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10 Sentences With "catch 22s"

How to use catch 22s in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "catch 22s" and check conjugation/comparative form for "catch 22s". Mastering all the usages of "catch 22s" from sentence examples published by news publications.

All large organizations have their catch-22s, their inconsistencies, their maddening snafus.
It also inspires me to see the world beneath its appearance, where the real-life Catch-22s exist.
It was one of those catch-22s where if it's bad, no one cares and it doesn't help you.
Most of the screen time is spent dramatizing the catch-22s of female rulership—namely, producing such an heir without ceding power to men.
Basically, it's deliberately being read in a way to create problems: interpreting the policy in a way that it wasn't meant to be in order to generate catch-22s that the service member can't work around to prevent them from transitioning.
But the scariest thing about Zika, especially for women in Latin America, might be the impossible web of Catch-22s it causes — due to both the nature of the virus itself and the restrictions that governments place on women's ability to prevent or plan their pregnancies.
Its examinations of the Catch-22s built into the endless war on terror are frequently incisive, and in Carrie, it's created a character who neatly stands in for America itself — trying to atone for some of the most awful things it's done, but sloppily, and mostly to cover its own ass.
James > E. Combs & Dan D. Nimmo, The Comedy of Democracy; Westport, CT: Praeger > (Greenwood Publishing Group), 1996; ; p. 152. Along with George Orwell's "doublethink", "Catch-22" has become one of the best-recognized ways to describe the predicament of being trapped by contradictory rules.Richard King, "22 Going on 50: Half a century later, the world is full of Catch-22s"; The Smart Set, 20 July 2011. A significant type of definition of alternative medicine has been termed a catch-22.
Yossarian's frustration with Aarfy during missions is analogous to his frustration with "Catch-22," whereby no matter how loud he shouts or hard he fights he can not affect Aarfy, who carries on regardless. Similarly one can not fight "Catch-22." Aarfy's character exemplifies the perversity of a society and culture governed by Catch-22s that ultimately serve to protect the powerful. Other, more considerate members of the squadron suffer ignominious or horrible fates while he—merely oblivious and inconsiderate for most of the novel—faces no negative consequences even when his self-absorption drives him to murder.
Catch-22s often result from rules, regulations, or procedures that an individual is subject to, but has no control over, because to fight the rule is to accept it. Another example is a situation in which someone is in need of something that can only be had by not being in need of it (e.g.: the only way to qualify for a loan is to prove to the bank that you don't need a loan). One connotation of the term is that the creators of the "catch-22" situation have created arbitrary rules in order to justify and conceal their own abuse of power.

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