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151 Sentences With "bearing witness to"

How to use bearing witness to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bearing witness to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bearing witness to". Mastering all the usages of "bearing witness to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Often by the time you're done bearing witness to the moment you're bearing witness to, 10 or 15 years have passed.
He is bearing witness to that, and offering an alternative vision.
We're bearing witness to one of the greatest performances of all time.
It's about being a photographer and bearing witness to life-changing events.
Bearing witness to that power had a profound impact on Mr. Owunna.
You're bearing witness to what my identity as a DJ looks like.
We're bearing witness to one of the greatest performances of all time.
Bearing witness to someone else's tragedy has an air of sacrament about it.
We are a generation that is bearing witness to the death of process.
Bask at this king and be thankful for bearing witness to such concentrated greatness.
But it may mean bearing witness to the slow death of the Rio Grande.
It was a milestone in his career, and they celebrated bearing witness to it.
But the shock of bearing witness to them is hard to put into words.
Melmoth walks the earth, a lonely and cursed woman, bearing witness to human suffering.
Was I bearing witness to a strategically filmed hidden-camera commercial for the site?
With these new songs, we're bearing witness to Ariana Grande, this generation's pop star supreme.
In countless talks, Mr Marco brought tragic history to life, bearing witness to Nazi barbarism.
Monday's solar eclipse will surely be an unforgettable sight for anyone bearing witness to it.
We are bearing witness to something that will have potentially tremendous ramifications for the globe for decades.
Bearing witness to the mapping of meaning onto this gene has shown me how correct Hacking was.
But two members of the audience had no interest in bearing witness to Duncan's so-called gifts.
What concerns both Helen and Melmoth most powerfully is the idea of bearing witness to something terrible.
We are bearing witness to the first rookie who doesn't seem like a pawn in somebody else's game.
Then again, bearing witness to Carrillo's atrocities isn't the same as participating in them or approving of them.
For all Americans who are bearing witness to the abuses against immigrant children and families, do not stop.
Bearing witness to her death underlined to me the importance of listening to the patient's point of view.
However, season 7 is bearing witness to the rise of a brand new VPR super villain: DJ James Kennedy.
But they were no more likely than anyone else to intervene when bearing witness to the mistreatment of others.
In other words, while you're bearing witness to these grave injustices, you're also being bombarded by mistruths and lies.
Bearing witness to the legacy of racial division in our community does not undermine the necessary steps toward progress.
That, too, is part of the pornography of Twitter: pleasurably bearing witness to the mockery or humiliation of others.
Besides bearing witness to Bey live, guests also went home with Formation-themed goody bags full of popcorn and Lemonheads.
Oppenheimer's remark followed his bearing witness to the world's very first nuclear weapon explosion, deep in the New Mexico desert.
I like conversation, meeting new people, and bearing witness to a person's naked body, their o-faces, and their vulnerability.
You're bearing witness to a more innocent America—citizens joyously dancing the Macarena, documenting the moment on their digital cameras.
But bearing witness to that profound, often intimate impact that a creator like Lee has on people's lives isn't as common.
Bearing witness to these atrocities and that's what they are, I can say for sure, remaining silent is not an option.
With bricolage, we are bearing witness to the de-sacralization of the object against its fetishization and sacralization in the readymade.
Then Vanzant lets us release the build-up of those opinions by bearing witness to her putting them in their place.
"We are bearing witness to this astonishing energy miracle," Perry said at the opening ceremony of the triennial World Gas Conference.
There are plenty of men who don't prey on women, but they are likely to end up bearing witness to it.
At certain points, the audience could see themselves, poised to "consider" while also bearing witness to the vulnerability of the performers.
Whatever else happens to the climate, one thing's for sure: We're bearing witness to a future that looks and sounds pretty weird.
Guariglia sees his work as "bearing witness to that transformation and seeing how humans were impacting, changing, shaping the planet," he says.
There's no easy way around it: we, like the characters, are bearing witness to a young girl's decision to end her life.
Knowing what the alternatives look like, bearing witness to the suffering caused when fear and ignorance are unchallenged, leaves no other choice.
So it became this very public bearing witness to my mental illness and my trauma and my fatness, being like, 'Look at me.
She is "cursed to walk from Jerusalem to Constantinople, from Ireland to Kazakhstan", bearing witness to humanity's base, transgressive deeds and its suffering.
"Plane tickets from New York to New Orleans" I typed in—wanting to continue reading by bearing witness to Johnson's next romantic chapter.
" She concluded, "Afghan women were the canaries in the mine shaft, bearing witness to the inhumanity of a regime against its own citizens.
And yet, bearing witness to the unfolding events makes it easy to fall into the trap of our own misunderstandings about the country.
I'd never shied from bearing witness to tragedy before, but I discovered that newfound visceral empathy for mothers and families could be crippling.
But by bearing witness to carnage, by asking tough questions and demanding real answers, the Parkland students are shaking us out of our complacency.
And maybe, by bearing witness to the barbarism of the Roys or the rehabilitation of the Roses, we can envision an alternative way forward.
They wanted no part of the ring ceremony, and they had no interest in bearing witness to the raising of a new championship banner.
Perhaps most significantly, the art speaks to viewers, bearing witness to the often unspeakable plight of refugees: desperate, traumatized people fleeing persecution and death.
Many of them suffer physical and mental illnesses as a direct result of losing their loved ones and bearing witness to this unspeakable tragedy.
Ever get the vibe you're bearing witness to something so intensely personal it almost feels wrong to have seen any of it at all?
Every week, Azure's IoT processes more than two trillion IoT messages, bearing witness to the platform being in wide use in commercial and scientific applications.
The social fun of gaming has always been other people bearing witness to your journey, seeing what you saw, the vicarious indistinguishable from the lived.
But as a parent bearing witness to the efficacy of advertisements targeted to children, Yoon questioned the long-term effects of a color-coded childhood.
That you don't feel despair at the end of "Notes" is partly because of the vibrancy of Ms. Smith's bearing witness to characters bearing witness.
It all begins with Miriam (Sarah Jean Long), who fell victim to Richard Horne (Eamon Farren) last episode for bearing witness to his hit-and-run.
But he had no idea that the chance meeting would lead to his camera bearing witness to a year's worth of moments on the emotional spectrum.
"But by bearing witness to carnage, by asking tough questions and demanding real answers, the Parkland students are shaking us out of our complacency," he wrote.
Since the late 18th century, black writers have been bearing witness to the plight of African-Americans, documenting their humanity and making imagined political communities whole.
In recent days, members of Congress have been visiting the shelters and processing centers, or watching news report about them, bearing witness to the growing chaos.
We are all bearing witness to a series of turbulent situations not only in Hong Kong but in a greater wave of protests throughout the world.
How do you find ways to bear witness to what hasn't been seen while bearing witness to the fullness of what black art is and can be?
She now tours the world bearing witness to IS's barbarity, and urging the International Criminal Court to prosecute its leaders for the attempted genocide of her people.
Mott, for her part, credits Cohen's work ethic; the artist staunchly refused to outsource the weaving, and Mott recounts bearing witness to Cohen's efforts at the loom.
This too, he would tell you, is an essential part of bearing witness to Christianity's radical claim that all have inherent dignity in the eyes of God.
While her father was unharmed, having already completed the race, the burden of bearing witness to two of America's greatest recent tragedies weighed heavy on her mind.
Now having spent nearly two decades working closely with people bearing witness to the death of a family member, he says there is a universality to the experience.
Five women of multiracial denominations read from scripts, detailing first-person accounts of the artist's life in a powerful invocation of  a collective bearing witness to personal trauma.
After teaching at PNCA for eight years and bearing witness to the ominous changes taking place within the close-knit community, she wasn't about to step aside quietly.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tentatively titled "Remember This House," that project would have found Baldwin bearing witness to the lives and turbulent times of his three friends.
But what really makes it all come together is going online after you've seen A Star Is Born and bearing witness to all the new memes before you.
"We wholeheartedly believe the Museum of the Bible represents an 'Ark of the Covenant' for our nation, bearing witness to his goodness," they proclaimed in their promotional material.
Editors' Choice Two new books about Syria go beyond the headlines, bearing witness to the lives of citizens whose world has been shattered by six years of war.
"If there is one thing that America loves even more than a comeback victory, it's bearing witness to the catastrophic public descent of a woman," the creators told Refinery29.
Bearing witness to, and reporting on, human atrocities comes with a heavy cost for journalists who go into a war zone, fully knowing they may not come out alive.
There's no question of who committed the crime, with countless townsfolk bearing witness to it in broad daylight, and Cora openly and emphatically confessing her guilt from the start.
I was supposed to be there, reporting on what was happening, but still couldn't shake the feeling that I was bearing witness to something I wasn't meant to see.
In doing so, she reveals herself to be, even today, one of the "disobedient women," bearing witness to so many ordinary lives tossed and turned by other people's whims.
Modern technology renders the subject visible — a mirror, perhaps, of how photography has been used to both document and advance social movements by bearing witness to trauma and action.
More than perhaps any other photographer's work, Lange's was less about bearing witness to history than it was about engaging directly with it, of being part of history itself.
The NGOs, still carrying migrants to European ports—and bearing witness to a humanitarian disaster that had not lessened in scope—stood in the way of this untidy solution.
Select surfaces of the work fracture like mudcracks, as if bearing witness to thousands of years of sun; others carry indentations of the artist's fingers—fossils of the sculpture's creation.
He escapes and gets lost in the house's ducts, bearing witness to their lives over the years — but don't worry, this isn't the last you're going to see of Nacho.
London (CNN)Waad al-Kateab has spent the past year bearing witness: to the destruction of her city, the death of her neighbors, and the constant dangers of life under siege.
During the first half, the audience is bearing witness to a woman descending into her own personal hell, desperate for some kind of help, and lonely to the point of madness.
All of its themes are derived from Shostakovich's initials, bearing witness to his own standing among the 20th century's "victims of war and fascism," in the words of the quartet's dedication.
From the world bearing witness to women like Lupita Nyong'o and Viola Davis of Black Panther as they grace screens and stages worldwide, to our former First Lady rocking her natural hair.
Thus began a long friendship, recounted in "Papa Hemingway," that included travels on both sides of the Atlantic, drinking adventures, manly and familial bonding and, finally, bearing witness to Hemingway's psychological decline.
There are ample reasons to go see Ghostbusters: supporting women, supporting quality comedy, supporting anything that isn't Pokémon Go. But there's only one that matters: bearing witness to the ascension of Kate McKinnon.
The ease with which humans can entertain sinister thoughts and, let's be honest, the ease of turning them into deeds, stands in sharp relief with the difficulty of bearing witness to their images.
There are many such heroes in these varied accounts, not least the women themselves, and details so astounding that it was wise of the author to include photographs bearing witness to their truth.
" Describing her voice, the news magazine reported, "She does not seem to be performing so much as bearing witness to a reality so simple and compelling that she could not possibly fake it.
Whether you are inclined to support a right to life position or Planned Parenthood the prospect of idly bearing witness to thousands of pregnancies that result in miscarriages or birth defects should enrage.
But the bottom line is that the challenges the internet poses are just as present in the real world—whether it's wasting time, watching porn, or bearing witness to inappropriate sightings on the street.
In a way, the decision to use the once-widely used tools of photography is quite fitting, with them here bearing witness to the remaining relics of another fast-changing and widely supported industry.
Vincent J. Rogers Jr. wrote home have been displayed at a California museum, bearing witness to the transformation of a New York teenager into a World War II radio operator deployed in the Pacific.
Yes. Just look at this year's Top 10 CNN Heroes for inspiration and guidance on how to make that leap of faith from simply bearing witness to creating and implementing a life-changing solution.
But in the past, bearing witness to such a gruesome event has proved to be a perverse kind of blessing by helping some immigrants achieve their initial goal: a life in the United States.
Bearing witness to this total onslaught of the English language, Merriam-Webster was physically unable to stand by quietly and let Trump's 6.39 million followers believe "chocker", "leightweight", and "honer" were words he used correctly.
Emerging research indicates that war events that go against deeply-held ethical beliefs and expectations -- such as perpetrating, failing to prevent, or bearing witness to cruel and inhumane acts -- can cause "moral injury" in veterans.
After bearing witness to the catastrophe of wrongfully-convicted people facing execution, Illinois Governor George Ryan placed a moratorium on the death penalty in Illinois in 1999; in 2003, he commuted over 160 death sentences.
The piece is made entirely of swirls of vibrant color streaking all around, forming images that transform and vanish as quickly as they appear, giving the feeling of bearing witness to someone else's living, breathing memory.
Finally, after a long, exhausting day of bearing witness to incredible technology, the judges declare one startup as the TechCrunch Startup Battlefield MENA 2018 champion and the best startup in the Middle East and North Africa.
I traveled the route from Santa Clara to Santiago, bearing witness to the raw emotion that rippled across Cuba's countryside as the green pickup truck carrying Castro's ashes slowly approached and then faded into the distance.
While you are enthralled by her artwork, you are also aware of the context: you hear the surging ocean outside and see sunlight pouring in, while bearing witness to the direct evidence of a hurricane's destructive force.
It's a thoughtful assessment of American chaos after the murder of Freddie Gray, the ways in which racism has affected Booker's life, and the importance of "bearing witness" to events with references to the Bible and Baldwin.
Later, we find out that this classmate had a particularly devious hand in Ma's trauma, but in that moment, we're just bearing witness to what it might feel like to follow a spiral to its darkest end.
As a journalist in his home country of Iran, he was well-versed in bearing witness to oppression, and he made it his mission from the very beginning of his detention to do just that on Manus.
Or has he found ways to remain open and continue bearing witness to whatever is headed his way, even if it means making art that is considered obscurantist, secretive, not easily absorbed into the circulation of agreeable images?
Kincaid embraces all sides of these emotions, but his work needs you to be there to receive these efforts, to hold them, to allow him to find himself through your bearing witness to the sacredness of his chaos.
After bearing witness to so many police shootings and now two recent shootings of police, we can no longer claim that these shootings are the errant result of an abhorrent police department or that violence ever advances social justice.
I said I knew she wouldn't remember me but that I had been one of her doctors during her first month in the hospital, and told her how overwhelmed I felt bearing witness to how much she had recovered.
" Cassandra, a glamorous photographer who descends on Balangiga ("a silken pest in a canoe"), winds up bearing witness to the carnage and, like her classical counterpart, is destined to be disbelieved, "for after all she is only a woman.
That is why, after bearing witness to the tragic conditions in our border communities – a deeply honored practice in the Jewish tradition — this trip reaffirmed our drive to make a difference for our local communities and our nation's policies.
When bearing witness to the most disturbing experiences of Vermont's children became too much, White would find the steepest ski slope and fly down, screaming his head off all the way, until he felt calm enough to return to his work.
His Once (Now) Again comprises images of Harris's friends, family, and lovers shot between 1986 and 1998, bearing witness to major societal shifts, like the emergence of multiculturalism, AIDS activism, and LGBTQ rights, through the lens of the artist's intimate relationships.
It is that communion across borders, a bond of grief between some of the most and least fortunate people in the world, that makes the idea of bearing witness to the disappeared powerful and universal, and especially relevant right now.
"We are bearing witness to this astonishing energy miracle," Perry said at the opening ceremony of the triennial World Gas Conference, referring to a surge in U.S. fossil fuels production over the past several years made possible by advanced hydraulic fracturing drilling technology.
More than 10 sport-science and exercise experts from Kingston University in London were in the room with Chan, keeping time (and also just bearing witness to her incredible stamina), while thousands of viewers tuned in to a livestream of her attempt.
As a result many early Christian martyriums (churches bearing "witness to the Christian faith by referring to an event in Christ's life ... or sheltering the grave of a martyr") and baptiseries (areas of a church set aside for baptisms) were built as octagons.
G.Y.: Returning to the point about bearing witness to so much suffering, what do you recommend I share with many of my undergraduate students such that they develop the capacity to bear witness to forms of suffering that are worse than we endure?
In a 2017 essay, Atwood described writing Offred's story in the tradition of "the literature of witness" — referring to those accounts left by people bearing witness to the calamities of history they've experienced firsthand: wars, atrocities, disasters, social upheavals, hinge moments in civilization.
Sold to traffickers For the past several years, I've traveled the globe, both as a philanthropist and a reporter for the Foundation's news program "The Domino Effect," bearing witness to, and trying to help solve, some of the world's most pressing problems.
Kahlo was being born to a mother from whom she felt disconnected, and you could see Kahlo's face coming out of the birth canal while her mother threw a white blanket over her own face to avoid bearing witness to her daughter's birth.
They offer their stories in schools and elsewhere and share their testimonies with museums and other archives, bearing witness to the appalling experience they endured, all in an effort to ensure that future generations know and do not repeat the atrocities of the past.
It was a perfect moment of solidarity and understanding; bearing witness to the kind of conversation I'm more used to encountering in radical spaces and in the streets unfolding against a backdrop of sated heshers with blastbeats echoing in the distance felt like a revelation.
And as the characters of "Girls" move throughout the play and prove more interested in acting out their own minute psychodramas than bearing witness to the crime, Ms. Genovese's tragedy forms the backdrop for a tragicomic tour through the conflicted state of female empowerment.
That homogenization of our visual language means we have become fascinated with abjection and violence, and because those images we make have an unmistakable moral urgency, we presume that those "bearing witness" to all this darkness — to shock our consciences — must themselves be noble.
Unlike the previous generations of young people dealing with the apocalypse blues, every single one of us is now bearing witness to the catastrophic consequences of global destruction, all the time, every day, with our own eyeballs, whether online or by just looking outside our windows.
Founder Ian Shelton's vitriol is fueled by bearing witness to the state-sanctioned savagery that was inflicted upon his his brother Max after he'd been sucked into the prison system, and his rage and sorrow is absolutely palpable on World of Inconvenience, the project's latest release.
And whatever the results on Tuesday, the rally here was the last time — for the near future, at least — that Mr. Trump would stand before an adoring crowd, soaking in its adulation and bearing witness to its frustration as the Republican nominee for the White House.
And as she zeroed in on the brutality of immigration enforcement, she became a leader in the movement to abolish ICE, going so far as to spend the last few days of her campaign at the border bearing witness to the viciousness of America's immigration system.
Now we have President Trump suggesting that the real fake news is his negative polls — along with CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post and any other news organizations that are doing their jobs: holding his authority to account and bearing witness to his acts.
I believe deeply that part of my project, and many of the writers that I feel solidarity with, above and beyond everything, is bearing witness to a moment that slips away from us at the speed of light — but that lingers with exquisite, exquisite immediacy in our work.
But it's Jared, bearing witness to all of this, who is the curiously passive main character, this high school basketball player, respectful boyfriend to a girl from church, and future inheritor of his dad's car dealership whose upright image has allowed him to exist without needing to make active choices.
Where Shay emphasized the betrayal of what's right by authority figures, a new group of researchers expanded the focus to include the anguish that resulted from "perpetrating, failing to prevent or bearing witness to acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs," as a 22017 article in the journal Clinical Psychology Review proposed.
However, the pairing of his past and current projects, as presented at Sperone Westwater, seems to cast Break Down less as a funeral rehearsal than as a pre-emptive King Lear moment — putting his affairs in order as a means of control, even if it entails complete destruction — and bearing witness to the aftermath.
Giving audiences a chance to relive, or for younger audiences, experience for the first time, the anguish and uncertainty of the years when AIDS ravaged the gay community, is as necessary as bearing witness to the world's current ills (as, for instance, Lynn Nottage's powerful play "Sweat," which moves to Broadway this spring, does).
Letter To the Editor: Re "New York State Taking On Union of Prison Guards" (front page, April 12): Since 1846, the Correctional Association has monitored and reported to lawmakers and the public on prison conditions, bearing witness to a pervasive and persistent culture of violence and abuse suffered by teenagers, women and men in New York State prisons.
Dramatists put their words and their hearts in their characters' mouths, and, when Jackson and the other actresses raise their hands, we want to raise ours, too, but in praise of Albee, who, as a boy in the gilt-edged fakery of his adoptive home, learned the power of bearing witness to the truth, and then speaking it. ♦
One of the joys of being a podcast fan in 236 was bearing witness to another era of transformation in the medium, which, three years after the "Serial" revolution and the leap in production values that followed, still feels like a simmering primordial stew: You never know what strange new species may rise to the surface.
"Every 2020 Democratic presidential candidate is bearing witness to the same abhorrent and cruel behavior of the Deportation Force we in the immigrant justice and progressive movements have been shining a spotlight on for over a decade," said Cristina Jimenez, executive director of United We Dream Action, in a statement addressed broadly to 2020 candidates the day after Biden's op-ed was published.
Political figures loom large in our featured titles this week: Hillary Clinton, whose presidential campaign receives a painful autopsy in "Shattered"; Paul Ryan, whose Wisconsin hometown is the subject of "Janesville"; and George W. Bush, whose best-selling book of paintings of veterans, "Portraits of Courage," occasions debate about the value of bearing witness to a war of your own making.
The consensus among analysts Seth Greenberg and Jay Williams was that we were bearing witness to some truly horrendous college basketball; the overarching opinion was that a game that had shaped up as one of the most fascinating of the early conference season—and at least on paper, perhaps the most tantalizing of the year, at least in terms of potential future earning power--had devolved into the kind of sputtering and rhythmless dud that's given college basketball a bad name over the past several years.

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