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"ASCII" Definitions
  1. a standard code used so that data can be moved between computers that use different programs (the abbreviation for ‘American Standard Code for Information Interchange’)
"ASCII" Antonyms

186 Sentences With "ASCII"

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Akiyama found that it generated ASCII art that was closest to the original image compared with humans and other ASCII generators.
Although ASCII art generators have existed for years, they still don't hold a candle to the intricate ASCII art made by hand.
"My method can generate ASCII that is more similar to artists' ASCII than any existing tools," Akiyama told me in an email.
Today there are vibrant online ASCII art communities and even machine-learning programs that can automatically convert line drawings into ASCII equivalents.
The problem with teaching a neural network how to generate ASCII art is that a lot of handmade ASCII art on the internet doesn't cite the original image that the ASCII work is based on, Akiyama told me in an email.
If you've spent any portion of 242 on Twitter, odds are you've seen those memes of the lil ASCII bunnies holding ASCII protest signs.
Even though the algorithm may generate the most faithful ASCII renderings of images, Akiyama said he still prefers the human touch in ASCII art.
"We released in ASCII and kept working in ASCII for that reason—the development was so fast and we were not qualified to draw," Adams said.
Because while the ASCII versions of these photos certainly have a retro charm, there's a good reason we left ASCII art behind decades ago: they're pretty crappy.
Akiyama compared the machine generated ASCII art to the output of other ASCII generators and human art using algorithms meant to gauge the similarity between two images.
You may have noticed a flood of socially progressive bunnies marching across your Twitter feeds over the weekend, holding little ASCII protest signs with their little ASCII bunny paws.
From the ASCII and other art included in the .
Yet for the 31-year-old Cypriot tattoo artist Andreas Vrontis, computer-generated ASCII art just doesn't cut it when he needs to create a template for his hyper-detailed ASCII tattoos.
Simply, its mechanics and syntax are based on Ascii art.
Why are there arithmetic symbols that are ALREADY IN ASCII?
Browse Asciinema, however, and ASCII art is alive and kicking.
This trick also works if you want to use ASCII emoticons.
They kept the ASCII style because working with it was fast.
Visit Mikko Hyppönen's website and Jason Scott's blog & ASCII archive here.
Today ASCII art still shows up as cybertwee or in ASCII comics, and occasionally in YouTube comments and forum threads, but by and large it has taken a backseat to more accessible forms of online expression.
Or could it just be that skeletons look really cool as ASCII art?
The "kick down the stairs" meme is Twitter's latest foray into ASCII-based content.
Jack Zielke, the creator of the ASCII Matrix, said in an interview with Nooga.
But at least we can use emoji or non-ASCII symbols in our usernames.
In 2015 he did a portrait of John Lennon for his first ASCII tattoo.
Memes fall in and out of trend, but ASCII memes just keep coming back.
ASCII porn is credited as being the first form of pornography sent across the internet.
Stark is one artist who came up in every conversation I had about ASCII art.
It's safe to say that until they do, the ASCII bunny is alive and well!
The unique ASCII art style defined the game for the better part of two decades.
According to Adams, the decision to use ASCII in the first place was pure happenstance.
Adams is conscious that, while ASCII has its limitations, there's something iconic about the art style.
"It's literally printing out levels in text representations, like big ASCII art style levels," he said.
Pop those into a binary-to-ascii converter, and a new bit of text is revealed.
"I chose [ Deep Throat] because it was iconic and supposedly recognizable," Ćosić told me, of Deep ASCII.
Nor are you flashing back to your parents' basement and the days when emoticons were still ASCII.
At the end, there's an ASCII figure of a "brofist," a gesture that Kjellberg is known for.
I am sitting down at a TV station that is showing a classic movie transformed into ASCII.
After training, the neural net was able to generate images that were comparable to handmade ASCII art.
ASCII art—images constructed from the ninety-five printable characters of the ASCII (American Standard for Information Interchange) character encoding standard—can be traced back to the work of 1960s graphics pioneer Kenneth Knowlton, through to typewriter art, experimental late-19th century printing and concrete poetry before them.
The Spread of the Earliest Pr20ns Precursors to ASCII porn have been around much longer than the internet.
Modders have turned the game into a magic eye puzzle and a mind bending work of ASCII art.
They wrote a poem using found text from the Google search for "human," and encoded it into ASCII.
We kick a few ideas around while Fisher locates, then abandons, an ASCII art picture of Clippy himself.
"It's just a passion, like people doing sports every day, or painting," he said with an ASCII wink.
He knows that leaving ASCII behind will change the game, but he still wants to preserve its soul.
Dwarf Fortress allows players to build a fortress with multiple levels and that's hard to navigate in ASCII.
Which is why it's only fitting that one of the last memes of the decade involves ASCII art.
One of the most well-known names in ASCII art is Vuk Ćosić: a Slovenian contemporary artist and pioneer of net art, whose 1998 ASCII History of Moving Images project has been credited as influencing The Matrix the following year ("I don't think so," he told me in an email).
Deep ASCII, his text-based interpretation of the wildly influential 1972 classic porno Deep Throat , saw museum exhibition acclaim.
It originally was only compatible with ASCII, but other Reddit users requested Unicode support, and now, it has both.
Unfortunately, it's not standard to allow all those characters in URIs, and some systems only allow standard ASCII ones.
The workaround arrived at by web authorities was a system called "punycode" that encodes international characters using ASCII notation.
Akiyama trained the neural network using 500 ASCII drawings taken from popular Japanese to message boards 5channel and Shitaraba.
Plus, there implies some element that the poster has some technical abilities to be able to summon the ASCII.
If ASCII is too hardcore for you, there's also now a --color flag you can pass (open source evolves fast!) that will attempt to render the images in color using huge blocky ASCII "pixels" (as demonstrated in the lead image of this post, which I believe is a rendition of the P20 Pro).
But now Osamu Akiyama, a Japanese undergraduate medical student at Osaka University and ASCII artist, has created a neural net—a type of machine learning architecture modeled after the human brain—that can take any line drawing and use it to render the drawing in ASCII that is comparable to human abilities.
Twitter users have been especially creative with formatting memes, from ASCII inspired hot takes to badly Photoshopped images of Gru.
Last year, financial broker TD Ameritrade put an ad in the form of an ASCII drawing on the Bitcoin blockchain.
According to Cult of Mac, running the message through a binary-to-ascii converter reveals the content of the message.
Adams is excited for the future of Dwarf Fortress, but he knows some people will always love the ASCII original.
Vrontis said that as far as he knows he is still the only tattoo artist doing ASCII in the world.
Asciinema (pronounced " as-kee-nuh-muh") is a portmanteau of ASCII, the text format, and the Greek "κίνημα," meaning movement.
In the ASCII art and porn community, some artists seem to attain a certain notoriety, and have kept them for decades.
Some ASCII art has been recognized by the larger art and cultural world as being worthy of putting in a museum.
ASCII art — aka art made with keyboard characters — has existed in some form for as long as people have been typing.
He instructed the machines to print a document informing victims of the hack with ASCII art interspersed throughout, amongst other things.
Overblown forum signatures and ASCII art became commonplace during this period, favoured by meowers as tools of passive aggressive self-expression.
The entire source code of a program could be written as ASCII art—Wikipedia citesthis number adding program as an example.
"Today, the distributed ledger contains hidden love messages, cryptic poems, ASCII art, signatures, eulogies and more," Branger_Briz wrote about the project.
But because of the copypasta nature of a lot of ASCII art—being able to easily highlight it, and copy/paste to make it look like your own, without attribution to the original—ASCII artists, like a lot of artists who put their work on the internet, face the challenge of getting credit for their creations.
I support Tarn and Zach in whatever they choose to do, and at any rate the original ASCII version will always be free.
A few honorable mentions for ASCII art memes of 2018 include the dancing man, sleeping cat, and guy being kicked down the stairs.
It is, after all, a game about trying to watch porn on an ASCII screen sometime before the birth of the modern internet.
" The description is the lyrics to " Christmas Wrapping" by The Waitresses, an ASCII art Christmas tree, or the Wikipedia description for "mince pies.
This art form is called ASCII art and although it requires a computer to make, the artform has been quite resistant to automation.
The neural net created by Akiyama deviates from the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) insofar generates image from the Japanese characters.
Computers only understand numbers, generally, and so we have the ASCII standard, which provides for a standardized way of representing text as numbers.
ASCII is a simple encoding in which human-readable information in the form of characters and symbols is simply swapped out for numbers.
In ASCII art, the characters are necessarily really small, which means that Vrontis has to use some of the tiniest tattoo needles available.
To the uninitiated (this writer among them), Linux—and terminal use in general—appear very serious and "tech-y" compared to the glossy corporate workings of Apple's OS. But it turns out Linux is full of little ASCII Easter eggs, hacks you can add to turn images into ASCII art or create a talking cow to live in a corner of your screen.
Developing custom ASCII shader that feels right took most of the weekend, so there was no time left to make actual game with it.
Many of the affected printers were connected to restaurant POS systems, leaving confused employees to find ASCII robots pouring out of their receipt printers.
Facebook has been creating ASCII art — that is, recreating your images out of text characters — out of your photos and anyone can find it.
In its earliest incarnation, the bunny offered love: a perfect, crimson heart extended from its ASCII body like a valentine waiting to be claimed.
"@FBI Be careful in what you wish for," the hacker's message reads, before signing off with a piece of ASCII art, which says "Backdoorz."
Related: HaKU's New Music Video Doubles As Awesome ASCII Art  10 Painfully Cute Video Game Characters *\(^O^)/* The Art of Being Feminist and Fabulous
A handful of other projects, such as ASCII Net and DeepASCII have also explored how deep learning might be applied to this unique artform.
Unlike sending image files that were agonizingly slow to download using the day's dial-up connections, ASCII art loaded as quickly as any other text.
The slider controls the size of the ASCII art: At the easy end the characters are small and you can easily tell what's going on.
But they were also much more sophisticated than later ASCII and could be quite beautiful when encountered in the bleak midwinter of Arpanet-era networks.
Unicode is more difficult to write than ASCII, though, and Gewirtz points out that it requires libraries that don't always work correctly, so things break.
I've always found ASCII visuals soothing, and there was something satisfying about watching all those little blocks get moved around to form a uniform whole.
Long before Microsoft Paint was embraced as the computer art style of choice by the Tumblr generation, there was art made with the humble ASCII.
The capital letter "A," for instance, had an ASCII code of 28, or 2800 in the 2000s and 220s in the binary code of computers.
Animation doesn't really get any more minimalistic or charming than it does in this ASCII text animation by Nathaniel Akin, A Tax on Bunny Rabbits.
You'd be innocently playing Colossal Cave Adventure, minding your own business, throwing axes at dwarfs, and someone on the network would flood your screen with ASCII.
Some are gimmicks—Wootton used a 16-qubit IBM computer to make a superposition of two 8-bit ASCII characters, resulting in a superposition of emoticons.
And even before image files were transmitted over the internet, ASCII art was a relatively simple way to make and share all kinds of kinky shit.
From there, you can fill the equivalent of about one printed 8.5 x 11-inch page with any combination of plain text, ASCII characters, or emojis.
There's only 128 ASCII characters to choose from, which is why a goose, a goblin, and a gremlin all use the same letter—a lowercase g.
"Indeed, ASCII art created by artists is often less similar to the original images than that made by automatic algorithms," Akiyama wrote in the research paper.
Here are a few screenshots compared with the old ASCII graphics: [gallery ids="1796812,1796815,1796811,1796818,1796814,1796819,1796816,1796817"] Not that you couldn't get graphics in other ways — gamers aren't that masochistic.
One amazingly anachronistic selfie machine, in the form of an ancient webcam hooked up to a dot matrix printer, will print off your very own ASCII portrait.
If you've ever uploaded a photo to Facebook or Instagram, chances are there are secret ASCII renderings of them out there, if you know where to look.
The crude text drawing of a dick, made with ASCII characters, is one of three works embedded in Ethereum by Swedish artists Ida Jonsson and Simon Saarinen.
Selling the game isn't the only radical change—the Steam version of Dwarf Fortress would abandon its iconic ASCII art style in favor of a 2D tileset.
It plans to keep updating the game with more unicode pages (an enhanced superset of ASCII) and design tweaks and every copy sold on Steam and Itch.
The Raspberry Pi controls the drawing machine's speed by running the openFrameworks software that sends ASCII commands to an Applied Motion STM23IP-3EE stepper motor over ethernet.
He shared it with co-workers, and the deceivingly simplistic game proved itself — even in a monochrome mode, the blocks made of ASCII characters — a proto-viral hit.
The photo above, taken from Mark Zuckerberg's Instagram account, shows the original version of the image he posted with Instagram cofounder Kevin Systrom and the hidden ASCII version.
"They live among us" is like a more snarky version of the recurring ASCII sign bunnies — but instead of holding signs, the meme directly calls out its viewers.
ASCII was once the stuff of game-building (some Asciinema clips pay homage to these games—witness this user's recreation of Astral Software's 1987 ZX Spectrum title Xor).
The poorly-spelled copypasta, accompanied by a dancing ASCII ghoul, has been knocking around online since roughly 2000, appearing on Steam's forums before migrating to YouTube and Twitch.
"Basically, radio amateurs started sending text instead of sound like 100 years ago, and they got into converting playboy girls into textmode [like ASCII, PETSCII and teletext]," goto80 said.
They entered an office shared by Doug Brown and David Woolley, who watched as Nimoy wryly commented on an ASCII printout (of a naked woman) taped to the wall.
It has all that chaos and randomness of the regular Instagram news feed algorithm, except now it's difficult to tell what the images are of because they're in ASCII.
From early ASCII projects to Baldur's Gate and even today, in Dragon Age and Pillars of Eternity, the D20 has been inseparable from the growth of role-playing adventures.
Pronounced "ass-kee," ASCII is an acronym for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, a system for representing 21993 English characters as numbers in order to digitally represent text.
But there's always room for another Doom mod, especially one as cool as 1337d00m, which takes the first nine levels of the game and renders them entirely in ASCII art.
If you've ever seen ASCII art — those popular computer pictures formed from text and symbols on your keyboard — then you've seen how computer code can be used to create art.
The internet of the '80s seemed like an infinitely weird Cabinet of Wonders, filled with goth and carny stuff: skulls, fetuses in formaldehyde, half-working contraptions that made ascii art.
Amnesia Scanner has never felt real, at least in the sense of corporeal human beings with fleshy fingers programming the mutant beatwork and ASCII melodies that make up their music.
The Rez Trance Vibrator, manufactured by ASCII and released only in Japan, is a relic of a time when Japanese video games would often ship with wild single-function peripherals.
Rez was never going to be a huge hit, yet Sega and ASCII were able to produce one of the most obscure and narrowly focused USB peripherals ever for it.
These artworks are created using only the 95 printable characters from the 1963 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) standard, which defined how text would be coded on computers.
In order to work with more writing systems than ASCII was able to handle, technology companies like Apple, Xerox, IBM, DEC, Hewlett-Packard and even Kodak created their proprietary encodings.
An ASCII artist who goes by the screen name "goto80" told me in an email that, according to his research, the first modern text-based porn was probably sent via teletext.
It's been discovered that for every photo you upload to Facebook or Instagram, the company quietly makes an html page that replicates that photo using ASCII — text characters, put more simply.
Not any of the significant innovations in modern communications — Morse Code, typewriters and the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) encoding standard — were built with the Chinese script in mind.
The bird soon flees the scene, no doubt sensing the robot is about to fire some ASCII lasers and inexplicably begin chasing the bunny who hops into a burrow to escape.
So what I did was come up with the basic structure of the ASCII gallery as the framework, and then inserted the artworks and the little people into different, variable places.
"The injected mining code was obfuscated, but when converted from hexadecimal back to ASCII it spelled out the necessary magic to summon Coinhive's stealthy JavaScript miner to the page," the Register reported.
ASCII porn, back then, moved through early forums called bulletin board systems (BBSes), Telenet, Usenet, and the sneakernet—the term for transferring files around on physical hard drives, CDs and floppy disks.
It also includes an ASCII code with the message, "I cannot feel," which is a line Hitomi repeated to Vinny multiple times as they first spoke to each other in the game.
But players had to imagine the cat vomit because Dwarf Fortress is rendered entirely in ASCII—a vast fantasy world created with less graphical fidelity than you'll find in a Word Document.
To solve this problem, Akiyama used a neural net that was created by other researchers to clean up rough sketches in order to reverse engineer ASCII art to its original line drawing.
Participants range from Black Mountain School in North Carolina and Ox-Bow School of Art in Michigan to Los Angeles's Free School of Architecture, London's Antiuniversity Now, and the ASCII Project in Giza.
"I have tried selling ASCII art greeting cards on Zazzle but instead of getting sales I kept finding copies of my art posted for sale without credit, [or] my initials," Brown told me.
It plays like an old Atari title, with ASCII graphics and wild difficulty spikes, but like the original Frog Fractions, there are hundreds of hidden layers, mechanics, and jokes for players to uncover.
The researchers found the average lifespan of a torrent at the time the ASCII file was created in 2003 was about nine days, and most torrent lifespans fall between 30 and 300 hours.
As Mathias explains in this tweet, to access the fully-editable ASCII versions of your Facebook or Instagram shots you first need to find the specific URL for the image, and then append either .
The change in language, with the ability to now use a 25-character ASCII set, is part of a larger effort to make the country more resilient in the face of extreme weather events.
After these estimates of the original line drawing were created by the neural net, they were used as input to train the network to learn which characters were used to create the ASCII picture.
Hungover (by Breogán Hackett) is a spare, browser-based puzzler about exploring a vaguely The Legend of Zelda-looking world, talking to tiny ascii people about all the ruckus you caused the night before.
Beginning in the 21998s and 21972s, with the invention of technologies like the dot matrix printer and forums such as Usenet, people started stringing ASCII characters together to look like images, some lustier than others.
Considering it was free software, users were given immense power in their ability to splice together anime footage, screengrabs of Sims falling in and out of love, and superimposed ASCII emoticons atop poorly transcribed lyrics.
For example, in some instances you can insert carriage returns just to make it easier on the eyes; to some coders, this is just annoyingly stupid, while others like the aesthetic appearance of the ASCII.
It's not exactly intuitive for most of us, but for those who want to practice their ASCII or Unicode, or who want to get back to the basics of computing, it's definitely an interesting experiment.
UPDATE 5: OK now you can listen to it below too: For anyone that tried to grab the source code to embed the song from Kanye's site, you were greeted by this nice ascii art:
Twitter user Brandon Wardell has the distinction of inventing the "I'm the Sheriff" meme one boring day in June, when he came up with this glorious combination of emoji humor and ASCII-inspired jokes: ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀                                                  howdy.
The issue: When coders are writing the letters in ASCII that will later become code, there are certain finicky details that don't affect the code in the end, but that different coders have definite opinions about.
We're not exactly sure why they're doing it yet, but a self-described 'Web standards fanatic' named Mathias Bynens has discovered that Facebook and Instagram are automatically making ASCII art versions of every photo you upload.
"There's a crew of ASCII people who really liked the fact that like, a dragon is a capital D, because then they can imagine the dragon, that's been in their mind their whole life," he said.
This post could very easily be converted into a number just by doing a one to one ASCII conversion, and so too can higher-level computer programs, like those written in C or JavaScript or whatever.
ASCII art emerged out of necessity as a way to represent images on computer bulletin board systems in the 70s and 80s, but quickly took on a life as an art style in its own right.
Other researchers also noticed some apparent links to Stuxnet, both the MOF exploit, as well as a less obvious reference such as a ASCII art inside a dumped tool with a "WON THE GOLD MEDAL" writing.
I have to admit, when I first began this dive into the world of ASCII porn (sometimes styles as pr19723n, for the console cowboys in cyberspace), I seriously underappreciated the depth and breadth of the art form.
"The first piece I saw as a kid in the 80s [was] when my grandfather brought home a full-size ASCII nude woman from work, printed across multiple sheets of old dot matrix printer paper," he said.
"Everything she does is clean and elegant," one ASCII artist, who has been involved in the community for 18 years and who requested anonymity to avoid their employer connecting them to their art, told me in an email.
The ASCII art that accompanied the post, released in the name of LulzSec (even though its core members were not directly involved) included a crudely drawn assault rifle with the phrase "off the pigs" written on the stock.
ASCII artists each have their own distinct styles, and often go by three-letter call signs, signatures that they know each other by.. Some of these include Blazej Kozlowski (whose signature is "bug"), Faux_Pseudo ("F_P") and Joan Stark ("jgs").
So when developers Tarn and Zach Adams announced on their Patreon account that they were planning on ditching the ASCII for actual sprites in a paid premium version of the game to be made available on Steam and indie marketplace itch.
"My own first memory of making ASCII art was typing on an Atari 03XL, years before I learned that that it had a name, and that there were others out there who did the same thing," one enthusiast told me.
Anybody can look up the transactions and see the drawings using either a typical blockchain explorer (just navigate to the transaction input data and click the ASCII option or, on Etherscan, UTF-8) or a service specifically for viewing transaction data.
ASCII art is created by using a set of numbers and letters defined in the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, which is used to translate the language of computers (numbers) to the language of humans (letters, numbers and symbols).
"Back in ancient (1960s) times, we used pretty much two 8-bit representational systems: ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) and EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)," David Gewirtz, who teaches programming at UC Berkeley, said in an email.
Twitch has been and remains home to illicit sports broadcasts; a late December boxing match attracted over 86,000 viewers—some of whom spammed ASCII genitalia in chat—and a mid-January soccer match drew more than 70,000 over three livestreams.
MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:8553; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:33in; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin;} Lucroy is one of the biggest pieces thought to be available before the Aug.
After lying in wait for two months, a line of ASCII characters in the shape of a caterpillar would begin to crawl across the screen, kind of like the game Snake, eating white characters as it goes and pooping them out in yellow.
Popping the CD-ROM in the drive — which spun as loudly as you'd expect — I loaded the setup executable and was greeted by this image: For reference, "0+>" is the ASCII representation of the unpronounceable symbol that became Prince's name in 1993.
"The conversion from ASCII As, Ts, Gs, and Cs into a stream of bits is done in a fixed-size buffer that assumes a reasonable maximum read length," explained co-author Karl Koscher in response to my requests for more technical information.
ASCII art was also central to the history of trolling:the "Meow Wars" of the 90s saw Usenet boards invaded with elaborate cat-themed copypasta spam, designed to amuse and annoy and to use up as much of their precious bandwidth as possible.
Adult bulletin board systems did offer pornography, often geared towards the solo fantasies of straight men, starting with erotic ASCII art in the 1980s and expanding to images and animated porn as modems got fast enough to transfer image files in the next decade.
On the left we see Gizmodo Editor-in-Chief Katie Drummond trying out the Oculus Rift at CES earlier this year, and on the right is the retro ASCII version of that same image you'd have probably found on the earliest versions of the internet.
The hack is reminiscent of the printers that started flinging sheets of paper with ASCII brofists and the smart TVs that were possessed to play a video out of their owners control, all in the name of getting the hacked parties to subscribe to PewDiePie.
A torrent of an ASCII version of The Matrix created more than 12 years ago has gone down in internet folklore as the longest-living torrent of all time, and is apparently still going strong, with users continuing to download and seed it today.
MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:23pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} "There's no words to describe how this organization feels," Marlins president David Samson said.
Similarly, the ever-evolving and iconic ASCII art simulation game Dwarf Fortress uses a dizzying number of clever systems, from procedurally generated erosion levels to varying mood states and alcohol proclivities of the dwarf inhabitants, to create unique and bizarre situations that its developers never explicitly designed for.
His journey touches upon the evolution of the dingbat and the emergence of emoticons, the punctuation-based kaomoji, ASCII art, and even expressive punctuation such as the ironieteken — conceived to denote ironic statements — and late 16th-century English printer Henry Denham's proposed percontation point — to mark rhetorical questions.
Inspired by virtual assistants like Microsoft Word's Clippy (only with more purpose and utility), this high tech Potato lives on your desktop and keeps you company through a constant stream of compliments, over-sharing of its rich Potato culture in the form of Potato poetry and ASCII art.
In the decade and a half this game has been in active, continuous development, perhaps the only thing that hasn't changed about the game is that it is a maze for the eyes, a mess of alphanumerics and ASCII-based art approximating barrels, dwarves, goblins, and dozens of kinds of stone.
And you may listen to it again, emitted by an early modem from 1982, as part of 64 bits, an interactive exhibition at Here East in London that showcases 643 artifacts of the internet's early history, from the first website to early ASCII art to one of the first visuals to go viral.
If you're more about ringing in the new, there were several debuts among the answers, including NERD CULTURE, which I sure hope survives and thrives, ASCII ART, UPCARD and, I'm sure not for lack of trying, UNOBTAINIUM, a fabulous futuristic substance that I hope we will find in time to save us.
MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0in; mso-para-margin-right:153in; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0in; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} Gasol was injured in warmups prior to Thursday's 118-104 win over the Denver Nuggets and is out indefinitely after undergoing hand surgery on Friday.
The average human knows what a Mario is, or has at least seen some Marios in their day, and the jump-action-run gameplay of Spelunky is immediately more familiar than Dungeon Crawl's ASCII (or tile-based) monstrosity, where a text readout tells you that a goblin stole all your money and also your will to live.

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