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"anthropomorphize" Definitions
  1. to attribute human form or personality to
  2. to attribute human form or personality to things not human

110 Sentences With "anthropomorphize"

How to use anthropomorphize in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "anthropomorphize" and check conjugation/comparative form for "anthropomorphize". Mastering all the usages of "anthropomorphize" from sentence examples published by news publications.

That's proven difficult, because we have a tendency to anthropomorphize.
"As humans we anthropomorphize animals all the time," Ford says.
"You anthropomorphize it and people pay attention," Dr. Hadfield said.
How easily do we anthropomorphize or attribute emotions to lifelike objects?
Let's all take a break from reality anthropomorphize for a moment.
Why is it necessary to anthropomorphize in order to gain attention?
Humans being humans, however, are quick to anthropomorphize body language and behavior.
What we do is we anthropomorphize lots of things in life, right?
We love to anthropomorphize our dogs, to connect their behaviors to human emotion.
Not to lose our chill and anthropomorphize our furry friends, but WOMBATS LOVE WALKIES.
And we anthropomorphize it, as opposed to it just being some inert, unaware thing.
Realistic simulations of personality and empathy will make it much easier to anthropomorphize machines.
Some things you don't want to anthropomorphize at all because it's just too weird.
Hey, we do anthropomorphize the heck out of those Mars rovers, if that counts.
That fact can be obscured when we anthropomorphize and attribute sentience to a tool.
Or has pop culture just taught us to anthropomorphize machines of all shapes and sizes?
It's necessary to make this point because the temptation to anthropomorphize these creatures is extreme.
Explaining their fascination with the piece, Glahn remarks that it's hard not to anthropomorphize the work.
"We entertained the idea of using toy monkeys because we do anthropomorphize them," Mr. Simpson said.
"As social beings I don't think it's at all strange that we anthropomorphize these machines," she says.
They are particularly captivating phenomenon because they form ghostly, ethereal shapes, which people frequently anthropomorphize for kicks.
Research in the field of human-robot interaction finds that we anthropomorphize pretty much anything that moves.
Among animal lovers, the urge to anthropomorphize our four-legged, furry, scaly, and/or winged friends is strong.
Blue Planet II invites you to anthropomorphize as much as you want — look at the beautiful puffin family!
There's something slightly disturbing about "Voyelles"; it is the first work in the show that I consciously anthropomorphize.
As humans, we have a habit to anthropomorphize things in order to explain the behavior of other organisms.
On the one hand, people often anthropomorphize Spot, as evidenced by the controversy over the Spot-kicking video.
We anthropomorphize things—that is, attribute human features to non-human objects—because we have to, Gould told me.
"I go to pay my respects … palpitating heart in hand" even as she aims "not to anthropomorphize" her subjects.
One technique they've found that works is to anthropomorphize them by giving them names or having meet-and-greets.
And I'm not trying to anthropomorphize compact discs and records, but the one at the bottom would be Hotel.
Research has shown that our ability to anthropomorphize pets and objects may make affection for social robots a possibility for humans.
It shows part of what makes Robinson so great: he can anthropomorphize machines, lending feeling to heaps of metal and silicon.
If visitors got the message thanks to their unstoppable inclination to anthropomorphize every penguin with a tablet, that's no bad thing.
Tempest notes that humans can't help but anthropomorphize technology when it does things that appear to go beyond standard gadget abilities.
This isn't about sadism, it's about acknowledging the un-cute effects that humans have on animals we happily objectify and anthropomorphize.
The goal is to find a balance: encourage people to anthropomorphize Vector a little but not let it slip into the uncanny valley.
The results stem, Kizilcec argues, from our tendency to anthropomorphize machines, and from the social rules and heuristics we employ in human interactions.
Cozmo is hard not to love and even harder to not anthropomorphize — even for a reporter with a healthy fear of the singularity.
Allison was one of those pet owners who anthropomorphize their animals, and that pig was the center of her unmarried and unboyfriended life.
Can environmentalists avoid prioritizing human self-interest without succumbing to the temptation to anthropomorphize nature as having a humanlike dignity of its own?
And while I hate to over-anthropomorphize technology, there is something endearing about personalizing the voice your iPhone uses to communicate with you.
"You have to try not to anthropomorphize," said Dr. Matthew Memoli, the director of the Laboratory of Infectious Diseases clinical studies unit at the NIH.
JC: And yet they work really well in part because we as people want to anthropomorphize ... KS: And we're also used to the computing experience more.
Floyd pointed out that we "anthropomorphize" our fears, and that nature is still a primal and often dangerous force that humans have yet to totally master.
Though Randy Gladstone, another author and the head of New Horizons' atmospheres team, said "we always grimace when people anthropomorphize planets," he quickly recognized Pluto's bullying behavior.
Maybe it sounds like a silly question (actually, there's no maybe about it), but as robots proliferate and anthropomorphize, it's actually something that needs to be considered.
Friedlaender's paper triptych "Homage to Nazim Hikmet" (1979), a central figure in modern Turkish literature, uses his metaphor of the tree to anthropomorphize both individuality and solidarity.
One of the hidden strengths of the BBC nature documentaries is their willingness to depict the cruelty of nature and their refusal to anthropomorphize the animals they film.
But he thinks it's mostly the media that has been swept up by the "genius" octopus; I couldn't find a researcher who was willing to anthropomorphize their intelligence.
No, they don't forget It's sometimes tempting to anthropomorphize -- to give an animal human characteristics -- but the more I speak to people about elephants, the more elephants seem special.
"I don't want to anthropomorphize," said John Edward Roberts, the director of elephants and conservation activities at an elephant rescue center, the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation in Thailand.
Oh, and for those who love to anthropomorphize their devices, here's an image of the Zoom and Pro, gasping and screaming, apparently witness something horrific happening, just out of frame:
In a new study published by Psychological Science, the team replicated an experiment that used descriptions of four technological gadgets to see how loneliness influences our tendency to anthropomorphize objects.
With their big eyes and exaggerated facial features, they're expressive enough that it's easy to anthropomorphize them, in a way that other meat animals like chickens and pigs don't invite.
The new book includes chapters on artificial identity, our tendency to anthropomorphize robots, sexbots, the future liability and risk with robots, trust and human-robot interaction, and many other topics.
I am not particularly inclined to anthropomorphize nature, and I have no sense at all that an eagle on the wing is any more majestic than other large, soaring birds.
We tend to anthropomorphize the stock market, but it's really the sum of millions of people with millions of motivations taking millions of positions, so there is never one answer.
Anne McGill, a professor at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business whose research delves into what happens when people anthropomorphize corporate brands, might have an explanation as to why.
All you apparently need to do is anthropomorphize each individual component of the car and turn these characters into anime mascots that customers can buy as badges, pillows, and wall hangings.
When we anthropomorphize algorithms and imagine that breakthroughs in artificial intelligence come directly from algorithms, it is analogous to attributing this masterpiece of art to "Linear Perspective" rather than to Raphael.
At the same time, their faces are more human than almost any other bird, with large, forward-facing eyes triggering an urge to anthropomorphize, to see in them annoyance, enlightenment, indignation.
I'm certainly no expert in what it takes to anthropomorphize a car, but the combination of the LCD eyes, moving bumper mouth, and animated suspension genuinely help this toy feel almost alive.
And yet it's hard for me not to anthropomorphize these platforms, looking around at all the crybabies whining that they don't treat every single user exactly the same in every situation, and collapsing in frustration.
The canines don't do much — this isn't an attempt to anthropomorphize them — but they are mesmerizing to look at, as they lie about and chew on soccer balls, bottles, branches and, at one point, a brick.
The canines don't do much — this isn't an attempt to anthropomorphize them — but they are mesmerizing to look at, as they lie about and chew on soccer balls, bottles, branches and, at one point, a brick.
According to Adam Waytz, a psychologist and associate professor at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management in Illinois, we tend to anthropomorphize technology when we don't understand it—so humanizing AVs may be key to their adoption.
But when stories like the terminally ill kangaroo begin to circulate -– when (to anthropomorphize for a minute) we see love instead of domestic violence, intimacy instead of impulse –- we miss the real facts, diminish the real truth.
It's true that there is a huge potential for Alexa to become part of the family, as Prasad envisions, but this says more about our instinct to anthropomorphize the world around us than it does the technology's core capabilities.
But by positioning inert found objects as so many little idols or Buddhas, Lee also calls attention to our own tragic readiness to anthropomorphize anything we look at, and to the difficulty of seeing anything just as it is.
The bottom line as I see it is that plants are incredibly complex organisms that have evolved for the past two billion years completely differently than animals have, and we don't need to anthropomorphize them in order to appreciate their complexity.
But it's even easier to anthropomorphize than the existing Smart lineup, thanks to built-in features designed to support self-driving, like external displays front and back for communication, and fully transparent doors that looks like two large, wide open eyes.
This is of a piece with the larger impulse of these shows to anthropomorphize and sentimentalize their subjects for maximum emotional effect, turning the Darwinian imperatives of animal survival into comic or tragic sketches about parenthood, feeding, sex and male pride.
The slimy, squishy invertebrates and strange plants that live in karsts can be a hard sell to donors, who prefer what are known as "charismatic megafauna"— cute, easy-to-anthropomorphize animals like elephants, tigers and dolphins that appeal to the public.
The way the robots will likely look combined with our tendency to anthropomorphize makes me suspect that the habits men and boys might develop by using sex robots could easily translate to the habits they have in their relationships with women.
For Cowen, the real reason business is so unpopular, despite all it does for us, is that we humans tend to anthropomorphize companies, turning corporations "into people in our minds, and also in our hearts" (and even writing love letters to them).
She also said not to anthropomorphize the birds, which is something I might accidentally do for a cute puppy or kitten or even a horse if it didn't smell too bad, but would never make the mistake of doing for a tyrannosaurus terror like a parrot.
And on Instagram, where user names that include "bulldog" have seen a 60 percent surge in the past year, bulldogs check multiple boxes: They look like people (specifically, grumpy old men), have inherently comic features (the volleyball-size head, the tiny bow legs) and are easy to anthropomorphize.
Multiply that temptation to anthropomorphize a thousandfold: Think not of a machine with visible wires, cartoonish eyes and a voice that sounds like Siri but of a beautiful stranger who engages you in intelligent conversation and who may be more aware of your emotions than your spouse or best friends ever were.
"My work has always been about affect, the threshold of affect, the penchant to make meaning from very little or from nonsense, the threshold of how little it takes to make something animate, make something that you, as a reader, a viewer, or a citizen cannot help but project onto or anthropomorphize," Perlman explains.
Pluto&aposs Heavy Heart Made the Whole Planet Tip OverEarlier this year, we learned that Pluto's heart-shaped region may have been formed when an…Read more ReadAlthough the heavy-hearted hypothesis certainly satisfies our desire to anthropomorphize everything about Pluto, what could have caused Sputnik Planum to become so dense isn't immediately obvious.
Even though all the things the engineers do to mess with the robot are done to showcase its ability to correct itself, recover from falls, and persevere in performing tasks, the human tendency to anthropomorphize non-sentient objects is so strong as to override our common-sense knowledge that Atlas is an object incapable of feeling.
Emily Carr loved to anthropomorphize; after reading about brown-eyed lilies and screaming trees, it was easy to imagine that the giant fern fronds on the trail weren't just brushing against our legs, but reaching out beseechingly, or at least curiously, trying to get as much a visceral sense of us as we were of them.
Depending on how eager you are to anthropomorphize robots, the "hotel" designation might not be quite as appropriate as "garage" — this unit is essentially a protected parking space for robots when not in use, helping to protect them from potential dangers presented by being in space, including exposure to radiation, and the potential to get hit by micrometeors and other debris.
In one graphic, the lower half of a man's face with its mouth bound shut (an icon widely used by the prisoner's movement) is projected in such a way as to uncannily anthropomorphize the facade of the building itself; in another, a silhouetted outline of Palestine appears bisected by the shape of a contracted stomach, thus transforming the territory into a kind of collective national body.
Consequently, social scientists at turns reify institutions, biologize social categories, anthropomorphize offices, and mentalize corporate groups.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. It is also closely related to person perception and attribution theory from social psychology. The intuitive assumption that others are minded is an apparent tendency we all share. We anthropomorphize non-human animals, inanimate objects, and even natural phenomena.
Miyamoto Usagi is the main protagonist of Usagi Yojimbo, whom Sakai has said was inspired by the life of legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. Originally intended to be a human, Sakai was inspired to anthropomorphize the character after doodling a rabbit with its ears bound in a style reminiscent of a samurai topknot.
For example, for cognitive simplicity, ancestral groups anthropomorphize each other because they have similar thoughts, values, and a historical background. Even though the member of a group may have an irrational or wrong argument about a political issue, there is a high possibility for the other members to conform to it because of the mere fact that they are in the same coalition.
Oxford University Press,1979,pp.69,71. Melito does not anthropomorphize the divine nature of Christ and keeps the attributes of the divine nature and the human nature wholly separate. While he describes the attributes of each nature separately, he also speaks of the two natures of Christ combined. The form of speech used is that of two natures in one Christ.
Other species popularly kept in captivity include the grey seal and harbor seal. Larger animals like walruses and Steller sea lions are much less common. Pinnipeds are popular attractions because they are "disneyfied", and consequently, people often anthropomorphize them with a curious, funny, or playful nature. Some organizations, such as the Humane Society of the United States and World Animal Protection, object to keeping pinnipeds and other marine mammals in captivity.
The birds mirror the careful, self-conscious poses of humans in an unexpected way. Posed, the birds anthropomorphize as we attribute human emotion and intent to their expressions. . Rosen explained of the series: > The Industrial Revolution and colonization created this disconnect from > nature in the Victorian Era and yielded an awareness of faraway places, > amazing creatures, and unfamiliar culture. This series references that > desire to possess the beautiful and exotic.
Werber's books anthropomorphize animals including dolphins, rats and ants. He also uses characters symbolically to reflect "the stage of the evolution of the soul". In addition, he defends the vision of a collectivist global government that acts as the "world police" and that imposes strict birth control.Bernard Werber Interview 2008, DailyMotion Werber is a member of the Institute for Research on Extraordinary Experiences (IREE), an association that promotes the acknowledgement of extraordinary or unusual experiences.
He receives a package from Beth containing her first published children's book, inspired by Adam and Asperger's. He reads the first page in which Beth has anthropomorphized raccoons, used to represent Adam and his family. Adam looks deep in thought and, in a moment of realization, he understands why Beth wanted to anthropomorphize the raccoons. Even after a year apart, this moment of clarity seems to bring him closer to Beth and he smiles in happiness.
Al-Ashʻarī (c. 873–936) originated the use of the term in his development of the orthodox Ash'ari theology against some of the paradoxes of the rationalist Muʿtazila. Instead of explaining that God has a literal face, which would anthropomorphize God, he explained that the earliest Muslims simply accepted the verses as they stand - without asking how or why. This view was held by the vast majority of Sunni Muslims from the first generations of Islam.
Ancient Greece was a polytheistic society in which the gods were not omnipotent and required sacrifice and ritual. The earliest beginnings of religious skepticism can be traced back to Xenophanes. He critiqued popular religion of his time, particularly false conceptions of the divine that are a byproduct of the human propensity to anthropomorphize deities. He took the scripture of his time to task for painting the gods in a negative light and promoted a more rational view of religion.
Tony was immortalized in a series of junior novels and comic books, including the 1934 children's book Tony and his Pals. Tony was famous in part because Mix, the film industry, and the media were able to anthropomorphize him. In the films, his horseness was continually reaffirmed; at the same time, so was his ability to understand language, what was going on around him, and why. Animals are not complicit in the process by which they are made to mean something.
Anthropomorphism of inanimate objects can affect product buying behavior. When products seem to resemble a human schema, such as the front of a car resembling a face, potential buyers evaluate that product more positively than if they do not anthropomorphize the object. People also tend to trust robots to do more complex tasks such as driving a car or childcare if the robot resembles humans in ways such as having a face, voice, and name; mimicking human motions; expressing emotion; and displaying some variability in behavior.
Arnold Weber is portrayed by Jeffrey Wright. He was the co-founder and developer of Westworld alongside Ford. Arnold had come to anthropomorphize his already life-like creations, and made it his goal to bring the Westworld hosts to full sentience, with Dolores as his test bed. When the park was nearing opening, 30+ years before the "present day" of the show's timeline, Arnold had not yet been able to succeed in this, having concluded that the path to sentience was not simply linear.
Dog dressed in an airplane outfit Humans typically have deep attachments to their dogs because dogs are adept at fulfilling emotionally supportive roles in people's lives which results in high levels of attachment. Dog owners who are single, childless, newly married, empty nesters, divorced, or in a second marriage tend to anthropomorphize their pets more often. Dogs can be emotional substitutes for family members such as children and spouses and they contribute to the moral maintenance of people who live alone. Dogs have become increasingly important and treated as unique individuals.
Children appear to anthropomorphize and use egocentric reasoning from an early age and use it more frequently than adults. Examples of this are describing a storm cloud as "angry" or drawing flowers with faces. This penchant for anthropomorphism is likely because children have acquired vast amounts of socialization, but not as much experience with specific non-human entities, so thus they have less developed alternative schemas for their environment. In contrast, autistic children tend to describe anthropomorphized objects in purely mechanical terms because they have difficulties with theory of mind.
Baḥya ibn Paquda noted that , "by the word of God," and , "in the ears of God" imply that God has physical form and body parts. And , "and God heard," implies that God moves and takes bodily actions like human beings. Baḥya explained that necessity brought people to anthropomorphize God and describe God in terms of human attributes so that human listeners could grasp God in their minds. After doing so, people can learn that such description was only metaphorical, and that the truth is too fine, too sublime, too exalted, and too remote from the ability and powers of human minds to grasp.
In his latest book, Existential Anthropology, he explores the notion of control, stating that humans anthropomorphize inanimate objects around them in order to enter into an interpersonal relationship with them. In this way humans are able to feel as if they have control over situations that they cannot control because rather than treating the object as an object, they treat it as if it is a rational being capable of understanding their feelings and language. Good examples are prayer to gods to alleviate drought or to help a sick person or cursing at a computer that has ceased to function.
Baḥya explained that necessity brought people to anthropomorphize God and describe God in terms of human attributes so that human listeners could grasp God in their minds. After doing so, people can learn that such description was only metaphorical, and that the truth is too fine, too sublime, too exalted, and too remote from the ability and powers of human minds to grasp. Baḥya advised wise thinkers to endeavor to remove the husk of the terms and their corporeality and ascend in their minds step by step to reach the true intended meaning according to the power and ability of their minds to grasp.Baḥya ibn Paquda, Chovot HaLevavot, section 1, chapter 10, in, e.g.
Researchers in animal studies examine the questions and issues that arise when traditional modes of humanistic and scientific inquiry begin to take animals seriously as subjects of thought and activity. Students of animal studies may examine how humanity is defined in relation to animals, or how representations of animals create understandings (and misunderstandings) of other species. In order to do so, animal studies pays close attention to the ways that humans anthropomorphize animals, and asks how humans might avoid bias in observing other creatures. For instance, Donna Haraway's book, Primate Visions, examines how dioramas created for the American Museum of Natural History showed family groupings that conformed to the traditional human nuclear family, which misrepresented the animals' observed behavior in the wild.
And, in doing so, he imbues the mundane with a spiritual significance and beauty." Zach Kelly, who wrote a review for Pitchfork, praised the EP for representing such seemingly non-important things with "wide arrays of emotion," writing that "[Silver] brings things to life in ways that wouldn't feel unfamiliar to OCD sufferers quick to anthropomorphize objects lying around the apartment." He writes, "Music for Objects is, above all else, a record about perspective, one that requires you to look at the familiar from a different angle, and in doing so do the most impressive illuminations take place." Overall, he called it "another excellent chapter in CFCF's story, a strong case for how much unexpected magic can be found in the ordinary.
For the latter is belief in the > Deity as the All, the source of all existence, the infinite that cannot be > either comprehended or known, the universe alone revealing It, or, as some > prefer it, Him, thus giving a sex to that, to anthropomorphize which is > blasphemy." Shabanova wrote that Blavatsky points to the Theosophical method of the consciousness developing, quoting "superb," in hers opinion, essay on The Oversoul by Ralph Emerson, "I, the imperfect, adore my own perfect." She refers Plotinus, who counted that the secret gnosis, or the knowledge of Theosophy, has "three degrees—opinion, science, and illumination." Blavatsky continues the cite: "The means or instrument of the first is sense, or perception; of the second, dialectics; of the third, intuition.
Baḥya explained that necessity brought people to anthropomorphize God and describe God in terms of human attributes so that human listeners could grasp God in their minds. After doing so, people can learn that such description was only metaphorical, and that the truth is too fine, too sublime, too exalted, and too remote from the ability and powers of human minds to grasp. Baḥya advised wise thinkers to endeavor to remove the husk of the terms and their corporeality and ascend in their minds step by step to reach the true intended meaning according to the power and ability of their minds to grasp.Baḥya ibn Paquda, Chovot HaLevavot (Duties of the Heart), section 1, chapter 10 (Zaragoza, Al-Andalus, circa 1080), in, e.g.
Natural- language interfaces have in the past led users to anthropomorphize the computer, or at least to attribute more intelligence to machines than is warranted. On the part of the user, this has led to unrealistic expectations of the capabilities of the system. Such expectations will make it difficult to learn the restrictions of the system if users attribute too much capability to it, and will ultimately lead to disappointment when the system fails to perform as expected as was the case in the AI winter of the 1970s and 80s. A 1995 paper titled 'Natural Language Interfaces to Databases – An Introduction', describes some challenges: ;Modifier attachment :The request "List all employees in the company with a driving licence" is ambiguous unless you know that companies can't have driving licences.
Torun doesn't intellectualize this in any way; no experts show up to discuss our tendency to anthropomorphize animals, seeing ourselves in them. But several people talk frankly about having felt broken in some way, and about how taking care of homeless cats feels redemptive." In The Washington Post, Vanessa H. Larson wrote, "The camerawork skillfully mimics a cat’s-eye view, with extended sequences filmed just over the animals’ shoulders using remote-controlled camera rigs that follow them as they saunter around, forage for meals and get into hissing matches. Interspersed throughout the film are also beautiful drone-captured aerial shots of Istanbul’s sprawling streets and the Bosporus waterway, which impart a strong sense of place." Glenn Kenny wrote in The New York Times, "There’s a good deal of projection in the verbal accounts of the animals' lives, but the movie, with its mobile camera low to the ground or looking down at cat-navigated rooftops, doesn’t do much to contradict the indirect anthropomorphizing.... The movie is replete with ingeniously constructed mini-narratives, including a turf war.

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