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132 Sentences With "body counts"

How to use body counts in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "body counts" and check conjugation/comparative form for "body counts". Mastering all the usages of "body counts" from sentence examples published by news publications.

She has tallied body counts after massacres in Sudan before.
" Residents were "required to participate in several daily body counts.
All wars have body counts, and class war is the same.
The tactics stemmed from superiors demanding increased body counts, prosecutors say.
Security forces have opened fire on unarmed protesters on several occasions, with high body counts.
It can lead to overreliance on military action and false measures of success like body counts.
Most heinous crime: Both The Countess's and Ramona's body counts for the season are very, very high.
Sharon believed that in a war against a terrorist organization, symbols were as important as body counts.
As recently as last year, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis openly disagreed with using body counts as propaganda.
Multiple American officials have told CNN in the past that the Pentagon does not officially tally body counts.
I mean, come on, did we learn anything from Vietnam?" he asked, adding, "Body counts make no sense.
Yet while Chicago's violence is real and, at times, startling, there are many cities with more disturbing body counts.
This is similar to reporting military victories on body counts -- it's flawed and not focused achieving the strategic objectives.
And with a car or truck, these killers can achieve large body counts in the heart of any metropolis.
But all of these incidents have been gruesome, both in their body counts and the details that emerged from them.
"There are books like gangster thrillers that have huge body counts, where men just go down like dominoes," she says.
The most agonizing decisions presidents make are invariably during wartime, especially when battles are lost and body counts pile up.
Over time we're seeing more mass shootings, in more public places, with higher body counts, and perpetrated by younger attackers.
If merely killing terrorists is the operational goal we are back to Vietnam's body counts and we know where that led.
The trade body counts some of the largest retailers and brands such as Macy's Inc and Adidas AG among its members.
They would call in air strikes whenever they could, which raised body counts but killed civilians or drove them to the Vietcong.
General Raziq was 17 when he picked up a gun, and for years he was known to boast about Taliban body counts.
We&aposll know that somebody has a hatred for America, wants to see U.S. troops failing overseas, once the body counts go up.
We're not necessarily looking for Game of Thrones-level body counts, but we do want to make sure that the show doesn't feel safe.
The philosopher is also wary of assigning the label "evil" only to events of massive scale, essentially basing our moral categories on body counts.
Those pictures, however, seemed largely like a relic from the past—the slayings, the wars, the body counts of a different time and place.
Although death, with the kill screens and body counts, is an active element in gaming, it's rarely presented so directly as in A Mortician's Tale.
No doubt other historians have been more blasé about larger body counts, but the author's excitement and levity makes the whole project a bit unseemly.
In the early 2000s, Colombia's military unlawfully killed as many as 5,000 people when soldiers were put under pressure to increase their combat body counts.
Game of Thrones feels different from Avengers: Endgame, or even Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker because Game of Thrones relies on body counts for gasps.
American generals spoke in a surreal language that the Beatles could only aspire to, devising "pacification" programs that increased body counts and made peace ever more remote.
They were not a band of rebellious "fraggers" assassinating their officers or marauding killers piling up body counts of the innocent in a haze of marijuana smoke.
Unlike the military's Vietnam-era leadership, which resorted to enemy body counts as a measure of success, officers in Afghanistan settled on a less controversial metric: spending.
Gun violence prevention advocates, on the other hand, argue that devices that allow users to shoot more bullets before needing to reload results in higher body counts.
The word major is necessary because there are now so many mass shootingsâ€"nearly one a dayâ€"that only those with particularly high body counts garner serious attention.
Taken together, disproportionally high body counts, unusual victims, and a violation of the safety of homes make these not-so-uncommon types of mass shootings seem especially cruel.
WASHINGTON — Taking a page from Vietnam War propaganda, the American military in Afghanistan has been widely publicizing body counts of Taliban and Islamic State fighters killed in battle.
Since 2001, commanders have debated the value of releasing body counts in Afghanistan and Iraq, where they have drawn inevitable and unfavorable comparisons to the quagmire in Vietnam.
The U.S. military has typically declined to give the number of enemy dead, to avoid the Vietnam War practice of using "body counts" as misleading measures of success.
People sometimes assume that Western opinion leaders turned against the war only after U.S. marines waded ashore at Da Nang, in 1965, and the body counts began to rise.
During his presidency, enemy body counts have been the lens through which Mr. Trump has viewed the Afghanistan war — an often meaningless metric in disrepute since the Vietnam War.
Unlike her previous films, "The Last Thing" is a fast-paced political thriller with car chases, shootouts and body counts that includes tight close-ups and impressionistic landscape shots.
Despite those body counts and the dire sheep-and-wolves worldview expressed in his latest book, Mr. Thor is relentlessly sunny and a natural, even compulsive storyteller in person.
The U.S. military typically does not tout the number of enemy killed, citing a desire to avoid the Vietnam War practice of using "body counts" as misleading measures of success.
When the final body counts are tallied, 22 will almost certainly go down as the most violent year in Mexico's modern history, after registering 103,210 homicides from January through October.
When the final body counts are tallied, 2017 will almost certainly go down as the most violent year in Mexico's modern history, after registering 23,698 homicides from January through October.
"There is a point when a community demands a response" to tricky but emotionally resonant shootings, Carter tells me—especially in the case of very public incidents with high body counts.
Its central cast includes three wisecracking assassins with good looks and hearts of gold, and the spiraling, frantic story lines allow them and their adversaries to run up prodigious body counts.
We became inured to our leaders lying in the war: the fabricated Gulf of Tonkin incident, the number of "pacified provinces" (and what did "pacified" mean, anyway?), the inflated body counts.
They want daily body counts, gunshots, and explosions all over Europe, mountains of the dead—not because that's their goal, but because it will prove that they were right all along.
Even speaking to professed murderers in The Act of Killing, Oppenheimer refuses to call them monsters, justifying their boasts about body counts as ways to normalize the guilt and shame they're feeling.
Blame the media for playing into the hands of those who use it by reporting only the body count and not the deliberate Hamas tactic that leads to one-sided body counts.
Although he told men that they could not simply shoot up a village to increase body counts, General Koster did not insist on an accurate account of the deaths at My Lai.
Some gun control advocates say the videos should be required viewing for elected officials because they show a visceral toll of gun violence that body counts and pictures from funerals cannot convey.
The Reapers, on the other hand, are cold-blooded assassins who measure their successes via body counts, and prefer to get their revenge from the shadows, with a long-range rifle shot.
For every game about outright monsters, like Hatred or Hotline Miami, there are a hundred epic stories that justify sky-high body counts by turning your enemies into one-dimensional avatars of evil.
If we don't want onerous regulations to infringe on a tradition we love, then we can't afford to stay quiet as body counts rise and politicians offer no more than thoughts and prayers.
The government's botched handling of past sieges, like Ruby Ridge or the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, have been disastrous, leaving behind unnecessary body counts and deep, meaningful scars in the cultural imagination.
RELATED: Trump, political uncertainty focus of counter-ISIS meeting But asked about the discrepancy between the US and UK figures, multiple American officials told CNN that the Pentagon does not officially tally body counts.
The war, he said, was barbaric, and the politicians in charge of it feckless liars who went so far as to falsify body counts to make it look like the United States was winning.
Rostow was one of the most avid followers of the weekly body counts, equating the number of enemy reported killed with military progress, as if he were reading the latest reports on grain production.
In reality, for Vietnam, longstanding tropes like "body counts" and "attrition," a mainstay of the historical narrative, have done little to advance a deeper understanding of what was always a complicated political-military affair.
Though praised for weakening the FARC and drawing record foreign investment, Uribe has also been blamed for the military&aposs killing of thousands of civilians who were falsely portrayed as rebels to inflate body counts.
While the American military made a point to stop publicly publishing body counts in September 22015, the metric — a discredited holdover from the Vietnam War — is still very much a part of the military campaign.
While the American military made a point to stop publicly publishing body counts in September 22015, the metric — a discredited holdover from the Vietnam War — is still very much a part of the military campaign.
The US is one of the only countries in which this happens with such regularity that experts now dispute whether mass shootings now happen that much more frequently or are just racking up higher body counts.
The body counts served as a grisly contrast to other metrics that paint a grimmer reality of the war effort — including high attrition rates in the Afghan military and the loss of territory to Taliban militants.
I definitely will watch it again, just as I will return from time to time to other great movies about overmatched forces in hard-won battles with high body counts, such as Saving Private Ryan or Zulu.
But against this grim reality, the U.S. military has been trumpeting the body counts of Taliban and Islamic State fighters killed in battle — an apparent strategy to drum up White House support for staying in the conflict.
Still, these results, especially the body counts, weren't enough for Allied commanders, who expected that search-and-destroy missions like the one at Ben Suc would kill or capture enough enemy troops to blunt the Iron Triangle.
"We are now no longer talking about one-off events, but a loosely coordinated chain of far-right attacks across the world, where members of these networks inspire — and challenge — each other to beat each others' body counts," he continued.
In contrast to the blunt irrevocability of American TV finales (which sometimes come with body counts), Julian Fellowes, the creator and writer of "Downton Abbey," said in a recent interview that he wanted a last episode that felt upbeat and open-ended.
These include more than 85033,000 "false positives" cases in which civilians—many of them young men lured to remote locations by bogus job offers—were shot dead and then reported as combat deaths to satisfy senior officers' eagerness for high body counts.
" Contrary to the way it was later portrayed in the press and history books, Westmoreland's war proved far more than a singular focus on attrition of the enemy and racking up high body counts simply for a "false sense of military pride.
Special Operations troops patrol in mine-resistant vehicles, heavily armed gunships patrol the night sky and, despite a torrent of attacks and militant body counts often championed in Pentagon news releases, the Shabab remains firmly entrenched in the countryside, with no indication that they're leaving.
Titus Andronicus posters are mostly frenzies of violence, although one is just a photograph of raw meat; another from 2013 by Annette Bowery for the Royal Shakespeare Company tallies the body counts associated with various fates (characters baked in a pie = 2; limbs cut off = 7).
The more containment succeeds—leading to less and less objectionable violence, fewer atrocities, and lower body counts, not merely on the American side but also among civilians caught up in the fray and among legitimate military opponents—the more likely it is that the war will continue indefinitely.
But some of the soldiers themselves spoke years later of orders that made them treat civilians like adversaries, let them fire weapons with little clear justification and measured success from body counts — the supposed enumeration of enemy dead that was likely to include anyone killed by American troops.
Colombia's military has been blamed for as many as 603,000 extrajudicial killings at the height of the country's armed conflict in the mid-2000s as troops under pressure from top commanders inflated body counts, in some cases dressing up civilians as guerrillas in exchange for extra pay and perks.
Since the Vietnam War, the U.S. military has shied away from body counts as a barometer of success, but Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland, the commander of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq, estimated in August that forty-five thousand fighters had been "taken off the battlefield" in the Islamic State.
In fact, the distinguished journalist and editor Richard Harwood questioned General William Westmoreland's body counts in a September 1967 Washington Post column entitled "The War Just Doesn't Add Up." This kind of writing set journalists squarely at odds with Westmoreland and his Military Advisory Command Vietnam (MACV), whose accounts were consistently upbeat.
The title of the gratifying, lurid new play by Aleshea Harris, which opened on Sunday night at the newly renovated Soho Rep Theater, is "Is God Is." And while that might sound a tad ontological for fans of pulp fictions with high body counts, rest assured that the God invoked here is definitely one of vengeance.
We're about cultural analysis and emotional truths, and the emotional truth of this situation is that losing Margaery blows, especially right before what looks to be a killer matriarchy in the seven kingdoms (plus Jon Snow.) In hindsight, though, Margaery's wily, smily soft power could be seen as obsolete in a world potentially run by women with very high body counts.
The obsession with "body counts" led to much exaggeration of the losses inflicted on the enemy as the officers with the highest "body counts" were promoted while also fueling a grisly competition between units to achieve the highest "body counts" that led to innocent civilians being killed to inflate their daily "body counts". It is generally accepted by historians that the vast daily losses that U.S. officers claimed to have inflicted on the VC were fabricated as many officers desperate for a promotion reported "body counts" well above what they were actually achieving. The U.S. Army sabotaged the efforts of Kennedy and McNamara to develop a more counterinsurgency role by simply declaring that the Army's basic unit, the division, was flexible enough to engage against guerrillas while also promising that the traditional fondness for using maximum firepower would not present a problem as firepower use would be "discriminating". In Vietnam, this led to divisions, whose size limited them and their supply trains to the road, using massive amounts of firepower against guerrillas who were often "nimble" enough to evade all of the firepower brought to bear.
The student body counts approximately 900 students today, from K2 (2 year-olds) to 12th Grade. There are 40 nationalities on campus – roughly 75% Moroccan, 25% American and other expat students.
Since Egyptian walled reliefs often told stories, battle descriptions with prisoners is common. Of note, stories, and hieroglyphs of piled dismembered body parts are known, partially to show proof of the body counts.
Spanish records of the time indicate that only few Apaches were killed in overall campaigns. The largest Apache body counts never numbered more than fifty dead, most likely due to the Apache's evasion tactics.
Corbucci's westerns were dark and brutal, with the characters portrayed as sadistic anti heroes. His films featured very high body counts and scenes of mutilation. Django especially is considered to have set a new level for violence in westerns.
The pressure to produce confirmed kills resulted in massive fraud. One of the most thorough studies found that American commanders exaggerated body counts by 100 percent. Furthermore there was little distinction made between armed combatants, neutral civilians and unarmed individuals for "enemy KIA".
On November 8, 2011 in the Zero Power Physics Reactor (ZPPR) in the afternoon a container leaked "plutonium-related" materials, when it was opened by one of the workers. All 17 workers at the incident were immediately taken to have testing done by the Idaho Cleanup Project in the form of Whole Body Counts (scans the body for any internal radiation exposure) and were required to submit urine and fecal samples to further test for internal radioisotopes. Six of them proved to be exposed to "low-level-radiation", two of them fairly extensively. All workers were kept under close observation afterwards with repeated Whole Body Counts and urine and fecal sampling.
Experts distinguish between population-based studies, which extrapolate from random samples of the population, and body counts, which tally reported deaths and likely significantly underestimate casualties. Population-based studies produce estimates of the number of Iraq War casualties ranging from 151,000 violent deaths as of June 2006 (per the Iraq Family Health Survey) to 1,033,000 (per the 2007 Opinion Research Business (ORB) survey). Other survey-based studies covering different time- spans find 461,000 total deaths (over 60% of them violent) as of June 2011 (per PLOS Medicine 2013), and 655,000 total deaths (over 90% of them violent) as of June 2006 (per the 2006 Lancet study). Body counts counted at least 110,600 violent deaths as of April 2009 (Associated Press).
Witch-hunts are practiced today throughout the world. While prevalent world- wide, hot-spots of current witch-hunting are India, Papua New Guinea, Amazonia, and Sub-Saharan Africa. While an unknown problem in vast parts of the Western population, body-counts of modern witch-hunts by far exceed those of early-modern witch-hunting.Behringer, Wolfgang 2004: Witches and Witch- hunts.
The casualty lists mounted as the number of troops and the intensity of fighting escalated. McNamara put in place a statistical strategy for victory in Vietnam. He concluded that there were a limited number of VC fighters in South Vietnam and that a war of attrition would destroy them. He applied metrics (body counts) to determine how close to success his plan was.
In the last 15 years Verder has worked with lung maturity diagnostics on gastric aspirates obtained at birth. By combining this diagnostic method with INSURE, Verder has worked to further improve the clinical outcome of RDS. The lung maturity tests used have been the microbubble test, lamellar body counts (LBC) and measurements of lecithin- sphingomyelin ratio (L/S) with chemometrics, involving a collaboration with Agnar Höskuldsson.
Some resources were shifted away from attrition towards counterinsurgency/pacification, and progress was made on the population base issue. However these reforms were haltingly implemented, and US forces largely continued to operate in the same way – seeking body counts and other attritional indicators, against an enemy that could always up the ante indefinitely by introducing more troops.Krepinevich (1986), pp. 23–258. Phases of the war and the conflicting US approaches.
Precisely is a dramatic sketch by the English playwright Harold Pinter. Pinter wrote "Precisely" for The Big One, a theatrical evening arranged by the peace movement at London's Apollo Theatre, on 18 December 1983. Directed by the author, the sketch concerns two men, Stephen and Roger, who argue about the exact number of a figure, whether 20 million or more. It becomes clear that they are talking about body counts.
My Life in Japan's Underworld At the time, local newspapers carried daily "scorecards" with the latest body counts on both sides. The war continued for several years, and the Yamaguchi- gumi eventually prevailed. It proved to be a Pyrrhic victory however, as many of the gang's members, including Masahisa Takenaka's high-ranking brother Masashi, were arrested in the ensuing police crackdowns. Realizing they were outnumbered and outgunned, many Ichiwa-kai members sought police protection.
He is also the mayor of Milford Borough, Pennsylvania. His memoir, Body Counts: A Memoir of Politics, Sex, AIDS and Survival (Scribner) was published in January 2014. Strub co-authored Rating America's Corporate Conscience (Addison-Wesley, 1985), a guide to corporate social responsibility, with Steve Lydenberg and Alice Tepper Marlin and Cracking the Corporate Closet (HarperBusiness, 1995) with Daniel B. Baker and Bill Henning. He is an inaugural member of the WikiQueer Global Advisory Board.
The McNamara fallacy originates from the Vietnam War, in which enemy body counts were taken to be a precise and objective measure of success. War was reduced to a mathematical model: By increasing enemy deaths and minimizing one's own, victory was assured. Critics note that guerrilla warfare and widespread resistance can thwart this formula. McNamara's interest in quantitative figures is seen in Project 100,000: by lowering admission standards to the military, enlistment was increased.
Its amphids are outlined; its oesophagus forms about 9–14% of its body length, and is slightly inflated at its anterior end; its posterior part (oesophagus) is overlapped by a large oesophageal gland with a substantial cell nucleus in the middle. Its excretory pore is located posterior to its nerve ring. Its testis slightly exceeds anteriorly the posterior end of the oesophagus. The posterior end of its body counts with two lateral U-shaped mounds.
Tokushi Kasahara, 南京事件 (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1997), 220, 223, 226-227. The third type of source is Japanese military records, which recorded the number of POWs the Japanese Army executed. However, Askew notes that Japanese units often exaggerated their body counts. When Yoshiaki Itakura, an independent writer who became one of the leading researchers of the Nanking Incident,Minoru Kitamura, The Politics of Nanjing: An Impartial Investigation (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2007), 6.
Critics have charged Ewell with focusing obsessively on "body counts" during the Vietnam War, causing his subordinates to inflate their numbers in an effort to demonstrate success by counting civilian dead as enemy combatants and committing atrocities.T. Louise Brown, War and Aftermath in Vietnam, 1991, page 191Nick Turse, The Nation, A My Lai a Month, December 1, 2008 David Hackworth, author of Steel my Soldiers' Hearts, was critical of Ewell's performance. Hackworth, who served in the 9th Division during the Vietnam War, wrote that in 1968 and 1969 the division was credited with killing 20,000 enemy, yet recovered only 2,000 weapons, suggesting that the numbers of enemy dead were vastly inflated.David H. Hackworth, The Horror That Will Never go Away, King Features Syndicate, May 1, 2001 According to Hackworth, Ewell's focus on body counts earned him the nickname the "Butcher of the Delta" from members of the 9th Division A 1972 Inspector General report concluded that there may have been as many as 5,000 to 7,000 civilian deaths during Speedy Express out of a total of 11,000 enemy combatants reported killed by troops.
Yamamoto cites Masao Terada, planning chief of Japan's 10th Army. Japan's casualties were undoubtedly dwarfed by those of China, though no precise figures exist on how many Chinese were killed in action. The Japanese claimed to have killed up to 84,000 enemies during the Nanking campaign whereas a contemporary Chinese source claimed that their army suffered 20,000 casualties. Masahiro Yamamoto noted that the Japanese usually inflated their opponent's body counts while the Chinese had reason to downplay the scale of their loss.
CBS' TV movie, Dark Night of the Scarecrow brought the genre to the small screen. Two sequels had bigger body counts and more gore than their predecessors, but not higher box office intakes. Friday the 13th Part 2 sold 7.8 million tickets and Halloween II sold 9.2 million. Both sequels sold around half of their original film's tickets, though they were still very popular (Halloween II was the second highest-grossing horror film of the year behind An American Werewolf in London).
In > Vietnam, the rules of engagement were such as to make an atrocity – the > slaughter of the My Lai villagers took almost a day rather than a white-hot > few minutes – overwhelmingly probable. The ghastliness was only stopped by a > brave officer who prepared his chopper-gunner to fire. In those days there > were no precision-guided missiles, but there were "free-fire zones", and > "body counts", and other virtual incitements to psycho officers such as > Capt. Medina and Lt. Calley.
The five are then assigned to the same unit and shipped to Vietnam, and as their ship docks, the shelling begins. Vietnam is a bewildering chaos: bureaucratic incompetence, callous officers concerned only with monthly "body counts" and the constant threat of death. The soldiers' first firefight occurs while they are taking "vital supplies" to an army outpost. Those supplies turn out to be crates of cigarettes, liquor and furniture being sent to a general for his birthday, and two men die in the fighting.
The war was the most destructive ethnic conflict in both terms of lives and property that emerged after the Soviet Union collapsed in December 1991.The casualties of the war are conflicting and exact numbers are unknown due to the fact that exact body counts were never properly ascertained by either side or by international organizations. In the initial years of combat, casualties were reported to be much lower than what was later asserted after the war ended. Most sources however place the figures near 25–35,000.
272 approvingly quotes Hunt (1995) > at p. 279 who, given the asymmetric, divergent politics of the war, doubts > the ultimate success of a pacification strategy in Vietnam.Cf., Châu with > Fermoyle (2012) pp. 290–291. Châu, despite his uneasiness and apprehension, > could understand the official American view of their leadership of the war > during the pre-Tet post–1965 build-up: actual military progress (however > dear in its cost, with its "body counts"), which came to include apparently > their "well-coordinated pacification program engineered by the CIA".
In Laos, Poshepny gained the respect of the Hmong forces with his actions in combat and his victories on the battlefield. He and his Hmong fighters collected the ears of dead enemy soldiers; on at least one occasion, he mailed a bag of ears to the U.S. embassy in Vientiane to prove his body counts. He also dropped severed heads onto enemy locations twice in a grisly form of psy-ops. He was wounded several times, but refused to leave his troops to be evacuated.
Reporters quickly began to refer to these daily briefings as the "Five O'clock Follies" due to their inaccurate reported body counts, general atmosphere of confusion, and numerous difficulties experienced in the presentation of the supposedly detailed information. Other issues and concerns with JUSPAO's briefings were numerous. The focus on American activities in South Vietnam essentially placed blinders on the press and public who rarely learned of allied operations. If maneuvers executed by the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) did merit acknowledgment, it was often done so in a negative fashion.
The first randomised study involving the INSURE method was published in 1994 and a second randomised study in infants less than 30 weeks gestation was published by the group in 1999. In the last 15 years, Verder has worked with lung-maturity diagnostics on gastric aspirates obtained at birth. By combining this diagnostic method with INSURE, Verder has worked to further improve the clinical outcome of RDS. The lung-maturity tests used have included the microbubble test, lamellar body counts (LBC) and measurements of lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio (L/S) with chemometrics, which involved a collaboration with Agnar Höskuldsson.
The character development of Andrea (Laurie Holden) was very criticized in this episode. Zack Handlen, writing for The A.V. Club, rated the episode B on an A to F scale, commenting: "The Walking Dead is good at the most basic mechanism of suspense there is, but there’s more to great storytelling than body counts." Eric Goldman at IGN was more critical, giving the episode a 6.8 out of 10, since the episode was very Andrea-centric, and has disliked the character this season. He did, however, enjoy the return of Tyreese and Carol's plan to kill The Governor.
An MBTA route 7 bus – the descendant of the streetcar route run in 1916 – on the bridge in 2017 Divers from the Hugh Nawn company began work at 9 pm; bodies were removed from the wreckage from 10 pm to 12:40 am. Forty-five bodies were discovered in the channel and the sunken streetcar; the forty-sixth victim did not wash ashore until May 1917. The Boston newspapers, each vying for the best story, reported body counts as high as 60. The streetcar was removed from the channel at 3:30 am by a crane on the wrecking lighter Admiral.
The CIA was impressed by Poshepny's ability to train paramilitary forces quickly and awarded him the Intelligence Star in 1959. Two years later, working under Bill Lair, he was assigned with J. Vinton Lawrence to train Hmong hill tribes in Laos to fight the North Vietnamese and Pathet Lao forces which were then trying to take over that country. Poshepny gained the respect of the Hmong forces with practices that were considered barbaric by agency standards. He paid Hmong fighters to bring him the ears of dead enemy soldiers, and on at least one occasion mailed a bag of ears to the U.S. Embassy in Vientiane to verify his body counts.
In May 1970, a sergeant who participated in Operation Speedy Express wrote a confidential letter to then Army Chief of Staff Westmoreland describing civilian killings he said were on the scale of the massacre occurring as "a My Lai each month for over a year" during 1968–69. Two other letters to this effect from enlisted soldiers to military leaders in 1971, all signed "Concerned Sergeant", were uncovered within declassified National Archive documents. The letters describe common occurrences of civilian killings during population pacification operations. Army policy also stressed very high body counts and this resulted in dead civilians being marked down as combatants.
In her discussion of the Battle of Bong Son, Fitzgerald discusses the futility of the US use of body counts to tally successes: "Furthermore, as the only 'indicator of progress,' it suggested that death and destruction had some absolute value in terms of winning the war. That the enemy might continue to recruit, rearm, and rebuild (often with the help of people enraged by the American destruction) did not seem to enter into the calculations." The book is one of the first to explore the Vietnamese shanty towns that developed around US bases. They were centers of laundry services, bars and food, and prostitution.
Several witnesses claimed that many of the municipalities throughout Tamaulipas were "war zones", and that many businesses and houses were burned down, leaving areas in "total destruction". The bloodbath in Tamaulipas has caused thousands of deaths, but most of shootings and body counts often go unreported. The complexity and territorial advantage of Los Zetas forced the Gulf Cartel to seek for an alliance with the Sinaloa Cartel and La Familia Michoacana; in addition, Stratfor mentioned that these three organizations also united because they hold a "profound hate" for Los Zetas. Consequently, Los Zetas joined forces with the Beltrán Leyva Cartel and the Tijuana Cartel to counterattack the opposing cartels.
Bait tactics exploited the US focus on body counts and its lavish use of firepower, including relatively ineffective Harassment and Interdiction (H&I;) fire. One related method was to occupy a hamlet or deploy near it, digging into positions at the treeline on the perimeter of the hamlet for attack or defense. ARVN or US forces would often counterattack by unleashing air and artillery strikes on the community, causing destruction to the persons and property of the civilians they were supposed to be protecting. The damage done, and protected by their dug-in positions, VC and PAVN fighters melted away at their earliest convenience, later repeating the cycle elsewhere.
Another VC/NVA variant was to let a few advance scouts show themselves briefly to US formations, hoping to lure them forward into a prepared trap. Since US forces were often eager for contact and body counts, this gambit was sometimes successful. One war history for example records the astonishment of an American unit that followed these lures, when above them, they observed what appeared to be the tree canopy moving. The "moving trees" turned out to be camouflaged VC recon elements that signaled for the trap to be sprung from entrenched bunkers, machine guns, and assault elements that hit the Americans from three sides, inflicting heavy casualties before pulling out.
Drake is a corrupt and greedy developer who is illegally dumping toxic waste into the mines around the small town of Clear Sky, causing mosquitoes to mutate into giant beasts that attack and kill anything, including humans. A lawman of the town sheriff, Roy Boone, and his reunited love Sarah Crosby, must put a stop to both the pollution and the bugs. The body counts keep rising, which causes the locals to feel that they have to move out of the city. Crosby and environmental inspector Gordon Perry try to find the origin of the waste, but certain people try to prevent them for doing so due to Drake's evil deeds, which involves some hitmen.
Finally, in 1970 she convinced the paper to transfer her to Saigon. As she said in the obituary she wrote for herself, she wanted to return "because she had been in that country in 1956 and wanted to go back to write about the Vietnamese people and the immense unhappy changes in their lives, not a subject widely covered by the huge press corps who were preoccupied with covering the military story." Among her first reports for The New York Times, Emerson exposed false "body counts" and "unearned commendations" to field- grade officers and the use of hard drugs by American soldiers. She also reported on the suffering of the Vietnamese people.
Although critical of the film itself, Variety singled out Campbell and Ulrich for praise as "charismatic", liking Cox's playing against type as the ambitious reporter Gale and saying the film had a "strong ensemble cast". John Muir, author of Wes Craven: The Art of Horror, was critical of the new characters introduced in Scream 2 - Derek, Joel, Cici, Hallie, Lois, Murphy and Mickey - stating that they never attained the same depth of character as Scream characters such as Tatum Riley, Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, or even minor characters like Principal Himbry. Muir cited the sequel's focus on increased body counts and violence as the cause of this discrepancy in the quality of the two films' characters.
"Hundreds of thousands of military personnel, civilians, Vietnamese nationals, intelligence experts, and analysts" collected and assessed the insurgency related information from 44 provinces, 257 districts, 2,464 villages, and 11,729 hamlets in South Vietnam to aid in decision making and charting the counterinsurgency strategy and tactics. The data was organized through catalogs and computer databases, such as, the Hamlet Evaluation System, the Terrorist Incident Reporting System, the Territorial Forces Effectiveness System, the Pacification Attitude Analysis System, the Situation Reports Army File, among others. Input metric varied from bars of soap distributed among the villagers to the "body counts" as a measure of the primary progress.FM 3-24/MCWP 3-33.5 Insurgencies and Countering Insurgencies, Headquarters, Department of the Army, 14 May 2014.
Steele, Jonathan (May 28, 2003). "Body Counts – The Western Media Focused on the Number of Civilians Killed in Afghan War, But the Country's Ill-Prepared Armed Forces Suffered Far Greater Losses". The Guardian. Retrieved September 2, 2010. An October 20, 2003, study by the Project on Defense Alternatives at Commonwealth Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, estimated that for March 19, 2003, to April 30, 2003, the "probable death of approximately 11,000 to 15,000 Iraqis, including approximately 3,200 to 4,300 civilian noncombatants."Press release (October 28, 2003). "New Study Finds: 11,000 to 15,000 Killed in Iraq War; 30 Percent are Non-Combatants; Death Toll Hurts Postwar Stability Efforts, Damages US Image Abroad" . Project on Defense Alternatives (via Common Dreams NewsCenter). Retrieved September 2, 2010.Conetta, Carl (October 23, 2003).
According to a UNESCO Bangkok researcher, statistics on human trafficking may be unreliable due to overrepresentation of sex trafficking. As an example, he cites flaws in Thai statistics, who discount men from their official numbers because by law they cannot be considered trafficking victims due to their gender.Feingold, David A. (2010) 'Trafficking in Numbers' in P. Andreas and K. M. Greenhill (eds) Sex, Drugs, and Body Counts (London: Cornell University Press) A 2012 article in the International Communication Gazette examined the effect of two communication theories (agenda-building and agenda-setting) on media coverage on human trafficking in the United States and Britain. The article analyzed four newspapers including the Guardian and the Washington Post and categorized the content into various categories.
Sometimes the collecting of statistics can become a substitute for a better understanding of the problems so the use of dubious KPIs can result in progress in aims and measured effectiveness becoming different. For example, US soldiers during the Vietnam War were shown to be effective in kill ratios and high body counts, but this was misleading when used to measure aims as it did not show the lack of progress towards the US goal of increasing South Vietnamese government control of its territory. Another example would be to measure the productivity of a software development team in terms of lines of source code written. This approach can easily result in large amounts of dubious code being added, thereby inflating the line count but adding little of value in terms of systemic improvement.
After the war, Ewell continued his Army career, and his command assignments included the 9th Infantry Regiment in South Korea during the Korean War, Assistant Commandant of Cadets at West Point, Assistant Division Commander of the 8th Infantry Division, and Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff for the Combat Developments Command. During the Vietnam War, Ewell commanded the 9th Infantry Division (1968-1969) and II Field Force (1969-1970). He later served as military advisor to the U.S.-South Vietnamese delegation at the negotiations for the Paris Peace Accords and Chief of Staff of the NATO Southern Command. Ewell's Vietnam service generated controversy, especially over concerns that his focus on "body counts" as a measure of success caused his subordinates to inflate their numbers by counting civilian dead as enemy combatants and by committing atrocities.
Family members of young people with banners before the military trial for the murder of 11 young people from Toluviejo, Sucre. The "false positives" scandal (Escándalo de los falsos positivos in Spanish) was a series of murders in Colombia, part of the armed conflict in that country between the government and guerrilla forces of the FARC and the ELN. Members of the military had poor or mentally impaired civilians lured to remote parts of the country with offers of work, killed them, and presented them to authorities as guerrilleros killed in battle, in an effort to inflate body counts and receive promotions or other benefits. As of June 2012, a total of 3,350 such cases had been investigated in all parts of the country and verdicts had been reached in 170 cases.
On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film received an approval rating of 88% based on 40 reviews, with an average rating of 7.19/10. The site's critical consensus reads, "With expressive animation, fun characters, and catchy songs, The Jungle Book endures as a crowd-pleasing Disney classic". In 1990, when the film had its last theatrical re-release, Ken Tucker of Entertainment Weekly considered that The Jungle Book "isn't a classic Walt Disney film on the order of, say, Cinderella or Pinocchio, but it's one of Disney's liveliest and funniest". Charles Solomon, reviewing for the Los Angeles Times, thought the film's crew was "near the height of their talents" and the resulting film "remains a high-spirited romp that will delight children—and parents weary of action films with body counts that exceed their box-office grosses".
The Israeli government tried for decades to assassinate Arafat, including attempting to intercept and shoot down private aircraft and commercial airliners on which he was believed to be traveling. The assassination was initially assigned to Caesarea, the Mossad unit in charge of Israel's numerous targeted killings. Shooting down a commercial airliner in international airspace over very deep water was thought to be preferable to make recovery of the wreckage, and hence investigation, more difficult. Following Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon, Israeli Minister of Defense Ariel Sharon created a special task force code named "Salt Fish" headed by special ops experts Meir Dagan and Rafi Eitan to track Arafat's movements in Lebanon to kill him because Sharon saw Arafat as a "Jew murderer" and an important symbol, symbols being as important as body counts in a war against a terrorist organization.
" John Tirman of The Washington Post wrote, "Turse forcefully argues the narrower question of how the government failed to prosecute crimes committed in Vietnam or Cambodia." Writing in Proceedings Magazine, the official publication of the U.S. Naval Institute, Richard Ruth, a professor of SE Asian Studies at the U.S. Naval Academy wrote: "Turse argues that the enormous toll of civilian victims was neither accidental nor unpredictable. The Pentagon's demand for quantifiable corpses surged down the chain of command, through all branches of the U.S. military, until many units had become fixated on producing indiscriminate casualties that they could claim as enemy kills. Under this system, killing was incentivized: those with high body counts not only got promoted more quickly, their units were treated better and enjoyed greater safety than those who missed their 'killing quotas'... The incentivizing of death encouraged some U.S. soldiers to rack up thousands of kills over multiple tours.
They were disputed by many individuals present at the battle, with reports by a D Company commander stating actual body counts as no more than 50. The official history of the D445 Battalion and 275th Regiment records either 30 or 47 were killed in total, primarily by artillery fire. Another estimate was 150 according to Colonel Bao who was overall district commander, but did not directly participate. The Australians estimated the VC had evacuated up to a further 350 casualties, including an unknown number of dead buried along the withdrawal route. With such losses representing the operational strength of two battalions, Australian intelligence assessed that the 275th Regiment, which had borne the brunt of the fighting, would be incapable of mounting a regimental-sized operation for several months, but the 275th Regiment carried out attacks against the ARVN 18th Division a week later. D445 Battalion, thought to have played a supporting role and to have suffered less heavily, was assessed as still capable of engaging forces up to company size, with a remaining strength of 300 men.

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