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32 Sentences With "antepartum"

How to use antepartum in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "antepartum" and check conjugation/comparative form for "antepartum". Mastering all the usages of "antepartum" from sentence examples published by news publications.

On the Antepartum Unit, we got ultrasounds every few days at dawn.
If she's working on postpartum or antepartum, her day will typically be more structured.
Plus, since she's a float nurse, she works in different units: postpartum, antepartum or labor and delivery.
Of course, some patients did go AWOL, or at least the antepartum equivalent of it: A.M.A., which stands for leaving against medical advice.
People with maternal anorexia had a 60 percent higher chance of antepartum hemorrhage, a serious complication that involves third-trimester bleeding in the genital tract.
Before a medical emergency led to the early birth of her daughter in 2014, while still in the antepartum room at Methodist Children's Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, Stensrud said that she searched online for any other mothers who gave birth at 21 weeks.
Antepartum bleeding, also known as antepartum haemorrhage or prepartum hemorrhage, is genital bleeding during pregnancy after the 28th week of pregnancy up to » PatientPlus » Antepartum HaemorrhageThe Royal Women’s Hospital > antepartum haemorrhage Retrieved on Jan 13, 2009 It can be associated with reduced fetal birth weight. Use of aspirin before 16 weeks of pregnancy to prevent pre-eclampsia also appears effective at preventing antepartum bleeding. In regard to treatment, it should be considered a medical emergency (regardless of whether there is pain), as if it is left untreated it can lead to death of the mother or baby.
An antepartum doula provides help and support to someone who has been put on bed rest or is experiencing a high-risk pregnancy. Emotional, physical and practical support can be provided by an antepartum doula in these circumstance.
A term with the same meaning is the "antepartum" (from Latin ante "before" and parere "to give birth") Sometimes "antepartum" is however used to denote the period between the 24th/26th week of gestational age until birth, for example in antepartum » PatientPlus » Antepartum Haemorrhage Last Updated: 5 May 2009The Royal Women’s Hospital > antepartum haemorrhage Retrieved on 13 Jan 2009 The perinatal period (from Greek peri, "about, around" and Latin nasci "to be born") is "around the time of birth". In developed countries and at facilities where expert neonatal care is available, it is considered from 22 completed weeks (usually about 154 days) of gestation (the time when birth weight is normally 500 g) to 7 completed days after birth.Definitions and Indicators in Family Planning.
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). (1999). Antepartum fetal surveillance (Practice Bulletin No. 9). Washington, DC: Author.
The risk of death increased more sharply among primigravid women after 38 weeks' gestation because of a greater risk of antepartum stillbirth.
Antepartum bleeding (APH), also prepartum hemorrhage, is bleeding during pregnancy from the 24th » PatientPlus » Antepartum Haemorrhage Last Updated: 5 May 2009 (sometimes defined as from the 20th weekThe Royal Women’s Hospital > antepartum haemorrhage Retrieved on Jan 13, 2009) gestational age up to the birth of the baby. The primary consideration is the presence of a placenta previa which is a low lying placenta at or very near to the internal cervical os. This condition occurs in roughly 4 out of 1000 pregnancies and usually needs to be resolved by delivering the baby via cesarean section.
Low birth weight 6. Antepartum hemorrhage and 7.Cord prolapse. The rate of perinatal death at this hospital was higher than Uganda's national targets.
Journal of Prenatal Medicine. Risks of antepartum bleeding due to vasa praevia greatly increase during the third trimester of pregnancy during cervical dilation or placenta praevia. Vessel rupture is very likely in the event of a membranous rupture as foetal blood vessels aren't protected by the umbilical cord of the placenta. In the event of foetal vessel rupture, antepartum haemorrhaging occurs however blood is lost from the foetal blood supply.
Language development and processing begins before birth. Evidence has shown that there is language development occurring antepartum. DeCasper and Spence performed a study in 1986 by having mothers read aloud during the last few weeks of pregnancy. When the infants were born, they were then tested.
VBAC, compared to vaginal birth without a history of Caesarean section, confers an increased risks for placenta previa, placenta accreta, prolonged labor, antepartum hemorrhage, uterine rupture, preterm birth, low birth weight, and stillbirth. However, some risks may be due to confounding factors related to the indication for the first caesarean, rather than due to the procedure itself.
Aside from uterine rupture risk, the drawbacks of VBAC are usually minor and identical to those of any vaginal delivery, including the risk of perineal tearing. Maternal morbidity, NICU admissions, length of hospital stay, and medical costs are typically reduced following a VBAC rather than a repeat caesarean delivery. A VBAC, compared with ERCS, carries around 1% additional risk of either blood transfusion (mainly because of antepartum hemorrhage), postpartum haemorrhage or endometritis.
Fetal mortality refers to stillbirths or fetal death. It encompasses any death of a fetus after 20 weeks of gestation or 500 gm. In some definitions of the PNM early fetal mortality (week 20-27 gestation) is not included, and the PNM may only include late fetal death and neonatal death. Fetal death can also be divided into death prior to labor, antenatal (antepartum) death, and death during labor, intranatal (intrapartum) death.
There are some medical conditions that can prevent a woman from qualifying for a home birth. These often include heart disease, renal disease, diabetes, preeclampsia, placenta previa, placenta abruption, antepartum hemorrhage after 20 weeks gestation, and active genital herpes. Prior cesarean deliveries can sometimes prevent a woman from qualifying for a home birth, though not always. It is important that a woman and her health care provider discuss the individual health risks prior to planning a home birth.
Only 5.4% of birth in Zambia are attended by a trained traditional birth attendant. Most laboring women will have a social support person present during the antepartum period, however if a women gives birth in a hospital, the support person will, most likely, not be present during the actual laboring process. These women are called “mbusas”. Mbusas and those providing support during the laboring process have not received any formal education or training surround care of the laboring women.
Nurses should be emotionally stable because they will have to cope with emergencies and loss. Lastly, they need to have critical thinking skills because the patient's health could change in an instant and they have to be ready to know what to do quickly and accurately. Obstetrical nurses work in many different environments such as medical offices, prenatal clinics, labor & delivery units, antepartum units, postpartum units, operating theatres, and clinical research. In the U.S. and Canada, the professional nursing organization for obstetrical nurses is the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nursing (AWHONN).
McLaren's neurosurgery program also works in cooperation with radiation oncology in offering radiosurgery to treat cranial and extracranial cancer and lesions. Spine Care: The McLaren Spine Program is designed for the mission of improving function, alleviating pain and enhancing quality of life for people with spine problems. Obstetrics and Women's Health – Women's Services are highlighted by the BirthPlace at Flint, which features 14 LDRP suites, an antepartum room, surgical suite for Caesarean sections, and four postpartum rooms. McLaren provides the only certified nurse-midwifery program in Genesee County.
Also a placental abruption (in which there is premature separation of the placenta) can lead to obstetrical hemorrhage, sometimes concealed. This pathology is of important consideration after maternal trauma such as a motor vehicle accident or fall. Other considerations to include when assessing antepartum bleeding are: sterile vaginal exams that are performed in order to assess dilation of the patient when the 40th week is approaching. As well as cervical insufficiency defined as a midtrimester (14th-26th week) dilation of the cervix which may need medical intervention to assist in keeping the pregnancy sustainable.
In a study done by Gabriella Malagon-Maldonado et al., They were researching the antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum predictors of discharge readiness, including nursing educational practices that are predictive of postpartum mothers' perceptions of readiness for hospital discharge. Their results found that M\mothers with three or more children, delivery mode, bottle-feeding, the delivery of education, and the difference between educational content received and needed, were significant predictors that accounted for 42% of the variance in readiness for hospital discharge. Nurses' skill in teaching and educational content received were significant predictors even with parity, feeding, and delivery mode in the model.
In more pronounced cases, an infant will survive, but with damage to the brain manifested as either mental, such as developmental delay or intellectual disability, or physical, such as spasticity. It results most commonly from antepartum causes like a drop in maternal blood pressure or some other substantial interference with blood flow to the infant's brain during delivery. This can occur due to inadequate circulation or perfusion, impaired respiratory effort, or inadequate ventilation. Perinatal asphyxia happens in 2 to 10 per 1000 newborns that are born at term, and more for those that are born prematurely.
The risk of VTE is increased in pregnancy by about five times because of a more hypercoagulable state, a likely adaptation against fatal postpartum hemorrhage. Additionally, pregnant women with genetic risk factors are subject to a roughly three to 30 times increased risk for VTE. Preventive treatments for pregnancy-related VTE in hypercoagulable women were suggested by the ACCP in 2012. Homozygous carriers of factor V Leiden or prothrombin G20210A with a family history of VTE were suggested for antepartum LMWH and either LMWH or a vitamin K antagonist (VKA) for the six weeks following childbirth.
The main function of the obstetrics hospitalists is to intercede as needed to ensure patient safety and quality care in the labor and delivery unit. The scope of care can extend to the antepartum, postpartum, and emergency units. Specific roles of the obstetric hospitalist include inpatient consultations, triaging patients for private physicians, monitoring laboring patients, providing care as required, and responding to precipitous deliveries and emergencies. Obstetric hospitalist programs throughout the country have taken various forms, including programs where physicians on the medical staff voluntarily take 12- or 24-hour shifts to provide continuous coverage for their labor and delivery unit.
The hospital has been identified as a national Solucient 100 Performance Improvement Leader, a center of excellence for bariatric surgery and first trimester antepartum screening, and awarded approval with commendation by The Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons. Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital has also been designated a Sinus Center of Excellence in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital officials said it is one of only two hospitals in Westchester and only the fourth in New York to receive the distinction. Patients with chronic sinusitis are treated with balloon sinuplasty, a minimally invasive and innovative system, by physicians in the Division of Otolaryngology.
Mary Kelly is known for her project-based work in the form of large-scale narrative installations. Her projects constructed in the 1970s are preoccupied with her experiences of pregnancy and child raising. Antepartum (1973), a single shot of the artist stroking her abdomen as her unborn baby moves, and Post-Partum Document (1973–79), a six part project using both personal and theoretical elements to document the mother-child relationship, were created in the same year. First shown at the ICA in London 1976, Post-Partum Document was made up of six sections and 135 smaller units — accompanied by a number of essays and footnotes — consisting of different objects from Kelly's new born son's life.
When the antepartum diagnosis of placenta accreta is made, it is usually based on ultrasound findings in the second or third trimester. Sonographic findings that may be suggestive of placenta accreta include: # Loss of normal hypoechoic retroplacental zone # Multiple vascular lacunae (irregular vascular spaces) within placenta, giving "Swiss cheese" appearance # Blood vessels or placental tissue bridging uterine-placental margin, myometrial-bladder interface, or crossing the uterine serosa # Retroplacental myometrial thickness of <1 mm # Numerous coherent vessels visualized with 3-dimensional power Doppler in basal view Unfortunately, the diagnosis is not easy and is affected by a significant interobserver variability. In doubtful cases it is possible to perform a nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) of the pelvis, which has a very good sensitivity and specificity for this disorder. MRI findings associated with placenta accreta include dark T2 bands, bulging of the uterus, and loss of the dark T2 interface.
It opens to a gallery of columns of torso stem that rest on shoes with anthropomorphic reliefs at their ends. To support this viewpoint and the rest of the new dependencies it was necessary to section the high areas of the Taifal halls of the 11th century and to have before the north portico five powerful octagonal pillars that, next to some archways pointed behind them, form a new antepartum that unites The two Al-Andalusian perpendicular pavilions above. It emphasizes the main entrance to the Throne Room: a trilobed recessed arch with a five-lobed tympanum, at the center of which is represented the coat of arms of the monarchy of the Catholic Monarchs, which includes the coats of arms of the kingdoms of Castile, León, Aragon, Sicily and Granada, supported by two lieutenant lions. The rest of the decorative field is finished with a delicate vegetal ornamentation of stamped invoice, which reappears in the capitals of the jambs.
The CPN team includes content and methods experts in each of the major causes of spontaneous or indicated very preterm birth, epidemiology, database design/maintenance, national networks, medical informatics, and statistical modelling. This project involves 24 tertiary perinatal units across Canada and focus on the major determinants of spontaneous and indicated very preterm birth (at 22+0–28+6 weeks): spontaneous preterm labour, shortened cervix, prolapsing membranes, preterm prelabour rupture of membranes, intrauterine growth restriction (abdominal circumference), gestational hypertension (with/without proteinuria), and antepartum haemorrhage.Admission criteria taken from: Canadian Perinatal Network Database Manual (May 2008). Data collection proceeds from the maternal and neonatal/infant/paediatric records, and include adverse perinatal and maternal outcomes, patient mix (including maternal demographics, past medical/obstetric history, characteristics of current pregnancy), neonatal care (for perinatal outcomes), and specific key obstetric practices (including maternal transport, cervical cerclage, amnioinfusion, fetal and maternal surveillance, pharmacological and non- pharmacological therapy, and pregnancy prolongation).

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