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"betokening" Antonyms

15 Sentences With "betokening"

How to use betokening in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "betokening" and check conjugation/comparative form for "betokening". Mastering all the usages of "betokening" from sentence examples published by news publications.

His black turban, betokening descent from the Prophet Muhammad, wins him traditionalist support.
A response betokening focused individuals and the intelligent chatter they make in the presence of their own kind.
The European elections in May saw turnout rise for the first time ever, betokening the genuine Europeanisation of some political debates.
When Aileen Lee, the founder of Cowboy Ventures, an investment fund, gave the word "unicorn" its current connotation in 2013, she saw the term as betokening something both wonderful and rare.
Like luxury-logo fashion, fascism enticed followers with an alluring narrative about an exclusive world (the myth of the superior Aryans) and a logo (the swastika) betokening membership in that world.
"20013" is therefore only partly set in 22001: as exacting as Kubrick was about imagining that moment, he swept it away in a larger survey of time, wedging his astronauts between the apelike anthropoids that populate the first section of the film, "The Dawn of Man," and the fetal Star Child betokening the new race at its close.
In archaic Greece cattle were a source of wealthIliad xxiii.700-05; see also the Greek region of Euboia ("rich in cattle"). and a demonstration of social pre-eminence; they also signified the numinous presence of Hera. Cattle-queens, betokening the command of a large bride-price, are as familiar in Gaelic mythology as they are in Greek myth.
Moondial from “Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae” Ars Magna is the first of Kircher's works to follow a symbolic structure. It consists of ten books, represented as the ten strings of the instrument with which the psalmist praises the Lord in Psalm 143. The ten books also have a kabbalistic significance, betokening the ten sefirot. Kircher dealt comprehensively with many different aspects of light, including physical, astronomical, astrological and metaphysical.
At Eretria the identity of an excavated 7th- and 6th-century BCE templeBuilt over 8th century walls and apsidal building beneath the naos, all betokening a Geometric date for the sanctuary. to Apollo Daphnephoros, "Apollo, laurel-bearer", or "carrying off Daphne", a "place where the citizens are to take the oath", is identified in inscriptions.Rufus B. Richardson, "A Temple in Eretria" The American Journal of Archaeology and of the History of the Fine Arts, 10.3 (July – September 1895:326-337); Paul Auberson, Eretria. Fouilles et Recherches I, Temple d'Apollon Daphnéphoros, Architecture (Bern, 1968).
Willoughby sees him burning papers and notices that he is embarrassed to have been taken by surprise in doing so. On later realising that Faversham was burning the telegrammes from the army, Willoughby assumes that Faversham has done so because he is afraid of going to the Sudan. Durrance, Willoughby and Trench then send Faversham three white feathers, betokening cowardice, and turn their backs on him. When Faversham tries to explain to Ethne what has happened, she also reaches the same mistaken conclusion and gives him a fourth white feather.
Under George's influence, Kommerell adopted a position of elitist disdain for democracy and support for irrationalism and German nationalism, becoming identified with the Conservative Revolutionary movement. In 1928, Kommerell published a programmatic work, Der Dichter als Führer in der deutschen Klassik ("The Poet as Leader in German Classicism"), embodying the views he had received from George. The critical theorist Walter Benjamin reviewed the book in 1930 in an article titled "Wider ein Meisterwerk" ("Against a Masterpiece"). Though he described the work as "amazing" and betokening an "extraordinary precision and boldness of ... vision", Benjamin attacked Kommerell for what he saw as repetitive images of violence and service to a dangerous nationalist ideology.
On 6 June 1884, pursuant to Article IV of the Tientsin Accord, the French concluded a fresh Treaty of Huế with the Vietnamese, which provided for a French protectorate over both Annam and Tonkin and allowed the French to station troops in both territories and to install residents in the main towns. The signature of the treaty, which replaced the punitive Harmand Treaty of August 1883, was accompanied by an important symbolic gesture. The seal presented by the emperor of China several decades earlier to the Vietnamese king Gia Long was melted down in the presence of the French and Vietnamese plenipotentiaries, betokening the renunciation by Vietnam of its traditional links with China.Thomazi, Conquête, 192–93 In theory, the conclusion of the Tientsin Accord should have resolved the confrontation over Tonkin between France and China.
The > difficulties encountered in the canon were of a character to prevent a > steamboat from attempting to traverse it at low water, and we had seen > drift-wood lodged in clefts fifty feet above the river, betokening a > condition of things during the summer freshet that would render navigation > more hazardous at that season than now. It appeared, therefore, that the > foot of the Black canon should be considered the practical head of > navigation, and I concluded to have a reconnaissance made to connect that > point with the Mormon road, and to let this finish the exploration of the > navigable portion of the Colorado. Returning to the Mohave Villages, he then struck out across northern Arizona to Fort Defiance. Ives reported his findings in his 1861 Report upon the Colorado river of the West Joseph C. Ives, Report upon the Colorado river of the West, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1861.
The Tientsin Accord, concluded on 11 May 1884, provided for Chinese recognition of the French protectorate over Annam and Tonkin and withdrawal of Chinese troops from Tonkin, in return for a comprehensive treaty that would settle details of trade and commerce between France and China and provide for the demarcation of its disputed border with Vietnam.Thomazi, Conquête, 189–92 On 6 June the French followed up their accord with China by concluding a fresh Treaty of Huế with the Vietnamese, which established a French protectorate over both Annam and Tonkin and allowed the French to station troops at strategic points in Vietnamese territory and to install residents in the main towns. The signature of the treaty was accompanied by an important symbolic gesture. The seal presented by the emperor of China several decades earlier to the Vietnamese king Gia Long was melted down in the presence of the French and Vietnamese plenipotentiaries, betokening the renunciation by Vietnam of its traditional links with China.
The Romanesque church dedicated to Saint Loup at Naud, 8 km from Provins in Champagne in the east of France is distinguished by the outstanding sculptures in the porch of its great doorway, with an ambitious iconographic program in which Saint Loup mediates entry into the mystery of the Trinity. About 980, Sevinus, archbishop of Sens, made a gift to the Benedictine community of the abbey of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif at Sens of four altars in villa que dicitus Naudus, in honore sancti lupi consecratum--"in the demesne that is called Naud, consecrated in honor of Saint Loup"--betokening the presence of a shrine already on this site, a priory under the direction of the abbot of Saint-Pierre-le-Vif. Other documents mention Saint-Loup-de-Naud among the possessions of the abbey at Sens, seat of an archbishop with close political ties to the French Crown, who had Paris within his diocese. Thus, though it lay so close to Provins, a seat of the counts of Champagne and the abbey church was completed by Henri le Libéral, comte de Champagne, the priory at Saint-Loup-de-Naud looked to Sens for its patronage: a visit from the abbot is documented in 1120.

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