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72 Sentences With "checkmated"

How to use checkmated in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "checkmated" and check conjugation/comparative form for "checkmated". Mastering all the usages of "checkmated" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"The government checkmated the tribunal's majority in three moves," the authors wrote.
Pérez had checkmated all his opponents at once, and he had only just made his first move.
This strategy does not fully recognize how the U.S. has checkmated the other signatories on this issue.
Jussie Smollett may have just been checkmated by the City of Chicago, and it could cost him his "Empire" job.
President Obama was checkmated into smiling when Larry Wilmore dropped the N bomb on him -- and couldn't respond the way he should have ... according to Rev.
Two years after having been re-elected in a landslide victory while deriding a liberal establishment and media, the unique American governance system of checks and balances had "checkmated" the president from office.
"I think we've sort of passed the point where we had leverage" Like Meadows, most conservatives oppose the new numbers that a bipartisan group of top appropriators have agreed to, but they're basically conceding they've been checkmated.
This will create a technology gap between the U.S. and the world's fastest-growing energy technology markets as they move along an energy trajectory abandoned by the U.S. The U.S., then, effectively will have checkmated itself on the strategic global chessboard of energy resources and energy technologies, while countries such as China or Russia make strategic moves to take America's place.
Hoffman explained the ground rules: talking would be permitted, within reason; Caruana would have the white pieces, and therefore the first move, on every board; opponents would have to wait until Caruana had arrived at their position to move, so that he could see what they were up to; and as opponents resigned or were checkmated Caruana would autograph their board, which they could keep.
If only one can be checkmated, the game is a draw.
Singles is substantially harder than team play. In this method, each player can attack any of the other three players and vice versa. Once a player is checkmated, the checkmated player can either remove their pieces from the board, or the player that checkmated can use the remaining pieces during that player's turn. Play continues until only one player remains.
Be5 (otherwise black gets checkmated immediately) :4. Rh2+! Bxh2 5\. Nf2 mate.
Black is checkmated—the black player loses the game Checkmate (often shortened to mate) is a game position in chess and other chess-like games in which a player's king is in check (threatened with ) and there is no way to avoid the threat. Checkmating the opponent wins the game. In chess, the king is never captured—the player loses as soon as their king is checkmated. In formal games, most players an inevitably lost game before being checkmated.
However, if either ally is checkmated by the third player, both lose, so these are dangerous tactics.
David Letterman played this line as Black in a televised game against Garry Kasparov, and was checkmated in 23 moves.
Rc4+! 7.Qxc4 is stalemate. :6... Ra4 7. Kb3 Black must either lose the rook (allowing White an elementary checkmate) or be checkmated by 8.
The match ends when the game on either board ends. A game is won when one player gets checkmated, resigns, runs out of time, or makes an illegal move. The match can be drawn by agreement or when two players run out of time or are checkmated simultaneously. Threefold repetition may apply, in which case the reserve of pieces is not taken into account.
When a player is checkmated or , all their remaining pieces are removed from play. In games where teams compete, the last team standing is the winner.
It cannot be captured or removed from the board. In some descriptions of the game, the winner is the first player to checkmate twice, or to checkmate a player who has already checkmated another. In others, the winner is the last player standing. In the latter case, the first player to be checkmated is ranked fourth, the next is ranked third, and the player losing at the end is ranked second.
Samuel Boden Boden's Mate is a checkmating pattern in chess characterized by bishops on two criss-crossing diagonals (for example, bishops on a6 and f4 delivering mate to a king on c8), with possible flight squares for the king being occupied by friendly pieces. Most often the checkmated king has castled queenside, and is mated on c8 or c1. Many variants on the mate are seen, for example a king on e8 checkmated by bishops on g6 and a3, and a king on f1 checkmated by bishops on h3 and b6. Often the mate is immediately preceded by a sacrifice that opens up the diagonal on which the bishop delivers checkmate, and the mate is often a pure mate (as is the case for all but one of the examples given here).
Dzindzichashvili played a series of rapid games against the computer program Fritz in 1991 and 1993. In the following game he checkmated the program in only 28 moves. Dzindzichashvili vs. Fritz, 1991 1.d4 e6 2.
White has no stake in the centre, but hopes to make a to break into. If White plays poorly and leaves too many against his king after 2.Kf2, he might be quickly checkmated. One example: 1.
Some games feature a losing condition, such as being checkmated (chess), running out of cards first (War), running out of hitpoints (Quake), or being tagged (tag). In such a game, the winner is the only remaining player to have avoided loss.
The objective of the game is to capture the opponent's emperor and prince (or princes). When the last of these is captured, the game ends. There are no rules for check or checkmate; however, in practice a player resigns when checkmated.
She and Mrs. Sullen induce Scrub, servant to the Sullens, to invite Archer (still playing Aimwell's servant) to their home for questioning. They too are checkmated in their attempt to get information, but the discontented Mrs. Sullen observes that Archer is not without charm.
As when Alice awoke, the Looking- Glass world would have disappeared, so too would she have disappeared from the Looking-Glass world when the Red King may have woken up after being checkmated by Alice, just as the Tweedles had described earlier in the book.
The highly successful and final deposition Timi Abibu Lagunju and his exile to Ibadan marked the end of an era in Ede history. In a way, it checkmated Islamic activism. Traditionalists who accepted Islam because of Timi Lagunju reverted to their gods. Muslims were also persecuted by traditionalists.
To detect fivefold repetitions can be challenging for the arbiter. In the game Akshat Khamparia vs Li Bo, Budapest 2018, Li twice requested a draw, saying simply "repetition". Both times the request was rejected because it was not made correctly according to the threefold repetition rule. Li was later checkmated.
The only way the computer could get out of this was to keep Dreyfus in checks with its own queen until it could fork the queen and king, and then exchange them. That is what the computer did. Soon, Dreyfus was losing. Finally, the computer checkmated Dreyfus in the middle of the board.
The Post heaped particular praise on the half- back line, Ollis, Jenkyns and Ted Devey, who "worked wonders, for they not only checkmated their opponents, but fed their own forwards very judiciously, and were always ready to assist in the defence when the necessity arose."Notes on Sport. Birmingham Daily Post. p. 7.
Edmond Macdonald vs Amos Burn (1910) Macdonald–Burn, 1910 at At first blush, Black's position looks resignable: it appears that his bishop, attacked twice and pinned to his king, will fall and he will soon be checkmated. Burn produced the staggering 33...Qg4!!, leaving his queen en prise to three different white pieces.
The illustration shows the starting setup. White moves first and play proceeds clockwise around the board. When a player is checkmated or stalemated, his king is immediately removed from the game and his remaining men become the property of the player delivering the mate or stalemate. Pawns of appropriated armies do not change their direction of movement toward promotion.
That the "demons" angle was merely to get the X-files' involvement and that they were all thoroughly "checkmated" by Kobold. Reyes, though accepting of Doggett's theories, is still nevertheless disconcerted with the true feeling of evil that she experienced, and believes Doggett was equally out of sorts because, though loath to admit it, he too felt its presence.
The most common form of play is two vs. two in which allied pieces cannot eliminate each other, but help the others in defense and offense. The allied players sit across from each other and help checkmate the people to the left and right of them. The game is over when both opposing kings are checkmated.
There are four diagonal lines in the palace connecting the centre position to the corners. When the general is checkmated the game is lost. The general cannot leave the palace under any circumstances. If the generals come to face each other across the board, and the player to move does not move away, this is bikjang—a draw.
Brown, p. 402 Miles' violation of the truce, however, was checkmated by the Nez Perce. A young lieutenant named Lovell H. Jerome wandered "through his own folly" into the Nez Perce camp during the truce. The Nez Perce took Jerome hostage and the next day, October 2, an exchange of Chief Joseph for Jerome was carried out.
She started her artistic career at an early year in the medium of watercolor. At age 12, she switched from watercolor to oil. Outside of watercolor and engraving, Edwards was a successful illustrator, drawing her works on a wooden medium. In 1959, Checkmated, a self-made design was displayed on the cover of Illustrated Times, a weekly illustrated news magazine in Britain.
A player who captures the opponent's sole remaining emperor or prince wins the game. In practice this rarely happens, as a player will resign when checkmated, as otherwise when loss is inevitable. A player who makes an illegal move loses immediately. (This rule may be relaxed in casual games.) Another possible, if rather uncommon, way for a game to end is repetition (sennichite).
Indian National Lok Dal secured absolute majority in 2000 Haryana assembly election. Om Prakash Chautala was elected leader of the party in the assembly and was sworn in as Chief Minister of Haryana on 3 March 2000 for fifth time.COUNCIL OF MINISTERSChautala invites BJP to join his govt.NDA wins in Orissa, Haryana; BJP checkmated in BiharChautala all set to form Govt.
Morphy is chiefly remembered as a leading exponent of the Romantic school of chess, which focused on 1.e4 openings and dashing tactical and offensive play where opponents were often checkmated in under 30 moves. Morphy favored the usual chess openings of the day, particularly the King's Gambit and Giuoco Piano (when playing as White) and the Dutch Defense (when playing as Black). The Morphy Defense of the Ruy Lopez (1.
Then Luciano ally, Albert "The Mad Hatter" Anastasia seconded the motion. Anastasia voted with Luciano because he felt threatened by Genovese's attempts to muscle in on his waterfront rackets. Checkmated by the Luciano-Costello- Anastasia alliance, Genovese was forced to swallow his ambitions and plan for the future. To further embarrass Genovese, Luciano encouraged Anastasia and Genovese to settle their differences and shake hands in front of the other bosses.
The original "Anastasia's mate" is reproduced in modern notion with illustrations, in: Wilhelm Heinse, Anastasia und das Schachspiel … (Hamburg, Germany: Jens-Erik Rudolph Verlag, 2010), page 162, example 2. Note: Nowadays, "Anastasia's mate" refers to a mate in which the checkmated king is on an edge of the board or in a corner of the board, whereas in the original mate, the king was near the center of the board.Renaud and Kahn (1962), p. 83.
A game in a public park in Kyiv, using a chess clock The player controlling the white pieces is named "White"; the player controlling the black pieces is named "Black". White moves first, then players alternate moves. Making a move is required; it is not legal to skip a move, even when having to move is detrimental. Play continues until a king is checkmated, a player resigns, or a draw is declared, as explained below.
The dogs are released and the hunt begins, leaving behind the poet and a small dog that the poet follows into the forest. The poet stumbles upon a clearing and finds a knight dressed in black composing a song for the death of his lady. The poet asks the knight the nature of his grief. The knight replies that he had played a game of chess with Fortuna and lost his queen and was checkmated.
Anastasia voted with Luciano because he felt threatened by Genovese's attempts to muscle in on his waterfront rackets. Checkmated by the Luciano-Costello-Anastasia alliance, Genovese was forced to swallow his ambitions and plan for the future. To further embarrass Genovese, Luciano encouraged Anastasia and Genovese to settle their differences and shake hands in front of the other bosses. This symbolic gesture was meant to prevent another bloody gang war such as the Castellammarese War of 1930–1931.
The tree, because of its peculiarity, is a pointer to the seating of Ileogbo, the headquarters of Ayedire Local Government in Osun State. The tree life span is uncertain as the first settlers are younger than Ore tree. The tree was located circa 1840 subsequent to a spiritual consultation with oracle by Kuseela, the only surviving Prince of the war between Fulani and Ileogbo in 1822. Ileogbo was checkmated by Fulanis in 1822, thus, the former site became desolated.
Three-player chess variants (as well as other three-player games) are the hardest to design fairly, since the imbalance created when two players gang up against one is usually too great for the defending player to withstand. Some versions attempt to avoid this "petty diplomacy" problem by determining the victor as the player who first delivers checkmate, with the third player losing in addition to the checkmated player, or having the third player getting a half-point.
Several of his scrapbooks, previously considered lost or destroyed, have come to light and are now held by the State Library of Victoria. They reveal the pleasure Neild took in the ignominious downfall suffered by many of the targets of his more malicious criticisms. The scrapbooks also contained critiques of Checkmated, a poorly written roman à clef about Neild's illicit lovelife, written by Mrs. T. P. Hill, well- connected wife of a prominent elocutionist and daughter of South Australian pioneer Dr. George Ayliffe.
White could checkmate Red, only to have his piece captured by a black piece, which checkmates Red. In this situation, White would lose since Black delivered the final checkmating move. This strategy also applies to games which give the checkmating player command of the checkmated opponent's pieces – a player who allows the second player to checkmate the third would surely go on to lose due to the increased power of his remaining opponent, now armed with the third player's pieces.
Bridging Newark Bay proved difficult. The LV first attempted to obtain a right of way at Greenville, but the Pennsylvania Railroad checkmated them by purchasing most of the properties needed. Then the CNJ opposed the LV's attempt to cross its line at Caven Point. Finally after settling the legal issues, the Newark Bay was bridged in 1892 by the Jersey City, Newark and Western Railway and connected to the National Docks Railway, which was partly owned by the LV and which reached the LV's terminal.
A check is the result of a move that places the opposing king under an immediate threat of capture by at least one of the player's pieces. Making a move that checks is sometimes called "giving check". If the king is in check and the checked player has no legal move to get out of check, the king is checkmated and the player loses. Under the standard rules of chess, a player may not make any move that places or leaves their king in check.
SF has always done so, but it has always played upon the double, > on artificial replication or imaginary duplication, whereas here the double > has disappeared. There is no more double; one is always already in the other > world, an other world which is not another, without mirrors or projection or > utopias as means for reflection. The simulation is impassable, > unsurpassable, checkmated, without exteriority. We can no longer move > "through the mirror" to the other side, as we could during the golden age of > transcendence.
A player who captures the opponent's king or all other pieces wins the game (unless the bared player immediately follows this baring by baring his own opponent, in which case it is a draw). In practice this rarely happens, as a player will resign when checkmated, as otherwise when loss is inevitable. A player who makes an illegal move loses immediately. (This rule may be relaxed in casual games.) There are two other possible (but fairly uncommon) ways for a game to end: repetition (千日手 sennichite) and impasse (持将棋 jishōgi).
Typically the database records each possible position with certain pieces remaining on the board, and the best moves with White to move and with Black to move. Tablebases are generated by retrograde analysis, working backward from a checkmated position. By 2005, all chess positions with up to six pieces (including the two kings) had been solved. By August 2012, tablebases had solved chess for every position with up to seven pieces (the positions with a lone king versus a king and five pieces were omitted because they were considered to be "rather obvious").
He is one of the authors of Scachs d'amor or Chess of Love, a poem based on a chess game and written in valencian, where he (as Mars) took the White (red in the poem) pieces and checkmated Narcís Vinyoles (as Venus, taking black, or the green in the poem).Francesco di Castellvi vs Narciso Vinyoles, Valencia, Spain, 1475, Bernat Fenollar (as Mercury) comments and establishes the rules. It is the first documented game played with the modern rules of chess, at least concerning the moves of the queen and bishop.
If a player's king is placed in check and there is no legal move that player can make to escape check, then the king is said to be checkmated, the game ends, and that player loses . Unlike other pieces, capturing the opponent's king is not allowed. The diagram shows an example checkmate position. The white king is threatened by the black queen; the square to which the king could move is also threatened; it cannot capture the queen, because it would then be in check by the rook.
The Thing focuses on being unable to trust one's peers, but this can be interpreted as distrust of entire institutions. Developed in an era of cold-war tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, the film refers to the threat of nuclear annihilation by mutually assured destruction. Diaboliques Daniel Clarkson Fisher notes that MacReady destroys the chess computer after being checkmated, and similarly vows to destroy the Thing, even at the expense of the team. The Cold War-style isolationism hurts the group, while a lack of trust destroys it.
Skerrett was checkmated when the ships were ordered back to Gibraltar, the commanders being forbidden to embark a single soldier, by General Campbell, the Governor of Gibraltar. Smith having foreseen where the French would attack had prepared internal defences against the impending assault. The 14 foot sheer drop inside the wall would trap the French from retreating and every house overlooking the area was loopholed and garrisoned, with retrenchments formed to trap the enemy. All debris was cleared from inside the wall, despite the grape being fired by the besiegers.
Ganilau was checkmated. He was a government appointee to the Council and the government decision not to renew his membership effectively removed him from that body. The Qarase government gave no reason for its decision not to reappoint Ganilau but there were strained relations between Ganilau and the ethno-nationalists in Qarase's Cabinet who did not agree with Ganilau's multiracial agenda. Information Minister and staunch nationalist, Simione Kaitani, had criticised Ganilau for calling for the resignation of Vice- President Ratu Jope Seniloli, who in 2004 was on trial for his involvement in the 2000 ethno-nationlist coup led by George Speight.
A player who captures the opponent's general 将 and either the middle troop 中軍 or the banner 旗 wins the game. However, if the opponent's middle troop has promoted to governor 帥, and the player captures the general and banner, then the governor takes command in place of the general and the game continues until it too is captured. That is, a player can continue the game with either the general, or the governor, or with both the middle troop and the banner together. In practice the final capture rarely happens, as a player will resign when checkmated, as otherwise when loss is inevitable.
Perhaps the most common type of fortress, often seen in endgames with only a few pieces on the board, is where the defending king is able to take refuge in a corner of the board and cannot be chased away or checkmated by the superior side. These two diagrams furnish two classic examples. In both cases, Black simply shuffles his king between a8 and the available square adjacent to a8 (a7, b7, or b8, depending on the position of the white king and pawn). White has no way to dislodge Black's king, and can do no better than a draw by stalemate or some other means.
His Little Hawaiian Game Checkmated, 1894 At the time the Hawaiian Kingdom was overthrown, President Benjamin Harrison, a Republican expansionist, was only a few weeks from the end of his term. The new Provisional Government of Hawai'i immediately delivered a treaty of annexation to President Harrison, who referred it favorably to the Senate for ratification on February 15, 1893. Grover Cleveland, a Democrat opposed to expansionism and colonialism, became President on March 4, 1893 and withdrew the treaty from the Senate on March 9, 1893. James Henderson Blount, a Democrat, had been chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs during Harrison's term.
A Visit to the Seaside With Our King and Queen Through India, extract The first motion picture exhibited in Kinemacolor was an eight-minute short filmed in Brighton titled A Visit to the Seaside, which was trade shown in September 1908. On 26 February 1909, the general public first saw Kinemacolor in a programme of twenty-one short films shown at the Palace Theatre in London. The process was first seen in the United States on 11 December 1909, at an exhibition staged by Smith and Urban at Madison Square Garden in New York City. In 1911, Kinemacolor released the first dramatic film made in the process, Checkmated.
The LVRR first attempted to obtain a right of way at Greenville, but the Pennsylvania Railroad checkmated them by purchasing most of the properties needed. Then the CNJ opposed the LVRR's attempt to cross its line at Caven Point. Finally after settling the legal issues, the Newark Bay was bridged in 1892 by the Jersey City, Newark and Western Railway and connected to the National Docks Railway, which was partly owned by the LVRR and which reached the LVRR's terminal. In 1895, the LVRR constructed the Greenville and Hudson Railway parallel with the National Docks in order to relieve congestion and have a wholly owned route into Jersey City.
England defeated China 3-1 as well thanks to the wins by Michael Adams, who squeezed out a win from a seemingly equal position, against Wang Yue as White on the top and Nigel Short, who won the sharp battle with double-edged positions, against Li Chao as Black on the lowest board. Canada provided strong resistance against Ukraine with Evgeny Bareev's win over Pavel Eljanov with the Black pieces on the top board; however, Anton Korobov and Andrei Volokitin won on the lower boards to earn Ukraine a minimal match victory. Norway also won with a minimal result against Turkey thanks to the World champion Magnus Carlsen who checkmated Dragan Šolak as Black on the top board.
Thus the black and red pieces are both simultaneously attacking the white piece and defending it from attack by the other player. In similar situations, a piece can move quite safely to a square where it is attacked by both opponents, since neither opponent would take the piece and risk capture by the third player. In games where the third player loses as well as the checkmated one, players must concentrate not only on their own attack and defense, but also on preventing the two opponents from checkmating one another. A player can take advantage of one opponent's position to checkmate the other, but must be careful that the third player does not checkmate first.
At the same time, Bi-Polar invites the viewer into a wider world of questions regarding the universal human desire to resist against the forces of natural order, push the boundaries of what is within or beyond our control, and ultimately arrest time. Ice Storm, at Redux Contemporary Art Center in Charleston, SC, shared similar themes. David McFadden, the former chief curator of the Museum of Art and Design, NYC, wrote in the exhibition catalog: The [installations] establish an ambiance of threat and danger that undermines the sheer physical beauty of the [forms]… Fox's fantasies… hold time in abeyance- what should melt away is made permanent. Change (and by implication, death) is effectively checkmated.
When a bare king faces a king and two knights, a checkmate can never be forced; checkmate can occur only if the opponent commits a blunder by moving their king to a square where it can be checkmated on the next move. Checkmate can be forced with a bishop and knight, however, or with two bishops, even though the bishop and knight are in general about equal in value. Paradoxically, checkmate with two knights sometimes can be forced if the weaker side has a single extra pawn, but this is a curiosity of little practical value (see two knights endgame). Pawnless endings are a rarity, and if the stronger side has even a single pawn, an extra knight should give them an easy win.
Fischer was winning the game decisively, and Byrne asked some of the other players if it would be a good "tip of the hat" to Fischer's superb play to let young Fischer play the game to a checkmate instead of Byrne resigning, which would normally happen between masters. When the other players agreed, Byrne played the game out until Fischer checkmated him. Byrne added "You have to remember, Bobby wasn't yet Bobby Fischer at that time", meaning that the then 13-year-old Fischer was "only" a master, and not yet the 14-year-old wunderkind and top U.S. player he became the following year. Two other Byrne stories posted online: Fischer and the Border PatrolFischer and the Border Patrol – another D.Byrne story. Chess.
A model mate is a type of pure mate checkmating position in chess in which not only is the checkmated king and all vacant squares in its field attacked only once, and squares in the king's field occupied by friendly units are not also attacked by the mating side (unless such a unit is necessarily pinned to the king), but all units of the mating side (with the possible exception of the king and pawns) participate actively in forming the mating net. Model mates are extremely rare in practical play, but they add value to chess problems as they are considered artistic. In fact, they form the basis of the so-called Bohemian school of chess composition, most fruitful in threemovers and moremovers. Model mates are very usual in helpmates and they appear often in selfmates too.
On the 9th of October, following the Battle of Gettysburg, the rebel General Lee put his army again in motion, to turn the right flank of the forces under Meade, and make a push for Washington; but the falling back of the Federals upon Centreville and Chantilly completely checkmated his purpose. At this point, the 6th Corps, including the Second Rhode Island, occupied the extreme right of the line. In the advance of the Union forces upon Rappahannock Station, November 7, which resulted in the rout of the enemy and the capture of 1600 prisoners, the Regiment was held in reserve; and in another successful advance across the Rapidan, November 26, it participated. A quiet winter at Brandy Station intervened, when on the 4th of May, 1864, the Army of the Potomac began the grand movement that ultimated in the capture of Richmond.
Lapeleke, Majeogbe and Akinwale were three brothers who fought in the Dahomey war. Lapeleke, a sector commander of the Owu militia in the Egba Allied Forces that checkmated the Dahomean Amazons and other interlopers marauding Abeokuta and the Egba Federation between 1836 and 1843, made Akinale a military base where the militia settled to strategize, hence the footprints of other Owu heroes such as Awaye Sonlu and Akindele Gbalefa, among others, on ground. In 1937, the colonial government merged Ota and Gbalefa Peninsula under the Egba Native Administration in present day Ogun State, Nigeria. To underline that Gbelefa Peninsula does not belong to the Aworis/Ottas, a meeting was held on Wednesday, 10 April 1935 at the Olota's Palace between the District Officer from Abeokuta (Representing the resident of Abeokuta Province) and the indigenes of Otta as represented by the Olota of Ota, his chiefs, and the representatives of Ota Bales. The meeting had been called as a result of a publication in the Akede Eko March 30, 1935, on page 7 Col.2, claiming that Gbelefa Peninsula belonged to the Aworis.

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