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35 Sentences With "become dull"

How to use become dull in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "become dull" and check conjugation/comparative form for "become dull". Mastering all the usages of "become dull" from sentence examples published by news publications.

After 13 days of a record-breaking winning streak, the market had become dull.
There also are 32-inch monitors, should the lobster thermidor and cloud-gazing from a personal swivel chair become dull.
If you don't pay the price to develop your mind with consistent learning, your mind will become dull and unclear.
Through repeated use, knife blades become dull and dangerous because you have to use more force when trying to cut something.
"It diminishes your body's ability to retain water, so your skin can become dull and dehydrated when under constant stress," says Dr. Hafeez.
Five years ago, the local government and bishop asked if the artist might come and paint the interior of St. Victor, the village's 1,100-year-old Romanesque church, whose plain stone walls had become dull and decrepit over time.
As I found myself contemplating the sheer cliff face of total abstinence, the fears swirling in my frontal lobe (the part of the brain that monitors the potential outcomes of our actions, as well as suppresses socially unacceptable behaviours) went a little bit like this: life will become dull and monotonous; I'll lose all my friends; people will think I'm a weirdo, must have a "problem", or worse, that I'm all judgy and superior; it will be impossible to "switch off" from work; holidays, weddings, and birthdays will never be the same again; the Pisces and I will have nothing to talk about; I'll never have a reason to get dressed up in an outfit.
It was mentioned in the last chapter that a glaze free from alumina will devitrify or become dull.
Culms are green covered with white blooms, which become dull green when mature and turn brown on drying. Young shoots are brown in color covered with white blooms. Culms are straight. Branching occurs from the base to midculm.
As with any other tools, increment borers should be properly maintained to keep them in good working condition; should be thoroughly cleaned after each use and dried before storing. Sharpening kits are available and should be used regularly, hopefully before when such bits become dull.
The bond has the task of holding the individual grains together until they become dull. Type and quantity of the binder used affects both the hardness and the abrasive properties of the working wheels. The outbreak of the abrasive grain is called self-sharpening.
Kerosene is used as a diluent in the PUREX extraction process, but it is increasingly being supplanted by dodecane. In X-ray crystallography, kerosene can be used to store crystals. When a hydrated crystal is left in air, dehydration may occur slowly. This makes the color of the crystal become dull.
Another criticism was the lack of multiplayer option, causing the Party games to become dull without it. IGN was also critical of it, feeling that the PlayStation 2 controller did not feel right. Mercury Meltdown Revolution received more positive reception, in particular for the motion controls. PALGN complimented the motion controls for how well they work in this game.
Agaricus arvensis showing (the so-called) 'cogwheel' on left-hand specimen The cap is similar to that of Agaricus campestris (the field mushroom). The gills are white at first (when this fungus is most often confused with deadly genus Amanita). They later pass through grey and brown to become dull chocolate. There is a large spreading ring, white above but sometimes with yellowish scales underneath.
Stella is 48 years old and has been married for years to Sidney, a small-town accountant. She cannot remember why they fell in love in the first place, and their lives have become dull with no romance or excitement. Sidney is distraught when Stella files for divorce. When she leaves him, their college-age daughter sides with her mother, further damaging Sidney's psyche.
The color of fresh caps ranges from dark reddish-brown to rusty brown to orangish-brown. Additionally, the cap is hygrophanous, meaning it will change color depending on its state of hydration; a dry cap fades to become dull yellowish-brown or the color of "dingy straw". The cap frequently has a prominent umbo. The gill attachment ranges from adnate (broadly attached to the stem) to adnexed (narrowly attached).
EpicWin is a unique application for the iOS that allows the user to gain experience and level-up from doing their everyday chores. It acts as a sort of motivator and to-do list that rewards the user for sticking to their schedule. Reviews have been generally neutral in response stated that the app is "really interesting and fun to-do app" but eventually "may become dull after a while".
A worn grinding wheel can be dressed to restore its grinding properties. Dressing a grinding wheel causes new grains to be produced on a glazed or loaded grinding wheel. A glazed grinding wheel is the result of high attritious wear causing the grains to become dull. A loaded grinding wheel is a result of chips clogging the grains on the grinding wheel due to the grinding of soft materials, improper grinding wheel selection processing parameters.
These are implements the rider wears or carries to back up the natural aids, or to discipline the horse. They should not be overused, as they will cause the horse to become dull to the natural aids, and may cause some horses (especially the more sensitive animals) to panic and distrust humans. Extreme use of the artificial aids can constitute abuse, and many equestrian organizations have strict rules regarding style and use.
A previous restoration was done when the sculpture was broken into more than 40 pieces by a fire that caused a partial roof collapse at the Uffizi on August 12, 1762. The new restoration improved on the previous one plus removed layers of dust and wax that had built up over the decades and caused the sculpture’s surface to become dull and darkened. This restoration will protect the beauty and condition of this sculpture for many generations.
The film follows a man going through an acute existential crisis. He leaves Mexico City to go out to the country and prepare for his death, staying with an old indigenous widow in her ramshackle home overlooking a desolate canyon. In the vastness of a wild and impressive nature, he confronts the infinite humanity of the widow and oscillates between cruelty and lyricism. His senses become dull, arousing his desires and instincts for sexuality and life.
Merckx had been so dominant during the entire Tour, that the organisation was afraid the race would become dull. The director Félix Lévitan announced that rule changes were considered to break the power of Merckx's team, that he was considering to return to national teams, and to reduce the number of time trials in the Tour. The 1971 Tour did not see major changes in rules, but the number of individual time trials decreased from five to two.
The percussion may now be performed down the anterior side until a new dullness is found. To confirm a positive result it is recommended that the now resonant area become dull again when the patient is back in the supine position. If the borders between tympanitic (resonant) and dull notes remain the same, the person probably does not have ascites, or has less than 2 litres of free fluid present. If the fluid causing the dullness was not free, then the air-fluid level would not move.
The margin was so large that Coppi didn't need to attack in the twelfth stage. When Coppi had a flat tire, his teammate Gino Bartali gave him his own wheel, which was a sign that the rivalry between the two cyclists was over. Even though Coppi rode conservatively in that stage, the cyclist directly behind him in the general classification, Alex Close, lost another four minutes, and Coppi was now 24 minutes ahead. The Tour organisation feared that the race would become dull, now that Coppi's lead was so large.
Due to many English buildings, especially in the south of the country, being built from old oak wood which these beetles seem to be attracted to, the greatest economic damage these beetles cause is in England. Identification of which insect is present in interior timbers is difficult; by their nature, the larvae are tucked away from sight in their galleries. The presence of wood-boring insects may be indicated by frass (fecal residue) and fresh dust. Recent exit holes often have bright rims, while the rims of older holes have become dull.
The first phase is when the abrasive first contacts the workpiece surface: dull grains of the abrasive fracture and fall away leaving a new sharp cutting surface. In the second phase the abrasive "self dresses" while most of the stock is being removed. Finally, the abrasive grains become dull as they work which improves the surface geometry. The average rotational speed of abrasive wheel and/or workpiece is 1 to 15 surface m/min, with 6 to 14 m/min preferred; this is much slower compared to grinding speeds around 1800 to 3500 m/min.
The Deseret alphabet was purposely designed so as to not have ascenders and descenders. This was envisioned as a practical benefit for the alphabet in an era of metal type: after many uses, the edges of type sorts become dull, and narrow ascenders and descenders are most prone to this effect. While well intentioned, this lack has been described as a "catastrophic" mistakeNash, William V. (1957) The Deseret Alphabet. Master's thesis, University of Illinois Library School: Urbana, Illinois that makes type look "monotonous" and makes all words look alike.
Temporal coherence describes the correlation between waves observed at different moments in time. Both are observed in the Michelson–Morley experiment and Young's interference experiment. Once the fringes are obtained in the Michelson interferometer, when one of the mirrors is moved away gradually, the time for the beam to travel increases and the fringes become dull and finally disappear, showing temporal coherence. Similarly, if in a double-slit experiment, the space between the two slits is increased, the coherence dies gradually and finally the fringes disappear, showing spatial coherence.
Cats must have both linoleic acid and arachidonic acid in their diet, due to their low production of the δ-6 desaturase enzyme. A deficiency in these fatty acids can occur if the fats in the cat's food are oxidized and become rancid from improper storage. A cat will be deficient for many months prior to seeing clinical signs in the skin, after which the skin will become scaly and greasy, while the coat will become dull. To treat health concerns caused by a deficiency of fatty acids, the ratio of n-3 to n-6 fatty acids must be corrected and supplemented.
It is a more permissive era, and life has become dull and boring for the world at large. Since everything is now permitted, nothing is exciting, and even the popular violent spectator sport of "rollerball" is treated as passé. Jimmy Hill, who is now a very old man with a long beard, greets sports on his programme with the same level of boredom as the rest of the population. The New Goodies, led by Bill Brooke-Taylor, want to add some excitement to the lives of the people, and to get them excited about something again.
After-rust is a form of rust which sometimes develops on a non-ferrous metal surface when that surface has been finished, deburred, or cleaned with a carbon steel brush or steel wool. It is caused by microscopic deposits of the steel which become embedded in the metal surface and which over time begin to oxidize. This oxidation causes the surface to become dull and may impart a brown color to it. After-rust can be avoided by cleaning such surfaces only with non-ferrous brushes/ wools including rustless bronze, aluminum, and stainless steel wool and nonferrous wools such as those made of brass.
Black cropped-ear female (1.5 y/o) and Pepper-and-salt natural- ear male (9mo) out of same U.S. kennel Twice a year, when most other breeds of dog are shedding their coat, a Schnauzer's coat will become dull and relatively easy to pull out and is said to have ‘blown’. At this point, the coat can be stripped or pulled out by hand and a new wire coat will re-grow in its place. Stripping is not painful for the dog and can be performed at any stage of hair growth although it is easier to do when the coat is ‘blown’. Alternatively, the coat can be regularly clipped with shears.
Iona Singh, Color, Facture, Art & Design (Hampshire: Zero Books, 2012), pp. > 41–64. . The next exhibition, 'Proposte Monocrome, Epoca Blu' (Proposition Monochrome; Blue Epoch) at the Gallery Apollinaire, Milan, (January 1957), featured 11 identical blue canvases, using ultramarine pigment suspended in a synthetic resin 'Rhodopas', described by Klein as "The Medium". Discovered with the help of Edouard Adam, a Parisian paint dealer,"Portrait d'Edouard Adam, marchand de couleurs et ami des peintres...Le film (envoyé par le neveu, Fabien)" (Portrait of Edouard Adam, merchant of colours and friend of painters...a film by his nephew.) the optical effect retained the brilliance of the pigment which, when suspended in linseed oil, tended to become dull.
The coup de théâtre of opening the drama with a chorus mourning one of the main characters is very similar to that used in Rameau's Castor et Pollux (1737).. Girdlestone compares the effect of the two opening scenes in detail. Other elements do not follow Gluck's subsequent reforms; for instance, the brisk, cheerful overture does not reflect the action to come. The role of Orfeo calls for an especially gifted actor, so that the strophic "Chiamo il mio ben così" does not become dull, and so that tragic import can be given both to this aria and to "Che farò senza Euridice?", both of which are based on harmonies that are not obviously mournful in nature.
The greater the hone angle of the wheel, the sharper the angle of the V and the thicker the piece of glass it is designed to cut. The hone angle on most hand-held glass cutters is 120°, though wheels are made as sharp as 154° for cutting glass as thick as . Their main drawback is that wheels with sharper hone angles will become dull more quickly than their more obtuse counterparts. The effective cutting of glass also requires a small amount of oil (kerosene is often used) and some glass cutters contain a reservoir of this oil which both lubricates the wheel and prevents it from becoming too hot: as the wheel scores, friction between it and the glass surface briefly generates intense heat, and oil dissipates this efficiently.

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