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10 Sentences With "ambushment"

How to use ambushment in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "ambushment" and check conjugation/comparative form for "ambushment". Mastering all the usages of "ambushment" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Their overnight bivouac was not above a mile beyond the glade of ambushment.
While he spoke these things, Jeroboam caused an ambushment to come about behind him.
A difficult matter it was, too, to keep this Mohican boy snug in the ambushment.
What I fear is an ambushment, in which my lover will be carried off by those wicked men.
On the 8th August they came to an ambushment all prepared, but it had been abandoned for some unknown reason.
Also Sir Kay came out of an ambushment with five knights with him, and they six smote other six down.
Still I see no need, why the grave of an honest man should be hid, like a Red-skin in his ambushment.
I am not a red-skin born, and it is more a white man's gifts to fight openly than to lie in ambushment.
I hold it a sin to kill the second buck afore the first is eaten, unless a march in front, or an ambushment, be contemplated.
O'Toole's men set fire to the castle, forcing them out. Kelway and up to sixty others were slain, the remainder taken prisoner. Contemporary accounts, such as that of Lord Deputy Grey, blamed Kelway.The encounter was described by Grey in a letter to the King of 4 June 1538:John Kelway, Constable of your Grace's Manor of Rathmore (which Manor bordereth upon the Tooles'), of his own mind, raised certain gentlemen, poor husbandmen, and labourers, and went to parley with one Tirlagh O'Toole, with whom I was at peace ; and in the parleying they differed, and the said Kelway chased the said Tirlagh, who took to flight to a certain place, where he had ambushed his kern, and so suddenly turned, and set upon the said Kelway with all his ambushment, so that the said Kelway, and certain gentlemen of the country who were in his company, were constrained to take (refuge in) a small pile called the Three Castles, being upon the borders of the said Tirlagh's country.

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