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124 Sentences With "become infected by"

How to use become infected by in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "become infected by" and check conjugation/comparative form for "become infected by". Mastering all the usages of "become infected by" from sentence examples published by news publications.

People become infected by eating foods contaminated with animal feces.
Humans can become infected by drinking raw milk from infected cows.
Most people become infected by sharing needles or other equipment to inject drugs.
People can also become infected by eating the raw meat of animals harboring the parasite.
To hear him speak about Life & Livin' It is to become infected by its joy.
The CDC warns that people can become infected by eating raw or undercooked shellfish, particularly oysters.
People become infected by eating foods such as beef, poultry, milk or eggs, contaminated with animal feces.
Unvaccinated children can become infected by the traces of the virus shed by those who have been vaccinated.
As these players adapt to a digital politics, they infect and become infected by novel possibilities for misinformation.
"People with vibriosis become infected by consuming raw or undercooked seafood or exposing a wound to seawater," the CDC states.
People can become infected by breathing in microscopic fungal spores made airborne by wind, construction, and other soil-disturbing activities.
Research has found that severe illness can occur in people who had one type and later become infected by another.
Rational debate is the lifeblood of a college campus, but it can become infected by a position that perverts reason.
People can become infected by breathing in droplets or touching a contaminated surface and then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.
According to epidemiological modeling, about one in three Americans -- 100 million people -- could become infected by October without early and aggressive intervention.
Nymphs (young ticks) become infected by feeding on birds and small mammals like mice, chipmunks, raccoons and opossums, Dr. Diuk-Wasser explained.
A surge in people being tested could actually spread disease, because people can become infected by someone else waiting to be tested.
But many beetles become infected by the thousands with a common, parasitic worm that makes their insides look like a plate of moving spaghetti.
On Thursday, the WHO said as many as 4 million people in the Americas may become infected by Zika, adding urgency to the research efforts.
The CDC said it was updating recommendations to protect against sexual transmission of the virus after travel to those who could become infected by a female.
Children, for example, like to put their hands in their mouth so they become infected by touching a turtle or its habitat and not washing their hands.
But, if 210 million people become infected by the coronavirus — "which is not impossible" — a 226% or 22003% mortality rate would translate as 20033,22003 or 230,2100 deaths, Piot said.
Humans can become infected by Ebola if they come into contact with fluids such as blood, urine and tears from an infected person or objects contaminated by an infected person.
"A person can become infected by consuming water or food that is contaminated with tapeworm eggs or larvae, particularly raw or undercooked fish or meat," Dr. Stork, who did not treat Meyer, explains.
People can become infected by eating contaminated seafood, particularly raw oysters, or exposing cuts or breaks in the skin to water containing the bacteria — which can lead to what's commonly referred to as flesh-eating disease.
Humans can become infected by the parasite, known as Toxoplasma gondii, if they come into direct contact with cat feces or things contaminated by it, Dr. Stefanie K. Johnson, the lead researcher of the study, told CNN.
Experts project that 40% to 70% of humanity — that's 3 billion to 5.5 billion people — might eventually become infected by the virus because of a lack of both a vaccine or innate immunity to the novel pathogen.
As the nation adjusts to the threat of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronavirus, it's only natural to worry whether a cough or aches and pains could be signs you have become infected by the virus.
"If you have high anti-dengue antibody levels, you can reduce your odds to become infected by almost half," Dr. Ernesto Marques, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Pittsburgh and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz in Brazil, said in a telephone interview.
When they become "infected" by something—a new religion, yes, as the name implies, but also a political cause, or maybe they just feel very strongly that everyone on the planet should be watching Game of Thrones—they seek to convert everyone en masse.
Transmission almost always occurs through the bite of an infected flea, according to Claire Panosian Dunavan, MD, professor of medicine emeritus in the division of infectious diseases at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, although people can also become infected by handling infected rodents.
The paper estimates that out of the many thousands of international travelers from all countries who go to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Rio next month and in September, only between six people — on the low end — and 25 people — on the high end — are likely to become infected by Zika.
Background: Some U.S. researchers said Dr. He told them beforehand about his experiment — in which he disabled a gene in the embryos that allows a person to become infected by H.I.V. — but they were unable to stop him, in part because China's system is so complex that the scientists didn't know who to alert.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating a multistate outbreak of E. coli linked to flour produced at a General Mills processing plant in Kansas City, Mo. The CDC said 38 people in 20 states have become infected by a specific strain, known as E. coli 0121, 10 of whom have been hospitalized.
"Our discourse about national security has become infected by this severe form of political polarization, and it's regrettable because I do think some really excellent work has happened across the last year and a half to help frame some of the most significant strategic challenges and to craft strategic approaches to advance and protect our interests," McMaster told The Wall Street Journal in a new interview.
While there is no evidence that people have become infected by eating food contaminated with the microscopic agent — SARS-CoV-2 is a respiratory virus; the primary transition route for infection appears to be via close contact with an infected person, when you might be more likely to breathe in tiny droplets that contain the virus, such as those expelled when someone coughs or sneezes — there could be a small risk posed by contaminated food packaging.
Humans can become infected by eating infected pork, horsemeat, or wild carnivores such as fox, cat, or bear.
Cicadas are believed to become infected by fungal spores as the nymphs dig tunnels to the soil surface days before their emergence as adults.
Texas farmers turn into zombies when they become infected by an energy field from outer space. The residents must escape before an overeager general can convince the President to drop a nuclear bomb on the rural town.
Haemonchus contortus, or "barber's pole worm", is the parasitic nematode responsible for anemia, bottle jaw, and death of infected sheep and goats, mainly during summer months in warm, humid climates. Humans may become infected by the worms.
Healthy adults may recover without medication—but those who are immunocompromised or young almost certainly require medication to prevent death. Humans generally become infected by eating under-cooked meat, but can contract infection with T. gondii by poor hygiene when handling cat waste.
The vertebrate host of this species is the cane toad (Bufo marinus). The invertebrate host is the tick Amblyomma rotondatum. Toads become infected by ingesting infected ticks. The sporozoites are released from the sporocysts within the tick and penetrate the intestinal wall.
In 2015, Arizona State University researcher Sherry Towers said "National news media attention is like a 'vector' that reaches people who are vulnerable." She stated that disaffected people can become infected by the attention given other disturbed people who have become mass killers.
Reptiles are known to become infected by a wide range of pathogens, which includes viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. More specifically, the G. agassizii population has been negatively affected by upper respiratory tract disease, cutaneous dyskeratosis, herpes virus, shell necrosis, urolithiasis (bladder stones), and parasites.
A blockage of the gallbladder or cystic duct may cause cholecystitis. If the blockage is beyond the confluence of the pancreatic duct, this may cause gallstone pancreatitis. In some instances of biliary obstruction, the bile may become infected by bacteria resulting in ascending cholangitis.
Demodex mites are microscopic, cigar-shaped and have very short legs. These mites seem to feed on epidermal cells. They can crawl out on the surface of the skin, aided by secretions from the skin's sebaceous glands. Puppies become infected by close contact with the bitch during suckling.
The adult female worm lays eggs which are passed in the feces of the animal. The eggs become infective after 3–6 days in the environment. Cats can become infected by ingesting either the egg or rodents that contain the larvae. Rodents are usually the intermediate hosts of T. leonina.
These spores are released from the oligochaete anus into the water. Alternatively, a fish can become infected by eating an infected oligochaete. Infected tubificids can release triactinomyxons for at least a year. The triactinomyxon spores are carried by the water currents, where they can infect a salmonid through the skin.
It is particularly important that peanuts are dried properly and stored in dry conditions. If they are too high in moisture, or if storage conditions are poor, they may become infected by the mold fungus Aspergillus flavus. Many strains of this fungus release toxic and highly carcinogenic substances called aflatoxins.
Until the 20th century, anthrax infections killed hundreds of thousands of people and animals each year. Anthrax has been developed as a weapon by a number of countries. In plant-eating animals, infection occurs when they eat or breathe in the spores while grazing. Animals may become infected by eating infected animals.
People become infected by swallowing the mature parasite; this normally occurs through the ingestion of contaminated food or water. The infected host then produces an immature form of the parasite in their feces, and when the parasite matures, it is capable of infecting its next host, via food or water containing the parasite.
Lee has said that people who smoke and vape are at a greater risk to become infected by coronavirus disease. Researchers in Wuhan identified that smokers were fourteen times more likely to have coronavirus disease progression. Lee has called for British Columbia Ministry of Health to expand their Smoking Cessation Program during the outbreak.
Picked honey fungus. Ukraine Trees become infected by Armillaria mellea when rhizomorphs growing through the soil encounter uninfected roots. Alternatively, when infected roots come into contact with uninfected ones the fungal mycelium may grow across. The rhizomorphs invade the trunk, growing between the bark and the wood and causing wood decay, growth reduction and mortality.
Sparganosis is caused by the plerocercoid larvae of the tapeworm Spirometra. Humans become infected by drinking contaminated water, eating raw or poorly cooked infected flesh, or from using poultices of raw infected flesh (usually raw pork or snake) on skin or mucous membranes.Dunn, J., and Philip E.S. Palmer. "Sparganosis." Seminars in Roentgenology. 1998. p.
Avian botulism is not contagious in that it is not spread from bird to bird. Instead it is spread to birds through their consumptions of maggots infected with the toxin. Maggots become infected by feeding on substrates and organic material that host the Type C BoNt. Huge die offs caused by BoNt are the result of this maggot cycle.
The ticks become infected by feeding on infected wild rodents. Once infected, the ticks remain infected for the rest of their lives, which can be up to 10 years. Individual ticks take many blood meals during each stage of their lifecycle. Although soft ticks prefer to feed on rodents, they may seek out humans if rodents are scarce.
He then allowed himself to become infected by the Dust, causing their dissolution. Seth transforms into a Wanderer, forcing the Captain to kill him. Virgil reveals that he had become infected whilst Seth was with the Corps and quarantined its programming with the emergency shutdown. However, contact with Seth reversed these countermeasures, giving Virgil access to its data.
In a later interview van Gucht refined his opinion, adding that 70% of the population (approximately 8 million persons) could become infected. By 4 March 10 new cases were confirmed, making a total of 23. Nine of the new infected individuals had recently returned from Italy. The other patient had had contact with a prior case.
A number of various vertebrates, including humans, and some invertebrates can become infected by Toxocara canis. Humans are infected, like other paratenic hosts, by ingestion of embryonated T. canis eggs. The disease caused by migrating T. canis larvae (toxocariasis) results in visceralis larva migrans and ocularis larva migrans. Clinically infected people have helminth infection and rarely blindness.
Jellyfish are hosts to a wide variety of parasitic organisms. They act as intermediate hosts of endoparasitic helminths, with the infection being transferred to the definitive host fish after predation. Some digenean trematodes, especially species in the family Lepocreadiidae, use jellyfish as their second intermediate hosts. Fish become infected by the trematodes when they feed on infected jellyfish.
In Belgium the prevalence of nosocomial infections is about 6.2%. Annually about 125,500 patients become infected by a nosocomial infection, resulting in almost 3000 deaths. The extra costs for the health insurance are estimated to be approximately €400 million/year.Federaal Kenniscentrum voor de Gezondheidszorg (2009) Nosocomiale Infecties in België, deel II: Impact op Mortaliteit en Kosten.
Humans become accidental hosts to worms of the genus Echinococcus, playing no role in the worm's biological cycle. This can result in echinococcosis, also called hydatid disease. Humans (usually children) become infected by direct contact with dogs and eating food contaminated with dog feces. Common sites of infection are the liver, the lungs, muscles, bones, kidneys, and the spleen.
This indicates that B. ceti is common amongst cetacean families and populations. Only a small percentage of exposed individuals become ill or die. However, particular species apparently are more likely to become infected by B. ceti. The harbor porpoise, striped dolphin, white-sided dolphin, bottlenose dolphin, and common dolphin have the highest frequency of infection amongst ondontocetes.
Cryptosporidium muris infects dogs, rabbits, lambs, cats, humans, and non-human primates. This type of cryptosporidium infects people and animals by the oocyst acquired in water. If people or animals drink the water, then they could become infected and then complete the cycle by passing oocysts. People and animals can also become infected by being in water that has the oocysts present.
Babies can also become infected by their mother during birth. During birth, babies are exposed to maternal blood and body fluids without the placental barrier intervening and to the maternal genital tract. Because of this, blood- borne microorganisms (hepatitis B, HIV), organisms associated with sexually transmitted disease (e.g., gonorrhoea and chlamydia), and normal fauna of the genito-urinary tract (e.g.
Wound licking is beneficial but too much licking can be harmful. An Elizabethan collar may be used on pet animals to prevent them from biting an injury or excessively licking it, which can cause a lick granuloma. These lesions are often infected by pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus intermedius. Horses that lick wounds may become infected by a stomach parasite, Habronema, a type of nematode worm.
ISA virus causes severe anemia in infected fish. Unlike the mature red blood cells of mammals, the mature red blood cells of fish contain DNA, and can become infected by viruses. The fish develop pale gills, and may swim close to the water surface, gulping for air. However, the fish may show no external signs of illness and maintain a normal appetite, until suddenly dying.
Colletotrichum coccodes can survive the winter as hard, melatinized structures called sclerotia. The pathogen may also survive in debris as threadlike strands called hyphae. In late spring the lower leaves and fruit may become infected by germinating sclerotia and spores in the soil debris. Infections of the lower leaves of tomato plants are important sources of spores for secondary infections throughout the growing season.
She combined two large studies; one looking at the first people in the United Kingdom who tested positive, and another of seventeen million patients in UK primary care. Both studies found that women, white people and normal-weight people were less likely to become infected by coronavirus disease. Adab called for more exploration into how coronavirus disease exacerbated socioeconomic inequalities in the United Kingdom.
Paenibacillus larvae is a rod-shaped bacterium, which is visible only under a high power microscope. Larvae up to 3 days old become infected by ingesting spores that are present in their food. Young larvae less than 24 hours old are most susceptible to infection. Spores germinate in the gut of the larva and the vegetative form of the bacteria begins to grow, taking its nourishment from the larva.
Mammals acquire the infection by eating vegetation containing metacercariae. Humans can become infected by ingesting metacercariae-containing freshwater plants, especially watercress 6. After ingestion, the metacercariae excyst in the duodenum 7 and migrate through the intestinal wall, the peritoneal cavity, and the liver parenchyma into the biliary ducts, where they develop into adults 8. In humans, maturation from metacercariae into adult flukes takes approximately 3 to 4 months.
Ezra's wound has become infected by the poisonous spores in the atmosphere, and so the pair approaches a group of human villagers with the intent to trade for medical treatment. The villagers instead offer a trade of gems in exchange for Cee. As Ezra asks about details of the offer, Cee flees the village and escapes pursuit by the villagers. After wandering the planet alone, Cee runs into Ezra once again.
Since the cornea has no blood vessels (it takes its nutrients from the aqueous humor) it heals much more slowly than a cut on the skin. While the wound is healing, it is possible that it might become infected by various microorganisms. This risk is minimized by antibiotic prophylaxis (using antibiotic eyedrops, even when no infection exists). There is a risk of cornea rejection, which occurs in about 10% of cases.
The most frequent symptoms of disease caused by P. lateralis are root and collar lesions. Trees become infected by their roots coming into contact with the zoospores in the soil or water. Hyphae then develop in larger roots and into the root collar where they kill the inner bark.Oh, E.; Hansen, E.M., 2007: Histopathology of infection and colonization of susceptible and resistant Port-Orford-cedar by Phytophthora lateralis.
Two years ago Mark (Josh Ethier) was kidnapped and taken to parts unknown. Upon his return Mark's personality is completely changed. His friends Seth (Graham Skipper) and Jen (Vanessa Leigh) decide to investigate Mark's mysterious disappearance and re-appearance, but are soon met with a series of grisly murders. It is become clear that Mark has become infected by a bloodthirsty alien parasite that is bent on destroying the world.
Botflies can be controlled with several types of dewormers, including dichlorvos, ivermectin, and trichlorfon. In cattle, the lesions caused by these flies can become infected by Mannheimia granulomatis, a bacterium that causes lechiguana, characterized by rapid-growing, hard lumps beneath the skin of the animal. Without antibiotics, an affected animal will die within 3-11 months. Dermatobia hominis, the human botfly, occasionally uses humans to host its larvae.
They are even known to kill trees. The presence of galls can also increase the likelihood of the tree's becoming infected with chestnut blight, a condition caused by the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica. The opened gall left by the wasp after it matures and departs may be an entrance through which the fungus can infest the tree's tissues. The galls can also become infected by the sweet chestnut pathogen Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi.
In the first intermediate host, the miracidium undergoes asexual reproduction for several weeks, which includes sporocyst formation, a few generations of rediae and the production of cercariae. The cercariae are released from the snail host into water and are also free- swimming. The cercariae penetrate a second intermediate host, or they remain in the first intermediate host, where they form metacercariae. Definitive hosts become infected by eating secondary hosts which are infected with metacercariae.
When the queen becomes infected, her ovaries degenerate and her egg-laying capacity is reduced due to atrophy of the oocytes. Queens that become infected by the parasite during the brood-rearing season are superseded by the bees. The seasonal trend of typical infections exhibits low levels during summer, a small peak in autumn, and a slow rise of infection during winter. It is more common during times of confinement - winter and spring.
An HIV vaccine is a vaccine that would be given to a person who does not have HIV, in order to confer protection against subsequent exposures to HIV, thus reducing the likelihood that the person would become infected by HIV. Currently, no effective HIV vaccine exists. Various HIV vaccines have been tested in clinical trials almost since the discovery of HIV. Only a vaccine is thought to be able to halt the pandemic.
A talking Microbe complains that he is beginning to feel ill, since he has become infected by the sick Patient whom he himself infects. The Patient is the daughter of Mrs Mopply, whose children have been dying of the illness one by one. The Patient feels that her life is empty and pointless. When her nurse Susan and the nurse's boyfriend Aubrey are discovered attempting to steal the Patient's jewels, the Patient is delighted.
Risk of infection is a nursing diagnosis which is defined as "the state in which an individual is at risk to be invaded by an opportunistic or pathogenic agent (virus, fungus, bacteria, protozoa, or other parasite) from endogenous or exogenous sources" and was approved by NANDA in 1986. Although anyone can become infected by a pathogen, patients with this diagnosis are at an elevated risk and extra infection controls should be considered.
Ehrlichiosis (; also known as canine rickettsiosis, canine hemorrhagic fever, canine typhus, tracker dog disease, and tropical canine pancytopenia) is a tick-borne disease of dogs usually caused by the bacterium Ehrlichia canis. Ehrlichia canis is the pathogen of animals. Humans can become infected by E. canis and other species after tick exposure. German Shepherd Dogs are thought to be susceptible to a particularly severe form of the disease; other breeds generally have milder clinical signs.
FCoV is common in places where large groups of cats are housed together indoors (e.g. breeding catteries, animal shelters, etc.). The virus is shed in feces and cats become infected by ingesting or inhaling the virus, usually by sharing cat litter trays, or by the use of contaminated litter scoops or brushes transmitting infected microscopic cat litter particles to uninfected kittens and cats. FCoV can also be transmitted through different bodily fluids.
Norton 360 comes with a one-year subscription which is activated upon installation, and is valid for three home computers. Expiration of the subscription not only blocks access to program updates but shuts down the antivirus and the firewall as well. All the other tools, such as the bundled password manager with user saved passwords are also inaccessible. Users often do not understand that they will be completely exposed, so their PCs become infected by viruses.
Infection will complicate healing of surgical wounds and is commonly observed. Most infections are present within the first 30 days after surgery. Surgical wounds can become infected by bacteria, regardless if the bacteria is already present on the patient's skin or if the bacteria is spread to the patient due to contact with infected individuals. Wound infections can be superficial (skin only), deep (muscle and tissue), or spread to the organ or space where the surgery occurred.
Additionally, mammals can transport spores that have qualities such as low production and non-wind adapted morphology that wouldn't be conducive for wind transport. Dik-dik, (Madoqua kirkii), Grant's gazelle (Gazella granti), and impala (Aepyceros melampus) become infected by gastrointestinal nematode parasites that lay on vegetation the antelope consume. Once infected, they disperse nematode parasites in their feces. Once consumed, the eggs are spread to a new area via the defecation of small mounds of dung.
Mosquitoes, primarily from the genus Culex, become infected by feeding on birds infected with the Saint Louis encephalitis virus. The most common vector of this disease within the genus Culex is Culex pipiens, also known as the common house mosquito. Infected mosquitoes then transmit the Saint Louis encephalitis virus to humans and animals during the feeding process. The Saint Louis encephalitis virus grows both in the infected mosquito and the infected bird, but does not make either one sick.
Consequently, the fungi reproduces asexually via its conidiomata, pycnidia. The pycnidia are an asexual flask shaped fruiting body that produces conidia via mitosis. Above ground parts of the potato become infected by the conidia (pycnidiospores) in a variety of natural ways such as rainy or windy conditions. Signs and symptoms of the disease are easily observable on the upper side of infected leaves where small, dark brown, and round necrotic lesions ranging in size from 1-5mm are formed.
SEM image of syncytial virions taken from A549 cells in the lung epithelium. Following injury to airway epithelium, the basal cells can become infected by the respiratory syncytial virus. When this happens the basal cell can be skewed to favour the differentiation of mucous-producing (secretory cells) over that of ciliated cells. The normal ratio of ciliated cells to secretory cells is 10 to 1, and this is highly controlled throughout most of the respiratory tree.
Lettuce necrotic yellows cytorhabdovirus (LNYV) is a plant virus belonging to the virus order Mononegavirales, family Rhabdoviridae and genus Cytorhabdovirus. It was first identified in Australia in the plant species Lactuca sativa in 1963 by Stubbs et al. Since then it has been identified in many other plant species including Datura stramonium and Nicotiana glutinosa. The virus is transmitted by the insect vector Hyperomyzus lactucae the insect can become infected by feeding on an infected plant.
Babies can also become infected by their mothers during birth. Some infectious agents may be transmitted to the embryo or fetus in the uterus, while passing through the birth canal, or even shortly after birth. The distinction is important because when transmission is primarily during or after birth, medical intervention can help prevent infections in the infant. During birth, babies are exposed to maternal blood, body fluids, and to the maternal genital tract without the placental barrier intervening.
Sores or ulcerations can become infected by virus, bacteria or fungus. Pain and loss of taste perception makes it more difficult to eat, which leads to weight loss. Ulcers may act as a site for local infection and a portal of entry for oral flora that, in some instances, may cause septicaemia (especially in immunosuppressed patients). Therefore, oral mucositis can be a dose-limiting condition, disrupting a patient’s optimal cancer treatment plan and consequentially decreasing their chances of survival.
Then, an intermediate host will ingest an egg, which develops into a cysticercoid larva. The adult flea or louse will then harbor the infective cysticercoid until a definitive host, such as a dog, becomes infected by ingesting an infected flea or louse while grooming themselves. Humans can also become infected by D. caninum by accidentally ingesting an infected flea. In the small intestine of the definitive host, the cysticercoid develops into an adult tapeworm, which reaches maturity about one month after infection.
On 8 April 2016, ten North Korean workers in Angola were reported to have died of yellow fever. On 25 March 2016, a case was reported in Fujian Province, in a woman who returned from Angola on 12 March. Fujian is within the predicted distribution of Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that transmits the yellow fever virus to humans. Mosquito-borne diseases can become endemic in a new geographic area when local mosquitoes become infected by feeding on an imported case.
Plague-infested animals are found in many other countries as well, especially in developing countries where health controls are not effective. Animals that commonly carry plague bacteria are largely rodents and Leporidae, but carnivores sometimes also become infected by their prey. Prey animals are not immune to the disease, and outbreaks of various strains of plague, such as sylvatic plague, have on occasion devastated populations of black-tailed prairie dogs and black-footed ferrets. Plague has been active in black-tailed prairie dog populations since the 1960s.
Most adult dogs become infected by inhaling the virus via airborne particles spread by coughs or sneezes. It can also be contracted by drinking from a contaminated water bowl, or even just by sniffing or licking another dog that is shedding the virus. Like other types of herpesvirus, previously infected dogs can from time to time release the virus in vaginal secretions, penile secretions, and discharge from the nose. Raised sores in the vagina or on the penis may be seen during these times.
Healthy adults who become infected by the virus may experience flu-like symptoms, such as high fevers and headaches. People with weakened immune systems and the young and the elderly can become severely ill or die from this disease. The virus that causes VEE is transmitted primarily by mosquitoes that bite an infected animal and then bite and feed on another animal or human. The speed with which the disease spreads depends on the subtype of the VEE virus and the density of mosquito populations.
Plum pox, also known as sharka, is the most devastating viral disease of stone fruit from the genus Prunus. The disease is caused by the plum pox virus (PPV), and the different strains may infect a variety of stone fruit species including peaches, apricots, plums, nectarine, almonds, and sweet and tart cherries. Wild and ornamental species of Prunus may also become infected by some strains of the virus. The virus is transmitted by aphids and by the transfer of infected plant material to new locations.
Possible explanations suggested for wallowing behavior include grooming behavior associated with moulting, male-male interaction (typically rutting behavior), social behavior for group cohesion, play behavior, relief from skin irritation due to biting insects, reduction of ectoparasite load (ticks and lice), and thermoregulation. In the process of wallowing, bison may become infected by the fatal disease anthrax, which may occur naturally in the soil. Bison temperament is often unpredictable. They usually appear peaceful, unconcerned, even lazy, yet they may attack anything, often without warning or apparent reason.
Animals are most susceptible to the infection in the first year of life. Newborns most often become infected by swallowing small amounts of infected manure from the birthing environment or udder of the mother. In addition, newborns may become infected while in the uterus or by swallowing bacteria passed in milk and colostrum. Animals exposed at an older age, or exposed to a very small dose of bacteria at a young age, are not likely to develop clinical disease until they are much older than two years.
As one can see from the life cycles illustrated above, all disease-causing species of Echinococcus are transmitted to intermediate hosts via the ingestion of eggs and are transmitted to definitive hosts by means of eating infected, cyst-containing organs. Humans are accidental intermediate hosts that become infected by handling soil, dirt or animal hair that contains eggs. While there are no biological or mechanical vectors for the adult or larval form of any Echinococcus species, coprophagic flies, carrion birds and arthropods can act as mechanical vectors for the eggs.
The virus may also exit the B cell it initially infects; invade T- or NK cells; and cause these cells to avoid detection by the immune system, proliferate, and progress to a T- or NK cell- based LPD. The T cells that may become infected by EBV are natural killer T cells (NK cells), Gamma delta T cells (γδ T cells), cytotoxic T cells (CTL), helper T cells (Th cells), and follicular B helper T cells (TFH cells). The means by which EBV establishes an dendritic-histiocytic cell (i.e. follicular dendritic cell) infection are unclear.
Nǚjiǔ (女酒 lit. "women wine") first appears in the Zhouli ritual text meaning "female slave winemaker" who (in yin and yang gender separation) made wines for women in the royal palace, the staff of the Superintendent of Wines is said to include 10 eunuchs, 30 "wine-women", and 300 convicts (tr. Manjo 1991: 236). Needham and Huang (2000: 261) suggest that since it took one month or the herbal rice-flour dough to become infected by fungi (presumably mycelia), the process was probably not easily reproducible in areas outside South China.
Spread of the H1N1 virus is thought to occur in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something—such as a surface or object—with flu viruses on it and then touching their face. The basic reproduction number (the average number of other individuals whom each infected individual will infect, in a population which has no immunity to the disease) for the 2009 novel H1N1 is estimated to be 1.75.
DOM is smaller and tends to stay mixed within the euphotic zone of the water column. The labile DOM is easier for microbes to digest and recycle, allowing incorporation of carbon into biomass. As microbial biomass increases due to the incorporation of DOM, most microbial populations such as heterotrophic bacteria will be preyed on by organisms at higher trophic levels such as grazers or zooplankton. However, about 20 to 40 percent of the bacterial biomass (with similar and relative amounts of eukaryotes) will become infected by viruses, due to the viral shunt.
These lesions will appear on carrot leaflets and petioles, and have a characteristic chlorotic, yellow halo. The lesions can be irregularly shaped, and will often appear on older leaves first. Older leaves are the most susceptible to infection; when approximately 40% of the leaf surface area has become infected by Alternaria dauci, the leaf will completely yellow, collapse, and die. It is during extended conditions of warm, moist weather that lesions can coalesce and cause entire tops of carrot plants to die off, a phenomenon that is sometimes mistaken for frost damage.
Driscoll at her house, where they witness a rabid rat she has captured. Nancy's colleagues reject the story calling Driscoll a nut-job, leading to Nancy returning to the house, only to find that Mrs. Driscoll has become infected by the newly resurrected Mind Flayer, eating fertiliser and screaming that she "has to go back". In the meanwhile, through possessing Billy Hargrove and Tom's daughter Heather, the Mind Flayer possesses Tom and the rest of the Hawkins Post staff, and compels them to fire Nancy and Jonathan to keep them from learning the truth.
The fibromas are most often caused by host- specific papillomaviruses. They may also be due to host-specific poxviruses. The transmission of cutaneous fibromas in the white-tailed deer is caused by a virus that is thought to be transmitted through a variety of insect bites or by a deer coming in contact with any contaminated object that scratches or penetrates the skin of the deer or contaminates wounded/damaged skin. Deer tend to frequent particular trails during their movements, and may thus potentially become infected by contact with objects on the path previously contaminated by other deer.
This zoonotic, helminthic infection is a rare cause of blindness and may provoke rheumatic, neurologic, or asthmatic symptoms. Humans normally become infected by ingestion of embryonated eggs (each containing a fully developed second stage larva, L2) from contaminated sources (soil, undercooked meat, fresh or unwashed vegetables.) Toxocara canis and Toxocara cati are perhaps the most ubiquitous gastrointestinal worms (helminths) of domestic dogs, cats, coyotes, wolves and foxes. There are many 'accidental' or paratenic hosts including humans, birds, pigs, rodents, goats, monkeys, and rabbits. In paratenic hosts, the larvae never mature and remain at the L2 stage.
Human brucellosis is usually not transmitted from human to human; people become infected by contact with fluids from infected animals (sheep, cattle, or pigs) or derived food products, such as unpasteurized milk and cheese. Brucellosis is also considered an occupational disease because of a higher incidence in people working with animals (slaughterhouse cases). People may also be infected by inhalation of contaminated dust or aerosols, and as such, the CDC has labeled Brucella species as highly weaponizable. Human and animal brucellosis share the persistence of the bacteria in tissues of the mononuclear phagocyte system, including the spleen, liver, lymph nodes, and bone marrow.
The drug proved to be extraordinarily effective in the treatment of injured Allied soldiers whose wounds had become infected. By 1944, large-scale production of Penicillin had been made possible, and in 1945 it became publicly available in pharmacies. Due to the drug's success, it was marketed widely in the U.S. and Europe, leading Western scientists to mostly lose interest in further use and study of phage therapy for some time. Isolated from Western advances in antibiotic production in the 1940s, Russian scientists continued to develop already successful phage therapy to treat the wounds of soldiers in field hospitals.
Daily shedding of mature cercariae opportunistically encyst on the skin of tadpoles and adult frogs, particularly the dark spots of the fore and hindlegs. Tadpoles then become infected by ingestion of such encysted metacercariae or inhalation of free cercariae and attach onto the large intestine and become gravid. During the process of metamorphosis, the process at which tadpoles structurally mature into adult frogs, flukes migrate superiorly into the small intestine, as far as possible as to elude being dispensed. As the intestine shortens after metamorphosis and adolescent frogs begin development of a protein diet, the remaining flukes return to the rectum.
Chalfont is also transformed into a Wirrrn, but Sam and Kyle manage to escape. Sumner realizes he's been deceived, and the recovering Doctor realizes that there's more going on in the tunnels than he'd previously believed. Green Fingers informs the other Lodges about Dark Peaks’ activities and executes the Dark Peaks Patriarch; the remaining Dark Peaks Foamasi are targeted and killed by assassins from the other Lodges, and eventually Ritchie's wife and son are found and rescued. In the process, it becomes clear that many Dark Peaks agents have themselves become infected by the Wirrrn in the course of their criminal activities.
Mycobacterium bovis Humans can become infected by the Mycobacterium bovis bacterium, which causes the disease "bovine TB" (bTB). Between 1994 and 2011, there were 570 human cases of bovine TB in humans. Most of these cases are thought to be in people aged 45 or over, who could have been infected before milk pasteurisation became common in the UK. One route of transmission to humans is drinking infected, non-pasteurised milk (pasteurisation kills the bacterium). European badgers can become infected with bTB and transmit the disease to cattle, thereby posing a risk to the human food chain.
At the end of the story, it's hinted that he's become infected by Babalun's core jewel. ; : :He is the first male Sacred Mechamaster at Holy Land Academy to be wooed over to Babalun's cause by Dagmyer. It is not sure just how talented he is, but he clearly lacks battle experience since like the other male turncoats he is very arrogant when he thinks he has the upper hand but terrified and unable to fight back powerfully when facing a superior opponent (namely Kenshi), even screaming, begging for mercy and fleeing in terror. His Sacred Mechanoid is green and pink and does not seem to have any special weaponry.
SEM micrograph of the small intestine of a gerbil infested with Giardia reveals a mucosa surface almost entirely obscured by attached trophozoites Giardia lives in the intestines of infected humans or other animals, individuals of which become infected by ingesting or coming into contact with contaminated foods, soil, or water tainted by the feces of an infected carrier. The symptoms of Giardia, which may begin to appear 2 days after infection, include violent diarrhoea, excess gas, stomach or abdominal cramps, upset stomach, and nausea. Resulting dehydration and nutritional loss may need immediate treatment. A typical infection can be slight, resolve without treatment, and last between 2–6 weeks, although it can sometimes last longer and/or be more severe.
Following ingestion of the Cyclops by a fish, frog, or snake (second intermediate host), the second-stage larvae migrate into the flesh and develop into third-stage larvae. When the second intermediate host is ingested by a definitive host, the third-stage larvae develop into adult parasites in the stomach wall. Alternatively, the second intermediate host may be ingested by the paratenic host (animals such as birds, snakes, and frogs) in which the third-stage larvae do not develop further but remain infective to the next predator. Humans become infected by eating undercooked fish or poultry containing third-stage larvae, or reportedly by drinking water containing infective second-stage larvae in Cyclops.
Large-scaled deaths (such as 150,000 birds on the Salton Sea in 1992) from erysipelas, avian cholera, avian botulism, and West Nile virus have been recorded in the past. In 2013 at the Great Salt Lake, for example, there was an outbreak of West Nile virus that could be the largest recorded in birds in the US. The cause of the outbreak and modes of transmission are unknown, but there has been speculation about the latter. Since West Nile virus is able to survive in brine shrimp and, for a temporary time, the water of the Great Salt Lake around the temperature it was when the die-off happened. Thus, it is likely that grebes could become infected by eating diseased shrimp or being in contaminated water.
By administering the crystals to himself, he has now become infected by whatever caused Mukoda and Takeshima's condition. Beset by powerful delusions and hallucinations, Kuroda descends into madness (all documented on the cameras), before suddenly waking up in a hospital bed to find Yamauchi - his death having been just another hallucination - and three other doctors taking notes. Much like how Mukoda had been seen scrawling gibberish onto the walls of his room on the ward, Kuroda had repeatedly written Kana's name on the wall multiple times. After Yamauchi asks if Kuroda is feeling okay, the doctor- turned-patient looks down at his mutated hands, and begins weeping as he finally goes insane, bearing mutations similar to those Mukoda had displayed.
Folklore in the United Kingdom and Ireland tells that blackberries should not be picked after Old Michaelmas Day (11 October) as the devil (or a Púca) has made them unfit to eat by stepping, spitting or fouling on them. There is some value in this legend as autumn's wetter and cooler weather often allows the fruit to become infected by various molds such as Botryotinia which give the fruit an unpleasant look and may be toxic. According to some traditions, a blackberry's deep purple color represents Christ's blood and the crown of thorns was made of brambles, although other thorny plants, such as Crataegus (hawthorn) and Euphorbia milii (crown of thorns plant), have been proposed as the material for the crown.
The Power Pack join Spider-Man in the battle, during which Spider-Man briefly corners the designer and gets the truth out of him about the clones. The symbiote clones are sheared from their unwilling hosts, three by a sonic boom produced by Julie Power/Lightspeed's superhuman speed, the other by an energy burst from Katie Power/Energizer. The battle is then won when Jack Power/Mass Master uses the music booth to blast them all with high audio, crippling them long enough to be captured. During the battle, however, one symbiote clone manages to briefly make contact with Katie Power's alien-born costume, causing it to become "infected" by the Venom symbiote's evil and vengeful desires (the kids' costumes in this continuity are semi- biological themselves, a concept later reinforced during a later mini-series when one is seen to repair damage to itself on its own).
A further issue was highlighted by film actress Whoopi Goldberg when she came on stage to introduce one of the acts, saying that she had been told to say nothing political. The request did not come from the concert organisers but from the Fox TV producer at Wembley who, unbeknown to the organisers, told the Hollywood film stars to avoid saying anything political because an election was coming up in the States. After the event, the producer – in charge of his own editing team for the US broadcast – took out a full-page advertisement in a US trade magazine thanking American artists for participating in his show. The producer had been flown in a week before the Wembley concert to replace Fox's original choice who had been working on the production for three weeks but was thought by the network to have become infected by the political ethos of the concert organisation.
Review of patient ages and outcomes reveals > that H5N1 attacks are especially lethal in pre-adults and young adults, > while older victims tend to have milder attacks and to survive. This is > consistent with the frequent development of a cytokine storm in the > afflicted. Few persons over 50 years of age seem to have become infected by > H5N1, and very few have died after suffering an H5N1 attack.U.N. chart, > "Human Avian Influenza (H5N1) Cases by Age Group and Outcome" Instead, the > age-fatality curve of H5N1 influenza attacks in humans resembles that of the > 1918 Spanish pandemic flu, and is the opposite of the mortality curve of > seasonal flu strains, since seasonal influenza preferentially kills the > elderly and does not kill by cytokine storm. An additional factor which may > be active is that H1N1 was the predominant human flu circulating from 1918 > until 1957 when the H2N2 strain emerged. Hence those over 50 years old have > had the opportunity to be exposed to H1N1, and to develop some immune > response to the N1 group contained in that human form of flu.

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