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27 Sentences With "astasia"

How to use astasia in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "astasia" and check conjugation/comparative form for "astasia". Mastering all the usages of "astasia" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The market for data-labelling services may triple to $5bn by 2023, reckons Astasia Myers of Redpoint Ventures, a venture-capital firm.
Recommended by: Astasia Myers, Redpoint Ventures (investor)Why it will boom in 2020: "I did a deep dive on data security and privacy last year for businesses of all sizes," Myers said.
Recommended by: Astasia Myers, Redpoint Ventures (investor) and Ed Sim, Boldstart Ventures (no relationship) Why it will boom in 2020: "You can see how code will run in production before releasing it to a broader audience, and it lets you push small amounts of code faster," Myers said.
Basophobia is sometimes associated with astasia-abasia, the fear of walking/standing erect.
This impairment of sensation is not always required for the sensation to develop. However, impairment often worsens astasia.
Abasia is a symptom very similar to it and is the inability to walk. The two are most commonly seen in astasia-abasia, which is also called Blocq's disease. It is more common for astasia and abasia to be seen together than it is to see either one or the other.
Astasia-abasia refers to the inability to either stand or walk in a normal manner. Astasia refers to the inability to stand upright unassisted. Abasia refers to lack of motor coordination in walking. The term abasia literally means that the base of gait (the lateral distance between the two feet) is inconstant or unmeasurable.
The leucoplast genomes of the beech root parasite Epifagus virginiana, the oak parasite Conopholis americana, and the euglenoid Astasia longa display these characteristics.
This weakness is seen regardless of whether somatosensory feedback from the legs is impaired, suggesting it is one of the main causes of astasia without abasia.
Astasia and/or abasia are associated with the corresponding fears of walking and/or standing, variously called stasophobia, basophobia, stasiphobia, basiphobia, stasobasophobia, stasibasiphobia, etc., sometimes turning into pathological forms, i.e., phobias.
Lesions in the spinal cord or the spinal root can cause damage to a nerve or nerve root. Depending on where the abnormality is in a patient they can experience a wide range of symptoms, including those that are found in patients with astasis. It has been seen that patients with spinal atrophy who have astasia without abasia have neither sensory disturbances of the lower limbs or weakness in the hip extensor flexor muscles. This helps to indicate that one of the main causes of astasia without abasia is weakness in the triceps surae muscle.
A disorder known as "Blocq's disease" is named after him. It is also known as astasia-abasia, and is characterized by the inability to stand or walk, despite the capability to move ones' lower limbs when sitting or lying down.
Astasis is a lack of motor coordination marked by an inability to stand, walk or even sit without assistance due to disruption of muscle coordination. The term astasia is interchangeable with astasis and is most commonly referred to as astasia in the literature describing it. Astasis is the inability to stand or sit up without assistance in the absence of motor weakness or sensory loss (although the inclusion of 'the lack of motor weakness' has been debated by some physicians). It is categorized more as a symptom than an actual disease, as it describes a disruption of muscle coordination resulting in this deficit.
Peranema, as drawn by William Saville-Kent in 1880 When Dujardin created the genus Peranema in 1841, he was unable to detect the second flagellum and classified it with other ostensibly uniflagellate "Eugléniens," Astasia and Euglena. In 1881 Georg Klebs drew a taxonomical distinction between colorless uniflagellates that live by phagotrophy (Peranema and Astasia) and the green uniflagellates that photosynthesize (Euglena). This distinction was generally abandoned after the publication, in 1952, of a major revision of the Euglenoids. In 1997, a combined morphological and molecular analysis of certain Euglenoids identified Peranama trichophorum, Euglena gracilis and Khawkinea quartana as a distinct monophyletic lineage, with P. trichophorum basal to the other two species.
A conceptual history. History of Psychiatry 6: 87-104Berrios G.E. and Gili M. (1995) Abulia and impulsiveness revisited. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 92: 161-167 and aboulic individuals are unable to act or make decisions independently; and their condition may range in severity from subtle to overwhelming. It is also known as Blocq's disease (which also refers to abasia and astasia-abasia).
"Paul Blocq and (psychogenic) astasia abasia." Movement Disorders 22(10): 1373-1378. In the third paper published by Paul Blocq, he was trying to determine the neurophysiology behind this disease by relating the cerebral cortex (the decision making) and the spinal cord (the decision executer). His hypothesis was that there would exist an inhibitory influence which exerted and influenced the cortical or spinal centers for standing and walking.
Astasia-abasia is a form of psychogenic gait disturbance in which gait becomes impaired in the absence of any neurological or physical pathology. The person usually walks in a bizarre manner. They stagger and appear as if going to fall, but always manage to catch hold of something in time. Sometimes these people cannot even stand, but on the other hand they are well able to move their legs while lying down or sitting.
Many other causes for astasia have been reported, such as temporal hypoperfusion in the left hemisphere and posterior cingulate infarction. However, there have only been one or two cases in which these causes have been reported. There has also been one case that reported a patient showing a hemorrhage in the right thalamo-mesencephalic junction. This region involves important structures for the control of postural stability, motor control, ocular movements and vestibulo-ocular integration.
Damage to the peripheral nerves coming from the legs to the somatosensory area is the leading candidate for the cause of astasis. These damaged nerves prevent feedback for stabilization of posture for patients with astasis. This causes a disturbance in postural movements, such as a swaying around the legs and hip joints. This swaying may be seen only when a patient in standing still, and may disappear before walking, indicating that these patients exhibit astasia without abasia.
Many patients who suffer from diabetes can have damage to a single nerve or groups of nerves in the body. Some patients experience damage to the nerves coming from the somatosensory area controlling postural stability, which can cause symptoms similar to those seen in patients with astasia. These patients exhibit trouble standing and hip swaying. This damage can be caused by a wide array of things, such as high blood glucose levels, or decreased blood flow to the brain.
This may be beneficial for the organisms if it is unfavourable to their predators, or it may be propitious to them in their quest for prey. In photosynthetic prokaryotes, the mechanism for photokinesis appears to be an energetic process. In cyanobacteria, for example, an increase in illumination results in an increase of photophosphorylation which enables an increase in metabolic activity. However the behaviour is also found among eukaryotic microorganisms, including those like Astasia longa which are not photosynthetic, and in these, the mechanism is not fully understood.
This animal is able to feign death when it is threatened. In the same year the French neuropsychiatrist Jean-Baptiste Gélineau coined the term 'narcolepsy' and published some clinical reports that contain details about two patients who have similar condition as the narcoleptic cases nowadays. Nevertheless the onset reported by him was in adulthood as compared to the nowadays cases reported in childhood and adolescence. Even if he preferred the term ‘astasia’ instead of ‘cataplexy’ the case described by him remained iconic for the full narcoleptic syndrome.
Osmotrophic euglenids are euglenids which have undergone osmotrophy. Due to a lack of characteristics that are useful for taxonomical purposes, the origin of osmotrophic euglenids is unclear, though certain morphological characteristics reveal a small fraction of osmotrophic euglenids is derived from phototrophic and phagotrophic ancestors. A prolonged absence of light or exposure to harmful chemicals may cause atrophy and absorption of the chloroplasts without otherwise harming the organism. A number of species exists where a chloroplast's absence was formerly marked with separate genera such as Astasia (colourless Euglena) and Hyalophacus (colourless Phacus).
Haffkine began his scientific career as a protozoologist and protistologist, under the tutelage of Ilya Mechnikov at Imperial Novorossiya University in Odessa and later at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. p. 164–165 His early research was on protists such as Astasia, Euglena, and Paramecium, as well as the earliest studies on Holospora, a bacterial parasite of Paramecium. In the early 1890s, Haffkine shifted his attention to studies in practical bacteriology. The euglenid genus Khawkinea is named in honor of Haffkine's early studies of euglenids, first published in French journals with the author name translated from cyrillic as "Mardochée- Woldemar Khawkine".
When seen in conversion disorder, the gait is bizarre and is not suggestive of a specific organic lesion: often the patient sways wildly and nearly falls, recovering at the last moment. An acquired total inability to stand and walk can be seen in true neurological diseases, including stroke, Parkinson's disease, damage to the cerebellum, Guillain–Barré syndrome, normal pressure hydrocephalus and many others. In normal pressure hydrocephalus, for example, when the condition remains untreated, the patient's gait becomes shortened, with frequent shuffling and falls; eventually standing, sitting, and even rolling over in bed become impossible. This advanced state is referred to as "hydrocephalic astasia- abasia".
Ebanda Manferd & Villa Vienna, the musical pair In 1980, Bebe Manga actually recorded an adaptation of "Amie" which propels the front of the international music scene and allows him to receive the " Golden Maracas " SACEM . The same year, André astasia, a West Indian, the lot under " Alimony ". In 1982, Henri Salvador 's turn to enter the dance of times of " friend " and follow Nayanka Bell, Manu Dibango and Papa Wemba, Monique Seka, Jackie Biho, Bisso na Bisso, Bebe Manga, and others."Ebanda Mbanda: The Artist of Immortal songs (French)" His latest album, " Lolo ", released in 1989, Manfred Ebanda to his credit - a duet with his ex-wife, Villa Vienne - 7 " 45s " and 4 " 33 rpm ".
Many of the terms used are now considered archaic, such as abasia, astasia, errhines and rubefacients - sternutatories, and many of the agents listed are now not considered to be standard therapeutic agents but were considered useful at the time, including poisonous compounds such as mercury, lead, strychnine and arsenic. There were 108 remedies listed for indigestion (dyspepsia), including alcohol, arsenic, cocaine, gold chloride, mercury, morphine, nux vomica, opium, silver nitrate, strychnine, and “Turkish baths (for malaise after dining out)”. Bismuth, calcium, magnesium salts were also on the list, which are ingredients found in many modern gastrointestinal treatments available today. Arsenic was recommended for over 100 illnesses including anemia, diarrhea, hydrophobia, elephantiasis, and impotence. The formulas include “aletris cordial”, a “uterine tonic and restorative”, which contained “aletris farinosa or True Unicorn combined with aromatics”.

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