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96 Sentences With "be infested"

How to use be infested in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be infested" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be infested". Mastering all the usages of "be infested" from sentence examples published by news publications.

And your clothes and bedding may still be infested with crabs.
It's not Equifax's own website was subsequently found to be infested with malware or anything.
"If I wait, the grains will be infested by insects, and I will get nothing," he said.
If your child still has lice after a complete over-the-counter treatment, they may be infested with a resistant strain.
Be careful when installing APK packages on Android directly, though; bypassing Google's Play store can be dangerous and the file could be infested with malware.
The Times reported that the president considered the moat, to be infested with alligators and snakes, but Mr. Trump attributed the story to The Washington Post.
Different pokémon are found in different places — so while The Verge office might be infested with Zubats, going farther afield may result in different or rarer pokémon.
It's gross, and it's particularly scary if you're moving a console from one place to another, like an apartment that might be infested with cockroaches to one that isn't… yet.
Some of the caged animals were lying in their own feces and urine, and all of them appeared to be infested with fleas, while a few were found to have mange.
Flying autonomously, the machine follows pre-set coordinates that pinpoint areas known to be infested with the insects: "When the drone reaches that area it automatically drops the flies," says Espuch.
A 2-year-old girl who was not fully clothed, and a 4-year-old boy were found to be "infested with lice and covered with open sores," the sheriff's office said.
We know doing laundry may not be your favorite chore, but  a recent study revealed  that the towels in your kitchen could be infested with bacteria, like E. coli, that lead to food poisoning.
Oh, who was found to be infested with parasites when he underwent medical examination in the South, attributed to the use of human feces as fertilizer for the problem -- saying that "most people have parasites" in the country.
BEARTS TIGHT END UNDERGOES EMERGENCY SURGERY AFTER GRUESOME LEG INJURY Once the exterminator has sprayed your home, you'll need to wash any clothes and bedding that may be infested in hot water and dry them in a heat dryer.
Earlier this week, it was reported that nearly 850 rape kits in Austin, Texas were found to be infested with mold, indicating just how much work there still is to do when it comes to helping sexual assault survivors find justice.
Chief Gay reportedly wrote in the memo that the boxes found to be infested with mold were all from the 1990s, which, for us, raises a much more important question than how well the Austin PD was storing their evidence.
Items that can be infested by powderpost beetles include wooden tools or tool handles, frames, furniture, gun stocks, books, toys, bamboo, flooring, and structural timbers.
Murdock said PIGS was originally developed to store cowpeas, or black-eyed peas, which can be infested in storage by cowpea weevils, an invasive insect.
New shoots on trees that have been treated with fertiliser are more likely to be infested than unfertilised trees, and pruned trees are also targeted over non-pruned trees.
Giant mealybugs occur on a wide range of hosts, each species having its own specific host. Host plants commonly include conifers, grasses and various woody shrubs. All parts of the plant can be infested.
The church dates from the 12th century. The chancel roof was restored around 1895 and the nave roof, found to be infested with Deathwatch beetle, was restored in 1925. The royal coat of arms dates from 1720.
It is sold commercially in Finland, and is a popular target of foragers in many parts of Europe. The mushrooms are often found to be infested with maggots when picked. Mycologist David Arora recommends discarding the tough stipes.
Rats are known to be the reservoir hosts for a number of zoonotic diseases. Norway rats were found to be infested with the Lyme disease spirochetes. In Mexico, rats are known carriers of Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease.
In Arabic, "umm" translates to "mother" and is used as a prefix for geographical features. The second word, "afaei", translates to snakes. Since the area is located on a rawda (depression), it used to be infested with snakes, earning it its name.
Specimens of Pteropus griseus have been found to be infested with Cyclopodia horsfieldi, a species of Nycteribiidae fly. Flying foxes have important ecosystem roles as seed dispersers and pollinators because the only extant animals capable of dispersing large seeds within 30mm diameter long distances.
The trunk of the tree can be infested with Phytophthora water molds. The foliage is infested with fungi of the genera Pestalotiopsis, Mycosphaerella, and Colletotrichum. The fruit is attacked by fungi of the genera Monilinia and Ceratocystis. Other pests include mites and insects (Metamasius hemipterus).
Trees such as rosewood, sandalwood, teak wood, etc. flourish in forests. This centuries old temple complex is located inside Swamimalai forest range and is said to be infested with venomous snakes like russell viper and spectacled cobras. Peacocks are also a very common sight here.
This grass can be infested with the parasitic plant purple witchweed (Striga hermonthica).Watling, J. R. and M. C. Press. (1998). How does the C4 grass Eragrostis pilosa respond to elevated carbon dioxide and infection with the parasitic angiosperm Striga hermonthica? New Phytologist 140(4) 667-75.
Big Cormorant Lake is situated in northwestern Minnesota's Becker County, about an hour's drive due east of the Fargo, North Dakota, and Moorhead, Minnesota metropolitan area. The lake was named after the bird cormorant. The lake was recently discovered to be infested with zebra mussels, which threatens neighboring lakes.
Dunkirk was a town known to be infested with spies, and the British Government were well informed on the expedition's developments. At 4 pm on Tuesday, 4 September 1798, the Anacreon left Dunkirk for Ireland. A council of war was held on receiving the intelligence of Humbert's defeat. Generals Tandy and Rey were against disembarkation.
Interior Fish and Wildl. Service. 55pp. The weevils and their eggs were introduced to test sites in Virginia from 1992 onwards. They became successfully established and six years after the introduction, 28% of the roots of purple loosestrife plants were found to be infested. Larvae were also detected in roots four hundred metres downstream from the release point.
Invasive species can affect fire behavior. The area of the Beaver Creek Fire is known to be infested with Mountain Pine Beetles, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Mountain Pine Beetles kill trees by latching on to trees, consuming bark, and laying eggs inside the tree tissue. Trees able to reseed and grow continue to be attacked by the beetles.
Another contagious infestation is caused by a mite, Cheyletiella. Dogs can be infested with contagious lice. Other ectoparasites, including flea and tick infestations are not considered directly contagious but are acquired from an environment where other infested hosts have established the parasite's life cycle. Ringworm is a fungal skin infection and is more common in puppies than in adult dogs.
During this time, Vishnu released his Sudarshan chakra and wounded Sati's body so that it could be infested by insects and rot. As Sati's body started to disintegrate, the ground on which her body parts fell became Shakti Peethas, places of worship. In this process, her left shoulder fell on the Mallagiri mountain. Mallagiri was then referred to as Malika.
Common hosts include long nosed bandicoot (Parameles nasuta), giant brindle bandicoot (Isoodon torosus), echidnas and possums. Potential hosts include many species of mammals, birds and occasionally reptiles. Because of continuous infestation the native animals are usually immune to tick toxins. Most mammals such as calves, sheep, goats, foals, pigs, cats, cavies, rats, mice and humans can be infested by the Australian Paralysis Tick.
Gomphus clavatus is edible; it is rated as choice by some, while others find it tasteless or experience gastric upsets. It has an earthy flavor and meaty texture that has been regarded as suiting red meat dishes. Like many edible fungi, consumption may cause gastrointestinal distress in susceptible individuals. The flesh becomes bitter with age, and older specimens may be infested with insects.
A girl (Rebecka Hemse) has a strange fear of bananas. She believes them to be infested with snake eggs that will hatch inside her. A doctor manages to treat her against the fear and she starts eat bananas. In a chilling twist she feels sick and is taken to the hospital and it turns out a snake actually has hatched inside her.
Identification of the mite itself is required for definitive diagnosis. This can be collected by laying cellophane tape or "Sticky cards" (cardboard cards with a glue surface) in the area believed to be infested with the mite. A biopsy of the lesions only shows superficial and mid-dermal perivascular infiltrates and occasionally eosinophils. This method is so nonspecific as to be inconclusive in diagnosis.
Towards the end of April, the corpse of Law An, a Chinese laborer from a village near the Sacramento River, was found in an alley in Chinatown. The cause of death of Law An was determined to be bubonic plague. After that, a few more Chinese residents that died suddenly were determined to be infested with plague bacilli. The fear that the bubonic plague was spreading intensified.
The area in which the temple is situated was once a dense jungle that is to said to be infested by yakshis and raktharakshas. A tribesman named Kannappan used to live in this forest. He was a devout worshipper of Kali, and would ritually sacrifice a cow to her every Friday (the day of the Goddess). One day, he found a beautiful black calf near the forest.
Plectranthus verticillatus is a robust plant doing well in indirect sunlight, mostly cultivated as hanging houseplant. In frost-free areas, it is also found as groundcover in gardens or sprouting down walls. It likes to stay moist and it also responds well to pruning. It can easily be rooted with cuttings and its vulnerability is low; but a weak plant can be infested with spider mites.
Anjana has been noted to be a strong voice against reservations in India for socially oppressed classes and likewise affirmative actions; in a media-panel discussion, she had once described the system to be infested by 'termites', which brought neither social mobility nor economic affluence for the target- populace. She mentions her Brahminical upbringing and the social tensions prevalent in the aftermath of enacting Mandal Commission recommendations, as contributing factors.
The Animorphs infiltrate the facility, and discover that the Yeerks are trying to create super-intelligent sharks which can be infested and controlled, because in their natural state, the sharks' brains are not big enough. They decide to acquire hammerhead morphs. Marco accidentally reveals to the other Animorphs his fear of sharks. While scouting the waters off Royan Island, the Animorphs are captured by a computer while morphed as sharks.
For example, the spines of the Kangaroo Island subspecies (T. a. multiaculeatus) are more numerous, longer, thinner, and paler in colour than those of the other subspecies. The echidna's fur may be infested with what is said to be the world's largest flea, Bradiopsylla echidnae, which is about long. The limbs of the short-beaked echidna are adapted for rapid digging; they are short and have strong claws.
The post mill can be clearly seen on the 1797 map of the area produced by Faden. The last miller of Thrigby was Alfred Hood who was also a local farmer. He ran the mill until 1889 when the mill ceased working. In 1892 the wooden structure of the mill was found to be infested with death watch beetle and was then dismantled leaving only the brick roundhouse.
A goat at Buttercups Sanctuary The sanctuary now cares for over 140 goats and provides care to approximately an additional 120 goats in foster homes. Common problems for goats arriving at the sanctuary include malnutrition and ailments such as rainscald, foot rot, mud fever and other skin conditions. They may also be infested with worms. Neglect and cruelty may also mean, that on arrival, the animals may be very mistrustful of humans.
Maxville was work-centric, having many job opportunities for the locals within the woods, mills, farms, ranches, and more. The town had very little leisures, having the most common form of entertainment and time spent off work being to hunt and fish. The town was rugged due to its location and the conditions of the work for the area. Most buildings had no plumbing or heating, and would be infested with bedbugs.
In January 2014, there was speculation based on an interview with a salvager in the British tabloid The Sun that the ship might be nearing the coast of England and be infested with cannibal rats. The rumours were subsequently debunked. In November 2017, the British tabloid the Daily Star speculated that wreckage buried in sand on the beach at Coronado, California might be the missing MV Lyubov Orlova, but the Coronado wreck is the .
A body thetan is a disincarnate thetan who is "stuck" in, on or near a human body, and all human bodies are said to be infested by these disembodied thetans, or clusters of them. This information is not revealed until a Scientologist reaches Section III of the Operating Thetan levels (commonly referred to as "OT III"). Body thetans were said by Hubbard to be a result of a prehistoric "Incident" involving Xenu.
Substantial efforts have been taken in the United States to control the moth's damage to grain crops. The larvae of this species have the ability to bite through plastic and cardboard so even sealed containers may be infested. Once found, the moths are difficult to eradicate. The last instar larvae is also able to travel long distances before pupating; so an infestation site may be located far from the nearest pupation site.
The story is set in 2096 in Kiev, Ukraine, a city that turned into the center of the Zone. The Zone was created after a strange interdimensional rift opened, leading the city and all surrounding areas to be infested with outwardly beasts and dangerous anomalies. The rift become known as the Hole. To stop the spread of the Zone, a quarantine was declared, and all the inhabitants of the place became hostages.
Other species create galls on stems and leaves. Shapes vary from spheres to mushroom-shaped to pencil-shaped. Garry oak leaves In British Columbia, the Garry oak can be infested by three nonnative insects: the jumping gall wasp Neuroterus saltatorius, the oak leaf phylloxeran, and the gypsy moth. While the invasive plant disease commonly called Sudden Oak Death attacks other Pacific Coast native oaks, it has not yet been found on the Garry oak.
Agrianome spinicollis and Tessaromma undatum have been recorded from the Sydney blue gum. The presence of the territorial and aggressive bell miner (Manorina melanophrys) and psyllid insects (Glycaspis) is correlated with dieback of the canopy of E. saligna, a syndrome which has been termed bell-miner-associated dieback (BMAD), though the exact mechanism remains unclear. Retrieved 12-24-2011. After colonization by Glycaspis, E. salinga may then be infested by the ambrosia beetle Amasa truncata.
Before any new items or objects enter the collection storage area, the contents should be inspected for any signs of insect activity. If an object is found, or even thought to be infested, it should be immediately isolated and put into quarantine. The museum should next look to identify the pest and determine what type of harm the pests can cause. Infested objects should be place into sealed plastic bags before moving them into the collection area.
The open spaces were found to be "infested with heath, furze, fern [bracken]" and had "coarse turfe".Bruce., 1949, p. 216 The Ailesbury Column In fact dis-parking was very much an on-off affair and it was only the Battle of the Atlantic (commencing 1940) that saw the final dis-parking of England's old deer parks, a result of the need to grow more food during the attempted blockade of the UK by the German U-boat fleets.
By late 1990 the premises were found to be infested with white ants and the floor boards, particularly on the first floor were unsound and creating an occupational and safety issue. The premises were vacated on 9 November 1990 and the lease relinquished to the Sydney Cove Redevelopment Authority.Sheedy 1991: 16 From 2008 to 2018 the Ken Duncan Gallery occupied the premises, after which, it became the head quarters of The Argyle Network, an Australian Technology recruitment business.
The percentage of animals found to be infested in large-scale slaughterhouse studies range from 1.7% in Tanzanian Zebu (Bos primigenius indicus)Mtei, B.J. and H.J.N. Sanga (1990) "Aortic onchocercosis and elaeophorosis in traditional TSZ-cattle in Tabora (Tanzania): Prevalence and pathology." Veterinary Parasitology 36(1-2):165-170. to over 60% in Philippine Bubalus bubalis.Mesina, J.E., Jr. and M.N. Novilla (1984) Occurrence of Elaeophora poeli (Vryburg, 1897) (Nematoda) in the Philippine water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis Linn.).
Dissected Drosophila falleni infected with juvenile Howardula aoronymphium nematodes. Drosophila falleni is a species of fly found in northeastern North America. A mycophagous insect, it is known to feed on the fruit bodies (mushrooms) of several genera of fungi, including Agaricus, Amanita, Agrocybe, Boletus, Cortinarius, Pluteus Grifola, Polyporus, Hypholoma, Russula, Mycena, Stropharia, and Xerula. The fly can be infested by the parasitic nematode Howardula aoronymphium, which enters the fly larvae when it is feeding on mushrooms.
Studies of the parasite load carried by the fish reveal it may be infested with the digenean flatworms Aponurus laguncula and Ectenurus virgulus, the monogenean flatworm Pseudaxine trachuri, a Corynosoma worm, many larval nematodes,Gonçalves, P. H. D. and D. R. Alves. (2012). Ecologia da comunidade de metazoários parasitos do xixarro, Trachurus lathami Nichols, 1920 (Osteichthyes: Carangidae) do litoral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Cadernos UniFOA. 20. the tapeworm Grillotia carvajalregorum,Braicovich, P. E., et al. (2012).
In 1986, Ed and Lorraine Warren arrived and proclaimed the Snedeker house, a former funeral home, to be infested with demons. The case was featured in the 1993 book In a Dark Place: The Story of a True Haunting. A TV film that later became part of the Discovery Channel series A Haunting was produced in 2002. The Haunting in Connecticut, a film very loosely based on the Warrens' version of events and directed by Peter Cornwell, was released in 2009.
Lac tubes created by Kerria lacca Resin secreted by the female lac bug on trees is processed and sold as dry flakes. Lac is the resinous secretion of a number of species of lac insects, of which the most commonly cultivated is Kerria lacca. Cultivation begins when a farmer gets a stick that contains eggs ready to hatch and ties it to the tree to be infested. Thousands of lac insects colonize the branches of the host trees and secrete the resinous pigment.
Common problems for donkeys arriving at the clinics include signs of exhaustion, malnutrition and ailments of the teeth and feet. Donkeys may also be infested with worms or lice or have open wounds caused by poor harnessing or whipping. Injuries from road traffic accidents are also increasingly common and in some areas, terrible wounds can be inflicted by packs of dogs or hyenas, particularly to young foals. In Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Kenya and Mexico, the Donkey Sanctuary provides services in remote areas with high donkey populations.
Between the two treatments (Days 2–9) the person will still be infested with lice that hatch from eggs not killed by the anti-louse product. Between the treatments, it is advised to wet the hair and comb daily with a louse-comb to remove the hatching lice. If no living lice are found, the treatment was successful, even if nits (eggs) are visible on the hair. If living lice are still present, the treatment is repeated using an anti-louse product with a different active ingredient.
The most common pest that threatens enset is caused by the Cataenococcus enset which is a root mealybug. The Cataenococcus enset feeds on the roots and corm of the enset plant which leads to slower growth and easier uprooting. Even though enset can be infested at all age stages, the highest risk is between the second or fourth growth year. The dispersion of the mealybug occurs through different vectors: First, the larvae can crawl short distances as adults mealybugs tend to move only after being disturbed.
The game's primary setting is the Okanos region at the Thirteen Towers, a giant fortress suspended above a giant chasm called the Scar, held in place by thirteen giant chains said to keep the Scar from growing. Initially built five centuries before, a disastrous magical experiment caused the Towers to be infested by monsters. Fifty years prior to the start of the game, a new experiment involving the monsters triggers the Scar's creation. The main protagonist is Aeron, a former soldier from the kingdom of Athos.
H. repandum on sale at a market in Finland H. repandum is considered to be a good edible, having a sweet, nutty taste and a crunchy texture. Some consider it to be the culinary equivalent of the chanterelle. Author Michael Kuo gives it an edibility rating of "great" and notes that there are no poisonous lookalikes, and that H. repandum mushrooms are unlikely to be infested with maggots. Delicately brushing the cap and stipe of specimens immediately after harvest will help prevent soil from getting lodged between the teeth.
Bee-eaters may be infested by several blood-feeding flies of the genus Carnus, and the biting fly Ornithophila metallica. Other parasites include chewing lice of the genera Meromenopon, Brueeliaa and Meropoecus, some of which are specialist parasites of bee-eaters, and the stickfast flea Echidnophaga gallinacea. The hole-nesting lifestyle of bee-eaters means that they tend to carry a higher burden of external parasites than non-hole-nesting bird species. Bee-eaters may also be infected by protozoan blood parasites of the genus Haemoproteus including H. meropis.
The runners were paid according to the distance they travelled and the weight of their letters. Carrying the mail was dangerous work: ::With the exception of such parts as may be infested by tigers, the post seldom or never fails of arriving within an hour of its appointed time, except, as has been observed, when the waters are out. In this case, many circuitous roads must be followed, whereby the way is considerably lengthened. Taking the average, a hundred miles per day may be run over by the dawk, or post, in fair weather.
Carpenter ant cleaning antennae Carpenter ant species reside both outdoors and indoors in moist, decaying, or hollow wood, most commonly in forest environments. They cut "galleries" into the wood grain to provide passageways to allow for movement between different sections of the nest. Certain parts of a house, such as around and under windows, roof eaves, decks and porches, are more likely to be infested by carpenter ants because these areas are most vulnerable to moisture. Carpenter ants carrying a dead bee Carpenter ants have been known to construct extensive underground tunneling systems.
Visser Three is sure now that she is an Andalite bandit, and orders Chapman to bring Rachel to him. He also tells Chapman to bring Melissa so that she can be infested, because she is a security risk to the Yeerks; it was her cat that the "Andalite" used. Chapman rebels against his Yeerk, Iniss 226, causing Iniss to momentarily lose control of the host body and fight to take it back. Iniss is tired by the effort and opts not to take Melissa, planning to explain the circumstances face to face with the Visser.
A distinct rural settlement in Monluè is reported at least since the Middle Ages; it was originally called Mons Luparium (in Latin, meaning "mountain - or hill - of the wolves"). This toponymy suggests that, back then, the area was probably more hilly than it is today, and that the forests between Monluè and Milan used to be infested by wolves. Despite the inhospitable environment, friars from the Humiliati religious order founded an abbey in Monluè in the 13th century. They reclaimed the land, and a small rural town gradually developed in the surroundings of the abbey.
The health of George Cooke had never been very good, and in 1849, in New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, he contracted cholera and died quickly from the illness. Nearly twenty years after his death, the gallery in Pratville was found to be infested with dry rot and had to be torn down to prevent the rot from spreading. As a result, all of Cooke's work housed at the gallery wound up being destroyed or dispersed. It was this threat that prompted Daniel Pratt to donate Interior of St. Peter's Rome to the University of Georgia.
The genus name has been given the name Hildoceras in honour of St. Hilda of Whitby (614-680 AD). Legend has it that this lady was required to found an abbey on the cliffs above Whitby, in the north of England. Finding the site to be infested by snakes (a devilish omen), she prayed to the Lord and the snakes coiled up and were turned to stone. She picked them up and threw them over the cliff, and that is why there are so many ammonite fossils in the rocks below the abbey.
SteamRail have offered the MRPS a turntable (formerly from Yea) as a substitute, which will be suitable to turn K, J, D3 and Y class locomotives. These are the only steam locomotive classes considered likely to operate on the line in the foreseeable future. The station building at Mornington was made available to the MRPS for re-use, but was found to be infested with termites, and largely unusable. The MRPS was able to recover most of the points and some track from the station yard before it was demolished.
Because P. ramorum is able to infect many ornamental plants, it can be transmitted by ornamental plant movement. Hikers, mountain bikers, horseback riders, and other people engaged in various outdoor activities may also unwittingly move the pathogen into areas where it was not previously present. Those travelling in an area known to be infested with SOD can help prevent the spread of the disease by cleaning their (and their animals') feet, tires, tools, camping equipment, etc. before returning home or entering another uninfected area, especially if they have been in muddy soil.
A good nesting site for honey bees must be large enough to accommodate their swarm (minimum 15 liters in volume, preferably ≈40 liters). It should be well protected from the elements, and have a small entrance (approximately 12.5 cm squared) located at the bottom of the cavity. It must receive a certain amount of warmth from the sun, and should not be infested with ants. In addition to these criteria, nest sites with abandoned honeycombs, if the scout bees can find one, are preferred, because this allows the bees to better conserve their resources.
During her journey, she observed difficult vows and performed ablutions in the holy waters. The goddess Ganga appeared before Amba and listened to Amba's tale that her austerities were aimed to destroy Bhishma, Ganga's son. The angry goddess Ganga replied that since Amba's mind was crooked, she would be become a crooked and tortuous river, which will remain dry for eight months and flow in the four months of the rainy season. Ganga declared that the bathing places along the river's course would be in difficult terrain, and it will be infested with crocodiles and other fierce creatures.
The building was closed by East Dunbartonshire Council on 30 June 2004, largely due to the anticipated expense of restoring a building constructed of notoriously crumbling soft sandstone. In response, the Kirkintilloch Town Hall Preservation Trust was established as a registered charity to preserve the Hall and restore it for community use. In November 2010 rats were sighted inside the building and concerns were expressed that the hall could be infested with them. After the local newspaper asked East Dunbartonshire Council to see inside the building, the council turned down the request on the grounds of health and safety.
There is documented "co-occurrence of gamasoidosis and various immunosuppressive disorders" and physicians should bear in mind that immunocompromised patients, patients that take corticosteroids, and patients with dementia may have a more severe infestation than healthy patients, Despite this, while immunosuppression can "increase susceptibility, it is not necessarily a pre-requisite for infestation". Dermatoscopy can help to exclude the diagnosis of delusional parasitosis. Pets such as canaries, cats, dogs and gerbils can be infested also, diagnosis can be made by examining their feathers or fur for mites and is best carried out by a veterinary professional.
Tadpoles then hatch and complete development in the pond. Some clutches of eggs have been found to be infested by the larvae of a dipteran fly Aphiura breviceps and females of this fly may reside in the burrows of this frog where they are presumed to feed on the outer capsules of the eggs. In one study, around 7% of burrows were found to have eggs infested with maggots from this phorid fly and the mean egg clutch size was 391, and on average, only 2.8% of clutches were found to experience some form of egg mortality.
In the southwestern region of Madagascar, where the locusts are the worst, 80% of the population lives in poverty. The FAO plan calls for large-scale aerial fetus operations to spray extra pesticides over 1.5 million hectares (3.7 million acres) of land from 2013 to 2014. According to the national Locust Control Centre, 100,000 out of 130,000 hectares (257,000 out of 321,000 acres) of vulnerable crop land had not been treated at the time of the FAO proposal. If no action is taken, the FAO estimates that two-thirds of Madagascar will be infested by September, and says the infestation could last for five to ten years.
The most common ectoparasites found on Poicephalus parrots are feather mites and bird lice that live on the birds' feathers and skin. Like other wild animals, Poicephalus parrots may be infested with internal parasites like Coccidia, Ascaridida, Capillaria nematodes, and Cestoda (tapeworms). Little is known about diseases typical of wild Poicephalus parrots but the examination of Cape parrots and Rüppell's parrots found that parts of these populations are infected with the virus that causes the Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD). There is still no treatment available for this often fatal disease and although some birds may show no symptoms, they may nonetheless spread the virus they carry.
Taft would accept an additional 2000 trees, while Midzuno suggested that the trees be given in the name of Tokyo. Takamine and Midzuno subsequently met with the First Lady, who accepted the offer of 2000 trees. The original 1910 gift of 2000 cherry trees from Tokyo had to be burned after they were discovered to be infested with agricultural pests and disease On April 13, Spencer Cosby, Superintendent of the Office of Public Buildings and Grounds, purchased ninety cherry trees (Prunus serrulata) that were planted along the Potomac River from the Lincoln Memorial south toward East Potomac Park. It was subsequently discovered that the trees were of the cultivar Shirofugen, rather than the ordered Fugenzo.
In Scientology, the concept of the thetan is similar to the concept of self, or the spirit or soul. A body thetan or a BT is a disincarnate thetan who is "stuck" in, on or near a human body, and all human bodies are said to be infested by these disembodied thetans, or clusters of them. Body thetans came about approximately 75 million years ago through a catastrophe brought on by a galactic dictator named Xenu, as described by L. Ron Hubbard in a confidential auditing (counseling level in Scientology) called OT III. High-level Scientologists are told that body thetans are responsible for physical and mental ailments, and are told to telepathically exorcize them using Scientology auditing processes.
It is currently one of the most destructive pests in the United States,Lax and Osbrink (2003) estimated to cost consumers over $1 billion annually for preventive and remedial treatment and to repair damage caused by this insect. In New Orleans, 30-50% of the city's 4,000 historic live oak trees are believed to be infested, with total damage costing the city $300 million a year.(Tulane 2002) In North America, C. formosanus creates significantly bigger colonies, and therefore more damage, than native US termites, which reside underground and enter buildings only to forage.Raloff (2003) C. formosanus is the most destructive, difficult to control, and economically important species of termite in the southern United States.
A few of his ancestors became quite famous and/or powerful, but the majority of them were lucky enough to breed before killing themselves in some spectacular magical accident. A level 7 Generalist Wizard of Neutral Good alignment, Artax has Nonweapon Proficiency ranks in Spellcraft (16), Henchcraft (18), Ancient Languages (18), Reading/Writing (19) and Forgery (15). Artax's elongated mustache is said to be infested with so many food particles that it can be ingested with all the nutritional value of a single iron ration, while his pointy hat has the powers of a +4 Ring of Protection. He is noted to have a special defence; a 30% resistance to pleas of mercy.
Lyctus carbonarius is a wood-boring beetle in the family Bostrichidae (formerly in the family Lyctidae, which is now a subfamily of Bostrichidae), commonly known as the southern lyctus beetle or lyctid powderpost beetle.Texas AgriLife Extension It is a serious pest of hardwoods including ash, hickory, oak, maple and mahogany and can infest many products in the home including hardwood flooring and structural timbers, plywood, furniture, tool handles, picture frames, baskets and ladders. Timber can be infested in one location and then be transported large distances by ship, after which the beetles can emerge and spread the infestation to new areas.University of Florida Lyctus planicollis LeConte, 1859 is considered a synonym of the species of Lyctus carbonarius.
The red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, attacks stored grain products worldwide. Insect pests including the Mediterranean flour moth, the Indian mealmoth, the cigarette beetle, the drugstore beetle, the confused flour beetle, the red flour beetle, the merchant grain beetle, the sawtoothed grain beetle, the wheat weevil, the maize weevil and the rice weevil infest stored dry foods such as flour, cereals and pasta. In the home, foodstuffs found to be infested are usually discarded, and storing such products in sealed containers should prevent the problem from reoccurring. The eggs of these insects are likely to go unnoticed, with the larvae being the destructive life stage, and the adult the most noticeable stage.
Other vineyards that Bragato encouraged, such as Dawson's Glenlinton at Whittlesea continued producing fine wines for a generation or more afterwards, the taste and memory of which helped to seed revival of the wine industry in Victoria in the post 1945-era. Bragato was an early advocate of a viticultural and wine making college for Victoria. The idea languished in the economically depressed years of the early 1890s. But was pushed to a conclusion at Rutherglen after 1894 when the rival Bendigo vineyards were discovered to be infested with phylloxera. They were subsequently destroyed under the Victorian government’s draconian eradicationist policies enacted with agreement from the other wine growing colonies of South Australia and New South Wales.
About a year later Samuel left and took up a pastorate at Hitchin. He went on to write The Triumph of Christ on the Cross, as God-man over sin and the sinner; to which is prefixed, an account of the early life, conversion, and call to the ministry of the Author in 1857, and was associated for many years with a Strict Baptist cause at Sleaford. The church continued to meet in the loft, said to be infested with pigeons, until George Turner became pastor in 1850 and made plans to build a chapel. The church bought a site on Bear Lane, a 250-capacity chapel was erected, and the first service was held on 9 April 1853 (Good Friday).
Wallis replaced the screen and reduced the seating capacity, with some of the sections of the building found to be infested with white ants. Another major renovation took place in 1983–1984, after the building was listed on the state's heritage register, as "the oldest purpose- built cinema in Adelaide, the only remaining silent cinema still operating, and as a building of architectural & cultural significance to Burnside", and the Council secured a grant under the Community Employment Program. The number of seats was reduced from 1145 to 586, a new floor, screen, acoustic equipment and carpet were installed, and the cinema was repainted for the first time since 1955. The cinema began to show first-release films at this time, increasing its attractiveness to audiences.
The American Phytopathological Society. Moreover, on many sites in California (though not all), P. ramorum can typically be detected from infected bay laurel tissues via culturing techniques year-round; this is not the case for most other hosts, nor is it the case in Oregon, where tanoak is the most reliable host.E. Goheen, USDA Forest Service, personal communication As part of a nationwide USDA program, a ground-based detection survey was implemented from 2003 to 2006 in 39 U.S. states to determine whether the pathogen was established outside the West Coast areas already known to be infested. Sampling areas were stratified by environmental variables likely to be conducive to pathogen growth and by proximity to possible points of inoculum introduction such as nurseries.
Thanks to intel from their friend and ally, Erek the Chee, the Animorphs discover that a high-ranking member of the Secret Service, Hewlett Aldershot III, has been intentionally injured by the Yeerks and is being kept secretly in a hospital where he is heavily guarded. Since he cannot be infested while in a coma, Visser Three acquires his DNA in hopes of impersonating him to eventually acquire an even more senior official. However, he figures out that the Animorphs are spying on him in seagull morphs, so he morphs a kafit bird from the Andalite home world and gives chase to Ax, Rachel, and Marco, whom he spies at the time. Eventually, he settles on only chasing Ax, and after cornering him on the roof of a McDonald's, they engage in tail-to-tail combat in their Andalite bodies.
Moreover, a number of characteristics of the B. telmatiaea spike are purported to be adaptations to pollination by nocturnal mammals: the strong, musky odour, the occurrence of inflorescences hidden within the foliage close to the ground, the large amounts of nectar produced, and the pattern of nectar production, which peaks at dawn and dusk. This last adaptation is thought to favour visits by birds and mammals, which feed in the morning and evening respectively, as opposed to insects, which are most active during the day. Reproductive success is strongly affected by insects that infest the flower spikes and fruiting structures. Infestation of the flower spikes is not as severe as in other Banksia species: one study found less than 10% of B. telmatiaea inflorescences to be infested, compared to over 50% for B. attenuata (candlestick banksia), B. littoralis and B. menziesii (Menzies' banksia), and over 90% for B. grandis (bull banksia).
While at the Plague Research Laboratory he made what was probably his chief contribution to medicine, the discovery that the body louse, a blood-sucking insect, might serve as a vector for the transmission of relapsing fever. In August 1907 Mackie was sent to investigate an outbreak of relapsing fever that had broken out at a mission settlement in Nasik (now Nashik), in the state of Maharashtra. The boys and girls residing at the settlement were housed in separate, similar bungalows but many more of the boys than the girls were taken ill with the disease and Mackie's investigation pointed to the cause. The boys were found to be infested with body lice, while the girls were almost free of them. Confirmation of the body louse as vector came from microscopic examination of the lice, which showed they were carrying large numbers of the spirochetes characterizing the human disease and that they were multiplying within the insects’ stomachs.
The Supreme Intelligence specifically guesses that it'll take thousands of years to create a large enough army to fully be unleashed as a weapon. However, it adds that they would then make a perfect tool to unleash against someone like the Shi'ar.X-Men (2020) #9 Thousands of years later, Kree warrior Mar-Vell, has been ordered to make contact with the stranded Grand Admiral Devros on a planet in the Absolom Sector, a region known to be infested with Brood, Mar- Vell's team, which includes the medic Una and Colonel Yon-Rogg, was ambushed by Brood warriors after landing on the planet and taken prisoner by the Brood- infected Devros. The colony's Brood Queen impregnates each captive with Brood embryos, but Mar-Vell and Una manage to escape, destroy both leaders of the Brood colony, and ridding themselves of their infections using Una's modified omni-wave projector which had been designed to eliminate Brood embryos.

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