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75 Sentences With "be crammed"

How to use be crammed in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be crammed" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be crammed". Mastering all the usages of "be crammed" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But don't worry, they won't be crammed into your chat inbox like with Facebook Messenger.
Whatever solutions are developed cannot happen in a week or two and be crammed through.
And there is only so much that can be crammed into a four-hour session.
"It's not appropriate for so many people to be crammed together in a single location," he said.
As a result, more action than ever had to be crammed into a smaller period of time.
Overall, iOS 20173 looks like it's gonna be crammed full of features that power users will appreciate.
Bebop's sweeping narratives also won't be crammed into a single film, but rather a full ten-episode order.
And the evidence suggests that it means Londoners have to be crammed ever-more closely together within it.
Hundreds of millions of Chinese are expected to be crammed into trains, buses and planes for family reunions.
The only question was whose story would be crammed into the time the show had left — Martin's, or someone else's.
And it turned out that news, which is full of people who hate other people, can be crammed into lists.
For instance, a table had to be built so that Dafoe and Pattinson could be crammed into a single shot.
Its six seconds could be crammed full to the point of frenzy, if that seemed an appropriate goal for the occasion.
STRICTLY speaking, Moore's law is about the ever greater number of electronic components that can be crammed onto a given device.
T) can be crammed with some 150 million yen to 1.6 billion yen ($1.3 million-$14 million) in Japan's biggest-denomination bills.
The cost is partly due to the manufacturing process that allows so much visible data to be crammed onto such a tiny surface.
Sending and receiving mmW signals will require entirely new kinds of antennas that will have to be crammed inside of tiny mobile handsets.
Sense8 hasn't been fully revived, and a story that probably would have taken seasons to unfold now has to be crammed into two hours.
After all, that small crew will be crammed together on a spaceship for a few years at least, and getting along will be essential.
In a larger space in Williamsburg, shelves will still be crammed with crackers and tinned seafood, and counters will dispense fine meats and cheeses.
It can help them understand how DNA packs into a cell, or how a giant solar sail could be crammed into a small satellite.
He says although he didn't expect it to be "crammed full," the excess of empty space was unacceptable, and he's blaming it on the packaging.
But what about the long term, as new warfare missions continue to be crammed into work-ups for crew readiness once deployed alongside maintenance requirements?
"The hotel experience was truncated because we'd be crammed into a room or forced into a lobby," said Philip Bates, the managing partner of Bode.
I owned ample exercise garb prior to kicking off 31 days of athleisure; let's just say my leggings collection couldn't be crammed into a single drawer.
Smart pillows aren't a new idea: If technology can be crammed into a random object, you can be assured someone has already thought of doing it.
Russia talks of creating a new buffer zone along the border, as if the 3m desperate people in Idlib could be crammed into a few kilometres.
And because the processor is more efficient it also generates less heat, which means it can be crammed into smaller and thinner laptops than a Skylake processor.
One of the biggest questions raised yesterday was who would want to be crammed into a spacecraft with 99 other strangers for a minimum of three months.
Given how eagerly word-nerds recently shared this tit-bit about adjective order on social media, the lecture-halls for linguistics classes should be crammed to the rafters.
That has tightened the bottleneck at elite journals, which publish no more papers than they did 30 years ago and demand that more research be crammed into each submission.
Moore's law—the observation that the number of transistors that can be crammed onto a chip of a given size doubles every two years—has built the modern, computerised world.
Since the silicon transistor was created in 1947, the amount of transistors that can be crammed onto a chip has grown from a few thousand to more than 2 billion.
Just think how much affordable housing could be crammed onto the 400 acres (160 hectares) of Hampstead Heath after its 7m annual (NIMBY) visitors have been told to clear off.
Will the grid be crammed with lots of really tough entries (not that I'm bitter, Byron Walden and Brad Wilber) or will there be stacks of 15s (Hi, Martin Ashwood-Smith!)?
A popular series of company safes from Secom Co Ltd can be crammed with some 13 million yen to 1.6 billion yen ($1.3 million-$14 million) in Japan's biggest-denomination bills.
This high-tech construction is required because the hydrogen fuel has to be stored at pressures of up to 700 atmospheres, if enough is to be crammed in for 500km of motoring.
Cortex AE chips are optimized to be built with the most advanced 7-nanometer circuit wiring, ARM said, which multiplies the number of features that can be crammed into the same space.
This sprawling mass of flavours can't be crammed into a cheese toastie gif or Saturday food supplement, so every day this week, MUNCHIES will be exploring the stories that make Britain's cuisine.
Classes were a negligible affair: what mattered was your grade on the final exams, and those could readily be crammed for by memorizing ten or fifteen pages of mimeographed notes sold by upperclassmen.
This recent flowering of AI into a buzzword fit to be crammed onto every bulleted list of features has to do at least partly with the conflation of neural networks with artificial intelligence.
The outbreak came just before the start of the busy Lunar New Year travel season, when hundreds of millions of Chinese are expected to be crammed into trains, buses and planes for family reunions.
For 50 years progress has been driven by Moore's law, which states that the number of components that can be crammed onto a chip doubles every two years and thus, roughly, so does its computational power.
In 1965 Gordon Moore, who would later become one of the founders of Intel, a chipmaker, wrote a paper noting that the number of electronic components which could be crammed into an integrated circuit was doubling every year.
The R&B-tinged rap Choc makes also distinguishes her from Baltimore's current wave of street music that tends to be crammed with relentless—and sometimes hookless—raps about the city's crime and the need to get away.
The agenda promises to be crammed, given the need to address Russia's provocative policies in Eastern Europe, the Continent's migrant crisis, fears of more terrorism and, not least, the disruption of Britain's vote to exit the European Union.
Click here to view original GIF"I'd always associated gifs with the old GeoCities websites that would often be crammed from top to bottom with flaming skulls, glittering hearts, and those flashing 'under construction' signs," Mackenzie told Gizmodo.
Considering that those two groups will be crammed together for hours on the floor of the Quicken Loans Arena, at this point it seems safe to expect chaos in some form when the race finally ends in Cleveland this July.
Hollywood Reporter floated the idea of a Lex Luthor origin movie, which could easily be crammed into the Wolf of Wall Street mold, especially if it is the Man of Steel iteration of Luthor as a 1980s corporate fat cat.
FEMA has also restricted the number of disaster victims who are allowed inside its field offices at once, and has made it easier for states to shelter victims in hotels or other settings where they don't have to be crammed together.
Morf is obsessed with Josephina, and swoops in the second it looks like she's available, but she's quickly distracted when her upstairs neighbor dies, and his apartment turns out to be crammed with spectacular art that transfixes everyone who looks at it.
The "eHealth" industry, which produces the infrastructure with which the square peg of medicine will be crammed into the round hole of scalable technology, is estimated to reach $308 billion by 2022, and is a key driver of America's $3 trillion national healthcare expenditure.
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)By cutting out a portion of a handset's upper display to make room for a front-facing camera and any other sensors that can be crammed in there, the notch is turning what would otherwise be a boring bezel into something you can actually use.
He was the first person known to be waterboarded by the C.I.A. — he endured it 83 times — and was the first person known to be crammed into a small confinement box as part of what the Seton Hall study called "a constantly rotating barrage" of methods meant to break what interrogators believed was his resistance.
It used to be crammed with decades of unsold paintings, but now that she can finally afford storage space, the only work present on a recent visit was her new series of fluorescent black-light paintings of testicle-headed Donald Trumps and vagina-faced Hillary Clintons, which are now on view at the Drawing Center in downtown Manhattan.
Even so, inmates had to be crammed up to seven or eight to a cell, when these were originally designed for three.
There they lived in concentration camp like conditions. Similar looking huts or tarpaulin tents were put up to be crammed with refugees. The boundaries were surrounded by barbed wires and guarded. The places were named Permanent Liability Camps.
Other alternatives include systematic refinancing of large numbers of mortgages and allowing mortgage debt to be "crammed down" (reduced) in homeowner bankruptcies. # Regulatory: New or reinstated rules designed help stabilize the financial system over the long-run to mitigate or prevent future crises.
27 Her right leg was broken in two places so it could be crammed into the crate.Macpherson, p. 24 Incisions, made by the penknife, ran downwards along her abdomen and had been made "within at most ten minutes of the time of death" according to Templeman, Stalker and Littlejohn.
Attempts made to separate the alien vessel from the Argonos fail. Weapons have no effect. As panic begins to intensify aboard the ship, a final plan is devised. The residents on the Argonos will be crammed into the harvesters and shuttles, and they will travel back to the abandoned planet Antioch.
The Libertine suggested that Doty and another madam, Adeline Miller, should rent the Park Theatre and talk about their lives. It predicted that "the house would be crammed if the entrance was five dollars a head. The bigger the harlot now-a-days the more money is made."Quoted in Gilfoyle 73.
A week and a half after the quake, filming resumed again. In February, they moved to Alcatraz. Filming there had to be done at night, because the National Park Service did not want to disrupt daily tourism in the daytime. More than 300 crew members had to be crammed in the prison cells.
"Nelson, 86. There was a typical schedule: one or two hours of private devotions in the morning, breakfast and kitchen chores, prayer at 9 AM, classes until noon, lunch before personal household or office duties. But the schedule might be interrupted at any moment by some special request for prayer. "God's work could not be crammed into a human schedule, and fussy ideas about order were not appropriate.
The exterior of The Tasty, 1996 The Tasty was a tiny one-room diner and lunch counter, its customer area no more than seven feet wide and thirty feet deep, with a narrow counter made of yellow linoleum. A Harvard Business School student once deemed it "the most profitable restaurant in New England per sq ft", at . The Tasty had 14 stools. On busy nights it would be crammed with around 70 people (from actual head counts) at a time.
It served as a meeting place for groups and organizations, card parties, socials, polling place, wedding receptions and family reunions. A school for the old Lindenhurst farm served as Village Hall until it burned down, and the offices moved to Linden Plaza. By 1970, the village numbered 3,141 people. The village offices couldn't be crammed into Linden Plaza any longer, and the new village hall that was built in 1974 housed office space, the mayor, the police department, the building inspector, and the village garage.
Trade Tools depicted on a 17th- century lowland Paisley GravestoneBy the early 17th century, many ancient graveyards had become swollen with so many bodies that their lands were recognisable as burial grounds. Some sites have been subjected to an increase of several feet in height. By the middle of the century, we begin to see more identification marks on the stones. Heraldic devices, craft tools, symbols of mortality and the name, date of birth and often the address of the deceased began to be crammed onto the limited surfaces of the stone.
The designers of dreadnoughts sought to provide as much protection, speed, and firepower as possible in a ship of a realistic size and cost. The hallmark of dreadnought battleships was an "all-big-gun" armament, but they also had heavy armour concentrated mainly in a thick belt at the waterline and in one or more armoured decks. Secondary armament, fire control, command equipment, and protection against torpedoes also had to be crammed into the hull. The inevitable consequence of demands for ever greater speed, striking power, and endurance meant that displacement, and hence cost, of dreadnoughts tended to increase.
Gulbenkian amassed a huge fortune and an art collection which he kept in a private museum at his Paris house. An art expert said in a 1950 issue of Life magazine that "Never in modern history has one man owned so much." His four-story, three-basement house on Avenue d'Iéna was said to be crammed with art, a situation ameliorated in 1936 when he lent thirty paintings to the National Gallery, London and his Egyptian sculpture to the British Museum. Gulbenkian's home on 51 Avenue d'Iéna in Paris, where he kept most of his art Throughout his lifetime, Gulbenkian managed to collect over 6,400 pieces of art.
The jail was situated along Shockoe Creek and featured "barred windows, high fences, chained gates opening to the rutted streets, and all seen and smelled through a film of cooking smoke and stench of human excrement." It was said to more closely resemble a chicken coop, holding so many slaves that they were virtually on top of one another. Multiple slaves would be crammed into one room or floor, with no toilets or access to the outside with the exception of a small window. Due to these conditions, slaves at the jail often died of disease or starvation, if not from beatings and torture.
3–8 Evans sought a career at sea, and while at school had tried, but failed, to obtain a cadetship with the Royal Navy training ship . The alternatives open to him were to be "crammed" by an expensive tutor and resit the Britannia examination, or to attend the cheaper privately run training ship HMS Worcester, which mainly trained officers for the Merchant Navy. His father chose the latter, and Evans joined the Worcester in January 1895. He was heavily bullied, but by the middle of his second year had found his place, and gained a reputation as an able and diligent – if still troublesome – cadet.
Rogers's vessels were then being readied in Bristol for a long and difficult journey to the Pacific coast of South America. The purpose of the Rogers expedition was to go around Cape Horn into the South Pacific, to damage Spanish settlements and interests along the South American Pacific coast, and to capture booty for their own profit, including the large treasure galleons that sailed from Manila to Mexico. The two ships were to be crammed with men, supplies to maintain them, and with guns and powder, for the success of the expedition depended on being able to outfight those vessels they sought to capture and plunder.
The Bank Negara halt (March 2007) is one of a few train stations in the KTM Komuter network to be constructed along valley-like terrain. As are other halts along KTM Komuter lines, the Bank Negara halt is lined along two electrified railway tracks, each with one of the halt's two side platforms at either side of the track. However, accommodating railway lines located along a small valley, the halt and its platforms were required to be crammed into a limited amount of space, with one ticketing concourse placed at one edge of the valley. The Bank Negara halt does not feature a centralised ticketing concourse, but was rather designed with two, each intended for either platform.
Eaborn also introduced the "degree by thesis" program, in which students would be granted their degree after a thesis and an oral exam rather than traditional written exams; this was successful in attracting "original and self-motivated" who had not completed the conventional education program prior to university. Eaborn introduced "crash courses", where a subject would be crammed into a period of weeks rather than spread out over a year, and served as the first Dean of the School of Molecular Sciences until 1968, and from then until 1972 the first Pro-vice-chancellor for Science. He retired in 1988, and died in his sleep after a long illness on 22 February 2004.
On 17 June, there were still about waiting ashore, many at St Nazaire and ferrying men to the big ships offshore resumed early in the morning, soon joined by lighters, tenders and destroyers. The men being transported were reinforcements and lines-of-communication troops, tradesmen, labourers, mechanics and engineers of the Royal Army Service Corps (RASC), pioneers and tradesmen in RAF maintenance units from Nantes aerodrome. Several merchantmen and railway ferries from the Dover–Calais route were among the armada off St Nazaire but the largest ship was the Lancastria of the Cunard Line. Lancastria was normally permitted to carry and but in the emergency Captain R. Sharp was ordered to take as many troops as could be crammed on board.
The account is an extended parody of a particular style of overtly masculine meme page on social media. In the words of The A.V. Clubs Gabe Worgaftik, the target of its parody is "the kind of Facebook page that posts tough-guy memes over pictures of skeletons that your fuck-up cousin shares ... this generation's version of a 'Keep honking, I'm reloading' bumper sticker." Writing for Dazed, Luke O'Neil called da share z0ne a "riff on the style of toxic masculinity that can be found on specific corners of the meme-based internet ... where dudes are dudes, motorcycles and guns kick ass, and everything you need to know about a guy can be crammed onto a horribly designed image macro of clashing fonts, unreadable texts, and shoddy looking graphics." In November 2018, The Columbus Dispatch reported that webcomic artist Drew Fairweather runs da share z0ne.

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