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102 Sentences With "be angry at"

How to use be angry at in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "be angry at" and check conjugation/comparative form for "be angry at". Mastering all the usages of "be angry at" from sentence examples published by news publications.

No, the crossword police will not be angry at you.
It was pointless to be angry at Beau — he was a dog!
There is no one easier to be angry at than an owner.
It's OK to be angry at her, it's OK to be mad.
But if Sanders should be angry at anyone, it's the Democratic Party.
So I would just kind of be angry at him for no reason.
Someone is going to be angry at him no matter what he does.
You should be angry at how UConn and Randy Edsall treated Ryan Dickens.
It's boring, but at least you won't be ANGRY at a white room.
It's harder to be angry at antagonists who have every right to their pain.
"Of course, California does have a reason to be angry at Texas," he said.
But in a political debate somebody is going to find somebody to be angry at.
I don't want to be angry at him and I understand that people make mistakes.
There have been so many more reasons to be angry at the world since then.
They seem to be angry at Harry Maguire for faking contact inside of Colombia's box.
We expect Kate to be angry at original Miles, but she's angry at them both.
But if you don't like any attacks at all, you could be angry at the government.
"He wanted somebody to be angry at," a teary Jacobs told Good Morning America on Monday.
"Please do not be angry at them or at God if I get killed," he wrote.
The Chinese now have more reason to be angry at Mr. Trump than at Mr. Putin.
People were drinking and looking at someone to be angry at, and you couldn't find him anywhere.
Now, there are real reasons for the U.S. to be angry at China, and demand policy changes.
But having Ryan Gosling pretend to be angry at Brad Pitt for getting more lines as a presenter?
Maybe we should be angry at Hamm, despite all of his positive, redeeming qualities and impressive acting skills.
"Be angry at gun laws that allow these guns to be purchased to 85033-year-olds," she said.
What people should be angry at is the fact that you can fire someone who is investigating you.
As if they all agreed to get out of bed in the morning and be angry at the world.
If we are going to be angry, we should be angry at the right people about the right things.
I feel very bad for them, but it's also very difficult not to be angry at them while you're watching.
Seeing my family's pain was so excruciating that whenever I thought about my feelings, I would be angry at myself.
So I'm either uncomfortably listening to someone be angry at a celebrity, or uncomfortably getting chastised for disliking a celebrity.
The Tea Party was ready to be angry at Obama on day one, explicitly because he was a black president.
People like me want to be angry at someone, because Trump's victory is more than a bitter pill to swallow.
"I thought it was inevitable that China would be on that list of groups to be angry at," he says.
Ronaldo appeared to be angry at his manager's decision and, after a brief exchange of words, headed down the tunnel.
I know if I had lost my leg I'd be angry at the world ... but you don't see that in her.
" — SETH MEYERS Roy Wood Jr. wants to be angry at R. Kelly, but he can't stop being "seduced by his music.
And you went on to say: in a political debate, somebody is always going to find somebody to be angry at.
In other words, there's plenty of room to be angry at both the Bidens and President Trump over this entire matter.
This is the rough equivalent of saying: "Before I even start, remember it's that Raymond Moore dude you should be angry at".
All we know for certain is that Young will be angry at the sun until one of them finally burns out first.
I had half hidden myself behind the curtain at the threshold of his door, afraid he would be angry at my intrusion.
Trump is neck and neck with Hillary in the Sunshine State, so she feared lots of people would be angry at her.
It's no surprise that people who feel their side is "losing" at politics are also more likely to be angry at the government.
Clifton said Trump may be angry at China over stalling on trade talks and potentially dragging the negotiations out to the presidential election.
There could be some divide over the portions of the electorate he mobilized, who might be angry at members who didn't support him.
Page&aposs chief consideration was that Clinton would be angry at the FBI upon becoming president, which the IG flags as an "inappropriate" consideration.
It would be the series of presidents and administrations, both Republican and Democrat, that they would be angry at, because we were lied to.
Of course he was gracious — he had just won a shocking victory and had no good reason to be angry at anybody at that moment.
In a letter to his parents, John urged that they should "not be angry at them [the Sentinelese] or at God if I get killed".
It's not fair to be angry at him they told me; but if life were fair, I wouldn't have been orphaned at 19 years old.
I was entirely prepared to be angry at the male/male options in the game, which are—to be blunt—incredibly bad on multiple levels.
Liberal Democrats are also more likely to be hardcore Obama partisans, and thus would more likely be angry at Netanyahu's perceived slight against the president.
"There is this huge prejudice in the ecosystem and at first you want to be angry at the vendor," said Nathan Evans, Co-Founder of Fictiv .
" Maurer's mother, Tracy Nelson Maurer, also opened up about her daughter's death telling KSTP, "I really want to be angry at somebody, but I can't be.
Recently, she was said to be "angry" at President Juncker for leaks related to a dinner he had with the U.K.'s Prime Minister Theresa May.
It may turn out that if the states own it, the ranchers will just be angry at another level of government for a different set of reasons.
Do those people who keep coming out on the short side have a right to be angry at the people who have been in charge like you?
They've also looped Huffman's daughters into their argument, saying Felicity showed little confidence in her children's academic ability and that they should be angry at their mom.
I get why people are angry, and I feel like they should be able to be angry at this point, because they've been tamped down in that rage.
Perhaps, too, Mr Kavanaugh and his Republican admirers are right to be angry at the way Ms Blasey's allegation has emerged at the 11th hour of his confirmation process.
But the closest we can get to a sure thing is the knowledge that voters will be angry at the governing party if bad things happen on their watch.
Like you can be angry at one individual outlet for how they did a certain thing but to say it's the press's fault doesn't mean what it used to mean.
I wanted to be angry at him and his colleague, who was now shredding my girlfriend's Marlboros one pack at a time, but I felt a grudging respect for his integrity.
Isabella should be angry (at one point, she threatens to tear out Angelo's eyes), but at the same time, her anger blinds her to the point of welcoming her brother's death.
What was difficult about playing him was trying to be angry at people all the time because it seems like that's his favorite part of living is just like scolding people.
"If I did something that was foolish, like gave up on border security, the first ones that would hit me would be my senators — they'd be angry at me," he said.
Should I be angry at the P.B.M.s and insurance companies that juggle prices and formularies to maximize profits, passing along huge co-payments if they don't get a good enough deal?
While younger, more educated people may be angry at the "social injustice" of wealth inequality (witness Bernie Sanders's supporters), blue-collar workers rarely complain about senior management's pay, no matter how high.
But because the word queer means something different to everyone, it's hard working out whether you should be angry at someone for using it in a way you don't expect them to.
But the manipulation should be obvious, and we should be angry at the structure itself, which is always rigged to make our choices personal, to make us choose which colleagues to despise.
And I say, because I experience so many things almost every day of my life that if I were to be angry at this situation, I would be angry all day, every day.
"I&aposll be frank with you, I hope he won&apost be angry at me: we had a shot of vodka and had some sausages at the end of a workday," Putin said.
I didn't want Colm to be angry at me, and I was flattered he liked me, and Dan didn't seem to care either way… So when Colm kissed me, I kissed him back.
What people will find as they process their feelings — and maybe fans will be angry at us or at her for this happening — but they'll find the fabric of the show more than holds.
As Mr. Hogan begins a four-day visit, his first as trade commissioner, the list of reasons for the United States and Europe to be angry at each other is long and getting longer.
Class consciousness may not be at an all-time high in this country, and public employees have long engendered resentment from Americans who may be angry at the decline of manufacturing and other industries.
This terror-boredom cocktail also leads to a new problem for Americans: Living in a country with so much to be angry at, it's hard to know where to focus that physical and mental energy.
It's easy to be angry at the cheaters, but it's more difficult to look at Lisa and realize she may be worse because her character's downfalls mirror the selfish decisions we've made in our own lives.
Still others, anti-anti-Trumpers — which only meant they were smart enough to see the president for what he is and churlish enough to be angry at those who wouldn't join them in capitulating to it.
When the week is up, one team (and maybe both) will be angry at the F.B.I. The president will condemn the bureau for being a corrupt nest of Clinton-lovers if they turn up bad facts.
Trump and Sanders voters are the likeliest among their parties to be "angry" at Washington, according to the Times/CBS News poll, with 503 percent of Trump backers and 30 percent of Sanders backers identifying that way.
It's heartbreaking to watch — West wants to be angry at his friend but he can't because of the dementia, and Hays feels so bad that he can't give West a place to funnel his hurt and anger.
In fact, he invites us to be angry at the omissions, anticipating that even a vast compendium of the work of women directors cannot satisfy in a world where so many have been excluded for so long.
"It's much easier to be angry at a faceless Washington bureaucracy than at the man you voted for," said Jere Solvie, 22, grain and hog farmer from west-central Minnesota who voted for Trump and still supports him.
"It's much easier to be angry at a faceless Washington bureaucracy than at the man you voted for," said Jere Solvie, 230, grain and hog farmer from west-central Minnesota who voted for Trump and still supports him.
"It's much easier to be angry at a faceless Washington bureaucracy than at the man you voted for," said Jere Solvie, 230, grain and hog farmer from west-central Minnesota who voted for Trump and still supports him.
She feels it's critical that all kids, especially girls, understand that anger is OK. "Girls are still more socialized [to believe] that anger equals bad, and that a good girl wouldn't be angry at her friend," she says.
I tell them that my inner fat girl is there with me all the time, and that I had to learn that I couldn't be angry at everyone in the world because everyone else is dealing with their own shit too.
Should we be angry at Nicki for actively silencing other women—or should we be directing that anger at an industry that reinforces the belief that only one woman can prosper in rap in a time, while disproportionately rewarding problematic male rappers?
Kim Dotcom clearly has reason to be angry at the US Justice Department, but if he really had evidence proving that a man was murdered for political reasons, it seems a bit shady to use it as a bargaining chip for your own freedom.
As some have pointed out, it's a tad rich for McKay — the brains behind movies like Anchorman and Step Brothers — to be angry at the audience for spending their time going to see movies instead of figuring out what was going on in Iraq.
"The coalitions are by far the most diverse of any of the candidates, so if you're angry about the failure of people of color in this primary, I guess you should be angry at the voters of color who didn't back them," Ball said.
As an adult, Lee had plenty of reasons to be angry at the celebrated writer, such as his never properly acknowledging her substantial contributions helping with his 1966 masterwork In Cold Blood, or, earlier, his petty jealousy over her tremendous success with To Kill a Mockingbird.
Most people don't want to be angry at their neighbors or the people down the street, but in many cases people are looking for explanations around why the economy isn't working for them, why they're worried about their job, why their kids aren't going to do well.
" Wilson, who also produced the film, even had to break out her law degree to cut through the noise: "I don't like to be angry at stuff, but when they sent through the list of jokes that we would have to cut to get a PG-13 rating, it was absurd.
LBC's Maajid Nawaz, a Muslim himself, argued on air that the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain who were marching at London Pride this year had the right to be angry at Islam since the only ten countries where being gay may be punishable by death are Muslim majority countries.
They are more likely to be angry at an intern than under the thumb of an oppressive boss; and if they ever were that intern, nostalgia and the brain damage of years in Washington are likely to color their memories of that experience as The Best Years of their Lives.
Furthermore, the Pew report found that Trump's and Sanders's supporters were the most likely on their respective sides of the ideological divide to be angry at the government; believe that the economic system unfairly favors powerful interests; and are more isolationist, believing that America's involvement in global problems makes those problems worse.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE says that if he were black, he would be angry at President Obama, the first black president.
Look, carry on icing your Meggles and Harry cupcakes; I understand it's hard to be angry at an old lady shuffling around shaking hands while wearing a matching mint ensemble, but maybe we should stop focussing on the personalities and at least question the incredible privilege they enjoy and how long we want to go on propping it up.
What they started doing in the '21969s more than they've ever done before when he got involved in world wrestling, is this blurring of the lines between the characters they're playing and "I'm pretending to be angry at you, Hulk Hogan," and bringing that outside the ring and making it kind of real and blurring for everybody what was real and what isn't.

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