-inflation of these values through cherry-picking "successful" data in a process called p-hacking.
And while other brands are beholden to the pre-internet era when their influence crested, Urban Outfitters happily skips from decade to decade, cherry-picking nostalgic touch points and repackaging them for the digital age.
A circuit court later ordered Strange's office to return the machines, accusing him of "cherry picking" his enforcement of the law, because casinos owned by the Poarch Creek Indians are allowed to operate identical machines.
While the study does show underperformance, it does not demonstrate how this happens, though the SEC has taken proceedings in past against managers for "cherry picking," where more profitable trades are allocated to favored clients.
Speaking to the House of Lords committee on financial exclusion, Barclays Managing Director Catherine McGrath and Co-Op Bank's Director of Products Matthew Carter said that their smaller rivals are cherry-picking more lucrative customers.
"People look at his overall record rather than cherry-picking some of the things he says," said Mr. Darby, a longtime ally of Mr. Biden's who also spoke positively about Ms. Harris and Ms. Warren.
" Asked if the subreddit could be seen as endorsing the alt-right community given its prominent promotion, jaxspider responded, "Cherry picking what is/isn't allowed to be featured defeats the purpose of freedom of speech.
In a five-minute video produced by his conspiracy-laden website, InfoWars, Mr. Jones runs through a list of offenders on "terroristic social media," distorting and cherry-picking comments, to make a wildly misleading case.
While less combative than their famously combustible client, the lawyers relentlessly assailed the prosecution's interpretation of events, accusing House Democrats of cherry-picking the facts and leaving out contrary information to construct a skewed narrative.
Schiff has repeatedly blasted the Nunes memo for not only causing "lasting damage" with the intelligence community, but also for cherry-picking facts in an effort to protect the White House from the federal investigation.
But Pai comes at it from the same approach as President Trump, cherry-picking examples to make it seem like these are liberal companies out to silence conservative voices, rather than platforms keeping their sites safe.
Cherry-picking win-loss records can be reductive, of course, but Winston's teams also demonstrated an offensive balance and overall facility to shrug off self-inflicted wounds that FSU hasn't otherwise experienced in the Fisher era.
Michael Emerson, a former Eurocrat now at the Centre for European Policy Studies, another Brussels think-tank, also stresses Europeans' aversion to Britain's cherry-picking the bits of the EU to which it deigns to belong.
Both shows take place in the same fictional universe as the story that inspired them, cherry-picking bits of mythology while lifting certain visual and thematic ideas wholesale and planting Easter eggs for hard-core fans.
Shares in Intesa, which is essentially cherry-picking the two banks' best parts for free and is expected by some analysts to start making money on them in 2018, were up 4.3 percent at 1028 GMT.
LONDON, Jan 17 (Reuters) - Britain's approach to leaving the European Union is not about cherry-picking, Brexit minister David Davis told parliament on Tuesday after Prime Minister Theresa May set out her priorities for upcoming negotiations.
Most past presidents would fudge a stat here or there, cherry-picking a good poll or good economic numbers -- robbing it of some critical context that lessened the power of the point they wanted to make.
" But Mr. Trump, he said, was "cherry-picking particular facts and figures not so much as a means to shed light on the phenomena but as a means to attack Khan, who has previously attacked him.
If such a program passes, he would almost certainly spend months traversing the county, presiding over projects as they get underway, then cherry-picking those that seem most successful for an endless string of photo ops.
House Republicans and conservative media cast it as proof of Trump's long-running narrative of FBI bias against him; Democrats say it's deeply misleading, twisting and cherry-picking classified intelligence to make the president seem right.
In its most forceful response yet, the industry-funded Energy In Depth project is accusing the news organizations behind the allegations of being funded by fossil fuel opponents and cherry-picking information to back their causes.
But the mole turned out to instead be one of the F.B.I.'s own, Robert P. Hanssen, and the agents were later exposed for cherry-picking evidence against the innocent C.I.A. official in their surveillance applications.
Remember, even before the Iraq war, many were pointing out that the problem was not so much the intelligence, but President George W. Bush's "cherry picking" the intelligence to support his wish to go to war.
It's not clear the EU would go for this plan because it might involve the UK cherry-picking which EU rules it would follow, but it doesn't matter, for now, because it lost 237 to 307.
"Investors are cherry-picking individual stocks... But they just finished short-covering in futures, and they probably won't buy soon unless the yen weakens," said Norihiro Fujito, a senior investment strategist at Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities.
Despite her unfiltered persona, the former stripper-turned-reality star-turned-superstar is cherry-picking what we get to see and what we don't, a luxury that doesn't seem affordable in an era of endless internet surveillance.
EU officials call this approach "cherry picking", where London chooses the areas it wants for closer association but does not accept the obligations linked to it in other areas, like ECJ oversight or free movement of people.
Many of them have pursued an utterly bankrupt strategy of understating the climate problem, negotiating with the fossil fuel industry, and cherry-picking small victories to showcase organizational accomplishments at the expense of a functional movement strategy.
A Massachusetts-based financial adviser has agreed to plead guilty to charges that he engaged in a "cherry-picking" scheme by assigning lucrative trades to his personal and family members' accounts and unprofitable ones to client accounts.
If you're looking for shreds of doubt to bolster the chance that McGregor—a tall, lanky southpaw with unorthodox footwork and a left hand that hurts—might really win, his UFC career is ripe for cherry picking.
Uncertainty over President Dilma Rousseff's impeachment proceedings, which began this month, has made cherry-picking more difficult, said Eduardo Roche, who oversees 200 million reais ($55 million) in assets for Rio de Janeiro-based Canepa Asset Management.
Defense attorneys in response to that testimony attempted to show that prosecutors were cherry-picking donations to feature, describing a history of Melgen donations to Menendez causes for years before the alleged conspiracy in this case began.
That is why the United Kingdom does not seek membership of the single market: we understand and respect your position that the four freedoms of the single market are indivisible and there can be no "cherry picking".
Nevertheless, good cherry-picking by congressional leaders willing to cut spending on Obama's terms could result in marginal improvements to federal health spending and finally allow the Republican majority to demonstrate it can govern with fiscal prudence.
"Over the last five fiscal years, with roughly a 10 percent reduction in funding from 2010 to 85033, Congress has cornered the IRS into cherry picking what services it can afford to provide American taxpayers," he said.
Many V.A. employees and veterans acknowledged the system's problems, but they said critics were cherry-picking negative stories that mischaracterized a health care system that studies had shown was as good as or better than private care.
" He falsely accused the London tabloid The Sun of cherry-picking quotes from an interview and complained about a photograph in The New York Times that, he said, made it look like he had a "double chin.
"The message is the same: There can be no cherry picking and the new situation for the United Kingdom cannot be better or cheaper for them than it is for the countries within the EU," said Michel Reijns.
Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, posted an Instagram picture of himself offering Mrs May a cake, with the line "Sorry, no cherries," a reference to the "cherry-picking" of which Brussels has repeatedly accused Britain.
Clinton listed positions by Mr. Sanders she didn't think were "progressive," like voting against the Brady bill of gun control and accused Mr. Sanders of "cherry-picking a quote here or there" to describe her as a moderate.
What happened to that heat, he's cherry picking a certain model and the heat ended up in the ocean ... So sir, with some respect, I encourage you to cut this out so that we can all move forward ... .
Mindful of the impact web-based start-ups have had on industries like gambling, taxi services and banking, traditional high-street agents are beefing up their own digital businesses, cutting fees and costs and cherry-picking the competition.
While constantly changing, based on the latest public polling data, the RealClear average presents a trustworthy aggregate of all the polls and gives a more precise sense of the mood of voters, instead of cherry-picking one poll.
But truly Facebook-native political pages have begun to create and refine a new approach to political news: cherry-picking and reconstituting the most effective tactics and tropes from activism, advocacy and journalism into a potent new mixture.
German aviation association BDL has said it supports the German government view of not allowing any cherry-picking in Brexit talks and Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr said he expected France and Germany would not agree to prioritizing aviation.
A December report from Morgan Stanley said it's not a coincidence: The retail giant was "cherry picking" America's densest ZIP codes and leaving areas where homes are more spread out — and more expensive to service — to the USPS.
The question is how long Federer, the oldest men's singles champion at Wimbledon in the Open era, might be able to sustain this if he continues cherry-picking his spots and staying fresh in the head and legs.
The guidelines rejected the possibility of full access to the EU's single market for crucial U.K. sectors such as finance and pharmaceuticals, stating there can be no "cherry picking" through participation based on a sector-by-sector approach.
The effort smacks of the Bush administration's machinations to lay the groundwork for the Iraq war, when they established The Office of Special Plans led by Douglas Feith aimed at cherry picking intelligence for the case against Saddam.
Such questions complicate the EU's twin aims for Brexit: to ensure an orderly, contained process that neither tips into chaos nor holds up other business, and to preserve the integrity of its legal order (ie, no British "cherry-picking").
House Republicans and conservative media have cast it as proof of President Donald Trump's long-running allegations of FBI bias against him; Democrats say it's deeply misleading, twisting and cherry-picking classified intelligence to make the president seem right.
In general, the nominations do a good job cherry-picking performances across a wide, occasionally baffling range: Laura Dern, a winner last year for Big Little Lies, as a woman remembering childhood abuse on the HBO movie The Tale.
EU leaders were unanimous at the Salzburg summit in saying that May's plan for partial membership of the EU's customs union for goods amounted to the "cherry picking" which the bloc had ruled out for Britain after it leaves.
There could be no cherry-picking over the freedom to move goods, services, capital or people, said the former junior minister, adding it was "an automatic consequence and not up for negotiations" that European agencies in Britain be relocated.
Recent reporting on "Race and Economic Opportunity in the United States: An Intergenerational Perspective," published by the Equality of Opportunity Project, risks misleading audiences by cherry-picking the report's findings and pushing its conclusions further than the data justify.
Also, while the system initially had limited oversight and worked poorly, local leaders now take extensive steps to facilitate a fair process of school choice, help prevent schools from cherry-picking students and manage a centralized student expulsion system.
When people call Daft Punk one of the greatest electronic duos of all time they're missing one important accolade, which is that they're also masters of cherry-picking the best parts of their songs from slightly less interesting ones.
In the case of the legacy banks that work with the startup, the idea is that these behemoths can migrate into the next generation of consumer banking services and banking infrastructure by cherry-picking services from the VaultOS platform.
"We'll ensure that negotiations don't take place according to the principle of cherry-picking ... It must and will make a noticeable difference whether a country wants to be a member of the family of the European Union or not," she said.
BERLIN (Reuters) - The European Union will ensure that there is "no cherry-picking" in the negotiations to be held on Britain's exit from the bloc, German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said in a letter to employees seen by Reuters on Friday.
But although May did not dispel the impression of "cherry-picking" EU benefits or of trying to have Britain's cake and eat it, EU officials working on the negotiations behind the scenes welcomed what one called her "positive directional language".
When Adeptus went public in 2014, its business model relied on attracting people with high-paying commercial insurance into its standalone ERs and did not accept Medicare or Medicaid, which many viewed as a form of cherry-picking healthier patients.
"There is quite a lot of common denominator in the EU-27 that you cannot do cherry-picking," Gramegna said, repeating a phrase used by German Chancellor Angela Merkel of the position of the other 27 members of the EU club.
Yet critics around the EU are still likely to complain that her speech lacked specifics and that, although she denied the charge of cherry-picking, which she said applied to all trade deals, she is still in fact doing it.
Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, says that even a temporary sojourn in the customs union and parts of the single market without maintaining the free movement of people is seen in Brussels as cherry-picking.
Barnier said that, while the EU wanted an "ambitious" future trade partnership with Britain, access to the EU's single market would be at terms inferior to the current full membership and there could be no "cherry-picking" of single market areas.
But his proposals, like those set out by May last week and derided by a senior EU official as "pure illusion", could fall flat in Brussels where officials have ruled out "cherry picking" market access without accepting all the rules.
Nick Murphy, CEO of Mid America Careers, a network connecting businesses and prospective employees throughout the Midwest, says the younger workforce isn't exactly cherry-picking jobs based on their plans for parenthood — but they've got eyes on leave options, anyway.
So instead of seeing my full self in Meg, I ended up cherry-picking the traits to which I could relate: her bravery and intelligence, or even more rare her feelings of abandonment and anger caused by her father's absence.
While the internet has allowed more people more access to more information than ever before, it has also given them the illusion of knowledge when in fact they are drowning in data and cherry-picking what they choose to read.
But one of those people, a Democratic congressional aide, maintained that Republicans' insinuations that the texts also showed signs of a conspiracy was based on cherry-picking and portraying as sinister phrases that, in context, were instead tongue-in-cheek banter.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on Friday accused Republicans of "cherry-picking" and leaking portions of text messages and emails between a U.S. law enforcement official and a former British spy who investigated then-businessman Donald Trump's ties to the Russian government.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is cool to the idea of Britain's "associate membership" in various agencies of the bloc as proposed by London to make Brexit less disruptive for British business, with officials saying the approach boils down to cherry picking.
He repeated that the EU would not accept cherry-picking during any transitional arrangements, dismissing suggestions in London that Britain could stick to EU rules post-Brexit in some areas, diverge moderately in others and go its own way for the rest.
A European Commission spokesman said Trump was "cherry-picking" particular tariffs to highlight differences, and maintained that average tariffs were very similar on each side of the Atlantic at about 3.0 percent for products into Europe and 2.4 percent into the United States.
But cherry-picking data can make either argument look better: Fran Kinniry, a principal in Vanguard's investment strategy group, said at the Morningstar ETF Conference last month that while the preceding 10 years have favored U.S. stocks at the expense of non-U.
LISBON, July 29 (Reuters) - Portugal's Galp Energia , whose cherry-picking in Brazilian oil licensing auctions since the mid-2000s has left it with one of the most enviable portfolios of stakes in offshore oil fields there, says new licences are getting too pricey.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Britain needs to climb down from its "high horse" and face the reality that its European Union partners will not allow cherry picking in negotiations on its planned exit from the bloc, a senior German conservative lawmaker said on Thursday.
The show's problem is that, in spite of some of its organizers' youth, it reads as a cherry-picking exercise, speaking for artists and striving to fit them into an extant thesis rather than working with them to amplify their own visions.
On a base, commercial level, the old rules of seasons and of male and female suddenly seem inapplicable, irrelevant — fashion labels are challenging gender binaries, eschewing retrospective styles, cultural cherry-picking and lazy luxury for something more fluid and less easily categorized.
The timeline felt far too vague, and that feeling of being displaced in time only increased the sense that the series was cherry-picking major social and political issues to drag inside the walls of Litchfield in order to comment on them.
And at the end of the day, by cherry-picking data, public health researchers are doing "exactly what the anti-vaccine people do," Michael Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, warns.
A California state appeals court on Wednesday criticized a Toyota dealership's lawyers for cherry-picking language out of the company's arbitration agreements with employees to include in legal briefs as they sought to have race and age bias claims sent to arbitration.
On Tuesday, that idea received its clearest rebuff yet, when Michel Barnier, one of the bloc's lead negotiators, insisted that "cherry picking is not an option" and argued that no country outside the union could have the same benefits as its members.
A final version posted Saturday on the House Intelligence Committee's website countered Republican claims about the FBI's investigation of the Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia, and accused Nunes of cherry-picking information to mislead Americans while not reading the underlying documents.
These aides have told him that what he is doing is similar to what President Obama did, and suggested that the news media is cherry-picking images of children that can be used to portray Mr. Trump's policy in the harshest of lights.
Even as an increasingly out-of-touch Marc Jacobs continues to parade white models donning dreadlocks and turbans down his runways, the rest of the industry is slowly coming to grips with this unethical (but not illegal) practice of cultural cherry-picking.
He said allowing generous terms or even a generous transition period to adapt to new terms was not an option as the EU would want to avoid a domino effect of other EU member states pulling out or cherry-picking rules beneficial to them.
Shari Redstone has tried to orchestrate a merger between CBS and Viacom, ostensibly to sell them as one company for a higher profit (which would also benefit the Redstone family) and stop a buyer from cherry-picking among the various properties owned by the companies.
The settlement related to VNSNY Choice, the agency's company for Medicaid managed long-term care, which had been cherry-picking able-bodied, ineligible older New Yorkers to enroll in its program through adult day care centers that offered table tennis and free casino trips.
To seek an economic arrangement being as much like the single market and customs union as possible -- but without the common rules governing them -- will appear to the EU and its members at best as self-contradictory, and at worst as cynical cherry-picking.
After a 2015 investigative report from InsideClimate News and the LA Times revealed that Exxon had systematically misled the public on the effects of climate change, the company accused journalists of "cherry-picking" the evidence and asked the public to read all the documents themselves.
In 21997, administrators began cherry-picking cases against the advice of doctors — turning away complicated patients and admitting only the lowest-risk ones in order to improve metrics, according to multiple interviews with doctors and nurses at the hospital and a review of documents.
Yet, there is little sign yet that the other 27 nations are prepared to grant Britain a bespoke agreement, and officials have warned London on numerous occasions that there would be no "cherry picking" of the parts of European Union membership it likes. Mrs.
Experts say a good rule of thumb to consider is that appropriation can be thought of as "cherry picking" from someone else's culture — taking elements that you consider to be beautiful or aspirational and neglecting to include or mention others that aren't so pretty.
Several Premier League teams, for instance, keep track of the budgets of clubs across the continent, to see which ones might be at risk of running afoul of F.F.P. rules, and therefore might offer less resistance when it comes to cherry-picking their surplus players.
The plan is opposed by both Brexiteer Conservative MPs, who say it allows the EU to keep a powerful grip on the UK, and EU negotiators and leaders, who see it as the UK cherry-picking the benefits of EU membership without paying the costs.
Several Premier League teams, for instance, keep track of the budgets of clubs across the continent, to see which ones might be at risk of running afoul of F.F.P. rules, and therefore might offer less resistance when it comes to cherry-picking their surplus players.
However there was little transparency or accountability on show during the session, given the upfront questions format which saw Zuckerberg cherry-picking a few comfy themes to riff on after silently absorbing an hour of MEPs' highly specific questions with barely a facial twitch in response.
"Mrs May still appears to be in cherry-picking mode," says John Kerr, a former British ambassador to the EU. The commission was irritated by Mrs May's refusal to accept a rejigging of the current EU budget, citing "purdah" rules that bar such decisions during election campaigns.
They seem to be cherry-picking the best bits from the previous two regimes—the tax cuts and deregulation of the 1980s with an expectation that (as under Bretton Woods) fiscal, rather than monetary, policy will be used to smooth the ups and downs of the cycle.
"Our request, though, is we get the full feedback, not simply cherry-picking one item that they may not like without examining all the blueprint that lowers rates, grows the economy, jump-starts new business investment here in America and levels the playing field," he said.
Statements like the one on page 46 of the religious exemption document, "Contraception's association with positive health effects might also be partially offset by an association with negative health effects," are hogwash, the result of careful cherry-picking of the literature, some of it quite dubious.
"To those people, I say that you are cherry-picking history," Mr. Harris said​ on Thursday​, noting that growing a mustache was popular not only in the West, but also in Asia in the early 20th century, even among Korean leaders who fought for liberation from Japan.
Alberto Mingardi, an adjunct scholar at the libertarian Cato Institute and director general of Istituto Bruno Leoni, a free-market think tank, has repeatedly criticized Dr. Mazzucato for, in his view, cherry-picking her case studies, underestimating economic trade-offs and defining industrial policy too broadly.
Global oil firms and commodity houses have also been raiding state giants such as Sinochem and CNPC for staff to help handle up to $103 million a day in new crude flowing into China this year, and the cherry-picking of talent is likely just getting started.
The most controversial of the 'freedoms' in Britain is freedom of movement within the EU. "One cannot lead these (Brexit) negotiations based in the form of 'cherry picking'," Merkel said in a speech before members of the German Civil Service Association in the city of Cologne.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is being called on the carpet to explain why it gave tens of millions of dollars to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a United Nations agency that has been accused of "quackery" and "cherry picking" its facts.
Cherry picking a quote here or there doesn't change my record of having fought for racial justice, having fought for kids rights, having fought the kind of inequities that fueled my interest in service in the first place going back to my days in the Children's Defense Fund.
"Not only is a massively conflicted Republican lawyer, who previously worked for Judge Kavanaugh, cherry-picking what documents the Senate Judiciary Committee can see, he is now telling the Committee what the rest of the Senate and the American public can see — and Republicans are playing along," Schumer said.
"I'll be joined by other colleagues because the process of screening and cherry-picking and sanitizing the documents that have been submitted so far really is a disservice to the American people as well as the United States Senate, and even to Brett Kavanaugh himself," Blumenthal added on Tuesday.
Villeroy also warned Britain there will be no "cherry picking" on market access as it negotiates its divorce from the EU. Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has vowed to resign after suffering the crushing referendum defeat on Sunday, tipping the euro zone's third-largest economy into political uncertainty.
And cherry-picking issues that fit into a curatorial frame without giving much afterthought to how platforming alt-right sympathizers may be detrimental, if not outright dangerous to marginalized communities in the long run, is a serious concern with exhibitions that employ the strategies of overidentification and accelerationism.
To understand why, policy makers must recognize that national expenditures on health care are not the same as health care costs, admit that international comparisons omitting the costs of waiting lists are invalid, and refrain from the nasty habit of cherry-picking the data used for international comparisons.
"All of us can quickly imagine certain subsets of the public cherry-picking results and trumpeting, 'scientists prove claimed modern mass extinction not occurring,'" Brian McGill of the University of Maine, a co-author of the Science paper, wrote in a blog discussing some earlier findings back in 2014.
This, however, was unpalatable to the EU because they didn't want to put a time limit on the backstop, and they objected to her broader plan, which they saw as the UK "cherry-picking" parts of its relationship with the EU that it likes, while throwing out the ones it doesn't.
In addition to cherry-picking the most interesting problems to assign in a math class and writing lesson plans around those problems, half the battle in middle school and high school is keeping a sense of humor, bonding as a class, and enjoying the daily time you get to spend together.
" In a PolitiFact interview with one of the report's contributors, Gretchen Donehower of the University of California Berkeley, she said, "To characterize that one number" — $296 billion — "as the cost to current native-born taxpayers, is absolutely a case of cherry-picking one result out of a very detailed report.
The report by the office of the Justice Department's independent inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, found flaws in all four applications, showing a pattern of inaccurate statements and cherry-picking the evidence to highlight information that made Mr. Page look suspicious while omitting other facts that made him look less so.
And yet they aren't, as I recently argued, in agreement on their major policies: The conclusion that they are can only be reached by cherry-picking issues they agree on along with several more mainstream candidates, or by abstracting a policy issue to the point that important distinctions are buried under general categories.
"This order came about in response to perennial concerns that the Department has not been providing sufficient information to the public to explain how and why it reaches certain conclusions, or that it is cherry picking science to support pre-determined outcomes," Heather Swift, an agency spokesperson, told BuzzFeed News in an email.
Whether it's global warming, terrorism, race relations or the economy, we tend to divide along the lines of those who use facts and data to drive their conclusions and those who react to issues on an emotional level, then seek supporting evidence, often cherry-picking said evidence to suit their already-realized conclusions.
Twenty months after Britons voted to leave the bloc in a referendum, May's government has yet to put flesh on the bones of her vision for future ties - plans which were dealt a blow earlier on Thursday when EU sources ruled out her proposal for "managed divergence" from the bloc's rules as "cherry picking".
Speaking to national broadcaster ZDF at the weekend, Merkel warned that Britain would have to accept the good with the bad in its future relationship with the union and reiterated that there would be no "cherry picking" with the U.K. able to pick and choose which aspects of EU life it wanted to keep.
Twenty months after Britons voted to leave the bloc in a referendum, May's government has yet to put flesh on the bones of her vision for future ties - plans which were dealt a blow earlier on Thursday when EU sources ruled out her proposal for "managed divergence" from the bloc's rules as "cherry picking".
A review of the NEL process in 28503 published in The BMJ (British Medical Journal), for instance, found that several of the evidence reviews had not been conducted systematically, allowing for cherry picking or outside industry influence, and that some 22019 percent of the scientific questions requiring systematic reviews did not receive a review.
" Then there were the hot tweets, like this one from NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd , complete with similar wording as the Post: "The cherry picking of this report is likely to only compound the credibility damage for the FBI and DOJ, even as the report itself, taken in full, is a good faith attempt to restore credibility.
The initiative includes releasing several final rules, including one to prohibit airlines from cherry-picking data about their performance; another to require large U.S. airlines to report on how often they damage or lose wheelchairs; and another to expand the number of airlines that are required to disclose information about their on-time performance, oversales and mishandled baggage rates.
She certainly faces an uphill battle based on gender, and those of us on the left should be particularly attuned to the ways in which another eminently qualified woman will inevitably be attacked and undermined for her appearance, her voice, and even a cherry-picking of her record not similarly applied to progressive men in the field.
He began by cherry-picking a quote from the previous director, Richard CordrayRichard Adams CordrayWatchdog agency must pick a side: Consumers or scammers Kraninger's CFPB gives consumers the tools to help themselves House rebukes Mulvaney's efforts to rein in consumer bureau MORE, about "pushing the envelope" to protect consumers from financial predators, which  Mulvaney found frightening.
By also committing to ending free movement of people, the supremacy of the European court and "vast" payments to the bloc, May could be accused of "cherry-picking" the best bits of the EU by Brussels officials, who are determined to send a strong signal to other countries not to follow Britain out of the door.
"Not only is a massively conflicted Republican lawyer, who previously worked for Judge Kavanaugh, cherry-picking what documents the Senate Judiciary Committee can see, he is now telling the committee what the rest of the Senate and the American public can see — and Republicans are playing along," said Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader.
The first is that no less than alarmism, lukewarmism can be vulnerable to cherry-picking and selection bias, reaching for any piece of evidence — and when you're dealing with long-term trends, there's a lot of evidence to choose from — that supports its non-catastrophic assumptions, even if the bulk of the data starts to point the other way.
This is not to say that the Kings would be smart to pay up for Rose, but couldn't you just see GM Vlade Divac and owner Vivek Ranadive—innovator of the disruptive 4-on-5 cherry-picking plan—splurging on Rose as a ham-fisted attempt to entice DeMarcus Cousins into signing the designated player extension this summer?
Speaking at a financial conference in Paris, Villeroy said that London could not expect any "cherry-picking and free-riding" when it negotiates its future trade relationship with the EU. "For the UK to maintain access to the single financial market, all the usual EU rules should be strictly respected," Villeroy, who is also the governor of the French central bank, said.
"(Biesecker did not make up the story, which is that Pruitt met with Dow CEO Andrew Liveris before deciding not to ban Dow's chlorpyrifos pesticide, but instead issued a correction regarding the length of said meeting.)In a followup statement, EPA Associate Administrator Liz Bowman claimed the AP was "once again" attempting to "mislead Americans" by "cherry-picking facts," and slammed the report as "yellow journalism.
Read: Judge rules Trump executive order allowing offshore drilling in Arctic Ocean unlawful "It's tragic to hear something like that and I think this is an extreme case of cherry picking because obviously you can find small individual good things about climate change but in the broad perspective the negative downside of this to us as humans, the environment, the ocean, will outweigh the small potential benefits substantially," says Scheller.
Replying to Ellenbogen's email, Berger and Guskiewicz criticized the Boston University study design, with Guskiewicz dismissing it as "cherry picking"—a criticism study co-author Cantu acknowledged in the ESPN report, calling the study's sample of former football players "skewed beyond belief" because those who had suspected or received a diagnosis of neurocognitive impairment while still alive were the most likely to donate their brains to for posthumous examination.
BACKSLIDING - Joins CHERRY-PICKING as an EU concern about British behaviour, especially as in "no backsliding" on a vow to keep Northern Ireland in regulatory alignment with the EU. BACKSTOP - The British promise to put that Irish deal into the withdrawal treaty "unless and until" a better solution is found that would not risk isolating the Northern Ireland economy from a British mainland which diverges from EU regulations.
She brushed aside European concerns that her requests amounted to "cherry picking," listing off unique details from some of the the EU's other trade agreements, like with South Korea and Ukraine: One big concession: May acknowledged that the U.K. might attempt to negotiate associate membership with some key EU regulators — like in the medicine and aviation industries — so that there would be only one approval process for important goods across Europe.
But the hard-won compromise may yet fall flat with EU negotiators By also committing to ending free movement of people, the supremacy of the European court and "vast" payments to the bloc, May could be accused of "cherry-picking" the best bits of the EU by Brussels officials, who are determined to send a strong signal to other countries not to follow Britain out of the door.
BACKSLIDING - Joins CHERRY-PICKING as an EU concern about British behavior, especially as in "no backsliding" on a vow to keep Northern Ireland in regulatory alignment with the EU. BACKSTOP - The British promise to put that Irish deal into the withdrawal treaty "unless and until" a better solution is found that would not risk isolating the Northern Ireland economy from a British mainland which diverges from EU regulations.
Jim JordanJames (Jim) Daniel JordanDemocratic Women's Caucus calls for investigation into Epstein plea deal DOJ releases notes from official Bruce Ohr's Russia probe interviews CNN slams GOP for not appearing on network after mass shootings, conservatives fire back MORE (Ohio), accused Cummings of using the "sensitive topic" of the security clearance process "as a pretense for a partisan attack on the White House" and of "cherry-picking" excerpts from Newbold's private testimony.
By cherry-picking friendly district judges in parts of the country hostile to the president's politics and values, in judicial circuits with longstanding reputations for legal approaches more sympathetic to one end of the political spectrum, these challengers become remarkably successful in persuading at least some of the courts to embrace legal theories soundly criticized by many in the legal academy — and novel even in the views of some of their proponents.
FCC chairman says Twitter, Facebook, Google may need transparency Ajit Pai wrote a bad-faith Medium post calling on tech platforms to be more "transparent" about their decisions, which is really just a way of pressuring them to promote conservative voices, writes my colleague Jake Kastrenakes: But Pai comes at it from the same approach as President Trump, cherry-picking examples to make it seem like these are liberal companies out to silence conservative voices, rather than platforms keeping their sites safe.
Although the overall picture emerging from the polling indicates Democrats are winning the argument over the shutdown, Trump's long-established affinity for cherry-picking suggests he could seize upon CBS's finding that a slight majority want Democrats to agree to a budget that includes wall funding to make a case that the people are on his side — even if that same poll indicates two-thirds of Americans want him to agree to a budget without wall funding as a way to end the shutdown.
At a meeting at a 16th-century country residence that is expected to continue into the evening, May and her so-called Brexit war committee of ministers will try to come to agreement over their preferred vision for Britain outside the EU. Twenty months after Britons voted to leave the bloc in a referendum, May's government has yet to put flesh on the bones of her vision for future ties - plans which were dealt a blow earlier when EU sources ruled out her proposal for managed divergence from the bloc's rules as "cherry picking".

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