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351 Sentences With "birthrate"

How to use birthrate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "birthrate" and check conjugation/comparative form for "birthrate". Mastering all the usages of "birthrate" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That's a 22015 percent decline from the teen birthrate in 2009 — and a 64 percent decline from the teen birthrate in 1991.
A drop in the birthrate would indicate that many women heeded the advice, but the national health statistics office takes 18 months to tally up each year's birthrate.
And the birthrate among staff "went up dramatically," Hall said.
People are living longer, and the birthrate is extremely low.
The total global birthrate is 2.4 births per woman today.
Japan's birthrate is one of the lowest in the world.
As the low birthrate continues, wages are beginning to rise.
Other factors are less obvious, such as birthrate of employee families.
The hope is that Real Baby might solve the declining birthrate.
I assume the birthrate wasn't the only reason you've been away.
That's because Japan's birthrate is declining, as is its overall population.
As the birthrate plummets in South Korea, rural schools are emptying.
Demographers point to China's falling birthrate, aging population and gender gap.
The declining birthrate itself has the potential to exacerbate economic strain.
The McAllen region, in fact, boasts five hospitals and a high birthrate.
Margot Sanger-Katz Here's an indicator of prosperity and optimism: the birthrate.
Since 2002, the Arab birthrate has stabilized at about 40,000 per year.
But this time around, the birthrate has not recovered with the economy.
The birthrate for Hispanic women fell 31 percent from 2007 to 2017.
The Canadian community with the highest national birthrate did not trust itself yet.
The birthrate in the United States has dropped to a 30-year low.
As prenatal screening tests improve, the birthrate of people with Down has fallen.
Since the program began, the teenage birthrate has dropped more than 40 percent.
Affordability is not the only factor that influences the shifting birthrate, Dr. Beveridge said.
South Korea Dispatch As the birthrate plummets in South Korea, rural schools are emptying.
Its aim is two-pronged: improve work-life balance and lift the local birthrate.
If it looks anything like the past, don't expect the birthrate to change soon.
America's teen birthrate has hit a new low, marking the seventh straight year of decline.
The grants were for the study of contraceptive agents, not reduction of the local birthrate.
Japanese women have often accomplished this by giving up on motherhood —hence the declining birthrate.
Because the government wanted Romania's birthrate to soar, this decree banned women from having abortions.
But by 2017, the district had fallen 36 ranks, to a birthrate of 3.7 percent.
For female whales, entanglements help explain the 40 percent drop in the birthrate since 2010.
Thanks to their high birthrate, the Haredim double in number every 10 to 15 years.
If we let our birthrate get down below the replacement rate, we're a dying civilization.
The world's birthrate is now peaking — probably forever — at about 134 million babies a year.
Given the high birthrate among strictly Orthodox Jews, the character of Jewish Jerusalem is changing.
Hundreds of thousands of young people have left the country, and the birthrate has dropped.
It's not even the country with the lowest birthrate: That title goes to South Korea.
Then, the birthrate in the United States and in countries around the world is falling.
For example, the teenage birthrate in the United States is also at a record low.
In the last few years, even the out-of-wedlock birthrate has finally stopped climbing.
There's one line that takes a dramatic nosedive: the teen birthrate, which has halved since 2007.
And this dramatic drop in the teen birthrate has contributed to the overall decline in fertility.
By 2015, though, Germany's declining birthrate and declining religiosity had taken its toll on the sisterhood.
Ended formally in January after 35 years, the policy accelerated a decline in the country's birthrate.
Other indicators also improved dramatically — for example, the teen birthrate has fallen 60 percent since 1991.
The outreach day is a bid to raise the falling birthrate among an increasingly aging population.
Given the high birthrate among Hasidim, the development, they said, could more than quadruple Bloomingburg's population.
This concern, conscious or unconscious, is no doubt contributing to the United States' record-low birthrate.
The birthrate among women in their late 20s declined by 3 percent in 2018, it said.
The drop in the teen birthrate is a reminder that not all the trends are grim.
America's teen birthrate has fallen by half over the past decade, a stunning public health victory.
"Also, they don't want to deliver their baby," he said referring to South Korea's declining birthrate.
Italy's birthrate is the lowest in Europe, and unemployment among young adults is about 35 percent.
The birthrate for teenagers has dropped 23.98 percent from its peak in 22014, the agency said.
China, whose birthrate dropped in the 1970s, finally has enough jobs to balance its labor market.
In the chart below, you can see the birthrate stratified by the age group of American women.
That's remarkable: In less than a decade, the United States' teen birthrate has fallen nearly in half.
In 1991, the year the teen birthrate peaked, there were 61.8 births for every 513,000 teenage girls.
Not mentioned, but likely also extremely important, is the decrease in the birthrate of lower-income families.
The country's birthrate fell 3.5 percent in 2017 and is thought to have fallen again last year.
But Japan's low birthrate — one of the lowest in the world, in fact — is the biggest reason.
The data suggests the birthrate fell most sharply among teenagers, who saw a decline of 262.5 percent.
The Bedouin birthrate, among the highest in the world, has been increased by the practice of polygamy.
Many of those factors might be driving the overall trend in the birthrate data, Ms. Martin said.
Chinese main official population statistics have often masked a steep falloff in the birthrate, Mr. Yi said.
Viewed in this light a birthrate that is lower than replacement is a simple biological survival mechanism.
The "songs" of black holes may be responsible for a declining birthrate of stars in the universe.
Though multiple factors have contributed to the overall decline, the teen birthrate has declined by 2003% since 2007.
Specifically, it increased the birthrate by approximately four births per quarter for every 10,000 women of childbearing age.
Interestingly, the birthrate among women 30 to 44 is going up, thanks to reproductive technology such as IVF.
The falling growth rate can reportedly be attributed to the nation's low birthrate and a rising death rate.
The island's birthrate is about 10 per 1,000 women, and nearly 100 women a day become pregnant here.
In the 2017 survey, the area's birthrate had jumped to 6.3 percent, the seventh highest in the city.
And with America's birthrate sagging and baby boomers retiring, immigrant labor will be critical to sustain economic growth.
Following a significant drop in the birthrate after the 2008 recession, women are continuing to have fewer children.
They concluded their paper by framing the issue in the context of another official priority: China's declining birthrate.
Like the United States and most developed countries, China has a birthrate that is well below replacement level.
And the teenage pregnancy rate and teenage birthrate right now are at record lows in the United States.
If northeast China were its own country, it would have the lowest birthrate in the world, says Attrill.
New federal data shows that from 2007 to 2015, the teen birthrate fell by 48 percent in urban counties.
Some reports state Palestinian birthrate exponentially outpaces that of the Israeli birth rates, potentially jeopardizing the Jewish state's identity.
Japan's birthrate has been declining for years and hit a record low of eight births per thousand in 2014.
But in Europe (fertility rate: 1.6), North America (1.86), and Asia (2.2), low birthrate is becoming a serious problem.
Analysts discussed whether a royal baby might help Japan's sagging economy, or portend a reversal of its declining birthrate.
Were this the extent of the story, and the data, a low birthrate wouldn't constitute much of a concern.
The birthrate in the United States, which has been falling for a decade, reached a new low in 2016.
The twin birthrate has declined in the United States after rising for years, a new report said this week.
He has struggled to fulfill his previous promises of jump-starting the economy and pushing up the country's birthrate.
They have seven children — already unusual in a country with a low birthrate — and Kiyomi is eight months pregnant.
The preterm birthrate — babies born before 37 weeks of gestation — increased to 9.84 percent from 9.63 percent in 2015.
By 1980 the nonmarital birthrate for college-educated women was 5 percent; it grew to 11 percent in 2013.
Some local doomsayers predict that South Korea will become "extinct" in several centuries if it maintains its current birthrate.
Shirley BoardmanPompton Plains, N.J. To the Editor: Anna Louie Sussman paints a grim picture of our nation's declining birthrate.
Another major concern is the country's declining birthrate, a result in part of decades of a "one-child" policy.
In this chart, you'll also notice another, related good news story: that the birthrate has actually increased for older moms.
But here we are in 2016, with the economy recovering and the teen birthrate declining as quickly as ever before.
By 2016, the country's birthrate rose 7.9 percent to 17.86 million, according to China's National Health and Family Planning Commission.
Masako Mori, a former minister in charge of gender equality and measures to combat the declining birthrate, will replace Kawai.
But China's birthrate is still low, about 1.2 children per woman in 2015, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.
The millennial generation has fewer sexual partners than its parents, and the teen birthrate has traced a two-decade decline.
We can measure their success by the zeroed-out birthrate and the truckloads of Amazon boxes full of inflatable companionship.
Figures released last month show that the country's birthrate fell by 4803 percent in 2480 compared with the previous year.
Perhaps it will happen in the coming decades, with the United States birthrate falling to a record low last year.
An aging population and a declining birthrate among the native-born population mean a shrinking work force in many areas.
The US birthrate is the lowest it's been in 32 years, and it's partly because millennials can't afford having kids
Although Mexico's birthrates have fallen, it has a huge surplus of workers from its high birthrate in the recent past.
And Japan's birthrate and inward immigration rate are low—as a result, the population is not only aging, but shrinking.
The map also ranked the regions by birthrate, and provided information on benefits local governments offered to families with babies.
But in Scotland foreign workers help offset a birthrate at a 20163-year low and keep the rural areas economically viable.
In a 2009 speech railing against the Affordable Care Act, King said its contraceptive coverage threatened the birthrate of white Americans.
The country also has the highest birthrate in the world, with women in Niger giving birth to seven children on average.
The father of four daughters, Kato was tasked by Abe in 2015 to find ways to boost the rock-bottom birthrate.
This is a nation where the only visible threat to the totalitarian regime (until the bombing) is a catastrophically low birthrate.
The U.S. birthrate dropped to a 32-year low in 2018, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
It is an answer to Canada's aging population and slowing birthrate, and an effort to shore up the nation's tax base.
California, which has one of the world's 2000 largest economies, recently released data showing the lowest birthrate since the Great Depression.
But he waxed enthusiastically in another interview about the beneficial effects that leaving the European Union would have on Britain's birthrate.
For example, many used to argue that the depressed teen birthrate might reflect the recession leading to more cautious decisions about childbearing.
In-The-Know: The U.S. birthrate is the lowest it's been in over 100 years, thanks, in part, to decreasing teen pregnancies.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported last week that the birthrate among American teenagers had fallen to a historic low.
The birthrate for women between the ages of 15 and 44 hit an all-time low at 59 births per 1,85033 women.
The result was a decline in the native birthrate that, given time, would have meant a leveling off of the U.S. population.
The marriage rate is way down, and despite a high out-of-wedlock birthrate American fertility just hit an all-time low.
NPR's Bill Chappell reported that in 2018, the US birthrate fell to its lowest level in 32 years, according to CDC data.
That the census district, which includes nearby Windsor Terrace, had the third highest birthrate in the city last year is more surprising.
In the televised debates featuring the main candidates, the discussion was peppered with references to Spain's low birthrate and its neglected interior.
There were several reasons for this, including substantial levels of Hispanic immigration, a high teen birthrate, and, some speculated, America's exceptional religiosity.
The birthrate has declined and net migration has slowed, which Mr. Woolf ascribed to Americans' increasing preference for cities and dense suburbs.
With a declining birthrate and the economic necessity that more women work, Japan desperately needs more fathers to help out at home.
For those living within three miles of the plants, the preterm birthrate was 5.1 percent after closing compared with 7.0 percent before.
If current birthrate trends continue, the Jews will likely become a minority, with all of the negative governing consequences that will entail.
The decrease in the birthrate among teenagers — 9 percent from 2015 to 2016 — continues a long-term decline: 8.633 percent since 1991.
In a 2012 book by the French philosopher Renaud Camus, he argued that all Western countries were reckoning with erasure by birthrate.
Abenomics aims to raise the birthrate, among the lowest in the world, to 1.8 children per woman from the current 1.3, Sakai said.
"You have to assess the risk in making such a recommendation of how it will impact the birthrate of a country," he said.
In rural counties, the teen birthrate fell 37 percent — still a remarkable decline, just not quite as significant as the change in cities.
But she says some numbers are telling; the U.S. birthrate is showing more births among women in their later 225s than early 225s.
For this same five-year period, however, the live birthrate from thawed eggs was just below 24 percent, he said in an interview.
The declining national birthrate isn't just a sociological concern — it also holds perilous economic implications for several industries, including, most recently, maternity apparel.
The key factors driving down the birthrate are not mysterious: The pregnancy rate among young women is falling, and has been for years.
Despite the Pew findings, Lyman Stone, an adviser at Demographic Intelligence who writes about demographics and economics, remains concerned about the national birthrate.
A sharp and steady decline in the birthrate since the Great Recession means births are no longer such a powerful driver of growth.
The teen birthrate has plummeted rapidly since the mid-2000s — and a new study suggests better use of birth control is entirely responsible.
Child Trends found that 225 was the first year in which American women ages 22007 to 22017 did not have the highest birthrate.
The U.S. and Canada ban Boeing's 737 Max 8 jets, Britain prepares for another Brexit vote and China grapples with a falling birthrate.
And in part, that explanation still holds — especially when it comes to the plummeting birthrate among teenagers, a good thing by all accounts.
We should use the concerns about the lagging birthrate to add urgency to the fight for a more just, equal, and feminist future.
But last year, the birthrate in the United States dropped to 21956, approaching the dwindling rates in the European Union, China and Japan.
They tend to be well educated and have large families — a boon for a province with a low birthrate and an aging population.
The birthrate conversation — and the question that goes with it, of women's continued freedom — has become a key recruitment tool for white supremacists.
The latest numbers, released recently from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, showed that the birthrate was back up to 62.9 in 2014.
She toured college campuses spreading their basic message: The birthrate is dropping, and women need to fulfill their biological destinies to counteract the trend.
The birthrate for black and Hispanic teenagers is still above average but has dropped significantly over the past two decades, and especially since 2009.
This is a solvable problem: Both increased immigration from poor countries and better integration of women into the workplace should raise a country's birthrate.
But if rich countries want to stave off serious economic problems down the line, they need to start dealing with their birthrate problems soon.
Second, Palestinian authorities have, historically, promoted a high birthrate among the Arab population as a way of undermining the Jewish state by demographic means.
Thanks in part to this decline in birthrate, for the first time in U.S. history, there may soon be more elderly people than children.
The second one shows two black babies with the slogan "No Race Suicide," implying that a high black birthrate threatened white supremacy, she said.
The components of population change are birthrate, death (mortality) rate, and in- and out-migration either from within the United States or from abroad.
The politician, Per-Erik Muskos, 42, a member of the center-left Social Democratic Party, said his proposal could help lift the town's birthrate.
China's official birthrate — the average number of children born by each woman — is much lower than the rate given in state statistics, he said.
But just as important is understanding that immigration has been mitigating the effects of our shrinking workforce, a lower birthrate and an aging society.
And yet its birthrate has converged with the rich world much more quickly and completely — which has two interrelated implications, both of them grim.
Furthermore, three separate, state-level studies found that after the Hyde Amendment took effect, the Medicaid birthrate increased by an average of 13 percent.
The CDC also states that, in the United States, the preterm birthrate for black women is 1.5 times greater than the rate for white women.
" Basically, "national conversation" once described what Americans were already talking about — education; the birthrate; Billy Paul's eternally scrumptious 1972 slow jam, "Me and Mrs. Jones.
In a normal year, that would mean about 236,214 infected pregnancies, but the birthrate is dropping rapidly, said Jose A. Lopez, the health department's demographer.
In Borough Park, for instance, the consistently high birthrate can be partially attributed to the large Hasidic community, whose members tend to have more children.
Uzbekistan, with a population of 34 million and a high birthrate, is unable to provide enough jobs for a bulging youth population, Mr. Roberts said.
According to Dr. Ajello's data, the birthrate of stars rose slowly for the next 2 billion years, reaching a maximum about 10 billion years ago.
The birthrate in the United States is the lowest it's been in 22.1 years, we recently learned, and the decline is spreading across age cohorts.
The biggest falls have been among younger women, but last year the birthrate even declined for women in their 30s, an unusual development, demographers said.
Moderate Republicans ought to join them, as should all lawmakers who share the goal of lowering the teenage birthrate by the most effective means possible.
The teen birthrate has fallen dramatically because of better access to contraceptives (and perhaps other factors), but other aspects of the decline are less benign.
Despite a low birthrate, there are not enough day care slots for children, and women still do far more housework and child care than men.
The US birthrate is the lowest it&aposs been in 32 years — and that&aposs not the only change in birthing patterns happening right now.
Mutou said the government might announce a small supplementary budget for the year through March, aimed at areas such as lifting Japan's falling birthrate and education.
In those countries, a lower birthrate over time would be a good sign, as it tends to correlate with economic development and more education for women.
China's birthrate has been declining rapidly since the 1980s and has become a pressing concern for President Xi JinPing as he looks to develop the economy.
The most fruitful area in 303, Crown Heights South, Prospect-Lefferts and Wingate, in central Brooklyn, had a 9.5 percent birthrate, the highest in the city.
South Korea's birthrate has been plummeting in recent decades, falling to less than one child per woman last year, one of the lowest in the world.
The rise of Gilead was an extreme response to a collapsing birthrate, and the handmaid role was supposedly created for the sole purpose of redistributing fertility.
The birthrate jumped that year, reflecting the exuberance of those longing for a second child, but it dropped again in 513, prompting the reconsideration now underway.
"To eliminate the concerns of the masses and sustain the birthrate, we need to focus on the practical difficulties in fertility and child-rearing," it said.
Some on the right have, absurdly, blamed the shrinking birthrate on abortion, even though abortion rates are also as low as they've been since Roe v.
Faced with a rapidly aging population, the government has been trying to increase the national birthrate, which dropped last year to the lowest level since 703.
China's birthrate will determine the size of the work force sustaining its economy, and the data indicated that stagnation could occur in coming decades, he said.
More welcoming immigration policies could help ease our economy's ability to absorb the effects of a labor shortage problem, a lower birthrate and an aging society.
The New Health Care One of the biggest American public health victories of the last decade has been the record low reached in the teenage birthrate.
The warehousing of Japan's most vulnerable highlights the paradox in a country struggling with a stalled birthrate and ballooning social welfare costs as the population ages.
Experts on both sides of the abortion debate pointed to a simultaneous decline in the birthrate, a long-term trend that has accelerated in recent years.
"It is hard for me to believe that the birthrate just keeps going down," said Kenneth M. Johnson, a demographer at the University of New Hampshire.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews, the fastest-growing segment of world Jewry because of their high birthrate, look down on secular knowledge and most reject a university education.
Context: Calls to enforce the law have grown as the country has tried to reverse its falling birthrate, now one of the lowest in the world.
According to Steven Mosher, president of the U.S.-based Population Research Institute which opposes government attempts to control population, China is entering a "low-birthrate recession".
Mr. Abe's goal depends on raising the birthrate to 1.8 children per woman, up from 1.4 now and higher than it has been since the early 1980s.
Consequently, the US birthrate is at its lowest in 32 years, Bill Chappell for NPR reported, citing a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
If Japan doesn't turn its birthrate problem around, or somehow make each of its workers a hell of a lot more productive, it's in for a disaster.
Mr. Salvini and his allies contend that an erosion of the traditional family by liberal values has contributed to Italy's troublingly low birthrate and loss of identity.
The application noted that Texas had the nation's highest birthrate, with more than 400,000 births in 2015, more than half of which were paid for by Medicaid.
Government statistics show Japan experienced its largest natural population decline ever in 2018, CNN reports, with a record-low birthrate and deaths hitting a post-war record high.
When the birthrate drops below the replacement level, cities and towns, jobs and organizations will either start to be abandoned or will be taken over by other people.
To boost the country's birthrate, the world's lowest, the government has poured billions of dollars into various subsidies for families and children from birth through university and beyond.
Of the racial groups that were affected by the declining birthrate, Asian-Americans, American Indians and Alaska Natives were hit the hardest, with a decline of 3 percent.
It is an island with a high birthrate, and there had been no measles outbreak since 2003, so it had a huge pool of susceptible children and teenagers.
" Reversing Italy's plunging birthrate has been made a priority of his ministry, and Mr. Fontana has chastised officials in Brussels for arguing that "an aging Europe needs migrants.
Of course government efforts to raise the Western birthrate, France's included, have been no more obviously successful than Western-sponsored efforts to cut birthrates elsewhere in the world.
In the past decade the CDC has reported the average teenage birthrate has dropped more than 40 percent, due to the help of the TPP and similar programs.
"I think that the numbers from the National Bureau of Statistics are quite reliable," said Lu Jiehua, a population researcher at Peking University, referring to the birthrate estimates.
Hong Kong (CNN)China's birthrate in 2019 hit its lowest level since the founding of the People's Republic in 1949, according to official statistics released by Beijing Friday.
A former education minister, Hirokazu Matsuno, said in June that if men took paternity leave it would help more women work and potentially help increase the country's birthrate.
ROME (Reuters) - Italy's future is threatened by its diminishing birthrate, President Sergio Mattarella said on Tuesday, as new data showed the population had shrunk once again in 2100.
In recent years in Denmark, policy makers have been so concerned about the birthrate that they started to offer sex education classes focused on procreation rather than contraception.
For every $1.00 per pupil increase in funding for pregnancy-prevention education, the teen birthrate went down by 63 per 1000 in conservative states compared with moderate states.
Taiwan has an aging population and a low birthrate, which will push the total costs of care upward with a smaller base from which to collect tax revenue.
Sweden has managed to keep its birthrate above 1.8 children per woman — but only by making it far easier for women to return to work than in Hungary.
Tanaka's record age is symbolic of Japan's fast-ageing population, which coupled with its falling birthrate is raising concerns about labor shortages and prospects for future economic growth.
Several economists recently argued at the Hill that given the birthrate news, "changes in Social Security eligibility should be put on the table" — including raising the retirement age.
And that's why the teen birthrate decline is such good news: It opens economic doors for teens that parenthood can often close, both for themselves and their eventual children.
China's one child policy has led to a plunging birthrate, a shrinking workforce, and a rapidly aging population, imposing enormous costs on the Chinese economy in the coming decades.
Some of the once-fastest-growing counties in the United States are growing no more, and nationwide, the birthrate has dropped to levels not seen since the Great Depression.
The government has tried other tactics, including a mass publicity campaign encouraging Hungarians to have more babies as the birthrate lingers at 1.4 percent, below the European Union average.
"I think we really need to have a sense of urgency — from the top down and the bottom up — to encourage families to resume a healthy birthrate," she added.
Maine has the oldest population in the nation, largely because of a drop in the birthrate during the 1990s that has not been offset by migration into the state.
The government's eagerness appears to be driven in part by growing concern over the economic impact of the nation's plummeting birthrate, now one of the lowest in the world.
During the Great Depression, when one in four American adults were out of work and many homes still did not have indoor plumbing, the birthrate plummeted, as did hope.
By offering such contraceptives, Colorado has cut the birthrate and abortion rate among teenagers by half in the last seven years, saving the state tens of millions of dollars.
When teenagers and low-income women in the state were offered free IUDs, the teen birthrate dropped by 40% and the abortion rate decreased by 42% from 2009 to 2013.
Add to that fears of a demographic imbalance fed by the high birthrate among Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, and it's no wonder that women like Noga are on the defensive.
More than halfway through the answer, Macron said that one key challenge facing Africa is places where women still have "seven or eight children," a birthrate he called continuously destabilizing.
As the birthrate declines for the seventh year in a row, there are fewer and fewer new parents to buy diapers, and almost all major diaper brands have taken hits.
The Horizon Group is building a 260-unit condo at 230 Webster Avenue, in the Kensington area of Brooklyn, part of the district with the highest birthrate in the city.
Next, Fuchs brought up the 1950s baby boom and discovered that some of her students didn't realize that the country's birthrate is lower today than it was in the past.
"China is an aging society and our study provides an additional motivation for the country to reduce ambient air pollution for the sake of enhancing the birthrate," the researchers wrote.
He argues that Japan will need to spend on assisting its aging population and on young families, whom the government is counting on to drive up the country's flagging birthrate.
For every $1.00 per pupil increase in funding for abstinence-only education, the teen birthrate rose by 0.30 per 1,000 in conservative states compared with moderate states, the researchers found.
Like Hungary, France introduced financial incentives in 2005, but since then its birthrate has remained at around 1.9 children per woman, said Sarah Harper, a demography professor at Oxford University.
Instead, many naturally found the map insulting, and feel that its creation shows that the government doesn't understand the complexity of South Korea's low birthrate issue, or where it stems from.
" He even seemed to view the catastrophic famine as a reasonable punishment for India's high birthrate, telling his war cabinet that the famine was Indians' own fault for "breeding like rabbits.
"Since the birthrate in Turkey is so high, we can expect to see an additional million people added to the U.K. population from Turkey alone within eight years," Vote Leave said.
The native-born birthrate of Americans will surely not keep pace with the additional workers the U.S. will need to make up for the loss of those workers due to retirement.
"Italy has a terrible combination: low birthrate, low women's employment and high risk of child poverty," said Alessandro Rosina, a professor of demography at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan.
Mizuho also announced a five-year business plan saying it needed to be able to respond quickly to structural changes, including Japan's low birthrate and the industry's increased use of technology.
Paternity leave has been catching on in some countries, particularly those facing a declining birthrate and an aging population, as a way to encourage women to stay in the work force.
Dr. Cha Hee-jae, president of the Pro-Life Doctors Association, said some obstetricians became abortion providers because the declining birthrate had made it hard for them to earn a living.
Children are plentiful in Afghanistan — the average birthrate is about five per woman — and in this country mired in war, they have repeatedly stunned me with their ability to conjure joy.
Even in families with a mother or father, a high birthrate — it is not uncommon for Rohingya to have six or seven children — means that parents struggle to feed their families.
And the national birthrate, measured as the number of births per every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 to 44, also took a drop for the fourth year in a row.
So how do we change our currently biologically dysfunctional culture to one in which the maximum number of young women can find happiness in marriage and children and restore a positive birthrate?
But population experts say it would be virtually impossible to prevent that even if the birth rate rose to Abe's target of 22012 children per woman from the current birthrate of 1.4.
But the birthrate situation is much worse in Japan than in most places, due to the country's Three Treasures system as well as other factors, like its very low level of immigration.
But with the birthrate declining and baby care companies eager for ways to up their bottom line, diapers joining the ever-growing ranks of personal care products made "smart" might be inevitable.
The area of Morris Park, Pelham Parkway and Laconia, in the Bronx, had the second-lowest birthrate in the city in 2012, with fewer than 2 percent of women there giving birth.
New federal data shows that the teen birthrate in the United States has declined from 41.5 births per 1,000 teenage girls in 2007 to 20.3 births per 1,000 teenage girls this year.
Michelle Goldberg Opinion Columnist Last week, the National Center for Health Statistics reported that America's birthrate reached a historic low in 2017, falling to 1.83 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age.
Since then, however, the teen birthrate in the United States has fallen to an all-time low, Americans have become less religious, Hispanic immigration has slowed, and Hispanic fertility rates have declined.
It's partly because millennials are delaying marriage, which is causing them to have kids later in life: The US birthrate is at its lowest in 32 years, Bill Chappell for NPR reported.
The reasons for the falling birthrate are no doubt complex, but the gap between desired and "completed" family size (as the lingo has it) suggests a grim and cleareyed sense of reality.
Without a substantial increase in the birthrate or loosening of staunch Japanese resistance to immigration, the population is forecast to fall to about 108 million by 2050 and to 87 million by 2060.
Since the 1960s, there has been a consistent gap between intended and total fertility, even as the number of children American women desire to have and the total birthrate have declined over time.
In more recent years, however, the country has tried to reverse its falling birthrate, which is one of the lowest in the world, with an average of less than one child per woman.
Japan's population is shrinking and aging, and nowhere is the trend felt more intensively than in its rural regions, where a low birthrate is exacerbated by dwindling employment opportunities and an inconvenient lifestyle.
Opinion Columnist The continued plunge in the American birthrate, amid prosperity and low unemployment, has finally made fertility a topic that's O.K. to worry about even if you aren't a deep-dyed reactionary.
So even though marijuana probably makes it harder to ejaculate and makes it harder for sperm to reach the egg, those birthrate-lowering effects are negated by fewer people using protection while they're high.
The birthrate among women under 225 has been falling steadily since 2000 while the rate among women in their late 21s, 234s and 230s has been rising, according to National Center for Health statistics.
Even if declinism is going strong, France's birthrate is still among the highest in Europe, and studies have consistently shown the French to be more pessimistic about their country than about their own lives.
A local official in Sweden has a novel proposal to improve work-life balance and lift the local birthrate: give municipal employees an hourlong paid break each week to go home and have sex.
A total of 67 percent were successful in the first cycle, which is at least 20 percentage points or so higher than the birthrate that similarly aged women nationwide experience in any I.V.F. cycle.
Tokyo Gas and other utilities are grappling with falling demand at home as Japan ages rapidly with a declining birthrate, while the liberalisation of its energy markets has spurred competition among old-guard utilities.
While preaching the value of automation at trade shows, the company reminds people that the number of workers in Japan is dropping by 2,125 per day, due to the country's low birthrate and aging population.
Although the State Legislature's failure to pass a bill providing further funding has hampered Colorado's efforts, the program's benefits — better birth outcomes, a reduced teenage birthrate and millions of dollars saved — are cause for celebration.
Former Italian foreign minister Emma Bonino said Italy needed some 150,000 more migrants a year to cope with an aging population, declining birthrate and young people's aversion to working in agriculture, construction and social care.
While 11 percent of babies born to college-educated women are born out of wedlock, according to the Pew Research Center, the out-of-wedlock birthrate is above 50 percent for mothers who never went.
In a country where the population is barely growing and the birthrate is at less than replacement level, the only way to keep our economy chugging along is for all of us to consume more.
ATLANTA (Reuters) - The birthrate among U.S. teenagers dropped 8 percent last year to another record low, the latest sign of major progress in efforts to reduce teen pregnancies, a federal health agency reported on Thursday.
Because the low birthrate means each generation is smaller than the last, it has flipped on its head, with a bulging cohort of older Japanese at the top supported by a narrow base of young people.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made creating a society "where women can shine" a priority, but women still face an uphill battle in employment and hurdles returning to work after having children, despite Japan's falling birthrate.
My fellow conservatives, who rightly lament America's turn away from marriage and the dropping birthrate, need to ask why "real America," including the most dedicated parts of Donald Trump's base, is seeing the intact family crumble.
Officials said the guidelines were meant to enforce the law prohibiting couples from aborting a female fetus in hopes of having a boy — though they acknowledged that keeping the official birthrate up was also a consideration.
The National Center for Health Statistics said in the report that the twin birthrate had declined by an average of 1 percent a year from 2014 through 2018, when the rate was 32.6 per 1,000 births.
The birthrate among unmarried women went down, to 28.63 per 31.93,231.9 from 232 in 22015, a drop of 3 percent and the eighth consecutive year of decline since the peak of 51.8 in 2007 and 2008.
Nor do I have much confidence that the present burst of European nationalism is more than a spasm, a reflex — not when religious practice is so weak, patriotism so attenuated, the continent's birthrate so staggeringly low.
A Ministry of Defense official, Lee Nam-woo, announced at a briefing, Thursday, that rather than extending exemptions, it had decided to tighten them to prepare for a shortage of manpower due to the falling birthrate.
So says a local official in Sweden, who proposes giving municipal workers an hourlong, paid break each week to go home and have sex, aiming to enhance their work-life balance while lifting the town's birthrate.
Maine is the nation's oldest state, with the highest median age and the highest concentration of baby boomers, and its birthrate is dropping; in 2016, just two of its 16 counties had more births than deaths.
In a region that is largely Roman Catholic, the request has raised concern from the church, and many Salvadorans question the rationale for upending the national birthrate in order to counter the suspected effects of a virus.
Toyota Motor Corp said it saw the possibility of becoming a mass producer of robots to help the elderly in a country whose population is ageing faster than the rest of the world as the birthrate decreases.
And our collapsing birthrate, our increasing failure to even have children to inherit, feels almost like a judgment on our inability to figure out, in common, what it is that we should wish to have passed down.
The birthrate for Hispanic women fell by 31 percent from 215 to 243, a steep decline that demographers say has been driven in part by generational differences between Hispanic immigrants and their American-born daughters and granddaughters.
Falling birthrate: An estimated 3,788,235 people were born in the United States last year, a 2 percent decrease from 2017 and the fewest births in any year since 1986, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.
The shortfall is largely a product of demographic shifts: A large number of baby boomers are collecting Social Security, a declining birthrate is producing fewer workers to pay taxes into the system and retirees are living longer.
While Japan remains demographically challenged due to a shrinking, aging population and a low birthrate, consumer spending could grow as the 2020 Olympics — hosted in Tokyo — approach, and an influx of tourists there fuel the local economy.
In November, the National Center for Health Statistics reported that the birthrate among women of childbearing age had dropped to a record low, continuing a sharp decline in births that began around the financial crisis of 265.
But El Salvador's advice to stop having children for two full years struck many experts as particularly sweeping, leaving them to wonder when else a nation has tried to halt its birthrate in the face of an epidemic.
But in Lagos, home to 270 million, spending is quickly outpaced by the growth of the city's population by thousands every day, from both a high birthrate and the migration of people from rural areas looking for work.
The island is hemorrhaging people and has been for years; it has an extremely low birthrate; child poverty is sky-high; and the debt crisis has in many ways crippled the economy, forcing a range of austerity measures.
For all the mewling about sexting and porn at our children's fingertips, the teenage birthrate is down 67 percent from 1991, in part because teens are having considerably less sex than they were in the "Stranger Things" era.
The increasingly high rate of Jews marrying non-Jews (coupled with a birthrate that, with the exception of the Orthodox, is relatively low) is spoken of by Jewish leaders in terms of dread usually reserved for global warming.
But the notice, issued as China grapples with a declining birthrate and a softening economy, seeks to tackle a broad range of employment issues, in part by offering greater clarity on the definition of gender discrimination in hiring.
Today, trophy hunters, and members of safari clubs, pay Inuit hunters to bag a polar bear, one of the least appropriate species on earth for such killing as they have a low birthrate and high cub death rate.
Given that Israel has the highest birthrate in the developed world, those who care about its future should realize that demographic growth is no longer a blessing but a threat to the quality of life in the Jewish state.
Researchers at Pew argue that the recent decrease in birthrate has as much to do with the Great Recession in 2008 as it does with the increase of women who are not willing to sacrifice their careers for family.
But two decades after Ms. Nishioka started that first job, a declining birthrate and Japan's reluctance to open up to immigrants have left the construction industry — and the economy as a whole — with its deepest labor shortage in years.
The United States' birthrate fell for a fourth consecutive year in 2018, bringing the number of people born in the country to its lowest level in 50.93 years, according to provisional figures published on Wednesday by the federal government.
The birthrate for women ages 30 to 34 rose by 1 percent over the 2015 rate, and the rate for women ages 35 to 39 went up by 2 percent, the highest rate in that age group since 1962.
In recent decades nations from Australia to France to Singapore have foreseen the looming economic impact of slower population growth, offering families "baby bonuses" to have more kids — but typically with little impact on the birthrate or the economy.
Unlike the birthrate in many developing nations, El Salvador's is already low, and the fear of Zika infecting a child seemed to rank third or fourth on the list of reasons many women cited for not wanting to get pregnant.
As The Atlantic points out, global population growth is unsustainable at current rates, and the decline in the overall fertility rate in the U.S. is thanks largely to a precipitous drop in the teen birthrate: It's down 42% since just 2007.
But if this is the start of a decline in sexual activity among teenage girls, that could help explain why the teen birthrate has fallen even faster in recent years — and why it might continue to plummet in the future.
The pace of migration and the over crowding of Australia's major cities is a sensitive issue amongst voters in a nation where 29 per cent of the 25.3 million people were born overseas and where migration levels now outstrip the birthrate.
Not only are many outer suburban counties aging, but they also tend to be disproportionately white, said Mr. Frey, which probably contributes to the falling birth-death ratio in suburban counties, since the birthrate is especially low for white women.
"It recalls the fascist period when the argument about the birthrate was a main point," said Flavio Tosi, the former mayor of Verona who himself came to power in 2007 with racially charged language and the support of far-right extremists.
Almost three years after easing its "one child" policy and allowing couples to have two children, the government has begun to acknowledge that its efforts to raise the country's birthrate are faltering because parents are deciding against having more children.
Teenage pregnancy rates have also been declining, but the birthrate from 2011 to 2015 — 34 per 1,000 girls ages 15 to 973 — is much higher than the rate in, for example, Canada (13 per 1,000), France (seven) or Germany (five).
National Vital Statistics Reports data released in January showed that in the United States, birthrates shifted in 2015: The birthrate for teenagers dropped to 22.3 births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 43 that year, a record low for the nation.
There are already 1.7 million Arabs living in Israel, so putting these two Arab populations together would constitute a significant minority with a higher birthrate than that of Israeli Jews — who number 6.3 million — posing a demographic and democratic challenge.
Like the boomers, they've been shaped by a communications revolution (TV then, the internet now), various sexual revolutions (gay and transgender rights, online dating, ubiquitous pornography), a retreat from churchgoing and family formation (the U.S. birthrate is scraping its 1970s-era lows).
As one tweeter said: Today, America's birthrate for teenage mothers has hit a historic low — less than 40 percent of what it was at its modern peak in 1991, when it was 61.8 births per 8003,000 girls 15 to 19 years old.
The fast-graying nation also posted a record-low birthrate, as the estimated number of babies born in 22 dipped to 33,23 -- the lowest since records began in 25 -- according to a report published Friday by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
The disturbing history of Dr. Asperger and the movement to reframe the syndrome Every May 22 primary election you should know about, briefly explained 9 standout Cannes movies you'll be hearing about this year The historically low birthrate, explained in 3 charts
"If you want to create a society that invests in its future and has children, you have to make sure the underlying conditions are there," he added, suggesting that stable jobs and better childcare resources are needed to induce a higher birthrate.
The future of undocumented immigrants — including the "Dreamers" and millions of people who are working hard and paying taxes — is uncertain at a time when our work force cannot grow without them; the birthrate among native-born Americans is barely at replacement levels.
Though China's birthrate hit its highest level since 2000 in 2016, it fell 3.5 percent last year, and regional data suggests the number will fall even further this year, the newspaper said, citing Zhai Zhenwu, an expert in population studies at China's Renmin University.
"If you go to a regular theater, you won't even guess that there are rich and poor in the country, that people are in some kind of crisis, that the birthrate is falling, that we are at war," Ms. Gremina told Radio Liberty in 21989.
And even the thing that might lead to the falling birthrate they desire, rapid African economic growth, might also accelerate migration in the short term — because poor people who suddenly get richer also gain the means and opportunity to move to somewhere richer still.
The birthrate keeps declining, the opioid epidemic is dragging down American life expectancy, young people's mental health seems to be worsening, and new data showing a rising suicide rate offered a grim accompaniment this week to the tragedies of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain.
"Japan has been leading the way to grow the LNG market, but we now have to think from a global viewpoint as Japan's domestic demand will fall due to an ageing population and declining birthrate," Michiaki Hirose, chairman of the Japan Gas Association, told reporters on Tuesday.
"Japan has been leading the way to grow the LNG market, but we now have to think from a global viewpoint as Japan's domestic demand will fall due to an ageing population and declining birthrate," Michiaki Hirose, chairman of the Japan Gas Association, told reporters on Tuesday.
New York's Hasidic community is also experiencing explosive growth — surveys show that the Jewish population of the five boroughs has increased for the first time in half a century, entirely because of the high birthrate among the ultra-Orthodox, which only increases the burden on taxpayers.
Europeans even behaved differently in bed: By 1914, a decline in the birthrate in most parts of the continent suggested that people wanted fewer children to protect their new standards of living, perhaps clumsily assisted by the earliest rubber condoms, which were the thickness of a bicycle inner tube.
The role of fathers in Japanese families has been the focus of growing attention as the number of babies born in the country has fallen to the lowest level since the 19th century, with some analysts attributing the low birthrate in part to the burdens on working mothers.
China's annual legislative session — the National People's Congress — is typically a staid affair to aggrandize Communist Party rule, but this year it has produced a flurry of proposals to address what experts and officials now acknowledge is a looming demographic crisis caused by the country's sharply declining birthrate.
"The reason so many deputies are putting proposals forward is that the birthrate has declined for two consecutive years," He Yafu, a demographer and the author of a book on the impact of China's population controls who helped Ms. Huang write her proposal, said in a telephone interview.
"When a child is born in America, and they become 18 years old, their ZIP code and their family income is a powerful determinant of their destiny," Mr. Booker said, as he cited statewide birthrate statistics and how they would be affected by his proposal, reading from an index card.
There are plenty of serious long-term risks to our prosperity, including a declining birthrate, national debt north of $23 trillion, the erosion of the global free-trade consensus, threats to the political independence of the Federal Reserve, and the popularization of preposterous economic notions such as Modern Monetary Theory.
FROM PEN: Hulu's 'The Handmaid's Tale' Expertly Tells an Already Beloved Story The Handmaid's Tale is the adaptation of the classic 1985 Margaret Atwood novel about a terrifyingly near future where the United States has become Gilead, a totalitarian society with a plunging birthrate where fertile women are forced into sexual servitude.
The rates of teenage pregnancies and abortions have dropped significantly in recent years, according to a Pew report that shows the birthrate among young women aged 15 to 19 has plunged to less than half of what it was in 2008 — from 41.5 births per 1,000 women to 18 births per 1,000.
After all, those who support the largely bipartisan project of deporting tens of thousands of women and children every year can't well turn around and fret about the birthrate without conceding that their concern has to do with white women not having enough babies, not the health of the country as a whole.
"I'd say, certainly in 2017 we had some factors like the birthrate in the U.S. and Korea being more negative than expected, that you can't encourage moms to use more diapers in a developed market where the babies aren't being born in those markets," CEO Thomas Falk said in an earnings call in January.
If one state is created from the estimated 16 million people now living in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, it would be extremely difficult for it to remain both Jewish and democratic - nearly half the population is Muslim or Christian, and the Palestinian birthrate is rising more rapidly than the Israeli one.
"I'd say, certainly in 2017 we had some factors like the birthrate in the U.S. and Korea being more negative than expected, that you can't encourage moms to use more diapers in a developed market where the babies aren't being born in those markets," CEO Thomas Falk said in an earnings call in January 2018.
While there is something decidedly creepy about encouraging the free movement of people so that immigrants can replenish an aging population — rather than for the straightforward reasons that it's the ethical thing to do — we should still insist that those afflicted with birthrate anxiety should embrace the free movement of people across US borders.
Read more: The US birthrate is the lowest it's been in 32 years, and it's partly because millennials can't afford having kidsMillennials are delaying marriage and childrenSperm freezing is symptomatic of the fact that American millennials are getting married and having kids later in life, taking more time to find the right partner and prioritizing financial success.
Second, a social crisis that the opioid epidemic has thrown into horrifying relief, but that was apparent in other indicators for a while — in the decline of marriage, rising suicide rates, an upward lurch in mortality for poorer whites, a historically low birthrate, a large-scale male abandonment of the work force, a dissolving trend in religious and civic life, a crisis of patriotism, belonging, trust.
This low abortion rate coexists with other indicators that social conservatives tend to cheer: one of the highest birthrates of any European country, at 1.92 births per woman compared to the 1.58 fertility rate for the European Union as a whole; a low out-of-wedlock birthrate compared with the United Kingdom and other Western European nations; the lowest divorce rate in Western Europe.
On my annual visit last summer, I stood transfixed outside one of several African tailors' shops in the caruggi, where a man was being fitted for a jacket sewn out of vivid red kente cloth pattered with enormous black keys — an accurate metaphor if ever there was one, since one key to the future of the city, which has the lowest birthrate and the oldest population in all of Italy, is inevitably going to lie with its immigrant population.
That crisis is apparent in the data that Eberstadt and many others have collected, showing wage stagnation in an era of unprecedented wealth, a culture of male worklessness in which older men take disability and young men live with their parents and play video games, an epidemic of opioid abuse, a historically low birthrate, a withdrawal from marriage and civic engagement and religious practice, a decline in life expectancy and a rise in suicide, and so on through a depressing litany.
That belief can be held for racist reasons by racists, but it can also be held, reasonably and righteously, by people who worry about the economic consequences of demographic decline … or by people who worry about the social consequences of shrinking family trees and a widespread unfulfilled desire for kids … or by people who regard a higher birthrate as a cure for ethnic division because it actually makes assimilating immigrants easier … or by people who just think babies are good and societies that can easily afford to rear more of them should do so.
That belief can be held for racist reasons by racists, but it can also be held, reasonably and righteously, by people who worry about the economic consequences of demographic decline … or by people who worry about the social consequences of shrinking family trees and a widespread unfulfilled desire for kids … or by people who regard a higher birthrate as a cure for ethnic division because it actually makes assimilating immigrants easier … or by people who just think babies are good and societies that can easily afford to rear more of them should do so.

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