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706 Sentences With "arguing about"

How to use arguing about in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "arguing about" and check conjugation/comparative form for "arguing about". Mastering all the usages of "arguing about" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We've even been arguing about arguing about the tone of our arguments.
But we're arguing about socialism again and we're arguing about free markets again.
So when we are arguing about politics, what are we really arguing about?
We have spent so much time in 2020 arguing about what we're going to do about health care and almost no time arguing about how we're going to do it.
I still like guys being dickheads and arguing about cars.
I tell husband I'm sorry for arguing about the money.
One minute they were arguing about the price of oranges.
You don't learn by arguing about how to do it.
In this case, it's because they are arguing about politics.
It's hard to build ratings arguing about health insurance legislation.
The couple were arguing about taking their son to the doctor.
I just sat in the office arguing about Destiny for 20min.
But that won't stop people from arguing about it for generations.
Now days people be arguing about the dumbest things for what?
Arguing about Ustashas and the past is "really embarrassing", he says.
You're going to be arguing about it at every office party.
They were arguing about a script when the bathrobe came out.
The world's biggest polluters want us arguing about straws and lightbulbs.
" Zumret texted: "They're in the hotel arguing about the air-conditioning.
We've already learned that arguing about the problem doesn't change anything.
Also, don't bother arguing about minute details with them, says Foster.
Until everyone got fed up and started arguing about something else.
The work of arguing about the Constitution continues into the future.
Then, perhaps, we'll understand what we've been arguing about for so long.
When you were arguing about politics, were the arguments with your parents?
People have been arguing about NAFTA since George H.W. Bush was president.
We're girls, so we could only be arguing about a boy, right?
No low-IQ basement dwellers arguing about the validity of historical facts!
You just ended up arguing about it, and then you went home.
Arguing about them is far more an aristocratic pastime than camp itself.
Of these examples, it's Ms. Murphy's fouettés that are worth arguing about.
Otherwise, we'll just be arguing about or for that 1 percent forever.
And then we can go back to arguing about all the details.
But we're never gonna get there if we're still arguing about bathrooms.
Until then, everyone can go back to arguing about The Last Jedi.
Elected officials may be busy arguing about whether global warming is real.
This, more than anything, is what the Democrats are actually arguing about.
Arguing about tent stakes when it was really the rosé-colored wheat.
Understanding this is absolutely central to everything that senators are arguing about.
"We could win the debate on the border wall if we're only arguing about the border wall, but the problem with a big bill like this is you're almost never arguing about one subject," the lawmaker said. Rep.
Whoever said "there's no arguing about taste" had clearly never been to Brussels.
The men allegedly were arguing about Medina's girlfriend when the argument turned physical.
People have basically been arguing about it for a couple of decades now.
This should keep you distracted when the relatives start arguing about politics again.
Let's spend the rest of our time arguing about Z-Wave vs. Zigbee.
Bangladesh and Myanmar are already arguing about whether the UN should be involved.
And sometimes people just deal with their issues by arguing about Instagram filters.
Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty When they're not arguing about diets, it's something else entirely.
In arguing about that, we've overlooked two questions that matter just as much.
The American tradition of arguing about taxes is as old as the republic.
Frank and Claire are still arguing about what she sees as his betrayal.
Arguing about money can be a strong predictor for divorce, research has shown.
Drejka and Jacobs began arguing about her parking in the handicapped parking space.
Arguing about rickshaws is as big a pastime in Dhaka as riding them.
Drejka and Jacobs began arguing about her parking in a handicapped parking space.
Fifty years after Stonewall, we're still arguing about what happened on that night.
Donald Trump, arguing about immigration, appeared and repeated as if on a loop.
And if you end up arguing about the facts here, so be it.
In South Carolina, conservative and moderate Republicans have spent months arguing about strategy.
Cuban families have been arguing about Mr. Castro since he came to power.
As we know, brands are people now, and that's not worth arguing about.
When everybody else was arguing about the border, I am for tight borders.
Ever since BC passed the tax, climate hawks have been arguing about it.
Ramsey is in Smyrna, Tennessee, training with his father and arguing about basketball.
Because it seems like all we're arguing about is the most inane of things.
RIVERA: I&aposm arguing about the backhanded use of the demonization of another group.
But market analysts keep on arguing about the scale of the upcoming rate cut.
The two men were allegedly arguing about Medina's girlfriend when the argument turned physical.
When his clients argue about Brexit often they are really arguing about other things.
I have absolutely no freaking idea what it was that we were arguing about.
According to another passenger ... the men were arguing about something when the brawl started.
"We need bigger solutions instead of arguing about issues from the past," he said.
What politicians were really arguing about was the "essential health benefits" provision in Obamacare.
Decorum is an illusion, and arguing about it is often a waste of time.
Of praying that Donald Trump would save them and arguing about why he didn't.
It uses case studies about civilian prosecutors when arguing about military prosecutors, for instance.
There's a discrepancy there, one that scholars could spend eons arguing about (and have!).
But more profoundly, they are still arguing — or icily not arguingabout Bergljot's allegations.
"I'm really interested in the ways we're talking and arguing about race," Smith replied.
Remember arguing about pollsters who relied too much on calls to voters with landlines?
And really what they should be arguing about is are the songs good enough?
"I remember people arguing about whether photography was a serious art form," he said.
It's time to stop arguing about guns and start focusing on people in need.
And a person could spend the rest of their life arguing about its constraints.
Many of the questions posed are things Facebook's users have been arguing about for years.
His lawyer is, you know, arguing about whether he&aposs going to testify or not.
Three rich men arguing about the ways in which they are all getting exponentially richer.
But now when you look back, I won't remember one thing we were arguing about.
When they're arguing about being socialists, they've left — they have lost those blue-collar Democrats.
Instead, the candidates were getting bogged down arguing about the details of their policy proposals.
He checked the first result: users arguing about aerosol chemicals in the /r/news subreddit.
At least adults are still great at arguing about how a dog can wear pants.
However I must admit I'm more comfortable arguing about happy news on the economic front.
We have had altercations about parking spaces, arguing about who got the parking space first.
"It changes every six months, who lives there and what they're arguing about," she said.
My wife and I were arguing about parenting and our different view of the world.
The opposing sides remain politically and factually divided arguing about basic facts and potential solutions.
"We found ourselves arguing about what decisions we should make with our money," said Natalie.
Arguing about 2016 on social media is not a good way to spend your time.
So we're not just arguing about the best course for the nation in the abstract.
At the very birth of evolutionary theory, scientists were arguing about how sexual selection worked.
Arguing about witnesses Democrats, meanwhile, were incensed with several answers the President's team offered. Sen.
Why engage in litigation where you are basically arguing about how bad the company is?
We're complaining about overpowered Wookies and arguing about whether the game still has AFK farmers.
The "core" of this controversy is art, yet there has been no arguing about that.
And while Democratic candidates have spent a lot of time arguing about their idealized health care overhauls, something the president doesn't actually have the power to decide, they've spent nearly no time arguing about prioritization — which the president has a huge amount of influence over.
And they were having an argument, and I did not know what they were arguing about.
As everyone's arguing about a Time magazine cover, the crisis at the border is still unfolding.
DiPiazza's husband said they had been arguing about their marriage on the day she went missing.
Let's start by arguing about which company has the sexier space capsule: Blue Origin or SpaceX?
How much is probably something we're going to be arguing about for the next few years.
If his plays had simple meanings, we wouldn't still be arguing about them four centuries later.
You hear a couple at odds with each other, arguing about whether to have a baby.
All that said, to be even arguing about this is well beyond the point of absurd.
Is this information already out there and we&aposre arguing about something that&aposs already happened?
When we argue about taxes, we are often arguing about whose voice deserves to be heard.
By the second, third, fourth day, he was right in the middle of arguing about everything.
He shot April in the leg and back while they were arguing about divorce in 2014.
Fox said it was time to stop arguing about the outcome of the 2016 Brexit referendum.
It was a question of arguing about whether you buy this or whether you buy that.
"Instead of arguing about definitions, let's talk about what we should do (as president)," Sanders said.
In the end, I do hate that arguing about design has become such a public scene.
Since then, both sides have been meeting and arguing about how big the unit will be.
Coulter: Every day, you'd wake up and they'd be arguing about anchor babies and sanctuary cities.
People are not arguing about whether he will win, but about the size of his victory.
But many are still arguing about whether the expansion actually provides adequate care for more Americans.
If there's one thing that die-hard fans love more than baseball, it's arguing about baseball.
We may never stop arguing about which historic currents swept President Trump into the White House.
One day, when I was about fifteen, we were arguing about something trivial in the car.
Things have been pretty lifeless, story-wise, since Negan's big arrival last year, and so far this potentially series-making war with his people has been nothing but bouts of gunfire mixed in with characters arguing about the same old crap they've been arguing about since Atlanta.
The challenge for me was to understand what the other people in the room were arguing about.
I head back to bed until around 8, when I hear L. and D. arguing about breakfast.
Just imagine these two arguing about effective communications strategies for an elite aquarium: We made one pic.twitter.
You could argue about what we were, but arguing about genres… I'm too old for that now.
It sounds obvious, but people have been arguing about what things are since the dawn of time.
Then, the NHL and the players were arguing about whether there should be a pie at all.
The couple had allegedly been arguing about infidelity, according to a police report first obtained by
Lawmakers arguing about the bill scuffled in the legislature; one was carried out on a stretcher. Mrs.
Bernie Sanders and the former vice president into arguing about the Iraq War authorization vote in 2002.
"They'll be arguing about this for years in the courts," said Mr. Paranteau, the Vermont law professor.
"Everyone's arguing about trees while ignoring the forrest," might be a charitable way of phrasing their argument.
"Um, he knew before — I'm just not going to get into arguing about the president," Sessions said.
Today we should not be blue- or red-state people, or even people arguing about climate science.
Being with people you love becomes more important than small digs and even arguing about Donald Trump.
That's something Pai's FCC and other federal agencies, like the Department of Commerce, have been arguing about.
Three batters earlier, Little had tossed Jed Lowrie for arguing about a called third strike from Clippard.
"It's also part of the fun of any show that people love arguing about it," he said.
One day, we were in the bathroom, we were arguing about his drinking and he just became crazy.
But it also brings up the fact that we're still arguing about what consent looks and sounds like.
The highlight of the show is Gretchen arguing about the secret show with Sam, Shitstain, and Honey Nutz.
Given that Kai overheard Ivy and Ally arguing about their vote choices, this is not a good sign.
The Neitzes had a molecular explanation for phenomena that vision scientists had been arguing about since the 1700s.
So while Democrats are arguing about Medicare for all, it may not even be what their party wants.
They're also a lot of fun, because what else is better than arguing about football for a month?
Instead, critics have been arguing about them, praising them as socially beneficial or disparaging them as socially harmful.
Centuries after Christians had stopped arguing about intinction, Southerners had their own sacramental crisis over cornbread and collards.
While politicians in Washington are arguing about the finer details of ObamaCare, it's imploding all around the country.
For five decades now, Beatles fans on both sides of the Atlantic have been arguing about The Beatles.
Yeah, and then they broke up again because they were arguing about who would produce their live album.
Scientists are still arguing about the mechanisms of sleep and the reasons it fails in seemingly healthy people.
I envisioned us all arguing about the important shit, people's voices being heard, people arguing back and forth.
Austin: Can I– Emanuel: I don't want to turn this into two old men arguing about Quake 2.
And then we're here today arguing about what — a phone call to Ukraine or Ukraine aid being held?
The other is of a television playing while Maria and Anita are arguing about a recent gang slaying.
I eavesdropped on three customers arguing about whether a peanut was a fruit, a vegetable or a seed.
If it feels like we were just arguing about the 2020 Golden Globe nominations, that's because we were.
They are worth talking and arguing about; the half-finished window-dressing currently surrounding them, however, is not.
Dear reader: Together, we have just spent four paragraphs arguing about the correct way to feel about birds.
When I was appointed head of Documenta in Kassel in 1998, Germany was then arguing about dual citizenship.
We're arguing about politics right now, while the world is shifting under our feet in such dramatic ways.
We're arguing about labels, about what to call our holidays or which portraits to rearrange on the wall.
Sometimes that means arguing about tax policy, sometimes that means altering the nomenclature of a specific state's outlets.
And it's sort of like, I can't believe we're still arguing about it, of course it's the language.
Occasionally, my mind wandered to memories of working with Arwa: arguing about a story script, laughing about something silly.
Until then, we'll just keep on arguing about who has to make a run down to the corner store.
According to the emails, Jacobs' and Roux's lawyers have been arguing about the terms of the release since then.
I would quibble with some of that, but I'm not interested in arguing about Clinton or the campaign here.
I can tell you that the researchers are also arguing about this, and so your confusion is not unusual.
That means no waiting in lines and no arguing about whether bananas are or are not on sale today.
Despite the fact that fashion week still very much exists, people have been arguing about its death for years.
The fact that a huge amount of interaction with the game hinged on arguing about interpretation made it great.
"While we're arguing about whether or not we should fork bitcoin, Facebook is building the Death Star," he says.
Not me.) Of course, that also explains why arguing about grammar (as I'm doing right now) is pretty dumb.
They were really arguing about the soul of the country, what kind of people we were going to be.
It implies that all those hours spent earnestly arguing about climate science have been, to a first approximation, wasted.
About two weeks later, President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Will Consovoy was in federal court arguing about congressional subpoenas.
Now people are arguing about whether it's a giant squid, a dead whale, or some other kind of creature.
And this is nicotine they are arguing about, a drug that has been exhaustively studied by generations of scientists.
It's arguing about the news, sharing the news, reacting to news, being an at-home pundit about the news.
The planet would love its current occupants to find agreement on stopping climate change instead of arguing about it.
Now Junior and Senior from fuckin' Orange County Choppers are arguing about Garfield or Western imperialism or some shit.
Political scientists are mostly still arguing about the values of the people in the blue, red, and purple states.
Economists have been arguing about the origins of this trend since, with the primary explanations falling into two camps.
We look at how G.O.P. leaders went from debating how to combat climate change to arguing about its existence.
At its core, companies, workers and legislators are arguing about how to think about the very nature of work.
The left, delivered unexpectedly to impotence, has no choice but to start arguing about how it lost its way.
Arguing about Confederate monuments is a distraction from health care; Trump's tweets are a distraction from Trump's executive orders.
Think about how long everybody was arguing about whether the Sony hack was really from North Korea or not.
But, arguing about whether or not we are completely independent or not, I try not to be subject to that.
Theologians can keep arguing about what constitutes a religious epiphany, but we're pretty sure this is the next best thing.
We like to argue, and what we're arguing about is that which leaves us on opposing sides of a divide.
The data will be utilized to a better planning, and then we have a foundation that there's no arguing about.
Yet, on the eve of this historic presidential election, we are arguing about the veracity and viability of that mantra.
"What I don't get is why we're even arguing about this anymore," he said about implementing universal pre-K programs.
Rose drew a rare technical foul for arguing about a non-call with 5:07 left in the third quarter.
We ended up arguing about the first story in the collection, and discussing the different social snubs of Regency England.
Then it's records and arguing about records for as long as it takes, always searching for that perfect last tune.
Months more spent arguing about Brexit when we could be focusing on improving our NHS, our schools and our communities.
Although some politicians might be arguing about glyphosate, no pesticide regulator in the world considers it to be a carcinogen.
People started arguing about the validity and value of design patents a long time ago and they haven't stopped yet.
I am frankly bewildered by the intensity of our political argument today because I don't know what we're arguing about.
While in the room, they began arguing about another woman and when she tried to leave, Manziel wouldn't let her.
But don't be surprised if a year from now the country is still arguing about how to "get Brexit done". ■
That is an issue people started arguing about long, long ago and the discussion shows no sign of dying down.
Delays, stays and arguing about the next Supreme Court justice: Our eye is off the ball, and time is ticking.
Across the city, you can hear people talking and arguing about it on public transport, hiking trails and social media.
Basically, what these people have been arguing about is whether or not higher education constituted a kind of speculative bubble.
No one appears to agree on fundamental ideas about governing anymore, and we're not even sure what we're arguing about.
But lawmakers were still arguing about the particulars, and it was not clear when such a support measure might pass.
But the Free Folk waste valuable time arguing about this, and then the Night King and his minions roll up.
He said he appreciated Knickers' "stardom," which was eagerly lapped up by social media users tired of arguing about politics.
And that we have another two years of arguing about tax cuts without the danger there will really be any.
House Republicans and Democrats spent Tuesday arguing about the contents of their dueling memos as they awaited Mr. Trump's review.
The pair were arguing about the proletariat and the bourgeoisie; beyond them, rival armies and ideas were on the march.
The Democrats will be -- as they showed on day one of the trial -- arguing about evidence, witnesses and the law.
What point was there in arguing about whether relativity implied the existence of these waves, if they couldn't be observed?
One afternoon, at our son's middle school, we were arguing about who was supposed to pick him up that day.
The news that Google had reached this milestone has got people talking, or rather, arguing about what this really means.
That also means it's been about 400 years since people started arguing about whether or not Shakespeare really wrote Shakespeare.
In what has become a yearly tradition like no other, people spent the past month arguing about which tournament is better.
After all, people are still arguing about the effects of minimum wage hikes that occurred in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s.
But there's only one Facebook, and the confusion it spreads has us all running around arguing about a bunch of bullshit.
Etiquette guide Debretts says arguing about politics is bound to happen, but the issue should be approached with care and respect.
"People are still arguing" about the impact of wolves at Yellowstone, said Rolf Peterson, a wildlife ecologist at Michigan Technological University.
The Hoyas pulled within 61-52 after Bluejays coach Greg McDermott was given a technical foul for arguing about a call.
Both shows are basically my life (guys being dickheads and arguing about cars, anyway), only with way better camerawork and backdrops.
Welcome to our take on a relaxed episode of Equity, a show normally featuring four people arguing about this or that.
On Wednesday's episode of Desus & Mero, the hosts talked about Mo'nique's newfound enemy—her latest since arguing about Netflix with Charlamagne.
I never in my life thought that in 2016 we would still be arguing about the safety of the Roe v.
"I'd much rather be arguing about vision and values than the basics of climate change, which are beyond dispute," said Turner.
They're going to spend a lot of time explaining which benefits might be cut and arguing about which ones aren't important.
Like, that's always the sort of, when people are like micro-arguing about corrections, that's always the red flag for me.
I have one of those extended Southern families where arguing about who's related to whom and how is practically a hobby.
The scene appears to take place before Cranston's character decamps to the attic, and shows the couple arguing about their relationship.
Pitching one thing, both of us singing melodic ideas at each other, picking our favorites, building things out, arguing about lyrics.
Carbon dioxide emissions are impacting our climate and arguing about it further only serves to take our eye off the ball.
It almost feels like something you might stay up all night arguing about on social media and never find an answer.
When you get an Amazon Echo and a Amazon Echo Show together they may start arguing about some very basic ideas.
The analogy I think of is we're arguing about whether the horse and buggy or the automobile is future of transportation.
Which means that, sorry, but this is not like arguing about brunch places or whether you're really buying the '70s trend.
But the new userbase keeps swelling anyways, and the public timeline is full of people arguing about the future of Mastodon.
On the House floor on Thursday, about 10 moderate freshman Democrats huddled near the marble dais, arguing about the way forward.
And now two of their leading candidates for president -- and several others -- are arguing about how to do the same thing.
If any expression of solidarity is virtue signaling, then we're no longer arguing about the substance of any of the issues.
Bulls coach Jim Boylen and LaVine each drew technical fouls in the final five minutes after arguing about a non-call.
If you think that you are going to get anywhere by arguing about his crass and undignified behavior, you are nuts.
Thus Congress ends up arguing about a debt increase that was made inevitable by policy decisions that were made much earlier.
Most critics love arguing about movies, because they often find that disagreeing with their colleagues is what makes their job fun.
I'm as sick of arguing about Clinton as anyone, and for that reason alone, I'm glad she's done with politics. Still.
Whether this awakening is complete and whether the film's final notes of absolution are fully earned are matters worth arguing about.
I honestly think the whole "bunch of guys being dickheads and arguing about cars" format is just a little tired in 2017.
A lot of people believed it and started arguing about it as if it's real, but of course, this is not true.
It's now sparked a counter-argument and a sharp rejoinder—two respectable scientists arguing about the meaning (or lack thereof) of bullshit.
And even when we're not ill-informed, we're still arguing about politics and not listening to one another or discussing the issues.
Tan and I were arguing about which episode we think is going to make it to be the opener of the season.
Nobody wants to serve up a re-run of the parties arguing about the same core issues they have for 30 years.
During last night's episode of Desus & Mero, the hosts watched a touching video of a father and son arguing about eating ass.
"On the civil side, it's ultimately about people arguing about money," he said in the Los Angeles Times in the 2016 interview.
The candidates spent much of their time arguing about what it means to be a progressive, a title to which both aspire.
For years (years!), people have been arguing about who can rightfully claim the two armrests on either side of the middle seat.
"We were watching TV and arguing about what to get for dinner," said Rachel Gillett about this photo of her cat, Evie.
"In the huddle, if somebody's arguing about something, even if Russell knows the right answer, he may not say it," Tolliver says.
It's less about you arguing about facts — it's more about how they respond to the person they care about (you!) in pain.
If The Making of Jane Austen demonstrates anything, it's that people have been arguing about Jane Austen for more than two centuries.
"He was always arguing about whether he was adequately compensated," said Robin Ferracone, founder of Farient Advisors, an executive compensation advisory firm.
Debate over pensions: A reporter in our Paris bureau explains the finer points of what strikers and the government are arguing about.
The siblings had been arguing about who would oversee a digital wallet which would mark the family's first foray into retail banking.
But in the heat of arguing about facts, journalists and pundits have acted as though the answers to these questions are obvious.
This is a golden moment to finally do something because we've been arguing about this for as long as I've been alive.
I was squashed between a couple arguing about whose fault it was that Grandma Jean was not coming to Larry's birthday party.
This is a golden moment to finally do something, because we've been arguing about this for as long as I've been alive.
What makes something an "assault weapon," and why is Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey arguing about it with the state's gun enthusiasts?
The report states that the two began arguing about a phone call to a family member, though it's unclear who placed the call.
It is not clear what the two were arguing about, but Monroe told the paper that the two have a long-running dispute.
And the implicit subsidies dwarf the explicit subsidies, so arguing about the latter while unable to agree on the former is uniquely pointless.
My light bill still goes on even though he tweets back and forth with whomever arguing about whatever, that doesn&apost affect us.
Arguing about pop culture is fun, and there are important discussions to have about how it reflects our own world back at us.
Knowing a political figure is comfortable enough to let their guard down when they're not debating competitors or arguing about policy is reassuring.
Obamacare has worked as well as it has in large part because policy experts spent years thinking about, and arguing about, the details.
One scene might have the faceless humans arguing about which direction to go, while another has you helping the figures navigate pulsating tubes.
They've been arguing about corn for nearly a decade, for example, and there's a long-running edit war about the meaning of neuroticism.
" The guy that I was arguing about the protests with earlier, he was like, "I told you that you had it in you.
I am stunned everyday by what's going on in our country… We're arguing about things that I thought we had settled years ago.
God, the world is gonna fucking burn and we'll still be on here just arguing about whether or not one food is another.
A lifetime of collecting and arguing about music had served Murphy well in his previous career as a sound engineer, in the nineties.
Cartwright's story reminds us that the critical cases in arguing about incarceration are the cases not of the innocent but of the guilty.
The two nations are also arguing about shipments of Canadian canola, with tougher Chinese inspection standards due to come into force on Sept.
"In a liberal democracy, you're supposed to be discussing and debating and arguing about things," said Matthew Feinberg, a Toronto-based social psychologist.
I'd like to be able to start discussions from similar standpoints rather than spending whole dinners just arguing about what's credible and factual.
"Mother!" is not for those seeking escapist entertainment, but I would urge people to watch it and spend time arguing about it afterward.
One surprise deployment of this tactic came Friday afternoon, as the managers were arguing about the importance of the strategic alliance with Ukraine.
"Eventually, they're going to end up chasing each other around with machetes and arguing (about) whose dog pooped on whose lawn," Pittman said.
It seems to me that even if you didn't know what they were arguing about, you would have to come to that conclusion.
I've seen gardeners swapping fertilizer advice, flight attendants complaining about annoying passengers and fishermen arguing about which lures are best for catching muskies.
But doing the research takes time, and you need to put something on before your sister and your uncle start arguing about politics again.
Already India and Pakistan are arguing about how to interpret the treaty they signed in 1960 on sharing the waters of the Indus river.
They had this grand romance and I thought: how's it going to be when you're arguing about who has to take the bins out?
By understanding that while we had these robust, wonderfully interesting arguments they were arguing about what kind of people we were going to be.
You are truly just sick of it—whatever it may be—and you're done arguing about something that can never be proven or quantified.
It would be great if our elected politicians spent more time arguing about whether the continuing resolutions authorizing military intervention overseas should be halted.
On campus, the young college women and men I met were not, by and large, arguing about whether certain acts occurred in the bedroom.
Economists have largely stopped arguing about whether there will be a recession in the eurozone and are instead debating how long it will last.
She captures what each Allied leader wanted to achieve at the Paris peace conference without losing sight of the future they were arguing about.
Unlike the Styron controversy, it has unfolded on the internet at warp speed with thousands of people arguing about it almost in real time.
The first day of arguments came after the Senate spent 13 hours Tuesday (and into Wednesday morning) arguing about the rules for the trial.
But he very quickly moved away from that, and settled on the ending that we got, which is the one people are arguing about.
However, everybody was arguing about the border while these children were coming in on the death train, and nobody was doing anything about it.
"While legislators were arguing about margaritas, tea, and their favorite flavor of lemonade, we were building a coalition of stakeholders across the state," Harb said.
The third star: Erik Karlsson as a ballerina—Oh great, now we have to spend six months arguing about how Drew Doughty's costume was better.
That's exactly what President Donald Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have been arguing about since long before the longest government shutdown in U.S. history.
Part of it is that the campaigns will need to shift away fast from arguing about who "won" to asking for money from their supporters.
It's an issue that's raised enough concern that 2020 Democratic presidential candidates spent a good amount of time arguing about it in the last debate.
The two were arguing about something in the hallway where the toilets were located when he grabbed her and pulled her into a toilet cubicle.
These moments in particular definitely got people talking — and arguingabout how these complex issues can and do play out on runways and fashion spreads.
A common problem for fact-checkers is that their calls are often tied up with the merits of the underlying issues candidates are arguing about.
Biosphere 2 represents a real step toward developing the understanding we desperately need, but do not pursue because of complacency and/or arguing about trivialities.
Arguably, the movies are almost a religion to some dedicated adherents, who worship their idols through intensive movie marathons and arguing about the films online.
It's not really Christmas until people in the Netherlands start arguing about whether the racist Christmas character Zwarte Piet—or Black Pete—is actually racist.
"Maybe I just hoped that in 2017, we would be done arguing about birth certificates, but obviously we're not," he said during a Monday broadcast.
REUTERS/Tom Mihalek Arguing about the price of coal at Peabody EnergyA year ago, Peabody Energy's chief executive was presiding over $2 billion of losses.
Every Republican and even some Democrats agree with the basic premise of this plan, and we can get down to arguing about the exact numbers.
My experience with Guyville was suddenly having to do all this press and take all these pictures and having everyone yelling and arguing about me.
Why are educated people so invested in arguing about something that does nothing but create economic pain in the U.S. for no global climate gain?
After the man leaves, they resume arguing about the morality of killing bad guys and whether they have the right to kill anyone at all.
And, that's how we ended up in the empty apartment, raising a toast with cans of PBR, already arguing about where to put the sofa.
The parties have spent an incredible amount of energy and created a ton of disdain by arguing about how to pay for an inefficient system.
Instead of arguing about housework, for example, both feeling like we were doing more than our fair share, we could talk about it relatively objectively.
Even if the partners in a couple match on tons of characteristics, they may end up arguing about the ways in which they are different.
As Eight Years concludes, Coates writes, he is no longer as interested as he once was in arguing about the formation of America's color line.
"The currency of improving a relationship is sitting down and talking about it," Lundquist said, while arguing about differences in opinion is the exact opposite.
Democrats weren't just arguing about accounting ledgers; they were arguing that the GOP plan to boost investment would fail and backfire by raising interest rates.
But Sanders's proposal makes some unlikely promises and has critical omissions, and until you work through those, arguing about private insurance is a red herring.
So while you're congratulating Bob Dylan (or arguing about him), pour yourself a pint and settle in for a couple of hours with Llewyn too.
Even if we were to fully acknowledge that's what we're arguing about, those disagreements are fundamentally irresolvable, which is why they've been with us for decades.
My aunt is also over, so we spend time together catching up on family drama and arguing about who would be most valuable on Family Feud.
Democrats running for president have been arguing about what they intend to do if elected, but just as significant, about how they would get it done.
Shumate replied that DC and Maryland were arguing about abstract political harms, not specific harms to their respective jurisdictions that would give them grounds to sue.
Ever since the Corbyn coup in 2015, members of the parliamentary party have been arguing about whether they should stay and fight or leave en masse.
Mr Bruenig already had a large audience before Patreon, with 130,000 followers on Twitter, garnered largely from arguing about the left-wing American politician Bernie Sanders.
"So spending time arguing about 'hey, encryption is bad and we ought to do away with it' … that's a waste of time to me," he continued.
Batman v Superman is a film we haven't stopped arguing about for the past year and a half – people remembered it, even if they loathed it.
As Labour's Sadiq Khan takes over the post, after defeating his Conservative opponent, Zac Goldsmith, on May 5th, no one is arguing about that any more.
"So spending time arguing about 'Hey, encryption is bad and we ought to do away with it,' that's a waste of time to me," Rogers said.
Who'd have thought that in spite of spending months arguing about apps, Comcast, the biggest TV provider in the US, is pissed about these new rules.
But somehow they got to arguing about what would happen if you made a sprinkler that shot water inward, toward the center hub, instead of outward.
"Me and Keith Robinson would start yelling and arguing about race, or whatever, and we would forget that we were in a restaurant," Di Paolo said.
Editorial Here's one good thing about having a new police commissioner to succeed William Bratton: Maybe New York can finally stop arguing about "broken windows" policing.
We're told Wayne and the bouncer started arguing about who was getting in, and the bouncer says that's when Wayne uncorked a punch to his face.
"Clients should be active and thoughtful consumers and consider the cost-benefit of arguing about rewards points, or who has access to what club," he added.
The escape provided a brief moment of joyful respite on social media, where people stopped arguing about politics for long enough to laugh at the goats.
"Journalists and other people in political life are always arguing about the naming of things," said Roy Peter Clark, a senior scholar at the Poynter Institute.
The crab cake is, despite its sweet chile sauce, about as Indonesian as Betty White, but it is fresh and fluffy and not worth arguing about.
This year, though, the Democrats seem to be arguing about economic issues way more than your guys, who are obsessed with immigrants, terrorists and being politically incorrect.
Because, as you said, there's a cult of personality element to Trump's appeal, and we've all spent the last year arguing about this guy's core ideological appeal.
Salavar told NYDN the couple, who were married in 2014 after meeting via social media, were arguing about child care issues and the cleanliness of their apartment.
"Rather than arguing about the number of pilots on strike we would prefer to be at a negotiating table," SNPL spokesman Emmanuel Mistralli told Reuters on Saturday.
Think about how different the discourse would be if we were arguing about how to let people in instead of how to keep – and kick – them out.
Instead of arguing about whether the war could have turned out any other way, we argue about whether the postwar could have turned out any other way.
Yeah, and I'd like to be arguing about issues, and I think we have a better position on issues and I think we can win on that.
Wasn't it just last year when people were arguing about if metal culture was being co-opted by rappers and pop stars wearing torn-up band tees?
Last year, guests, most of them not known to their hosts, could be overheard arguing about whether the property was a state park or a municipal park.
Dan Donovan and his predecessor, Michael Grimm, spent much of yesterday's hourlong debate hurling insults at each other and arguing about who aligned more with President Trump.
But seeing two grown, powerful men arguing about whether a firing or a quitting took place on Twitter in front of the entire world is really something.
Yet these parties know that in the not-too-distant future, they'll be bashing each other again in another election and arguing about the government's track record.
The party winds down with Faye and Camille arguing about who did or didn't "spread" in Playboy, while the medium tells Kyle that her marriage is doomed.
" Arguing about the tests, she said, "has distracted the conversation intended to help raise people's awareness, put it on their radar, get them talking to their physicians.
"You find yourself in arguments that are just so unimportant, and you realize you're arguing about something that probably took place when you were five," he said.
Well, things that we used to think about as explicit and we would all agree, okay, that's blatant, that's explicit, now we're arguing about whether it is.
He understood better than did his opponent that in the political communication wars, it's not what you're saying, it's what you're arguing about that determines the outcome.
Save your breath, pedants, for arguing about how all the Gatsby-inspired 1920s parties we're about to be bombarded with completely miss the point of the book.
Uber is currently embroiled in similar labor lawsuits around the world, contesting whether drivers should be considered employees in some of them and arguing about benefits in others.
Lillian Loses Her Love Though we don't see it, Artie, Lillian's boyfriend, passes away while the two are on a trip to Norway and arguing about Trump Steaks.
Let&aposs stop arguing about it being legal and its part of the law, because we have had many laws in our society that have not been right.
In contrast, the bitcoin community has been arguing about whether or not to fork their software for more than a year, with absolutely nothing to show for it.
And in a wave of appreciation toward everyone who has listened to the show for a long time, we did not spend 14 minutes arguing about IPO pricing.
In 1997, realistic, highly rendered videogames were ascendant, and developers and the people who study narrative were arguing about whether a game could—or should—tell a story.
" Asked when he was persuaded to change his mind, Baker said: "Pretty late in the process, because we were arguing about it, I think, up until the end.
Even the most die-hard blockchain enthusiasts actually want a bunch of humans arguing about the underlying intention behind a contract, rather than letting the software self-execute.
With the first Democratic presidential debate fast approaching, it appears increasingly likely that candidates will spend their time on stage arguing about small differences in their emerging platforms.
They can say "ah, this falls under statute so and so" rather than arguing about jurisdiction or law and wasting everyone's time — an incredibly common (and costly) occurrence.
Now that frank prejudice is ostensibly out of bounds, the country finds itself in murkier territory, arguing about the kind of bias that is less obvious and intentional.
Many arguments can be avoided altogether when we realize we were never talking about the same issue to begin with, or it's simply not something worth arguing about.
The same elements that make people obsessed with arguing about politics on Twitter or Facebook all day [are affecting] people who fight about BTS versus EXO all day.
" She and Smith were arguing about his children, she told police, and she "got up and walked into [his] house to tell his kids that [he] was mad.
Without arguing about whether or not Mr. Levandowski stole documents, Uber's lawyer said the company intended to prove that its driverless car technology was not stolen from Waymo.
Instead of arguing about whether it's morally acceptable to cut immigration in half, we argue along economic lines, as if people's values can only be measured in dollars.
Last but by no means least, people who spend their spare time arguing about politics can (and do!) rehearse much more sophisticated and elaborate arguments than normal people.
The time when the video games press' thoughts turn to Game of the Year awards, arguing about which 8-12 hour big-budget action-adventure deserves the award most.
While some history buffs are arguing about the film's historical accuracy, others have pointed out the actual biggest dilemma: Who is going to win the Oscar for Best Actress?
Investigators soon discovered audio and video surveillance inside the office which showed the couple arguing about their relationship just before De Pinto was attacked, according to Jones' arrest affidavit.
" The challenge, Schmidt said, is that we're spending "all our time arguing about political issues that are ultimately not that important," while "not doing enough things that are transformative.
But still: It goes without saying that there wouldn't be so many people arguing about the interpretation of this passage if it didn't sound so much like demon sex.
They came of age together: bicycling to movies, arguing about which Beatle was the cutest; attending church; going to see Martin Luther King Jr. speak for the first time.
Together we have traveled the globe, spent almost two years hanging out, playfully arguing about things like who can hold their breath longer and talking at length about Room.
So Sanders and Clinton are arguing about soda taxes — Clinton for, as a way to raise money for good stuff while discouraging self-destructive behavior, Sanders against, because regressive.
We usually spend most of Oscar season arguing about the actual movies: whether they should be nominated, who got snubbed, if movie X is a masterpiece or a travesty.
But when we are no longer arguing about terrorism as an urgent threat, and not particularly interested in throwing ourselves back into the emotions of that day, what's left?
Rutgers led 31-26 at halftime, an edge that had been nine in the final minute before McConnell was hit with a technical for arguing about a no-call.
One of the strangest findings of the survey, according to Mr. Robb, was that parents and teenagers were more worried about each other's use, yet arguing about it less.
And as last year's not dissimilar First Man debacle shows, good-faith arguing about "liberal Hollywood" movies is not what Fox and its friends, including President Trump, are after.
Because then instead of arguing about austerity, we're arguing around compassionate and democratic interventions that redistribute profits from corporations, from accumulation at the top to really providing for people.
"What we are discussing and even arguing about is how expansive monetary policy should be given our target," Weidmann said during a question-and-answer session with the public.
As more people began to spend more of each day arguing about serious issues with strangers online, it became necessary to sort out which opinions could be summarily dismissed.
But at a certain point in life, being with people you love does become more important than small digs and paper towel napkins and even arguing about Donald Trump.
It's also a sign of great debating skills with a talent for arguing about a broad variety of topics, even if you only have a superficial understanding of them.
SS7 Yael: When Darlene and Elliot were arguing about who got to do what, Darlene said Elliot was supposed to get the SS7 license; anyone wanna talk about SS7?
"It's kind of like arguing about whether the automobile or the horse-and-buggy is the future of transportation, while somebody else is focused on making automobiles," he said.
Again, that doesn't mean that there's not a basis for doing it, and if they end up litigating, that's what the parties will end up arguing about in court.
This has always been the core of the issue about health care even if it only seems like we've been arguing about it since the Obamacare debate began in 2009.
Orban said Fidesz belonged to the EPP, the European Parliament's main center-right grouping, but the group is arguing about its future direction and Fidesz wants to influence that debate.
Yet, as the linguist George Lakoff has noted, just arguing about "tax relief" induces us to think of this as a debate over an affliction from which we need rescue.
"We want the government to stop arguing about power and act like a human being to bring peace to this country," one worker at the wedding hall, Hajji Reza, said.
I'd rather have him — you know, work with him on the Ukraine than standing and arguing about whether or not — because that whole thing was set up by the Democrats.
But now that the kids are 7 and 10, I can feel the day of reckoning upon me — they greedily eye my airy room, arguing about who will get it.
But just remember that the next time you hear people arguing about where district lines should go, we might be better off if they weren't there in the first place.
But those candidates are arguing about topics she's comfortable with, from whether sexism is keeping voters from supporting another female candidate to whether higher-polling candidates would divide the party.
Instead, we are arguing about facts, and exacerbating the damage to American political culture that has been wrought by Mr. Trump's campaign, his victory and his behavior since the election.
While everyone was arguing about ContraPoints, a 17-year-old Black trans girl named Bailey Reeves had just been shot and killed in Baltimore, the same city where Wynn lives.
When Mike House and his wife, Sierra Zamarripa, renovated their two-bedroom in Serenity House, a co-op on East Ninth Street, they spent time thinking, and arguing, about lighting.
Day's book has him in conversation with Prince's ghost, arguing about how to tell the story, and gives us details about Prince that he never got to tell his memoirist.
In trade, the United States outlined the first phase of a deal to end its conflict war with China in October, but the two  are still arguing about the details.
Arguing about "accuracy" in a movie like this is a fool's game, and knowing this, Legend of the Sword finds its own modern story in the midst of the legend.
In his new study, Rogers writes that the public often has no idea what's going on in their state legislatures, or what their state representatives are arguing about or why.
"We'll just say that the news guy on the other end started arguing about why go to the Moon; we've been to the Moon, why go to the Moon?" said Bridenstine.
For example, a scene showing Fairstein and top Manhattan prosecutor, Nancy Ryan, arguing about the jogger case at the precinct on the night of the arrests of the Five never happened.
"The Iranian nuclear program is not really what opponents and proponents of the recent deal are arguing about," Jeremy Shapiro, of Brookings, wrote nearly a year ago, and it's still true.
The records show that Kornilov and Svyazin's daily Skype sessions continued for months, with the two men sometimes arguing about the weekly and monthly traffic reports Kornilov was asked to file.
Psychologist Douglas LaBier shares an example in Psychology Today: You're arguing about your summer-vacation plans and suddenly you start talking about that ugly chair your partner purchased the other day.
And while money might not be able to buy you love, it can destroy it: studies show that arguing about money early on in a relationship can ultimately spell its end.
Every news broadcast I saw, every minute spent browsing Facebook risked turning traumatic, with pundits and my relatives alike arguing about whether or not grabbing someone by the genitals was assault.
In a recent video, when Contra and Tabby were arguing about revolution versus electoral reform, Tabby broached the unsettling possibility that the 2020 presidential election might be "delayed" or canceled outright.
We were arguing about who is more dangerous for the American electorate: I argued for Ted Cruz, who Donald Trump had successfully branded as "Lyin' Ted" in a March 3 debate.
The three ads feature strangers arguing about the a heat wave, GOAT sport stars, and Chance the Rapper's catalog—the same kinds of conversations you might see on the platform everyday.
"I know you all are arguing about political bias," Scarpulla said at a hearing to air legal arguments on a motion to dismiss the case submitted by Trump's lawyers in August.
ARUSHA, Tanzania (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Jakaya Kikwete, the former president of Tanzania, recalled arriving at his cousin's house to find the family arguing about taking their feverish teenage daughter to hospital.
That placement, with a ginger-soy dressing dribbled on everything, defeated the crispiness of the noodles, but there's no arguing about the quality and appearance of those moist morsels of fish.
"I think what the democratic process is about is going to the convention and arguing about what the platform should be," Sanders said on CNN's "New Day," before shifting to healthcare.
My mom stood on the side watching them congratulate me on getting my period while the men of our family were in another room far away from us arguing about politics.
So exactly what The Walking Dead gave us this week was another 42 minutes of characters arguing about morality in wartime while walking around Virginia and occasionally firing lots of guns.
An academic, of course, will have an easier time arguing about the right price of money than an actual central banker who must face political and financial-market pressures every day.
People are so caught up in arguing about why smartphones are bad, streaming is bad, virtual reality is bad that they overlook the shittiness of one of our oldest modern technologies.
Ivo was so adamant that people in Salem weren't just holding grudges against each other out of pride or ego, even when it seems like they're just arguing about real estate.
There are so many distracting things people do that can lead to death: texting; playing Pokemon Go; eating complicated foods like hummus and pretzels, sneezing, or arguing about directions while driving.
For example — and I was just arguing about this with my grandmother, who says, "A real man always pays" — I feel more comfortable splitting the tab when I'm on a date.
And you get a really dramatic peek behind the curtain of the man who made it and all those decisions, including the ending that you're still arguing about 10 years later.
When I came back to WoW, I knew players would be arguing about the game online, but I never expected its story to be one of the most hotly debated topics.
Democrats and some Republicans are arguing about whether this should prompt another investigation, this time into Flynn's close ties with Russia and how much the White House knew about the call.
People are furiously arguing about what played a key role in this election — whether it was white working-class despair, a racist backlash or terror about the pace of cultural change.
Their engagement during the fifth and final season was the compromise, though the last episode found them stuck on an elevator, arguing about who had the most power in the relationship.
" On the internet, when you are not arguing about pasta and you want to post something that might get the viewers in trouble with their bosses, you would label it "NSFW.
Elizabeth Warren joined the culture-war fray, saying the fossil fuel industry was thrilled the nation was arguing about "cheeseburgers" and light bulbs rather than focusing on the industry's ecological villainy.
NIMS allows inter-agency cooperation without all the arguing about who is in charge or whose jurisdiction it is, despite the play these dramatics might get in TV shows or movies.
Now, we recognize that debating wether Rory Gilmore will end up with Jess or Dean is a whole lot different than arguing about the fundamental issue with the "All Lives Matter" narrative.
I feel like this is a project like Westworld, something cinephiles are going to want to take apart one shot at a time, looking for Easter eggs and arguing about your homages.
They're distracting themselves by unearthing obscure Easter eggs, pouring over the Blu ray commentary, arguing about Kanye West, and sneaking references to the show into episodes of My Little Pony and Jeopardy!
Watkins, 33, was allegedly stabbed by his fiancée, Jacqueline Souza, after she claimed they were arguing about their upcoming wedding's guest list, according to court records obtained by the Colorado Springs Gazette.
Washington (CNN)Former New York City Major Rudy Giuliani and billionaire Mark Cuban offered a heated preview of Wednesday's final presidential debate, arguing about Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.
Since publishing a story on this topic just yesterday, I've received hundreds of comments via tweets, DMs, and emails from fans arguing about the minutia of what exactly has drawn their anger.
Whether it's Seinfeld or The X-Files, The Sopranos or Lost, there are always shows that transcend their TV roots to become pop culture monoliths that everybody enjoys discussing and arguing about.
The two sides are now arguing about the extent to which the 15-year-old trade dispute - the largest ever handled by the WTO - should lead to tit-for-tat transatlantic sanctions.
The debate around Elizabeth Warren's Accountable Capitalism Act turned rather swiftly to arguing about the specifics of her plan to let workers at large companies elect 40 percent of corporate board members.
During the trial, the jury heard a transcript of Michael's interview with police ... where he said he only intended to shoot her in the leg while they were arguing about a divorce.
Here's the deal ... cops say 51-year-old Jorge Luis Valencia-Lamadrid had invited family members over to his home for Turkey Day when his two sons began arguing about NFL kneelers.
If CO 2 is treated as just another form of waste, which has to be disposed of, then people can stop arguing about whether it's a problem and finally start doing something.
Given the result, historians will be arguing about 2016 as long as American political history is written, which, God and the North Koreans willing, will be a very long time to come.
We fought a revolution to achieve it, wrote a (bad) set of rules to maintain it, scrapped those, then wrote a new set of rules we have been arguing about ever since.
But women's media often faces the obstacle of not being taken seriously in the political landscape — yes, even in an election that saw presidential candidates arguing about the size of their penises.
RICK BLAINE, an expatriate American bar owner, and SALLY ALBRIGHT, a naïve journalism student from Seattle, are arguing about whether men and women can be friends while running away from the Nazis.
"They went to a party, they came home, they were drinking, they were arguing about a boyfriend," Ms. Class said on Tuesday, standing a few yards away from where Anna was killed.
Sheldon Whitehouse hit his colleague Lindsey Graham, a staunch Trump defender as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, over rediscovered footage showing him arguing about the need for witnesses during Clinton's trial.
Let's stop arguing about where the individual lines go, how many seats each party ought to be handed, and think instead about how we guarantee that all citizens get  representation they deserve.
The ballot measure has drawn an unusual amount of attention in recent weeks, thanks in part to billionaire CEOs Marc Benioff (Salesforce) and Jack Dorsey (Twitter, Square) arguing about it on Twitter.
We are so focused on arguing about whether North Korea will ever completely, verifiably and irreversibly denuclearize that we are overlooking Pyongyang's reasonable need for guarantees that the United States won't attack.
Well, way back in season one we see Ned and Robert — who are close friends and political allies, let's recall — arguing about whether they should assassinate Daenerys way off in distant Essos.
The scene is built around LuAnn and Tom playing tennis and the pair pretending not to be competitive about the sport, despite the fact they're placing bets and "playfully" arguing about the score.
BERLIN — On a recent morning, the Berlin Film Festival's two new co-directors were arguing about accents — specifically, what kind of voice should introduce the filmmakers in live announcements at this year's event.
But arguing about the meaning of quid pro quo and whether or not Trump demanded a quid pro quo is a distraction from the serious business of deciding whether to impeach a president.
Like many pop culture takes on politics, though, Man of the Year reminds us we're still arguing about the same stuff in the political arena (well, a lot of the same stuff, anyway).
Mark Cuban and Rudy Giuliani sparred Wednesday about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's fitness for office, arguing about Trump's business acumen and the significance of Clinton's private email server while secretary of state.
Letter To the Editor: Reading "Mom Is Running for Office," by Susan Chira (news analysis, Sunday Review, April 15), I wondered: Why are we still arguing about women nursing on the legislative floor?
According to court docs obtained by TMZ Sports, Watson told police that he and his GF were arguing about her drinking and not being able to attend a wedding when things got physical.
In 1940, the French army was still arguing about whether industrializing tanks production or not, while the Germans already had the V1 rockets in mind, and the Americans were conceiving the atomic bomb.
These are the questions that the bitcoin community will be arguing about in the coming days—and which Mr Wright must answer convicingly if he is to convince the world of his claim.
But at the very least, I think these are some of the complications that the left-wingers and liberals arguing about their party's approach to the Trumpenproletariat need to consider and think through.
The head of Germany's Bundesbank, Jens Weidmann, said on Saturday that ECB rate setters were discussing moving away from an ultra-easy stance but were still arguing about how expansive policy should be.
While there is no agreement about the effect of the border adjustment tax, it is clear that they are still discussing and arguing about a world of market forces, not a mercantilist world.
"Almost 90 percent of our lives is working in fancy food and arguing about the qualities of a sauce, but it's times like this when you realize that food is essential," Lee said.
Only a handful of states into the 290 primary, Democratic presidential candidates have already started arguing about what to do if no one wins a majority of delegates to this summer's Democratic convention.
A few rules around how and even if they use their devices are important on family trips so that your time together isn't spent arguing about too much or not enough screen time.
Just a few days after a postelection Thanksgiving that was profoundly contentious for so many families — so much arguing about who belongs in America — it was lovely to be welcomed into this one.
Conway's last interview on CNN, about a month earlier, had generated fireworks; she and Anderson Cooper spent nearly 25 minutes arguing about CNN's report on the secret dossier of Trump's ties to Russia.
That's exactly what Travis Kelce did by throwing his glove at an official after he was flagged once for unsportsmanlike conduct for arguing about an uncalled pass interference penalty on Jacksonville's Prince Amukamara.
Both Mar(c/k)s kept the debate alive in a thread, with Pincus arguing about fairness and Benioff seemingly having to explain how the measure will work and how taxation will be calculated.
Also, something that could've helped our fictional friends Hannah and David, a therapist can help you stop arguing about the little things and have a real conversation about what's going on in your relationship.
OPEC sources said Iran and Saudi Arabia were arguing about the content of a draft but finally agreed the details despite Tehran's criticism of Putin effectively announcing the deal ahead of the OPEC meeting.
Still, three out of 50 states is pretty shameful, considering it is literally 2017 and we're still arguing about something with very few downsides other than the fact it might make some Republicans upset.
It's not quite the Midsummer Classic, we're busy arguing about potential playoff and wild card match-ups that are still months away, and just about every other sport has come to a grinding halt.
None of these questions were answered by the show, either — although it is to the showrunners' credit that we leave Bran's Small Council arguing about the kind of piddling issues they'll confront going forward.
Action planet Mars clashes with power planet Pluto, and you feel an urge to influence others to donate to something that's important to you—try to lean into this instead of arguing about politics.
"Over the course of this week, like I think a lot of American families, my family —a lot of it on email—has been discussing this and disagreeing and arguing about it," Wallace remarked.
Instead of arguing about repealing the reviews, policymakers should give states more authority to simplify and realign the impact statements to focus on projects that might have a material negative effect on the environment.
Photograph by Magnus Wennman for The New Yorker From afar, the country looks like a humanitarian utopia, but for twenty years Swedes have been arguing about the proper limits of their country's good will.
And even as his body was being transported back to his home country, his family and the government were arguing about his final resting place and whether his burial would be public or private.
It happens on cable news, too, on shows that are actually not news but people arguing about the news—you get a couple from either side, split-screen 'em, and there's your half-hour.
The woman, Mareli Miniutti, says she and Avenatti were in the master bedroom of their apartment arguing about money on November 13, when he called her an "ungrateful f**king bitch" ... according to docs.
And as some fans inevitably shift their attention to what's next for this world, thinking about potential spinoffs may be a good way to distract themselves from arguing about the series finale, if nothing else.
"Success is truest" to Abrams — if she can win in November, or deliver Democrats down the ballot big wins, that will be the validation of what she's been arguing about how Democrats should run campaigns.
They showed how, when Americans think they are arguing about points of ideology or fact (or confected para-facts), they are often wrangling about who is a good person, with a right to be heard.
The candidates arguing about this are running for president, not governor, and when you look under the hoods of their plans, there may be less to the contrast than the broad philosophical discussion would suggest.
Then Carrico was shown two yellow cards, the first for a foul on Messi and the second for arguing about it, before Messi played in Neymar, who rolled the ball home to end the contest.
They are, however, interested in arguing about fees and watching Naz become a true criminal in prison, learning that he has started to smuggle drugs in exchange for the protection of a powerful inmate (Williams).
Just as powerful as those arguing about access to guns, reproductive rights, the environment, business regulation and so many other important issues — we must be considered and included when our elected leaders are making policy.
The one thing The Walking Dead really didn't need to give us this week was another 42 minutes of characters arguing about morality in wartime while walking around Virginia and occasionally firing lots of guns.
In this special debate day edition: What to watch tonight, how delayed primaries (and primaries going ahead as scheduled) could affect the vote, and a new ad arguing about everybody's favorite topic, Medicare-for-all.
Arguing about crowd sizes — which is a fuzzy science prone to visual manipulation — offers Trump terrain for contesting official media narratives about his unpopularity and allows him to claim a bigger mandate than he has.
So when one episode ends with everybody (sigh) dancing Bollywood-style, it feels like a fun trip back to that year we all spent arguing about whether Miley Cyrus twerking was cultural appropriation or not.
Metropolitan Diary Dear Diary: While waiting for a downtown No. 1 at Times Square on a brutally hot summer day, I overheard a man and a woman, clearly tourists, arguing about which train to take.
But it is a place where at least we're all arguing about the same values [...]" Emma Green interviews Phil Gorski, a professor of sociology and religious studies at Yale, about his new book, "American Covenant.
Stuck with no alternative to each other's company, their time is spent performing various chores, evasively sharing their life stories, arguing about whose lobsters are best, drinking moonshine liquor, and slow-dancing by candle-light.
They think their debates and discussions are the way to fight encroaching secularism — as if arguing and polemics are what matters, when the people they're arguing about don't even realize these fights are taking place.
"It's something that the community has been arguing about for a long time," study author C. Austen Angell from Arizona State University told Gizmodo, referring to the true nature of this two-liquids-in-one behavior.
If you are among the millions of Americans who put in hours of unpaid labor last year arguing about or responding to national politics, you may be entitled to a tax credit of at least $83.
" He added, "It's some sort of poetic irony to be knocked off the air by a story, having told so many of them myself, but I'm 75 and don't have any interest in arguing about this.
Shrewsberry said the issue "might be a fun academic topic for analysts—you know, getting together and arguing about what's core and what's non-core," but is not a major source of concern at the bank.
Now, after weeks of fans going back and forth online, arguing about what kind of force abilities Luke Skywalker can and can't use in the Star Wars universe, director Rian Johnson finally decided to weigh in.
Debuting just weeks before Lonelygirl215, The Hills masterfully played on its tenuous relationship with reality — so much so that everyone involved is still arguing about what actually went down in Lauren Conrad's mid-215s Los Angeles.
Not only had sex taken control of the political discussion, but sexual conduct itself had become politicized, with voters arguing about which kinds of disturbing behavior were worse, their responses often reflecting the candidate they supported.
Ordinarily, when people communicate with this level of vengeful pop-eyed saltiness—or, because 'communicate' isn't quite the right word, here: when these types of sounds are made at this volume—they are arguing about politics.
As long as there have been men, there have been men fighting each other, and as long as there have been men fighting each other, there have been other men arguing about whose method was best.
Those who track the markets commonly describe stocks and bonds as arguing about the economic future — with the odds typically tilted toward bonds, for their tight focus on the core macro forces and record of prescience.
"It's some sort of poetic irony to be knocked off the air by a story, having told so many of them myself, but I'm 75 and don't have any interest in arguing about this," he said.
"My view is Marchionne and Elkann were still arguing about succession and had different views on the right candidate," Sanford Bernstein analyst Max Warburton said in a note on Monday, referring to the June 1 presentation.
The EU, which former British European Commissioner Chris Patten once described as "a wonderful experiment in arguing about fish quotas instead of shooting at each other", is as out of fashion as a double-breasted jacket.
He had been particularly outspoken—vitriolic, really—about his beliefs on Facebook and Twitter, and he had been arguing about religion in the preceding weeks at his office with another county health inspector, Syed Rizwan Farook.
Rubio took a different approach, saying there's no point arguing about whether waterboarding is torture or not (it is) since President Obama is trying to close Guantanamo, which means there are fewer people we could hypothetically waterboard.
In each case, the effect of the violations would be to place internal communications outside the reach of public transparency measures like the Freedom of Information Act — exactly what politicians spent an entire campaign season arguing about.
Still, he does not expect that this week's vote will be the end of the line, given that psychologists have been arguing about the legacy of their profession's role in abusive interrogations for more than a decade.
During the scene where Diane, Cary and David are arguing about making Alicia a named partner, Cary is shown standing at the far end of a conference table watching Diane and David arguing at the other end.
When "The View" is arguing about Ocasio-Cortez, with Joy Behar battling Meghan McCain over democratic socialism, it&aposs clear that the debate is being framed around this girl—and in a way that Republicans are savoring.
Thus, classic film social media discussion is somewhat like the larger world of "Film Twitter," in that it's primarily interested in discussing and arguing about movies, but it has an element of evangelism to it as well.
So I&aposm just sitting here watching all these gun files already online and people arguing about what reality is when we both know that guns are now downloadable and they have been repeatedly demonstrated to be.
Hardwick gave herself some breathing room, herself arguing about the available published evidence of literary greatness, and not necessarily women's abstract capacity to achieve it, though her dismissiveness of Austen, the Brontës, and George Eliot is unequivocal.
"Arguing about whether rent versus buy is a better financial decision is like debating active versus passive investment strategies, hedge funds versus mutual funds, Apple versus Google," said Milo M. Benningfield, a financial planner in San Francisco.
But Marvel's fanbase is already psyched on the new character—wasting no time in arguing about who should play the Muslim ambassador to the MCU, and warning producers not to make the mistake of whitewashing the role.
I don't want to spoil the movie, but when the movie turns into a thriller and the family gets into a dire situation, they all join together in a nice way, and finally stop arguing about politics.
JANUARY Arguing about Hitler's management skillsPage: Stalag Luft III murders talk pageWhen: January 13Where: Department of National DefenceAfter a bunch of American POWs escaped a Nazi camp, most of them were caught and murdered at Hitler's request.
We haven't heard his detailed positions on the big issues the Democrats will be arguing about, but I believe you've pointed out in the past that the main thing is just to nominate somebody who can win.
This meant that by the time Goldwater became the presidential nominee, there was an audience more than ready for his message -- one that had been arguing about journalism's alleged left-wing bias for more than a decade.
Countries can spend decades more arguing about international law, so-called international consensus, who is right and who is wrong, and constantly referring to stale talking points that have never, and are unlikely to ever, achieve peace.
Similarly, tax reform has stalled because Republicans haven't agreed on what it would look like—mainly, they're arguing about how they'll raise revenue in order to make up for reductions in the overall tax rate they want.
At a time when we are arguing about climate change, therefore, NASA's announcement reminds us that Earth's warmth is a cosmic blessing – one of the critical fortunes that make it possible for us humans to exist and endure.
Let's be honest: even if a law was passed and we were all made to pronounce it a certain way under penalty of being force-fed scones to the point of explosion, we'd still be arguing about it.
And their shots — unlike those fired in Tuesday's debate involving 10 candidates who spent much of the time arguing about the party's leftward lean — hit in intensely personal ways as they scrutinized each other's records in public office.
"Legislation is a blunt last resort because frankly extremism is very difficult to define in law and you could spend all your time in court arguing about whether a particular video crosses the line or not," he said.
The meeting on Monday was in its fifth hour as ministers discussed a charter for long-term cooperation with non-OPEC, OPEC sources said, adding that Iran and Saudi Arabia were arguing about the content of a draft.
I'm not sure the Republican Party can continue to be winning national elections if we can't win the women vote, we can't appeal to any minorities, and if we're constantly shrinking and arguing about every single divisive issue.
If you have the people who are not the 1% arguing about issues, which really are quite trivial in the big scheme of things, then their minds are being taken off the real issues, which really do matter.
Factions of finance gurus have spent decades arguing about whether it's more effective to be frugal day by day or to focus on big-ticket things like saving $150,000 on a house purchase or negotiating a major raise.
The first of these is Abby (Olivia Wilde) whose parents have the discretion to perish offscreen, and whom we first encounter snuggling with her husband, Will (Oscar Isaac), arguing about the merits of a particular Bob Dylan album.
Leaving the European Union was once far-fetched: Less than two decades ago, British leaders such as Blair were arguing about when to join the euro, and talk of an EU exit was the reserve of fringe politicians.
Instead, a $12 million ultrasecure Expeditionary Legal Complex was set up on an old airstrip on the base, and for the last five years, prosecutors and defense lawyers have been arguing about how to hold a trial there.
"Scotland has the weirdest pattern of land ownership in the developed world and I don't think anyone's arguing about that," said Lesley Riddoch, a coordinator of 'Our Land', a month-long festival of talks and meetings focused on land.
Americans are now arguing about where incoming First Lady Melania Trump and First Kid Barron Trump will live, pushing stories of President-elect Donald Trump's $25 million Trump University settlement and his controversial cabinet appointments further into the background.
It was a great place to work—you had music all the time, you got free music and gig tickets and you went out most nights and got to spend the whole day talking about, and arguing about, music.
"When you listen to people arguing about the EV space nowadays, I feel very strongly that the passenger car and the car industry is at a Kodak moment," he said onstage, referring to the fast transition to digital photography.
Inslee: I don't think we should waste a lot of time arguing about what ideological label to use, but I will tell you I'm committed No. 1 to fairness in our economic system that we do not have today.
They've spent the whole time arguing about whether the GOP bill is being rushed, whether Obamacare was rushed, and whether the Republicans' "continuous coverage" rule — penalizing people who don't stay insured — is an adequate substitute for Obamacare's individual mandate.
CHISINAU, Moldova -- Over 25 years of independence as a modern state, Moldovans have been arguing about which of our neighbors should be our closest allies when instead we should be working together to put our own house in order.
What these debates have in common is that arguing about how to define terrorism becomes a way to push and pull the contours of national identity, determining who is invited in to that identity and who is kept out.
Gail: It was what everybody imagines an underdog campaign would be like — a few reporters and the candidate, driving around in a bus, telling jokes, talking about issues, and of course arguing about where to eat dinner that night.
But what was going on in the meetings was unclear to the officials, and the intercepted communications did little to clarify matters — the Russians, it appeared, were arguing about how far to go in interfering in the presidential election.
He snaps, savagely slapping Elena while shouting at her mother — the whole episode is a power struggle between the two parents, who have been arguing about whether Elena should be allowed to take the admissions test for middle school.
By the same token, the official Green New Deal position is that drastically curbing climate change is critically important and everyone will be better off if we do it, so we should go do it rather than arguing about the budget.
She wanted to know why they were arguing about who had a harsher stance on immigration, when they could be using their positions as the first Hispanic men to get this far in a presidential election to expand the Republican base.
For example, there's a thread on the new YouTubers Union forum where members are arguing about whether the Union is already being hijacked by the alt-right, given that many of the channels that YouTube has been banning are right wing.
Eventually Vicente agreed to say he was standing on a street corner on a cold February morning when the three men the cops had named drove up and began arguing about how they'd "fucked up" a robbery and killed someone.
And the hundreds of people who spent the weekend fighting in streets — and the millions who watched them — began what has become a new American ritual: arguing about what really happened, and what a spasm of localized political violence means.
And the hundreds of people who spent the weekend fighting in the streets — and the millions who watched them — began what has become a new American ritual: arguing about what really happened, and what a spasm of localized political violence means.
Shortly thereafter, the term, which was loosely defined as short, simplistic, aggressive rock songs that presented a reaction to the overwrought popular rock style of the era, ceased to mean anything as people almost instantly started arguing about its definition.
She'll pop in for a cup of tea if she's in town, or we'll go shopping together and have lunch, arguing about how I'm spending money—and what she wants for her birthday, Christmas, or Mothers' Day, depending on the visit.
"Before we get to a hard Brexit it's worthwhile having another go rather than just arguing about what a hard Brexit means, namely a lot of disadvantages for both sides," Maas told reporters before a meeting of EU foreign ministers.
"There are politicians who are arguing about nuclear sharing with the US, meaning to bring in tactical nukes into the Japanese mainland so we can have some sort of deterrence," Sato said, adding it was considered an option of last resort.
By the end of the first hour, they were arguing about the size of their donations and how many Super PAC's they dealt with, about which no American gives a flying flip as they prepare to face their new coronavirus realities.
" But, as Thompson explains, "The problem comes when arguing about details results in missing the big picture: fake news on Facebook may not have been the deciding factor many think it was, but Facebook's effect on the news surely mattered.
And yet in arguing about this movie what I don't want, but where I'm afraid we are — with lots of film this time every year — is in another fight over a movie's politics that manages to leave the movie itself behind.
Because liberals have allowed conservatives to set the terms of the poverty debate, they find themselves arguing about radical solutions that imagine either a fully employed nation (like a jobs guarantee) or a postwork society (like a universal basic income).
While the quarter included an extended argument between Stephen Curry and Iman Shumpert following a foul by the Cleveland guard, the biggest development for Cleveland was Draymond Green talking his way into a technical foul for arguing about his third foul.
Political candidates are arguing about balancing the budget and whether or not the U.S. debt is so out of control that the only way to "make America strong," is to cut lots of government spending and bring overseas jobs back home.
Instead of then moving straight into a vote to open debate, the Senate spent Tuesday arguing about next steps, with Democrats accusing Republicans of tampering with the procedure and Republicans accusing Democrats of dilatory tactics because they had nothing to offer.
"I stopped arguing about religion long ago," he remarked to a comrade, and when the line got back to Trotsky, in his Mexican exile, the two men exchanged a series of increasingly ferocious essays and letters that couldn't conceal personal hurt.
"It would be good if, instead of arguing about whether or not we want to engage on this issue, we're getting ready to out-compete China in that [clean energy] race," said Bodnar, now managing director of the Rocky Mountain Institute.
The "women yelling at a cat" meme is as versatile as it is iconic — it has been used for everything from arguing about pronunciations and interpretations to describing ultra-emotional drunken moments to referencing headlines and combining with other memes.
" In a follow-up, he added that "it's some sort of poetic irony to be knocked off the air by a story, having told so many of them myself, but I'm 75 and don't have any interest in arguing about this.
It's a broad enough concept that everyone can read their aspirations into it, which has been part of its strength, but it has also left discussion in something of a fog, since no one's quite sure what they're arguing about.
I woke up Wednesday morning wondering if people really cared about movies anymore — not out of a sense of despair, but because after swimming in political speculation, I wondered how quickly anyone would flip back to arguing about Oscar races.
They're arguing about which Paddington movie was better: PADDINGTON > PADDINGTON 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BIRDMAN OR (THE UNEXPECTED VIRTUE OF IGNORANCE) And making Paddington-themed signs for the recent women's march: My brilliant wife made a Paddington sign for the Women's March tomorrow.
Gottman's research has gotten a great deal of media attention, but it also isn't particularly surprising: If couples are arguing about money right after they've gotten married, it stands to reason they'll continue to do so for the duration of the relationship.
An LASD official tells PEOPLE that in the lead-up to the alleged tussle, the pair had been arguing about a series of tweets Tommy had posted responding to Anderson's interview on Piers Morgan's Life Stories that aired Saturday night on ITV.
"In this case, seems that arguing about whether the criminal intent was there or whether penetration was there is missing the point that you have eyewitnesses who testified to observing the assault of an unconscious person in a sexual manner," she told Refinery29.
Everyone who loves spending their days dissecting clues to figure out Jon Snow's parents will now find their days spent wondering (and arguing) about the show's various timelines, the ethical ramifications of the AIs becoming sentient and where exactly the maze leads.
Representatives for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's office, who arrived on the scene soon after the incident, previously told PEOPLE the pair had been arguing about a series of tweets and photos Lee had posted responding to a recent interview given by Anderson.
There is a thought I can't shake, which is that this record is haunted by another version that doesn't exist, one where Peep could have been in the studio with Astasio and Smokeasac, arguing about the way a specific guitar line unfurled.
If you follow enough TV or movie critics on Twitter, you've spent much of this week wondering why they're all (usually jokingly) arguing about whether Twin Peaks, Showtime's summer revival of the classic small-town mystery, was a TV show or a movie.
"We kept arguing about it and during the examination today the witness Win Lwin Oo said it is not No.3 road but Sin Gyi restaurant, which is beside Saung Yeik Mon," defense lawyer Khin Maung Zaw told reporters after the hearing.
There is a possibility that Apple could drag this out with the FBI for a very long time, arguing about reasonable demands or the costs of this to Apple (which could be prohibitive as signing firmware is an incredibly non-trivial process).
I saw myself moving through my morning rituals — brushing my teeth, getting dressed for school, eating breakfast — to the soundtrack of a morning talk show that consisted mostly of two men arguing about Cuban politics, with Mr. Mercado's horoscope predictions sprinkled between segments.
Can we find some way to get away from arguing about improving our immediate prosperity, and instead start to think a bit about the medium- to long-run that will determine the fate of our civilization and everything we have built in it?
But it's not hard to imagine Ron and Patrice seeing the movie and arguing about whether T'Challa did the right thing at the end, whether Wakanda was right to conceal itself for so long with so many black people suffering across the planet.
He was sacked or hit on 31 of his team's 67 plays, and the Colts (2-5) spent the week arguing about whether it was appropriate for T. Y. Hilton, a wide receiver, to blame his team's offensive line for the blowout loss.
Now that so many people use Facebook for everything from reading and sharing the news to arguing about politics — and others have lost trust in it thanks to its privacy problems — entrepreneurs see an opportunity to rethink its core mission of connecting people.
There's potential for a critique of Biden that isn't just about nitpicking the past or arguing about how ambitious Democrats should be in their legislative proposals, but about whether Biden would adequately hold the line when going toe-to-toe with congressional Republicans.
I mean, the whole thing we've been arguing about before this period was that white people weren't engaged enough with the problem of race, and they didn't have enough feelings about like, what black people deal with, suffer on a daily basis.
"I've had days when there are 10 of us standing around looking at a screen, and someone has got the policy documents open on another screen, and we're looking and we're arguing about how to apply the policy to this video," Gray said.
" After observing both parties try to block each other and fail to deliver results, Isakson said that he decided when he was about 60 that "I'm not going to spend the rest of my life down here arguing about silly, stupid things.
Parts of Ohio used to belong to Connecticut, and the New Englanders who settled Cleveland, in the eighteenth century, set aside land for a commons, a place for grazing sheep and cattle and for arguing about politics: the public square, the people's park.
In these years, Macron worked as an archivist for the philosopher Paul Ricœur, who taught him, he recalled, "never to get entrenched in a theory that does not confront reality," and whose acolytes are still arguing about how well Macron really knew him.
And as often happens with science fiction, the distance from our reality — we're not yet arguing about the rights of artificial life — provides a mirror through which we can consider the injustices in our own world with more nuance than we might usually.
Is it wrong that while these two are sort of going at each other, I was just marveling at the fact that, 'Wow, we have a gay veteran and a female veteran, both running for president, both arguing about the merits of a foreign intervention'?
The KKK-endorsed president-elect of the United States just appointed a white nationalist to his cabinet and has promised to deport or incarcerate two to three million undocumented immigrants as soon as he's inaugurated, but here's what the left is arguing about: safety pins.
SANDERS: That's right, I mean, instead of arguing about definitions, let's talk about... CLINTON: ... Well, you began it yesterday with your comments... SANDERS: ... What we should do, and one of the things we should do is not only talk the talk, but walk the walk.
And when you think about the taxes, there was that famous exchange at Davos this year with, I'm blanking on his name [Rutger Bregman], the historian who was arguing about the idea that taxes are the way to get this to happen rather than fines.
Decades ago, even before the question of whether or not such works could be called 'outsider art' emerged, some people in the art world were arguing about whether they should mainly be regarded ethnographically or if they could — and should — be discussed and appreciated aesthetically.
Worse, with days left to fill a $1.3 billion hole in the budget, Republicans devoted long hours to further loosening gun laws, to arguing about transgender pupils in school bathrooms and to passing a law that sought to make performing almost all abortions a felony.
" Patrick tried squaring those two parts of his past in his 20433 book "A Reason to Believe," writing he "worked to make Texaco the first major oil company to stop arguing about the science of climate change and to join those in search of solutions.
Historians, for instance, are still writing (and arguing) about the roots of the arms race that culminated in World War I.The arms version of a sports race lacks a purpose (apart from the perpetuation of a competition fueled by an endless action-reaction sequence).
Germany's Ursula von der Leyen said she wanted to build a strategic partnership with Britain, whose politicians are still arguing about when, how or even if the divorce will take place more than three years after its citizens voted 52% to 48% to leave.
This week gives Republicans a chance to try to recover from last week's stumbles, which included a GOP retreat that didn't produce any clear consensus on an Obamacare replacement plan — but did produce a leaked recording of everyone arguing about it behind closed doors.
Leaving the European Union was once far-fetched: just over 15 years ago, British leaders such as Blair were arguing about when to join the euro, and talk of an EU exit was the reserve of skeptics on the fringes of both major parties.
To be worth arguing about, a movie must first of all be interesting: it must have, if not a coherent point of view, at least a worked-out, thought-provoking set of themes, some kind of imaginative contact with the world as we know it.
And if talking and arguing about art is a way of extending its life, of giving it importance, that's a problem, because siloed art is nearly impossible to talk and argue about from a variety of perspectives; instead, it's all seen from one perspective.
As if to demonstrate as much, it turned out that on the day of the killing, when he and his wife had been arguing about their respective children from their first marriages, his wife had been taunting him — about his grown son's own weight.
On Wednesday, the minds behind Black Mirror released a new website that will tell you and your loved one just how long your relationship will last—because nothing is more romantic than arguing about the life span of a relationship on Valentine's Day, right?
However, it's also very illuminating, because when you finally live in a bit more of a world you wanted to see—where people are arguing about really serious things, and shit is happening—it turns out that you have to live with an incredible quantity of sanctimony.
Lamadri told authorities that his family had sat down for Thanksgiving dinner at their home in Cary, North Carolina, when both his sons began arguing about NFL athletes taking a knee to protest racial injustice during the national anthem, according to search warrants obtained by CBS17.
While some Instagram users were busy arguing about whether or not these Pistachio Oreo Thins would be better on a golden Oreo Thin rather than a chocolate one — for the record, this writer is team Chocolate — the Junk Food Aisle quickly posted yet another nutty Oreo announcement.
Bernie Sanders made an early splash in 2015 with his call to make public colleges and universities tuition-free — a battle he's rejoining this week with a new version of legislation to eliminate tuition and cancel student debt — and Democrats have been arguing about it ever since.
For years, it has been arguing about whether to connect its grids with nearby states in a larger regional market system, along the lines of several regional markets in the eastern US. Proponents claim that joining a regional market would bring numerous benefits, principally in lower prices.
In this way, she prepares us, without our knowing it, for the bizarre beginning of the second act, in which we see most of the action we've just seen, but now in relative darkness and silence, as we listen to a recording of pundits arguing about race.
You could argue that the last thing the modern world needs is more white bearded men in their feelings and that's why you have people on Twitter cracking jokes about bands with "log cabin folk songs" arguing about what is and isn't "cutting edge" in 2017.
Yet this paranoid fantasy has in effect become the official position of the G.O.P. Climate change deniers have pretty much given up on arguing about the evidence, although the old line "it's a cold day, so global warming is a myth" still pops up now and then.
The most prominent facts of her own life — her marriage to the poet Robert Lowell, her involvement with Partisan Review and then The New York Review of Books — are themselves fully enmeshed in literature: the arguing about it, writing about it, building love affairs around it.
Representatives for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's office, who arrived on the scene soon after the incident, tell PEOPLE the pair had been arguing about a series of tweets and photos Lee had posted responding to a recent interview given by his former wife — and Brandon's mother — Anderson.
Representatives for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's office, who arrived on the scene soon after the incident, previously told PEOPLE the pair had been arguing about a series of tweets and photos Lee had posted responding to a recent interview given by his former wife — and Brandon's mother — Anderson.
Labrador's quote affirms absolutely everything that Democrats have been arguing about Republicans since the fight over the GOP health care plan began: That they are out of touch with the average person and simply don't understand (or don't care) about the real-world implications of their policy proposals.
Yes, it very much is and it's an artifact of a great TV show and a great cultural moment O'Hurley: J. P. and I have been arguing about this quite candidly for nearly twenty years, often vehemently, about taking the urban sombrero and putting it in the catalog.
So much digital ink has been spilled over the past few months arguing about the rights and representation of the rural working class white man that at this point it's become a tired discussion for those of us who spend our days online, reading and thinking and reacting.
That maybe Rome had had some good ideas back in the day (the aqueduct, for instance) but now most Romans just sort of lay around arguing about Greek plays or watching slaves from far-off locales getting devoured by lions, and what was the point of it all?
I was invited to a holiday party at his fancy house in the Marina area of San Francisco soon after and ended up arguing about the corrosive effects of big valuations with a young Mark Zuckerberg, who had just gotten a $15 billion one for his social networking company.
You should agree on what you're arguing about before you argue: We are either going to work at our house tonight or we're going to make dinner together and play music in the living room or we're going to go out to eat and go to a movie.
But if we're going to be the people who lead the Democratic Party back from the wilderness and lead our country out of this dark time, then we can't waste energy arguing about whose issue matters most or who in our alliance should be voted off the island.
Whether these friends are arguing about safe spaces, bisexual erasure, or paying college athletes, there are at least a couple of times per episode that Zoey — using a wry but clunky combination of voiceover and turns to the camera — says that hey, [x friend] just might have a point.
And I was invited to a holiday party at his fancy house in the Marina area of San Francisco soon after and ended up arguing about the corrosive effects of big valuations with a young Mark Zuckerberg, who had just gotten a $15 billion one for his social networking company.
"It sounded so inhumane to me that people were arguing about whether or not people in my position should be allowed to be cared for and be saved, because without coverage, without this treatment, I would just die and that's it," Young told NPR about the GOP's proposed healthcare plan.
So, while the rest of the northern hemisphere would be arguing about whether Cardi B's "I Like That" soundtracks pool parties or rooftop BBQs better than Ella Mai's "Boo'd Up," we'd be muttering to ourselves about forgetting the umbrella in the bath when we get caught in a June downpour.
"If we're going to be the people who lead the Democratic Party back from the wilderness and lead our country out of this dark time, then we can't waste energy arguing about whose issue matters more or who in our alliance should be voted off the island," she said, drawing applause.
Lauren Langford, a swim coach at a nearby high school, told the Post that while "no one seems to be arguing about if it's sexism," there is debate about whether race played a role in the decision as the teenager is one of the few nonwhite athletes in the sport.
" After more than a year arguing about the rule in court, Chutkan reinstated it in April, saying the Trump administration had not taken the proper steps to revoke the regulation and that the administration's reason to scrap it was "arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law.
I have recently returned from a trip to the United States and Australia, where the reaction and coverage of the North Korean missile crisis is very different from what we are seeing in Europe -- where politicians in the United Kingdom and Brussels are unable to deal with anything other than arguing about Brexit.
By late August, says Shai Akabas of the Bipartisan Policy Center, it seemed likely Congress would spend most of September arguing about the debt ceiling and whether it should be coupled with spending cuts before striking deals on it and on keeping the government open past September 30 at the last minute.
A moment in history But we're at this really interesting place in history where 250 years of arguing about how accountable the president should be to Congress is coming to a head -- not just over impeachment testimony but also over Trump's tax records and with grand jury testimony in the Mueller investigation.
"Every day we spend arguing about keeping the lights on is another day we cannot spend negotiating DACA or defense spending or any of our other shared priorities," Mr. McConnell said, referring to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the program put in place by the Obama administration that shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation.
Remember this next time you hear a talking head on cable news bloviating about how the disease caused by the new coronavirus, or, officially, COVID-19, came from bat soup in China: We've had over a century to try to figure out where and how the 1918 flu started, and we're still arguing about it.
Two young people, a woman and a man—she's a psychology student prepping for a big job interview at a well-funded institute for brain science, and he's her tutor—have been arguing about love, and trust, and instinct, and the existence of unsullied human goodness, offered not out of shrouded self-interest but for its own sake.
This month, New York Times columnist Gail Collins called it "the absolute best political event I ever covered": It was what everybody imagines an underdog campaign would be like—a few reporters and the candidate, driving around in a bus, telling jokes, talking about issues, and of course arguing about where to eat dinner that night.
The Associated Press's Jake Coyle asserted that The Rise of Skywalker regresses by relying too heavily on the franchise's tropes: Not much has caused a disturbance in the "Star Wars" galaxy quite like Rian Johnson's "The Last Jedi," an erratic but electric movie that, regardless of how you felt about it, was something worth arguing about.
As campaign rhetoric got conservatives and progressives arguing about whether the more accurate picture of violent crime in America is a recent spike or a longer downturn, a more meaningful metric—murder inequality—showed how much the risks of being shot vary by race, and just how acute the danger becomes when a person of color is poor.
The fact that Hillary Clinton was put into the anomalous position of blaming Sanders for agreeing with Bill Clinton highlights one of the paradoxes of the ideological battle between the former secretary of state and the Vermont senator: Although Bill Clinton is rarely mentioned by name, his legacy is at the core of what Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are arguing about.
It's an intractable disagreement not because the immediate context is unknowable — the whole event was broadcast live — but because Donald Trump has spent his entire three years in national politics saying things that sound racist to a lot of people, and America has spent three years arguing about whether that's the fault of the person speaking those words or the people hearing them.
For decades, the word "troll" was web-speak for that one rude commenter on a forum who just wouldn't shut up or go away; the one who kept trying to goad the average reasonable person into a fight — and often an absurd one based on absurd logic, or a twisting of your assumptions regarding the basic principles you were arguing about.
Supporters of a decisive Brexit say that while there could be some short-term difficulties, the disruption of a no-deal Brexit has been overplayed and that in the long term the United Kingdom would thrive if it left the EU. Leaving the EU was once far-fetched: Just two decades ago, British leaders were arguing about when to join the euro.
Season two (set in the fall of 1984) didn't feature the characters arguing endlessly about Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale (though they did a little bit), and season three doesn't see the kids arguing about the Troubles in Ireland or making oblique references to the about-to-be-revealed Iran-Contra affair, both of which were big headlines in 1985.
While a group of lithe, naked young people soap up in a pond on the left side of the screen, the right shows a small group of middle-aged men in the town heatedly arguing about whether or not pot is good, if it makes the young people peaceful, and whether or not it was right to give the concertgoers food.
"If we're going to be the people who lead the Democratic Party back from the wilderness and lead our country out of this dark time, then we can't waste energy arguing about whose issue matters more or who in our alliance should be voted off the island," Warren told the crowd at the annual Netroots Nation meeting, which was reportedly received with applause.
"We love going to art fairs and sitting up till four in the morning arguing about art with people," Sharp recalled thinking at the time, conjuring a freewheeling image hard to reconcile with Frieze's current elite trade show atmosphere and ticket prices ($125 for one-day general admission to Frieze Los Angeles galleries and programs; $25 to access only the programs on either Saturday or Sunday).
Whether people are talking about Confederate, the coming HBO show that imagines an America in which white Southerners won the Civil War, or arguing about the portrayal of race in books written for young adults, the conflict often revolves around just how many white liberals and progressives are eager to defend and preserve a dangerous status quo that doesn't strike them as outwardly racist or discriminatory.
Civil rights and feminist activists in the late 20th century lost their battles with the insurance industry because they insisted on arguing about the accuracy of certain statistics or the validity of certain classifications rather than questioning whether actuarial fairness—an individualistic notion of market-driven pricing fairness—was a valid way of structuring a crucial and fundamental social institution like insurance in the first place.
My little fandom corner is full of awesome nerds who love yelling about television, and the day my life exploded we were arguing about storylines from past shows that continue to make us crazy (my own list includes the finales of Will & Grace and How I Met Your Mother, Lorelai cheating on Luke with Christopher on Gilmore Girls, and Toby getting fired on The West Wing).
In his fourth book, "American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures in North America," award-winning author Colin Woodard identifies 11 distinct cultures that have historically divided the US."The country has been arguing about a lot of fundamental things lately including state roles and individual liberty," Woodard, a Maine native who won the 2012 George Polk Award for investigative reporting, told Business Insider.
Read more:&aposThe Mandalorian&apos director approves of calling the show&aposs breakout obsession &aposBaby Yoda,&apos so you can stop arguing about it nowA quick guide to every &aposMandalorian&apos character you should know&aposThe Mandalorian&apos creator Jon Favreau shared the first design of &aposBaby Yoda&aposAn essential timeline of when every past and upcoming &aposStar Wars&apos movie and TV show takes place
Tom falls hard for Summer when they meet at work; is elated when she reciprocates enough interest to kiss him, sleep with him, and engage in couple-like activities, such as exploring IKEA and arguing about records; then spirals when she inevitably breaks up with him after months of refusing to define their relationship, even though she warned him from the get-go that she wasn't interested in anything serious.
This has been one of my enduring wishes for the last decade, and I kept thinking the day was right around the corner, when finally one of my favorites of all time would make it to streaming, and then I could enjoy 9,000 articles dissecting its minutiae and everyone getting super into it and arguing about the best episodes and burying myself in a hundred Frank Pembleton GIFs.
With little separating the four Democratic hopefuls on most campaign issues, the candidates — Sean Patrick Maloney, New York's first openly gay congressman; Leecia Eve, a former top aide to Hillary Clinton and Mr. Cuomo; Zephyr Teachout, a law professor who ran a surprisingly effective race against Mr. Cuomo in the 2014 primary; and Ms. James — have taken to arguing about who is the least anchored to Mr. Cuomo.
I don't even know where to begin with how embarrassing this is, especially combined with the larger issues involving the press we've seen in the past week, including journalists' arguing about fact-checking following a kerfuffle between Chelsea Clinton and Amy Chozick, author of the book Chasing Hillary, and the scrutiny Joy Reid faced regarding her apology over past anti-LGBTQ posts on her blog, which she claims were created by third-party hackers.
Read more:&aposThe Mandalorian&apos director approves of calling the show&aposs breakout obsession &aposBaby Yoda,&apos so you can stop arguing about it now&aposBaby Yoda&apos toys and stuffed animals are finally available to pre-order — here they areDecember is the best month for &aposStar Wars&apos fans — here are the most important dates to add to your calendar&aposStar Wars&apos actress Daisy Ridley prefers &aposBaby Yoda&apos over porgs
Perhaps it's the fact that all that glimmer and shine is the polar opposite of the natural, fuss-free beauty we embrace in the warmer months; maybe it's our way of gearing up for Christmas and New Year's Eve, our makeup bag mirroring the fairy lights with which we deck the halls in our daydreams of an Instagram-ready life that does not involve arguing about politics with our second cousins at the dinner table on Christmas Eve.
But Drake essentially wins that rivalry because he's so much more famous than Meek, and if he releases a diss track, or two consecutively, that's going to take up so much of the oxygen that even if Meek came back right away, I don't think there was any way he was going to win that... I ultimately decided to focus just on rivalries where the artists interacted in some way, where it wasn't just fans arguing about who was better.
Read more:Baby Yoda merchandise will be available for the holidays and you can start buying some of it online right now&aposThe Mandalorian&apos director approves of calling the show&aposs breakout obsession &aposBaby Yoda,&apos so you can stop arguing about it now&aposLast Jedi&apos director Rian Johnson describes seeing baby Yoda on &aposThe Mandalorian&apos set: &aposIt&aposs so beautiful&apos&aposThe Mandalorian&apos creator Jon Favreau just shared the first design of &aposBaby Yoda,&apos and people can&apost handle the cuteness
After the Parkland shooting, posts on my news feed alternated between people I don't know anymore fighting about guns and my college roommate's 20 posts about his new job (Santana, congrats.) The algorithm makes posts stay at the top of the feed for days on end, values engagement (which in my experience means posts in which people are arguing about politics), and surfaces news stories that you might click on but are probably just targeted directly at you using the sophisticated dossier that Facebook has compiled about your life.
Instead of arguing about the goals or inclusiveness of the Women's March or the general strike – as many of us have over the past months – or planning interest-group event after interest-group event (the Scientist's March, for instance), we should all join Black Lives Matter, find our local chapters, and work to revitalize its visionary protests, which serve not only what scholar Robin D. G. Kelley has called the "freedom dreams" of Black America, but the hopes of all of us that someday, somehow, the government will work to better our lives.
When we look back on this show in the decades to come, thinking about its finest hours, I can't help but imagine that we'll revisit many moments from this episode, from that nearly wordless, heart-rending prologue to that scene where Philip and Elizabeth argue about est but aren't really arguing about est; from the look of relief on Matthew Rhys's face when Gabriel grants Philip and Elizabeth a reprieve to the graceful transition from now to "7 months later," which overcame the potential hackiness of a time jump.
Now, there's much more to it than that: direct messages inviting you to join "Fat Joe–approved" pyramid schemes; photos of people doing "good deeds"; middle-aged bank managers arguing about breasts; a steady stream of inspirational quotes, in which Salvador Dalí, Steve Jobs, and Muhammad Ali impart pieces of wisdom that have absolutely nothing to do with finding a job Individuals are trying to make their profiles go viral in the hope that potential employers will see they're really good at reposting memes and then offer them a spot at their actuarial firm or funeral parlor.
OUR FAVORITE BLACK FRIDAY DEALS: Apple AirPods 2 with Charging Case (latest model) — $129 (list price $159) MacBook Air — $649.99 (list price $999) Instant Pot Duo 6-quart — $149.993 (save $50) Shark Ion R75 Robot Vacuum — $149 (save $200) Theragun G3PRO Handheld Percussive Therapy Device — $399 (save $200) Kindle Paperwhite — $84.99 (save $45) Nintendo Switch Blue/Red Joycon with free $803 Amazon credit — $289.99 Samsung 50-inch Class 4K UHD LED Smart TV with HDR (UN50NU6900) — $277.99 (list price $429.99) Dyson V10 Motorhead Cordless Vacuum — $279.99 (save $403) Is everyone all rested from arguing about politics over Thanksgiving dinner?
The early months (at least) of the 2202 race are going to be dominated by three white men in their 2628s arguing about how to make America great again: Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE just turned 28500, Biden is 6900, and Bernie SandersBernie SandersHarry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' The exhaustion of Democrats' anti-Trump delusions Warren offers plan to repeal 2628 crime law authored by Biden MORE is 28503.

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