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190 Sentences With "an easy target for"

How to use an easy target for in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "an easy target for" and check conjugation/comparative form for "an easy target for". Mastering all the usages of "an easy target for" from sentence examples published by news publications.

China is and has been an easy target for Trump.
In many ways, it was an easy target for you.
She feared Zainab would be an easy target for insurgents.
Fox News is an easy target for the left-leaning organization.
In short, she is an easy target for the public's anger.
And Britain has made itself an easy target for Russian intrigue.
Obamacare was an easy target for campaign ads and stump speeches.
The media always offers an easy target for politicians, especially Republicans.
A divided and vulnerable civil society is an easy target for manipulation.
Pelosi's long tenure has made her an easy target for the right.
Pelosi's long tenure has made her an easy target for the right.
That could have made it an easy target for foreign spies, they warn.
MIAMI — Tim Kaine is not going to be an easy target for Republicans.
From the outset, Soylent has been an easy target for people who enjoy food.
She lost friends as her vision deteriorated, and became an easy target for bullying.
Clinton is either a uniquely qualified candidate, or an easy target for uninformed millennials.
Mr Noppadol says CP's vast size helps to make it an easy target for criticism.
Uber's preexisting status as a lightning rod made it an easy target for a backlash.
When fleeing IS convoys left Fallujah, they were an easy target for prowling coalition aircraft.
The criticism only escalated from there, with Azalea quickly becoming an easy target for jokes.
This makes them an easy target for attackers looking to hijack and commandeer these devices.
They made themselves an easy target for us, massing suicidally into a wobbly green blob.
It will make Mr Fillon an easy target for irate trade unions and fearful civil servants.
Keller attributed Taylor's introverted demeanor as the cause for making him an easy target for bullying.
He was an outcast at school, which made him an easy target for bullies like Luke.
Taxpayer-funded travel has always been an easy target for both sides to score political points.
But to some cruel, faceless voices on the internet, Sophia is an easy target for abuse.
That could make drug prices an easy target for politicians on both sides of the aisle.
She stayed back in the team room to avoid becoming an easy target for Reed's critics.
You're always going to be an easy target for rogues and players that want to go rogue.
If you get complacent as a leader, you're an easy target for hungry, hustling up-and-comers.
Unfamiliar locations, jet lag and living out of a suitcase make them an easy target for criminals.
If he did not act, he feared, he would be an easy target for an illegal attack.
But a lot of people came to me because they thought I was an easy target for sex.
Long and open borders also make it an easy target for attackers who want to melt away afterwards.
And because strategy is amoral, the media's preoccupation with gaffes has always been an easy target for critics.
Climate change is intangible and complicated, which makes it an easy target for our era of fake news.
The museum is "an easy target for a fire," said one 1978 headline in the newspaper O Globo.
Sometimes I believe it is this perfect-storm combination that makes me an easy target for abusive relationships.
The media becomes an easy target for Trump to jump on any time things seem to be going south.
The 21b5-1 plans are "an easy target" for criticism, but in reality, "they're difficult to game," he said.
But I do wish that Sanders weren't so determined to make himself an easy target for right-wing smears.
But now with Dr. Henderson in the car — a foreigner, an easy target for kidnapping — the solitude became terrifying.
Deliver homilies on the rule of law to elected governments, and you become an easy target for their barbs.
His greatest vulnerability is that his age and penchant for gaffes will make him an easy target for Trump.
Disney's commercial exploitation of its characters in songs, toys and theme parks has long been an easy target for satire.
It's a sign of how much money is in college football, and the contracts make an easy target for critics.
Page could have been considered an easy target for a wiretap because he had worked in Russia for Merrill Lynch.
Prudential's size and scale made it an easy target for regulators charged with preventing financial titans from crashing the economy.
Long and open borders with neighbouring countries also make it an easy target for attackers who want to melt away afterwards.
Justice Douglas is one of the most liberal justices in the history of the Court — an easy target for Roe's critics.
But even so, people have to line up there and, as the attack demonstrated, it is an easy target for terrorists.
The filibuster may be an easy target for Republicans irritated with the challenges of governing, but it's hardly their biggest obstacle.
FANG's high-flying market success would make it an easy target for skittish profit-takers if the stock market heads south.
Mr. Basuki, being of Chinese and Christian heritage, became an easy target for a campaign based on ethnic and religious differences.
For those disinclined to favor Johnson, Rees-Mogg, Brexit, or all three, the show has become an easy target for finger-wagging.
The lack of data and "exotic charm" of Africa makes it an easy target for baseless, heavily flawed or downright ridiculous content.
With his signature celebratory meme, brief pro career and occasional ponytail, Tim Tebow can make an easy target for snark and sarcasm.
As the debts that had been racked up under the Rajapaksas came due, necessary austerity measures became an easy target for critics.
The Rohingya are an easy target for both government and Rakhine hostility and have few active supporters among the general Burmese public.
The secretiveness of North Korea has made it an easy target for America to project various stereotypes, about Asians and about dictators.
He says that's because they're a successful and easily recognizable minority, which makes them an easy target for politicians in the country.
Vaccine misinformation is an easy target for YouTube and Facebook (although its system of blocking anti-vax ads has been imperfect so far).
It all made him an easy target for those who thought his real-world stances should match the lofty ideals of his poetry.
Italy is an easy target for disinformation; fake news is rife, trust in the authorities low, and some parties like it like that.
According to Chaumartin, public figures and officials could be an easy target for drones, many of which are strong enough to carry explosives.
Sessions' prior comments on the KKK, civil rights lawyers and immigration, have made him an easy target for progressive attacks on Trump's cabinet.
Silicon Valley is especially concerned because tech presents an easy target for the Chinese government amid larger trade tensions between the two countries.
Moving around alone in Taliban areas in Afghanistan, Bergdahl proved an easy target for Taliban foot soldiers, not some kind of action hero.
Harold, you see, is a perfect sucker, an innocent whose trusting good nature makes him an easy target for grifters, scammers and liars.
The woman who said she was Victim-1 said in her lawsuit that her circumstances made her an easy target for Mr. Epstein.
The shoes' flashy pattern and unique coloring make them an easy target for the serious collector who must have these in their collection.
When you have this many people in one place, it's an easy target for somebody and then we just had one security guard there.
Reaper's large body and middling movement speed make him an easy target for McCree's Flashbang, though it's more effective to aim at his feet.
After Edward Snowden revealed that Yahoo was an easy target for hackers, it took the company a year hire a new chief information officer.
But its sheer size and slow speed also make it an easy target for anyone on the ground — or anyone sharing the same airspace.
And trying to work under the table to support his family — much less driving to work — could make him an easy target for deportation.
The Stonewall Inn, a mob-owned gay bar in New York's West Village, was an easy target for surprise raids in the late 1960s.
Specialists say that the pangolin's defense against predators, which is to curl itself into a ball, has made it an easy target for hunters.
My coworker Sarah pointed out that we're doing a job where we're always alone, so we're an easy target for dudes to say creepy shit.
For a while, he didn't do that bad: his opponent, John Kitzhaber, was a machine politician who was an easy target for an outsider candidate.
He spoke on the condition that he would only give his first name, fearing any further disclosure could make him an easy target for deportation.
She's an easy target for Republicans who turned her into a poster child for socialism and emblematic of the future direction of the Democratic Party.
It could prove an easy target for tinkering by future sessions of Congress, if not outright abandonment should the political makeup of either chamber change.
The athletics budget, long an easy target for directors on the skim, was rejiggered to pay for regulation equipment and to bolster the coaching staff.
Rod Blum (R-Iowa), once believed to be an easy target for the left, has actually doubled his lead over his Democratic opponent recent weeks.
"An easy target for him are those companies that are holding down the hours of their part-time employees to avoid paying them benefits," Malone said.
After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Humvees proved to be an easy target for roadside bomb attacks, which skyrocketed during the first year of the war.
Mr Hernández, whose 115-year-old National Party has provided 13 presidents, should be an easy target for an anti-establishment candidate such as Mr Nasralla.
As Mashable previously noted, the so-called "Internet of Things," is an easy target for hackers to turn into botnets as many devices have lax security.
Victor's got a maid who he caught stealing and so he realizes that she'd be an easy target for this: drink the poison or get deported.
"When North Korea launches missile or conducts nuclear tests, for example, Korean schools have been an easy target for bullies and accusations (in Japan)," he added.
"They are an easy target for FSB recruiters," Aleksander Toots, the deputy head of the Estonian Internal Security Service, known by its acronym, KAPO, told BuzzFeed News.
Girls from pastoralist communities often must watch animals instead of going to school, and walk long distances to fetch water – making them an easy target for abusers.
So when Tyler released last year's Flower Boy, it was an easy target for more skeptical critics: a lush, warm concept album with an ostensibly queer narrative.
During this time, seals are also giving birth on pack ice, which happens can be an easy target for hungry mothers with new bear cubs to feed.
Biden's age could work against him in a party looking for fresher faces, and his ties with Obama would make him an easy target for Republican attacks.
This structure means that the virtual currency continues to be an easy target for people who want to manipulate its price or use it to launder money.
Mexican food in Australia is an easy target for those of us who have eaten widely in Mexico or California or almost anywhere else in the Americas.
While Ms. Le Pen is expected to lose in the runoff, Mr. Macron — as a youthful banker with an elite education — is an easy target for her.
" As Article 19 puts it: "The message is clear: Without truth and without justice, the press will continue to be an easy target for all who attack it.
"CIA has always been an easy target for filmmakers looking to exploit themes of corruption and conspiracy in high places," a CIA review of 2015's Sicario said.
The lack of detail raises questions, though, and the broad progressive wish list could make an easy target for Republicans seeking to paint their opponents as unrealistic socialists.
Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop, a lifestyle company dedicated to helping people find health "solutions," has become an easy target for medical bloggers and journalists who relish a good takedown.
To be clear, Hispanic adults participate in elections at lower rates than their white and black counterparts overall, which makes them an easy target for voter mobilization efforts.
UN diplomats and observers believe the peacekeeping department -- with its notorious sex abuse cases and unending, expensive and far-flung missions -- will be an easy target for US slashing.
For Currey Cook, counsel at LGBT+ rights group Lambda Legal, conservative groups have focused on trans minors as "an easy target for people who are anti-LGBTQ in general".
While the condition is rare, it is even more unlikely to see a wild animal with albinism, since their bright coloration usually makes them an easy target for predators.
While gay bars have never been technically illegal in New York, State Liquor Authority rules dating back to the 19973s make these venues an easy target for the authorities.
Additionally, Monero has also become an easy target for a spate of malicious mining programs that have emerged in recent months, according to a report from Symantec in December.
Trade isn't the main force destroying good jobs, but at the moment, it serves as an easy target for an electorate anxious about the economy and looking for answers.
For Currey Cook, counsel at LGBT+ rights group Lambda Legal, conservative groups have focused on trans minors as "an easy target for people who are anti-LGBTQ in general".
Exxon, the world's most valuable publicly traded energy company, has been accused of misleading the public on climate change, so the issue might seem like an easy target for Democrats.
While multimillion-dollar salaries might be an easy target for the anti-corporate crowd, these are typically extremely small expenditures relative to the overall operational budgets of a major corporation.
And those clinics are usually located at the edge of town, making them an easy target for less well-intended people who would rather sell drugs than see users recover.
BRUSSELS — Globalization, that awkward catchall for our interconnectedness, was already under assault from populists, terrorists, trade warriors and climate activists, having become an easy target for much that ails us.
"The public prosecutors don't have the slightest idea about opera administration," said Mr. Neschling, contending that he was an easy target for such accusations because of envy over his success.
Between making yourself an easy target for would-be phone thieves or walking into light poles, no one wants to wander a city primarily through the camera lens of their phone.
Its tiny propellers would be a considerably safer way to deliver packages to people, although a giant inflatable balloon would almost certainly be an easy target for armed anti-drone protesters.
"We are an easy target for exporters globally to sell part of production that cannot be sold domestically," Jeroen Vermeij, Eurofer's economics director told a news conference ahead of the release.
One might think that UKIP is an easy target for criticism: Several of its candidates and supporters are well known for having used a wide variety of racist and homophobic slurs.
Mr. Gandhi seemed reluctant to follow his mother, Sonia Gandhi, as the party president, was known to be an indifferent public speaker and became an easy target for right-wing trolls.
His fans told interviewers they doubted the allegations against him, describing him as an "easy target" for liberal groups and the same mainstream media he has made a career of lambasting.
But instead of making an empty home look lived in, Man on the Curtain fakes a roommate to make those living alone appear like less of an easy target for potential intruders.
Warren's progressive policies – she backs free college tuition, a wealth tax and Medicare-for-all healthcare – make her an "easy target" for Trump to accuse her of being a socialist, Rendell said.
Being so close to the edge of the Guayabero River made coca an easy target for government airplanes that fumigated the area with glyphosate—a systemic herbicide—as well as military operations.
The emphasis on a small number of states also increases the risk to our national security, by creating an easy target for hackers who want to influence the outcome of an election.
The fact that our generation feels lonely despite being "more connected than ever before" (whatever that means) makes us an easy target for those who love to blame us for our own suffering.
"The Latinx community is an easy target for these exploitative CPCs," Valero said, adding that Latina women are already three times less likely than white men and women to have access to healthcare.
But the video also involved parenting — making it an easy target for unsolicited judgment — while also feeling very relatable to many parents who've tried to work from home while their kids are present.
The shiny ninja sipping her green juice is an easy target for trend pieces — but what's the use in hating on someone because she's found something that makes her feel good about herself?
The tighter regulations in Macau contrast with the lax money laundering laws of Manila where a lack of robust controls made it an easy target for a brazen cyber-heist from Bangladesh's central bank.
"While the boards of publicly traded firms are an easy target for legislators, the pay-offs for policies that would facilitate women rising through the corporate ranks more broadly might be larger," it concludes.
But Hillary Clinton took Macomb's support largely for granted, leaving working-class whites in the county—which lost more than half of its manufacturing jobs between 2000 and 216—an easy target for Trump.
He also advised tourists to "stick to your resort area, do not dress in flashy or expensive clothes, and leave your accessories at home — do not make yourself an easy target for theft."St.
True-crime docs are an easy target for parody, but combining it with compelling high school drama elevates the material into a show that you'll want to race through, eager to find out more.
Amin Bandeali, the chief technology officer of Pixalate, told BuzzFeed News that app stores provide minimal ongoing review of apps and their developers, which makes them an easy target for fraudsters and other bad actors.
Hilary Duff just learned the hard way about the danger of posting vacation pics on Instagram -- it sets up her empty crib as an easy target for crooks on the hunt for high-end jewelry.
While Jason spent nine months in solitary confinement — or "protective custody," as it was called — I was left on the outside to deal with the aftermath, completely unprotected, an easy target for judgment and blame.
But given how conservative voices continue to blame Facebook for a non-existent anti-conservative bias, these amateur fact-checkers could become an easy target for those looking to claim their voices are being silenced.
Anecdotally, I don't know a single player who feels comfortable spending $18 on a shiny shotgun wrapper, and loot boxes are fast becoming an easy target for regulators to crackdown on exploitative, gambling-like game design.
While the white color helped Daenerys to blend in with the snow (and make her less of an easy target for javelin-throwing White Walkers), the texture was a nod to her changing relationship with Jon.
Rather than deterring further Iranian deployments, a small contingent of U.S. troops tucked into a corner of northeastern Syria amounts to an easy target for (thanks to Trump's disastrous "maximum pressure" campaign) an increasingly aggressive Iran.
Because Hillary Clinton, as a symbol of dynastic entitlement (albeit a female one), is such an easy target for an anti-establishment movement, she is particularly vulnerable to the forces that have produced Trump and Brexit.
"We are in a toxic environment for sport at the moment, in terms of it's an easy target for people to have a go with recent allegations at other governing bodies," Kermode told reporters in Melbourne.
"Uber and Lyft have always been an easy target for cities looking for new streams of revenue," said Harry Campbell, a driver for Uber and Lyft in California who writes a popular blog, The Rideshare Guy.
By allowing North Korea to continue sending workers abroad, the Security Council missed an easy target for crimping revenue, said Joseph DeThomas, a former State Department official who specialized in sanctions against Iran and North Korea.
But his generally moderate economic views coupled with his deep lifetime ties to Wall Street's top banks and senior executives makes him an easy target for candidates like Warren who on Thursday night dismissed his candidacy.
"Bannon has pushed Trump toward a more isolationist policy that holds an especially dark view of the Muslim world," and his nationalistic views have made him an easy target for White House critics, writes the LA Times.
Desert Trip, produced by the company behind the Coachella festival and held in the same place — but with a much less strenuous schedule and setup, including reserved seats with padded chairs — is an easy target for mockery.
And so it became an easy target for President Trump's cost-cutting budget, which proposes to scrap the initiative after June 261, and replace it with a less-generous plan available to graduates regardless of their jobs.
Taken together, the discontent with the debate criteria and concerns about the lack of racial diversity on stage make the DNC an easy target for candidates eager to show off their progressive bona fides at the debate.
According to Roddy, the jab, straight combination as well as Diaz's habit of leaning back will make his abdominal region an "easy target" for the featherweight champion who will jump two weight divisions to meet the Cesar Gracie proponent.
He's correct that Rachel's mental health history makes her an easy target for the network, although he conveniently skips over the part where he tricked her into making a confession and then tapped her phone to get more dirt.
After that back-and-forth with Trump, Jerry — who has been criticized for being incompetent, hypocritical, and a relentless meddler — was an easy target for sports journalists and critics who were angry with the duality of his actions and words.
But in the more professional and cut-throat street heroin and crack-selling markets, or in the highly lucrative cocaine smuggling game, it is essential not to be seen by customers or rivals as an easy target for rip-offs.
Campaigning began on Tuesday, and painful austerity measures agreed by the Mongolian People's Party (MPP), which runs the government but doesn't hold the presidency, have made an easy target for rivals, as have controversies over deals done with foreign mining companies.
Gaming is no longer a young medium, but it's still somewhat opaque from the outside, which makes games an easy target for crusades from those wont to crusade: most recently, with local-news insistences that Fortnite is rotting your children's brains.
By June 2014, some two-thirds of the pre-2003 Christian community had already left the country due to the sectarian conflict that ensued following the removal of Saddam Hussein from power that made Christians an easy target for cleansing.
Trump allies are practically giddy at the prospect of facing the liberal firebrand senator, a former Harvard Law School professor whom they see as an easy target for a president who railed against political elites during his successful 2628 campaign.
Later in the third, Brady not so much scrambled out of the pocket as he shuffled, making himself an easy target for Chiefs linebacker Breeland Speaks to strip him of the ball that teammate Allen Bailey smothered inside Patriots territory.
It is not a simple task: the inherent inefficiencies of democratic rule are an easy target for its foes, and the worlds of commerce, politics, technology, justice and journalism, among others, all have their own take on how government should function.
The huge amounts of money made by industry executives became an easy target for politicians, as information came to light that Mozilo made more than $400 million during a seven-year stretch leading to 2006, when the market began to come apart.
Growing concern that Taiwan was an easy target for money laundering schemes drove efforts to revise the law and adopt national cyber security protocols this year, with a cyber security bill awaiting approval in the next legislative session set to begin in September.
A recurring source of vitriol for the rapper, and an easy target for his rabid fanbase, was his ex-girlfriend, Geneva Ayala, who filed multiple charges against the rapper (including aggravated battery of a pregnant woman, domestic battery by strangulation, and witness tampering).
Those are the ones who put themselves out in the open, who can't limit their exposure, and are now an easy target for people, whether it's a bogus charity coming to you or someone with an investment that's a [supposed] no-lose situation.
The eight-year, $184 million contract extension Mauer signed the next spring, the richest ever for a catcher, has made Mauer an easy target for fans looking for someone to blame for the club's collapse since its last division title in 19383.
Spain's branch network has been denser than in much of the rest of Europe - there was one branch per 1,452 people in 2014, against a euro zone average of around 2,000 - so they are an easy target for banks looking to cut costs.
Chris is also mourning the death of his fiancée, who was a victim of a car accident involving a drunk driver, and his grief for her causes him to spiral while he fixates on Smithereen as an easy target for his maladjustment.
A series of scandals that saw bank clients being unwittingly sold high-risk investments and traders allegedly manipulating benchmark interest rates has made them deeply unpopular and an easy target for populist politicians whose views vary widely on other issues such as immigration and trade.
For Dr. Coppa, a professor of English Literature at Muhlenberg College, has written extensively about the relationship tangling young women and social media, it's the female fan's often-irrepressible enthusiasm that sets her apart — and that makes her an easy target for her critics.
In a broad sense, it seems like the inherent weirdness of the tank made it an easy target for people's anxieties; the reasons Suedfeld gave for the trend's Reagan-era nosedive could easily double as a list of everything that scared people in the 80s.
Though authorities currently believe that the shooting in El Paso may be linked to anti-immigrant hate (based on a manifesto that was reportedly posted by the shooter), video games have become an easy target for politicians of all stripes following acts of mass violence.
The ending of the episode had a nice twist as well as Mando pulled away from the space station he received the job from, leaving the New Republic distress signal behind and turning the whole base into an easy target for a group of X Wing pilots.
Although there are so few of us relatively, transgender politics are an easy target for the right to label extreme, making us a useful battering ram to rally "normal" Americans behind—to the right, transgender people are more a symbol of unsettling change than they are people.
Plight of the Public U Higher education has been an easy target for budget cuts since the 1443 recession, forcing many public universities to lay off faculty and staff members, postpone investment in new facilities and raise tuition and fees (up an average 31 percent for in-state students).
Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenSaagar Enjeti questions Warren's authenticity on 'Medicare for all' All-female panel to moderate November Democratic primary debate Ocasio-Cortez grills Zuckerberg over political ad policy MORE (D-Mass.) could be an easy target for Trump, and that her policies might be too progressive for many voters.
The latent disrepair in Western institutions — a result of attacks on the media and the prevalence of subjective truth, the disengagement and disenchantment of our publics, escalating social tensions, and Europe's decades of divestment in defense, among other things — have made the West an easy target for meddling and manipulation.
Violent video games are an easy target for figures like parent groups, Tipper Gore, and President Trump who have tried to assign blame incidents like mass shootings by young perpetrators on violence in media, but research has found no evidence that violent movies and video games encourage real-world attacks.
Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has become an easy target for folks looking to vent their rage against the president: They've covered it in graffiti, let their dogs shit on it, blocked it off with tiny border walls—defaced it in pretty much every way imaginable.
Ms. Campos was part of a subset of transgender Latin American prostitutes that arose in the Bois de Boulogne over the past two years, and her colleagues say that the isolated spot where she worked made her an easy target for a group of thieves who have repeatedly attacked them and their clients.
This man who looked me dead in the face and said good morning with a smile had the nerve.. the AUDACITY to put his seat back damn well knowing how tall I am Your discomfort isn't entirely the fault of your fellow economy passengers, although they're an easy target for quiet rage.
The halting and hectic process in Iowa was an unsightly spectacle for the Democratic Party at the start of its presidential nominating process, offering President Trump an easy target for gloating and ridicule and raising serious questions about whether Iowa would be allowed to retain its first-in-the-nation status in future elections.
Now, in Haidt's view, adoption of a very liberal immigration stance carries substantial liabilities: In these times of heightened fear of ISIS attacks and slow economic growth, if you are seen to favor open borders, or to not be concerned about illegal immigration, you will be an easy target for the party of law and order.
CreditCreditDamon Winter/The New York Times Opinion Columnist I don't know who sold progressive Democrats on the idea that the way to beat Donald Trump is to abolish the private health insurance of 160 million Americans and offer instead "Medicare for all" (and Mexico will pay for it), but it's a political loser and an easy target for Trump to feast on.
Some Democrats believe Biden's malaprops and inaccurately embellished storytelling could make him an easy target for President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump conversation with foreign leader part of complaint that led to standoff between intel chief, Congress: report Pelosi: Lewandowski should have been held in contempt 'right then and there' Trump to withdraw FEMA chief nominee: report MORE, if the three-time White House contender captures the Democratic nod.
Sanders, who places second behind Biden in most national polling, told the Los Angeles Times editorial board last week that the former vice president's record in the Senate would make him an easy target for President TrumpDonald John TrumpFive environmental fights to watch in 2020 Lawmakers close to finalizing federal strategy to defend against cyberattacks The 7 big Supreme Court cases to watch in 85033 MORE in a general election.
Second, Trump is trying desperately to elevate immigration as a burning issue again, focusing his fire on a caravan of immigrants from Central America plodding northward toward the U.S. This is an easy target for Trump and his base because it encapsulates a sentiment without expressly articulating it: America is being invaded and overrun by people who are not white and not European, which risks the maintenance of American heritage, which is white heritage.
Gray wolf Current status: Endangered in most of the US Estimated population: Between 7,000 and 11,000 in Alaska, 3,19923 in the Great Lakes region and 1,700 in the northern Rockies Found in: Alaska, the Great Lakes, the northern Rockies, the Pacific Northwest and Canada They once prowled a northern range from coast to coast, but gray wolves were nearly driven to extinction in the lower 48 states due to declines in their prey populations and frequent conflict with farmers and ranchers, whose livestock are an easy target for hungry wolves.
Bernie SandersBernie SandersPoll: Biden remains ahead of Sanders by 10 points 2020 forecast: A House switch, a slimmer Senate for GOP — and a bigger win for Trump 85033 predictions: Trump will lose — if not in the Senate, then with the voters MORE's (I-Vt.) claim that Biden's record in the Senate would make him an easy target for President TrumpDonald John TrumpFive environmental fights to watch in 2020 Lawmakers close to finalizing federal strategy to defend against cyberattacks The 7 big Supreme Court cases to watch in 2020 MORE in a general election, according to CNN.

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