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123 Sentences With "build muscle"

How to use build muscle in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "build muscle" and check conjugation/comparative form for "build muscle". Mastering all the usages of "build muscle" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A person retains the ability to build muscle throughout life.
I wanted to eat more, build muscle, and be strong!
We build muscle on hills, we gallop on yielding turf.
We build muscle on hills, we gallop on yielding turf.
With the right work-to-rest ratio, HIIT can even build muscle.
Guinness is not going to build muscle or cure you of influenza.
Like, can taking hormonal birth control pills impact your ability to build muscle?
We often don't physically work hard enough to build muscle strength and power.
It's true that some people build muscle very quickly when they start lifting weights.
How much cardio should you do—if any—when you're trying to build muscle?
This matters because testosterone is an "anabolic" hormone, meaning it helps you build muscle.
And it isn't just about users who want to build muscle or lose fat.
They want strong, confident women in that show, so I am looking to build muscle.
These moves will raise your heart rate rapidly and help to build muscle, she said.
I chose the Build Muscle feature and the Get Lean tab as my secondary goal.
Six ways to build muscle, even if you don't have much time to work out.
Are you going to build muscle more quickly, for instance, if you train in the morning?
For people looking to build muscle, though, split training can be an effective and convenient method.
"Isometric" means exercises done in a static position with simple techniques that can help build muscle.
Adding these moves in intervals will help you build muscle, improve heart health, and increase endurance.
"I was trying to build muscle and Arnold Schwarzenegger is the king of bodybuilding," she says.
Some people like to say that lifting heavy weights is the only way to build muscle.
If weight training is more your style, try this: How to Build Muscle in 9 Minutes.
It's a strength-training method that people swear will help you build muscle faster than traditional workouts.
Meanwhile, a caloric surplus—eating more calories than you burn per day—is required to build muscle.
To sum it all up, it is possible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time.
But exercise is also key, Dr. Phillips continued, particularly weight training, since it is known to build muscle.
USADA categorically advises athletes against any sports products that promise to build muscle, or boost testosterone or energy.
Danielle also provided me with a comprehensive supplement plan to balance my hormones and help me build muscle.
There's no shortage of people and products making outrageous claims about how fast it's possible to build muscle.
Boards build muscle when they work together, and muscle is required across your company for the journey ahead.
She hired a personal trainer in June 2015, not to lose weight, but to build muscle and strength.
Having a meal or shake after your workout is the best way to build muscle and fuel recovery.
How to Build Muscle in 9 Minutes Want to get strong, but don't have time for a gym?
CrossFit also comes with a heavy dose of resistance training — the lifting, pullups, and pushups that help build muscle.
Instead of dieting and eating less to maintain her six-pack, she ate a little more to build muscle.
Eccentric contractions involve lengthening a muscle while contracting it and are known to potently build muscle strength and size.
"If a person doesn't want to build muscle," Dr. Petersen says, then icy baths after lifting might be worthwhile.
The bottom line: Make sure you have a healthy snack or meal soon after to build muscle and fuel recovery.
A lot of them can be great ways to build muscle because they have enough of the right amino acids.
This ensures that it is both palatable and actually good at doing what you want it to do — build muscle.
What it doesn't mean is that training with light weights and high reps is now the "best way" to build muscle.
I also lift weights to build muscle mass, and we do a lot of circuit training to turn that into endurance.
In addition to yoga, Odugba's exercise regime also consists of Zumba, swimming and boxing, as well as strength training to build muscle.
HGH is a synthetic hormone that supposedly helps people build muscle and quick metabolic function – though the science is dubious at best.
"He told me that I was 'skinny fat,' that I wasn't eating enough, and that I needed to build muscle," she says.
Alternatively, if you're already lean and you're looking to build muscle, you don't want to want to see Biggest Loser-type transformations.
Research shows that newbies seem to build muscle just as quickly whether a muscle is trained once or three times per week.
Every time we redirect and bring our attention back, it's like doing a rep, like when you lifting weights to build muscle.
She switched her racket and tried to build muscle through strength training, but it only made her feel uncomfortable on the court.
Synthetic testosterone is an anabolic steroid, the same drug bodybuilders and athletes inject to build muscle mass, just at a lower dosage.
"will also help you maintain and build muscle as long as you consume it before and after regular weight training workouts," she says.
Their skinny-shaming is a constant source of frustration for the actress, and she said in May that she wants to build muscle.
What it does mean is that the range of repetitions you can use to build muscle is a lot wider than previously thought.
Many people start working out to lose weight or build muscle, but exercise can also be a huge boost to your self-confidence.
Skin Deep Body-contouring procedures — nonsurgical treatments that promise to freeze fat or build muscle while you lie there — are soaring in popularity.
Hamilton trained in the desert with Green Berets, while doctors put her on a regimen of supplements and bioidentical hormones to build muscle.
If you've spent much time around serious weightlifters, you've probably overheard a few general rules of thumb about what it takes to build muscle.
It's tough for me to build muscle because I'm 55, but I'm amazed how my body has bounced back from how big I was.
If you're trying to help build muscle by downing eggs after a workout, a new study has some valuable advice: Don't ditch the yolks.
These carbs are rich in nutrients like fiber, which keeps us full and helps regulate digestion, and protein, which helps sustain and build muscle.
Generally, adults are in a steady state of maintaining tissue; exceptions might be a person trying to build muscle mass or heal from an injury.
That said, women produce less testosterone on average than men do, and studies suggest that hormone plays a role in determining how we build muscle.
Isometric exercises are done in a static position with simple techniques that can help build muscle, increase stamina, and decrease blood pressure and body fat.
Bike Lane Trainer Indoor Exercise Machine — $38.503 See Details You can build muscle with barely any equipment: You just need something heavy to pick up.
Torres, who will take on a starring role on the new USA show Pearson in July, said her other workout goal is to build muscle.
Most bands are sold in sets with a selection of different strengths so you can start with the easiest and upgrade as you build muscle.
If you're trying to build muscle, conventional wisdom has it that you can't work the same muscle groups two or more days in a row.
But here's the thing: Nuts—even though they're about 20 percent protein, roughly the same as meat—are a really crappy way to build muscle.
Strength training will help to build muscle — which encourages fat loss by increasing your resting metabolism — but that's about as far as the connection goes.
But people who are very active, in middle age, or are trying to build muscle or lose weight are often encouraged to get more than that.
If you exercise too frequently, or work the same muscle groups over and over again, then muscle tissue can't repair, and it's harder to build muscle.
Whole Body Vibration Fitness Machine — $200 See Details Whether you're trying to lose weight, build muscle, or just feel good, Gainful Personalized Protein Powder can help.
After 23 months of consuming healthy calories to bulk my bod, I'm now lifting heavy to shape & slowwly build muscle to get stronger," Mai began. "3.
Those peoples' sole intention is to build muscle and that's what they build, they don't have to worry about how fast they can kick or punch.
Some people build muscle very quickly when they start lifting weights, and see impressive results after only a few months—they're referred to as high responders.
Fats and carbohydrates are important for a driver's energy output, while protein helps build muscle mass required to drive the cars and handle high G-forces.
Routinely performing pull-ups during your workouts is one of the best ways to build muscle and get stronger — so long as you're doing them correctly.
A shake made from Garden of Life Meal Replacement powder offers you an excellent nutritional boost with ingredients that build muscle, deliver vitamins, and keep you full.
BSN Nutrition Protein Powder — save £10 This protein supplement contains six high-quality protein components and is ideal for bodybuilders and strength athletes looking to build muscle.
There are claims that drinking it can improve your skin, work wonders for your immune system, help build muscle, and can even be used as contact solution.
The aim, always, is to find ways to build muscle mass, burn fat, aid recovery and increase the ability of the body to expand its aerobic capacity.
Engaging his other senses for things like the feel of the ball and the cadence of Schmidt's voice, Olson was able to build muscle memory through repetition.
It's kind of a niche method that certain bodybuilders and gym rats thought up, and it took off with people looking to build muscle and lose fat, fast.
For example, there are mattresses that help premature babies build muscle, massage techniques that soothe babies and background sounds, such as white noise, that can help calm them.
By the end of the study period, 6.9% of boys said they had used supplements to gain weight or build muscle and 2.8% said they used anabolic steroids.
Rock Solid Adjustable Kettlebell This Rock Solid Kettlebell challenges the notion that you need large equipment to build muscle simply by giving you something heavy to pick up.
In order to build muscle or burn fat, you have to also be going to the gym or otherwise using your body to encourage tissue repair and growth.
At the time, I believed (wrongly as it turns out) that I wouldn't be able to build muscle if I went more than a few hours without eating anything.
Whether you're looking for a meal replacement, to build muscle, or just want to up your protein intake, finding the right protein bar for your needs takes some experimentation.
Many athletes and gym-goers are turning to a popular but potentially dangerous new pill to help them build muscle and gain strength: a steroid alternative known as SARMs.
But I&aposve been reading that too much cardio can be detrimental to weightlifting as it makes it much harder to build muscle and subsequently get that "toned" look.
To build muscle, you need to choose a weight or level of resistance that you have a hard time performing more than 10 to 15 times in a row.
"The only way you can really get in better shape and build muscle is by lifting weights," says Stone, who focuses on high-intensity circuit workouts rather than straight cardio.
Whether you're trying to build muscle or you just really want to stay full, a BSN Syntha-6 Protein Crisp Bar (12-Pack) is a great way to do it.
"If you're only eating fruit, you're not getting the fat your baby needs to build a healthy nervous system, the protein they need to build muscle — all of that," Sanders said.
Strength training The most important intervention against muscle loss is strength training, which helps build muscle and support the connection between nerves and muscle cells to maintain the muscle you have.
On a related note, anyone who's been in shape before will find it easier to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously when they return to training after taking a few months off.
The actress worked out with trainers to build muscle and strength for her role as Riley North, a mother seeking justice after her husband and daughter are killed in a drive-by shooting.
You don't need to be a born football player or huge playground bully in order to be able to build muscle slowly but surely using this biological process; literally everyone can do it.
Lifting heavy weights is certainly one great way to build muscle, but lactic acid training allows you to put your muscles under a lot of tension and stress in a safe environment, he says.
There's plenty of research to show that training with lighter weights and higher reps—the type of training that gives you a pump—is an effective way to build muscle in the long term.
Even if you're short on time, you can build muscle and endurance using only your body weight and a set of free weights with these two circuit training workouts created by fitness guru Jillian Michaels.
I told them that meat can be very good for growing boys and athletes, as its protein helps to build muscle, repair tissue, provide energy and balance mood — but it is by no means necessary.
That is, unless you're an overweight beginner, returning to exercise after a layoff, very genetically gifted, or you're on the sauce, you won't build muscle at anything like the same speed at which you lose fat.
In his conversations with experts, Stevenson offers balanced, evidence-based analysis of fads and fitness trends, and spends as much time on psychological well-being as on how to accelerate fat loss and build muscle mass.
The art of winding your way around pole like it's your job isn't easy, but it's a great way to build muscle and create a majestic-looking workout routine, explains NYC's Body & Pole Instructor Zoe Kantor.
The researchers can&apost say for sure what other factors matter, but they propose that genetically influenced physical traits such as how easily you build muscle mass, and even psychological traits like confidence, play a role.
Three times a week for 10 weeks, both groups of women did a total-body resistance training program (consisting of chest press, lat pull-down, leg extension, triceps extension, and arm curl exercises) designed to build muscle.
And plyometric exercises, or "plyos," are really good for you: A 2000 study found that doing plyometric exercises improved bone density in young women, and a 2004 study found that plyometrics helped build muscle and improve stability.
Rethink pre-workout carbs and post-workout proteinFortunately, the anabolic window (the time period after resistance training to which the body uses protein to build muscle) is actually much larger than previously believed, per one recent study.
Whether the goal is to get fit and healthy, lose fat, build muscle, rehabilitate injury, get strong, improve sports performance, gain confidence, or generally have a better quality of life, strength training is the most beneficial method of training.
Everyone understands that lifting weights to the point of discomfort is the only way to build muscle; the process of developing intellectual ability, including the ability to manage the stress that comes with it, works just the same way.
When you're trying to build muscle, the time that a muscle is "under tension" (aka working) during an exercise is just as important as the amount of weight you're using or the number of reps that you're doing, Karp says.
"In moderation, some behaviors such as eating more or different types of food to build muscle or bulk up may not be 'disordered,'" said Dr. Jason Nagata, a researcher at the University of California, San Francisco who led the study.
But while a lot of carbs could be detrimental to the average, sedentary American, there's not a shadow of a doubt that they're very important for active people and bodybuilders, who are typically advised to eat at least twice as much carbohydrate as protein when trying to build muscle.
I'm turning 50 and I'm happy with how I look, and it's not because I'm super skinny or I'm super hot — my body is serviceable, I'm healthy, and when I try and I work out and I try to build muscle and all those things, I like the way I look.
So many women (and I'm presuming you are a woman based on your mention of the ladies section in your gym) are still afraid of lifting because they think it's only for men who want to build muscle, and won't help them lose fat, but in reality this couldn't be further from the truth.
Read more: Meghan Markle and Jennifer Aniston use the 'time under tension' method to build muscle while burning fat — here's what that means "There's nothing wrong with your body changing or having physical goals so long as they're attainable for your body type and you're going about them in a healthy way," Wells explained.
We're talking about a motley group consisting of cancer patients (the immunological properties of human milk are thought to be particularly good at counteracting secondary chemotherapy effects and perhaps even facilitating healing), athletes (human milk is treated as a "recovery drink" that helps build muscle), and fetishists (for whom human milk is an erotic object).
The Man Food Project, headed by Dr. Emma Roe and Dr. Paul Hurley, brought together 22 men whose diets include only limited amounts of meat: "green men" who are exploring vegetarianism because of environmental concerns; "exercising men" who want to build muscle without eating meat; and men who rely on food sourced from food banks, and therefore don't get to eat much meat.
Before you were born, before your body was much more than heart, spine, bone, skin, blood, and vein, when you'd just started to build muscle, before you showed, bulged in her belly, as her belly, before your dad's pride could belly-swell at the sight of you, your parents were in a room listening to the sound your heart made.
This seems like a pretty wild finding, implying that drinking may even help women actually build muscle, but it's a one-off, and it's small, and no one has followed up on it; probably the safest thing to conclude is that drinking is maybe somewhat less bad for women's overall progress than men's, but it definitely doesn't mean to start supplementing your protein shakes with whiskey, because alcohol has many effects beyond what it does to your hormones: it's dehydrating, it's taxing on your digestive system, etc.

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