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14 Sentences With "argumentations"

How to use argumentations in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "argumentations" and check conjugation/comparative form for "argumentations". Mastering all the usages of "argumentations" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Machines do not have the capacity to predict such radical deviances from what is expected to occur, while human analysts will portray different scenarios and argumentations in favor and against varied outcomes.
Theoriegeschichtliche Studien. Hildesheim 2013, pp. 743–758. In terms of rule and power, he has applied marxist argumentations of class rule, political hegemony and imperialism. Leonhardt has a favourite research perspective: the competition or rivalry between social actors.
The institute of primary election came under criticism from some centre-left moderates, as in their opinion it had produced a useless candidate doomed to failure. However, Vendola's victory against the incumbent governor and centre- right candidate Raffaele Fitto, a much more conventional and moderate young man, vindicated the primary elections in the internal argumentations of The Union.
With more and more Indian and Central Asian texts being translated into Chinese, the use of Sanskrit and Middle Indo-Aryan transcriptions and technical vocabulary increased, and became progressively more difficult to comprehend. Meanwhile, errors occurred in the copying and circulation of the scriptures, which the scholar of Buddhism Liu Yu 柳豫 describes: > The Buddhist scriptures are voluminous and the argumentations in them are > profound.
"In practice the attempts to restrict the basic human rights will label these organizations with a negative reputation that is strongly disapproved in public." The ability to question facts and assumptions and the evaluation of report argumentations are cornerstones of scientific discoveries, innovative ideas and sustainable development of society including its politics. Freedom of expression is a cornerstone of democracy and a cornerstone of international human rights declarations.
She completed her brother Ban Gu's work on the history of the Western Han, the Book of Han. She also wrote Lessons for Women, an influential work on women's conduct. She also had great interest in astronomy and mathematics and wrote poems, commemorative writings, argumentations, commentaries, essays and several longer works, not all of which survive. She became China's most famous female scholar and an instructor of Taoist sexual practices for the imperial family.
When one has studied the foundational texts of a school of Philosophy, naturally one's own Philosophy would also be much influenced by these works. It was a fortunate set of circumstances that helped him to delve deeply into some of the basic texts of Nyaya. In particular, he analysed each sentence and even each word in the Isvaravada section of Gangesa's Tattvacintāmaṇi. The wider implications of the explanations and argumentations developed in this text began to dawn upon him quietly and consistently.
His long argumentations in an easy and fluent style were admirably suited to the purposes of a maggid. Moses Alshech, a maggidic scholar, was one of a community of great Jewish spiritual figures who shaped Jewish thought, in the 16th-century town of Safed in the Galilee. Others in his circle included the compiler of the Shulchan Aruch code, Yosef Karo, and the leading Kabbalists Moses Cordovero and Isaac Luria. In the mystical environment of this community, the Alshech preached every Sabbath before large audiences.
Primary elections had never been held on a national level before in Italy, and only once at a regional level, in Apulia: in that occasion, Nichi Vendola, a communist and gay Catholic, became the candidate for the centre-left coalition in a region reputed to be conservative and with deep religious roots. The institute of primary election came under criticism from some centre-left moderates, as in their opinion it had produced a useless candidate doomed to failure. However, Vendola's victory against the incumbent governor and centre-right candidate Raffaele Fitto, a much more conventional and moderate young man, vindicated the primary elections in the internal argumentations of The Union.
Leo was constrained to conclude the Liturgy and determined on ending those roaring witcheries he drew away from the altar and forced his way through the parishioners to face that "demonic jester". Deranged by sorrow, he drew the conclusion that all his mild approaches and patient argumentations would have not been efficient any more. So, he decided to dare that impious enchanter to show publicly and prove baldly he who professed the rightest creed. After ordering to heap up wood for a pyre in a furnace inside the close Achillean Thermal Baths, Leo suddenly enwrapped his Omophorion round the abashed miscreant dragging him towards the chosen place where the balefire was already crackling.
The Chinese language adopted many new words from Buddhism, such as yīnguǒ 因果 "cause and effect; karma" and Fútú 浮屠 "Buddha", and these were entered into both special dictionaries of Buddhism and general dictionaries (Yong and Peng 2008: 208). With more and more Indian and Central Asian texts being translated into Chinese, the use of Sanskrit and Middle Indo-Aryan transcriptions and technical vocabulary increased, and became progressively more difficult to comprehend. Meanwhile, errors occurred in the copying and circulation of the scriptures, which the scholar of Buddhism Liu Yu 柳豫 describes: > The Buddhist scriptures are voluminous and the argumentations in them are > profound. They are afflicted with errors and misspellings, and their > phonetic notations and semantic interpretations are often rough and > neglectful.
At the end of 2014 the movement published and presented the booklet Appunti per una Repubblica Sacra (Notes for a Sacred Republic) stating the "felt need to consolidate the definition of the political and spiritual vision" and "with the intend to outline the peculiarity of the argumentations proposed, and claim in a more official way the paternity of the ideas expressed in the last years". In 2015, Domà Nunch announced to take part at the elections for the municipality of Saronno in alliance with Lega Nord The coalition eventually won and the econational movement was assigned a Councillor for Ecology and Sport.. In January 2020 the movement announced to adhere to Fratelli d'Italia both at local and national level "being convinced to bring into Giorgia Meloni's party the experience of an econationalist right, radicated in Insubria and for the interest of Italy".
Together, Jonathan and Josiah devoted their analytical minds to midrash halachah, interpreting laws as they understood them from the corresponding Scriptural texts, but not suggesting them. Only one halakhah unconnected with a Scriptural text bears their names. Their argumentations are mostly embodied in the Mekhilta (about thirty) and in the Sifre to Numbers (over forty).See D. Hoffmann, Zur Einleitung in die Halachischen Midraschim, p. 38 Neither Jonathan nor Josiah appears in Rebbi's compilation of the Mishnah, with the exception of a single teaching, in the name of JonathanSee "Quotes", infra Of other ancient compilations, the Tosefta cites these scholars once,Tosefta Shevuot 1:7; the text has "Nathan," but the context shows unmistakably that "Jonathan" is meant while the Sifra mentions them twiceSifra, Ḳedoshim, 9:5,11 by their names; onceSifra Behar 1:9; compare Ket.
According to Bernhard Pörksen, such animal metaphors serve the attempt to "create disgust and lower inhibitions of Extermination" According to the 2007 analysis by Albert Scherr and Barbara Schäuble, the anti-Semitic "topos of parasites, impurities and blood", to which the stereotype "Jewish parasite" can be attributed, is also taken up in media discourses as well as by contemporary young people in narratives and argumentations. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Eurasianism gained influence in Russia, claiming that a genetic unity of the peoples of Eurasia had to be established, since they were threatened by chimerical, parasitic influences - namely by the Khazars, a medieval Turkic people of Jewish faith. The stereotype can also be found in anti-Semitism, which is widespread in Islamic countries in connection with the Middle East conflict. After the Iranian Revolution in 1979, wealthy Jews in the country were accused of exploiting their Muslim workers as "bloodsuckers" and transferring the profits for arms purchases to Israel.

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