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10 Sentences With "be delirious"

How to use be delirious in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be delirious" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be delirious". Mastering all the usages of "be delirious" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I may be delirious, but I laughed so hard I basically cried.
I don't want to be delirious or unconscious at the end of life.
Anyone who believes that the global economy isn't crashing must be delirious, according to David Stockman.
The patients were considered to be delirious if they couldn't pay attention and if they experienced either an altered state of consciousness or disorganized thinking.
"When Trump understands how the blueprint works, particularly the border adjustability provision, which will create a huge incentive to make stuff in the United States, I think he'll be delirious," said Ken Kies, one of Washington's most influential corporate tax lobbyists.
Using the DSM-5 criteria for delirium as framework, the early recognition of signs/symptoms and a careful history, along with any of multiple clinical instruments, can help in making a diagnosis of delirium. A diagnosis of delirium cannot be made without a previous assessment of the patient's baseline level of cognitive function. In other words, a mentally- disabled or demented person might appear to be delirious, but may actually just be operating at his/her baseline mental ability.
The fangkui ( "Peucedanum japonicum") root is used in Chinese medicine, and, like the previous cat's claw, has not been noted as a hallucinogenic in modern works. The c. 510 Tao Hongjing mingyi bielu states, "Feverish people should not take it, because it causes one to be delirious and see spirits"; and Chen Yanzhi's () c. 454-473 Xiaoping fang ( "Minor Prescriptions") says that fangkui, "if taken in excess, makes one become delirious and act somewhat like mad" (tr.
Two men (both being junior officers in Soviet Army, in 1986), nicknamed "Bratishka" (Brother) and "Poekhavshiy" (Nutcase), are being held in a penal military prison. The room which they share looks like a dark cellar with a dripping sewer pipe running through it. One of the prisoners, Nutcase, seems to be delirious and never stops talking. He tells stories of his past, sings the song of the "Green Elephant" circus, does push-ups, comes up with crazy ideas and even mimics a heron in an attempt to cheer up his cellmate Brother, leading only to an increase in his anger.
People of China pronounce P. japonicum as bin hai qian hu (滨海前胡). Its older name was fang kui (防葵). > Feverish people should not take it because it causes one to be delirious and > see spirits. \- Tao Hongjing (456-536 C.E.) - Taoist mediator of Maoshan and > follower of Ge Hong - writing in 510 C.E. In contrast to the Korean culinary uses listed above, the plant was considered in China to be medicinal but possibly deleterious to health and likely to cause delirium in those who consumed it in quantity: > Fang k'uei, if taken in excess, makes one become delirious and act somewhat > as though mad.
Realising she must go and rescue him, Lucy prepares to set out for Russia with Stryver. In St. Petersburg, the young student Kralena is thrown in prison for printing pamphlets inciting rebellion against the ruling classes. He vows that one day he shall see the workers take control, while Dr. Manislav, lying on the floor of the cell, reflects again on the injustice of his being silenced for trying to do the right thing ("One Day...") Lucy arrives with Stryver and arranges for her father's release, though Manislav seems to be delirious and doesn't recognise her. Kralena curses the aristocratic airs and graces of people like Lucy, and once they have gone, he again sings of how he shall one day seize power ("One Day...Reprise").

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