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230 Sentences With "career coach"

How to use career coach in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "career coach" and check conjugation/comparative form for "career coach". Mastering all the usages of "career coach" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Any change you make will present challenges," Roy Cohen, career coach and author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide: Success Secrets of a Career Coach," said.
"It's not personal," said Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach.
Michael Thompson is a career coach, startup mentor, and author.
In her spare time, she works as a Muse career coach.
Try this visual trick, recommended by former Google career coach Jenny Blake.
A positive psychology career coach (I am one) can help with this.
We spoke with Ariel Lopez, former recruiter, career coach, and founder of Knac.
Blake is a career coach and former Googler who's already pivoted multiple times.
Not making eye contact makes you appear nervous, says career coach Becky Berry.
Provide concrete examples Muse Career Coach Allison Tatios recommends zeroing in on specifics.
"We just chose the day," said Ms. Riggins, who is a career coach.
Katie Stricker, a career coach, recommends asking these questions before sharing feedback: 1.
Check out what one Google career coach recommends to figure out your career goals
"Have an agenda and stick to it," said Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach.
Erin Hatzikostas is a former corporate CEO turned career coach, speaker, and podcast host.
It's supposed to be like having your own personal career coach — without the expense.
The right Leo for you will see you as more than just a career coach!
She's currently a senior technical recruiter at Uber and an active career coach at HireClub.
"Clock it, pay attention to it, and pull it apart," advises executive career coach Zena Everett.
And if anyone questions you on it, say you have a really, really good career coach.
And Ocasio-Cortez worked with a career coach before running for office, New York Magazine reports.
Sonenshine is a senior career coach at The George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs.
Do I need to hire a resume writer, a career coach, work on my networking, etc.?
"Most people's favorite topics of conversation revolve around their own lives," career coach Elana Konstant tells Refinery29.
"There has been a shift within the workforce towards wanting meaningful work," insists career coach Jenn DeWall.
"People sometimes are in a rut and don't always realize it," said Kim Monaghan, a career coach.
She serves as a senior career coach at the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs.
Fleiss is an adviser to the Skimm and works with a career coach, she told The Cut.
Former Google career coach Jenny Blake encourages professionals to find a hobby where you get to go outdoors.
In fact, learning a new skill could help you land a job, one former Google career coach says.
A former Google career coach shares useful advice on big and small ways to change your career path.
"You don't want to highlight anything that's a key part of the role," says career coach Angela Copeland.
Seven years ago, I quit my lucrative consulting job to start my own business as a career coach.
College and career coach Kat Cohen says you should look at your compensation holistically when negotiating your pay.
Adam Smiley Poswolsky, now a 32 year-old millennial career coach, had a quarter-life crisis of his own.
If you're holding back because you're afraid of failing, check out the fix one highly cited career coach recommends.
Job shadow people you admire or sign up for a session with a career coach or an ignition group.
Michael Thompson is a Barcelona-based career coach and communication consultant who helps business executives to open more doors.
Michael Thompson is a Barcelona-based career coach and communication consultant who helps business executives to open more doors.
Failure to do so sends annoying pop-up messages to your coworkers, career coach Barbara Pachter tells Business Insider.
As an executive career coach, Elizabeth Pearson explained that short and sweet is typically better received than a monologue.
"Have that conversation in a solutions-oriented way," said Anna Bray, executive and career coach at Jody Michael Associates.
"When someone is talking to you, make sure you look them in the eye," says career coach Becky Berry.
"The actions in the parking lot need to be forwarded in some way," advised Hallie Crawford, a certified career coach.
"People are sloppier and lazier when it comes to texting," says Roy Cohen, a career coach in New York City.
As a HR professional and career coach, I encounter individuals almost daily who are at varying levels of job satisfaction.
Former Google career coach Jenny Blake, for instance, is not convinced that tough love is a necessary element of management.
"The mistake interviewees make is asking this question too soon," says April Klimkiewicz, career coach and owner of bliss evolution.
Career coach Anna Cosic previously told Business Insider that employees should communicate their accomplishments to their managers at least weekly.
Anna Lundberg is a career coach and co-founder of Wolf Leaders Academy, which offers training and coaching for young managers.
Step one, says career coach Heather Monahan, is to get the offer in writing so you know exactly what you've got.
In fact, bold moves like these help you regardless of whether someone notices, according to former Google career coach Jenny Blake.
Carter's insights also recall those of Lindsay Gordon, who worked in HR at Google and is now an independent career coach.
"I always advise people to give it six months if they can," career coach Mark Strong tells Jacquelyn Smith at Forbes.
According to bestselling author and career coach Jon Acuff, that way of thinking is what sets successful people apart from others.
According to a former Google career coach, being happy outside of work can have a positive effect on workers at the office.
"Brands are important out here for employers," said Nick Parham, a career coach in San Francisco who has had several Yahoo clients.
After a while, Heller found herself teaching other artists to license their work when the idea of becoming a career coach clicked. 
It's an important piece of advice that career coach Brady is more than willing to share with those less fortunate than him.
For more great career advice, check out the visual trick one former Google career coach uses to help people design their future.
How to Win in Business Jenny Blake, a former career coach at Google, knows how to help people find happiness at work.
Career coach Angela Copeland tells Glassdoor that interviewees should talk about hobbies that the interviewer might share, or would at least understand.
Career coach Angela Copeland says that interviewees can also talk about the methods they use to help themselves deal with stressful situations.
" —Jena Viviano, career coach "Job seekers (especially women more than men) may be underestimating the value they can bring into a role.
"Travel is great because people learn a lot about themselves," said Joy Lin, a career coach on the jobs site The Muse.
Tomorrow they'll official announce their merger under the Torch name to become a full-stack career coach for every level of employee.
During all of this, the career coach at my firm has sent me about seven emails signing me up for extracurricular things.
Alexa Shoen is a career coach for entry-level jobseekers and the author of #ENTRYLEVELBOSS: How To Get Any Job You Want.
"Ask about what you'd look for in a healthy work environment," Mikaela Kiner, an executive career coach and CEO of uniquelyHR, said.
Career coach Maggie Mistal spoke with CNBC Make It and shared two ways to rescue an awkward interview, before it's too late.
Zena Everett, an executive career coach and performance management expert, is not against spanking per se—but advised against it in professional contexts.
"I think it's going to depend on what they do during the gap year," career coach and author, Caroline Cenizia-Levine, told CNBC.
Jane Finkle is a career coach, speaker and author with over 25 years of experience helping clients with career assessment and workplace adjustment.
Jane Finkle has 25 years of experience as a career coach for universities and has run her own career  counseling firm since 2002.
"This is what men do," says Cynthia Pong, a feminist career coach at Embrace Change who helps professional women step into their power.
"They are more important today than ever before," said Jill Tipograph, co-founder of career coach firm Early Stage Careers in New York.
"The workforce is changing, and how people work is changing," said Debra Wheatman, a certified career coach and president of Careers Done Write.
Check out the 4-step strategy for dealing with a job you hate, from a former Google career coach Video by Richard Washington.
A career coach, she has more than $130,000 in student debt after getting her bachelor's in communications and her master's in public relations.
Being a good listener is actually a top skill that great leaders and managers share, according to former Google career coach Jenny Blake.
In the early stage of your career, aim to get a promotion approximately every two to three years, said career coach Dana Mayer.
For example, Joan Kuhl, president of Why Millennials Matter and career coach Maggie Mistal say that gossip should never be exchanged over email.
If you write "references upon request" at the bottom of your résumé, you're merely wasting a valuable line, career coach Eli Amdur says.
Before I became an author, speaker and career coach, I experienced career heartbreak with positions in both the federal government and private sector.
Any money spent on advertising, marketing research, a career coach or licensing or registration also counts towards start-up costs, which are all deductible.
Erin Hatzikostas is a former corporate CEO turned career coach, speaker, and podcast host; she is the founder and CEO of b Authentic inc.
I wish I'd talked to a professional — a therapist, a career coach, even my doctor — and told them about the racing thoughts and stress.
Career coach and comedy vet Andrew Whelan will prove it to you in a class that'll take up just two hours of your time.
As a former HR and recruiting executive, I became a career coach after watching far too many talented people crash-and-burn the interview.
"It&aposs been a wonky year," Roy Cohen, a career coach focused on mid- to senior-level executives in finance and other industries, said.
"If you become negative and get emotional and defensive, that is harder to overcome than the review itself," said Kate O'Sullivan, a career coach.
Hire a career coach, do your homework, give your resume a facelift and tailor your cover letter for the types of jobs you're targeting.
German career coach and author Felix Maria Arnet said this is not uncommon, but can also be solved in a professional and communicative manner.
Your company may be willing to foot the bill for your hotel, says Penelope Trunk, a career coach who offers sessions on negotiating skills.
But while the blog post mentioned the career coach, sensitivity training, and a new human resources head, it left out a number of other recommendations.
In this course, former Late Night with Conan O'Brien performer and career coach Andrew Whelan teaches you the fine art of delivering a dynamic presentation.
Former Google career coach Jenny Blake encourages professionals to create their own "happiness formula, " and then schedule time during the week to act on it.
That's the advice of former Google career coach and job strategist Jenny Blake, who has helped more than a thousand people improve their work lives.
Jane Horowitz, a career coach and founder of More Than a Résumé, in Denver, says she gets questions like this from clients all the time.
" When answering this question, career coach Aurora Meneghello of Repurpose Your Purpose says that it's best to "choose something you learned and bounced back from.
"It&aposs been a wonky year," Roy Cohen, a veteran career coach focused on mid- to senior-level executives in finance and other industries, said.
" Matt Youngquist, career coach and president of Career Horizons tells NPR that "at least 70 percent, if not 80 percent, of jobs are not published.
Lynn Berger, a New York-based career coach, suggested taking time to ponder what work means to you and what you get out of it.
"Be really clear on what your goals are, even if it's not a five- or 10-year goal," says Rachel Kim, a career coach at SoFi.
Cynthia Pong, JD and feminist career coach at Embrace Change, says that asking for a raise or promotion via email is generally not a good idea.
Former Google executive and career coach Jenny Blake encourages professionals at every level to make time for a fun activity after work or on the weekends.
Academic Twitter was abuzz last month after noted career coach Karen Kelsky posted a leaked email from an assistant dean in SIU's College of Liberal Arts.
A representative for Ocasio-Cortez confirmed to CNBC Make It that she worked with Megan Hellerer, a 35-year-old career coach and former Google employee.
As a career coach and mentor at a handful of universities and business accelerators, I spend a great deal of time helping people navigate their careers.
Dana Manciagli, a career coach and speaker, suggests asking yourself whether the responsibilities of the job sound like something you would want to do full time.
As a career coach, my inbox is often flooded with messages from people I'm connected with on LinkedIn who are reaching out about something or another.
"Talking with a friend as if they were your [career] coach could also help you see your attitude about work from a different perspective," McKee says.
As a lawyer-turned-career coach for women of color, Pong's expertise is helping women advocate for themselves, understand their worth, and ask for what they deserve.
The Definitive Guide to Business Jenny Blake, a former career coach at Google and co-founder of the company's career development mentorship program, has seen it all.
A career coach who specializes in job search strategy can look at your materials, dissect your current strategy, and identify where you might need a different approach.
We asked an imposter syndrome expert (a real thing that exists!), self-help authors, psychologists, a neuroscientist, and a career coach how to overcome these troubling feelings.
It could involve taking a standardized assessment instrument, keeping a journal or talking with people whose advice and feedback you value — friends, family, or a career coach.
" —Mary Warriner, career coach "A branded career story helps differentiate you from the competition, provide clarity for yourself and showcases your unique value proposition to the employer.
While it would be ideal for every woman to be able to afford a personal career coach to work with on an ongoing basis, this isn't always feasible.
But having been a career coach for several years, I've seen plenty of talented people have their careers plateau due to having a bad reputation in the office.
"The worst mistake I see in cover letters is candidates adding too many soft skills rather than focusing on job-related skills, " says Nancy Spivey, a career coach.
Employees can ask Career Coach questions about their role and skills, and the program can be used in tandem with Blue Matching to map out a career path.
And, according to career coach Becky Berry, you should make eye-contact with the person you're talking to, while trying not to fidget and sitting or standing upright.
"Quite often people know more than they think they know, but we focus on the negative," said Anna Bray, an executive and career coach at Jody Michael Associates.
"When you come into work with a negative attitude it is going to affect others around you," said Brandon Smith, a career coach who focuses on workplace dysfunction.
Despite the fact that we&aposre glued to our reply buttons, career coach Barbara Pachter said plenty of professionals still don&apost know how to use emails appropriately.
As an award-winning financial and career coach, I&aposm honored to help people in my generation understand their finances and take the reins towards their financial freedom.
To help figure out your long-term goals, one former Google career coach has a counter-intuitive suggestion: Start fun projects either at work or in your personal life.
Remember, 75% of online applications are never reviewed by a human because they are filtered out, says Amanda Augustine, a certified professional resume writer and career coach at TopResume.
Caroline Ceniza-Levine, career coach at SixFigureStart, remembers one candidate for a non-profit fundraising position who was a superb interviewee, until she was asked about her greatest accomplishment.
Think about what you can learn, and who you can learn from, says former Google career coach Jenny Blake, who has helped more than 1,000 professionals advance their careers.
" —Roy Cohen, career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide "Identify a few key features, such as, why is finding a new job important to you?
For Sherry Burford, a former market researcher turned career coach, and her husband, Peter, an independent book publisher, the decision to relocate began with a road trip in 2000.
People with successful careers don't "climb the corporate ladder" anymore, according to Jenny Blake, a former career coach at Google and co-founder of the company's career mentoring program.
I wish now that I'd addressed the burnout with the help of a career coach or therapist, rather than assuming it was the corporate job that was my problem.
Jenny Blake, career coach, co-founder of Google's mentorship program and author of the career guide "Pivot: The Only Move that Matters is Your Next One, " has some advice.
Tara Sonenshine is a senior career coach at George Washington University's Elliott School for International Affairs, and formerly served as undersecretary of State for public diplomacy and public affairs.
The Definitive Guide to Business As a former career coach at Google and co-founder of the company's career mentorship program, Jenny Blake knows what makes for a successful career.
But that career model is wrong, and even potentially damaging, according to former Google career coach Jenny Blake, who has personally helped more than 1,000 people advance in their careers.
In fact, introverts, or those who don't naturally seek out group interactions and social settings, may have a key advantage at work, according to former Google career coach Jenny Blake.
"Show that your career goals and expectations are aligned with how careers unfold in the company," says Roy Cohen, career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide.
Roy Cohen, career coach and author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide " says that whenever you're asked about dealing with challenges, you should always be as specific as possible.
After her ride-share experience, Ms. Jakubowitz, the career coach, started chatting up other passengers, she said, but decides to mention her profession only if the topic comes up naturally.
Develop a script for your answer, and practice it out loud with a friend who will shoot holes in your answer and help you improve it, the career coach said.  
Plus, even though companies often push to recruit new grads around May, companies are still hiring all year, said career coach and recruiter Abby Kohut, also known as Absolutely Abby.
According to former Google career coach Jenny Blake, having the courage to stand up for something that's important to you can also help you avoid large workplace conflicts down the road.
Tara Sonenshine is the former undersecretary of State for public diplomacy and public affairs, and currently serves as senior career coach at The George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs.
Career Coach Angela Copeland recommends keeping the following points in mind when you first reach out to inquire about an informational interview: Need a little more help drafting your outreach note?
"Yes, the unemployment rate is low, but if you get laid off, the chances of ever really recovering are not very good," said Marc Miller, a career coach in Austin, Tex.
"If you feel like you didn't quite answer a question or couldn't think of something at the time, you could mention that," says Caroline Ceniza-Levine, a career coach with SixFigureStart.
"The biggest issue with applying for a job on a job board is that there are hundreds of other people also applying for those same jobs," career coach Elana Konstant tells Refinery29.
When you have a better idea of your goals, you can map out the changes you want to make in your life using a visual trick from a former Google career coach.
"Show that your career goals and expectations are aligned with how careers unfold in the company," says Roy Cohen, career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide to Glassdoor.
Muse career coach, Loren Margolis, advises in an article on handling bad feedback that if you really have a hard time moving past your negative emotions, give yourself time to process it.
"Although it's important to give credit where credit is due, it's equally important not to deflect your personal accomplishments to other people," says April Klimkiewicz, career coach and owner of bliss evolution.
I did something counterintuitive with my marketing: I did lessHere's the thing: At the time, I didn't actually enjoy Facebook, or Linkedin (shocking, as a career coach!), or even writing that much.
Instead, I got obsessed with making it feel less scary for the next wave of college graduates, and wound up becoming an entry-level career coach when I was only 25 myself.
"I tell people to stop and notice what just happened, and I tell them to talk about it," says Mistal, who also served as a career coach for Martha Stewart Living Radio.
Don't get interrupted Most people are more productive when they can have a batch of time for uninterrupted focus, said Ashley Stahl, career coach, author and host of the "You Turn" podcast.
In the past 5 years, I've had at least a dozen different ideas for my life  —  a Navy SEAL, a novelist, a career coach, even a chef at a 5-star restaurant.
"It's important to be honest with yourself before you interview and really think about what you need to make your whole life happy," says Rachel Kim, a career coach for finance company SoFi.
That's why, with the wisdom of career coach Lisa Lewis, we're giving you the tools to ask the tricky questions that may be tripping you up when it comes to fattening your paycheck.
Focus on the skills you'd like to have The days of landing a great job simply by rising through the ranks of a company are in the past, according to the career coach.
What&aposs more, said Jenny Blake, a career coach, former Googler, and the author of "Pivot," tech companies may be more accustomed to an environment of change than some older, more established institutions.
In order to establish the best way to approach following up after an interview, we spoke with Cynthia Pong of Embrace Change who is a career coach specialized in working with women of color.
"It's up to you to stay current on trends, skills, salary information and anything else that pertains to your job," Ariel Lopez, former recruiter, career coach, and founder and CEO of 2020Shift, told Refinery29.
"Boil it down into a simple message and then just return to that if you notice you are talking in circles," said Anna Bray, an executive coach and career coach at Jody Michael Associates.
"Five or six years ago, younger job candidates would accept the first offer given to them," said Eliot Kaplan, a former vice president of talent acquisition at Hearst Publishing and now a career coach.
To get all the necessary details on how to ace a second-round job interview, we chatted with Cynthia Pong of Embrace Change, a lawyer-turned-career coach specializing in working with women of color.
Draw out your professional goals If you're feeling stuck in the daily grind at work, take the advice of a former Google career coach and job strategist who's helped thousands of professionals advance their careers.
"Having an updated profile is vital to represent your company well working on projects, meeting new people in the industry, or attending conferences," Joy Lin, a career coach and founder of Quarter Life Joy, says.
"A lot of people live in fear, and they work in fear that if they take time away and out of work that they're out of sight, out of mind," said career coach Roy Cohen.
According to former Google career coach Jenny Blake, inviting a colleague to join you on an activity you normally do will make you feel less nervous than if you were in a new social setting.
Look for any signs you may be getting in your way at crunch time; or better yet, reach out to a career coach who can walk you through a discussion of your goals and strategy.
Diane Hudson, director of the Certified Professional Career Coach Program, a certification of the Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches, said recent graduates today often lack the interpersonal skills needed to land a job.
Career coach, A Life of OptionsWhat no one told me: The highs are way higher than any 9-to-5 I've had and the lows have been way lower than any 9-to-5 I've had.
But a few minutes into our stilted Q+A, I learned that Amanda was a server at a restaurant in Philadelphia, and that she had just hired a career coach to figure out her next move.
"Employers are always going to look you up on LinkedIn, but you also need to have some kind of tangible document that you can send along to demonstrate your professional identity," career coach Elana Konstant tells Refinery29.
Put pen to paper and write down your career goals If you don't have a job, or don't have the job you want, try an exercise a former Google career coach says has helped hundreds of people.
One exception to this would be if you've honed a very specific practice using these programs, such as "[creating] an access database from scratch and [importing] data from Excel and other databases," says career coach Mary Warriner.
Whether you're in a sticky situation right now, or want to prepare yourself for the future, career coach Jenn DeWall is here to offer a 5-step guide on how to recover from a major work embarrassment.
The bride, 32, who is keeping her name, is a leadership and career coach at the Washington site of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, where she helps candidates find jobs in the Jewish nonprofit sector.
Donald Trump has long been the career coach America didn't ask for, instructing the country on the finer points of business leadership by bellowing advice and insults at the hapless MBAs who competed on his reality TV show.
According to Cynthia Pong, a life and career coach — and the founder of Embrace Change, a coaching business focused primarily on women and women of color — overcoming a fear of boundary-setting can be incredibly challenging for women.
"Now is not the time to go into a long explanation about why a mistake wasn't your fault… Even if it's the truth, it makes you look unprofessional, vindictive and lacking self-awareness," says career coach Jena Viviano.
As Roy Cohen, a career coach and the author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide," told Beecher Tuttle at eFinancialCareers, it's seen as the "kiss of death" when Wall Street bankers take the paternity leave they're offered.
Career coach Maggie Mistal explains that while social media is good for helping you to connect with new people and opportunities, its ability to distract you from focusing on the present moment can be damaging to your career.
Event attendees also received a free three-month membership to KettleSpace, giving them a space to work as they look for a new role — or to start a new company — and free coaching from the career coach GoCoach.
There's nothing worse than circumstances you can't control ruining your dream interview, and that's exactly what happened when Jena Viviano, who is now a career coach, interviewed for a business analyst position at the New York Stock Exchange.
"A big misconception is that every Olympic athlete has big money sponsorship or can make a living through their sport," said Angel Bovee, former boxer and athlete career coach for the US Olympic Committee's Athlete Career and Education Program.
As Roy Cohen, a career coach and the author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide," told Beecher Tuttle at eFinancialCareers, it's still seen as the "kiss of death" when Wall Street bankers take the paternity leave they're offered.
Debra Wheatman, certified career coach and founder of Careers Done Write, says that not only should you remove your graduation date from your resume, you should also delete anything else that could provide a clear indication of your age.
That's according to former Google career coach and job strategist Jenny Blake, who reveals in her book "My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Everyday Inspired " that she's stuck to the same morning routine for the last six years.
Elizabeth Atcheson, a long-time career coach with over 25 years of experience, told Business Insider that it's crucial to know your income floor and rent ceiling so that you don't apply for listings that you couldn't live on.
"Ideally, a person receiving a promotion can articulate their long-term career goals, and thus can view the promotion, and its attached gifts, in light of their goals, " explains Carlota Zimmerman, a career coach based in New York City.
" Your teachers didn't spend all those years drilling grammatical rules into your head for no reason — "bad grammar will derail even the most promising career," says Roy Cohen, career coach and author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide.
We sat down with Pong to chat about her journey, how she came to be a career coach, the toughest lessons she's helped her clients learn, and how you can get empowered to make changes in your own life and career.
Illustrate How You'll Bring Value To The Job "The best answer to this question is a detailed response as to how you will bring value in the position," says Ariel Lopez, former recruiter, career coach, and founder and CEO of 2020Shift.
"The biggest issue with applying for a job on a job board is that there are hundreds of other people also applying for those same jobs," career coach Elana Konstant tells Refinery29, reminding everyone why networking is the key to everything.
Refinery29 chatted with Ariel Lopez, former recruiter, career coach, and founder and CEO of 2020Shift, who provided some tangible strategies for young women looking to ask for — and receive — a bonus and, in the process, help close the gender bonus gap.
One thing career coach Lauren Milligan recommends, though, is scheduling emails to go out a bit later — the world isn't ready for the pre-sunrise crowd, and people might find it off-putting to get an email before 7 a.m.
"The average hourly wage is down, the average number of weeks [worked] is down, the average labor participation rate is within a half a percentage point of the lowest since early 1978," said Oakland, California-based career coach Marty Nemko.
Designing a Healthy Lifestyle with Parneet Pal — $9.99 See Details Freelancing gets a bum rap as a hard slog, but this quick two-hour course by career coach Andrew Whelan will teach you how to make your gigs work for you.
" —Angela Copeland, career coach "Assuming you can do the work, the most important differentiator that will land you a sought-after gig is to establish yourself as the positive, collaborative, authentic and trustworthy co-worker/boss everyone would love to have.
Because I was freaked out and I couldn't get a job and I had worked with a career coach and we had done these weird series of mandalas and charts and finally she was like, 'Maybe you should start a store.
"Everybody's so snarky and mean because they don't know what to do with life, they don't know what to do with somebody who's full of positive consciousness," said Michelle Casto, a 50-year-old career coach and teacher from Kentucky.
" Career coach Angela Copeland says the best way to respond is to "use an example that illustrates a disagreement where you were able to persuade your boss to try things your way — and ultimately, it worked out well for everyone (including your boss).
Here are three ways to show a hiring manager you're worth taking a chance on:  Career coach Maggie Mistal suggests that the best way to get your foot in the door is through strategic relationship building in the form of informational interviews.
But acclimating yourself to a new environment and being successful from the outset doesn't have to involve a lot of anxiety, according to Jenny Blake, career coach and business strategist who co-founded Google's career mentorship program while working at the search giant.
Together, we tapped Ashley Stahl, career coach and founder of the Job Offer Academy, and Alexandra Dickinson, membership strategy lead and career expert at SoFi, for a guide to everything you need to do before accepting — so you can sign that contract with confidence.
Even if the unthinkable happens and a company does reject you for trying to negotiate, there's a good chance that it's not the kind of company you would want to work for anyway, points out HR Specialist and ICF-credentialed Career Coach Kristyn Lang.
But even without an undergraduate degree in STEM, the increasing popularity of classes, coding programs and boot camps makes it possible for anyone to get up to speed on the latest technology, said Caroline Ceniza-Levine, a career coach and co-founder of SixFigureStart.
"They're trying to assess if you are somebody who has the personality and social and emotional awareness [to admit] that everybody does have a weakness, and that you are aware of your weaknesses or areas of growth" says Rachel Kim, a career coach at SoFi.
To really nail this question, you should "share a story that is as close as possible to the job you are interviewing for, and that best showcases your strengths and approach to work, " says Aurora Meneghello, career coach and founder of Repurpose Your Purpose.
We chatted with Cynthia Pong, of Embrace Change — a lawyer-turned-career coach who works to empower women and women of color professionals — for some insight into how job-seekers can find out whether a company culture is toxic before applying for, or accepting, a job.
" When responding to this question, Roy Cohen, career coach and author of "The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide, " says job seekers should "offer up examples that are relevant, like managing projects, learning new skills or a specific activity that is tied directly to performing this role.
"People will see those things in their feeds and you post and engage, they will see your name come up again and again so if you do end up reaching out they will know who you are," said April Klimkiewicz, a career coach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
If a title you've held or company you've worked for is likely to impress a recruiter, consider a section called "earlier work history" or something similar where you can simply list previous jobs, by noting only the title, company and location, says Amanda Augustine, a career coach with TopResume.
Jane Horowitz, a career coach and founder of More Than a Résumé, in Denver, says she tells her clients, often young people just entering the job market, that even when you submit a résumé online to a company you really want to work for, that's only the first step.
" In order to demonstrate your ability to deal with stressful challenges, Roy Cohen, career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide says, "give an example [of a time you were under pressure] that is rich in detail and describes a thoughtful reaction to a situation that could challenge most anyone.
But be sure to wait in your car or a nearby café, as being too early can place unnecessary pressure on your interviewer and start the meeting off on the wrong foot, David ParnellRita Friedman, a Philadelphia-based career coach, says you shouldn't walk into the office building more than 10 minutes early.
Explain What Makes You Special — If You're Stumped, Phone A Friend "Answering this question depends on the situation, but it is almost always a combination of why you are interested in this particular position and what you are uniquely bringing to the table," says Cynthia Pong, JD and feminist career coach at Embrace Change.
"Employers are not interested in 'vanilla' candidates and genuinely appreciate when applicants take the time to highlight the reasons they are a perfect fit for the position so they can more easily spot these individuals and move them to the next stage of screening," says Michele Moore, certified career coach at Ama La Vida.
That, of course, is the lot of the career coach, as opposed to the ex-player turning his hand to management: to be greeted with initial suspicion, as an outsider and an interloper, someone deprived of the specialist knowledge that can come only from spending 20 years amid the liniment and bravado of the locker room.
When I asked career coach Lauren McGoodwin of Career Contessa exactly what these check-in emails should say, she emphasized what she refers to as "low-hanging fruit" — easy messages you can get in the habit of sending to your contacts on a regular basis, like a quick hello email at the beginning of the New Year.
" — Roy Cohen, career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional's Survival Guide Number of open jobs: 49,844 Median salary: $56,000 Why it's great for your resume: "The best resume-building jobs are ones that are customer-centric and focus on building solid relationships with leadership value as those are finite skills that can transcend various industries and roles.
" —April Klimkiewicz, career coach and owner of bliss evolution "You need a brand in the digital age because while your job is what you do, your brand is who you are… By branding yourself properly in the digital age (think: elevator pitch with a digital footprint on LinkedIn), and combining it with true networking strategies, you will rank yourself higher in the job search potential.
In much of Europe, the notion that a coach does not have to have been a player is uncontroversial: Maurizio Sarri, a career coach, leads Serie A with Napoli; Germany's Bundesliga has a whole phalanx of bright young managers with no playing experience, led by Hoffenheim's Julian Nagelsmann; Portugal has produced, in recent years, not only José Mourinho but Andre Villas-Boas, both of whom found life rather easier on the touchline than the field.
A special analysis done by FlexJobs and Global Workplace Analytics found that there has been a major upward trend in the amount of people working remotely in the U.S. But according to online remote job platform FlexJobs, finding a remote job comes with its own set of unique challenges: You not only have to demonstrate that you're the best applicant for the job but that you're the best remote applicant, says Brie Reynolds, FlexJobs' career development manager and career coach.
Source: Randstad 2020 U.S. compensation insights survey "As opportunity abounds for talented people and as social recruiting and the war for talent is in full force right now, women and men are being presented lots of opportunities that they can choose to pursue or not right now," Kathy Robinson, a career coach and founder of Boston-based Turning Point, tells CNBC Make It. And with the current solid job market, finding a new job may seem easier than attempting to negotiate for higher pay.

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