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120 Sentences With "become black"

How to use become black in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "become black" and check conjugation/comparative form for "become black". Mastering all the usages of "become black" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In this way, brown has truly become black, or blacker.
"You can watch the plate become black with flies," Kar says.
We start off as black girls, and we soon become black American women.
Things become black and white—anything I am on the fence about becomes clear.
But in Pierce's mind, he has decided that he must become Black Lightning again.
Without animal feed, steak exists only as a memory, and eggs become black-market contraband.
Mr. Chappelle asks emphatically: How far is Ms. Dolezal willing to go to become black?
Smaller stars become neutron stars, which are super-dense spheres, while larger stars become black holes.
When Cyrus was twerking and wearing "J's on [her] feet," she did not suddenly become Black.
I'm honored to join the iconic #DCUniverse and it's a true pleasure to become, BLACK ADAM.
As algorithms become more prominent, there's a risk that they become black boxes that decide for you.
The green pepper berries become black pepper after they spend four or five days in the sun.
"My relatives tell me I've gotten darker, my skin has become black, my face has spots," Nary says.
"I could see the water already had become black and the fish were coming up and down," said Zulkifly, 50.
"If a white kid reads a book about Martin Luther King, is that kid going to become black?" he continued.
"The walls become black or white from all the names," according to a 1956 Israeli magazine article by Z. Lavie.
The only way the white man will want to become black is when blacks finally begin to own their own cultures.
Stars would have to be born, die, and become black holes that then accumulated in close proximity in the center of the galaxy.
Yes, February is Black History Month, but through the efforts of the Black Lives Matter movement, it has also become Black Futures Month.
Algorithmic accountability: One of the major problems with algorithmic decision-making systems is that as they grow in sophistication, they can become black boxes.
"Marshall" Before Chadwick Boseman suited up to become Black Panther, he put on a more conventional suit to tell the story of young Thurgood Marshall.
America has become black and blue the past few years, especially bruised from recent racial tension that has spilled into violence against both blacks and whites.
If there's a DC property that meshes with Snyder's dark, cynical, and serious aesthetic, it's Suicide Squad — a film about antiheroes who become black-ops mercenaries.
It has become Black Deep, a contemporary fashion boutique with emerging homegrown labels like Crowther/Plant, which ritually plunges its handcrafted organic-cotton clothing into the sea.
Related Skiers Become Black-and-White Abstract Art in 'PBK1' An Experimental Horror Film Marries Grotesquery and Feminist Poetry Stark Geotagged Photos Shed Light on American Poverty
If the right conditions are met, the two stars will become black holes when their fuel is eventually spent and the remaining matter collapses into two black holes.
With Roy's career "on the come-up," as he describes it, and Celestial building a portfolio as an artist, they see a trajectory to become black rich, maybe even white rich.
In the end, the destiny of the black man so far has been to become white, and that will only balance out when it's become the destiny of the white man to become black.
And while the AFDC's caseload never became majority black—250 percent of AFDC families were nonblack—the face of poverty in popular media had become black, allowing Taylor to represent a group toward which white Americans were growing resentful.
Bolaño emerged as concerns about inequality and youthful radicalism bloomed into the Occupy movement, Adichie against the backdrop of what would become Black Lives Matter, and Ferrante during a moment of a rejuvenated feminism, which can be seen in the International Women's Strike.
Although I have never talked to Haynes about this painting, and have no idea what was on her mind when she started it, I think the various points I have touched upon are among the reasons that Celan's poem spoke to her: she wanted to know if paint could become "black milk of daybreak," and, equally important, if she and the viewer could "drink" it in.
He's not especially musical, but any director who can make a dystopian hell-future look cool in Blade Runner, leave us guessing about Thelma & Louise's fate for decades on, and has the cojones to tackle the production of Lords of Chaos, the tale of murderous Norwegians and tremolo chords that's become black metal canon, is DEFINITELY a billion percent cooler than Scott Walker, whose savage budget cuts to Wisconsin's public schools and university funding have gutted arts education across the Badger State.
She has become black and huge, and he remembers everything. Great woe comes over him.
If the protons do not decay, stellar-mass objects will still become black holes, but more slowly. The following timeline assumes that proton decay does not take place.
Biographer Christopher Sandford writes, "Over the years, most British rockers had tried, one way or another, to become black-by-extension. Few had succeeded as Bowie did now."Sandford (1997): p.
By the 1970s, "Negro History Week" had become "Black History Month". Black History Month has expanded further to Canada, where it is also celebrated in February, and to the United Kingdom, which celebrates it in October.
Underside grayer and lighter. Fur is soft and dense. Digits of hands and feet are pinkish and the membrane between them is blackish. Inter-femoral membrane is pinkish tending to become black towards the outer margin.
He created a five-stage nigrescence model. Bailey Jackson created a four-stage nigrescense model. Frantz Fanon coined the term, "to become black", which meant as a process of developing a black identity under conditions of oppression.
The species in this genus are spread by the orofaecal route. They infect the larva, pupae and adults of mealworms. The hosts may become black when heavily infected. Eight elongate sporozoites emerge from each oocyst in the midgut of the host.
In 2006, she left to become Black Hills State University's president. On February 16, 2018, Founders Day at Emporia State, 17th president Allison Garrett announced that the new residence hall – which will open in August 2019 – will be named after Schallenkamp.
This is often referred to as a "winter nose" and many times will become black again with increased exposure to the sun. The Maltese's paws are very sensitive to touch.The Maltese Dog - Complete Anthology of the Dog. King Lear chapter (further down after opening link).
Lepidoptera, Oecophoridae: Depressariini II The larvae feed on Thapsia garganica. They feed on the unexpanded umbels still enclosed within their sheaths. They devour the flowers and the tender stems. In the latter, they bore holes, causing the stems to become black and die off in some cases.
The large white ova are pale yellow, turning darker yellow within twenty-four hours of being oviposited. A few hours prior to hatching, they become black, the shell more transparent, and the larvae visible within.Molet, T. 2011. CPHST Pest Datasheet for Pieris brassicae. USDA-APHIS-PPQ-CPHST.
When Tobias Whale orders the death of a student to threaten Pierce after the latter spoke out against the 100's criminal activities, Jefferson seeks Gambi's advice to avenge the victim. Gambi creates the costume that enables him to become Black Lightning.Black Lightning #1. DC Comics.
In 1930, Du Bois wrote to the Julius Rosenwald Fund to request funding for two books, including one on Reconstruction. In 1931, he wrote to Alfred Harcourt--whose publishing firm Harcourt, Brace and Howe would later publish the book-- outlining the theses of what would become Black Reconstruction.
The mallee typically grows to a height of but can reach as high as . It has smooth mottled grey to brown coloured bark that can become black over greenish yellow new bark. It has no lignotuber and a single stem. The concolorous glossy green adult leaves are arranged alternately.
Stegophora ulmea is a foliar disease of elms commonly known as black spot of elm, twig blight, and elm leaf scab. It is characterized by yellow spots that become black spots on the leaves. The pathogen is an ascomycete fungus native to North America. Stegophora ulmea is its teleomorph name.
At first, colonies of G. murorum are white/pale pink and as conidia matures, colonies start to become black. Conidia can grow to the size of 2.5-5.5μm X 2-4.5μm. and, due to granules, is rough. Conidia grow in chains from phialides and mycelial rope is where phialides arise.
While there, he taught college students and police recruits physical education and the arts of Aikido. In 1972, Galarpe founded the School of Self-Defense in Guam. The school teaches Aikido under the direction of his students and family members who have gone on to become black belt Aikido instructors.
The cap is tall, and initially sharply conical in shape, but later expands to become bell-shaped (campanulate). The margin of the cap curves upwards as the mushroom ages. The gills are narrow, and spaced close together. They have an adnate attachment to the stipe, and become black in color before dissolving (deliquescing).
Horses bred in the valleys and plains are larger than those bred in the mountains; the latter average around .Edwards, p. 251 The coat is always black, but may have a reddish cast during the winter. Foals may be born black, silver-grey or coffee-colored, but become black as they grow.
When she becomes aggravated, all the copies suddenly become black. The other woman, Betty, goes to a similar job with a similar resume. Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) begin to investigate the case. Later, in a bar, a man named Bert Zupanic (Randall "Tex" Cobb) comes across Betty.
Designs can also be traced onto the parchment using a white pencil. This technique is usually used for very fine lines that will be directly traced over during the embossing process. The white pencil is used in this case because if one was to trace directly over an inked line, it would become black.
Symptoms of Alternaria leaf spot appear as lesions with tan spots on the leaves. The centers of these lesions become black with fungal sporulation. This infection can lead to tree death within 3–4 years of the first serious outbreak. Orchards in high humidity areas result in the largest yield loss, often in excess of 50%.
In later texts the term refers to iron. In earlier texts, it could possibly also refer to darker-than-copper bronze, an alloy of copper and tin.(Sethna 1992: 235) Copper can also become black by heating it.Kazanas, Nicholas: Addendum to The AIT and Scholarship Oxidation with the use of sulphides can produce the same effect.
Side effects of therapy with oral iron are most often diarrhea or constipation and epigastric abdominal discomfort. Taken after a meal, side effects decrease, but there is an increased risk of interaction with other substances. Side effects are dose-dependent, and the dose may be adjusted. The patient may notice that his/her stools become black.
Colonies of E. phaeomuriformis are hyaline, mycoid, and smooth when young but become black, dry, crumbly, raised, and mulberry-like in texture with age. Some strains fail to undergo this morphological switch and remain yeast-like in age. By contrast, many strains of E. dermatitidis become mycelial with age. Hyphal growth has not been observed in E. phaeomuriformis.
The original name recorded in 1303 was Penmayn, Cornish for the end or head of stones. An alternative, Blaketorre, Black Tor, is found in 1337. This had become Black Rock by the 18th century and was subsequently shortened to Rock. The name of the ferry that operates between Rock and Padstow recalls the old place name.
Adults feed on flower nectar. The larvae have been recorded on Gardenia jasminoides, Canthium attenuatum, Canthium coprosmoides, Canthium odoratum, Canthium oleifolium, Gardenia ovularis, Gardenia ochreata, Pavetta australiensis, Medicago sativa and Citrus limon. Young larvae are pale green with a short black tail horn. Later, they become black, grey, or green, often with black lines across the back.
When Ikuto and Yoru undergo a Character Transformation, they become Black Lynx. Yoru becomes hysterical when Ikuto does the Death Rebel Character Transformation in chapter 31. During this time, he also cannot track Ikuto because the hypnotizing tuning fork confuses him. Later on, when Amu and Tadase find Ikuto being controlled by Easter, Yoru takes the Dumpty Key and gives it to Amu.
They have orange-colored bodies. This species can reach a length of TL. Male specimens of this fish, typical of many gouramis, are generally more colourful than their female counterparts. They exhibit bright orange colouring around the throat region, which at breeding time becomes much brighter and is used to court the female. The undersides of the males become black when breeding.
As shown in a historic post card,historic post card it was painted red and white at one time; later to become black and and white Huelse, Klaus. Historic postcard images of U.S. lighthouses, Historic Post Card View — "Point Sable Lighthouse". It was the last Great Lakes Lighthouse to get electricity and plumbing, which came in the late 1940s.
This revised scheme required only one additional beam. The 17 foot (5.1 m) tall facade is broken down into a rigidly geometric composition of brightly-colored and neutral-colored panels between thin steel columns and braces, painted "a warm grey". Over time, painting schemes allowed the grey to become black. The entry door is marked with a gold-leaf panel above.
Almeida was born and grew up in Santos, São Paulo. His sister started training Brazilian jiu-jitsu when Marcus was 14 years old, forcing him to come along to the gym so their father Clayton could keep an eye on her. Subsequently, Marcus and Clayton started training jiu-jitsu also, leading both to become black belts and the latter winning IBJJF Masters World Championship.
They become Black American Princesses (BAPs) "livin' large and takin' charge!" amongst the rich and famous. They soon find themselves in the middle of a plot to cash in on the millionaire of his fortune. Realizing that they have acted no better than the plotters, they choose instead to become Mr. Blakemore's primary caregivers. Blakemore eventually passes and his will grants part of his fortune to them.
The damaged tissue will become black and eventually slough away. Bites occur commonly during dressing as spiders are trapped in the sleeve or pant leg. Bites usually become painful and itchy within 2 to 8 hours, pain and other local effects worsen 12 to 36 hours after the bite with the necrosis developing over the next few days. Around the face, swelling is common.
The Otjikoto tilapia mostly feeds on algae, including diatoms, but it is an opportunistic omnivore and will also take invertebrates. The Otjikoto tilapia can reach a total length of up to . When breeding, the underparts become black. Otherwise it is very variable in coloration, occurring in five main morphs, which are not sex-limited: olive, olive striped, dark blue, blue striped and light blue.
The series focuses on Jefferson Pierce, the principal of Garfield High School in the city of Freeland. Nine years ago, he was a superhero called Black Lightning until he retired after what his life was doing to his family. Jefferson is forced to become Black Lightning again when The 100, Freeland's most feared criminal gang, led by Tobias Whale was taking over the city.
In this origin, the boy who would become Black Manta was an autistic orphan placed in Gotham City's Arkham Asylum. He felt comfortable in freezing cold water, but found cotton sheets excruciatingly painful. Because the attendants at Arkham did not know how to deal with autism, they would end up restraining him to the bed as he struggled and screamed whenever they tried putting him to bed.
Flight feathers on the tail and wing also become black. Later, the pink colouration typical of adult plumage begins to appear. These storks walk with a high- stepped stalking gait on the ground of shallow water and their approximate walking rate has been recorded as 70 steps per minute. They fly with alternating flaps and glides, with the speed of their flaps averaging 177–205 beats per minute.
At RISD he met fellow musician Brian Gibson and soon became the vocalist in the band Lightning Bolt. This was short-lived, however, and Bharoocha eventually began playing as the drummer in a band that would eventually become Black Dice. The only officially released Lightning Bolt music with Bharoocha was a track on the Repopulation Program compilation. Hisham played in Black Dice until leaving the band in 2005.
Apart from the Bungalow and the large patrol tents (Icelandic, Stormhaven and Nijer), no other Blacks tents were continued by the successor owners, although some of Blacks sleeping bags, particularly the Icelandic range, were. The Hiring and Flag Divisions amalgamated to become Black & Edgington Ltd. under a management buy-out. With a London base at Stratford for a few years, the head office was at Needingworth Road, St. Ives, Cambridge.
Trimeresurus stejnegeri has a potent hemotoxin. The wound usually feels extremely painful, as if it had been branded with a hot iron, and the pain does not subside until about 24 hours after being bitten. Within a few minutes of being bitten, the surrounding flesh dies and turns black, highlighting the puncture wounds. The wound site quickly swells, and the skin and muscle become black due to necrosis.
Dibotryon morbosum affects the genus Prunus. Included in this genus are multiple species of trees and shrubs, though the ones that Dibotryon morbosum infects are Prunus serotina (wild cherry trees), Prunus Persica (peach trees), Prunus Domestica (plum trees), and Prunus cerasus (sour cherry trees). The main symptom of Dibotryon morbosum is its “knot-like” gall structure. These swellings often start as green in color, and become black the next season.
Rather than expanding, however, red dwarfs with less than 0.25 solar masses are predicted to increase their radiative rate by increasing their surface temperatures and becoming "bluer". This is because the surface layers of red dwarfs do not become significantly more opaque with increasing temperature. Blue dwarfs eventually evolve into white dwarfs once their hydrogen fuel is completely exhausted, which in turn will eventually cool to become black dwarfs.
In 1860, the firm opened a store at the intersection of the corner of Broadway and Prince Street in New York City,"A New Store.; BALL, BLACK & CO.'S NEW BUILDING", The New York Times, July 2, 1860, page 5. and 1912 moved to the southeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 48th Street, known as the diamond district. In 1929 it merged with Gorham to become Black, Starr & Frost — Gorham.
For three to four hours, the mother may leave the den to feed, which leaves the cub defenseless. One to two weeks after birth, the cub's skin turns grey where its hair will eventually become black. Slight pink colour may appear on the cub's fur, as a result of a chemical reaction between the fur and its mother's saliva. A month after birth, the colour pattern of the cub's fur is fully developed.
This is a tree up to 20 m in height, which can be distinguished by its lanceolate leaves, which have small glands in the angle between the central vein and the lateral veins. The fruits are ovoid, 1–1.5 cm, and become black when ripe. Evergreen tree that reaches 20 feet tall and highly branched, rather dense canopy, trunk and branches with green to gray, buds are brown. It has fragrant creamy white flowers.
Black colobus babies are born with brown fur and become black, unlike all other Colobus species, which are born with white fur. Allomothering, when other members of the group help mothers to care for their babies, is relatively rare in the black colobus monkey. Black colobus babies are carried around by the mother and spend time playing with other members of the group as they grow in order to learn and socialise.
Not acceptable to his father, Smith's first job was in banking. In 1961 he designed and made a 12-bore shotgun, and during 1960-67 operated a small shotgun cartridge loading business. In the late 1960s and into the early 1970s Smith's writing focused mainly on shooting and he wrote regularly for many sporting magazines of the day. In 1972 he launched a second hand bookselling business that would eventually become Black Hill Books.
Meanwhile, Luke Cage's title saw supporting character Bill Foster become Black Goliath in April 1975, and the following month saw the debut of Marvel's first major African female character, the superhero Storm of the X-Men in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975). Victor Stone's horrified reaction to his prosthetics. DC Comics' first black superhero to star in his own series was Black Lightning. He debuted in his self-titled series in April 1977.
Dark Willow proved to be exceptionally more powerful than Buffy. She changes visually when she walks into the Magic Box, a store owned by Giles, telekinetically retrieves dozens of dark magic books from the shelves, and leeches the words from the pages with her fingertips. As the words crawl up her arms and soak into her skin, her eyes and hair become black and her posture "aggressively aware and confident".Driver, p. 79.
David Macaulay started drawing the sketches which would become Black and White in the 1980s. The idea of journeys interested Macaulay, especially the idea that turning the page could be its own journey. Eventually, Macaulay decided to combine four different stories from his sketchbook into a single book. Macaulay wanted each story to look different—"I did everything I could to visually separate each fragment"—including choosing a different medium and set of characters for each.
Adult females are orange for at least a week after the final molt, and become black a few weeks later. In these colonies, Argyrodes and Portia species can also be found, acting as kleptoparasites and predators, respectively. When relatively large prey is trapped on the periphery of the colony, two females cooperate in about 10% of cases in wrapping it, which increases their chances of success about fourfold. However, only one female then feeds on this prey.
His trigger's name Lampyris (λαμπυρίς lampyrís) is the Greek word for "firefly". ; : :He is one of the trigger users of Aftokrator and a commander of their invading army attacking Earth. He has dark hair and long dark deer-like horns and squinty, shifty eyes. His right eye's iris has become black, which, along with his defiant personality, are said by Moira to have been caused by his trigger , which makes him capable of liquefying and gasifying to attack his enemy in multiple ways.
In 1975, she quit her job at Newsweek after receiving an advance for a book draft that would eventually become Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman. She spent the next two years writing and editing this book. Low on money at the time, Wallace took on a job as an instructor in journalism at New York University in 1976, later becoming an assistant professor of English. Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman was published by Dial Press in 1979.
In 2008, a No Added Sugar variation of the Raspberry flavour was introduced. Joel Veitch produced another advert campaign, this time showing the cats inside a gym, with cows on treadmills getting Crushed by bottles of the product, with eventually the main cat singer Errol, (who has become black and white) getting crushed as well. In March 2010, Lime Crusha was reintroduced at Morrisons and Waitrose stores after a long hiatus. It rapidly established itself as its highest selling flavour.
Practically important extensions of multigrid methods include techniques where no partial differential equation nor geometrical problem background is used to construct the multilevel hierarchy. Such algebraic multigrid methods (AMG) construct their hierarchy of operators directly from the system matrix. In classical AMG, the levels of the hierarchy are simply subsets of unknowns without any geometric interpretation. (More generally, coarse grid unknowns can be particular linear combinations of fine grid unknowns.) Thus, AMG methods become black-box solvers for certain classes of sparse matrices.
Black Manta first revealed without his helmet in Adventure Comics #452 Art by Jim Aparo. Black Manta had no definitive origin story until #6 of the 1993 Aquaman series. In this origin, the African American child who would become Black Manta grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and loved to play by the Chesapeake Bay. Throughout his youth he was kidnapped and forced to work on a ship for an unspecified amount of time, where he was physically abused by his captors.
Recording of Remnants of a Deeper Purity began in 1995 in Los Angeles and was concluded in 1996 after Rosenthal's move to Chicago. This was the second album to feature Lucian Casselman on vocals and Vicki Richards on violin. It also featured Mera Roberts on cello. Remnants went on to become Black Tape for a Blue Girl's best selling release, and was the basis for the band's first live performance, Tuesday June 25, 1996 at Projektfest'96 in Chicago, Illinois.
The infection begins to spread up the host to the top branches, creating leaf spots and cankers where ever it can. After the disease has used all the resources of the leaves, they have become black and shriveled. The leaves fall like normal in the fall, and overwinter on dead leaves on the ground. In the spring the wind picks up the Pycnidium S. musiva spores and it carries them to find a new host to start the infection all over again.
S. musiva affects fitness in two ways, depending on how it manifests itself, either as a leaf spot or a canker. If it can only infect the leaf, it will only affect that leaf and not the entire tree's fitness. This is not saying that S. musiva doesn't spread to other leaves, which it does, only that it will not kill the tree itself, just the leaves. The leaves become covered in spots first, then become black and shrivel up.
K. Ullas Karanth wrote in The Way Of The Tiger that a partially black tiger was recently killed by poachers in Assam.Rare (Black) Indian tigers spotted at Similipal National Park, The Hindu Newspaper, June 4, In August 2010, it was reported that one of three white tigers born that June in the Arignar Anna Zoological Park in Chennai had changed its colors, with most of its body and legs having become black(pseudo melanistic). By October, the stripes on the cub, called Chembian, had changed to brown.
The low-mass red dwarfs will cool and become black dwarfs. The only objects remaining with more than planetary mass will be brown dwarfs, with mass less than , and degenerate remnants; white dwarfs, produced by stars with initial masses between about 0.08 and 8 solar masses; and neutron stars and black holes, produced by stars with initial masses over . Most of the mass of this collection, approximately 90%, will be in the form of white dwarfs. In the absence of any energy source, all of these formerly luminous bodies will cool and become faint.
The body transforms on the second day, taking on yellow pigmentation and increasing the size of the head and wings . On the third day, the eyes turn orange and the body pigmentation shows a reddish tinge with a black stripe across the abdomen. On the fourth day, three black stripes appear across the abdomen, the wings, the legs become black, and the eyes and body darken into a brown color. On the fifth and final day, the body turns black, and the fly ecloses by breaking through the pupal casing.
In August 2011, Abdul Rashid responded on YouTube to David Starkey's comments on the BBC's Newsnight programme, made during a discussion about the England riots, claiming that "the whites have become black" and that "a particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic, gangster culture has become the fashion". Abdul Rahid responded with a historically realistic response. In May 2013, Abdul Rashid responded on YouTube to the murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich on 22 May 2013, outlining the media double standards and far-right wing groups using the circumstances as propaganda to justify their own views.
They are variable in colour, the colour apparently being determined by their environment and can be pale cream through to greenish-brown, with paler underparts. They can also show irregular markings on the flanks such as dark spotting or horizontal stripes. In the breeding season the males are brighter as their dorsal, anal and caudal fins develop a red colour and have black margins and the pelvic fins and the area sround the anus become black. These fish attain a maximum total length of but are more commonly recorded at standard lengths of around .
When the trigger on the Zapper is pressed, the game causes the entire screen to become black for one frame. Then, on the next frame, all valid targets that are on screen are drawn all white as the rest of the screen remains black. The Zapper detects this change in light level and determines if any of the targets are in its hit zone. If a target is hit, the game determines which one was hit based on the duration of the flash, as each target flashes for a different duration.
Many science fiction authors have explored the possible applications of stellar engineering, among them Iain M Banks, Larry Niven and Arthur C. Clarke. In the novel series Star Carrier by Ian Douglas the Sh’daar species merge many stars to make blue giants, which then explode to become black holes. These perfectly synchronized black holes form a Tipler cylinder called the Texagu Resh gravitational anomaly. In the novel series The Book of The New Sun by Gene Wolfe, the brightness of Urth's sun seems to have been reduced by artificial means.
The fur growing process starts at the snout and proceeds back through the body, although the tail attains fur before the rump, which is the last part of the body to become covered. Just before the start of the furring process, the colour of the bare devil's skin will darken and become black or dark grey in the tail. The devils have a complete set of facial vibrissae and ulnar carpels, although it is devoid of anconeal vibrissae. During the third week, the mystacials and ulnarcarpals are the first to form.
Glen Lockett was born to a Caucasian mother and an African-American father in 1951 and raised in upper-middle-class Hollywood. Lockett's father was a member of the Tuskegee Airmen in WW II. Lockett moved from Hollywood to Hermosa Beach in the mid-seventies where he met Greg Ginn while working at a vegetarian restaurant called Garden of Eden. Lockett also freelanced for Easy Reader, authoring record reviews under the name Spot. Befriending Ginn, Spot was briefly bassist for Panic, the band which would soon become Black Flag.
The cards originated in the 1960s in places such as Soho, London, as handwritten postcards outside prostitutes' flats or in the windows of newsagents or shops. As direct references to prostitution would generally be unacceptable, the cards were carefully worded and often contained euphemistic references to sex, with terms such as large chest for sale. By the late 1980s tart cards had become black-and-white photocopied cards containing printed text and telephone numbers. The cards from the 1980s and 1990s often included black-and-white drawings printed on neon-coloured card along with tongue-in-cheek phrases.
The symptoms of barley yellow dwarf vary with the affected crop cultivar, the age of the plant at the time of infection, the strain of the virus, and environmental conditions, and can be confused with other disease or physiological disorders. Symptoms appear approximately 14 days after infection. Affected plants show a yellowing or reddening of leaves (on oats and some wheats), stunting, an upright posture of thickened stiff leaves, reduced root growth, delayed (or no) heading, and a reduction in yield. The heads of affected plants tend to remain erect and become black and discoloured during ripening due to colonization by saprotrophic fungi.
The band formed while Chippendale and Gibson attended the Rhode Island School of Design in Providence, Rhode Island, and Chippendale had heard about "a new kid who was a whiz on the bass guitar." The two formed Lightning Bolt, with Brian Chippendale on drums, Brian Gibson on bass guitar, and with Hisham Bharoocha on guitar and vocals joining the group after their first show. Bharoocha left the group in 1996 to continue with another RISD band that would eventually become Black Dice, and Chippendale took over vocal duties. The only officially released music with Bharoocha was a track on the Repopulation Program compilation.
A T2-weighted brain MRI revealed an infarction in the right medial temporooccipital lobe including the parahippocampal gyrus (complement of the FFA). A 52-year-old woman suffered from a lifelong history of seeing faces morph into dragon-like faces and reported hallucinating similar faces several times a day. Initially she would recognise the actual faces but after a while they would become black, grew long pointy ears and a protruding snout, displayed reptile-like skin and had large protruding eyes in bright colours. She would see these faces coming towards her several times in a day from objects like electric sockets.
The coal was carried to the San Joaquin River by three railroads: the Empire, Pittsburg, and Black Diamond, for shipment by barge to markets in San Francisco, Sacramento, Stockton and other communities. Coal mining activity ended as better-quality imported coal became affordable and as petroleum emerged as an energy source. After the coal mines closed, the towns were abandoned and the area was used mainly for cattle grazing. In 1974 the Southport Land and Commercial Company (former Black Diamond Coal Mining Company) donated 160 acres of its land holdings to help It become Black Diamond Mines Regional Park.
Pimenta racemosa is a species of plant in the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) that is native to the Caribbean region. Common names include West Indian bay tree, bay rum tree, and ciliment. It is used in cooking and an essential oil is distilled to produce a fragrant cologne called bay rum; although bay rum is primarily rum, the concentrated essential oil is toxic and renders the product West Indian Bay Tree, Bay Rum Tree The tree is 4–12 m tall and the white flowers, about 10 mm wide, become black, oval fruits measuring 7–12 mm.
His fingernails become black, while his face becomes white, with vertical lines over the eyes and short horizontal/diagonal lines extending from his lips, like a smile; they disappear when he becomes 'normal'. Even though not all the reborn wear make-up, they are still usually drawn in a certain style: their lips are usually distinctively black, skin around eyes is black, while the eyes are sometimes burning white. Generally the style of drawing reminds the pattern of the classical makeup. The resurrected souls in the Crow novels do not wear the traditional face paint/markings.
While the full extent of her abilities have yet to be depicted, Jeannette has shown to possess at least some characteristics of the mythological banshee, including long-life and a "death sense," which causes her irises to become black when someone nearby will die. She has been shown to be stronger than a normal human, snapping iron locks and chains with her bare hands, and at one point throwing an airplane wing at an enemy. She also possesses a high durability level as she was punched through a stone wall and merely shrugged off the experience. On another occasion she was shot at several times, which only slowed her down temporarily.
In August 2011 Starkey attracted some criticism for comments made on the BBC's Newsnight programme, where he was a panel member together with Owen Jones and Dreda Say Mitchell. The programme discussed the 2011 England riots. Starkey condemned "this language which is wholly false, which is this Jamaican patois that’s been intruded in England, and this is why so many of us have this sense of literally a foreign country", that listening to the voice of the black MP for Tottenham where the riots occurred "you would think he was white", and that "The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic, gangster culture".
The Salvation Army bonnet was first seen on Wednesday 16 June 1880 at William and Catherine Booth's silver wedding anniversary celebration in Whitechapel, London. Its design was due, in part, to the fact that one of the cadets training at the Salvation Army's Hackney college in 1880 was a milliner from Barnsley called Annie E. Lockwood. She trimmed a bonnet chosen from straw designs supplied by local companies – initially the ribbon chosen was blue, but later this would become black. 1936 Salvation Army bonnet at a picnic in Australia In design, it was similar to the poke bonnet that had been popularly worn by women earlier in the century.
The yellow-and-black triplefin, Forsterygion flavonigrum, a triplefin of the genus Forsterygion, is found around the north of the North Island of New Zealand at depths of between 15 and 30 m, in reef areas of broken rock. Its length is between 4 and 7 cm. Its non-breeding colouration is a pale pinkish head with a yellowish body and tail, with a black mask across the eyes which continues in a stripe down the centre of the body gradually changing to a darker yellow. The breeding colouration is spectacular - the head and tail become black, while the rest of the body becomes bright yellow.
SDF is an inexpensive option that is simple to apply; however, although it stops the decay from progressing, it does not fill the cavity, and the tooth may still need to be restored with a filling or crown. After treatment with SDF, arrested decay will become black, but a dental provider can cover the treated area with a white filling material if needed. This may be less of a problem in baby teeth, which will be lost as the child ages, than for permanent teeth. Even so, because applying SDF is quick, it may be especially helpful for young children and other patients who have trouble sitting still during dental treatments, avoiding the need for sedation or general anesthesia.
During severe weather events, The Weather Channel may opt to replace the normal color scheme (blue, white and dark gray) of its graphics to become black-and-red (known as the "Storm Alert" mode), with the one-third of the "R"-bar featuring in-depth information of the event instead of the regular "rundown" list of segments. TWC has not used the Weather Center Live banner during such events since roughly 2015; instead, an alternative name that explicitly states the events (Winter Storm/Severe Storm/Hurricane Central) is used on-air. For rating purposes, WCL continues to be utilised as the umbrella title for TWC's extended broadcasts being done in this manner.
Priscilla reappears in issue #4, attending a peace conference held by Wonder Woman with her cheetahs, but kills them once in her hotel room before performing an ancient ritual and donning a costume made from their pelts. When Wonder Woman leaves the conference, the Cheetah attacks her in the hall, slashing her several times before she escapes. It is later revealed over the course of the series that the Cheetah's claws were infected with centaur's blood, which was turning Diana back into clay. Priscilla's attack is apparently the most successful, as Wonder Woman was slowly crumbling up to the point that her face had become black and cracked by the time the Justice League attacked the Hall of Doom, relying on the powers of her lasso to keep her from crumbling apart.
6, #8, 2003, DC Comics, writer Rick Veitch As an adult, the man who would become Black Manta designed a costume (primarily a black wetsuit with a bug- eyed helmet, that was able to shoot rays from its eyes) and fashioned a high- tech submersible inspired by manta rays. Taking the name Black Manta, he and his masked army became a formidable force, engaging in at least one unrecorded clash with Aquaman prior to his first appearance as a rival to the Ocean Master (and before joining the short-lived Injustice League in the retcon Silver Age third week event). His first name, David, is revealed in the 2010 Brightest Day storyline, although his last name has not been revealed. Black Manta and Aquaman battled repeatedly over the next several years.
Watermelon Man is a 1970 American comedy film directed by Melvin Van Peebles and starring Godfrey Cambridge, Estelle Parsons, Howard Caine, D'Urville Martin, Kay Kimberley, Mantan Moreland, and Erin Moran. Written by Herman Raucher, it tells the story of an extremely bigoted 1960s-era white insurance salesman named Jeff Gerber, who wakes up one morning to find that he has become black. The premise for the film was inspired by Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis, and by John Howard Griffin's autobiographical Black Like Me. Van Peebles' only studio film, Watermelon Man was a financial success, but Van Peebles did not accept Columbia Pictures' three-picture contract, instead developing the independent film Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song. The music for Watermelon Man, written and performed by Van Peebles, was released on a soundtrack album, which spawned the single "Love, That's America".
Yersin, after his research with Roux, abruptly left the Institute for personal reasons, without losing Pasteur's benevolence, who never doubted that the young man was destined to great things in the scientific area and would contribute in spreading Pasteur's discoveries around the world. The news of a violent plague outburst in Yunman enabled Yersin to truly show and reach his potential as he was summoned, as Pasteur's scholar, to conduct a microbiological research of the disease. The plague he had to deal with was the bubonic plague, which is recognizable most of the time through the abscesses, known as buboes, it provokes in its victims. Yersin looked for the germ responsible for the infection specifically in these plague-spots, tumors caused by the inflammation of the lymphatic glands which become black because of the necrosis of the tissue.
He was later awarded the Queen's Commendation for Valuable Service for his conduct in Kosovo. Dannatt (far right) with James Dugdale, 2nd Baron Crathorne, Lord Lieutenant of North Yorkshire; then-Major General Nick Houghton; and Prince Andrew, Duke of York (left) Returning to the 3rd Division, Dannatt planned two exercises at the British Army Training Unit Suffield in Canada. The first was, at the time, the largest exercise the Army had run since the end of the Cold War; the second only took place after Dannatt's tenure as commander had expired.Dannatt, pp. 194–196. Dannatt gave evidence as an expert witness in the trial of Radislav Krstić in relation to the Srebrenica massacre, shortly after which he was posted to Bosnia, where he served as deputy commander of NATO's Stabilisation Force in 2000.Dannatt, pp. 198–199. His tour, originally scheduled to last a full year was cut short when Sir Michael Willcocks took early retirement from the Army in order to become Black Rod.
In this version, Black Adam's alter ego, Theo Adam, is a 14-year-old boy, although much of the rest of his backstory remains true to the original Fawcett version of the character. Within the context of the story, the wizard Shazam imprisoned the errant Theo Adam in an alternate dimension during the days of ancient Egypt, only for Adam to become free after a battle between Captain Marvel and Mister Mind opens a hole which allows Adam to escape. However, Theo Adam has forgotten the magic word ("Shazam") which will transform him into Black Adam, but after learning that young Billy Batson has taken over the role of Shazam's champion as Captain Marvel, Theo calls upon the help of the Seven Deadly Enemies of Man and captures Billy, attempting to force Billy into telling him the word. When Billy's sister Mary finds her brother captured, she transforms into Mary Marvel to save him, only to have Adam overhear her, repeat the word, and become Black Adam again.

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