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604 Sentences With "authoritarians"

How to use authoritarians in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "authoritarians" and check conjugation/comparative form for "authoritarians". Mastering all the usages of "authoritarians" from sentence examples published by news publications.

So I will refer to "left-siders" and "right-siders" rather than libertines (and quasi-libertines) and authoritarians (and quasi-authoritarians).
If you measure along two axes, authority and influence, you have: noninfluential authoritarians (NIA), influential nonauthoritarians (INA), influential authoritarians (IA), and noninfluential nonauthoritarians (NINA).
As the perception of physical threat has risen, this fear appears to have led a number of non-authoritarians to vote like authoritarians — to support Trump.
The third insight came from Hetherington and American University professor Elizabeth Suhay, who found that when non-authoritarians feel sufficiently scared, they also start to behave, politically, like authoritarians.
This seemed to confirm his and Suhay's theory: that non-authoritarians who are sufficiently frightened of physical threats such as terrorism could essentially be scared into acting like authoritarians.
If the theory about social change provoking stress amongst authoritarians turned out to be correct, then authoritarians would be more likely to rate the changes as bad for the country.
" It reported that Facebook was authoritarians' "platform of choice.
For instance, 73 percent of very high-scoring authoritarians believed that terrorist organizations like ISIS posed a "very high risk" to them, but only 45 percent of very low-scoring authoritarians did.
The forces activating American authoritarians are likely here to stay.
Which is the way it so often works with authoritarians.
Modern authoritarians rarely seize critical newspapers or TV stations outright.
Authoritarians are never more dangerous than when they feel vulnerable.
Just as striking is what was missing from authoritarians' concerns.
I fear, on the other hand, that the duke of Windsor could find plenty of kindred spirits among today's authoritarians, aspiring authoritarians, and "illiberal democrats," and perhaps some in the news and entertainment industries.
And when authoritarians feel threatened, they support aggressive leaders and policies.
Even Apple CEO Tim Cook has been rubbing shoulders with authoritarians.
But authoritarians are pushing the party in the exact opposite direction.
Social media, in the way it's used now, objectively favors authoritarians.
It is a context which authoritarians have been able to exploit.
Capitalism is doggedly popular, and populist authoritarians are on the rise.
Authoritarians are horrified by this, and, as usual, they are wrong.
Read more: Trump's coziness with authoritarians is backfiring spectacularly in Syria
But it's also a bit much to call them outright authoritarians.
In Hungary, Brazil and Turkey, far-right authoritarians run the government.
So far, they seem happy to trust authoritarians to deliver that.
There's Eva Galperin, protecting her fellow hackers from stalkerware and authoritarians.
Crises offer these would-be authoritarians an escape from constitutional shackles.
From our parenting questions, we learned who the GOP authoritarians are.
But Trump has a long track record of fondness for authoritarians.
This is why, in our survey, we wanted to study the degree to which authoritarians versus non-authoritarians expressed a fear of social change — and whether this, as expected, led them to desire heavy-handed responses.
Authoritarians right and left stirred ears, eyes, and hearts across unprecedented distances.
Members style themselves as "anti-authoritarians" and usually have a militia mentality.
Trump's admiration for authoritarians like Putin has also poisoned his foreign relationships.
Pro-Western authoritarians from the Gulf to Morocco can now sleep better.
Authoritarians, however, are most dangerous at such moments, when they feel vulnerable.
Perhaps only he can meld Trumpian corruption with Trumpian affection for authoritarians.
" She said using superdelegates "gives you some check against demagogues and authoritarians.
Here are some of the newest tactics used by would-be authoritarians:
Now he works for authoritarians and white nationalists in the Trump administration.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and socialist authoritarians like Lenin, Mao, and Stalin.
Fujimori foreshadowed a new wave of authoritarians in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.
Trapped between the Trump administration and the local authoritarians are ordinary people.
The fact that authoritarians and non-authoritarians split over something as seemingly personal and nonthreatening as same-sex marriage is crucial for understanding how authoritarianism can be triggered by even a social change as minor as expanding marriage rights.
There is the party of authoritarian voters and the party of non-authoritarians.
She says that authoritarians of the world are watching how the West responds.
I continued to ignore the advice of protective authoritarians and bought a skateboard.
Some people compare Trump to the great authoritarians of history, but that's wrong.
Authoritarians, two circles that definitely do not overlap on any political Venn diagram.
His attacks on authoritarians have made him enemies among both socialists and conservatives.
These are the true authoritarians — they value obedience while scoring low on compassion.
Like aspiring authoritarians everywhere, Mr. Trump sees law enforcement in intensely personal terms.
Authoritarians often exaggerate their popular support to increase the perception of their legitimacy.
Domestic threats like car accidents, by contrast, were much less frightening to authoritarians.
And governing will become harder as the GOP's de facto division between authoritarians and non-authoritarians plays out in Congress, where we may see an even more extreme and disruptive version of what we saw with the Tea Party insurrections.
But Hetherington and Suhay found a distinction between physical threats such as terrorism, which could lead non-authoritarians to behave like authoritarians, and more abstract social threats, such as eroding social norms or demographic changes, which do not have that effect.
Bernie Sanders sounding an awful lot like Ted Cruz right now on Arab authoritarians.
They include: "Electoral authoritarians" — election cheats who stop at nothing to stay in power.
He's been very direct about his intentions and targets, as charismatic authoritarians always are.
The United States has already expressed displeasure with Erdogan's anti-Western and authoritarians tendencies.
Kagan asserted that democratic countries will treat the new technologies radically different from authoritarians.
But if both sides are equally skilled, the authoritarians should have a leg up.
Authoritarians are motivated by the concern of being threatened by [the] changing status quo.
Trump's friendliness towards these authoritarians is baked into his unpredictable approach to foreign policy.
LW: The structure of the rule is what sends the money to the authoritarians.
So authoritarians are always looking out for respectable-sounding excuses to trample on it.
Authoritarians who put their own interests ahead of their country's won't hold power forever.
It is clear that the authoritarians are hopeful for another one of their own.
Some past research has been too quick to lump in social conservatives with authoritarians.
This term also used to sting, evoking Cold War authoritarians and empty store shelves.
But it's a tactic normally used by authoritarians, not democracies, to stifle dissent. 7.
More than 55 percent of surveyed Republicans scored as "high" or "very high" authoritarians.
The first was that authoritarians tend to fear very specific kinds of physical threats.
But the thing is, modern authoritarians generally don't have that kind of sinister blueprint.
It is true that America's current relationships with authoritarians seems like a Trump innovation, but as Kirkpatrick advocated, and Presidents Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama demonstrated, supporting and working with authoritarians is not all that unusual.
A tool that makes life easier for advertisers can also do the same for authoritarians.
He's a deeply fragile person, and authoritarians tend to be deeply insecure and deeply fragile.
Régime stability – maintaining the status quo – is a high priority for most authoritarians in power.
Five years after the region's authoritarians silenced it, the Arab street is regaining its voice.
It helps them act like authoritarians even inside the confines of a democratic political system.
And authoritarians who stifle enterprise, dispense arbitrary justice and abuse their people ultimately will fail.
Trump's eleventh week in office was defined by a Venn diagram of authoritarians and chaos.
Inflation can be so dangerous for authoritarians that it can also prompt otherwise unthinkable reforms.
Authoritarians could engineer short-term booms; they could cook the numbers and manipulate their currencies.
Aspiring authoritarians there like Marine Le Pen have married virulent xenophobia to generous social spending.
As a C.I.A. officer, I saw firsthand authoritarians' use of these tactics around the world.
Bernie Sanders came in hot this week, saying that President Trump has inspired authoritarians globally.
And in the meantime, the forces activating American authoritarians seem likely to only grow stronger.
Trump is doing exactly what new authoritarians do in the early stages of their leadership.
Trump may not be an authoritarian, Snyder warns, but this is something authoritarians typically do.
And although the latter two groups are presently forced into an awkward coalition, the GOP establishment has demonstrated a complete inability to regain control over the renegade authoritarians, and the authoritarians are actively opposed to the establishment's centrist goals and uninterested in its economic platform.
He and other authoritarians talk about their popular support, and they often misrepresent their popular support.
Until Trump, no candidate has run a campaign so perfectly designed to cater to authoritarians' concerns.
That is a problem for the GOP, because success with authoritarians will likely mean failure elsewhere.
Partisan sorting over the years has given the GOP authoritarians a "critical mass" within the party.
And as effective authoritarians they are likely to keep their seats for a good deal longer.
" He also knocked "the strange specter of an American president's seeming affection for strongmen and authoritarians.
Just as it did at the Berlin Wall, so everywhere it invites authoritarians and arms them.
The Soviet leader is often pointed to as one of the most ruthless authoritarians in history.
Americans must defend their friends and stand up to authoritarians in places like Russia and Iran?
And an increasingly repressive system that may appeal to fellow authoritarians but not to Chinese citizens.
The move is reminiscent of actions taken by other authoritarians in recent years to consolidate power.
Should we worry that the president seems to enjoy himself only in the company of authoritarians?
They pride themselves on resistance against both the Japanese and right-wing authoritarians like Mr. Park.
There was the matter, too, of financial conflicts and nepotism, an autonomic reflex of aspiring authoritarians.
The folks who went from Obama to Trump over 2008-2016 aren't authoritarians, racists and evil.
They pride themselves on resistance against both the Japanese and right-wing authoritarians like Mr. Park.
Non-authoritarians tended to rate same-sex marriage as "good" or "very good" for the country.
Trump was sandwiched between a slew of authoritarians and wanna-be authoritarians (Bolsonaro before and Egypt's Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and then Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan afterward), and while the US president paid lip service to democracy, his defense of it didn't fit with his nationalistic rhetoric.
Donald Trump through the past year has said he's admired dictators and authoritarians from around the world.
On some of the basic values which Trump's supporters and authoritarians believe, they're not going to reverse.
"Many of history's worst authoritarians started out as losers — and Trump is a serious threat," she said.
Virginia Beach Public Library is dispelling the stereotype of dark and musty spaces run by shushing authoritarians.
In 2014, for example, the average American household sent around $250 to authoritarians, just by filling up.
President Donald Trump's tendency to cozy up to authoritarians has backfired in a major way in Syria.
Can it constrain a president who openly admires authoritarians abroad and rages against constraints on his power?
And because most (though by no means all) authoritarians vote Republican, they form a powerful GOP constituency.
Authoritarians prize order, stability, and hierarchies and feel threatened by social changes that upend the status quo.
Authoritarians are working to refashion the internet from technology that promotes freedom to a tool of oppression.
The rise of social networks has been roughly correlated with the rise of authoritarians here and elsewhere.
Sharp is THE expert on challenging authoritarians, and orders for his writings have surged since Trump's election.
"Can Americans trust that a democratic socialist president will not give authoritarians a free pass?" she asked.
Moreover, in the years ahead Putinist authoritarians will have several key advantages in the war of ideas.
As always with authoritarians, the people and businesses that will lose time needlessly are just his pawns.
They are the cudgels that bullies and other authoritarians have used to enforce conformity in every era.
Paul Krugman Authoritarians with an animus against ethnic minorities are on the march across the Western world.
The authoritarians and the demagogues subjugate action through bullying and they subjugate thought by arousing mob psychology.
The first thing that jumped out from the data on authoritarians is just how many there are.
His instincts may echo those of authoritarians in other countries, but his powers and institutional context do not.
The hawks believe China is trying to make the world, in their language, a "safe space" for authoritarians.
Britain is leaving the EU, which is divided between east and west, north and south, liberals and authoritarians.
In the caricature, prescriptivists are authoritarians with their heads in the sand, insisting on Victorian-era non-rules.
When threatened, authoritarians support strongman leaders who promise drastic, decisive action to cast out outsiders and restore order.
Mr. Sanders may have bizarrely charitable views about the policies of some cruel authoritarians such as Fidel Castro.
Globally, authoritarians who act as if they rule by the divine right of kings are on the rise.
He's especially good at the psychology of collaborators — the people who surround authoritarians and make their administrations function.
Yesterday, President Trump hosted one of those authoritarians at the White House, Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary.
If they fail to do so, the ground will continue to be fertile for authoritarians like Mr. Bolsonaro.
Authoritarians claim that they offer their nations (or at least a segment of the population) unity and purpose.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government is increasingly employing a tactic used by authoritarians, not democracies, to stifle dissent.
Voltaire preached tolerance but cozied up to authoritarians, especially Catherine of Russia, and apologized for their violent misdeeds.
But the inclusion of Netanyahu in the axis of authoritarians is a striking provocation, and a deliberate one.
A habit of elections, it seems, may also make it more difficult for authoritarians to consolidate their autocracies.
Between the lines: Our misinformation apocalypse has many contributors across the political spectrum, but one group benefits: authoritarians.
Authoritarians require enemies to blame for their inadequacies, and to distract their base from their diminishing quality of life.
Modern history is littered with authoritarians of all stripes convinced that censoring sexual imagery was a necessary social good.
As Huq and Ginsburg note, court-packing is a frequently used tool in the toolkit of would-be authoritarians.
More recent authoritarians have used drug laws as a way to keep young people in line (or in jail).
Perhaps the global rise of authoritarians and big tech platforms are merely correlated, and no causation can be proved.
The authoritarians, in the coming years, will not break the GOP, but they will deeply alter its electoral politics.
The authoritarians are pushing the party toward a smaller coalition just as the GOP needs that coalition to grow.
His cool appraisal of demagoguery is useful for understanding the rise of charismatic authoritarians who command obedient party machines.
Disguised as a tool to fight misinformation, Russia's bills will likely be another cudgel authoritarians can use against dissenters.
Does that mean we're more vulnerable to demagogues, to authoritarians, to dangerous candidates than we were in the past?
Obama said that everyday people who felt left behind by government and a changing world could find authoritarians alluring.
When would-be authoritarians get really serious about dismantling democracy, they start changing the rules that govern elections themselves.
Read more: Trump's coziness with authoritarians is backfiring spectacularly in SyriaNational security experts were bewildered and blasted Trump's statements.
Although his sympathies are with the radical Whigs, he sees that many of the authoritarians' claims were not false.
Others see parallels with Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and other modern-day authoritarians.
Such opportunism is the hallmark of authoritarians constantly on the lookout for ways to consolidate or expand their power.
" These voters, according to Ekins and Haidt, "are the true authoritarians — they value obedience while scoring low on compassion.
In their book "How Democracies Die," Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt argue that authoritarians undermine democracy in several ways.
We also expected that non-authoritarians who expressed high levels of fear would be more likely to support Trump.
They've seen this playbook before, in weak democracies and from would-be authoritarians who want to delegitimize their opponents.
" He added, "We see authoritarians all around us, and the answer is not authoritarian democracy, but the authority of democracy.
But the pessimism that abounds these days—as authoritarians have turned new technologies to their advantage—is likewise not decisive.
Some of the tactics he uses and some of his rhetoric is really commonplace among authoritarians across regions and time.
People who score highly for it will often only behave as authoritarians when they are "activated" by some outside stimulus.
But Putin and Erdogan have much in common, too: They are fellow authoritarians who are wary of the United States.
The region's authoritarians, who once tried to co-opt Islamists, now view them as the biggest threat to their rule.
It's established political parties, and the choices they make when faced with demagogues and authoritarians, that decide whether democracies survive.
We must demonstrate our openness to free trade while holding to account authoritarians and economies that exploit the international system.
They lobbied Washington, used their Pan-Arab news media and gave financial support to old-school authoritarians around the region.
Both authoritarians fed off the pomp of their publicity stunts to a fawning, censored domestic media to reify their stature.
Schiff said he wants one of the committee's first open hearings to outline the rise of authoritarians around the world.
After all, in many new democracies, the old authoritarian ruling parties (or parties formed by former authoritarians) remain prominent actors.
Censorious authoritarians elsewhere often cite Mr Trump's catchphrases, calling critical reporting "fake news" and critical journalists "enemies of the people".
Most Americans justifiably condemn racists, fascists and other authoritarians whether they come from the political right or the political left.
Over the next several decades, Hetherington explained to me, this led authoritarians to naturally "sort" themselves into the Republican Party.
That matters, because as more authoritarians sort themselves into the GOP, they have more influence over its policies and candidates.
But Hetherington also noticed something else: A subgroup of non-authoritarians were very afraid of threats like Iran or ISIS.
The responses to our policy questions showed that authoritarians have their own set of policy preferences, distinct from GOP orthodoxy.
The scale of the desired response is, in some ways, what most distinguishes authoritarians from the rest of the GOP.
The first is that authoritarians around the world may take this as a green light to murder their own critics.
Trump eschews soft power in favor of military solutions, and is leading his fellow authoritarians in a race to the bottom.
As Amanda Taub wrote in her fantastic piece, Trump has assembled a coalition of authoritarians that cuts across traditional political lines.
But postcard from the world: This is how it goes with authoritarians like Sisi, Erdoğan, Putin, the Ayatollahs, Duterte, et al.
The people who vote in midterms tend to be whiter and older — demographics that favor the GOP generally and authoritarians particularly.
Social media can certainly help pro-democracy movements at times, but they overall give far-right parties and authoritarians an advantage.
Trump's friendly call and invitation to Washington are controversial moves that show his willingness to interact with authoritarians on friendly terms.
McMullin argues that, based on his experience working abroad, Trump's rise and style are dangerously reminiscent of "authoritarians" in other states.
Authoritarians have weaponized information flows People who think about cybersecurity build on ideas about confrontations between states during the Cold War.
Authoritarians can't rely solely on family members to maintain control, much as they'd like to; there just aren't enough of them.
As today's authoritarians have evolved with the times, they've found ways to incorporate fascistic thinking without discrediting themselves as outright fascists.
A group called Philly Antifa, members of which describe themselves as "anti-authoritarians and anti-nationalist," took credit for the protests.
She also compared the leading Republican presidential candidate to some of the world's "worst authoritarians" and called him a serious threat.
It's just that there's a streak in American journalism to allow glittering narratives about budding authoritarians to obscure less appealing facts.
As things stand now, Eastern Europe's authoritarians and Russia are mentioned, esteemed, admired and defended by Italy's leaders at every turn.
One pro-DeSantis mailer added Gillum to a lineup of Latin-American socialist authoritarians, from Maduro to Ortega and Raúl Castro.
Authoritarians also dispense largesse, but they do it by their own whims, rather than pursuant to any system or legal rule.
But when authoritarians like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan feel betrayed -- or even publicly scorned -- the consequences are emotional, not pragmatic.
Other authoritarians also have their sights set on Iraq, and without American involvement, it is easier for them to make inroads.
Each time they display their servility, they bring warmth to the hearts of the authoritarians and harm to people who protest.
And so it was all but inevitable that, eventually, authoritarians would gain enough power within the GOP to make themselves heard.
For instance, our results suggested that an astonishing 44 percent of authoritarians believe same-sex marriage is harmful to the country.
"What would-be authoritarians do when they get into power is systematically undermine the functioning of independent state institutions," Mounk says.
They found that once leaders start to behave in an authoritarian fashion is when civil society challenges the would-be authoritarians.
The animosity between authoritarians and non-authoritarians has helped establish what Johnston, Lavine and Federico describe as the "expressive dimension" of policy choices: In this view, the influence of personality on economic opinion arises not because the expected outcomes of a policy match an individual's traits, but because those traits resonate with the social meaning a policy has acquired.
The practical implication of this connection is that Americans who are not strong authoritarians behave more like them when they feel threatened.
That, in a nutshell, is how authoritarians infiltrate and abuse the administration of justice — unless the voters rise up to stop them.
On top of that, Republicans stand to gain some policy wins through Trump's presidency, and that's something that authoritarians will often do.
And that is exactly what Vladimir Putin wants, this would advance the interests of Putin and other expansionist authoritarians around the world.
Authoritarians are hostile to outgroups and embrace aggressive, punitive policies toward them, including harsh anti-immigration laws and aggressive, militaristic foreign policy.
By opposing civil rights, the Republican party was essentially promising to preserve difference and prevent change — a message that resonated with authoritarians.
As long as these forces prevail in American life, it seems likely that authoritarians and their political preferences are here to stay.
Authoritarians, as political scientists use the term, prioritize social order and hierarchies, which bring a sense of control to a chaotic world.
Thanks to Snowden, authoritarians were forced to confess that their testimony to Congress was, rather than true, the "least untruthful" testimony, a.k.a.
There are echoes of old debates over how to take on Egypt's past authoritarians, such as Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Sadat.
Thune and Klobuchar may have a technocratic disagreement over Obamacare, but the President is an ally of racists and authoritarians and thugs.
"America needs a President who challenges authoritarians, not one who welcomes them to the White House for a how-to," he continued.
And it's true that Trump is not going to declare an old-fashioned dictatorship: Today's authoritarians (such as Putin) exercise repression differently.
Authoritarians come in many kinds—theistic and military and bully-worshipping—but Morris was an unusual and modern thing, an aesthetic authoritarian.
When intelligence leaders mislead the public about surveillance, they fuel the cynicism and mistrust of government that lets wannabe authoritarians gain power.
"Authoritarians" are those who rigidly adhere to social hierarchies and tend to simply follow orders, whether ethical or unethical, from senior leaders.
But it established what would soon become a clear pattern: Assange and WikiLeaks providing cover to authoritarians, especially those allied with Putin.
His oft-stated admiration for authoritarians in other countries — including, but not limited to, Vladimir Putin — speaks to his yearning for power.
Many friends and family members are openly wondering whether their parents, siblings or colleagues who supported Mr. Bolsonaro were always closet authoritarians.
The silence of many Latin American heads of state as authoritarians have undermined election observers or stolen elections has compounded the problem.
The internet was supposed to shine the light of truth into every corner of the world, breaking the authoritarians' monopoly on information.
Authoritarians view public office in an entirely proprietary manner: It is their vehicle for power and enrichment for them and their family.
When they face physical threats or threats to the status quo, authoritarians support policies that seem to offer protection against those fears.
Over the decades that followed, authoritarians increasingly gravitated toward the GOP, where their concentration gave them more and more influence over time.
Authoritarians, we found in our survey, tend to most fear threats that come from abroad, such as ISIS or Russia or Iran.
One more thing: Authoritarians love to think they are making history, and never hesitate to rewrite the past to suit their political agendas.
They are typically authoritarians who would spend more on crime-fighting and defence, and back something like "extreme vetting" for Muslims and refugees.
If people are upset about it, it is because they are insecure authoritarians who aren't intelligent enough to deal rationally with dissenting ideas.
Authoritarians tend to be more hostile to expanding LGBTQ rights, for example, potentially worsening the GOP's already-poor standing with another demographic group.
If you're going to tweet out the Declaration of Independence, why not The Art of the Deal or other texts written by authoritarians?
It's best to think of the nature of social media as a medium that gives authoritarians an advantage, but not an insurmountable one.
But Mr Flake is also thoughtful, decent and the author of a book opposing Donald Trump and his "affection for authoritarians and strongmen".
But I think here's the difference today, I think the technology that can now be used by digital authoritarians ... Keeps them in power.
On the contrary, Middle East authoritarians see Trump as a fellow demagogue who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants.
Authoritarians, not least in China, gaze in awe at the ruling People's Action Party, in power since 1959 despite facing regular, unrigged elections.
Then the authoritarians can do what they need to do with the money to stay in power, and that money is entirely unaccountable.
And yet critical thinking, scepticism, empiricism and frequent contact with foreign colleagues threaten authoritarians, who survive by controlling what people say and think.
"The mainstream corporate types don't want Trump and far-right authoritarians," said Standing, who has been invited to Davos for the first time.
"Throughout (2018), authoritarians used claims of 'fake news' and data scandals as a pretext to move closer to the China," the report said.
Yet as their influence in the west grows, it becomes more important to understand any links to the authoritarians and kleptocrats back home.
Instead, they seem to believe that the real cause for concern are the secret authoritarians passing as liberals and conservatives in our midst.
Like many authoritarians, he depends on getting people to accept a big lie or to give up on the idea of truth altogether.
President Donald Trump&aposs attacks on democratic institutions at home and praise for authoritarians abroad has "enabled" and "emboldened" such leaders, experts warn.
With Trump siding with authoritarians and dictators around the world, American credibility and popularity on the international stage has plummeted to historic lows.
"History will remember all this groveling to authoritarians," Zeynep Tufekci, a writer who is chronicling the protests in Hong Kong, said on Thursday.
The regimes that took over in those countries were right wing, but leftist authoritarians like Venezuela's Hugo Chávez have followed a similar path.
A lot more countries look more like Russia than China: resource strapped aspiring authoritarians without "Great Firewalls" to filter data and block content.
" Huddy also noted that "authoritarians support the use of strong military force in war zones, including the use of harsh tactics and torture.
One theory is psychological: From Putin to Erdogan to Kim, the president has a thing for authoritarians in the mold of his father.
Trump has turned out to be the Norma Desmond of authoritarians, a senescent has-been whose delusions are propped up by obsequious retainers.
They don't want to deport immigrants or ban Muslims or crack down on civil liberties or any of the other things authoritarians most prioritize.
Authoritarians such as Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin tend to complain about it, and urge women to have more (or, occasionally, fewer) babies.
The conference is a magnet for anti-authoritarians of all stripes, a place where ACAB, not MAGA, is the four letter acronym du jour.
It's not exactly clear why Trump likes authoritarians so much: Maybe it's the value he places on the appearance of strength and masculine virility.
In the absence of Edward Snowden, these authoritarians could have tried the "we're the US government, we would never abuse this sacred authority!" approach.
Would-be authoritarians, Mr Sogavare among them, struggle to retain power in the face of the threat of defection and resistance to central authority.
"Most authoritarians in history are extremely brittle, they don't take well to criticism so they surround themselves with family and flatterers," said Ben-Ghiat.
An important protection against would-be authoritarians has not just been the country's firm commitment to democracy but, rather, our political parties, democracy's gatekeepers.
Now, a new "unity" deal aims to reconcile the two major Palestinian factions: the quasi-secular authoritarians of Fatah; and the jihadists of Hamas.
Instead, what we've seen is that authoritarians have tightened the grip of special interests over the political system, rewarding loyalists and ignoring the voters.
One can debate whether these relationships were worth it in terms of achieving US interests, but Washington's ties with authoritarians were and are robust.
Trump routinely fawns over authoritarians, and these vile tendencies make him a danger to the rule of law in the US and the world.
Some of these moves are consistent with Mr. Trump's isolationism and pronounced yen for authoritarians, and perhaps also with his demonstrated ignorance of history.
Around the world, the decline of unions has opened up a space for populist authoritarians to claim to be the true voice of workers.
When today's authoritarians reach power, though, the revolutionary force is mostly felt by opponents of the new regime, who are marginalised and sometimes persecuted.
And, with Trump siding with authoritarians and dictators around the world, American credibility and popularity on the international stage have plummeted to historic lows.
But that latency is part of how, over the past few decades, authoritarians have quietly become a powerful political constituency without anyone realizing it.
Authoritarians, by nature, are more susceptible to these messages, and thus more likely to come to oppose the presence of mosques in their communities.
And those preferences mean that, in real and important ways, authoritarians are their own distinct constituency: effectively a new political party within the GOP.
"The real protection against would-be authoritarians has not been Americans' firm commitment to democracy but, rather, the gatekeepers — our political parties," they write.
Musk was one of the last tech figures to quit President Trump's advisory council in 2017 and has gotten heat for getting cozy with authoritarians.
Britain voted to leave the European Union; Donald Trump was elected as America's president and the grip of authoritarians tightened in China, Russia and Turkey.
But authoritarians are more than that: a distinct and newly coalesced class of voters who share a particular set of motivations, preoccupations, and policy preferences.
And so if the party cannot find a way to overcome the authoritarians' influence, the White House will remain a lost cause for the GOP.
Authoritarians of both sorts benefit from spreading falsehoods about their opponents, ginning up panics about minority groups, and undermining people's trust in the independent media.
I really care about privacy and security, as well as platform openness, freedom from censorship and stopping authoritarians who use the internet as a weapon.
Many fear Trump will feed insecurity in nations worried about China's growing power, embolden nationalists and authoritarians, and unravel Obama's 'pivot' to the Asia-Pacific.
Both are anti-democratic authoritarians who promised to bring stability and economic prosperity and implicitly asked their people to give up their freedom in exchange.
Over the decades, the two sides have traded insults; prescribers are authoritarians in denial about the real world and describers are permissivists with no standards.
All of us are, basically every day, purchasing products — and not just gasoline — that line the pockets of the world's worst authoritarians and militant groups.
A relatively new body of social science research portrays a group of "authoritarians" who are dispersed across demographics but desire conformity, order and social norms.
Read more: Trump's coziness with authoritarians is backfiring spectacularly in SyriaThe White House has rejected the notion he paved the way for the Turkish operation.
President Donald Trump's willingness to attach himself to authoritarians has been an unusual and controversial aspect of his presidency, but it's rarely sparked significant consequences.
When the attention of presidential aspirants does turn to the president, it revolves around his obvious corruption and his coddling of authoritarians around the world.
It's just a cross-section of the radical left, especially anarchists and anti-authoritarians, and beyond that, it's hard to draw too many more conclusions.
"I give these comments about 24 hours before he once again slams the investigation, before he once again sided with authoritarians like Vladimir Putin," Sen.
He avoided answering the main elephant in the room question: Can Americans trust that a Democratic socialist president will not give authoritarians a free pass?
Their allegiance to the authoritarians who, no matter how unseemly, will at least protect rent-seeking interests doesn't bode well for the rest of us.
Perhaps more importantly, the party has less and less ability to ignore authoritarians' voting preferences — even if those preferences clash with the mainstream party establishment.
A whopping 56.5 percent of very high-scoring authoritarians said it was either "bad" or "very bad" for the country when Muslims built more mosques.
The theory, as they explained it, is that authoritarians benefit from corrupt practices — like having access to dark money or putting sycophants in positions of power.
At a time when the planet is overrun by authoritarians attempting to impose narrow dogmas, it's hard to think of much that could be more important.
From Hungary and Poland to the Philippines to America, the forces of illiberalism—the authoritarians, the nativists, the nationalists, the racial supremacists, the kleptocrats—are resurgent.
Authoritarians are drawn to harsh, punitive policies like border walls and religious tests for immigration, and to strongmen leaders like Trump that alienate more moderate voters.
Authoritarians are also deeply concerned with rules, stability, and hierarchies, which makes illegal immigration, with its connotations of uncontrolled unlawful behavior, even more unsettling to them.
By rising within state-level party structures, authoritarians can also gain power within state legislatures, either by succeeding incumbents when they retire or via primary challenges.
They argue that in each of these cases, the use of tools like fake news and trolling undermine the health of democratic regimes and benefit authoritarians.
Studies show that once political elites have concluded their deals with authoritarians and signed on publicly, they usually stick with those leaders to the bitter end.
It is perhaps a distinctly American faith that authoritarians like Russian President Vladimir Putin rule purely by force, corruption, or trickery, lacking any substantial political support.
"The reason [liberals] want to police humor is they can't control it — because the one thing all authoritarians hate is the sound of laughter," Yiannopoulos said.
His authority and power are in his mind the key agents of every human drama, even ones whose main antagonists going back centuries have been authoritarians.
By undercutting it, and by his rhetorical support for autocrats, Trump is telling authoritarians and would-be strongmen that the U.S. won't stand in their way.
He understood that democratic leaders are accountable to publics who want good governance and economic opportunity, whereas authoritarians seek external enemies to justify their strongman rule.
"I give these comments about 2628 hours before he once again slams the investigation, before he once again sides with authoritarians like Vladimir Putin," Warner said.
"I give these comments about 24 hours before he once again slams the investigation, before he once again sides with authoritarians like Vladimir Putin," Warner said.
On the world stage, we'll see how he fares with other authoritarians: Xi Jinping, Hassan Rouhani Kim Jong Un, and Bashar al Assad come to mind.
The report said Trump's anti-press rhetoric "serves to reinforce the framework of accusations and legal charges that allow" authoritarians the world over to imprison journalists.
Up top, a corrupt ruling class (capitalists; authoritarians); next, its agents (sweatshop foremen; cops; history teachers); and, at bottom, its targets (indigenous people; immigrants; dissidents; workers).
Outside of comments from a few authoritarians, Vladimir Putin's landslide victory in the Russian national election Sunday was met with silence from leaders around the globe.
To authoritarians, language is a weapon, usually deployed in the service of an emotional half-truth: something you believe to be true even if it isn't.
Brazilians can embrace the politics of division and the seductive appeal of simplistic solutions, following the path of populist authoritarians in Hungary, Poland and the Philippines.
Trump has gone so far as to call journalists "the enemy of the people," a phrase that authoritarians have long used to paint critics as traitors.
Even though democracy requires compromises and accommodation between authoritarians and democrats, politicians of all persuasions must commit to civilian supremacy as the only game in town.
"It's the first time he's done something, rather than said something, that is straight out of the playbook of would-be authoritarians," he said this week.
And as more web traffic is encrypted by default it will become harder over time for authoritarians globally to control and monitor the flow of information.
Such an image, promoted by President Vladimir Putin himself, has turned Russia into the north star of right-wing authoritarians on both sides of the Atlantic.
Often these perks are then protected politically through constitutional provisions that grant outgoing authoritarians disproportionate political power or make the transition deal very difficult to overturn.
There should be another kind of threat — larger, slower, less obvious, but potentially even more powerful — pushing authoritarians to these extremes: the threat of social change.
And, perhaps most importantly, his willingness to flout all the conventions of civilized discourse when it comes to the minority groups that authoritarians find so threatening.
But a much more common situation is for authoritarians to appoint people to positions of authority based on considerations of loyalty and regime stability rather than competence.
It's a lot of the authoritarians he spoke about in the campaign and said he respected — Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad, Vladimir Putin, to name a few.
Since Obama attended his first UN as president in 2009, several authoritarians, dictators and other undemocratic leaders who have at times vexed America have departed the scene.
Then there's a Fourth Industrial Revolution of technological change that may favor authoritarians and make democratic politics all the more volatile through lost jobs and uncertain futures.
In fact, "connectivity" has only further ghettoized politics, and served as a useful playground for vicious authoritarians as often as it has a vital medium for revolutionaries.
Trump's version of "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" has given any number of authoritarians free range to repress and oppress without any opposition from Washington.
When he later returns to retrieve it, all well-versed Friends authoritarians will see that it's the same actor who later plays Phoebe's brother, Frank (Giovanni Ribisi).
When resistance movements decided instead to confront authoritarian regimes at the polls — authoritarians from Pinochet to Milosevic — they had a much greater chance of producing regime change.
Ms. Amanpour said that Mr. Trump's anti-press rhetoric gives "an automatic green light" to foreign authoritarians that want to crack down on journalists in their countries.
According to Fromm, authoritarians might make a show of valuing freedom and independence — watchwords of the American right — but long to be ruled by a stronger force.
Because when climate-caused natural disasters, drought, food shortages, and epidemics ravage our country, authoritarians could take advantage of the crisis situation and strip away our rights.
"Just as democracies can be governed by authoritarians, so too can true-believing democrats lay the groundwork for authoritarianism," Professor Pepinsky wrote on his blog in February.
What these seemingly disparate groups have in common is the perceived threat they pose to the status quo order, which authoritarians experience as a threat to themselves.
The exception was a question about affirmative action, which produced little difference between high and low authoritarians — perhaps because it was generally pretty unpopular across all groups.
Patrick appealed to Texas's tradition of independence, arguing that "unaccountable" leaders like United States President Barack Obama were acting like petty authoritarians, without Texas's interests at heart.
It's a similar trend that we see across the globe, as documented in Peter Beinart's piece, The New Authoritarians Are Waging A War on Women, in the Atlantic.
At the same time, the Israeli government has doubled down on its entrenchment of occupation and apartheid, and its open alliance with authoritarians and enthonationalists around the world.
And because of the prevalence of authoritarians in the American electorate, among Democrats as well as Republicans, it's very possible that Trump's fan base will continue to grow.
The dynamic of the 2016 GOP primary, with authoritarians pitted against establishment-inclined Republicans, could play out first in Congressional elections, and then in the halls of Congress.
Authoritarians don't win solely by spreading their own message; they win by exploiting conditions under which citizens become either indifferent to democratic institutions or actively hostile to them.
Authoritarians have a way of sharing repressive technology – which is why ones of Egypt's biggest telecoms companies, Orascom, owns 75% of North Korea's only official mobile network, Koryolink.
For authoritarians and others looking to control public communication and thought, piercing the security veil of one of these apps would strike a major blow to their opposition.
In contrast to his reputation as a hardnosed dealmaker, and to the shabby treatment of democratic allies like Australia and Germany, Trump has offered reassurance to Arab authoritarians.
By degrading elected office, or opposition, by ignorance, defunct ideologies or arrogance, these parties are damaging democratic governance already assailed by authoritarians in China, Russia, Hungary and Egypt.
"When democracy is in retreat, the first thing authoritarians do is silence those who are telling stories they dislike," Atwood said at the PEN Literary Gala on Tuesday.
But Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other authoritarians, with which Washington deals on a regular basis, have been long members of UN agencies like the Human Rights Council.
He also criticized Trump for the "strange specter" of showing "affection for strongmen and authoritarians" such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi.
As I've written before, that's a problem for the Republican party, which faces a de facto split into two separate parties: the GOP authoritarians and the GOP establishment.
"Libertarians and/non-authoritarians," Stenner writes, are likewise aroused and activated under these conditions, and move toward positions of greater racial, moral and political tolerance as a result.
Setting aside Israel and various outside powers backing clients, three major groups vie for power in the region: secular Sunni Muslim authoritarians, religious Sunni Muslims, and Shiite Muslims.
Populist authoritarians are likely to be in charge — at least a little while longer — in many countries whose investment in global institutions and international cooperation is badly needed.
Trump and company are, without question, white nationalists whose values are far closer to those of European blood-and-soil authoritarians than they are to the American tradition.
American authoritarians are playing a major role in this contest, and my national and South Carolina surveys show that Donald Trump is the leader they are ready to follow.
Since The Economist has (wrongly, in my view) made clear they're not disinviting Bannon, I'll show up to make the case for a renewed norm against normalizing racist authoritarians.
Politicians who decide to follow Trump's lead and appeal to authoritarians will have a large base in the Republican party, maybe large enough to keep winning Republican presidential primaries.
Stuhlbarg's character and his powerful monologue have been praised by many for showing a father figure that breaks away from the unemotional authoritarians we're used to seeing in films.
Authoritarians and extremists, on the other hand, often merely have to muddy the waters and weaken trust in general so that everyone is too fractured and paralyzed to act.
For authoritarians to remain in power, they must keep their population under control, and the most successful tacit of maintaining control over their people is to keep them impoverished.
When authoritarians worry about the ways this country is changing, and the outsiders who could alter their communities, they probably picture people who look a lot like those protesters.
The Interpreter Inflationary crises, like the one looming over Turkey, are bad news for any government, but they are especially dangerous for a certain subset of authoritarians: populist strongmen.
Its administrators and moderators, dealing with often-unruly and trollish users, were breezy authoritarians, removing, punishing and humiliating users for violating the rules, or simply because they wanted to.
To the Editor: We are now starting to learn about Cambridge Analytica and efforts by wealthy authoritarians around the world to combine thievery and technology to subvert democratic elections.
To allow feminists to celebrate what is, in all regards, a victory of their years of activism would nurture the idea that activism works — a truism that authoritarians hate.
The show ended its fifth season with Steven, who is half-human and half-Gem, besting a trio of intergalactic authoritarians and saving the world for the umpteenth time.
No recent president has been so disdainful of these rights or embraced so lovingly authoritarians who abuse their people, like Vladimir Putin of Russia and the Saudi royal family.
The theory, as progressive foreign policy proponents tell me, is that authoritarians benefit from corrupt practices — like having access to dark money or putting sycophants in positions of power.
Historically, economic crisis breeds fear and vulnerability to manipulation by authoritarians among groups perceiving a loss of power; racism is indeed rife in a country built on white supremacy.
"If he takes that shot now and takes on as antagonists all the populists and authoritarians around the world," Ms. Nossel said, "it could be a long five years."
In the 216s, the Republican Party had reinvented itself as the party of law, order, and traditional values — a position that naturally appealed to order- and tradition-focused authoritarians.
We wanted to better understand the larger forces that had suddenly made authoritarians so numerous and so extreme — was it migration, terrorism, perhaps the decline of working-class whites?
According to the literature, authoritarians will seek, in response, a strong leader who promises to suppress the scary changes, if necessary by force, and to preserve the status quo.
But the focus is on topics like the emergence of scientific truth and democracy—themes that seem under threat today, with talk of "fake news" and authoritarians on the march.
Because, if authoritarians are able to do that, if leaders are able to undermine every other source of information, source of facts and truth, no one can hold them accountable.
Populism authoritarians — like Trump — open the door because they reduce the checks and balances in liberal democracy, but then they try to push through a range of traditional authoritarian values.
Instead there is a reminder that creating open web platforms rooted in America's free-speech traditions, however a noble cause, has created a massive attack surfaces for authoritarians and dictators.
And the Republican party coalition is now dividing so starkly between those two groups — authoritarians on one side, non-authoritarian Republicans on the other — that it is practically two parties.
The abuse of social media can be used to inflame these tensions — in essence, providing oxygen to the underlying social trends that produced far-right authoritarians in the first place.
It turns out, according to a new report in the Washington Post, that these comparisons are more appropriate than we think: The president appears to semi-openly admire these authoritarians.
Levitsky and Ziblatt call this "ideological collusion," the willingness of powerful political actors to go along with would-be authoritarians to advance their own political goals, and it's extremely troubling.
Once regime-produced data makes it into the world's most trusted indexes, authoritarians and their unintentional supporters use these numbers in their propaganda, which hampers efforts to promote human rights.
That juxtaposition reflected the way Trump often chides America's oldest friends, but seems comfortable in the company of authoritarians like Kim, Russian President Vladimir Putin and China's President Xi Jinping.
In the chapter on right-wing critiques of liberalism, Gopnik summarizes the arguments of various types of "authoritarians" that liberalism is not good at providing clear order and symbolic identity.
Close observers, however, noticed two dog whistles that may have escaped notice but speak to Trump's long history of cozying up to white supremacists and authoritarians — as well as crudeness.
While Gabbard has some progressive domestic politics, these views are at odds with her support for authoritarians, including Modi, Egyptian President Fatth El-Sisi, and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Taking a page out of the book used by Trump and authoritarians everywhere, state journalists and officials regularly called critical journalists and reporters covering protests "traitors" and "golpistas" (coup-plotters).
At the time the sculptures were on display, a spokesman for the collective told The Washington Post that they were intended to mock authoritarians' propensity for erecting statues of themselves.
Friendly media coverage casts the pontiff as a man of the center, an ecclesiastical equivalent of Angela Merkel or Barack Obama or David Cameron, menaced by authoritarians to his right.
While his predecessors considered authoritarians like Mr. Sisi to be distasteful and at times shied away from them, Mr. Trump signaled that he sees international relations through a transactional lens.
And if he does as well among authoritarians on Super Tuesday as he did in South Carolina, he will be well on his way to winning the Republican nomination for president.
Unions are often crushed when authoritarians come to power—in Chile, Italy, and Germany, for instance—and in America, they had to fight actual battles to win concessions from the bosses.
This week, the story of Emmett Till's image in the coffin, New York's new copper skyscrapers, Damien Hirst is back, why authoritarians hate the arts, calorie counts for cannibals, and more.
Authoritarians can dismantle democratic institutions like a free media, an independent judiciary, and a robust civil society, and compromise election integrity, while still ostentatiously holding elections in which the people vote.
Trump makes two major contentions in the interview: First, that the U.S. is so riven by internal problems that it has no right to lecture authoritarians like Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
In a British political landscape dominated by hucksters, authoritarians, isolationists and delusionals he is that rare thing: a moderate, decent political leader who speaks his mind and is not obviously incompetent.
"This is yet another example of President Trump admiring and rewarding authoritarians," said Representative Lloyd Doggett, Democrat of Texas, in reference to speculation that talks with the Philippines could soon begin.
That's not to say that most people who voted for him are authoritarians, but I think this is the core group that provides the passion that got him through the primaries.
But the same technologies in the hands of dictators and authoritarians can be used to sow fear and confusion, and to distract with the trivial at the expense of the consequential.
Exposing such brazen abuse of power is a hallowed mission of a free press, so it should come as no surprise that authoritarians like Mr. Duterte usually go after independent media.
That distinction would turn out to be important, but it also meant that in times when many Americans perceived imminent physical threats, the population of authoritarians could seem to swell rapidly.
Movements like Black Lives Matter will continue chipping away at the country's legacy of institutionalized discrimination, pursuing the kind of social change and reordering of society that authoritarians find so threatening.
We're going to need it, if we want to have any chance to succeed in our shared fight against hypocritical right-wing authoritarians, white supremacists, anti-Semites, Islamophobes, and hate-filled murderers.
On Thursday, Mattis, the member of the Trump administration congressional Republicans most admire, resigned, saying he could no longer serve a president who believes in wrecking our alliances and allying with authoritarians.
The Republican party might simply be incapable of winning the presidency, according to every expert I spoke to, as long as the split between authoritarians and the rest of the party persists.
Challenges to that order — diversity, influx of outsiders, breakdown of the old order — are experienced as personally threatening because they risk upending the status quo order that authoritarians equate with basic security.
Some authoritarians have large amounts of oil revenues per capita, and they can take a strategy of both coercion and buying loyalty from their people with benefits, subsidies, jobs, and so on.
Facebook has faced plenty of scandals in its 14 years of existence, from its legal battles with the Winklevoss twins to its cozy relationship with authoritarians like Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.
One rich kid, one poor kid, both uber-talented anti-authoritarians – and for a short time it looked like the two would go on to dominate European football for years to come.
"None of these authoritarians could have a lock on so-called success if they didn't have a compliant media," she said, noting crackdowns on the press in Russia, Poland, Turkey and elsewhere.
Shaping reality to fit political maneuvering has a long tradition in the Kremlin, and unfortunately the practice is gaining popularity in the White House and among would-be authoritarians the world round.
If there is hope for the rain forest, and for countries where authoritarians threaten democracy and progressive agendas, it lies in the determination and power of civil society activists like Sônia Guajajara.
This same compassion for those seen as weak creates political correctness, which constrains discourse and is complacent to the extremely sensitive PC-authoritarians that use violence and shaming to advance their cause.
It is that we will send a clear message to future would-be authoritarians that our institutions cannot withstand a naked assault on the proposition that no person is above the law.
Political elites can start to confuse radical measures with normal ones, to valorize the extreme measures used by authoritarians, recast their ordinary practices of control over civilians into a model for democracies.
Today democracy is imperiled not by civil war but by a citizenry torn apart by warring ideologies, in part because of the compelling, if nihilistic, story that authoritarians have told about nationality.
But Mr. Trump never once argued for Russian containment – once a staple of his party's foreign policy – and repeatedly argued that he, and he alone, could negotiate with authoritarians like Mr. Putin.
Managers of artistic and cultural projects, though, need to do more than that; they need to show proactively that they "get it" and will accommodate the authoritarians and protect their public image.
It's no surprise that the Senate confirmed to the Eleventh Circuit last week Judge Andrew Brasher, who has fought tooth and nail against voting rights, one of the things authoritarians fear most.
Second, if they rule in a nominal democracy that has expectations of transparency and accountability, authoritarians must take special steps to keep their side-dealings from becoming part of the official record.
The conceit both allows him to explore the persistence of anti-Semitism in American culture and, now chillingly, the ways in which America has failed to immunize itself against demagogues and authoritarians.
The key thing to understand is that authoritarianism is often latent; people in this 44 percent only vote or otherwise act as authoritarians once triggered by some perceived threat, physical or social.
And so the rise of authoritarianism as a force within American politics means we may now have a de facto three-party system: the Democrats, the GOP establishment, and the GOP authoritarians.
In the months since, he has shown repeated sympathy for authoritarians and their tactics, acted in ways that seem downright kleptocratic to many, and shown a repeated disregard for human rights activism.
The same compassion for those seen as weak creates political correctness[11], which constrains discourse and is complacent to the extremely sensitive PC-authoritarians that use violence and shaming to advance their cause.
Disinformation experts have indeed warned that Gabbard's campaign could be targeted by state-backed propaganda efforts, as she has rubbed shoulders with authoritarians and argued against even a minor U.S. presence in Syria.
So that's why you see Donald Trump and other authoritarians attacking electoral systems and the results of elections, because they need to do that when the results are at odds with their rhetoric.
Of course, even if the GOP authoritarians and the GOP traditionalists agree about what the party isn't — the Democrats, blech — that doesn't bring them any closer to agreeing on what the party is.
Authoritarians are often ungenerous people, but they do give us one gift: they tell us what they are going to do before they do it, both as an intimidation and as a challenge.
Trump, like the populist authoritarians before and around him, has also understood (or, at least, instinctually grasped) how indispensable his own individual persona is to his ultimate goal of grasping and maintaining power.
"We work together, that is what has traditionally set us apart from places that have turned to single leaders, despots, dictators, authoritarians who have promised people, 'I can fix it alone,' " she added.
Doubtful. And while Ottawa and Riyadh will probably eventually work this all out, other authoritarians will surely take notice that on Trump's watch there's room to be tougher at home and pricklier abroad.
Now, nearly three decades later, Mr. Liu has died of cancer while in state custody, a bedridden and silenced example of Western governments' inability, or reluctance, to push back against China's resurgent authoritarians.
So this summit meeting is likely to become another illustration of the built-in negotiating handicap of liberal bourgeois democracies dealing with totalitarians and authoritarians: the first want peace, the latter need victory.
" In an influential 235 book called The Authoritarian Dynamic, Stenner argued that many authoritarians might be latent — that they might not necessarily support authoritarian leaders or policies until their authoritarianism had been "activated.
Our results seemed to confirm this: Authoritarians were significantly more likely to rate almost all of the actual and hypothetical social issues we asked about as "bad" or "very bad" for the country.
He became, and was inevitably called, Gandalf, not merely for his grizzled beard, lean sportsman's height and philosophy degree, but also for the wise way he managed his ever-growing crowd of anti-authoritarians.
The glee Bolsonaro's supporters exhibited points to a troubling development, one familiar to many Americans: Social media, once seen as a profoundly democratic technology, is increasingly serving the needs of authoritarians and their allies.
But critically, even though Trump strongly echoes many of these populist authoritarians in his personal style, the actual crisis of democracy playing out in the United States has essentially nothing to do with this.
It is a protest against liberal democracy as we know it, and it is no surprise that these grievances have found outlet in vulgar authoritarians whose core supporters want to blow up the system.
As someone who writes about authoritarians, I'm not surprised that President Trump would like to take the next step of jailing journalists, as a leaked memo given to former FBI director James Comey reveals.
Having a better accounting of who owns what in the United States will only become more imperative as Britain and Europe squeeze sanctioned authoritarians out of their markets and further into the United States.
The dictators came in all shapes and sizes — communists, fascists, radicals and reactionaries, left-wing authoritarians (like Pilsudski), right-wing militarists (like Franco), monarchs, anti-monarchists, even a cleric like Father Tiso in Slovakia.
Under Xi, China has grown markedly more Orwellian; not only is it stamping its heel more firmly on its own citizens, but it is also exporting its digital shackles to authoritarians the world over.
"I want to prevent a return to the days where authoritarians ruled," the time of Mr. Ahmadinejad, said Omid Zare, a 26-year-old college graduate, who, like many of his age, is unemployed.
Not only has the past year seen an American president borrow despotic language to refer to the free press, but it seems he has in turn inspired dictators and authoritarians with his own language.
What is most likely, Hetherington suggested, is that authoritarians are much more susceptible to messages that tell them to fear a specific "other" — whether or not they have a preexisting animus against that group.
This is not to say that the NBA should try to do something about this, and not just because Managing Parity is a fool's errand best left to the butterfingered managerial authoritarians of the NFL.
It's a battle between a hopeful, egalitarian political vision, embodied by 20th-century figures like Nelson Mandela (in whose honor the speech was given), and a new wave of right-wing populists and ambitious authoritarians.
What matters is not just that authoritarians' influence within the party is rising, but when it is happening: at a moment when the party is institutionally far weaker than it has been in the past.
For the US Christian right, as for rising European authoritarians, human and civil rights protections for LGBTQ people, as well as hate crimes legislation, amount to persecution of "traditional" Christians and "suppression" of free speech.
Like most authoritarians, Putin likes to present himself as a social traditionalist -- defending Russia's viciously homophobic restrictions on gay life and decriminalizing domestic violence in a nation which still expects women to obey their husbands.
Throughout history, it's been part of the pattern of authoritarians to destroy the public's trust in their news sources, so that they think the only place they can turn for information is the leader himself.
From Russia to America; India to Turkey; Italy and most recently from Poland to Brazil — growing numbers of people have voted for authoritarians — presumably as a way to return to a simpler and better past.
Not only has the past year seen an American president borrow despotic language to refer to the free press, but it seems he has now, in turns, inspired dictators and authoritarians with his own language.
Both Mr. Flake and Mr. McCain warned that the president's sustained attacks on American news media put journalists around the world in danger and set a poor example for countries led by authoritarians and dictators.
Mr. Trump's soft spot for authoritarians dates at least to his presidential campaign, when he praised Saddam Hussein for being "good" at killing terrorists and suggested that the world would be better off were Col.
Whether Europe remains a secure and prosperous continent, or fractures along traditional east-west fault lines — with authoritarians in Russia and Turkey carving out zones of interest — will play out most vividly in the Balkans.
Critics say that despite Sanders' talk about worker-led democracy and ending wars, many of the leftist leaders he has praised — such as Morales and, in the 1980s, Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua — are essentially authoritarians.
But this week he told the New York Times he wouldn't attend even if he could, in an act of protest against the ban, comparing the act of "hardliners" in the US with Iranian authoritarians.
They believe that authoritarians aren't "activated" — they've always held their authoritarian preferences — but that they only come to express those preferences once they feel threatened by social change or some kind of threat from outsiders.
It's no accident that the World War II language of resistance and collaboration has come back into circulation -- these are the situations authoritarians create to divide us, making it easier for them to restrict our freedoms.
These kinds of leaders draw from a familiar playbook that's very well-established and quickly understood by people who make a study of it, people who witness it, or people who are themselves wired as authoritarians.
Authoritarians, after quietly coalescing within the GOP for decades, are now revealing themselves as numerous and influential enough to hijack the party's presidential primary — but as too few to carry the GOP to a national victory.
Much of the polarization dividing American politics, they wrote, was fueled not just by gerrymandering or money in politics or the other oft-cited variables, but by a little-understood class of voters they called authoritarians.
The survey, which also featured wide disparities between vinegary, delusional older authoritarians and younger fans, was split right down the middle, 42 percent to 42 percent, on whether the NFL should allow these protests to continue.
At the time, I asked the Clinton campaign and other Democratic operatives whether they had consulted with political professionals from abroad who have experience running against authoritarians, or academics who have studied those kinds of campaigns.
Trump, of course, gave no sign of being humbled or constrained by these realities, speaking as though he'd won the White House with the kind of crushing margin authoritarians like Russian President Vladmir Putin roll up.
Appeals to the people mix with fears of the people's powers; despite the professed centrism of most liberals, modern history does not lack examples of liberals siding with authoritarians when faced by unpredictable radical democratic forces.
Egypt's 2011 uprising and its chaotic aftermath, as well as the experience of other Arab countries, shows that this strategy of near-unconditional support for the Arab world's authoritarians has well passed its sell-by date.
Yes, I do see in Trump these authoritarian tendencies — plus a troubling fondness for other authoritarians, like Vladimir Putin in Russia and Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines — but I'm confident our institutions are stronger than Trump.
As became apparent to the president only after days of news coverage, a senior administration official said, Mr. Mattis had issued a stinging rebuke of Mr. Trump over his neglect of allies and tolerance of authoritarians.
Trump is untroubled by the idea of partnering with authoritarians, but his remark was "met by a stunned silence" according to the WSJ, which notes it's unclear if Sisi was in the room to hear it.
Authoritarians are, at a much deeper level, alarmed by difference and by outsiders, and especially by social change — all of which are triggered by the prospect of large numbers of immigrants settling permanently in the United States.
Nothing scars modern Europe as deeply as memories of fascism, Nazism and collaboration with the Holocaust: many nerves jangle when strutting authoritarians question the loyalties of religious minorities or suggest that undesirable outsiders should be rounded up.
Indeed, a previous analysis by Amanda Taub for Vox found that authoritarians are most likely to support Trump, and these voters' authoritarian beliefs have been "activated" by a changing American landscape that they perceive as more dangerous.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. Senator Jeff Flake castigated President Donald Trump on Wednesday for his attacks on the media, saying Trump had embraced the despotic language of former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and inspired modern-day authoritarians.
The Vox/Morning Consult poll, for instance, found that authoritarians were much more likely to support policies like using force instead of diplomacy to confront hostile nations, and limiting civil liberties in order to prevent terrorist attacks.
The first consequence has been the rise of the illiberals, authoritarians who not only don't believe in the democratic values of the Western civilization narrative, but don't even pretend to believe in them, as former dictators did.
Rather, it was that authoritarians, as a growing presence in the GOP, are a real constituency that exists independently of Trump — and will persist as a force in American politics regardless of the fate of his candidacy.
Authoritarians may be a slight majority within the GOP, and thus able to force their will within the party, but they are too few and their views too unpopular to win a national election on their own.
Resist the censors, the haters, the authoritarians, religious and secular, the builders of walls, and declare them the enemy of us all, this human race, which will not be dragged against its will into a new dark age.
But he talks with a sense of mission, arguing that liberal, democratic European countries are duty-bound to oppose authoritarians and address complex global problems together, even if old allies, notably America under Mr Trump, opt for isolationism.
In three short years, Republicans have allowed our country to sink to that level — indeed, to sink below it, since foreign authoritarians find it easy to manipulate our president, and scarcely seem to regard him as their equal.
WASHINGTON, Jan 17 (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Jeff Flake on Wednesday castigated President Donald Trump for his attacks on the media, comparing his fellow Republican to former Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and charging that Trump inspires modern-day authoritarians.
And so with conformers, employees who are lost souls or authoritarians are at greater risk of blind obedience to those in power – and being co-opted by another bad manager, thereby making it harder to fix the culture.
The authorities (or are they the authoritarians?) who pronounced painting to be dead lived in a bubble: they refused to recognize how neatly the narrative they kept spinning fit into the erasures and belittlements characterizing America's modern era.
Whatever a second Trump term might mean for the American project, it would confirm the worst instincts of the world's authoritarians, and the ethnonationalist sham-democracy industry will spread further across the world than it ever has before.
But in the post-Soviet crypto-verse I also saw how the promise of an unshackled financial order beguiles authoritarians, criminals, and terrorists—and how it has already greased the wheels of Russia's attempts to influence US elections.
Based on the classic Roald Dahl novel of the same name, "Matilda," about a brainy little girl who loves books and hates idiots and authoritarians, closed in January after nearly four years on Broadway and 12 Tony nominations.
Pritula was a kind of den mother for the young journalists, and Sheremet was not only a friend and a colleague but also a mentor—a repository of stories of intellectual resistance to the post-Soviet world's authoritarians.
Authoritarians are thought to express much deeper fears than the rest of the electorate, to seek the imposition of order where they perceive dangerous change, and to desire a strong leader who will defeat those fears with force.
This would help explain why authoritarians seem so prone to reject not just one specific kind of outsider or social change, such as Muslims or same-sex couples or Hispanic migrants, but rather to reject all of them.
Extreme-right politicians are exaggerating the scale of illegal immigration and unwarranted asylum seeking, and not just in the US. Getting this right will help take away from the authoritarians one of their most potent rhetorical weapons: immigration alarmism.
If the Valley wants to create something other than a technocracy that favors authoritarians and punishes their critics, it has to engage with the world it's trying to change and undertake the messy business of regaining its moral equilibrium.
The US has leverage The killing of Khashoggi and the absence of an appropriate response will only persuade Prince bin Salman and other authoritarians that when it comes to human rights, and journalists, America just doesn't give a damn.
Last month, Warren laid out a viral social media assault against Donald Trump, calling him a "loser" and a "wannabe tyrant" who could be "a serious threat" while comparing him to "history's worst authoritarians" in a series of tweets.
"Not only has the past year seen an American president borrow despotic language to refer to the free press, but it seems he has in turn inspired dictators and authoritarians ... This is reprehensible," Flake said on the Senate floor.
Flake now professes alarm about Trump's "affection for strongmen and authoritarians," yet has done next to nothing with his extraordinary power—including a seat on the Foreign Relations Committee—to stop Trump from presiding over a pro-authoritarian administration.
He's perfectly willing to embrace violent and radical extremists — including anti-Semitic right-wing authoritarians like Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary — as long as they appear to support his unrepentant aggression and indefinite occupation of the West Bank.
Democrats, by contrast, have positioned themselves as the party of civil rights, equality, and social progress — in other words, as the party of social change, a position that not only fails to attract but actively repels change-averse authoritarians.
For decades, the Republican Party has been winning over authoritarians by implicitly promising to stand firm against the tide of social change, and to be the party of force and power rather than the party of negotiation and compromise.
See how he cheated people w/ scams like Trump U. She then goes on to note that while Trump is a loser, he still poses a real threat—after all, she says, many of history's worst authoritarians started out as losers.
And you can also watch Reuters TV on Roku and Fire TV.No matter what happens, today's "not-a-summit summit" is a historic meeting for an American president who now calls long-standing allies "foes" and cozies up to authoritarians.
American politics is profoundly polarized, with the Republican Party drifting in a particularly extreme direction under the guidance of a leader whose political style is more similar to elected authoritarians like Hungary's Viktor Orbán than any American president in recent history.
You could just as easily point to, say, the rise of antihero TV (usually about a white guy who won't play by the rules) or our love of superhero stories (usually about authoritarians — but for good!) as a parallel to Trump.
As Trump's willingness to work closely with extreme religious conservatives becomes steadily more apparent, many secular groups fear we will spend the next four years under the tyranny of religious authoritarians who invoke religious freedom to roll back civil rights.
"Elections are seen as important to legitimizing regimes," he said, but instead of imposing one-party rule, as in the past, today's authoritarians "use a variety of devices to control and/or manipulate the media, intimidate opponents" and so on.
Compounding the threat posed by such injunctions to transnational violence has been the approach of authoritarians in the post-Soviet space, who have been all too happy to place the extremist label on genuine suspects and mere political opponents alike.
Our allies and partners are needed to provide alternatives to Chinese markets, as well as to present a common front to ensure that open societies rather than authoritarians lead in critical technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and 5G networks.
As Trump's willingness to work closely with extreme religious conservatives becomes steadily more apparent, many secular groups fear we will spend the next four years under the tyranny of religious authoritarians who invoke religious freedom to roll back civil rights.
Or just compare the G.O.P., point by point, with parties almost everyone would classify as right-wing authoritarians — parties like Hungary's Fidesz, which has preserved some of the forms of democracy but has effectively created a permanent one-party state.
Organizations like these were created and supported by authoritarians like former President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua to give their elections a veneer of legitimacy and to counter the power of legitimate, internationally recognized election observers.
Above all, perhaps — it is not right-wing authoritarians but the great and good of Brussels and Berlin who have shown consistent contempt for the popular will, for democratic self-government and for the interests of weaker countries in their union.
" Flake, in an excerpt published this week from his book, "Conscience of a Conservative," compared Republican efforts in the 2016 election to a "Faustian bargain" and wrote of "the strange specter of an American president's seeming affection for strongmen and authoritarians.
If you were to read every word these theorists ever wrote on authoritarians, and then try to design a hypothetical candidate to match their predictions of what would appeal to authoritarian voters, the result would look a lot like Donald Trump.
"The president's decision to support the Saudi regime's horrific actions is yet another example of how he preferences authoritarians over all others, including his own intelligence agency," Mara Karlin, a former top Pentagon strategist now at Johns Hopkins University, told me.
And while Trump's bilateral meetings with democratically elected leaders of American allies in Europe and Asia have generally been awkward, he's gotten along swimmingly with Sunni authoritarians, who appreciate his relaxed attitude on human rights and his anti-Iranian instincts.
It leans very heavily on the idea that Putin persuaded Trump to take these positions through personal compliments, whereas it seems more likely to me that Trump's pro-Russian positions stem from his longstanding admiration for authoritarians and antipathy toward American alliance commitments.
But it's becoming clearer and clearer and it is deeply, deeply troubling and the way ... I mean, I think techno-fascism is one of the ways that I kind of started thinking about it, really, which is that this technology favors populist authoritarians.
At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, President Trump "reserved most of the sought-after sit-down time slots for authoritarians or like-minded nationalists with similar views on immigration," the WashPost's Anne Gearan, David Nakamura and Seung Min Kim write.
"The traditional part of the party never worried too much about the authoritarian part of the party, because they always been firmly in control," Vanderbilt political scientist Marc Hetherington, who has spent years studying authoritarians' role within the Republican party, told me.
As long as the authoritarians remain activated and concentrated in the Republican party, in other words, the national Republican electorate will remain split between authoritarian voters who badly want a Trump-style candidate and more traditional Republican voters who favor more traditional candidates.
It would thus behoove Democrats to update their playbook to account for the fact that Trump is an authoritarian, and that authoritarians engage in a different kind of politics than even the most underhanded Republicans who've run for president in the past.
There are probably many ways to explain this weakness for ruthless authoritarians, including the affinity of a real-estate wheeler-dealer for men who have the power to deliver what they want — something American democratic institutions have often blocked Mr. Trump from getting.
"I've interviewed a lot of these people who have come in as democrats and turned into authoritarians, never-ending rulers," she said, describing Mr. Erdogan's outrage when she asked him about his request that Germany prosecute a satirist who had mocked him.
If there's a brighter light unifying Britain and America at the time of the Revolution, perhaps it lies neither with the frightened authoritarians nor with the too easily inflamed radicals but with the new doctrines of compassion that could run between them.
As much as some are trumpeting the ability of the Chinese to quickly lock down millions, the real story is that the Chinese government did as authoritarians do: They misled, withholding information from the public until the crisis was at full tilt.
Receiving an award in April from the Islamist-leaning Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, Mr. Khashoggi said democracy was under attack across the Arab world by radical Islamists, authoritarians and elites who feared that popular participation would bring chaos.
And authoritarians are also especially concerned about the risks of harm posed by foreigners or members of the out-groups they fear, which means that terrorist attacks like the recent ones in Brussels and Paris are especially likely to provoke authoritarian voters.
But, as Flake catalogs in his speech, it's quite clear that Trump's norm-busting is being watched by authoritarians the world over as they seek to diminish the idea of objective truth and put their own political goals into the vacuum created. 19.
And then we have the president using language that really is not becoming of the United States president, calling the press the enemy of the people, to see his term "fake news" used by authoritarians everywhere to justify cracking down on dissent.
Mobilizing anger, hatred and fear has become the familiar strategy of would-be authoritarians, and Mr. Bolsonaro has drawn liberally on the playbook of the likes of Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, Viktor Orban of Hungary and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.
Around the world, authoritarians, populists and other political leaders have seized on the phrase "fake news" — and the legitimacy conferred upon it by an American president — as a tool for attacking their critics and, in some cases, deliberately undermining the institutions of democracy.
And the extreme nature of authoritarians' fears, and of their desire to challenge threats with force, would lead them toward a candidate whose temperament was totally unlike anything we usually see in American politics — and whose policies went far beyond the acceptable norms.
That coalition is dividing in two, split between Republicans as we typically know them — social conservatives who believe in small government, low taxes, and limited regulation — and a newly active block of voters known as authoritarians, defined not by demographics but by psychological profile.
While in principle this may not be a deviation from longstanding US policy, the way in which Trump does so -- without even a modicum of concern for the respect for human rights and the dignity of citizens in the region -- will further embolden authoritarians.
That would be a huge change in American foreign policy and could well signal to the world's authoritarians that they had a free pass — to imprison dissidents, torture opponents and ignore human rights standards without fear that their relationship with the United States would suffer.
Domestic problems in leading democracies like the United States and the United Kingdom, the slide toward strongman rule in places like Turkey and Hungary, and the rising global assertiveness of Russia and China all suggest to some that the future may belong to authoritarians.
"Anonymized" location datasets admittedly tend to be something of an oxymoron, but authoritarians may still be technically stymied by the difficulty of deanonymization; and if individual privacy can be preserved even more securely than that via some elegant encryption scheme, so much the better.
Trump's governing approach—characterized by a chaotic mix of small-government fetishism, big-government xenophobia, distrust of scientific authority, fondness for authoritarians, aversion to international coordination, and bumbling administrative incompetence, all topped off by a penchant for spreading disinformation—makes an effective response harder still.
The billionaire's social media team deleted a thread of fake quotes implying the Vermont senator's affinity for authoritarians, including Josef Stalin, Bashar Assad, and Kim Jong Un. One tweet comprised a faux love letter to Vladimir Putin, and some critics called it out as homophobic.
That is not to dismiss white working-class concerns as invalid because they might be expressed by authoritarians or through authoritarian politics, but rather to better understand why this is happening — and why it's having such a profound and extreme effect on American politics.
The movement sought to displace the grandiosity of stoic, towering, phallic monuments (a style frequently used by authoritarians), with a form of memorialization that focuses more on archival and exhibitionist elements, on public art that activates public discourse, rather than immovable objects plopped in public space.
In an era where the leader of the free world is emboldening authoritarians on everything from reneging on human rights to slanderously impugning the press, the onus falls on civil society and the private sector to maintain and promote liberal democratic values at home and abroad.
They can't imagine the things we fear: the shift from rule of law to rule by vindictive authoritarians; mass deportations and internment camps for suspected aliens; sea rise and extinctions as climate regulations are gutted; voting rights and employment protections eroded; harassment and violence from white supremacists.
Here's a breakdown from the BBC on what the documents contain: Information from the documents reveal business dealings of some of the world's most notorious dictators, autocrats, and authoritarians including former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, Libya's toppled dictator, Muammar Gaddafi and Syria's president Bashar al-Assad.
But in his lofty praise of the Saudi royal family, through his numerous meetings with Arab authoritarians and in his speech to the assembled leaders, Trump did not raise human rights issues, instead promising "we are not here to lecture" -- delivering a realpolitik view of US alliances.
Concerns abounded that the global security system has become unglued, that poor leadership East and West prevents cohesion, that the "strong street" overrules weak elites in Europe and America, and "the center cannot hold," while the aggressive authoritarians: Russia, China, and Iran, eventually may not be contained.
"GamerGate is remarkable — and attracts the interest of people like me — because it represents perhaps the first time in the last decade or more that a significant incursion has been made in the culture wars against guilt-mongerers, nannies, authoritarians and far-left agitators," he writes.
Aspiring authoritarians like Viktor Orban of Hungary in turn seem enticed by the kind of power Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi wield, untroubled by the need to compromise or consult or, in the case of corruption and cronyism, to answer for evidence of misrule and malfeasance.
Mr. Erdogan has presented himself as a champion of the Arab Spring uprisings and the Islamist political parties that once appeared poised to ride those revolts to power; Prince Mohammed is the anchor of an alliance of Arab authoritarians who have sought to stamp out those uprisings.
That is to say, Castro's rule was no different from the other regimes ransacking their populations and hoovering up massive wealth for themselves and their inner circles—all the while taking full advantage of all the innovations that modern kleptocracy offers both authoritarians and blood-soaked brutalists.
In her first public appearance since James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, began his book tour, Hillary Clinton made only a glancing reference to him in a speech on Sunday night and instead focused most of her attacks on President Trump, once again likening him to authoritarians. Mrs.
The self-styled anti-authoritarians, who righteously (and understandably) complain about excessive use of force by police, were seemingly re-enacting some of this country's worst episodes of police violence, on an unarmed civilian who by all appearances was not a white supremacist and who was decidedly outnumbered.
The president hasn't backed off his aggressive anti-media rhetoric even after a shooting at a Maryland newsroom last year and even after the publisher of the New York Times warned him his remarks were giving authoritarians abroad an excuse to crack down on their own countries' media.
One of the reasons we have sought for so long to reduce violence in society is that we don't want a bunch of proto-authoritarians running around; we want independent thinkers capable of self-governance, and that is not possible without a basic guarantee of bodily autonomy. Now.
Pull the camera back, and Trump can be viewed as part of a deadly serious wave of authoritarians and xenophobes who have come to power in Russia, Poland, and Hungary, and who lead such movements as the National Front, in France, and the Independence Party, in the United Kingdom.
Through a series of experiments and careful data analysis, they had come to a surprising conclusion: Much of the polarization dividing American politics was fueled not just by gerrymandering or money in politics or the other oft-cited variables, but by an unnoticed but surprisingly large electoral group — authoritarians.
"GamerGate is remarkable — and attracts the interest of people like me — because it represents perhaps the first time in the last decade or more that a significant incursion has been made in the culture wars against guilt-mongerers, nannies, authoritarians and far-Left agitators," he wrote in late 2014.
While the connection between authoritarianism and threat is not new, there can be a propensity of people who are lower on the authoritarian scale to behave more like authoritarians when threatened — as the political scientists Hetherington and Suhay demonstrated in a 2011 study in the American Journal of Political Science.
More uncomfortably close to reality than ever, The First Purge suggests that even seemingly upstanding citizens are all too willing to cede power to cruel authoritarians, so long as the people in charge promise to target ethnic minorities and the poor, for the overall benefit of the middle-class majority.
So when Trump implicitly condones or even encourages violence in response to the protesters, what authoritarians hear is something like a reassuring promise: I understand the scale of the threats that no one else sees, and I alone have the strength to do what is necessary to put down that threat.
This is why anti-corruption crusades are expedient platforms for demagogues and authoritarians who, like Duterte, have no serious interest in corruption — the Philippines had generally improved under his predecessor and has slid back down the rankings during his presidency — but are eager to tear down institutions for very different reasons.
Academic research has found that when authoritarians feel threatened — whether because of social change that disturbs the hierarchies that are important to them, or because of economic stress that changes their communities, or because of physical threats like terrorism — they become "activated," meaning they seek out authoritarian leaders and policies.
Between the lines: Bolton suggested that Trump believes his personal chemistry with foreign leaders, including authoritarians like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, means that the U.S. relationship with those countries is a positive one, a source in the room told Axios' Jonathan Swan.
Together, those three insights added up to one terrifying theory: that if social change and physical threats coincided at the same time, it could awaken a potentially enormous population of American authoritarians, who would demand a strongman leader and the extreme policies necessary, in their view, to meet the rising threats.
What these changes have in common is that, to authoritarians, they threaten to take away the status quo as they know it — familiar, orderly, secure — and replace it with something that feels scary because it is different and destabilizing, but also sometimes because it upends their own place in society.
Manafort, the former chairman of Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, was a longtime Republican lobbyist and consultant who was known for handling PR for authoritarians like former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, former dictator of Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko, Angolan guerrilla leader Jonas Savimbi, and Viktor Yanukovych, the former president of Ukraine.
The former Harvard law professor, who has attracted a huge following within the progressive Democratic community, went on a Twitter tirade on Monday afternoon after largely staying out of the presidential race, repeatedly calling the Republican frontrunner a "loser" who has a little too much in common with historical authoritarians for her liking.
But from withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Paris climate accord to not certifying the Iran nuclear accord, to courting authoritarians with abandon (see Vladimir Putin; Abdel Fattah el-Sisi; Recep Tayyip Erdogan; King Salman), this President has apparently made disruption and destruction of his predecessor's policies his key prime directive.
And then there are the authoritarians, who are people who are not necessarily racist but have a strong sense of moral order, and when they perceive that things are coming apart and that there's a decrease in moral order, they become racist — hostile to alien groups including blacks, gay people, Mexicans, etc.
In an excerpt that was published by Politico, Flake describes the strange specter of an American president's seeming affection for strongmen and authoritarians created such a cognitive dissonance among my generation of conservatives — who had come of age under existential threat from the Soviet Union — that it was almost impossible to believe.
The attacks on the press, on judges, on factuality and truth; the racist exclusionary policies (from Muslim bans to border camps); the deep admiration for strongmen and authoritarians — all these features of the Trump administration have created sweeping concern that knows no party line (though far too many Republicans still support it).
It's also interesting to note that, contrary to the vision of a generation of young authoritarians brainwashed in elite universities, there is very little age polarization on these issues — 56 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds support the right of the racist to give a speech, versus 60 percent of the overall population.
His tactics place him among a special league of democratic authoritarians like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has used a referendum to expand the powers of his presidency, imprisoned political prisoners, attacked the judiciary branch of his government, and restricted free press in the wake of an attempted coup against him last year.
The study of authoritarianism tell us that authoritarians will respond to this perceived threat by desiring a strongman leader who will promise a heavy-handed response — not out of a love of a violence per se, but rather out of a fear-based desire to reimpose order, and a belief that violence is necessary to equal the threat.
If you can embrace the power that pride in personal achievement brings, and can be tolerant of differing points of view, yet pursue your own self-determined course—despite pressure to conform exerted by collectivists and authoritarians across the political and religious spectrum—then Satan always serves as a formidable and inspirational archetype of strength, liberty and iconoclasm.
Shortly after the Iowa Republican caucus, in which Trump came in a close second, Vox partnered with the Washington-based media and polling company Morning Consult to test American authoritarians along a range of political and social views — and to test some hypotheses we had developed after speaking with the leading political scientists of the field.
Washington must wake up to the abuse of software that kills Josh Rogan says the US government should regulate technologies are used by authoritarians to surveil and control their citizens: Israel-based NSO Group is only one in a growing group of companies that has put powerful spyware tools previously available only to a few governments out on the open market.
It still stands that religion — and I say religion in general this time because while Islam is especially dangerous today, the other Abrahamic religions have served the same purpose when they were — lends itself extremely well to the goals and whims of authoritarians, tyrants, and the violent everywhere, whether it's being used as a prop or driving them by belief.
According to the LA Times, the protesters included young Muslim women in headscarves, members of the Black Lives Matter movement, and members of the Fearless Undocumented Alliance, which advocates for the rights of unauthorized immigrants in the US. In other words, all representatives of what authoritarians would (probably subconsciously) consider to be threatening out-groups and the forces of frightening social change.
Read more:Facebook blames a &apostechnical issue&apos for the vulgar translation of Xi Jinping&aposs nameTrump has &aposemboldened&apos and &aposenabled&apos authoritarians like Putin as they seek to become presidents for lifeChina economic growth slows to ~30-year low as Trump&aposs trade war bitesTrump&aposs blundering attempts to strong arm Iran follow the same pattern as the China trade-war mess
I was only 7 when "90210" premiered in 1990, and through its '90s heyday I was strictly barred from watching it by parents who thought its portrayals of teenage sex, drug use, sexual assault and suicide were inappropriate for a child a long way from a learner's permit (parents whom I believed were wholly unreasonable authoritarians hellbent on bankrupting my social cache).
Such a state of affairs inevitably would lead to actions taken by the ruler that are not in the interests of the nation, like dishonoring treaty agreements, abandoning allies, impugning the independent judiciary and the free press, disregarding fundamental rights and liberties of the people, abrogating civic norms and virtues, pursuing acts of personal enrichment and currying favor with foreign despots and authoritarians.
The better explanations are: (a) the president is infatuated with authoritarians, at least those who flatter him; (b) he's neurotically neuralgic when it comes to the subject of his election; (c) he's ideologically sympathetic to Putinism, with its combination of economic corporatism, foreign-policy cynicism, and violent hostility to critics; (d) he's stupid; or (e) he's vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
Many have pushed back against Trump's rhetoric; newspapers are running a slew of editorials about his "war" on the press this week, warning against the harm to journalists in the US. But Zeid told the Guardian that Trump's anti-press rhetoric not only puts journalists in the US at risk but also emboldens other authoritarians to crack down in their respective countries.
A growing number of countries have had their own equivalents of Brexit: Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election; the election of a populist government in Italy; the Catalan revolt in Spain; the rise of populist authoritarians in Russia, Hungary, Poland and, to some extent, India; the simmering rage against what Viktor Orban calls "liberal blah blah" in the intellectual dark-web.
Authoritarians who fear terrorism, for example, might thus gravitate toward strongmen leaders who demonize Muslims, because this leader then has a means by which to explain their fear ("you are at risk from a vast and terrifying enemy whom no one else will confront") and to promise reprieve from that fear ("we'll ban all Muslim foreigners and restore an America free of people who look different").
Because of this—intuiting his audience and almost total ignorance and indifference to policy questions—Trump's core racism and authoritarianism have been amplified and accentuated, even radicalized to an almost unprecedented, perhaps unique degree by his interaction with his supporters... Trump started with a racist, authoritarian message, drew around him a supporter base of racists and authoritarians and has been in a feedback loop of mutual radicalization and openness ever since.
Nestled within the apparent naiveté of the Carter administration was, according to Kirkpatrick, a pernicious double standard: When reliable, albeit authoritarian, allies confronted popular opposition, the United States at first pressured them to reform in midst of a crisis and then effectively abandoned them—delivering once-allied countries into the hands of anti-American authoritarians, which President Jimmy Carter and his advisors accepted as the inevitable result of modernization.
Similarly, the 2008 Obama campaign was the first to harness online advertising to reach the right voters with the right message with near-surgical precision, but 10 years later the same techniques are propelling right-wing authoritarians to power in the US, the Philippines, and Brazil, and being used to fan the flames of xenophobia, racial hatred, and even genocide around the world—perhaps most devastatingly in Myanmar.
Taub drew on the work of political scientists and pollsters to support the premise: Not only did authoritarianism correlate, but it seemed to predict support for Trump more reliably than virtually any other indicator ... Authoritarians are thought to express much deeper fears than the rest of the electorate, to seek the imposition of order where they perceive dangerous change, and to desire a strong leader who will defeat those fears with force.
Africa's uneven progress is evidenced by comparing the successful transition of presidential power in post-conflict Liberia and Sierra Leone, the triumph of democracy in the Gambia, and Senegal's peaceful presidential elections, with the pretense of an election in Cameroon which maintained the power of one of Africa's longest-serving authoritarians, the failure of post-Mugabe Zimbabwe to deliver an open society, the crackdown in Tanzania, and other legacy leaders who refuse to leave in Uganda, Sudan, Equatorial Guinea, Togo and the Congo.
Populists may be authoritarians, ethnonationalists, nativists, leftists, rightists, xenophobes, proto-Fascists, Fascists, autocrats, losers from globalization, moneyed provocateurs, conservatives, socialists, and just plain unhappy or frustrated or bored people — anyone, from the crazed to the rational, from the racist to the tolerant, energized by social media to declare the liberal democratic rules-based consensus that has broadly prevailed since the end of the Cold War is not for them for the simple reason that it has not delivered for them, whether economically or socially or culturally.
Read more:Everything you need to know about Davos, the invitation-only conference that brings billionaires together with business and political leaders at a Swiss resortDavos says it is focusing on the climate crisis, but its billionaires and world leaders are still arriving on private jetsTrump&aposs Russia adviser was escorted from the White House after 2 months on the job, as part of a mysterious security probeTrump has &aposemboldened&apos and &aposenabled&apos authoritarians like Putin as they seek to become presidents for life
If Donald Trump can summit, negotiate and send self-described love letters to Kim Jong Un, one of the world's last true authoritarians -- a man whose country (like Iran) is on America's state sponsors of terror list; who has up to an estimated 60 nuclear weapons; who has launched missiles at Japan and threatened South Korea; and whose record on human rights and abuses against his own people justifiably puts him in the evil category -- why can't he sit down with senior Iranian officials to figure a way out of the current crisis?
Senator Bernie SandersBernie SandersHarry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' The exhaustion of Democrats' anti-Trump delusions Warren offers plan to repeal 1994 crime law authored by Biden MORE (I-Vt.), acting more like a commander in chief than President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE, castigated Trump for being unable to get along with leaders of democratic nations while appearing comfortable with authoritarians, dictators and despots.
The pattern of his pro-Putin, pro-Russia, anti-FBI, anti-intelligence community actions are so one-sided, and the lies and obfuscation surrounding every single Russian meeting and conversation are so consistent, that if this president isn't actually hiding a massive conspiracy, it means the alternative is worse: America elected a chief executive so oblivious to geopolitics, so self-centered and personally insecure, so naturally predisposed to undermine democratic institutions and coddle authoritarians, and so terrible a manager and leader, that he cluelessly surrounded himself with crooks, grifters, and agents of foreign powers, compromising the national security of the US government and undermining 75 years of critical foreign alliances, just to satiate his own ego.
The 1,000 elite US troops in Syria are making a chaotic and demoralizing retreat after Trump canceled their missionLong before the US pulled out, Kurds in Syria were keeping back channels to Russia and Assad wide openISIS has been waiting for this very moment as Trump-fueled chaos in Syria helps it regroupIn just one week, Trump's Syria retreat has caused the nightmare scenario everyone warned him aboutTrump imposed sanctions on Turkey only after advisers explained to him the obvious consequences of letting it invade Syria, report saysTurkey's president pulled one over on Trump — and some of the US's most dangerous adversaries are the big winnersTrump's sanctions against Turkey won't do anything to stop its invasion of Syria — and they might just add fuel to the fireThe US defense secretary gives US's strongest condemnation yet of Turkey's 'unacceptable incursion' in SyriaTrump is applauding Russia's victory in Syria after handing it to them on a platterTrump's coziness with authoritarians is backfiring spectacularly in Syria

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