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"allegories" Antonyms

172 Sentences With "allegories"

How to use allegories in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "allegories" and check conjugation/comparative form for "allegories". Mastering all the usages of "allegories" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Although the allegories are constructed to reveal the author's critical view, "allegories like mine would not be needed if truth were openly present," says the artist, Dmitry Borshch, to Creators.
She told stories, spoke in allegories, in metaphors, gave hints.
But they don't come across as allegories — they look like facts.
Giamatti's performance is ferocious, and his character often speaks in grandiose allegories.
Dating from 1958-83, they range from offbeat abstractions to hallucinogenic allegories.
Dating from 1958-13, they range from offbeat abstractions to hallucinogenic allegories.
Without the show's usual subtle allusions and abstract allegories, these scenes drag.
Like other superhero stories, Watchmen spins out allegories for our real-world ills.
Dating from 1958 to 1983, they range from offbeat abstractions to hallucinogenic allegories.
Dating from 1958 to 2123, they range from offbeat abstractions to hallucinogenic allegories.
Hardware allegories are particularly useful tools (hey-oh) for describing players in the NBA.
Allegories about transformation, alter egos, and true selves resonate in particular with LGBTQ audiences.
Alien narratives became fertile seeding ground for social allegories in the decades that followed.
"I am deeply analytical and Jeffrey will argue in stories and allegories," Whitman said.
Other writers have used the story to create double-edged 21st-century political allegories.
Both books operate on at least two levels — as thrilling tales and elusive allegories.
One of the most clever visual allegories for grief is Annie's obsessively detailed miniature models.
The coins' faces show an emperor, believed to be either Constantine or Maximian, and Roman allegories.
His works range from huge to miniature and from political allegories to drawings documenting his dreams.
It was still in my own world, but it was less allegories about my own life.
They are not allegories or lessons about how to be a queer woman in the world.
Formal gravitas, palimpsests, allegories: I suppose that's a lot to attribute to the expression 'an eyeful.
Girls, particularly, were little more than dull collections of moral qualities, pawns in authors' lofty allegories.
Entang Wiharso's solo exhibition at Marc Straus Gallery is filled with nightmarish allegories and provocative entanglements.
So many origin stories are allegories about the morality we learn from our parents and our family.
We start by talking about the interesting political allegories to be found in the alien flick Arrival.
These paintings were conceived as easily understood allegories and thus serve as agitprop for the Sandinista revolution.
Because the figures are larger-than-life, the allegories bear more meaning (and are more entertaining, at that).
The nine-minute long art piece was dripping with religious allegories and references to the most mysifying women.
Interpretive dance magic and wild Jesus allegories weren't enough to keep The OA train rolling at Netflix, unfortunately.
Frustrated by repeated censorship by networks and advertisers alike, he turned to science fiction, fantasy and horror allegories.
So they're both allegories or metaphors for how people and institutions act in times of conflict and desperation.
As a work of literature the Bible has everything: poetry, philosophy, storytelling, myths, fictions, riddles, fables, parables, allegories.
It is chatty rather than polished and occasionally hokey, populated by entertaining allegories and regular flashes of humor.
Her point in the thread is that science fiction writers have often invested in allegories about racism and oppression.
Burt Hasen: Allegories continues at Anita Shapolsky Gallery (152 East 65th Street, Upper East Side, Manhattan) through February 3.
But how does that square with the other political allegories and storylines that have been left by the wayside?
These are archetypal stories and allegories of how we interact with life, told through the eyes of a child.
"Monos," directed by Alejandro Landes, is one of those allegories that is cagey about exactly what it is allegorizing.
Many of these paintings offer allegories and commentary that is not just about what is shown on the surface.
But until recent years, cartoons had to create allegories and metaphors about queer experiences instead of representing them explicitly.
The lyrics, on the other hand, were dripping with sexual allegories even the best erotica novelists couldn't put to paper.
It consists of a sequence of letters, fragments, allegories and locations and is part memory, part desire to meet someone.
In Buddhism, Thailand's predominant religion, the elephant is a symbol of mental strength and frequently appears in allegories and art.
His likeness was painted into various mythical allegories, as a means of presenting the crown as miraculous or God-given.
In 2009, Tull curated Aspects of the Archaic Revival, a group show featuring international artists inspired by allegories, psychedelics, and magic.
He used sci-fi allegories to slip past network censors and make sharp statements about totalitarianism, xenophobia, conspiracy theorists, and more.
The Moomins are nice to each other and to strangers and in the stories you can find many allegories for tolerance.
The accuracy may be dubious, but biopics are more like allegories anyway, A. O. Scott wrote in The New York Times.
Tolkien himself always got angry when people tried to make allegories of his saga and try to make everyday life interpretations.
In Buddhism, Thailand's most common religion, the elephant is a symbol of mental strength and frequently appears in allegories and art.
The books categorize characters as "pure-blood" and "Mudblood," among other categories, as allegories for those who are different in society.
ICEMAN The tribulations of the outcast mutant X-Men have often been used as allegories for the struggles of the oppressed.
Mr. Peterson illustrates his arguments with copious references to ancient myths — bringing up stories of witches, biblical allegories and ancient traditions.
" The challenge, she noted, is avoiding moralism: "How do you 'engage' without preaching too much and reducing the characters to mere allegories?
If Kafka had rewritten Aesop's fables, the result might have looked like this thought-provoking new collection of literary allegories and aphorisms.
Her narratives are emotional allegories that rarely arrive at any conclusion or resolution, but rather provide an uneasy snapshot of an interior moment.
When: September 220–October 2000 Where: apexart (210 Church Street, Tribeca, Manhattan) Space is the place — where we stage allegories of earthly drama.
The animal allegories of Krazy Kat allowed Herriman to make anti-racist statements that would've been taboo if made in more explicit form.
Mr Roddenberry envisioned an egalitarian future and used several episodes as allegories for the unrest and social problems of America in the 1960s.
He casts this as ancient wisdom, delivered through religious allegories and fairy tales which contain truth, he says, that modern society has forgotten.
They've left the bookshelf to show up onstage and onscreen, and everywhere they go they bring with them allegories of fighting the patriarchy.
Release Date: 2017 Shifting from allegories (High Rise) to bullets, Ben Wheatley's latest finds the quick-witted British director just having a good time.
There are so many references in the film, as well as allegories about class, Americans' ugly history, and ideas about nature, nurture, and humanity.
While this is specific to Japanese culture, US viewers will have little difficulty recognizing elements of our own culture in Takami's allegories of indifference.
Petit's choreography, with its poetic themes of postwar disillusion or witty social allegories, created a sensation with his company, Les Ballets des Champs-Élysées.
Animal allegories are of ancient origin and exist in many cultures, but in the American context the decades after the Civil War were crucial.
Of course, the recently fashionable zombie and vampire, who tend to travel in packs, have starred in plenty of pointed allegories of their own.
The film critic Jerome Christensen has argued that a number of Hollywood films from the 1990s can be read as thinly veiled corporate allegories.
Compared to the sculptures on the walls, which are all complex and nightmarish allegories, these two pieces stand out because they are so enigmatic.
For well over 100 years American artists, both racists and anti-racists, have found animal cartoons an effective way to make allegories about ethnic difference.
It told 48 stories about the nature of real and mythical plants and animals, each with a religious interpretation of the figures regarded as allegories.
"Billions" is a show in love with its allegories, and most of the action in "Risk Management" can be explained by three of them: 1.
Sprinkle in a big helping of men not believing a woman's claims in the second act and you've got one of 2018's better feminist allegories.
Ink drawings with a distinctive palette unite the series Exiled from Truth: Nine Allegories by Dmitry Borshch, what the artist calls a "homogenous collection" of pictures.
He defended Luke Cage's debut and pointed out the allegories of bigotry in X-Men, all as part of the heroic stories readers were hungry to consume.
November 9–December 20 and November 9–December 22 The figures in Nina Chanel Abney's concurrent shows were something like snapshot allegories of our precise cultural moment.
Others are allegories, like the large, powerful "Standing at the Fork in the Road at Temptation and Salvation" (1997), which manifests a reckoning for many poor Americans.
By chopping up his narrative allegories into a chaotic and somewhat grimy tangle of limbs, though, she makes Beckmann, who died in 1950, eminently of the moment.
Star Trek could occasionally overreach in its attempts at direct political allegories, and the show was often stronger when it dealt with broader themes of tolerance instead.
But only when a date of composition or performance is firmly determined will it be possible to say whether any of the royal allegories might be valid.
So sure: Buffy sometimes (okay, usually) uses cheeseball allegories to make a serious point, borrowing everyday issues that plagues teens and turning them into monsters to be slain.
Long before sci-fi allegories like Battlestar Galactica, the show was combining 1930s pulp space opera with the rising tide of social criticism in 1960s sci-fi novels.
The most successful Westerns and samurai films are incredibly powerful allegories about the time and place that they're made, not the time and place they take place in.
Each generation of its readers finds new allegories for the anxieties and ambitions of what they take for modernity; the monster each sees is a reflection of themselves.
After all, Macron has long been derided for his love of pompous allegories and unnecessarily flowery language -- and France isn't exactly known for its restraint in that area.
But the number of Christ allegories are a symptom more of the press' wishes than any accomplishments Beto had when he announced he is seeking the White House.
So we can see allegories from Watergate and the Vietnam War in both work about those subjects and in work that ostensibly has nothing to do with them.
Critic's Notebook What happens when a major studio, successful with films both high (artful social allegories) and low (angsty youth dramas and gangster flicks), runs into hard times?
We need to be vigilant that we don't conflate loftier 19th-century allegories of divine wisdom with a  goddess who was jealous, capricious, and wrathful in source texts.
Many of the mutants are discriminated against because of how they look and where they come from, and many allegories have been made in connection to other marginalized identities.
The exhibition is a curated dictionary that illustrates that the meaning of a fox, a horse, or a hippo is not necessarily consistent; animal allegories shift from culture to culture.
Crucially, Dee's characters aren't just vague avatars of rage or allegories for American political movements: All of them are rich psychological portraits, carefully grounded in their cranky small-town life.
In her book, she makes the case for interpreting Shakespeare's narrative poems The Rape of Lucrece and Venus and Adonis as allegories of post-Reformation political discontent in Elizabethan England.
By the end, it all became so convoluted with its multiple timelines, twisted allegories, and fantastical character arcs (John Locke becomes the Smoke Monster!) that it was hard to follow.
Still, unlike wagashi — the classical tea-ceremony treats with complex flavors and textures, haiku-like names and brief shelf lives — these lollipops are not intended to be allegories of impermanence.
The first season of Picard is less memorable than TNG for its political allegories, because, although our times are surely dark, much of the darkness doesn't come from moral complexity.
True to its mischievous title, Dean Rader's book "Self Portrait as Wikipedia Entry" is an eclectic assemblage of tributes and allegories, letters and instructional headers, interspersed with subversive self-portraits.
Allegories, on the other hand, are not made out of parts, and the captioning of an allegorical image or situation activates what was in abeyance, latent, dormant—but not fragmented.
The "anti-religious totalitarian state" motif has its own place in dystopian science fiction, whether in allegories for Communism like Ayn Rand's Anthem or the End Times predictions of Left Behind.
After a conversation with a fellow trucker who's "caught in the amber of class, education and diminished expectations," Murphy offers a sharp diversion from the expected up-by-the-bootstraps allegories.
Many of the finished photos become allegories of the tragic ends met when the human psyche is forced to reconcile itself with the instruments that now control much of our modern lives.
The story in "Cleverman," a six-part drama that begins Wednesday, June 1, on SundanceTV, is inspired by Australian Aboriginal folklore, but this unusual series has allegories relevant to just about anywhere.
The artist has created an installation based on childhood recollections of playing on the monkey bars and trips to the zoo that he sees as appropriate  allegories for our contemporary political nadir.
Machado chooses to represent the real-world conditions of gendered violence and inequality with elegant allegories: "Machado offers a more complicated solace," New York Times reviewer Parul Sehgal wrote at the time.
Strangelove) and scaring the crap out of us about the consequences of genetic engineering (every modern zombie movie), to cautioning us against environmental disasters and spinning any number of silly allegories in between.
Similarly, Variety's Andrew Barker found the plot thin: Juggling all of these strands while steadily beating the drum toward the battle promised in the title, Snyder sometimes loses track of his various allegories.
With the release of the disappointing movie adaptation of The Darkest Minds, it's evident that what that made YA dystopias incendiary — allegories about growing up, stories about badass protagonists — has now become formulaic.
These display Bergman's mastery of cinematic storytelling; viewers accustomed to him as a forger of tortured mystical allegories might be surprised by, say, "Dreams" (1955), a melodrama set in the Swedish fashion world.
Contemporary tabloid-news narratives like these are balanced by Kirkuhuff's innovative interpretations of figures from classical mythology, such as Cupid and Hippolyte, whose allegories are re-contextualized through the use of contemporary iconography.
The Wallace is arguably better known for its strong collection of paintings; 17th century Dutch works; expansive Francois Boucher allegories; Canalettos and Rembrandts; and Fragonard's "The Swing" and Hals's "Laughing Cavalier," are iconic.
His alien allegories made the possibility of change—the heart of the future's appeal, especially for adolescents—a matter not of remaking society or piling up technological progress but of revealing, or remaking, yourself.
So I remember it became clear to us at a certain point that we could tell these little allegories using the dinosaurs to take on anything interesting that was going on in the world.
As Western politics has become more extreme and a generation raised on Hogwarts more politically engaged, the Potter novels have been embraced ever more fervently as political allegories and moral manuals for our times.
"Billions" needn't be shamed for its allegories (except maybe the chess one) because it is dealing in complex financial and legal gambits that are hard to explain without harness racing as a visual aid.
But if a story is to be this fast-paced, it ought to be more explicit about its intentions; all the subconscious, blink-and-you'll-miss-them allegories give the feel of a maddening puzzle.
"Rotten Tomatoes critic score (Season 2): 87%What critics said: "Picard is Trek through and through, full of thorny ethical quandaries, social allegories, sinister admirals, and an undercurrent of optimism in spite of it all.
Asked if he was surprised that, even after five decades of the pro-tolerance, compromise-rich allegories of the "Trek" saga, the nation is currently so wildly divided on issues of inclusion, Shatner begs to differ.
Since its creation, X-Men has provided political allegories for the persecution of people who are outside the norm, so let's see whether this show draws particular strength (and possible resonance) during These Troubled Times. —K.
Among them is a hexagonal, rough marble monument by Daniel SaSuWeh Jones of the Ponca Nation and Enoch Kelley Haney of the Seminole Nation, which depicts six warriors who surround allegories of Nature and the Future.
Of roughly 60 paintings attributed to her, around 40 feature striking female figures demonstrating strength and agency: Judith and Holofernes (Judith beheads an aggressive warlord); Saint Catherine (martyred on the wheel); and the allegories of Inclination.
Painting wet-in-wet with oils, building thick and eventful surfaces, she creates allegories of uncertain but torrid, gnashing implication, a bit like the enigmatic narratives of the German modern master Max Beckmann, but less solemn.
Using animals in race-related allegories is always a dicey proposition, since animals fundamentally differ by species vastly more than humans differ by ethnicity or culture, and real-world racist propaganda often depicts minorities as animals.
A cozy-looking black hoodie features "Imaginary Landscape with Allegories of Abundance and Charity" (circa 1600) from the Prague School, estimated to sell anywhere between $60,000 and $80,000 in Sotheby's forthcoming Master Paintings & Sculpture Day Sale.
The film uses allegories to convey its message – a well that Vinayak has to lower himself into to get the treasure, the bloodied monster who consumes everything in sight, and the decrepit mansion that houses him.
Mr. Kem Ley was adept at communicating with rural Cambodians over the radio, deftly deploying the puns, double entendres and allegories that are staples of effective political communication in what is still overwhelmingly an oral culture.
Mr. Tolle, the creator of the Irish Hunger Memorial in Battery Park in Manhattan, has reinterpreted the female allegories of the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn — Miss Manhattan and Miss Brooklyn, as they were widely known.
Not to suggest that HBO's Watchmen is one of those on-the-nose Trump-era allegories, but: The show's vision of 2019 America has a movie star in the White House, many years longer than is appropriate.
While the studio has a long line of characters whose stories can be interpreted as allegories to the gay experience — most recently Queen Elsa in Frozen — they've yet to explicitly feature an openly gay character on film.
These movies are often set in small towns with dark underbellies and are rife with deep-rooted nostalgia, themes of male bonding (particularly between men and boys) and boys becoming men, and allegories for the creative process.
But allegories, with characters that are also concepts, can be irresistible to modern directors, and Krzysztof Warlikowski has taken the piece on in a deep, tender staging that opened on Friday at the Aix-en-Provence Festival.
Nourished by his passion for music and inspired by mythological subjects or odes to the beauty of the female body in the guise of chaste allegories, this work reveals the artist's lesser-known forays into English Romanticism.
While his novels often vividly depicted ancient Chinese swordsmen and their heroic quests, Cha was equally lauded by his fans and literary experts for his ability to encapsulate human nature, Chinese culture and political allegories in his writing.
And like many people, when I was done with The Book of the New Sun, I understood the journey I had gone on, but I didn't have all the details, the political aspirations, and the complex allegories decoded.
The gladiatorial nature of boxing lends itself to allegories about group pride and dominance, and Trump clearly picked up some tips from his longtime friend Don King, the sport's most shameless promoter and stirrer of the racial pot.
We see, in the close-ups of a sweet being squeezed between his fingers, or in the barely-contained emotion and relational dynamics he has with his aging mother, all of which act as allegories for his suicidal compulsions.
There's so much to love about Netflix's new Lord of the Flies-esque drama The Society, from the allegories to the major social issues within modern day America to reigning queen of summer Kathryn Newton's nuanced portrayal of inadvertent leader Allie.
The X-Men, who are treated as freaks by society and whose stories are often read as allegories for America's shameful behavior in its treatment of minorities, come the closest to showcasing how life as a superhero isn't always a breeze.
"Early Days" was one of four sculptures near the base of the monument; the others represented allegories of Commerce and Plenty, as well as a group of miners to commemorate the California Gold Rush (which itself displaced many indigenous people).
In an interview posted Tuesday by The New York Times, novelist George R.R. Martin discussed the political allegories and echoes in his epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire (the basis for the HBO show Game of Thrones).
The subjects he was interested in painting mainly consisted of himself (out of the approximately 10483 surviving items, 21048 are self-portraits); Mathilde Schönberg and other women, whom he rendered as dignified, restrained figures rather than allegories; and, occasionally, landscapes.
Mr. Smith approaches the canvas with deadpan seriousness though, using traditional methods and likening his practice to European medieval manuscripts like the Unicorn Tapestries (1495-1505) at the Cloisters, Edward Hicks's folk painting "Peaceable Kingdom" (1846), or Hieronymous Bosch's epic allegories.
In one sense, all of our "genre" stories (a term used to denote stories that take place in the fantasy, science fiction, and horror genres) are religious tales, picking up where the religious pageants and allegories of centuries ago left off.
Apollo "Hypeman" Creed says this with conviction and without the unnecessary allegories: in order for Rocky and audiences to get that young and hungry grit back, it helps to go back to where it started when you didn't have shit but wanted shit.
Throw in racist cops, mind-altering drug testing on American soldiers, a neo-Marxist resistance movement, and a rift in the space-time continuum, and you've got an incoherent mess of political allegories fighting with one another for a little over two hours.
Stryker is charismatic and makes TV appearances to talk about the mutant scourge, while his Purifiers are — well, the book starts off with a hate crime: The X-Men are often referred to as allegories or reflections of LGBTQ people or racial minorities.
But in the stuff towards the end of the dictatorship, there was a departure from these long allegories of oppression and a focus on specific themes, such as the state of the Amazon, towards deforestation, and towards the rights of indigenous populations.
When Gherardo di Giovanni del Fora painted "The Combat of Love and Chastity" sometime between 000 and 1500, he was likely illustrating two of the poet Petrarch's "Triumphs," translating the allegories into a visual battle of love and the thing that quells it.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads PHILADELPHIA — In glowing, jewel-toned paintings, murals, and stained-glass, Violet Oakley (1874-1961) told stories about the healing powers of faith and the social benefits of civic engagement — allegories that made tangible the restorative powers of art.
REPOhistory initially set its sights on creating a public intervention at "The Four Continents" by Daniel Chester French, a quartet of marble statues portraying allegories of Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas situated outside the former Alexander Hamilton US Custom House at One Bowling Green.
It's difficult to convey just how much skateboarding means to the people who love it without using religious allegories, and when most films try they fail miserably, coming across as overwrought or cliched in a way that's cringeworthy to anyone who's ever been consumed by the culture.
I actually wouldn't mind her dying for everyone else's sins — or dying at all (I'm good on Christ allegories, but to each his or her own taste in messianic tales), because that would certainly count as a total curveball in most typical YA dystopian-future fare.
Mesler's own recent paintings — lush post-traumatic allegories styled as alphabetic letters — sold out for $210,210 apiece the previous week at London's Simon Lee Gallery, along with 210-odd 15-minute stunt portraits (which Simon Lee himself calls "terrible") that each cost more than the Shahn print.
"Hito's writing is stylistically very different than that of an academic or a journalist — there are juxtapositions and allegories that go far beyond the usual range of writing," said the American artist Trevor Paglen, a longtime friend whose art also explores information flows and power structures.
In Charpentier's "Les Plaisirs de Versailles" the allegories of Music (Mireille Asselin) and Conversation (Mireille Lebel) engage in a tussle for the spotlight while fielding distractions from Le Jeu (The Game, or Gambling, sung by Jason McStoots) and Comus (Jesse Blumberg), who offers chocolate, wine and confections.
" Read Our Review No. 11 Zadar and nearby islands, Croatia "With fables and allegories, as well as events borrowed from the headlines, Obreht illustrates the complexities of Balkan history, unearthing patterns of suspicion, superstition and everyday violence that pervade the region even in times of peace.
This touring series from the Film Society of Lincoln Center, which has billed it as the first complete United States retrospective of the career of Trnka (1912-69), has fairy-tale films that children in elementary school may enjoy, as well as political allegories that teenagers can appreciate.
The political allegories are plentiful -- whether searching for Moby Dick (the whale, not the book) is a stand-in for George W. Bush's hunt for Osama Bin Laden, the GOP's quest to repeal the Affordable Care Act or, indeed, our current president's persistent cries for a border wall.
The movie is another of his blunt social allegories: It follows an aging man (Lincoln Maazel) as he makes his way through an amusement park where other patrons condescend to him, assault him and otherwise treat him with roughly the same level of dignity accorded one of Romero's zombies.
She is securely esteemed—or adored, more like it—for her ebulliently faux-naïve paintings of party scenes and of her famous friends, and for her four satirical allegories of Manhattan, which she called "Cathedrals": symbol-packed phantasmagorias of Fifth Avenue, Broadway, Wall Street, and Art, at the Metropolitan Museum.
Maybe he has taken the book as it is, innocent of authors and allegories, and found in it a trace of his experience: a story that begins with the injury of replacement and ends with partial restitution — the reunion of the little girl, her doll and, begrudgingly, the new cat.
But if you're going to trade in allegories of reproductive rights and body horror that throughout this country's history continue to harm women of color, especially black women, it's alarming that the actual black women in the narrative aren't granted any consideration for how they're wrestling with these very themes.
Like sculptor and artist Jumana Manna, artist Emily Jacir, filmmaker Maysaloun Hamoud, rapper Shadia Mansour, and the voices of a wider feminist activist movement in Palestine and the Arab world, she has transformed the moments of everyday life and diasporic paths into allegories of an eternal gender and political struggle.
It's worth noting that Marc Guggenheim, Syaf's writer on the comic book, was raised Jewish, that the X-Men's creators — Stan Lee and the late Jack Kirby — are/were Jewish, and that the X-Men, more so than any other Marvel characters, have long been allegories for inclusivity and empathy.
The visual legacy of the bestiary itself is reflected in the last section of the exhibition, which collects together works by a number of modern and contemporary artists who either work with the combination of text and image centering on animal allegories, or are exploring the points of intersection between the human and animal worlds.
At times, the ensembles seem like allegories, as when the entire troupe lays their hands on one male dancer, fingers spread so their palms are to his skin; or the dancers are on their backs, the lighting now filtered indigo as they cycle their legs in the air, not exactly mirroring the runner — more refracting her.
But the genre's rhythms and tropes, its politics, allegories and story arcs have become so familiar — Hark: Here's a character at the very end of a movie, staring into the distance, speaking to another character about how they'll have to get together and do this again, in a sequel — that you have to laugh at that, too.
They are folk tales featuring talking animals and magic potions, but while they often come with an old-fashioned moral ("He who has children owns the world"), Yejide devises her own versions, adding new bits and pieces as she goes along, turning them into allegories that speak to her own life and that of her country.
Hosoe's 20-minute film featuring Hijikata, Navel and A-Bomb (1960), conflates the unspeakable horror of the atomic bomb with religious allegories through simple acts and gestures: a bird's-eye view of young boys crawling through sand like insects; fingers pressing into navels ("the key to life, the link to the mother's womb," Hosoe explained in an online interview).
There are many young people today exploring and spreading the faith: French Cuban electronic soul duo Ibeyi sing in the Yoruba language and use orisha allegories in their songs, Princess Nokia raps regularly about her orisha altars, and the DC-based group OSHUN are named after the orisha that governs the sweet waters and depict Yoruba deities in their music videos.
Showtime's espionage thriller "Homeland" will discontinue its President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE allegories next year in what its showrunner says will be its final season.
Pardes is a Hebrew word in its own right—it means "orchard"—but as an acronym it encompasses four approaches to commentary: Peshat, the obvious, surface-level meaning of a verse or fragment of sacred text; Remez, the study of hints and allegories, seeking the symbolism beneath the surface; Drash, a form of exegesis that uses intertextual connections; and Sód, the reading of secret things, finding, in the holy letters, mystical resonances and shards of the divine.

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