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115 Sentences With "bad fit"

How to use bad fit in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "bad fit" and check conjugation/comparative form for "bad fit". Mastering all the usages of "bad fit" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He's a bad fit for us, and we're a bad fit for him.
"All of which makes him a bad fit for this administration."
"It was a bad fit from the get-go," Kelvin told The Athletic.
I think my performance meets expectations, but the job is a bad fit.
Loewenstein seemed to sense early on that this new arrangement was a bad fit.
On Monday, Trump tried to cast Espy as a bad fit to represent the state.
For example, apps like Scanner Pro that are used occasionally are bad fit for subscription.
The role is an unfortunately bad fit for Turner, who receives no help from Kinberg.
McClain used it last week during a spacewalk, which is when she discovered the bad fit.
He tries to turn Lamb into a sheep in wolf's clothing, but it's a bad fit.
It was a bad fit for him: a mix of older voters, Southern voters, Jewish voters.
It'd be a bad fit for a family with a super-active dog or two, though.
And by Mr. Morton's own account, the Tesla culture quickly proved to be a bad fit.
He said Vice President Pence was a "bad fit" to lead the U.S. delegation to Pyeongchang.
"In the long run, it was a terribly bad fit for Ford," Sturgeon says on the show.
It's a bad fit for the character and for Foy, though the fault is scarcely the actress's.
It was a bad fit, but also that he just didn't want to deal with me. Right.
Kenworthy earlier this month called Pence a "bad fit" to lead the U.S. delegation to Pyeongchang, South Korea.
With their demanding difficulty and precise controls, Dark Souls-style games seem like a bad fit for mobile.
If a workplace is predominantly male, you might be deemed a bad fit for not having the same interests.
The Vandals had a bad fit in FBS, but as they proved Thursday, they're certainly not a bad team.
Culturally, ethnically, attitudinally, he is a bad fit for convincing Republican voters to give that agenda a second look.
Sometimes it's a bad fit, Exhibit A being his chat with an empty chair at the 2012 Republican National Convention.
Good coverage makes legislators want to vote with their constituents lest they appear to be a bad fit for their district.
Sometimes the child is in the wrong setting, in a preschool that is too rigidly programmed or just a bad fit.
In the quest for that support, he has one glaring problem … Rubio's strengths might be a bad fit for the 2016 mood.
Kenworthy has called Mike Pence a "bad fit" for team delegation leader, and once appeared naked in an ESPN photo shoot. NBD.
If the job really is a bad fit, and you're not as happy with it as you assumed you'd be, that's reasonable.
Mr. Ford can be forgiven for a lot of things — he has earned it — but bad fit is not one of them.
While I loved the RadWagon, its size and weight made it a relatively bad fit for anyone who lives in a city.
And on that note, this one's easier said than done, but it's also the first step in any bad fit recovery process.
Punishments were designed for men, says Juliet Lyon at the Prison Reform Trust, a charity, and are often a bad fit for women.
Jeb Bush had previously served as governor of Florida from 1999 to 85033 but he proved a bad fit for a discontented electorate.
Unless they're a bad fit, you won't notice them, and there's nothing to do to use them but stick them in your shoes.
James Jones, a four-star former supreme allied commander in Europe, after concluding that the general was a bad fit for the administration.
But Rad prevailed and returned as CEO in August, with Payne leaving due to what one investor described as essentially a bad fit.
It's also a bad fit for communism, which is Western in its premises about class warfare and government ownership of the means of production.
Paxton struggled so much in the first half that the team began to wonder if his character was a bad fit for New York.
Yeah, and I didn't have anything against his resume, but it was clear to me from the start that he ... What a bad fit.
"To have someone leading the delegation that's directly attacked the LGBT community … it just seems like a bad fit," Kenworthy said, according to Yahoo News.
A national spokesman for the "tough-on-crime" politics of the Rudy Giuliani 90s, Bratton was a bad fit for the Black Lives Matter moment.
"To have someone leading the delegation that's directly attacked the LGBT community … it just seems like a bad fit," Kenworthy said, according to Yahoo News.
It's a bad fit, and as the Hawks likely consider a rebuild, getting Howard's $23.5 million contract off the books would seem like the right move.
Blonde is an album about aging, about bad-fit desire and being alone, about coming to know yourself and your past while wondering about the future.
Those who work at tech startups often feel that public policies are often simply a bad fit, according to people we've spoken with in the field.
P&G has resisted, saying Peltz is a bad fit for the board and has an outdated view on how the Cincinnati, Ohio-based company operates.
BAD FIT FOR KERING Talk of further luxury bid activity, as companies look to catch up with LVMH, led to a broader sector rally on Thursday.
This is not to say these ideas are a bad fit for the Alien franchise, which has always been interested in funhouse-mirror versions of parenthood.
There are plenty of circumstances I shoot in that would be a bad fit for this camera bag but for event and street photography it proved ideal.
In August, Benjamin told The Athletic's Tim Graham he and Carolina were "a bad fit from the get-go," and was critical of Panthers quarterback Cam Newton.
But one of the biggest regrets former CEOs often cite is having taken too long to fire someone they knew was a bad fit on their executive team.
Rondo and the Mavs were a bad fit last season after an early-season trade from Boston, and he left the team during the first round of the playoffs.
Trump was a bad fit for Arizona, a state with lots of Latinos and a large Mormon minority, which he carried with considerably less than 50 percent of the vote.
Rippon, the first openly gay U.S. athlete to qualify for the Winter Games, said Pence was a "bad fit" because he thinks the vice president has often pushed anti-LGBTQ legislation.
Remember why you hired them, and then determine if the role they're in simply isn't tapping their talent — or if they turned out to be a bad fit for the company.
I used to think Fox News and talk radio were Pied Pipers getting Republican voters to support Bush-type politicians who were actually a bad fit for those right-leaning voters.
His main opponent, Ted Cruz, fares best among voters of the religious right who identify in polls as "very conservative," which makes him a bad fit for the more moderate blue states.
Whether you feel trapped in your role, aren't getting along with a manager, or feel like you aren't being compensated fairly, powering through a bad fit can really take it out of you.
Technology built to address child porn might be a bad fit for combating "terrorist content," but even more troublingly, there isn't consensus on whether terrorists are converted by extremist content on the internet.
In an industry where work is often interwoven with employees' personal lives and productivity is not linked to time spent working, forcing a rigid structure of hourly reporting can be a particularly bad fit.
Tarantino's love for over-the-top gore, for painting the screen red, seemed a bad fit with the ghastly 1969 murders of several people, including the actress Sharon Tate, then married to Roman Polanski.
I have to assume from the warm reception greeting previous outings of Ensemble for the Romantic Century that the problem in this case is just a fluke, a bad fit of subject and method.
There, she meets Adrienne, the first of multiple friends who come and go throughout the story, for all the usual reasons — a family move, power struggles in a clique, a bad fit to begin with.
I don't want Google to be part of building a virtual world that is a bad fit for a big chunk of humanity, as office designers, carmakers and pharmaceutical companies already did in the offline world.
Chief among the reasons he was given for that person's termination was that they were uninterested in attending a company retreat in upstate New York; the manager had determined that the individual was a bad fit.
As "Pipeline" demonstrates, many elite schools are better at identifying diverse talent than at supporting it; cultural assumptions and ways of speaking can make a new environment a bad fit even if it isn't overtly hostile.
The GOP establishment also joined the president for the kumbaya moment, even after a raucous primary that saw critics arguing that Moore's record and penchant for controversial statements would be a bad fit for the Senate.
Gingrich ridiculed Romney as an out-of-touch elitist, characterizing him as a bad fit for a team that defined itself in opposition to the type of GOP political establishment that the former Republican presidential nominee represents.
When I was in my late 20s, though, it occurred to me that this arrangement I'd chosen might be connected to my struggles with depression, and that the image I was trying for was a bad fit.
So if you're thinking about the social side of romantic love, what it is right now, then there is a sense in which what I do, for example, is just a bad fit for that social construct.
Six months later, when the time came for the operations employee's first performance review, he was surprised to hear that he, too, had been deemed a bad fit, specifically because he too often left work before 7 p.m.
I'd argue that it has as much to do with bad fit (only one of the two guys really had a personality) and bad luck (the Caps and Pens only met in the playoffs once in a decade).
Robert Clewlow, who is studying international security and terrorism at the University of Nottingham, suggested that the structure, regardless of its engineering prowess, was a bad fit for the relatively intimate environment of a small city like Brighton.
By announcing the flight cancellations now, the airline will not have to pay any fines it might have had to pay had it waited, and many analysts had viewed the potential acquisition of Alitalia as a bad fit.
My dog happens to be an aggressive chewer, and she tends to rip her toys to shreds relatively quickly, but if one option didn't work for her, that doesn't mean it'll be a bad fit for your dog.
He was once an important member of Golden State's rotation, but he was jettisoned in a cost-cutting move that also acknowledged he had become a bad fit for a team that preferred to play small and fast.
"As two shorter men, Eric and I could never find [off-the-rack] clothes that fit well, and we were forced to tailor everything we purchased or live with a bad fit," Mazur said in an email to CNBC.
Comfort becomes as essential as if you're shoe shopping; if the earbuds hurt or feel like they might fall out at any moment, then any sort of brand cache or quality assurance is immediately negated by a bad fit.
Anthony proved to be a bad fit with the Rockets early in the season as the Rockets have gotten off to a 6-7 start, failing to look like the team that won an NBA-best 65 games last year.
Kenworthy, who has dubbed U.S. Vice President Mike Pence a "bad fit" to lead their delegation in Pyeongchang, became the first openly gay action sports athlete when he came out in a cover story for ESPN The Magazine in 2015.
That might be a viable way of thinking in the rough-and-tumble world of New York real estate, but it's a bad fit for roles of authority where you're supposedly duty-bound to help everyone, not just your supporters.
Scaramucci's appointment had another victim, one whose tenure was already uncertain: White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who'd been a bad fit for the job from the outset, and who also had vehemently opposed Scaramucci's appointment, resigned in protest when Scaramucci was named.
Still, longtime Trump backers are thrilled that Scaramucci is shaking things up and targeting the RNC, believing that the president has been ill-served by Priebus and Spicer, who they say were always a bad fit to defend and implement Trump's agenda.
"To have somebody leading the delegation that's directly attacked the LGBTQ community, and a Cabinet in general that just sort of stands against us and has tried to do things to set us back; it just seems like a bad fit," Kenworthy told DeGeneres.
It may be that Comic-Con's allure and reach has simply become a bad fit for the needs of major movie studios that live or die by IP-driven projects whose success or failure is often determined by the performance of a single weekend.
Freeskier Gus Kenworthy, one of the first two openly gay male athletes to represent the U.S. in the Winter Olympics, told Ellen DeGeneres that he things Vice President Pence is a "bad fit" to lead the U.S. delegation to Pyeongchang, South Korea, this month.
So it is perhaps little surprise that the league's introduction this season of video assistant refereeing — the game-pausing, controversy-inducing, fan-aggravating replay system in growing use worldwide — has been an uncommonly bad fit here, a case of sound and fury meeting a handbrake.
As I noted when profiling the race, the seat is a bad fit for leftie Brent Welder, who likely won't be able to count on a big base of left-wing voters in the general election and who just moved to the district from the St. Louis area.
Or maybe they're a simple short-term bet for developers but a genuinely a bad fit for VR. If so, I'm not sure how mobile VR will break out of that rut, short of developing a big enough user base to support a larger array of ambitious games.
I wondered if the anger — and, yes, nativism — that has animated Trump's rise was always going to be a core part of the Republican race this year, and whether, in retrospect, Rubio was always destined to be a bad fit for the G.O.P. of 2016, whether Trump came along or not.
Because it's tied to the Google Play Store, it's a bad fit for the massive Chinese market, where users rely on third-party app stores like HTC's Viveport M. And in the US, any Android-based VR system will leave out millions of iPhone users, preventing it from becoming a universal platform.
The PlayStation Move controllers are painfully limited compared to either Oculus Touch or the HTC Vive remotes, simply because their interface is a bad fit for VR. They're pimpled with four miniscule face buttons that are almost pointless for anything but menu selections, with inlaid, difficult-to-find options buttons along the sides.
"The enforcers see these companies getting big, they see them accumulating lots of personal data and they don't have a statutory framework to analyze or investigate that in the privacy realm, so they are borrowing from the antitrust realm, and it's a bad fit," said Joel Mitnick, an antitrust lawyer with Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft.
Michael Ramlet, founder of the market-research firm Morning Consult, told CNBC's "Closing Bell " on Monday that the Campbell's brand fell 22 positions in a consumer ranking among millennials compared with its standing with baby boomers and Generation X. If those operating pressures weren't bad enough, the stocks are a bad fit for the current market moment.
Sen. Patrick LeahyPatrick Joseph LeahyAppropriators warn White House against clawing back foreign aid House panel investigating decision to resume federal executions Graham moves controversial asylum bill through panel; Democrats charge he's broken the rules MORE (D-Vt.) ripped President Trump's former nominee to be the Department of Agriculture's chief scientist on Thursday, saying he was a "comically bad" fit for the post.
HQ2 critics also expressed concerns that Amazon's presence would exacerbate gentrification in Long Island City and the surrounding neighborhoods, and claimed that its Amazon's labor practices, anti-union stance, and the fact that the company once pitched its facial recognition system to Immigration and Customs Enforcement made the company a bad fit for a city like New York, which prides itself on progressive values.
Despite his sweet, sorrowful demeanor, 5-year-old Juice hasn't been able to find a family, and has been under the care of staffers at the Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center in suburban Washington, D.C. Shelter life can be stressful, so after the mixed-breed dog was adopted and then returned due to a "bad fit," one of Juice's caretakers took him home overnight to calm his nerves.
The LA Times' and LA Daily News' editorial boards had called the project "a bad fit" and "inappropriate," respectively.
The SVCD format is especially prone to "foldover" because the 480p format doesn't fit well over a 720p output. The aliasing artifacts that result from this bad fit are usually buried in noise from other sources, such as camera, quantization, and MPEG artifacts.
The band would eventually feel that Brown had been a bad fit. The album's lead single, "Sometimes," performed well on the CMJ charts, but the band immediately felt frustrations with their label. Fans would express their inability to find copies of the album at retailers. Dingman said the label's merchandising decisions puzzled the band.
Ebon is considered by many to be the first comic book title to star a black superhero (Marvel's Black Panther predating Ebon but not having his own title). Nonetheless, Ebon was a bad fit with the largely white, adult audiences of underground comix, and didn't meet with much success.Rifas, Leonard. "Racial Imagery, Racism, Individualism, and Underground Comix," ImageTexT (2004).
Bidding 4 or 5 of the minor is preemptive and shows 6-9 points with 6-card support and at least 1 singleton or void in a side suit. # When responder cannot support partner's bid, the response is 1 NT, to show a bad fit and no more than 9 points (i.e. denying ability to raise or bid a new suit).
Payne eventually considered Dern again. The director chose this actor because, as he said: The role of son David Grant was desired by several notable Hollywood actors. Bryan Cranston read for the role, but Payne considered him a bad fit. Other considered candidates for the role included Paul Rudd, Casey Affleck, and Matthew Modine, who spoke publicly of being considered.
In 1970, Larry Fuller's black superhero Ebon appeared in one issue of his own comic, published by the underground comix publisher San Francisco Comic Book Company.McCabe, Caitlin. "Profiles in Black Cartooning: Larry Fuller," Comic Book Legal Defense Fund website (February 17, 2016). Ebon was a bad fit with the largely white, adult audiences of underground comix, and didn’t meet with much success.
A component of this approach is the use of overwhelming force, which he applied to Operation Desert Storm in 1991. His approach has been dubbed the "Powell Doctrine." Powell continued as chairman of the JCS into the Clinton presidency but as a dedicated "realist" he considered himself a bad fit for an administration largely made up of liberal internationalists. He clashed with then-U.
Jean Charest had also left federal politics, where he had been leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Charest was initially seen as a bad fit for the Quebec Liberal Party, and for provincial politics. He later overcame this perception. In terms of the number of seats won by each of the two parties, the result was almost identical to the previous 1994 general election.
The towers are inspired by the Coat of arms of Aarhus but were initially criticized for being too pompous and a bad fit for the surrounding nature. The pavilion is predominantly of wood and designed in Neoclassical style. In 1915 Varna Palæet had a pavilion of glass added to better serve outdoor during the summer. In 1916 Aarhus Municipality added electrical lighting and in 1930 central heating which expanded the season with a few months.
Newer methods include laser-guided measuring which can be input directly to a computer allowing for a more sophisticated design. One problem with the residual limb and socket attachment is that a bad fit will reduce the area of contact between the residual limb and socket or liner, and increase pockets between residual limb skin and socket or liner. Pressure then is higher, which can be painful. Air pockets can allow sweat to accumulate that can soften the skin.
The song describes a relationship near its end with a woman the singer had met through a personal ad. He initially fell in love, but she quickly began showing signs of being a bad fit for him: she cussed in front of his mother, refused to stand for the national anthem, was not a Christian, preferred Barry Manilow over John Wayne, and "never cried when Old Yeller died." In looking back, he states that he has no intention of crying when she finally decides to leave.
After 1984, Cross's star quickly dimmed. As music television station MTV grew to dominate the mainstream music scene in the United States, Cross's style of music proved to be a bad fit for the network, and Cross' brand of adult contemporary music declined in popularity. Cross's next two albums, 1985's Every Turn of the World and 1988's Back of My Mind did not produce any top 40 hits or reach Gold or Platinum status. He did, however, place the song "Swept Away" in the TV show Growing Pains.
Wells's point of departure is a reminiscence of a conversation with "a realistic novelist . . . a man from whom hope had departed." An encounter with a limping tramp spurs a discussion of the 10–20% of the British population that suffers from "this misery of the boot." They classify the various sources of discomfort (bad material, bad fit, bad condition, various sorts of chafe, the wear of the sole, splitting and leaks, etc.) and agree that most boots are a constant source of “stress, giving pain and discomfort, causing trouble, causing anxiety.” But Wells's friend finds the subject too depressing to continue: “It does not do to think about boots,H.
Meanwhile, Odom proved to be a bad fit for the Mavericks, and they decided to sit him out for the final two months of the season. In a rematch from last year, the Mavericks faced the Oklahoma City Thunder in the first round of the 2012 NBA Playoffs. Games 1 and 2 went down the wire, but the Mavericks' fell short on both occasions as Kevin Durant bailed the Thunder out with a game-winning jumper in Game 1, and late-game free throws in Game 2. Back in Dallas for Game 3, the Mavericks fell flat throughout the game and suffered a humiliating 95–79 defeat to fall behind 0–3.
Meanwhile, Odom proved to be a bad fit for the Mavericks, and they decided to sit him out for the final two months of the season. In a rematch from the previous year, the Mavericks faced the Oklahoma City Thunder in the first round of the 2012 NBA Playoffs. Games 1 and 2 went down the wire, but the Mavericks fell short on both occasions as Kevin Durant made a game-winning jumper in Game 1, and with late-game free throws in Game 2. Back in Dallas for Game 3, the Mavericks suffered a 95–79 defeat to fall behind 0–3. In Game 4, the Mavericks led for much of the second half, but James Harden's 15-point fourth-quarter rallied the Thunder to a 103–97 win and eliminated the Mavericks from contention.
In addition, she learns at a movie audition that she will be playing Melanie Griffith's mother, which results in the two having a cat fight (that is caught on tape), and later manages to land a job on All My Children alongside rival actress Susan Lucci in the wake of Victoria winning a Daytime Emmy award over Lucci in the first season. Unfortunately, Lucci seeks revenge by screwing with Victoria during their scenes together, which is thwarted by Joy threatening to sue the producers. She finally lands a regular job as a feature reporter at a local news station, despite the role initially being a bad fit for her. Whilst discussing hooking up with friends with no strings attached, Elka starts a casual fling with an old friend, Fred, but she falls in love with him as the relationship quickly becomes serious and decides to propose to him.
An instance of this was Giants Stadium, which primarily hosted football, but was also an association football stadium at times; its primary tenants (New York Giants and New York Jets were nominally based in New York City, but Giants Stadium was neither in New York City or even New York State, instead being built in the Meadowlands of East Rutherford, New Jersey. As a result then-Governor Mario Cuomo would not attend any games at Giants Stadium (instead choosing to attend the home games of the Buffalo Bills as they were "New York State's only team" in the NFL). A similar criticism applied to Giants Stadium's replacement, MetLife Stadium. Association football was perceived as an especially bad fit for this type of stadium because, in the United States, the sport does not draw as many fans to games as American football or baseball (with the exceptions of Atlanta and Seattle), resulting in the stadium being filled to only a fraction of its capacity.

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