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329 Sentences With "apologists"

How to use apologists in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "apologists" and check conjugation/comparative form for "apologists". Mastering all the usages of "apologists" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Indeed, to apologists for empire, this was merely an aberration.
In extreme cases, slavery apologists threatened or even killed them.
Apologists for slavery recognized the strength of the claim: pic.twitter.
So how are Trump apologists dealing with this ugly picture?
They're the apologists and the #alllivesmatter hashtag busters before the storm.
Trump's legal team and apologists in the Senate must be embarrassed.
No, we must isolate the hate speech-ers and their apologists.
Supporters of engagement have been dismissed as apologists or even traitors.
You have the rational apologists today, and you have the hawks.
But that charitable judgment can't be extended to Putin's apologists today.
Seder claims his tweet was attacking rape apologists — not joking about rape.
You know the one — horoscope lovers, astrology devotees, Mercury-in-retrograde apologists.
Saudi apologists are already using those facts to discredit any Turkish investigation.
Speaking on behalf of the traditional martial arts apologists, we'll take it.
The government's apologists have been deriding them as out-of-touch sophisticates.
All this should serve as a warning for the president's many apologists.
And oh god, there are so many Norman Mailer apologists out there.
CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS are practiced apologists for President Donald Trump's norm-breaking behaviour.
"Trump & apologists are creating a stab-in-the-back myth," Kristol wrote.
His apologists strain to explain that he didn't mean what we heard.
Clinton apologists can undoubtedly come up with some answers to those questions.
In their corner, apologists would have only the dismal logic of arms sales.
Saudi apologists are using those facts to try to discredit any Turkish investigation.
Italy's recent history may also explain its hardline approach to apologists for terrorism.
Your paper has absolutely zero journalistic professionalism and you are scummy rape apologists.
"These are apologists for an administration that is reckless and irresponsible," she said.
Nazis—and nazi-like apologists such as yourself—need to be confronted directly.
Seeing the president and his apologists share this idiocy is infuriating and hurtful.
And whatever their apologists will later say, it's not entirely Donald Trump's fault.
Do you think there have been too many apologists in the tech media?
ObamaCare apologists like Jonathan Gruber and Ezekiel Emanuel say the remedy is higher penalties.
Thus, Seder tweeted: Seder's tweet is clearly a sarcastic jibe directed at Polanki's apologists.
Aleksandar Hemon, a Bosnian-American writer, called him "the Bob Dylan of genocide apologists".
JARRETT: Because the media were constant apologists for Hillary Clinton, and they hate Donald Trump.
To counter those Lochte apologists, we present none other than Al Roker, America's favorite weatherman.
Trump's surrogates and apologists in the media have already begun to set the stage. Sen.
Some apologists for this move have pointed to Apple's record of discarding other aging standards.
This is one place where Hyde-Smith's associations with segregationists and Confederacy apologists could help.
Not only did they never believe in progress, they're both intensely decadent: apologists of melancholy.
That, suggests Wilentz, makes the present-day neo-Garrisonians unwitting allies of the Southern apologists.
The apologists for despotism may appear to have won the battle, but not the argument.
These former Trump apologists claimed the GOP should absorb his rage against the status quo.
Apologists also say that we need Riyadh to share intelligence, oppose Iran, and pump oil.
The agreement's apologists say that altering or negating the agreement will irreparably harm America's prestige.
Just as Mr. Nixon had his admirers and apologists, so it is with Mr. Trump.
The biggest problem is less about apologists or critics as much as it is groupthink.
Leading news networks rallied behind the government, keel-hauling the students and their "anti-national" apologists.
IS's "caliph", Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had foretold of the capitulation in a dream, explained apologists.
For five years, revenge porn apologists and corporate lobbyists fought to keep the bill from passage.
Divorce is relatively common, some apologists say, in part because southerners still bother to get married.
Transit apologists offer many excuses for ridership declines, such as low gas prices and crumbling infrastructure.
GarPax apologists point to the duo's hands, which are bound by Reinsdorf's notoriously tight purse-strings.
The amount of NSBM apologists I met while playing shows all around the UK is absurd.
It is an exchange so explicit that even Mr. Trump's fiercest apologists cannot wish it away.
Labeling it as such has been a huge rhetorical coup by apologists for unbridled federal power.
For Confederate lovers and apologists, people of color must be forced to honor those men, too.
Unlike an idea, a place does not have a clear inception, a clear consequence, apologists and dissenters.
Lewandowski's defense — that the symbol looks like a sheriff's badge — is already gaining popularity among Trump apologists.
Yet just as Thomas Malthus has his modern-day apologists, so does his mythical contemporary, Ned Ludd.
Trump and his apologists need to understand a few things: Immigrants do not take away American jobs.
I see many Kremlin apologists drawing comparisons between Lance Armstrong and the state-sponsored Russian doping program.
Protesters on campus will carry signs proclaiming Trump and the DOE to be rape apologists, rape supporters.
Instead, perhaps for the sake of likability (that odious virtue), the men become apologists for their time.
Many of Christianity's earliest apologists wrote of their longing to be left alone by the Roman state.
Mr. Christie, whose term ends in January, remains one of Mr. Trump's most loyal supporters and apologists.
In contrast, the resistance of the EPA's bureaucracy and its apologists shows arrogant contempt for the citizen.
Rather, what has truly broken my heart are the ranks of Mr. Trump's many allies and apologists.
And the prevailing questions these abusers and their apologists still seem to be asking is: Wasn't that enough?
For years a loose, but committed network of regime apologists in Washington pushed an unpopular pro-Tehran agenda.
Other apologists for the GOP nominee are quick to point out that each of his maneuvers is legal.
Comey and staunch Clinton apologists keep providing cover by adding that element — intent — that simply is not needed.
But our cause does not serve the interests of the handful of discredited apologists of the Tehran regime.
Conservative apologists pretend this is all just standard political gamesmanship, but nothing like it has ever happened before.
Anxiety levels are rising among some entrenched State Department bureaucrats and die-hard Iran apologists inside the Beltway.
Apologists also claim that, with Trump's decision, Tehran will simply restart its enrichment activities on an industrial scale.
It was not just "terrorism," the word used by regime apologists to fend off any share of blame.
Apologists for dictatorship - Cuba, Russia, Saudi Arabia - always say 'they do some bad things, and some good things.
Apologists might retort that Humboldt is still recovering from its time on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall.
Blumberg told BuzzFeed News that Mangan and other critics of the Russian effort are apologists for the herbicide industry.
But conservative critics are accusing the reporters of going over the line, and acting as apologists for MS-20123.
Lee was in the history textbooks too, which in those days in South Carolina were written by Confederate apologists.
Later, slavery apologists offered a religious explanation via the story of Noah in the book of Genesis as well.
It was painful to watch Trump apologists fan out in the media to defend the president over the weekend.
Trump apologists are now accusing the intelligence community of simultaneously being incompetent and a sinister conspirator against the president.
"Despite false assertions made by President Trump and his apologists, I did not contradict Mr. Cohen's testimony," Davis said.
CNN chose to sideline much of its regular stable of conservative pundits and replace them with professional Trump apologists.
Israel's apologists will be left mimicking the argument that William F. Buckley once made about the Jim Crow South.
The deeper mystery is why certain conservatives who were once Trump's fiercest critics have become his most sophistical apologists.
Mr. Bolsonaro and his running mate are proud apologists for the military dictatorship that reigned from 1964 to 1985.
For the administration's apologists, the fallback line is that the Russia investigation will continue no matter who succeeds Comey.
Apologists for Big Pharma will claim that high US drug prices are necessary to sustain spending on R&D.
Presented with this list, the president's craven apologists insist he's right to try to find common ground with Russia.
More measured apologists say he's merely naïve, just as Obama and Bush were at the beginning of their terms.
But in many liberal eyes, avant-garde conservatives have morphed from countercultural rebels to government apologists—or worse, regime propagandists.
The Kremlin and its apologists answer that military intervention was necessary to forestall the U.S.-led alliance's inexorable eastward encroachment.
Contrary to the justifications and pretexts of apologists for Egypt's government, it's also bad for stability and progress in Egypt.
More disturbingly, Iran apologists and lobbyists have found a stable home at Foggy Bottom to the detriment of American interests.
And he had been relentlessly singled out for rebutting Kremlin apologists about the seizure of Crimea and subversion of Ukraine.
Some apologists claim that he is waiting until he wins a majority in the upper house before taking on bigger reforms.
The favourite mantra of Trump apologists—"Take note of what the president does, not what he says"—is illustrative of that.
The anti-authority cultural changes of the 1960s, it seems, brought with them a rising concern with elites and their apologists.
Apologists for the president and the angry right he is speaking to point out that the left is not guiltless either.
You know, you guys are Trump apologists today, because the president-- GUTFELD: Oh. WATTERS: You&aposre a fake news apologist, Juan.
Rwanda's government, borrowing from European laws against Holocaust denial, brands its opponents as apologists for the 1994 genocide and silences them.
In fact, some scholars have accused Confederate apologists of unfairly demonizing Knight in an attempt to erase his story from history.
For Castro's apologists they are not merely unfortunate and regrettable byproducts of change, they are an essential part of his appeal.
Collectively, we agree this action speaks louder than "thoughts and prayers" platitudes commonly uttered by gun violence apologists after mass shootings.
Objections and questions about the act are met with a backlash that demonizes the source as anti-victim or rape apologists.
Michael Flynn as his national security adviser, Mr. Trump will have filled two top national security posts with pro-Russia apologists.
"Michael Jackson fans are heavily educated on all the allegation cases, we're not apologists or blindly supporting him," one person tweeted.
Administration apologists can claim otherwise, but there are plenty of ways that the White House can apply pressure to any federal bureaucrat.
Ford has been sharply critical of arms control advocates, dismissing many of them as "dim bulbs or apologists" in a recent speech.
And it seems that commissions operate with the same mindset that many apologists do—he's still competitive, therefore he must be fine.
I fear, however, that the disgust with Trump's comments will be quickly forgotten just as Bill Clinton's indiscretions were by his apologists.
I will leave it to Trump's supporters, apologists and cronies to tell the world how proud they are to stand with him.
Those of us questioning such analysis were painted as "Trumpers" and apologists, even though we criticized Trump for his conduct and comments.
Apologists were keen to paint this as an anti-corruption exercise—and graft is, to be sure, a huge problem in Syria.
Just when I thought the deliberate gaslighting by Trump apologists couldn't get any worse, it reached a new low on Fox News.
And whatever apologists for small government might argue, there is no credible evidence that countries with higher tax rates necessarily grow less.
Some Obama apologists made the point that the president neither orders FISA surveillance nor directs the steps taken to carry it out.
After Democrat Ralph Northam decisively won the Virginia governor's race, Trump apologists claimed Republican Ed Gillespie didn't run on a Trumpian agenda.
"Both of them have become such apologists for this president that I think they would be impervious to those pleadings," he said.
The Valley apologists say, look, a little assholery is just the price we pay for letting creative, rebellious geniuses start great companies.
Apologists for the police note that the wave of jihadist attacks that hit the coast between 2011 and 2014 appears to have ebbed.
The payday-loan apologists will similarly argue that their industry's insane interest rates are still better than illegal alternatives on the black market.
Powell apologists, "they must have no sense or empathy for what's about to happen to the working person in this country," Cramer added.
There have been unabashed enablers, a shrinking but resolute camp of left-wing governments that have served as apologists for the despotic president.
It's Me, Margaret, a 2014 edition, is enough to make even the most partisan of '80s cover apologists consider buying a new copy.
Apologists for the Saudis have pointed out that other nominally allied countries, including the Turks, have their own apparatus of torture and repression.
The gratuitous nature of his unpresidential behavior adds an element of farce to the tragic bargain many of Mr. Trump's apologists have struck.
As with many of Trump's most steadfast apologists, Lewandowski, when he is on the record, insists the president is not complicated at all.
" On Wednesday the opinion team followed up with "Rat droppings: Five dumb things Trump apologists have said about the president's anti-Baltimore tirade.
Think about it: If even weather forecasters are expected to be apologists for Dear Leader, the corruption of our institutions is truly complete.
"Democrats and much of the media risk appearing as Iran apologists who look to blame America for responding to terrorist acts and plans."
On Thursday, Lemon defended the network's coverage of SharpieGate and the Alabama hurricane controversy and acknowledged that the "president's apologists" say it's petty.
There's nothing to learn Trump apologists often state or imply, like Trump himself has, that there is nothing to learn from his tax returns.
This, despite the droplets of leveling to which smartphone apologists endlessly point while promising that interconnectivity will bring inequality to light as never before.
Trump has drawn admirable qualities out of elite conservatives who under different circumstances would be serving as dutiful apologists for a more acceptable nominee.
Apologists for the Jones Act, including representatives of the American domestic shipping industry, argue that it's impossible to estimate the costs of the law.
Obama and his apologists try to evade this conclusion by stressing that their policy destroyed Syria's "declared" stockpile or removed "nearly all" its weapons.
These slavery apologists were less invested in defending slavery per se than in defending slaveowners, and they weren't defending slaveowners so much as themselves.
First, there's a lot of downtime — even the staunchest of baseball apologists will cop to the fact that the game can be extremely slow.
The starkest example of this came during the recent impeachment trial in the Senate, where Republicans metamorphosed into bodyguards and apologists for President Trump.
Trump's multiplying Republican apologists do not deny the self-evident — that he is as clueless regarding everything as he is about the nuclear triad.
Enough Germans are done with those dozen Nazi years to send apologists for the army of the Third Reich back to the Reichstag building.
It is also unlikely to change the minds of rape apologists who, in a knee-jerk fashion, always discount the words of the accusers.
Instead, Jennifer's Body apologists read it as a fantasy for women — and when you look at the movie that way, everything starts to change.
Mr Trump, echoed by apologists in Congress, has repeatedly scorned the idea that Russia—if it did meddle in American politics—tried to help him.
However, we have also seen a rising army of apologists who excuse comments like the calls for amending the first amendment or changing libel laws.
Apologists for Mr Trump claim that, if you squint a bit, their new champion fits onto the conservative end of a left-right political spectrum.
Even more fundamentally, the history of white supremacy in this country does not begin and end with the CSA and its apologists like the UDC.
Unlike many 19th century apologists for slavery who saw it as a necessary evil, Calhoun deemed it a "positive good" for both master and slave.
The world's wealthiest people have been tripping over themselves to become the most convincing apologists for the system that propelled them into their well-appointed stratosphere.
"For these thought crimes, we are branded by @IranDisinfo and similar social media accounts as Tehran's 'mouthpieces,' 'apologists,' 'collaborators,' and 'lobbyists' in the West," he wrote.
This defense is a natural outgrowth of the unitary executive theory, a legal doctrine advanced by apologists for the imperial presidency, including Attorney General William Barr.
I am more than ready to take on the greed and corruption of the corporate elites and their apologists ... To put it bluntly, I am back.
But that's the level of thought American apologists have offered when trying to reconcile the nation's centuries-spanning race-based class warfare with its egalitarian rhetoric.
"The thing that the apologists for communism never seem to notice is that the rafts in Key West are all going in one direction," he said.
None of Yiannopoulos' previous apologists—not CPAC, not Simon & Schuster, not Breitbart, nobody—deserves praise for suddenly realizing that Milo Yiannopoulos is a repulsive human being.
Some Trump apologists have even taken to declaring that we needn't worry about corruption from the incoming clique, because rich men don't need more money. Seriously.
" They wrote that they "are not interested in responding to these comments by the gallery or engaging in any future dialogue with the artist and his apologists.
For this reason, we are not interested in responding to these comments by the gallery or engaging in any future dialogue with the artist and his apologists.
But before Republicans gloat over the Democrats&apos hypocrisy, they need to be careful and not to mirror the Democrats&apos Russia transformation by becoming Kremlin apologists.
As a society, we cannot expect to reduce the number of campus sexual assaults if we continue to brand as "rape apologists" those who offer common sense.
Confederate apologists in the South and around the country have rallied behind such monuments since they first went up in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
He knows perfectly well that what his apologists trumpet as political stability is in reality political stagnation, and that popular support for the regime is in decay.
Recall last summer's policy of separating migrant children from their parents — a move so appalling that even some of the president's Republican apologists could not stomach it.
Now we will have to wait to see if any Trump apologists on the Senate Intelligence Committee are so foolish as to join the White House mini-sham.
Which is why even the apologists should see that that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is absolutely trumped by Batman and Superman's late-90s animated team-up.
As the presidential season approaches a climax, Trump and his embarrassed apologists whine about moderators and microphones after his low-energy and lie-filled performance in the debate.
What the supporters, enablers and apologists of the caravan seek is great numbers of immigrants whom they believe will be beholden to the party of government, the Democrats.
It will also show the Woodward book will be a defining moment as the American people render judgment on the Trump presidency, his defenders, apologists, enablers and shills.
The Financial Times previously found that ads from major organizations were appearing next to content from supporters of extremist groups like rape apologists, anti-Semites and hate preachers.
While the most obvious ones came from white supremacists and Confederate apologists, the more surprising one came from moderates who did not agree with our methods for change.
Like Lost Cause apologists, Texas A&M University honors the memorabilia of Klan leaders and takes pride in the racial provincialism of the past instead of purging them.
Conservative apologists for Trump have long told us not to worry about his most extreme positions, because his sober-minded advisers would surely bring him to reason. Sure.
I wonder if Ahmari has any inkling of how preposterous it looks, from outside his right-wing bubble, for Trump apologists to posture as defenders of family life.
Prayer may deliver comfort in this awful moment, but we aren't going to love away the hate and selfishness that fills those who commit such atrocities nor their apologists.
From James Dobson to Jerry Falwell to Eric Metaxas, Trump's most ardent religious apologists have cited "religious liberty" as a key reason for backing a candidate of questionable character.
Finally, an informal collection of countries, known as the Lima Group, had begun coordinating Venezuela policy without the need to negotiate with Maduro apologists in La Paz and Quito.
If we are not part of a resistance to whatever injustices our era dreams up, will future journalists be able to say we too were lap dogs and apologists?
But before that, those voters must do so later this year, to rid the House and the Senate of as many of Trump's defenders, apologists and accomplices as possible.
Reading the increasingly outlandish theories cooked up by Mr. Trump's defenders and apologists is like entering an alternate, upside-down universe where Hillary Clinton remains Public Enemy No. 1.
Southern apologists for slavery, who liked to talk about "happy slaves," had to devise ever more labyrinthine theories to explain why such happy people were so determined to escape.
Apologists for the deal answer that the price is worth paying because Iran has put on hold much of its production of nuclear fuel for the next several years.
The biggest bombshell came Wednesday, with the appearance of Gordon Sondland, the Trump megadonor turned ambassador to the European Union, who dismantled the top talking points of presidential apologists.
America must share this publicly, partly because Mr Trump's word alone does not carry weight, but also to build a coalition and help stifle the objections of Iran's apologists.
Despite this, enough damning evidence came to light that the president's apologists have largely avoided defending his behavior on the merits, instead taking refuge in specious complaints about process.
Apologists can nibble at the margins, but there is no escaping that Barr's choice to patronize a Trump property, like Pence's, will put thousands of dollars in Trump's pocket.
Calling these rifles "assault weapons" is unfair, gun makers and their apologists insist, because it implies they are frightening weapons of war when they are sold for civilian use.
Apologists for the Burmese government insist that it is almost impossible for anyone, foreign or local, to do much about this, since the Burmese army is a law unto itself.
Pondering so many mixed signals, Trump apologists cross their fingers, squint a bit, and declare that they see a political pragmatist who may yet preside over a rather normal administration.
President Trump and other apologists for the Republican plan insist that they're not in it for the money for themselves, but are simply the selfless servants of the average worker.
For years, Tehran apologists and lobbyists have staged the discussion under the cloak of realpolitik — options are limited to kissing the Ayatollah's hand or engaging in all-out, nihilistic warfare.
Trump apologists from the anti-anti-Trump school aren't the only ones who dispute that his suspicious behavior is a manifestation of underlying guilt; many on the left do, too.
Nonetheless, Obama administration apologists continue to defend it as a vehicle to verifiably block Iran's development of nuclear weapons technology while also promising a moderation of the regime in Tehran.
At the time, the White House and its apologists argued that these alleged crimes pre-dated the campaign, and were thus unrelated to any putative election-related conspiracies with Russia.
His cronies and apologists include such allegorical types as Reverend Salvation and Editor Daily, whom 1937 audiences would have recognized as cartoon versions of Billy Sunday and William Randolph Hearst.
A world where apologists for these men blame the women themselves for any sexual harms that befall them, and where the behavior of such men is even excused as normal.
Bret Stephens In the matter of Robert Mueller's investigation of the Trump-Russia connection, administration apologists make three significant claims in an effort to discredit the former F.B.I. director's work.
While the ordinary French appeared revolted by the apologists, writers were considered part of this elite and were even expected to engage in acts of moral transgression, Mr. Verdrager said.
Trump and his apologists have made a number of excuses for what he said Tuesday, most of which contradict each other, and all of which contradict the words he actually said.
This has prompted Wall Street apologists to come out in full force and try to explain why the chaos in global currencies and equities will not be a repeat of 2008.
Under Trump, however, they've proven timid and confused, only to at times find their footing and stand not as contrarians, but as apologists for President Trump's reckless actions and dangerous tweets.
Because whether their intentions were good or bad, the only thing Louis C.K.'s apologists have succeeded in doing is raising the question of whether our culture needs to change at all.
It's a website that has published Charlottesville apologists, climate change denialism, and Pizzagate conspiracy theorists; it would be overly generous not to question their motives for putting up a "fact-checking" arm.
It should also be noted, when apologists for the Iranian government attempt to say it has no popular standing in Iran, that it was the MEK which exposed the regime's nuclear programm.
This summer, after a loose coalition of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and Confederate apologists announced that they would hold a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, promotional flyers began to circulate on the Internet.
Now the president and his apologists are mounting an astonishing defense — accusing Cohen of being a liar while insisting there was nothing wrong with the very business dealings Trump previously lied about.
The Daily Beast published an absurd article titled "Tulsi Gabbard's Campaign is Being Boosted By Putin Apologists" about how three of her donors, among tens of thousands, had tangential connections to Russia.
"The whole damn thing is ludicrous," Doucette wrote in a message to The New Republic, pointing out, as he had on Twitter, that $22.5 million amounts to an "annuity" for Confederate apologists.
Instead, the president's apologists insist the real story is the genesis of the investigation, supposedly a Deep State smear job by the F.B.I. against an anti-establishment candidate they feared and loathed.
And it's a sad thing to see them as apologists for the Obama administration in that way, given the kind of critical background that all of them have had at some point.
At one end of the spectrum, Lockheed Martin and its apologists are saying the F-35 is stealthy, it does everything, and can take the place of a lot of other airplanes.
" AND NOW, A WORD FROM CHARLES… "It's rather pathetic to hear Trump apologists protesting that it's no big deal because we Americans are always intervening in other people's elections, and they in ours.
Thanks to the many Trump apologists in the Republican Party, Trump has full immunity from the only body that could put an end to his reign of hatred, divisiveness, bigotry and political arson.
Regarding this matter, Trump's apologists cannot blame Lester Holt, the NBC anchor who did a creditable job as moderator and did not bully the bully into this and other gaffes in the debate.
They portray every security measure as an attack on Muslims — this is an extraordinary strategy and seemed certainly destined to fail, save for the indefatigable support that Islamic apologists enjoy in the media.
" Probably the most famous historical application of tu quoque was by apologists for the Soviet Union, who for decades habitually countered any American criticism of conditions there with, "And you are lynching Negroes.
Laibach is the German name for Ljubljana, used by occupying German forces and collaborators in World War II, and some in 1980s Yugoslavia thought the band were Nazi apologists or right-wing extremists.
Indeed, part of the madness of this moment is that while some Trump apologists — as well as Trump himself — deny their role in tearing families apart, others in the administration boldly own it.
Those fired or now in jail were representatives of or apologists for the P.K.K., the main Kurdish militant group, said Galip Ensarioglu, a lawmaker from Mr. Erdogan's party who represents Diyarbakir in Parliament.
MRA dude Fran Dodd (Bobby Moynihan) champions the innocence of the Reverend — a literal monster — while demonstrating all the behaviors of current apologists bending over backwards to forgive harassers and predators in Hollywood.
As evidence mounts that Hamas intended to murder Israeli children, women and men after breaching the border fence to Israel,  Hamas apologists must ask themselves why they are on the wrong side of morality.
A single program of relief for the people who need it would have financial, moral and rhetorical advantages over programs responsive to armies of lawyers, economists and other apologists for competing businesses and industries.
Rather, these bureaucrats and apologists do not want someone who already understands foreign policy and is going to do to the State Department what he did to New York City Hall — make it functional.
Until they get up, listen and do the work to understand those whose feelings have been shaped by injustices, they will remain apologists for the status quo, racist ideology and the white nationalist patriarchy.
Of course, many conservatives act as "Trump apologists," covering for the President when he says or does something worthy of criticism, and they tolerate the intolerable in the pursuit of more conservative Supreme Court appointments.
Since the show aired, many celebrities have spoken out against or disavowed Kelly, and several publications have drawn attention to the fact that Gaga was one of Kelly's most recent high-profile collaborators and apologists.
For many, particularly Awami League supporters, to allow any equivocation about the numbers of victims in the 1971 war is to open the door to the apologists for Pakistan and the enemies of Bangladeshi independence.
Without working people at the table, policy becomes less about addressing what's good for public health and safety, and more about appeasing corporate apologists who constantly champion "being realistic" over being safe, moral, or just.
His departure demolishes three theories, cherished by administration apologists, as to why the Trump presidency will be a success (or at the least not a disaster) despite the temperament of the man at the top.
Yet many people are afraid that describing the very rare instances of enslaved African-Americans "negotiating" with white enslavers, people who held near absolute power over them, will allow slavery apologists to minimize its depredations.
A lot of center-right apologists for Trump used to claim that he wasn't really fixated on bilateral trade balances, which every economist knows is stupid, that it was really about intellectual property or something.
A lot of center-right apologists for Trump used to claim that he wasn't really fixated on bilateral trade balances, which every economist knows is stupid, that it was really about intellectual property or something.
Apologists claim the echo's purpose is for "highlighting the massively high levels of Jewish Privilege & Power" while Engadget likened it to the gold star badges Jews were forced to wear during the Nazi's reign in Germany.
Fiduciaries: There has been a lot of Twitter posturing and schadenfreude over this mess, but the job of Uber's investor board members this past weekend was to preserve value ― not appease the critics or the apologists.
Throughout this difficult period during which he has been almost continually blasted by the mainstream media as unprepared and incompetent, his supporters and apologists have continued to point out that Trump's base is still with him.
FBI statistics on hate crimes since 2012 have shown at least five times as many reports of hate crimes against Jews than against Muslims – a detail that Muslim Brotherhood advocates and apologists would have us ignore.
Mr. Trump's apologists default to "Trump being Trump" when our president says or tweets something that defies reality, but Mr. Trump is not some guy sitting on a bar stool nursing his drink and his grudges.
The first — represented by our president-elect, who seems incapable of laughter, and some of his apologists — is the bad kind, embodied by the thirst for profit or by apocalypse fetishism, joyless ideology, and even cruelty.
But the deepest rift is with the apologists, the "good" Trump voters, the white people who understand that Mr. Trump says "unfortunate" things but support him because they like what he says on jobs and taxes.
Friday morning, Donald Trump showed up at CPAC, the annual gathering of political types who are to the right of moderate Republicans but to the left of actual Nazis and pedophilia apologists, to take a victory lap.
Nevertheless, right-wing groups use the numbers to hype the threat of girls getting cut in the US, while FGM apologists dismiss the numbers as inflated, saying the practice is a problem exclusive to poor, uneducated immigrants.
Sea sponge apologists: - supposedly a DVD commentary corroborates the "dish sponge > lumpy sea sponge" cartoon theoryDish sponge believers: - his form as a dish sponge is a commentary on a "land dwellers gaze"Misc: - is Spongebob a tampon?
The loopholes in our gun laws are being exploited by terrorists and criminals, and it is beyond time for Congress to act in the interests of the populace at large and ignore the National Rifle Association apologists.
In that vein, America doesn't need a referendum on Trump; it needs one on racism and hatred and a political party that's willing to line up as apologists for such virulence in order to win an election.
As Congress fails to do its constitutionally mandated duty and investigate the president's readily apparent crimes, Trump, Barr, and a rogue's gallery of administration apologists have been given a world of room to peddle their own fiction.
Some apologists claim that these types of racist practices, and the codes of silence that are required to perpetuate them, are the unsavory but necessary facts of life in maintaining law and order in the big city.
Back during this past winter's immigration debate, it was commonplace for Ryan's tireless apologists in the press corps to note that he would be "risking his speakership" if he defied House backbenchers' opposition to a DACA fix.
Mr. Allen continues to make a movie a year, and a dwindling chorus of apologists has insisted that to discuss those movies with reference to very public aspects of his personal life offends the integrity of criticism.
In the meantime, we have a "No Guardrails" presidency, in which Trump's contempt for law, procedure and decorum are a license for the behavior of his minions and a model for future American demagogues and their apologists.
And amid the endless pleas for us to consider the rights of abusers, none of these apologists have bothered thinking about the rights of the women who risked their careers, reputations, and wellbeing to speak out against them.
Omar is singled out for weeks of harsh criticism and subjected to a public display of disapprobation (even after she apologized) while actions by the president and his GOP apologists that involve our nation's secrets receive less attention.
This has led apologists to insist that they were all there; it's just that somebody sitting on one side of the stable could see only the shepherds, and another witness across the way saw only the wise men.
So Friedman not only has the law on his side but the foresight Palestinian apologists lack, namely, the understanding that recognizing Jerusalem as the indivisible capital of Israel will end the Palestinian fantasy of one day controlling Jerusalem.
DAVID COSTELLO Salem, N.H. To the Editor: If Hillary Clinton wins, and the Democrats achieve gains in Congress, the G.O.P.'s defeats will be blamed, by G.O.P. apologists and others, on the messenger (Donald Trump), not the message.
Killing native wildlife shows everyone involved in an unflattering light: Bureaucrats look incompetent (or worse, corrupt), state biologists look like they don't understand basic science, apologists for predator killing look like sellouts and ranchers look like bloodthirsty killers.
Southern lawmakers traditionally prevailed by arguing against federal interference in local affairs, by positing that anti-lynching laws would be unconstitutional and by playing on racial fears with rhetoric about black rapists, a favorite boogeyman of lynching apologists.
Mr. Nadler sought to "examine the law of impeachable offenses," with a special focus on showing that — contrary to the claims of Mr. Trump's apologists — a crime need not have been committed to justify this course of action.
The president's usual apologists may defend his management habits as evidence of otherworldy genius, but Jim Mattis, John Kelly, Gary Cohn, H.R. McMaster, and others who have worked closely with Donald Trump would probably tell a different story.
As much as Trump and his apologists repeat the phrase "no quid pro quo" to persuade us that he wasn't demanding that a foreign country do his political dirty work, it's hard to read the situation any other way.
All this is catnip to the president's apologists, who can now point to a genuine instance of fake news — not merely factually mistaken, but willfully misleading — in order to dismiss the great bulk of negative reportage that isn't fake.
Also: If the Jewish state is really so villainous, why doesn't it behave more like Syria's Bashar al-Assad or Russia's Vladimir Putin — both of whom, curiously, continue to have prominent sympathizers and apologists on the anti-Israel left?
According to this data, it's clear that once black Americans sought their own agency or publicly defended their rights, white supremacists and Confederate apologists became eager to crowd around these monuments in tender affection and homage, to espouse this history.
Nor does it mean (as Mr Xi's apologists have argued) that once he gets his own people into positions of authority, he will be able to press ahead with the economic reforms that have stalled in the past two years.
Obama apologists said America's economy no longer could grow at its long-term annual average of 28500 percent to 6900 percent, claiming that around 2628 percent was the "new normal" and Americans were going to have to get used to it.
But Mugabe also had his apologists and admirers, and Zimbabwe's tragedy is just a fuller version of a post-colonial story of disastrous ideological experiments accompanied by foreigners who cheered those experiments and then looked the other way when they failed.
But contrary to claims by some of her apologists, the remark is not taken out of context, it is not contradicted by anything else she says in the speech, and it is not marred merely because it is factually mistaken.
This notion that Trump is damaging the sanctity and purity of truth, that truth in the Trump era operates on a floating scale, that for the Trump apologists truth has become a minor inconvenience, should have us all objecting in earnest.
One lesson from this history is that while there are always apologists at the time, ultimately we come to appreciate that to wrench shrieking children from the arms of their parents is not just cruel, not just abhorrent, but truly evil.
That Mr. Allen's creative partnership with Ms. Farrow was so fruitful and that their personal relationship ended with such public bitterness is a fact that offers little comfort to either Mr. Allen's apologists or to those who would condemn him.
Now, while Mr. Trump's apologists have not yet settled on a precise rationalization for why the president pressured a foreign government to meddle in American elections, some defenders have clung to the position that there was no quid pro quo.
I have read with interest the assessments by opponents of Israel and apologists for a Palestinian government that continues to incite its people to violence and pays out lifelong blood money payments to the families of terrorists who murder Israelis.
He divides the last group, in turn, into the Apologists (who "often display a telltale trait: smiling and nodding at the wrong time") and the Silent Abettors (who keep quiet but, as he acknowledges, may include some secret, surviving Steady Staters).
Some apologists, like scholar S.T. Joshi, have argued that Lovecraft's offensive views were only central to a few of his lesser works, like the bigoted poem with a title that starts "On the Creation Of" and ends with a racist slur.
Its presence in police culture, though often flatly denied by the many police apologists that appear in the media now, has been central to the breakdown in police-community relationships for decades in spite of good people doing police work.
THERE are lots of excellent reasons why America should deepen its relations with Taiwan, the raucous, friendly and dynamic island of 25m people that shows that democracy and Chinese culture can co-exist, despite what apologists for one-party rule like to claim.
The fuzziness of the 500,000 figure — which many activists suspect is an undercount — gives room for right-wing groups to hype the threat and FGM apologists to play it down, each side using the lack of hard numbers to boost their argument.
Ultimately, the piece called attention to women who felt their voices were being silenced in a conversation that should include everyone, which is why I was disappointed to see it trashed on social media —even lumped in with takedowns of Woody Allen apologists.
Despite the fact that WoV Portland-area leader Jack Donovan calls himself an "anarcho-fascist" and has spoken at alt-right conferences, efforts by Rose City Antifa to expose this group and their local workings have met with resistance from nihilist apologists.
It doesn't take much intellectual branch swinging to get from a belief in "female hypergamy" to a belief in "enforced monogamy" as the only way to guarantee "lower-status" men the women these men (and their apologists, like Peterson) assume they deserve.
The year between the launch of Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Britain's decision to withdraw from the European Union was enough time for conservative elites to divide themselves between Trump supporters and apologists, on the one hand, and Trump renouncers on the other.
And it only got more heated for Amazon and its apologists when, a couple of hours into the questioning, council members turned the conversation to something people living in the city have coursing through their veins: class consciousness and love for organized labor.
Many found their new hero in Donnelly, who, with songs like "Boys Will Be Boys"—a chilling indictment of rape apologists—and the seething "Mechanical Bull," about sexist microaggressions, came bolting out of the gate with her feminist credentials pinned to her chest.
This might be why on Fox News — where Trump apologists reign supreme — this unpopular Trump policy has been downplayed: When the policy does get attention, it has often been framed with the decidedly pro-Trump bent that this entire saga is Democrats' fault.
Not only did it play into the hands of Southern apologists, by implying that slavery was not the fundamental source of the conflict, but it also played down the substantial differences between the societies of the North and South that slavery had created.
With all that, the trade miscreants, and their apologists, continue to vilify the U.S. as a protectionist destroying the rules-based multinational trading system — simply because Washington sought relief from soaring debts and deficits, with losses of jobs, incomes and intellectual property.
Well, it's true that people move up and down the economic ladder, and apologists for inequality love to cite statistics showing that many people who are in the top 1 percent in any given year are out of that category the next year.
Still, there is perhaps no single better paragraph in this whole thing than an otherwise throwaway line buried in all of this nonsense, but one that will surely begin to gnaw at Pats apologists like a pebble inside their shoe: It''s beautiful.
As a new era of reactionary, regressive policy takes aim squarely at the rights, dignity and safety of women across America, the team poised to execute key roles in the Trump administration constitutes a cross-section of abusers, apologists and enablers of violence against women.
Although the company and its apologists insisted that one can tolerate significant amounts without ill effects, this reassurance rang hollow in Anniston neighborhoods that found themselves suddenly battling a legion of ailments from cancers to memory loss, confusion, and a slew of other intellectual problems.
For over a year, Trump's most loyal apologists have been out in full force, rationalizing his past comments as just "entertainment" or more recently as simple "locker room banter," as if those are somehow acceptable excuses for blatant misogyny or perhaps outright sexual assault.
At a Republican debate in South Carolina on February 13th Donald Trump accused George W. of wittingly invading Iraq on a false prospectus and failing to "keep America safe"—the phrase apologists for the former president are most likely to use when defending his record.
Globalism's champions—or apologists, depending on your view—argue that even if it's experiencing a backlash in the U.S. and Europe right now, it's been a great success in poorer nations like China and (to a lesser degree) India, which have built substantial middle classes.
CHRIS RASMUSSENHIGHLAND PARK, N.J. To the Editor: As a card-carrying '60s "leftie," I am going to side with the "new left" if it means getting rid of Republican apologists such as Representative Daniel Lipinski of Illinois, a conservative Democrat facing a primary challenge.
In private conversations, many of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez's Democratic colleagues routinely complain that in her zeal to build her social media celebrity and political brand, she is too quick to cast aspersions on her fellow lawmakers, painting them as apologists for the status quo.
Ultimately, abolition of the monstrosity of abducting and enslaving millions of Africans required something beyond moderation and compromise among slavery's opponents and "statesmanlike" defenders, such as Calhoun, and ambivalent apologists (including even Abraham Lincoln, who long prioritized saving the Union above emancipating the slaves).
Between July and October 2016, Clinton-connected lawyers, emissaries and apologists made more than a half-dozen overtures to U.S. officials, each tapping a political connection to get suspect evidence into FBI counterintelligence agents' hands, according to internal documents and testimonies I reviewed and interviews I conducted.
Well, it looks like the Louis C.K. apologists have at least pivoted to a different tactic than simply labeling accusers liars, after the comedian finally admitted to the sexual misconduct he's been disparaging as mere "rumor" for five years (and as recently as two months ago).
No matter what he knew about generating power, Liddell's body was clearly crocked: he couldn't turn into his shots and his arm punches on the mitts left Ortiz and the Liddell-apologists scrambling to claim that Liddell was clearly hiding his best stuff to surprise Ortiz.
There is no real ideological consistency to this group: Trump's expanding circle of apologists includes Sarah Palin and Steve Forbes, Mike Huckabee and Chris Christie; he has anti-immigration populists and Wall Street supply-siders, True Conservatives and self-conscious moderates, evangelical preachers and avowed white nationalists.
Liberal apologists for the communist regime have been the most vociferous critics of the strategic tariffs imposed by President, for instance, loudly demanding a return to the old status quo under which China brazenly ripped off American products, stole American technology, and took away American jobs.
" Among many, the biggest criticism Strobel's book receives is that all of his sources for historical or scientific information come from Christian apologists, never any non-believers, a circumstance Connell likens to "scientists who work for oil companies trying to prove global warming is a hoax.
Despite extreme metal's current slide towards the reactionary right, its inherent sense of rebellion, dislike for authority, and value for individual freedom is far more in line with leftist political philosophies—whether or not all the neo-Nazi filth and rotten Nazi apologists stinking up its darker corners agree.
When a socialist bookshop was attacked by pro-Trump protesters on Saturday, it fed into an ongoing and unnerving narrative in recent UK politics: Boris Johnson's Islamophobic dog-whistle this week, Steve Bannon's meddling in European politics, and a stream of far-right apologists all over the media.
Men are more violent than women, a fact we are prone to invoking not as a statistic but either meekly, as a quandary, or gravely, as a judgment; at a time of viral outrage like the #MeToo moment, we may sense gradations but are afraid to be labeled apologists.
And despite the laughable rationalizations now being peddled by administration apologists, Mr. Brennan's spanking is just the latest display of what has become standard operating procedure for this president: using the official levers of government to punish critics and to encourage other detractors to sit down and shut up.
For a couple of days, some apologists — including Mr. Trump — peddled a conspiracy theory, first floated by a conservative website, that the form the whistle-blower used to make his complaint had secretly been changed just days earlier to allow, for the first time, reporting based on secondhand information.
By punishing people who commit sexual crimes by putting them on a permanent list, critics like Allegra McLeod of Georgetown Law have pointed out, the law isn't just claiming that they're incapable of controlling their own sexual urges (which is exactly the same thing that many rape apologists say).
Apologists for the Vietnam War will claim that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to prove scientifically that any one person who has a genetic disorder or birth defect definitely contracted it because of exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides sprayed by the United States during the war.
These moral failures included the Electoral College, an inherently undemocratic system that has proven its ability — not to prevent a demagogue from winning the presidency, as its apologists have perpetually insisted — but to enable the most vilified and unpopular candidate in recent history to assume power over the future of the planet.
This isn't to say they're not talented writers and visionaries: Benioff's City of Thieves was incredibly moving and made me wail like a baby, but when white nationalists and Confederate apologists are marching through cities across the world, the last thing we need is to give them a new favorite TV show.
As the details from the new Bob Woodward book, "Fear: Trump in the White House," begin to emerge, there is trembling throughout the Republican cloakrooms in the Senate and House, throughout the White House staff and throughout the community of those who have been Trump's most visible shills and apologists in the media.
But in outlining the previous scenario I've conceded that people around Trump, including his own family members, did show a willingness to collude with dubious figures — and this concession alone means I can't go along with Trump apologists and anti-anti-Trumpers who insist that collusion theories don't have any evidence behind them.
It also helps that both regimes have prominent apologists abroad — the people who think Cuba's health care makes up for 60 years of tyranny, or that Iran's sham elections are an adequate substitute for genuine democracy — along with the much greater number of people who are simply indifferent to what they do.
" Yousef Munayyer, the executive director of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights and a Palestinian citizen of Israel: "Israeli apartheid is a very hard product to sell in America, especially in progressive spaces, and realizing this, many Israeli apartheid apologists, Trump included, are looking to silence a debate they know they can't win.
The odd thing is that the person I'm least upset with right now is Louis C.K. It is far more depressing to watch his apologists (Black, by the way, claims his concern for C.K. is actually a concern for the #MeToo movement) prove their inability to comprehend any of what we've been fighting for.
"It is utterly disingenuous to imply, as some NYC public officials have, that nonviolent actions carried out with ethical concern and solidarity for an oppressed population are in any way analogous to the violent bigotry of neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan members, and all manner of apologists for slavery and Jim Crow segregation," they added.
So when I'm forced to confront pure evil in our country's president, our senators, our rape-apologists, our racists, our Islamophobes, and every other form of hatred that exists inside people before I've fully opened my eyes, I find comfort in the people who match every ounce of hate in America with pounds of good.
The Saudis insist they have not been supporting extremism, but these protestations of innocence are difficult to take seriously given the names of some of the institutions involved, such as the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va. Apologists for the kingdom sometimes argue that there is a distinction between what private Saudi institutions do and what the government does.
While the portrait Wolff paints of Trump is nothing new to those who always understood how unfit Trump was to serve as commander in chief, Trump apologists will stop at nothing to destroy the credibility of the writer and to push back on every aspect of the book, no matter how clear and obvious the signs are to the contrary.
Long ago, I wrote about how the Russia investigation was spurring a new type of "red scare" as critics denounced Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump says he doesn't want NYT in the White House Veterans group backs lawsuits to halt Trump's use of military funding for border wall Schiff punches back after GOP censure resolution fails MORE, Republican members of Congress, and commentators as Russian apologists or Kremlin assets.
Whatever her true purpose, and it certainly remains in substantial dispute, Hillary ClintonHillary Diane Rodham ClintonTop Sanders adviser: Warren isn't competing for 'same pool of voters' Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Republicans plot comeback in New Jersey MORE actually used her personal server for what sometimes seemed related to official business, much to the chagrin of nearly everyone, including her apologists.
With immigration, only when it's convenient for Democrats 2020 caucuses pose biggest challenge yet for Iowa's top pollster MORE, John KerryJohn Forbes Kerry2020 caucuses pose biggest challenge yet for Iowa's top pollster Kentucky basketball coach praises Obama after golf round: 'He is a really serious golfer' The enemy of my enemy is my friend — an alliance that may save the Middle East MORE and the other American apologists who crafted the ruinous Iranian nuclear deal.
Lamar AlexanderAndrew (Lamar) Lamar AlexanderWhat the impeachment vote looked like from inside the chamber Romney shocks GOP with vote to convict Senate acquits Trump, ending impeachment saga MORE (R-Tenn.), Lisa MurkowskiLisa Ann MurkowskiWhat the impeachment vote looked like from inside the chamber Romney shocks GOP with vote to convict GOP senators reject punishing Romney for impeachment vote MORE (R-Alaska) and hopefully others today, have called Trump and his lawyers and Republican senator apologists liars. Liars.
As President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE rebuffed and insulted our closest allies before, during and after the recent Group of Seven debacle in Quebec, his craven apologists have attempted to rationalize this blatant attempt to undermine our postwar economic and strategic alliances and to dismantle the rules-based world trade system that has prevented trade wars from becoming shooting wars ever since the devastation of the World War II and the Great Depression.
The truth about "political correctness" is that it doesn't actually exist (Amanda Taub, Vox) "Politically Correct": The Phrase Has Gone From Wisdom To Weapon (Kat Chow, NPR's Code Switch) Q&A: Political Comedian W. Kamau Bell discusses race, comedy (The Daily Texan talks to W. Kamau Bell, whom we interviewed for this episode, about race, comedy, and performing on college campuses) Glenn Beck: People are "addicted to outrage" (Conservative radio personality Glenn Beck, whom we also interviewed for this episode, discusses what he often decries as PC culture) The real danger of political correctness (Alyssa Rosenberg, Washington Post) The Problem With "Hey Guys" (Joe Pinsker, the Atlantic) How Social-Media Trolls Turned U.C. Berkeley Into a Free-Speech Circus (Andrew Marantz, New Yorker) The Coddling of the American Mind (Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt, the Atlantic) I invite white supremacy apologists to campus.
Hence, movement apologists such as Amity Shlaes, Peggy Noonan, Pat Buchanan, David Horowitz, and Peter Collier look to rewrite the nation's past, back through the Reagan years, the Sixties and the Kennedys, the Great Depression and the 1920s—even our victory in World War II. All in the cause of an increasingly bizarre, utopian vision of a sort of anarcho-corporate state—one in which pretty much everyone will be armed and able to threaten each other into politeness and nonviolence; miraculously reconstituted extended families will eradicate the need for Social Security and Medicare; poor children will work as janitors to pay for their schooling; tax cuts will generate enough income to offset the need for subsidized health care; public property will be largely eliminated; and no regulations of any kind will apparently be required to keep our food, water, air, money, or medicine safe or to determine how the public will shape its own towns and cities.

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