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"bluish" Definitions
  1. fairly blue in colour

246 Sentences With "bluish"

How to use bluish in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bluish" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bluish". Mastering all the usages of "bluish" from sentence examples published by news publications.

It's metallic, bluish-purple, and sports an amorphous, latticed spike plate.
When it's in good shape, the salt casts a bluish shimmer.
Blue Beat, a deep bluish-gray, brings to mind stormy waters.
The beard looks great, even if it's blown out and bluish.
See that tiny speck just to left of the bluish orb?
The next photo showed that the entire finger had turned bluish.
Ivy produces beautiful bluish-black berries in quantity when it matures.
Shah unscrewed the trap's bluish-white lure and took a whiff.
I even had a similar, bluish red dye to my hair.
Hamilton slapped him in the face, which had turned a bluish gray.
Peaceful prevail of afternoon, looking out at this bluish marvel the air.
Even now, there are brown wines tinted green, orange, or bluish purple.
His face had a bluish cast, and it appeared he wasn't breathing.
They didn't have any blood left in them so they were bluish.
"Peach Wind" (2019) has large orange-red lips and bluish-tinged teeth.
The bluish streak on the right is part of a persistent storm.
The people in town all have the same teeth—long, tinted bluish.
Possibly coincidentally, the Time cover image is also dominated by bluish tones.
Obama's last budget is the light bluish-teal color; Trump's is in red.
You can have this bluish-black color showing through from his hair stumps.
Each has been spray-painted monochromatically in magentas, greens, yellows, and bluish grays.
Sometimes it is yellowish and springy; other times it is bluish and murky.
The house itself in the background, pink with a roof of bluish tiles.
There's a lot of mold, greenish and bluish, coming out of the walls.
The snow, flat and unbroken in all directions, had acquired a bluish tint.
Daylight and black-and-white sequences result in a bright bluish-white screen halo.
The new images show rays of bluish material being ejected from the Ceres' surface.
When displaying a white screen, for instance, its curved edges exhibit a bluish shadow.
The new Hubble images show bluish lights that appear to dance over Jupiter's poles.
The bluestones (named for their bluish tinge when wet or broken) are considerably smaller.
As for the apparent bluish color of the blueberries, McSween said they're actually gray.
Due to lack of oxygen, there could be a bluish tinge under your nails.
Still, he said, the bluish glow was easy to see with the naked eye.
He did, according to the report, but even a year later the bluish color remained.
A bluish-purple humdinger bloomed beneath my right eye, spreading its tendrils down my cheek.
The optic cable comes alive, a pulse of bluish light flashing for precisely ten seconds.
Their faces soon wear a bluish cast; a distressing cough brings up the bloodstained sputum.
He cut it loose and the fish wriggled away, disappearing into the bluish-gray water.
Type I was the finest, thin with a fine white paste and translucent bluish glaze.
When he looked closely at the meatloaf, he saw the top was a speckled bluish-green.
Lips and nailbeds may have a bluish color due to lack of oxygen in the blood.
You don't see a bluish blazing field every day, and that's probably what got people hooked.
A tricky bit: The gene for the bluish, short-wavelength photopigment isn't on a sex chromosome.
This self-produced light, bluish in color, is thought to attract both prey and potential mates.
A dusky, bluish tonality suffuses the scene, which is discreetly accented with bits of bold color.
This man was wearing a bluish-gray wool cardigan, brown corduroy pants, and navy-blue sneakers.
At the center are two huge bluish gashes that from a distance suggest eyes, or wounds.
Outside a diner, under bluish curls of cigarette smoke, a crowd milled around in the darkness.
Lower Kelvin values equate to amber-toned hues, while higher Kelvin values are cooler and bluish.
LOS ANGELES — As the evening sky faded to bluish white, Yifat Oren, 103, surveyed her handiwork.
Moreover, New Jersey is a deep blue state, victories by bluish Republicans like Chris Christie notwithstanding.
We came up with bubbles, and there's a slight bluish tint that we played around with.
We are going to wake up to Aishwarya's Bluish Purple lips on the front pages, aren't we.
You can see it as a faint bluish gray glow around the particles in the video below.
And now a bluish gust of snow Brings in more folks you'll like to know: Here's Sen.
For fillets, whitefish flesh should be bluish to translucent in colour and the flesh should be firm.
The driver's door was open partway, but still the car was filling with bluish smoke like mist.
The old, dense, freshwater ice refracts light in such a way as to make icebergs appear bluish.
I recognized it from the thick magnetic strip in the back, the way it gleamed bluish-black.
The 2012 Republican redistricting coup has simply taken too many blue and bluish districts off the map.
"My legs and forearms were turning a bluish, grayish color, and I was terrified," she told the site.
I'm wearing a pair of loaners as I type, in a bluish neutral I would call Megalopolis Stealth.
These bluish, purplish jellyfish, called Velella velella, have bodies designed to allow them to sail away from shore.
Caution: Each device shines a little bluish-white light on the side to let you know it's working.
Nelson says model Alek Wek, right, is good example of a deep-skinned girl with cool, bluish undertones.
Last week NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the Sun in extreme ultraviolet light, shown here in bluish green.
Tell-tale signs of an overdose include unconsciousness, slow breathing, bluish-gray lips and nails, and gurgling noises.
The actress just traded in her trademark blond hair for a bluish-gray color — and it is gorgeous.
Here, Hughes paints simplified waves, rocks, a distant mesa resembling Wyoming's Devil's Tower, and a bluish-white sky.
In Nahuelbuta National Park, Chile, a tiny acari gets trapped by an elastic bluish thread of a spiderweb.
In some low light situations, however, Microsoft Pix can turn the warm light a little cold and almost bluish.
There's a bluish light that comes off of corona discharge on high-voltage transmission lines, especially when it's humid.
The poster's hues — red, a dark brown-black and a bluish aqua — lend it a dangerous Steampunk-like quality.
The oxygen-starved tissue is the reason for the bluish tint to the skin that's a symptom of methemoglobinemia.
Near midnight, the bluish twilight thickens briefly to a gaudy and stelliferous darkness, then an hour later reasserts itself.
Nose-deep in the patterns, the eye finds new forms and movement in the work's bluish-grey semi-circles.
The bluish skin gives the swimmers a deathly pallor, while the crepuscular light is just plain creepy and weird.
Squared-off bluish green lawns contrast sharply with the artist's network of showy geometrical shapes and unlikely color pairings.
"Cargill wants to buy from us," said Mr. Janzen, 38, as bluish smoke drifted from heaps of smoldering vegetation.
Type II's paste was more of a sugary white paste and a grayish-white or light bluish-white glaze.
This dynamic ensured Seattle's collar retained a bluish hue, even as the oncoming tech boom minted millionaires by the minute.
But shift your position off-angle just a bit, and you'll notice the color temperature changes to a bluish tint.
The cavalry horses appear in columns of two, mostly bluish-gray in the front row and sorrel in the back.
In the soft, bluish light and amid calm, cool breezes, the previous day's heat and humidity are just a memory.
Before my confetti shower, I used my bluish, gloved virtual hands to pick up parts and put them on a shelf.
The device itself was prone to nicks and scratches, as its bluish-black anodized aluminum case just felt kind of crappy.
"When buying fresh broccoli, look for firm florets with a purple, dark green, or bluish hue on the top," Magee said.
Its bluish-white shade is one that can easily be worn everyday, whether as a statement ring or super-thin bracelet.
In one photo, Oprah is shown with a long blond — almost white — braid, glittering lips and dramatic bluish-black eye makeup.
"Squeeze me," she might plead, begging the onlooker to relieve the pressure that's built up in her gurgling, swollen, bluish form.
In a YouTube clip of him performing on "Sullivan" in 1969, Dangerfield's face is the unsettling bluish-pink of raw chicken.
Ms. McClory, Captain Pierman's daughter, said her father did not believe that the bluish-white lights he saw were weather-related.
And then, I saw the walls of a bus stop kiosk reduced to a mound of bluish glass on the sidewalk.
In the freezing air (the temperature had dropped significantly since the rain started), my knuckles were bluish white around the handlebars.
Some New Yorkers point to the LED bulbs in streetlights, casting a bluish hue into their bedrooms at night, as culprits.
It is springtime: The trees are a profound, almost bluish emerald; the first reeds are beginning to sprout in the river.
This painting-cum-illustration and other, mostly bluish gray or brownish, crusty, and earthy images, are thick in surface and mood.
At high densities, these unsightly growths look like surface scum, and they can give water a bluish-green or greenish-brown appearance.
When I returned, the spectators had cleared, and in their place I found the anemic marble brick with its bluish, marshy veins.
The syndrome's name comes from the fact that the lack of oxygen causes the baby's skin to take on a bluish tint.
Salt crystals that look like small golf balls are typically more dog-friendly, she said, as is salt with a bluish tint.
The bluish eastern facade of the garage consists of a woven series of diamond-shaped aluminum panels, with apertures of varying sizes.
There is a red sphere, made of Portuguese marble, that recalls gaseous Jupiter, and another with the bluish-white tinge of Uranus.
The anthers (the male parts of a flower) are a bluish purple and stand out prominently in the center of each flower.
On Monday, Doug Kahn, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service in Cleveland, saw several bluish masses shifting and swelling over Ohio.
It turns out that the luciferase in the golden sweeper's light-producing organs also comes entirely from those snackable, bluish seed shrimp.
In fact, you can permanently see it on the display's curved sides, which are bluish compared to the rest of the display.
Koerner continues to work in the same medium, figuring ways to re-create the bluish quality found on old tintypes from the 1800s.
The bluish areas in the false-color image above show areas in which the red surface material was most disrupted by the impact.
"Cooler, bluish light is generally good for analytical thinking, while warmer bulbs are better for socializing and interaction with other people," says Augustin.
Looking closer, it was the white glaciers of the 17,000-foot peaks of the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, resting atop the bluish Andes.
The baby boy's skin had acquired a bluish-purple tint and he was spending most his days sleeping before the successful transplant took place.
The song's lyrics—"More than this / There is nothing"—combine with the "pale, bluish summer night" to produce in him a feeling of elation.
They zeroed in on clocklike wobbles in the starlight, as the colors shifted slightly to the reddish end of the spectrum, then slightly bluish.
The master bathroom is open to the master bedroom, and has an old iron tub set on wood blocks, surrounded by bluish glass tile.
He had the ceiling slathered in a thick layer of cement, which is sponge-painted in shades of ocher, brick red and bluish-gray.
There's a black bird flying towards the flux, against the backdrop of a bluish sky, with clouds the figure might reach out to touch.
Hovering over the bush, with their two-inch-long iridescent bluish-purplish-black bodies and singed-tangerine wings dizzyingly aflutter, they looked like dancing fairies.
ACAI — pronounced AH-SAH-EE — refers to the acai palm tree, found near the Amazon River, as well as the bluish-purple berries it produces.
At twilight, the sounds of generators echo through the valley and Mildoel lights a single candle to punctuate the bluish darkness in his small home.
A group of day laborers stood around and toed bluish, thumbprint-size scuffs on the sidewalk, marks of the ricocheting bullets that eventually killed him.
To view the work, one must walk underneath a wooden structure with bluish-green lighting that houses two large screens, placed across from one other.
Nightfall came quickly and the bluish Chinati Mountains disappeared in the darkness as we turned onto U.S. 217, a two-lane road leading into Marfa.
After taking minocycline to treat inflammatory arthritis for 15 years, the whites of the man's eyes began to turn a bluish shade, as did his ears.
Poking at your smartphone before bed makes it harder to fall asleep because the cool, bluish glow of its screen tricks your body think it's daytime.
The difference is that most of these states are solidly blue, while the others are Bluish-Purple, meaning Republicans are unlikely to seize control anytime soon.
Tucked away amid dense forest and surrounded by wildlife, Tim and Hannah's Tahoe, CA tiny cabin boasts a storybook view of treetops and purple-bluish mountains.
No longer present in the place where we actually are, we become social zombies, faces lit gruesomely from below by the bluish light of our screens.
The small-c conservative approach is understandable, but it's also very hard to see how he wins reelection in a bluish state without taking some risks.
Ditto for Colorado, which has turned from red to bluish over the last decade or so as Californians increasingly head for the hills, so to speak.
Abrams uses dark bluish purple and periwinkle -- a more creative take on traditional blue Democratic tones -- along with peach -- a nod to Georgia -- and aqua green.
Here's Mr. Modi on a super-bright video screen talking about his Clean India campaign, the bluish glow lighting up countless pilgrims sleeping on the ground.
That day, he was getting treatment for a pressure ulcer on his feet, which were hanging from his wheelchair, wrapped in white gauze, and looking bluish.
The bright spot associated with the lander is probably another specular reflection, and there are two smaller bluish extensions that are the solar arrays, plus their shadows.
There's no attempt to vary this, and everything has a vaguely bluish tint over it, like the whole story takes place at 6:30 am in November.
But the veterinarian caring for "Smurf" -- named for the bluish-indigo hue of his fur -- is worried the kitten's plight will inspire further mistreatment of helpless animals.
A white coating made with titanium dioxide and some neutral, light-absorbing pigment will appear bluish if the coating's particles are small and yellowish if they're big.
No porch lights to mark our path, not even the bluish glow of our devices, which we stowed to conserve battery power while the networks were down.
Next, she removes her contact lenses and puts on horn-rimmed glasses that hide the bluish eyeshadow a makeup man hastily applied two minutes before the show.
From the next arch hung bunches of flowers shaped like miniature bananas but in the most artificial-seeming shade of bluish-green, a shocking crème de menthe.
Ms. Wu also pioneered cold stinky tofu, which is served covered with crispy flakes of seaweed-flavored batter, the edges of the tofu slab a bluish-gray.
Behind it the emerald-green pasture rises to two dramatic crests that look like waves, but they're rolling with streaky, bluish-white sky instead of ocean foam.
The then-25-year-old Rhode Island resident had visited an emergency room complaining of fatigue, muscle weakness, and, most alarmingly, a bluish discoloration of her skin.
Top off your new look with a tinted lip balm, a bluish-black eyeliner, and a nose ring, and you're Maeve's favorite turn-on: a complex female character.
Shot between 2010 and 2015, they're a strangely-hued set of bluish-green and lavender-toned dreamscapes, the layers of their depicted environments flat and shiny like mirrors.
Some of the stars shine with a hot bluish color, but many of the more massive ones have become red giants and glow with a rich orange hue.
They're trying to give those monkeys a fourth photopigment, one derived from an opsin in some gerbils that's tuned to a peak sensitivity between our bluish and greenish.
In fact, what the brain then does with that information is determine where that color falls on two sets of choices: reddish versus greenish and bluish versus yellowish.
They want to better understand how the brain factors in illumination when calculating the color of an object, and how people see yellowish colors differently than bluish ones.
Jameel Ahmad Parry, a laborer, sat on a boulder, with his arm around his daughter, a fifth grader, watching dense streaks of bluish smoke risk into the sky.
Los Angeles has also embraced LEDs in its streetlights, though the city chose a bulb with a bluish cast that critics say has only worsened the light pollution.
With a current enrollment of 21977 students, it is situated in a small liberal town that is a bluish dot in a largely Republican area of Southwest Ohio.
Walls of anthracite coal embedded with bluish-green cullet (waste glass culled from the kiln during glassmaking) became a trademark, as did doors decorated with dime-store ashtrays.
This contrast between clear, unobstructed light, as it comes through ordinary transparent glass, and the bluish light that appears when glass is etched, reoccurs often in his reliefs.
So explorers of the area will come across dapophet, which looks like aloe vera, or goblin thistle, which has a twisted trunk and bluish leaves, among many more.
The moments between fights are bathed in bright neon lights amid the bluish hues of Berlin, and the scenes linger long enough to highlight a stunning attention to detail.
If you happen to be see some trippy red and bluish-green clouds adorning the sky over the US eastern seaboard this evening, don't worry: You are not hallucinating.
The vagina, cervix and vulva, which are the lips around the vagina, can take on a bluish cast in early pregnancy due to increased blood flow to the area.
Aidan thinks about the linen room at work, where all the clean sheets are stored, folded up tight in the wooden slats, bluish-white, smelling of powder and soap.
While Uranus — with its bluish-green tint — may look inviting from afar, any visitors to the seventh planet from the sun will quickly find out, it's quite the stinker.
"Hard-line Yellow (Echo)" (1991) contains two centers of gravity — a red oval and a tilted yellow rectangle embedded into a bluish ground that resembles stippled and mottled limestone.
A thin, elegant slab of bluish glass designed by his partner Henry Cobb, it was nearing completion in 1973 when sheets of glass began popping out of its facade.
On another Lincolnalia hunt in Pennsylvania, Mr. Holzer discovered a bluish-black print of a young, beardless Lincoln that had been used to advertise his nomination for the presidency.
Consider the 2018 midterms, in which Democrats did well in statewide races across the board: The point isn't just that Klobuchar won in an only slightly bluish Midwestern state.
You can get bluish-brown or gray marks in old scars, including acne scars, or a gray tinge in sun-exposed skin such as the face, ears, neck, and hands.
Enter undertones, the hint of color you see beneath your skin that ranges from warm (yellow or golden), cool (pink, red or bluish) and neutral (a mix between the two).
Warm yellow light is around 2,700 Kelvin, white light is about 3,000K, bright white light is 3,500K to 4,100K, and bluish white light is 5,000K to 6,500K, according toConsumer Reports.
Wait like you waited for the tacos de huitlacoche, delicate parcels bearing nutty-scented clusters of the bluish-black corn fungus known as corn smut or corn truffles in English.
CHICAGO — As the autumnal bluish orange sky faded to black on Tuesday night over this city's North Side, Cubs fans gathered at Wrigley Field not exactly sure what to expect.
If a child does get the flu, the CDC says emergency signs to look for in children include fast breathing, bluish lips or face and a fever above 104 degrees.
The head sits above a model of the digestive system whose principal components (a yellow stomach, a green pancreas, a bluish large intestine) are the colors of the Brazilian flag.
But when that is not available, good quality artificial light — bluish light in the morning, and warmer yellowish light in the afternoon — to simulate what is happening outdoors will do.
However, because there are so many shades of gray — from those with bluish undertones to more natural variations — the color must be versatile enough to compliment a variety of skin tones.
The bluish-purple chassis seems to be slightly thinner than the iPhone 6S Plus, with other alterations like a slimmer font, a different antenna set-up, and a new docking option.
When you think of eyebrow tattoos, you probably think of those straight lines, often bluish-gray or some other weird color, that look like they were drawn on with a crayon.
These early metallurgists probably made copper by mixing charcoal with bluish-green copper ore (found naturally in the region) and then heating the mixture in a potted crucible over a fire.
Lunaris, a cool-toned iridescent shade, goes on almost clear and reflects bluish depending on how the light hits it; Solaris mirrors warm, orangey sunlight, in the same transparent opal base.
" There are also a few suspect occurrences of "as"; however, that may not matter, since the simile itself may be precisely what it says, "as insignificant / as bluish flowerets or tea.
In her poem "Mayday," she wrote of the experience: All you left, breast full, blood heat, the bluish milk, fell in the void of your leaving and destitute, my arms raged.
Captain Pierman agreed, and headed northwest over West Virginia where he saw as many as seven bluish-white lights that looked "like falling stars without tails," according to a newspaper report.
I decided earlier this year to replace my bathroom vanity lights, a pair of decades-old fluorescent sconces that gave off a shrill hum almost as irritating as their bluish hue.
Fluorescence, a bluish glow produced by ultraviolet rays from a lamp or the sun, is a characteristic of 25% to 35% of diamonds, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
Fluorescence, a bluish glow produced by ultraviolet rays from a lamp or the sun, is a characteristic of 25% to 35% of diamonds, according to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).
Nearly all the town's buildings are whitewashed and take on a chalky bluish color in the late afternoon — the uniformity creates a delicate simplicity (and provides for some wonderful photo opportunities).
Unfortunately for the squeamish, the cause was the stuff of nightmares: The woman's eye had become home to a hard, bluish mass of nearly 30 contact lenses held together by mucus.
The wood for the stove comes from a pile near the house collected from surrounding scrub and forests and the bluish smoke that rises once the fire is lit engulfs Dhavkar.
The algae can turn the water bluish, green, red, or brown, and have become a particular problem in Cape Coral, where the blooms have taken over local canals, stinking up the area.
Video released by the immigration institute showed Couch wearing a bluish camouflage-print hoodie, being escorted out of the detention center before dawn, and being escorted onto the plane by four agents.
That arc of bluish light highlights the brighter star-forming region of that galaxy, otherwise invisible to us without SDSS J0333+0651 doing all the heavy lifting of, you know, bending space.
Virginia was a red state until recently, but a combination of demographic change inside the state and the shifting demographic compositions of the two parties has given it a distinctly bluish hue.
Nevada has become bluish; it went for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and a Senate seat left open by retiring House Minority Leader Harry Reid was easily won by Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto.
The Shangri-La Hotel rises up as a sleek tower along Colombo's scenic Galle Face drive, a 210-story rectangle of steel and bluish glass with unobstructed views of the Indian Ocean.
Faced with bluish-gray bricks and adorned with elaborately carved, oxblood-red lintels, the rowhouses call to mind a radically compacted version of the terraced workers' housing found in northern English cities.
There's the pearly bluish Twilight Tint, the purple-flecked Lavender Steel, the rosy Crushed Bloom, the white Snow Rose that gleams pink in the light, and Synthetica, a coral-pink with gold pearls.
The lips are usually red, but they can take on a bluish colour (cyanosis) in people with heart problems, due to the failure of the cardiovascular system to deliver oxygenated blood to tissues.
The gem-rich island nation of Madagascar is the only known source of gem-quality grandidierite, a translucent bluish-green stone discovered in 2000 and named for the 21960th-centuryFrench explorer Alfred Grandidier.
For Democrats, it was a chance to reclaim the governorship in a once-bluish purple state that was trending red and to put a dent in any lingering White House ambitions Walker might have.
Recently, the district administration was sent a video by an angry male resident that showed a Chinese-farmed field awash with bluish-gray slime allegedly created by chemicals and an irrigation project gone awry.
While not necessarily diagnostic for Covid-19, the CDC also designates other experiences — like trouble breathing, pain or pressure in the chest, or bluish lips — as emergency warning signs that require immediate medical attention.
The fireball showed up in the ninth galaxy photographed, as a new bluish pinprick of light in the outer regions of NGC 2500, a swirl of stars about 130 million light-years from here.
Parisi's graphics are rendered in a shadowy color palette of bluish purple, red, green, and bright yellow, drawing from the aesthetics of noir comics to evoke the Gotham-like energy of grimy crime-ridden NYC.
Horrified Surgeons Discover 27 Contact Lenses in Woman's EyeImage: BMJWhile prepping a 67-year-old female patient for routine cataract surgery at England's Solihull Hospital, physicians noticed a strange bluish blob in one of her eyes.
The green bile produced by these lizards contains high levels of biliverdin—the same pigment that sometimes give bruises their bluish-green appearance (fun fact: it also gives some bird eggs their blue and green color).
But if you slow down the clip, you can see that it's a woman with bluish hair, a mask, and a white face: This aligns with a character in Marvel's comic books known as Proxima Midnight.
Most babies are diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot in the hospital shortly after birth, either because they have a bluish discoloration or because their blood oxygen levels (as recorded by a pulse oximeter device) are low.
Though they're hard to distinguish during flight, peregrines can be identified by a yellow circle around their eyes, a slate gray to bluish back, a light-colored underside with some brown horizontal barring, and yellow talons.
They provided a visual contrast to the great masses of aging men in bluish suit jackets, and they were a particular delight to photographers, who stalked them like rare animals, which in a way, they are.
Mr. Borisov's comet underwent an astronomical rite of passage of sorts in October, when the Hubble Space Telescope got a good look at it: a white knuckle at the head of a bluish fan of light.
Stare at a bright, bluish light — like the one from your smartphone, tablet or television — and your body sends a signal to your brain to stop producing melatonin, a powerful hormone that helps you fall asleep.
In her subway mosaic, Al-Hadid portrays the woman as a sweeping silhouette, a ghostly penumbra that leaves a bluish cloud of smoke behind here in what appears to be a petrified forest of white trees.
As a result of the Victorian preservation process—the washing and bleaching of human tissue—Harris's work captures the otherworldly aesthetic of preserved organs: their bluish and purplish hues, which resemble the marbling found within natural stone.
Selena Gomez wore a bluish-gray pair at the Victoria's Secret show; Kanye West had on blue ones at the Met Ball, and Zayn Malik donned a freaky orange set in his "Like I Would" music video.
"I just happened to be looking in the right direction, and I saw this formation of bluish-white lights, slanted from upper left to lower right, and I said, 'Ooh—watch this guy,'" he told the room.
Ubiquitous Energy has developed transparent solar cells to create its ClearView Power windows, a kind of "solar glass" that can turn sunlight into energy without needing the bluish-grey opaque panels those cells are generally associated with.
In a work dominated by bluish blacks, a lone steel lattice tower — one of the very few man-made artifacts in these paintings — weathers a wintry storm at sea, distantly echoing J.M.W. Turner's late paintings of shipwrecks.
The shifting angle of sunlight as the seasons march forward has illuminated the giant hexagon-shaped jet stream around the north polar region, and the subtle bluish hues seen earlier in the mission have continued to fade.
Her abusive husband views her vegetarianism as an act of rebellion, while her brother-in-law becomes obsessed with her increasingly emaciated figure and her bluish birthmark, and lures her into performing in his sexually explicit video art.
For starters, putting a notch on a laptop just seemed like a weird holdover from Asus' phone business, and its bluish silver and copper orange color scheme sometimes made it hard to see the letters on its keys.
" Nevertheless, Burt said, his team's impact spherule hypothesis "explains their spherical shape, their strict size maximum (caused by their suspension in a turbulent gas), their very wide and uniform distribution, and their unusual bluish, shiny appearance and mineralogy.
Rather than stick to one shade, she combines two: Dou Dou, a berry hue with a "bluish undertone," and Petal, a mauve with a "brownish undertone, similar to a burnt rose," for a balanced result that adds dimension.
Circadian lighting aims to keep the body's internal clock aligned with the 224-hour diurnal/nocturnal cycle by emitting bright bluish light during the day to suppress the melatonin that our brains produce as a natural sleep aid.
You know how lemons, if left too long in the bowl, one or two from time To time will show a blush of green, a dimple or a bruise of bluish green That overnight becomes a whitish bloom?
As trucks and cars rumbled by in the faint winter sun, I gazed in awe at the ice below my feet, a bluish black platform cleaved by cracks — all that kept us from plunging into the frigid depths.
The selfsame fractal structures are still there, but their palette is a monochromatic black and white that looks almost like a bluish chrome, with the shapes moving at a languid, molten pace that mirrors the ambient electronic track.
But beyond the soft glow of bluish white light an outside observer may notice pulsing behind the right side lens, you'd have to get up close and personal to tell a user was wearing a computer over their eyes.
Doctors are injecting the soft tissue underneath the eye with carbon dioxide, which is said to increase the blood flow in the capillaries, and change the bluish circles back to a healthy skin tone color, a treatment called Carboxy.
"The change from a bluish color to a more golden hue may be due to the increased production of photochemical hazes in the atmosphere as the north pole approaches summer solstice in May 2017," NASA wrote in a statement.
The CDC says that you should seek medical attention immediately if you have difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent pain or chest pressure, an onset of confusion or the inability to stay awake, and bluish lips or face.
I spent more time photographing the LF-1 than I did any other car at the show, thanks to the way the orange headlights complement the beautiful gold finish, which all gel nicely with the bluish-purple accents on the inside.
The child's skin blanches and turns bluish, as if slowly suffocating; then, just as suddenly, the skin blushes and the eyes bulge and roll upwards, white with terror as the pain slashes the child's head like a thousand sharp knives.
In the researchers' latest study, published Friday in the Journal of Archaeological Science, a portable X-ray fluorescence detector was used to study 60 qingbai ceramic bowls and boxes, which get their name from the bluish-white glaze covering the porcelain.
Hama: Houmeissa (Sahel Sounds) A Nigerien composer whose short electronic instrumental pieces combine the sweeping and the dinky, Hama likes to imagine clubs in the future, where guests sip on bluish-purple beverages and dance to an array of vintage synthesizers.
It's a work in which the artist appropriates the line, "I am not tragically colored," from Zora Neale Hurston's celebrated 37163 essay, "How It Feels to Be Colored Me," and stencils it in bluish-black oil repeatedly on a wooden door.
The trip is a rare foray to a bluish state by Trump, who hasn't held a rally in a state Clinton won since October, when he appeared with three Republican incumbents in southern Illinois in the run-up to the midterm elections.
With the black of the sky as a backdrop, and the bright bluish-white glow of the street light hovering above like a low-hanging moon, the faces of the men who rushed Tiny appeared to her as hovering, disembodied fright masks.
The giant 225/21.6-218 Pirelli slicks are slightly exposed from behind, giving you the full sense of just how much rubber is on the ground, and the sharp edges of the center exit exhaust tips are already a bluish-purple tint.
One of the London-based textile designer Althea McNish — "Althea McNish" (1950) — draws its beauty from the geometry of its shading (McNish appears fragmented, like stained glass), the gentle gaze of its subject, and for her implied background: somewhere bluish, rich, and subtle.
Marie's red lips pop against the bluish green water of a swimming pool while Florette's red fingernails tease the back cover of a magazine that — in a gift of photographic serendipity, Lartigue's signature sense of humor, or both — also features a woman with red fingernails.
The first victim Brown describes is 15-year-old Jackie English, who went missing in the autumn of 27.953 after working the late shift at her waitressing job and whose body was found a few days later ("swollen, pale and bluish") in Big Otter Creek.
Surely there is a better use for this technology and a better way to honor our legends than floating the bluish wraiths of the long dead back out onto the festival circuit to spook audiences by affecting their mannerisms to pre-recorded backing tracks.
Despite their cold tones and nearly archival presentation (each bottle is portrayed against a white background that appears grayish/bluish against the off-white paper), the empty glass containers, rigid and clean against a pale, frail-like, trembling background, resonate with strong emotional contents.
"I made this impulse purchase because I fell in love with the bluish-green color of the leather, but ended up carrying it less than 10 times because it didn't match any of my clothes," she said, trying to resell it for around 10,000 yen ($90.56).
During their first week, in 2001, volunteers searched along the lower edges of the canyon walls that frame the valley for the bluish-white fossils that stand out among the brown and gray rocks and bright yellow grasses — "developing their bone goggles," Dr. Schumacher calls it.
" This year's pick is Ultra Violet (903-290), a bluish purple that, the company asserts, is associated with the counterculture, nonconformity, mindfulness and visionary thinking, and that "suggests the mysteries of the cosmos, the intrigue of what lies ahead and the discoveries beyond where we are now.
As color video pictures streamed across the gulf of space, the astronauts collected bluish-gray and tan rocks four billion years old, drilled eight-foot heat-probe holes and journeyed to a 7,000-foot mountain called the South Massif and to the edge of a deep crater.
I packed my gowns, tried and failed to get spray-tanned — after four months in an Off Broadway run of "Finian's Rainbow" I was not merely pale but computer-screen white, with bluish overtones — and took my husband and three young daughters, who had blessedly been invited.

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